Measuring Hydrogen Peroxide Residuals and Product Exposure On Isolator and Rabs Filling Lines
Measuring Hydrogen Peroxide Residuals and Product Exposure On Isolator and Rabs Filling Lines
Measuring Hydrogen Peroxide Residuals and Product Exposure On Isolator and Rabs Filling Lines
In contrast to the uptake tests with silicone tubing, PTFE tubing shows no
hydrogen peroxide transmission. While this suggests that PTFE tubing can
solve the issue of hydrogen peroxide uptake in flowpath tubing, silicone is
key for use in peristaltic pump heads or time-pressure fillers. As a result, all
lengths of silicone tubing should be as short as possible to reduce hydrogen
peroxide uptake.
Returning to the hypothetical product, it is apparent that silicone tubing will
be a problem, before a vial is even filled. Depending on the brand of silicone
tubing on the fill line, a stoppage of 30 minutes can introduce enough
hydrogen peroxide to be over the product’s limit if the RABS has not been
aerated well below 100 ppb. This is especially common at the beginning of
a fill immediately after line release, when VPHP residuals are still high and
the production line may have been sitting idle. Based on the 0.9 mL fill
volume, every meter of 1.6 mm ID tubing will hold approximately one dose
of material. With this information, an appropriate purge can be calculated
and tested to clear any potentially contaminated product from the line.
Filling Needle Uptake
Many pharmaceutical companies are targeting lower fill volumes for a
variety of products. As a result, it is important to pay close attention to areas
of the flowpath impacting small volumes of product, which would be
insignificant with a larger fill volume. One such area is the end of the filling
needle, where a small amount of liquid DP is exposed to the RABS
atmosphere and can absorb hydrogen peroxide. To test filling needles, a
variety of needle sizes were attached to PTFE tubing and placed inside the
test isolator. These tests showed that the shape and size of the exposed
liquid surface could dramatically increase or decrease hydrogen peroxide
uptake at this location. The shape of this surface is the largest factor in
determining hydrogen peroxide uptake rate, more than filling needle size
or even length of exposure.
In the case of the hypothetical mAb product, a standard 6cc vial with
interior area of 2.4 cm2 is assumed. At the beginning of a fill, assuming the
RABS is aerated to 100 ppb, approximately 0.05 ng/cm2/ppb will adsorb to
the vial surface. This results in 12 ng of hydrogen peroxide inside each vial,
or 13 ng/mL in a 0.9 mL fill. If the product changes to a typical 2cc vial with
an interior area of 1.6 cm2, the amount of hydrogen peroxide in the vial
drops to 8 ng. Even though these numbers are not large, products that have
a fill volume of much less than 1 mL must also be considered, as this will
severely concentrate small quantities of hydrogen peroxide.
Sensor Comparison
Due to the sensitivity of various biologic products to hydrogen peroxide, it
is extremely important to monitor the residual concentrations of VPHP in
the RABS atmosphere after decontamination and aeration. Many of the
filling RABS in the industry are equipped with on-line monitoring, but very
few have the sensitivity or resolution to accurately measure below 0.1
ppmv (100 ppbv) VPHP. To ensure the safe filling of therapeutic protein
products, effective monitoring must be accurate well below this point,
down to approximately 10 ppbv (0.010 ppmv). To achieve this precision, we
are working with a number of vendors to develop GMP-quality sensors with
various capabilities and price points. Figure 11 shows 3 of these high-
resolution sensors, along with a standard sensor with 0.1 ppmv resolution.
All are reading the same test isolator in parallel, as it is manipulated to
maintain a variety of VPHP levels.