Pspice Simulation of SPIM

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86 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, NO.

1, March 1999

PSPICE Simulation of single-phase Induction Motors

Jawad Faiz, IEEE Senior Member and M, Ojaghi A, Keyhani, IEEE Senior Member
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tabriz The Ohio state University
Tabriz, Iran Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Abstract. Dynamic analysis of a single-phase induction and evaluating its impact on the supply. T h e dynamic
motor is studied using PSPICE software. The machine performance of t h e motor is described by a set of time-
dynamics are presented by a set of tionlinear time-varying varying differential equations a s a function of the rotor
differential equations. T h e equations which define the position.
motor operation are represented in a n orthogonal system.
T h e electric circuit presenting this set of equations is To solve the above time-varying differential equations, they
determined and solved by PSPICE software for simulation are transformed to a new orthogonal reference kame fixed
of the motor. The simulation results are compared with on t h e stator [ l ] . I n this new reference f r a m e , t h e
those obtained by E M T P and t h e experiment. Good time-varying differential equations are transformed to a set
agreements are observed for both cases. of constant coefficient differential equations which can be
solved using the classical numerical methods.
Key Words: Single-phase induction motor, transient
operation, PSPICE application Among the available softwares, EMTP is the most powerful
and rvidely accepted package for the analysis of electrical
List of symbols machines. EMTP contains many models for the analysis of
index for main winding electrical machines as well as power electronic elements,
index for auxiliary winding and permits the simulation of the performance of control
No. of effective turns of winding a systems [ 2 , 3 ] .PSPICE also is considered to be the most
No. of effective turns of winding m complete general purpose electric circuit analysis program.
N,iN, P S P I C E has b e e n used t o simulate discrete device
resistance and self-inductance of winding m electronic circuits and it contains most electronic elements
resistance and self-inductance of winding a [ 4 ] . At present, P S P I C E does not include models of
resistance and self-inductance of rotor q electrical machines and drives, however,those systems that
winding (referred to stator) can be represented by constant parameters equivalent
resistance and self-inductance of rotor d circuit can be implemented easily [SI.
winding (referred to stator)
leakage inductances of windings m and a The PSPICE software can be used to solve the machine
leakage inductances of rotor bars dynamic model of the differential equations which a r e
mutual inductances between, rotor winding represented by a circuit model and is used in this paper.
q and winding m , r o t o r winding d and The advantage of the proposed approach is the siniplicity
winding B (referred to stator) of analyzing the performance of the machine transients
rotor speed in elec. rad/s. using the graphical postprocessor of the PSPICE software.
pole numbers
load torque This paper presents an application of PSPICE (4.05
rotor and load inertia version) that is used to implement and study the dynamic
capacitor series resistance of a capacitor single-phase induction motor. The purpose
capaciiance of the paper is to show that more generally available tools
operator didt (pl integrator) such as PSPICE, also can be readily employed. T h e
synchronous speed in elec. radls simulation results are compared with those obtained by
E M T P and the experiments. It is observed that good
1. Introduction agreement can be obtained between the experimental
testbed, EM?? and the PSPICE simulation results. Finally,
Single-phase m o t o r s a r e widely used for fractional some advantages of using PSPICE over E M T P will be
horsepower applications. Study of the transient behaviour presented.
of the motor is required for designing the protection system
2. Dq model of the niotor
PE-PW-ECI-09-1997 A paper recommended and approved by the
IEEE Electric Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering A capacitor single-phase squirre! cage induction motor
Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy
Conversion. Manuscript submitted July 18, 1996; made available for
using two windings and two capacitors is studied. At
printing October 3, 1997. capacitor-start capacitor-run mode, one capacitor (C,) is
permanently in circuit, in series with auxiliary (a) or starting
winding (see Fig. 1). The other capacitor (C,) remains in
circuit only during starting period and is cut off by a

0885-8969/99/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

centrifugal switch a s t h e motor picks u p about 75% of system represented by Fig. 2 or its dual circuit (Fig. 3) is
synchronous speed. For capacitor-start mode, C, is not simulated. The dual circuit is preferred because its number
excited and only C , is in circuit during the starting period. of nodes is much less, and most of its elements a r e in
Therefore, when the motor accelarates the auxiliary winding parallel.
will be cut off. Since the stator windings are not identical,
for a two-axis model, a stationary reference frame must be In Fig. 3 , v a = i y q .Vb=-im, v c = i a , Vdz-i’d V f ~ w rAny
used which leads to the differential equations with constant voltage in the main circuit has the same w a k f o r m as its
coefficients [I]. corresponding current in the dual circuit. For instance the
auxiliary ninding current waveform 1(), in the main circuit
T h e r u n capacitor C , is shown by a d o t t e d line t o corresponds with the voltage V, waveform in the dual
emphasize its contribution only a t t h e capacitor-start circuit. Other circuit parameters in Fig. 3 are as follows:
capacitor-run mode. T h e rotor bars o n d and q axes are
short circuited. Referring to Fig. 1 and using [I], the
differential equations of the motor are as follows:

Winding m: v* =r,e+L&,+M&’q
Winding a: + +L d i , +Mapi ’d
v, = rcia + p”ia/C raia
Rotor q vhding: O=M,&&faw,i,/n+r’qi’q
Rotor d winding O=n~,g+Mapia+nL’gu>’q
Torque Qua tion: T,= P ~ l ~ ’ d - i , i , q ] = f L + J ( d w ~ d ( ) l P

Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit for the soultion of Eqns. 1

wdg ,

Fig. 1. Capacitor single-phase induction motor

The capacitance leakage current of the auxiliary winding
has been ignored. All parameters d u e t o rotor q winding
have been referred to stator m winding, and all parameters
due t o q winding have been referred to stator a winding.
T h e self-inductances and the mutual-inductances of the
motor are as follows:

b=Mm+L1, L,q=Mm+L,lq
La= M,+L:,, L3d=Ma+L’ld (2)
3. Electrical circuit analogy of the motor Fig. 3. The dual circuit of Fig .2.
equations 4. Simulation studies

The system described in Eqns. 1 and 2 can be presented by For the same single-phase induction motor. whose
the equivalent circuit given by Fig. 2. In Fig. 2 the followng specificmans are gnen at appendK A, all simulation steps
relationships exlst: folloued in [6] can he repeated using the circcit of Fig. 3
and PSFICE Due to space limitations, some the results
V,=Maw,ia/n of PSPlCE simulation are presented in Figs 1 - 1 2 There
V,=L’do,i’d/n results are in good agreement with the results obsined by
V,=nMmwrim EI\.lPP [6] fdr most cases but there are some differences in
V4 = n L * p , i ’ 4 some cases, as IS discussed below
T,=PniLi,[imi’d-iai’q] (3)
Fig Sa s h o u s :he clestromagnetic torque \arid!ions
In order to compute the inom dynamic performance, the ohtmed by PSPICE dn3 Fig 5b shons the same NaLeform
Current M I C u m 1 (A)


0 #



_- 0 0.50 1.00 1.25 0 m r W s l l W I Q n

Time (s) (a) (b) Time (ms)

fig. 4. Main winding current in capacitor-startcapacitor-run mode: (a)PSPICE simulation, (b)EMTP simulation
Electromaenetic torauc I"\ Electranaerietic tnroue fNm)


1 ,i/
I 1

. ~

-9 n o ~ 1 o p 6 m p D I ~
0 0.50 1.00 1.25
Tie (s) (a) (b) Tme (ms)
Fig. 5. Electromagnetic torque in capacitor-startcapacitor -run mode (a)PSPICE simulation, (b)EMTP simulation.
lectromagnetic torque (Nm) Current (A)
1s 10

-13 ..
0 .'A 1.00 1.25 0 0.- 1.w 1.15
T i e (s) Time (s)
Fig. 6. Electromagnetic t o r q u e in capacitor-start mode, Fig. 7. Auxiliary winding c u r r e n t in c a p a c i t o r - s t a r t
supply voltage is a t t h e begining of t h e positive half capacitor-run mode - PSPICE simulation


1 lllllllllllllllll~llllll~ll~
0 0.W
:: 1.00 1.2s # 3 . m Q - I -

Time (s) (a! (b) Time (ms)

Fig- 8- Starting capacitor voltage: (a)PSPICE simulation, (b)EM.Tp simulation

- ~
voltage (V)

-280 c
C 0 50 100 125
Time (s)
Fig. 9. Running capacitor voltage - PSPICE simulation
Electromagnetic torque (Nm) Electromagnetic torque (Nm)

Time (s) (a,' O0 25 ' " m
(b) %me (ms)
u - -

Fig. 10. Electromagnetic torque in load operation condition in capacitor-start capacitor-run mode: (a) P S P I C E simulation.
(b) Ehl'" simulation.
Electromagnetic torque (Nm)

0 050 Q " " I m ,

Time (s) (b) Time (ms)

f3g. 11. Electromagnetic torque for the capacitor-start mode: C ,=3-~7.3(Q)(a)PSPICE simulation, (b) EMTP simulation.

Ekaromagne:!c torque (Nm) Electromagnetic torque (Nm)


0 0

T i e (s) (a) (b) Eme(ms)

Fig. 12 Electromagnetic torque for the capacitor-start mode: Cs=3-j29 (R)(a)PSPICE simulation, (b) EMTP simulation.

.w i- t * l . . . . f . . . . J


I f 1
n I I

I 1
0 sa3

( b ) (b) Laboratory
Fig. 13. Different currents and vdiageSof the test molor(a) PSPICE simuhtloa, test

obtained by EMTP [6]. experimental and simulated results are not possible, but the
qualitative comparison can be made.
T h e EMTP simulation result shows there are pulsations
with fundamental frequency in the developed torque at the 11. The expermental waveforms are individually obtained
instants of starting period, while the simulated results by and plotted, therefore, the time instant of voltage source
PSPICE have no such pulsating torque. The capabilityof connection t o the motor is n o t t h e s a m e . Since t h e
PSPICE provides the opportunity to study this topic. transient waveforms depend on the time instant of applying
Investigation has shown that such pulsation depends upon the voltage, trial and error procedure has been followed for
the instant of applying the supply voltage. If the motor is simulation. Furthermore, because different voltages a r e
connected to the supply when the supply is a t voltage applied a t different r!me instants, the experimental and
+Vmax,the results will be as those shown in Fig. 5a. Fig. 6 simulation results do not correspond exactly.
presents a similar result when the motor is connected to
the supply at the begining of the positive half-cycle of the Considering the above comments, a good a g r e e m e n t
applied voltage. It is clear that in the second case this between the experimental and simulated results is observed.
pulsation is even larger than the average torque. This Since the centrifugal witch is assumed to be almost ideal in
pulsation is caused by interaction between the dc the simulation, the auxiliary winding current instantly
components of the different motor winding currents and dropped a n d reached zero. This immediate c u r r e n t
the fundamental frequency component of ac current. The interruption leads to a large amplitude of induced voltage,
dc component of the currents is damped quickly. Figs. 8a-b but in t h e experimental waveform, t h e s p a r k in t h e
show the starting capacitor voltage waveform in capacitor - centrifugal switch prevents to induce a reasonablevoltage
start-capacitor-run mode obtained by PSPICE and EMTP in the auxiliary winding. Other factors, such as saturation,
[ 6 ] ,respectively. E M T P results (Fig. 8b) shows t h e may explain the remaining small discrepancy between the
variations for this voltages after the centrifugal switch simulated and experunzntal results.
action. This means the current flow in the starting capacitor 6. Conclusions
after switch turns off. Referring to Fig. 1 indicates that
after the centrifugal switch action there is no external and An accurate software simulation of single-phase induction
internal path for the capacitor current. Therefore, the motors is possible ussg a PC in conjunction with a general
variation of this voltage after the centrifugal =itch action is purpose analysis program such a s PSPICE. T h e use of
not possible, as shown in Fig. Sa obtained using PSPICE. PSPICE leads to a more accurate and reasonable result as
compared with those obtained using E M T P . A good
When the motor is loaded, with TI = 0.9?l”, EMTP agreement between the simulated and experimental results
simulation result shows a n electromagnetic torque at the confirms the quality of the simulation studies.
steady state which is in the opposite direction of the
transient mode (61 (see Fig.lOb). The authors of the paper Appendix A
have tried to clarify that the EMTP UM model treats the
torque as a generative torque, but PSPICE simulation Single-phase capac!:or induction motor data used as the
results (see Fig. l o a ) show that no negative torque is first motor for the smulation is taken from Krause’s paper
exhibited. [61:

Figs. 11-12 show the electromagnetic torque variations in Ratings: 4 poles, 0.25 hp, 110 Volts.
the capacitor-start mode when the capacitance is half and Armature winding pxameters (Q):
twice its noniinal value. As shown, the mean value of this
torque is reduced in both cases. Thus, in Figs. 10-12, the Main winding: r,=2.02
average accelerating torque (T,-T,) has decreased,
compared with Fig. 5 (in Fig. 10 because of TL).So: a .luxiliary winding: r,=7.14
delay in the operation of the centrifugal sbitch is expected.
Such a feature can be observed in the resuls obtained by Field binding paranxxrs (a):
PSPICE (Figs. loa, l l a and 12a) not by EhrrP 161 (Figs.
lob, l l b , and 12b). 1-’~=4.12 X’1,=2.12
5. A comparison behveen simulated and r ’,=5,74 X ’Id =2.95
experimental results Magnetizing reactanxs (unsaturated) (Q):
Aconimercial capacitor-start single-phase induction motor
has been tested through short circuit and open circuit Xm=66.8 X,, =92.9
testing in order to determine the motor parameters which
are given in appendix B. The laboratory testing results of Winding turn ratio: n=l.IS
the motor which are obtained using C R T and xy-plotter, Moment of inertia: 0.3365 Ib-ft2
are shown in Fig. 13, together with corresponding results Starting capacitor: 3.0-j14.5 (n)
which are obtained using the circuit of Fig. 2 snd PSPICE. Running capacitor: 9.0-j172.0 (Q)
Regarding the experimental results, some p i n t s must be Appendix B
I. The capacitor and auxlliary winding voitagt-s do not have Single-phase capacitor induction motor data used for
good resolutions, and the quantitative campxison of the testing:

Rating: 1/6 hp, 2201240 Volts, 50 Hz, Biographies

2750 rpm
Armature winding parameters (a): Jawad Faiz received t h e Ph.D. degree in electrical
Main winding: r,=17.4 X1,=17.4 engineering from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Auxiliary winding: r,=24.3 X1,=10.6 England, in 1988, In 1988,he joined the Depattment of
Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Iran, as an
Field winding parameters (Q): assistant professor. He was promoted to associate professor
f q= 23.83 X'lq= 17.4 in 1993. His teaching and research interests are switched
r'd = 14.63 X'ld= 10.6 reluctance and V R motor design, electrical machine
designing, modeling and application.
Magnetizing reactances (unsaturated) (Q):
Xm=420 ?&,=258 M. Ojaghi received the B.Sc. in electrical engineering from
the Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran in 1993. He is
Moment of inertia: 0.0297 Ib-ft2 currently working on his M.Sc. degree at the University of
Starting capacitor: 75 pF U1800 (Q) Tabriz, Iran. His areas of interest include electrical
machines design, drives and their microprocessor control.
Ali Keyhani received t h e Ph.D. degree from P u r d u e
P. C. Krause, "Analysis of Electrical Machinery", IEEE
University, West Lafayette, Indiana in 1975. From 1967 to
Press, 1994.
1969, he worked for Hewlett-Packard Co. on t h e
EMTP User's Manual, Bonneville Power
computer-aided design of electronic trasformers. Currently,
Administration, Portland, OR, June 1984, pp.274-313.
Dr. Keyhani is a professor of electrical engineering at The
D. Dalle Molle, M. Lippi, M. blazzucchelli, R. Moroni
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. His research
and G. Sciutto, "Digital simulation of ac electrical
interest is in control and modeling, parameter estimation,
drives based on field oriented control method using a
and failure detection of electric machines, transformers and
general purpose program", PCI'86 Conf., Munich,
drive systems.
Germany, June 1986, pp. 350-364.
PSPICE Manual CA: MicroSim Corp.
G. Franceschini, et al., "Spice assisted simulation of
controlled electric drives an application to switched
r e l u c t a n c e drives" JEEE Trans. on Indusiry
Applications, Vol. 27, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1991,
pp. 1103-1110.
A. Domijan and Yuexin Yin, "Single phase induction
machine simulation using the electromagnetic
t r a n s i e n t s p r o g r a m , Theory a n d t e s t cases",
IEEE. Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No. 3 ,
September 1994, pp. 535-542.

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