Service Replacements For Noncurrent Piston Pumps 6E-1278 120G 4HD

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Model: 120G MOTOR GRADER 4HD02418
Configuration: 120G Motor Grader 4HD00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3304 Engine

Service Magazine
Media Number -SEPD0811-00 Publication Date -21/11/2005 Date Updated -21/11/2005


Service Replacements For Noncurrent Piston Pumps {5070}

SMCS - 5070

Backhoe Loader:

416Series II (S/N: 5PC1-10761,10762-UP)

426Series II (S/N: 7BC1-3476,3477-UP)

428Series II (S/N: 6TC1-6563,6564-UP)

436Series II (S/N: 5KF1-805,806-UP)

438Series II (S/N: 3DJ1-827,828-UP)

446 (S/N: 6XF1-UP)

446B (S/N: 5BL1-UP)

Motor Grader:

120G (S/N: 4HD1-UP; 87V1-UP; 11W1-UP)

12G (S/N: 3WC1-UP; 3PL1-UP; 61M1-UP)

130G (S/N: 74V1-UP; 12W1-UP)

140G (S/N: 72V1-UP; 13W1-UP)

14G (S/N: 96U1-UP)

160G (S/N: 4JD1-UP)

16G (S/N: 93U1-UP) 4/01/2022
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Track-Type Tractor:

D5HSeries II (S/N: 8RC1-4076,4077-UP; 9HC1-4062,4063-UP; 1DD1-4086,4087-UP)

D5H (S/N: 7NC1-UP; 1YD1-UP; 2SD1-UP; 3MD1-UP)

D6 (S/N: 4LG1-4067,4068-UP)

D6HSeries II (S/N: 4RC1-4028,4029-UP; 6FC1-4023,4024-UP; 2TG1-UP; 4LG1-4067,4068-UP;


D6H (S/N: 8KB1-UP)

Service Magazine SEPD1794, 06 May 2014, "Service Replacements For Noncurrent Piston Pumps".
The information in this article has changed. Disregard this article. See the article that follows:

Piston pumps have been discontinued for the above machines. Replacement piston pumps are

Replacement pumps are different from noncurrent pumps, as follows:

Overall length is less than the noncurrent pump.

Although orientation of port and compensator may be different, the mount for the noncurrent
pump can be used.

The locations of the drain and of the signal port are different. Some modification of the line
arrangements is required.

Service replacement pumps and parts that are required in order to modify the lines to the pump ports
are listed in the following charts. 4/01/2022
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Illustration 1 g03683076

Typical example

Piston pump

(1) Load sensing port

(2) Case drain port

(3) Inlet port

(4) Outlet port

(5) Alternate case drain port 4/01/2022
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Illustration 2 g03685805

Typical example

Gear pump

(6) Inlet port

(7) Outlet port 4/01/2022
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Illustration 3 g03685806

Typical example

Vane pump

(8) Inlet port

(9) Outlet port

Track-Type Tractors
D5H (S/N: 7NC1-UP; 8RC1-4076; 9HC1-4062; 1DD1-4086; 1YD1-UP; 2SD1-UP;
3MD1-UP; 4KD1-UP) and D5H Series II (S/N: 1DD4087-UP; 9HC4063-UP;

Table 1
Service Part for Nonserviceable 9T-3029 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 6E-5052 Piston Pump
1 5F-3106 O-Ring Seal
1 9U-8427 Pump Adapter
Pump Inlet Line. See 9U-9163 Pump Lines Gp .
1 9U-9466 Tube As
1 9U-9474 Tube As

5P-1292 Hose
310 mm (12.2 inch)
8 8T-4835 Bolt
8 8T-4223 Hard Washer
4 1P-5763 Half Flange
4 5P-0597 Hose Clamp
2 1P-3707 Rectangular Seal
Pump Outlet Line
1 9U-9165 Hose As
1 9U-9467 Tube As 4/01/2022
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1 6J-7035 Flange
4 1P-4577 Half Flange
8 5S-7382 Bolt
8 8T-4896 Hard Washer
2 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
1 1P-3707 Rectangular Seal
1 5K-9090 O-Ring Seal
1 7M-8485 O-Ring Seal
Pump Case Drain Line
1 6V-8625 Elbow
2 6V-8398 O-Ring Seal
1 3K-0360 O-Ring Seal

D6H (S/N: 8KB; 4RC4028-4028; 2TG4067-4094) and D6H Series II (S/N:

4LG4292-4342; 4RC4029-UP; 1FJ4105-4137; 6FC4065-4094)

Table 2
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 6E-2388 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 9T-9912 Piston Pump
1 4S-5898 O-Ring Seal
1 7C-1112 Pump Adapter
4 5P-1076 Hard Washer
4 5P-2566 Bolt
Seal for the Pump Inlet
1 1P-3709 Rectangular Seal
Pump Outlet Line
1 6I-9631 Hose As
2 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
Pump Signal Line
1 3J-1907 O-Ring Seal 4/01/2022
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1 7X-2459 O-Ring Tee

Pump Case Drain Line
1 6V-8721 Elbow
2 6V-8398 O-Ring Seal
1 2M-9780 O-Ring Seal

Motor Graders
120G (S/N: 87V7831- 8359 )

Table 3
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-1416 Piston and Gear Pump Gp
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 124-6702 Piston Pump
1 9T-1802 Gear Pump Gp
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 3A-1689 Spacer
1 1H-8720 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4648 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-5005 Bolt
Pump Signal Line

2P-5943 Hose
380 mm (15 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9947 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal 4/01/2022
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Drain Line for the Control Valve

2P-5943 Hose
1400 mm (55.1 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9946 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal
Mounting of the Gear Pump
1 253-0939 Coupling
1 8C-3089 O-Ring Seal
2 8T-1159 Bolt
2 5M-2894 Hard Washer
1 8C-6886 Retaining Ring

120G (S/N: 4HD1841-UP; 87V8360-UP; 11W1-UP)

Table 4
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 6E-1278 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 6E-1412 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 3A-1689 Spacer
1 1H-8720 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4648 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-5005 Bolt
Pump Signal Line
2P-5943 Hose 4/01/2022
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380 mm (15 inch)

1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9947 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal
Drain Line for the Control Valve

2P-5943 Hose
1400 mm (55.1 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9946 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal

12G (S/N: 3WC1067-1347; 3PL1-819; 61M12027-13530)

130G (S/N: 74V2321-2478)
140G (S/N: 13W741-781; 72V10334-12648)
160G (S/N: 4JD141-152)

Table 5
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-1417 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 124-3027 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 118-8682 Adapter
1 5H-8848 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-6868 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-5005 Bolt 4/01/2022
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Pump Signal Line

2P-5943 Hose
380 mm (15 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9947 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal
Drain Line for the Control Valve

2P-5943 Hose
1400 mm (55.1 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9946 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal
Mounting of the Gear Pump
1 9T-1327 Coupling
Retaining Ring
1 8C-6886
This part is used only if the part is required.

12G (S/N: 3WC1348-UP; 3PL820-UP; 61M13531-UP)

130G (S/N: 74V2479-UP; 12W)
140G (S/N: 13W782-992; 72V12649-UP)
160G (S/N: 4JD152-UP)

Table 6
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 6E-1279 Piston Pump Gp
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 6E-5072 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 118-8682 Adapter
1 5H-8848 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-6868 Bolt 4/01/2022
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4 8T-4223 Hard Washer

Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-5005 Bolt
Pump Signal Line

2P-5943 Hose
380 mm (15 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9947 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal
Drain Line for the Control Valve

2P-5943 Hose
1400 mm (55.1 inch)
1 6V-9945 Coupling As
1 6V-9946 Coupling As
2 4S-5414 Sleeve
2 6V-8397 O-Ring Seal

14G (S/N: 96U7046-UP)

16G (S/N: 93U2679-UP)

Table 7
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-5611 Piston and Gear Pump Gp
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 119-5013 Piston Pump Gp
1 9T-1802 Gear Pump Gp
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 118-8682 Adapter
1 5H-8848 O-Ring Seal 4/01/2022
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4 8T-6868 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Pump Case Drain Line
1 6Y-4056 Hose As
Mounting of the Gear Pump
1 8C-3089 O-Ring Seal
2 6V-4248 Bolt
2 5M-2894 Hard Washer

Backhoe Loaders
416 Series II (S/N: 5PC10762-UP)
416 (S/N: 5PC1-10761)
428 Series II (S/N: 6TC6564-UP)
428 (S/N: 6TC1-6563)

Table 8
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-4699 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 117-7760 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 3A-1689 Spacer
1 1H-8720 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4910 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4198 Bolt
Pump Signal Line
1 8T-3311 Tee
Pump Case Drain 4/01/2022
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9S-0671 Hose
254 mm (10 inch)
1 6V-9949 Coupling As
1 6V-9951 Coupling As
1 3S-8606 Sleeve
2 6V-8398 O-Ring Seal
2 6V-8731 Face Seal Union

426 (S/N: 7BC1-2500)

436 (S/N: 5KF1-436)

Table 9
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 4T-6962 Piston Pump
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 6E-0838 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 3A-1689 Spacer
1 1H-8720 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4910 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4198 Bolt

426 Series II (S/N: 7BC3477-UP)

426 (S/N: 7BC2501-3476)
436 Series II (S/N: 5KF806-UP)
436 (S/N: 5KF437-805)
438 Series II (S/N: 3DJ828-UP)

Table 10
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-4833 Piston Pump 4/01/2022
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Qty Pt. No. Description

1 6E-0838 Piston Pump
Adapter for the Pump Inlet
1 3A-1689 Spacer
1 1H-8720 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4910 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Adapter for the Pump Outlet
1 7T-8593 Block
1 4J-0520 O-Ring Seal
4 8T-4198 Bolt
Pump Signal Line
1 8T-3311 Tee
Pump Case Drain

9S-0671 Hose
254 mm (10 inch)
1 6V-9949 Coupling As
1 6V-9951 Coupling As
1 3S-8606 Sleeve
2 6V-8398 O-Ring Seal
2 6V-8731 Face Seal Union

446 (S/N: 6XF1- UP)

446B (S/N: 5BL1-UP)

Table 11
Service Parts for Nonserviceable 9T-1211 Piston and Gear Pump Gp
Qty Pt. No. Description
1 124-3718 Piston Pump
1 105-2155 Vane Pump
Mounting of the Pump 4/01/2022
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1 112-3567 Plate As
1 112-3568 Plate As
2 6V-5842 Bolt
3 5M-2894 Hard Washer
Inlet of the Piston Pump
1 119-0454 Tube As
1 1P-3708 Rectangular Seal
4 8T-4956 Bolt
4 8T-4223 Hard Washer
Signal for the Piston Pump
1 8T-3311 Tee
1 6V-9849 Elbow
2 4J-5477 O-Ring Seal
1 3J-1907 O-Ring Seal
Mounting of the Vane Pump
1 8C-3089 O-Ring Seal
2 6V-5842 Bolt
2 5M-2894 Hard Washer
Inlet of the Vane Pump
1 115-9939 Hose As
2 6V-9746 O-Ring Seal
1 6V-8716 Connector
1 7M-8485 O-Ring Seal

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