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1. appreciate v оцінювати, визнавати - to understand/to realize the worth of smth..

, as to appreciate
smb.’s friendship (kindness, beauty, music), e.g. You can’t appreciate what you’ve got, you’d better get
what you can appreciate.
appreciation n висока оцінка, вдячність, правильне розуміння, e.g. appreciation of kindness
appreciative adj вдячний за щось, e.g., appreciative of favour (advice) вдячний за послугу, пораду.
Syn. value v цінувати, дорожити - to regard highly, to have a high opinion of, to find the cost of
smth., e.g. Do you value her as a secretary?
esteem v поважати, шанувати - implies a high valuation, respect combined with warmth of feeling or
attachment, e.g. They esteem friendship best of all.
prize v високо цінувати - to value highly, e.g. She was able to prize the affection of her friend.
cherish v пестити, ростити з любов’ю - to carry a strong implication of love or affection for a person
or a thing, e.g. He cherished the ideas of freedom and independence.
estimate v оцінювати - to form an opinion of person, judgement about smb. or smth., to overestimate
to estimate too highly, to underestimate - to estimate too low, e.g. No one can estimate your father as I do.
evaluate v оцінювати, визначати кількість - to form a mathematically correct judgement, to find the
account or value of smth., e.g. Are you capable of evaluation this work of art?
appraise v оцінювати, визначати вартість - to fix a price for, say what smth. is worth, e.g. They
appraised the house carefully before selling it.
assess [ ] v давати оцінку- to do careful analysis of some activities or the result of some activities, as
to assess damages (progress, situation), to assess a pupil, e.g. How do you assess this state of affairs?

2. vent v давати вихід (почуттям) - to express one’s feelings passionately, as to vent one’s feelings
(wrath, anger, indignation), to vent one’s grief in a torrent of tears виразити горе потоком сліз, to vent
oneself відкрити душу, to vent an opinion (голосно) виразити думку;
vent n вихід почуттів; to give vent to one’s feelings дати вихід почуттям; to give vent to threats
venture n смілива, ризикована справа, as to run the venture йти на ризик; to decline a venture
відхилити, відмовитись від ризикованої справи, наміру; let’s make the venture давайте ризикнем; at a
venture наугад, навдачу; joint-venture спільне підприємство;
venture v to venture one’s life ризикувати життям; to venture one’s neck поставити на карту
своє життя; to venture on (upon), as to venture on an opinion осмілитися виразити свою думку; e.g. I
will venture to affirm … - беру на себе сміливість стверджувати., I venture to disagree - дозвольте не
погодитися … Nothing venture, nothing have - хто не ризикує, той не п’є шампанського.

3. resort n звернення (по допомогу) - to address to smb. (for help) or smth., to make/to have resort
to smth. вдаватись до чогось; to have resort to violence вдаватись до насильства; without resort to
violence не вдаючись до насильства. 2. a favourite place for rest and pleasure, e.g. summer resort
літній курорт; in the last resort в крайньому випадку.
resort v 1. to address to - вдаватись, звертатись до, as to resort to all sorts of precautions
вдаватись до всіх засобів перестороги. 2. to visit, to set off, e.g. At the age of twenty he resorted to Italy.

4. expense n витрати, трата, as to go to expense тратитись, витрачатись; to go to the expenses of

smth. виділити кошти на щось, to put smb. to expense ввести в витрати; at the expense of (time, life,
health) за рахунок (часу, життя, здоров’я), expenses - витрати;
expensive adj , as expensive furniture (clothes, adornment).
expenditure n, as current expenditures
Syn. dear Ant. cheap

5. set v 1. ставити, класти - to put in a special place, e.g. He set the table - he put the knives and
forks, plates, cups on the table. 2. to arrange, e.g. I’ve set my watch to the correct time. 3. to make smth.
happen, e.g. The house was set on fire. The prisoner was set free. 4. to write music to go with words, e.g.
The poem was set to music.
set back 1. затримувати, e.g. The bad weather has set the crops back by three weeks. 2. to place
back, e.g. The house is set back from the road. set off (out) - to begin a trip, відправлятися, e.g. He set off
on a long walk over the mountains. to set a task - давати завдання; to set oneself an ideal створити собі
ідеал; to set a class some work дати завдання класу.
set n набір, комплект - a group of things which are used together, as a tea set чайний сервіз, a set
of tools набір інструментів.
set adj - нерухомий, застиглий (погляд, усмішка), a set look (smile), a set milk скипіле молоко;
a set weather погода, яка встановилася.

Exercise 4. Study the word “appreciate” and its synonyms and translate the sentences
into Ukrainian.

1. The system is designed to teach pupils how to understand the other person’s point of view and
appreciate the benefits of resolving conflicts by non-violent means. 2. Contributions from parents to schools
are assessed according to their income. 3. The experts were supposed to estimate whether the gem was real
or artificial. 4. The Inland Revenue assesses and collects the taxes on income, profits and capital. 5. Rubber
tyres sold by the British manufacturers in 1991 were valued at £1,315 million, about half of which went
overseas. 6. People are used to appraising things carefully before buying or selling them. 7. He was a man
who cherished his family, his career and his friends. 8. We prize independence more than wealth. 9. In
every civilised country learned men are esteemed by people. 10. Judging by her intelligence she seems
capable of evaluating any work of art. 11. He was in the habit of reading and appreciated poetry keenly. 12.
Formal teacher appraisal is being introduced in England and Welsh schools. 13. There still remained people
who were able to prize the affection of their friends and she was the girl who would do it. 14. She loves and
cherishes the only child of hers. 15. Parents often give advice to their children to value honour when they
are young. 16. Irrespective of efforts and time spent the scientists esteemed this theory useless. 17. While
investigating the scientists evaluated the altitude of a star. 18. Schools will train students to teach their
subjects, assess pupils and manage classes. 19. Nobody can estimate the powers of an author without
reading his books.

1. Система розроблена, щоб навчити учнів розуміти точку зору іншої людини та
цінувати переваги вирішення конфліктів ненасильницькими засобами. 2. Внески
батьків у школи оцінюються відповідно до їхнього доходу. 3. Експерти повинні були
визначити справжній дорогоцінний камінь чи штучний. 4. Податкове управління
розраховує та збирає податки на дохід, прибуток і капітал. 5. Гумові шини, продані
британськими виробниками в 1991 році, оцінювалися в 1315 мільйонів фунтів
стерлінгів, приблизно половина з яких пішла за кордон. 6. Люди звикли ретельно
оцінювати речі перед покупкою або продажем. 7. Він був людиною, яка дорожила
своєю сім’єю, кар’єрою та друзями. 8. Ми цінуємо незалежність більше, ніж
багатство. 9. У кожній цивілізованій країні вчені люди шануються людьми. 10.
Судячи з її інтелекту, вона, здається, здатна оцінити будь-який твір мистецтва. 11. Він
мав звичку читати й дуже цінував поезію. 12. В школах Англії та Уельсу
запроваджується офіційне оцінювання вчителів. 13. Ще залишалися люди, які могли
заслужити прихильність своїх друзів, і вона була тією дівчиною, яка зробила б це. 14.
Вона любить і плекає свою єдину дитину. 15. Батьки часто радять своїм дітям
цінувати честь, коли вони маленькі. 16. Незважаючи на зусилля і витрачений час,
вчені визнали цю теорію марною. 17. Під час дослідження вчені оцінили висоту зірки.
18. Школи навчатимуть учнів викладати свої предмети, оцінювати учнів та керувати
класами. 19. Ніхто не може оцінити сили автора, не прочитавши його книги.

Exercise 5. Choose the right word and fill in the following sentences.

(appreciate, value, esteem, prize, cherish, estimate, evaluate, appraise, assess)

1. Judging by his words he appreciates your help. 2. The picture is estimated at a thousand dollars. 3.
He was ordered to assess damages as a result of the fire. 4. The losses are estimated at 50 pounds.
5. But I would not prize the honor that he has done me. 6. He was in the habit of evaluating things
he came across. 7. Being asked what he thought of a possible change in the plan he said he
evaluated it. 8. Mr. Cook cherishes his secretary for her accuracy. 9. We appraise liberty more
than life. 10.

Збитки оцінюють у 50 фунтів. 5. Але я б не цінував ту честь, яку він зробив мені. 6. Він мав
звичку оцінювати те, що йому траплялося. 7. Коли його запитали, що він думає про можливі
зміни в плані, він сказав, що оцінив це. 8. Містер Кук дорожить своєю секретаркою за її
акуратність. 9. Ми цінуємо свободу більше, ніж життя. 10.

Exercise 7. Give a summary of the text in reported speech.

Oscar Wants to Know

By Mike Quin

Mr. J. Fungus Finklebottom sank into his favourite armchair, adjusted his pince-nez, and opened his
evening paper.
“Papa,” said little Oscar Finklebottom. “What does opportunity mean?”
“Go play with your electric train,” said Mr. Finklebottom. “Don’t bother me.”
“Answer the child,” said Mrs. Finklebottom. “You treat him as if he was an affliction instead of your
son and heir.”
“Papa,” repeated Oscar. “What is opportunity?”
“Opportunity is a chance to make some money. Now go out and play,” said Mr. Finklebottom.
“Papa, how do you make money?” asked Oscar.
“Answer him,” said Mrs. Finklebottom. “The child wants to learn.”
“You make money by going into business,” said Mr. Finklebottom.
“Papa, can everybody go into business?”
“Certainly everybody can go into business.”
“Suppose everybody went into business. Would they all be businessmen?”
“Yes, son, if they all went into business they would all be businessmen.”
“Then, who would do the work, Papa?”
“For the love of the heaven, Amelia, tell the child to go play with his stuffed elephant. I’m trying to
read the newspaper.”
“Answer him,” said Mrs. Finklebottom. “He wants to learn.”
“Who would do the work, Papa?” repeated Oscar.
“Everybody couldn’t go into business,” said Mr. Finklebottom. “It would be impossible.”
“But you said they could,” insisted Oscar.
“I said nothing of the kind,” said Mr. Finklebottom.
“Yes, you did,” said Mrs. Finklebottom. “Answer the child.”
“All right, then, they couldn’t.”
“Why couldn’t they, Papa?”
“Because they don’t have the money.”
“If they had the money, could they?”

Mr. Finklebottom is sitting in his armchair, reading a newspaper, when suddenly his son Oscar
approaches him with questions. Oscar wants to know what opportunity is, but his father doesn’t
seem to answer much. His wife, Mrs. Finklebottom is mad at her husband for ignoring the child and
makes him answer. According to Mr. Finklebottom, opportunity is a chance to make money. Oscar
gets curious about how his papa makes money. Mr. Finklebottom explains that he makes money by
going into business, but Oscar is dying to know if everybody can do that. After receiving a positive
answer, the son now wants to know who will do all the work then. Suddenly, Mr. Finklebottom
changes his opinion about anyone being able to become businessmen. Concerning his answer,
people don’t have the money to go into business, but if they had, they would certainly become
businessman. (145)

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