Physics Syllabus

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Substitution, calculation, result 25

with correct unit
Certified record with 18 10
Total 80

For computer experiments, the following scheme shall be followed.

Component Marks
Writing the 30
Execution of the 20
Output/Result 20
Certified record with 10
18 experiments
Total 80



MECHANICS (22 hrs)

Unit 1- Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (7 hrs)

Equations of motion for rotating rigid bodies- angular momentum and M.I-
Theorems on MI.- calculation of MI. of bodies of regular shapes- uniform rod,
ring, disc, annular ring, solid cylinder, hollow cylinder and solid sphere- KE of
rotating and rolling bodies- torque- Determination of MI. of a fly wheel (theory,
experiment and applications).

Unit 2- Conservation of energy (3 hrs)

Energy Conservation law- Work – power- Kinetic Energy – Work Energy theorem-
Conservative Forces - potential energy- Conservation of energy for a particle–
energy function- .

Unit 3-Oscillations (12 hrs)

Simple harmonic motion – Energy of harmonic oscillators-simple pendulum-mass

on a spring-oscillation of two particles connected by a spring- compound bar
pendulum - interchange ability of suspension and oscillation-four points collinear
with C.G about which the time period is the same-conditions for maximum and
minimum periods - Determination of g using symmetric bar pendulum.Mechanical
and electromagnetic wave motion- General equation of a wave motion-expression
for a plane progressive harmonic wave- energy density for a plane progressive


Unit 4- Elasticity (8 hrs)

Modulus of elasticity (revision)Relations connecting the three elastic moduli-

Poisson’s ratio- bending of beams- bending moment-cantilever-centrally loaded
beams and uniformly bent beams-I section girders-torsion of a cylinder-expression
for torsional couple -work done in twisting a wire-torsion pendulum-.

Unit 5– Surface Tension (3 hrs)

Surface tension-molecular explanation of ST.-angle of contact(revision)shapes of

drops -expression for excess of pressure on a curved liquid surface -variation of ST.
with temperature.

Unit 6 – Fluid Dynamics (3 hrs)

Streamline and turbulent flow-equation of continuity-Bernoulli’s theorem-

venturimeter-viscosity-Newton’s law- Stoke’s formula.

Books for Study:

1. Mechanics: Hans H. S. and Puri S. P,TMH, 2ndEdn.

2. Mechanics: J.C. Upadhyaya and,Ram Prasad S. Chand Publications, 2017

3. Elements of Properties of Matter: D.S. Mathur, S. Chand Publications,2008

4. Fundamentals of Physics: Halliday and Resnick, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,2006

Books for Reference:

1. Properties of matter: Brijlal and Subramaniam, S.Chand & Co.,2004

2. Principles of Physics: P.V.Naik, PHI,2010

Topics for assignments /discussion in the tutorial session (sample)

1. Physics-The fundamental science-historical development of mechanics-some

implications of the principle of mechanics-The scope of mechanics.

2. Life of eminent physicists- Newton, Einstein, C.V.Raman, Edison.

3. Study of Young’s modulus for different types of wood.

4. Study of variation of surface tension for different detergents.

5. Study of viscosity of different types of ink and to arrive at knowledge of its


6. Wide applications of Bernoulli’s equation.

7. Variation of surface tension with temperature by Jaeger’s method



Unit 1- Transference of heat (8 hrs)

Thermal conductivity - determination by Lee’s Disc method for bad conductor

radial flow of heat, cylindrical flow,thermal conductivity of rubber, Weidman-
Franz law. Radiation of heat, Stefan’s law, determination of Stefan’s constant, solar
constant, determination of solar temperature

Unit 2- Thermodynamics (18 hrs)

Zeroth Law & First law of Thermodynamics, differential form-Thermodynamic

Processes-Expression for work done in isothermal and adiabatic processes.
Application of first law to specific heat and latent heat.Reversible and irreversible
processes.Second law of thermodynamics- Clausius and Kelvin statements-Carnot
engine- Principle of refrigerator- working and efficiency, Otto engine and Diesel
engine – working and efficiency.
Unit 3- Entropy (10 hrs.)

Definition of entropy, change of entropy in reversible and irreversible cycle,

Clausius inequality and second law of thermodynamics, entropy and available
energy,Entropy, probability and disorder.Nernst theorem and third law of
thermodynamics.phase transition, phase diagram,first order and second order phase
transition (qualitative idea) Clausius-Clepeyron Equation

Books for Study:

1. Thermal and Statistical Mechanics: S.K. Roy, NewAge International

2. Heat and Thermodynamics: D. S. Mathur, S. Chand &Co
3. Heat and Thermodynamics: Brijlal &Subramaniam, S. Chand &Co
4. Thermal Physics, Statistical Physics and SolidState Physics: C. J.
Babu, Calicut University Press
5. Engineering Thermodynamics:P. K. Nag, McGraw-Hill,5thEdn.

Books for Reference:

1. Heat and Thermodynamics: Zemansky, McGraw-Hill

2. Heat and Thermodynamics: Rose C McCarthy, The Rosen Publishing
Group, Inc.NY,2005
3. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics: F. W.
Sears and G. L. Salinger, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 3rdEdn.


(54 Hours-3Credits).

Unit 1-Electrostatic Field (10hrs)

Electric field: introduction, Coulomb’s law,Electric field, continuous
distribution(Revision) , Divergence and curl of electrostatic fields; Field lines,flux
applications of gauss’s law,Curl of E, Electric potential: Introduction to potential,
Comments on potential, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations,potential of a localized
charge distribution, Electrostatic boundary , Work and Energy in Electrostatics:
The work done to move a charge, the energy of a point charge distribution, The
energy of a continuous charge distribution.
Unit 2-Electrostatic fields in matter (10 hrs)
Polarization: Dielectrics,induced dipoles, Polarization, The field of a polarized
object: Bound charges, physical interpretation of bound charges and the field inside
a dielectric Electric displacement: Gauss’s law in the presence dielectrics,
Boundary conditions.
Unit 3-Magnetostatics (7hrs)
IntroductionThe Biot- Savart law,Ampere’s force law (revision), Magnetic torque,
Magnetic flux and gauss’s law for magnetic fields, magnetic vector potential,
Magnetic intensity and Ampere’s circuital law, magnetic materials.
Unit 4-Electromagnetic Induction (7hrs)
Electromotive force: Ohm’s law Electromagnetic Induction Faraday’s law,the
induced electric field, Maxwell’s equations, Magnetic charge,
Unit 5-Electromagnetic waves (6hrs)
Waves in one dimension: The wave equation Electromagnetic waves in vacuum:
The wave equation for E and B, Monochromatic plane waves, Energy and
momentum in electromagnetic waves.
Unit 6-Transient currents(7hrs)
Growth and decay of current in LR and CR Circuits-Measurement of high
resistance by leakage-Charging and discharging of a capacitor through LCR circuit.
Unit 7-Alternating current (7 hrs)
AC through series LCR (acceptor circuit) and parallel LCR circuit (rejecter
circuit)- Q- factor, Power in AC-power factor.
Books for Study:
1. Electrodynamics: David J Griffith, PHI, 3rdEdn.
2. Electricity and Magnetism:Murugesan, S.Chand & Co.

3. Electricity and Magnetism: K.K.Tiwari, S.Chand & Co.

4. Principles of electromagnetics: Matthew N.O. Sadiku and S. V. Kulkarni,
Oxford University Press, 6thEdn.

Books for Reference:

1. Electricity and Magnetism: Muneer H. Nayfeh &

Norton K. Bressel, John Wiley & Sons
2. Electricity and Magnetism: E.M. Purcell, Berkley
Physics course, Vol.2, MGH
3. Electricity and Magnetism: J.H. Fewkes & John
Yarwood, University Tutorial Press
4. Classical Electrodynamics: Walter Greiner,
Springer International Edn.
5. Electromagnetic waves and radiating systems:
Jordan & Balmain, PHI
6. Electromagnetics: B.B.Laud, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
2 Edn.
7. Introduction to electrodynamics: Reitz&Milford
Addison Wesley
8. Electromagnetic theory fundamentals: Bhag Guru
and Huseyin Hizirogulu, Cambridge University Press,
9. Electricity and Magnetism: D.C.Tayal, Himalaya
Publishing Co.

Topics for discussion in Tutorial session/Assignments (sample)

1. Comment on how electrostatic energy is stored in a field

2. Discuss the electrostatic properties of conductors

3. What is meant by electrostatic shielding? In what way it helps us?

4. Discuss the peculiarities of electric displacement D and

electric field E. How they are incorporated in Maxwell’s Equations

5. Discuss the properties of linear dielectrics. What differentiates adielectric

to be linear or not?

6. Discuss applications of Ampere’s circuital law

7. Compare electrostatics and magnetostatics

8. Why magnetic forces cannot do work

9. Discuss about cyclotron motion & cycloid motion

10. Discuss whether there exists any stand-off between

ohm’s law and Newton’ssecond law

11. A battery has an emf. Can this emf. be a ‘force’? How will you interpret
electromotive force?

12. Discuss the role of motional emf in power generation

13. Discuss the orthogonality of E, B and propagation vector k

14. A wave function can have a sinusoidal representation. Solve the

wave equation for this function and discuss the various terms related to
a wave such as amplitude, frequency, phase, wave number.

15. Complex representation of wave function has good advantage. Why?

Discuss the linearity of wave function. (use complex notation)
16. Discuss AC through LC, LR and CR circuits

17. Show that sharpness of resonance is equal to Q- factor

18. What is a choke coil? Discuss the advantage of using a

choke coil instead of a resistor


(54 Hours-3Credits).

Unit 1 - Particle Dynamics (5 hrs)

Mechanics of a particle – equation of motion of a particle – Motion of a
charged particle in electromagnetic field – mechanics of a system of particles.
Unit 2-Conservation laws (6 hrs)
linear uniformities of space and conservation of linear momentum – rotational
invariance of space and law of conservation of angular momentum –
homogeneity of flow of time and conservation of energy.
Unit 3- Motion in central force field (10 hrs)
Equivalent one body problem – motion in central force field – general features
of motion – motion in an inverse square law force field – equation of the orbit
– Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and their deduction.
Unit 4 - Collisions (6 hrs)
Conservation laws- Conservation of momentum- laboratory and centre of mass
systems- kinetic energies in thelab and CM systems-Cross-section of elastic
Unit 5. Lagrangian Dynamics(9hrs)
Constraints-generalized coordinates- principle of virtual work-D’ Alembert’s
principle, Lagrange’s equation from D’Alembert’s principle-applications of
Lagrange’s equation in simple pendulum,Atwood’s machine and compound
pendulum, Comparison of Lagrangian approach with Newtonian approach.
Unit 6. Hamiltonian Dynamics(5hrs)
Generalized momentum and cyclic coordinates- Hamiltonian function H-
conservation of energy- Hamilton’s equation - examples of Hamiltonian dynamics-
one dimensional harmonic oscillator
Unit 7. Frames of Reference, Galilean transformation and Special theory of
Inertial frames of reference- Galilean transformation- non- inertial frames
Origin and significance of special theory of relativity-search for universal frame of
reference-Michelson-Morley experiment- postulates of special theory of relativity-
consequences-Lorentz transformation equations- kinematical consequences of
Lorentz transformations-length contraction-time dilation-twin paradox-
transformation of velocity- variation of mass with velocity- mass energy
Books for Study:
1. Classical Mechanics: J. C. Upadhyaya, Himalaya Publishing
2. Mechanics: H.S.Hans and S.P.Puri, Tata-McGraw Hill
3. Classical Mechanics: G. Aruldhas, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2008
4. Introduction to classical mechanics: R.G.Thakwale and P.S.Puranik, Tata-
McGraw Hill.
5. Classical Mechanics: Vimal Kumar Jain, ,Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 2009
Books for Reference:
1.Classical Mechanics: Goldstein.
2.Modern Physics:Ronald Gautreau, Shaum’s outlines series,1999
3.Classical Mechanics-Systems of Particles & Hamiltonian Dynamics:Walter
Greiner, Springer,2ndEdn.
4.Classical Mechanics: N.C Rana and P.S.Joag, TMH Education Pvt. Ltd., 2015



Unit 1 – The Emergence of Quantum Mechanics (18 hrs)

Limitations of classical physics, Black body radiation curve-Optical spectra –-
photoelectric effect -specific heat of solids -Plank’s quantum hypothesis, Einstein’s
theory of photoelectric effect -Compton effect- Quantum theory of specific heat of
solids, -Bohr model- hydrogen atom- Bohr postulates-The correspondence

Unit 2-Wave Mechanics (22 hrs)

Wave nature of particles-electron diffraction- standing wave of electron in the orbit
uncertainty principle -uncertainty relation among canonically conjugate pairs-
application- non-existence of electrons in the nucleus-ground state energy of
hydrogen atom- width of spectral lines-Properties of wave function-Conditions for
Physical Acceptability of Wave Function, Normalization and orthogonality
condition. Superposition Principle-wave packets, relation between - Particle
velocity- group velocity and phase velocity- Probability Interpretation of Wave
Function -Statistical Interpretation of Wave function -probability current density in
one dimension-Expectation value- Time dependent Schrodinger equation,-Time
independent Schrodinger equation - stationary states.

Unit 3-One Dimensional Energy Eigen Value Problems (14hrs)

Free particle Schrodinger equation–square-well potential with infinite walls-
Square well potential with finite walls, square potential barrier– The Harmonic
oscillator- (Schrodinger method)-

Unit 4- General Formalism of Quantum Mechanics (18hrs)

Linear vector space, Linear operator, Eigen values and Eigen functions-, Hermitian
operator, Postulates of Quantum Mechanics-Equation of motion-Schrodinger
representation- Momentum representation

Books for Study:

1. Quantum Mechanics: G. Aruldhas, PHI, 2ndEdn., 2002

2. A Text book of Quantum Mechanics: P.M. Mathews & K.
Venkatesan- McGraw Hill, 2ndEdn., 2010
3. Quantum Mechanics: Robert Eisberg and Robert Resnick, Wiley,
2 Edn. 2002
4. Quantum Mechanics: Leonard I. Schiff, TMH, 3rd Edn., 2010

5. Concepts of Modern Physics: Arthur Beiser, TMH, 6th Edn.

Books for Reference:

1. Quantum Mechanics:Eugen Merzbacher, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,2004

2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: David J. Griffith, Pearson Education,
2nd Ed. 2005
3. Quantum Mechanics: Walter Greiner, Springer,4thEdn., 2001
4. Quantum Mechanics: Bruce Cameron Reed, Jones and Bartlett, 2008.
5. Quantum Mechanics for Scientists & Engineers: D.A. B. Miller, Cambridge
University Press, 2008
6. Shaum’s outline series



Unit 1- Statistical Physics (18 hrs)

Statistical probability, Macro and Micro states, Phase space, Statistical
ensemble, Postulate of equal probability, Maxwell Boltzmann distribution, Velocity
distribution. Indistinguishability of identical particles, Bose Einstein and Fermi
Dirac distribution function, comparison of three statistics

Unit 2 Research Methodology (18 hrs)

Research - Objectives and motivation in research – different types of
research- research approaches- Significance of research- Research methods and
methodology – Research and scientific method- Various steps in a research process-
importance of literature survey- criteria of good research.

Thesis/ Report writing - preliminary section (Title page, declaration of

author, certificate of supervisor, table of contents, list of tables and figures, preface
acknowledgement), Main Text (abstract, introduction, experimental section, results
and discussion), Conclusions, references, scope for future study.

Unit 3 Error Analysis (12 hrs)

Significant figures- Basic ideas of error measurement, uncertainties
of measurement, importance of estimating errors, dominant errors, random errors,
systematic errors, rejection of spurious measurements.
Estimating and reporting of errors, errors with reading scales, absolute and
relative errors, and standard deviation, Variance in measurements, error bars and
graphical representation.

Unit 4 – Disaster Management (24hrs)

Global natural disasters: Natural hazards and natural disasters, Recent major
disasters and their relief efforts, Impact of global climate change and major natural
disasters, Human adaptability of natural disasters, Fragile natural eco-environment,
Disaster reduction activity, achievements, challenges and future development
Earth quake disaster and their and their effects, Advancement in research of
earthquake disaster, earthquake and tsunami warnings, earthquake disaster
prevention, earthquake disaster mitigation
Health emergencies and diseases: environmental health and diseases, disasters and
emergencies, steps in disaster management, pre-disaster activity, role of water
supply, need for protecting large scale water supply schemes, assessment of
damaged and available and water resources, water quality testing- Personal
hygiene, control of communicable diseases and prevention of epidemics, measures
for controlling communicable diseases and epidemics.
Radiation emergencies, health consequence of radiation, measures to prevent
sudden health emergencies due to radiation

Books for Study:

1. Thermal and Statistical Mechanics: S.K. Roy –New Age

2. Elements of Statistical Mechanics: Kamal Singh and S. P. Singh- S.
Chand & Co,1999
3. Thermal Physics, Statistical Physics and Solid State Physics: C. J.
Babu, Calicut University Press
4. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics: S. K. Sinha, Alpha Science
International Ltd. 2005
5. Statistical Mechanics: B. K. Agarwal- New Age International 2007
6. Research Methodology: C. R. Kothari, New Age International
7. Natural disaster mitigation – a scientific and practical approach: Science
Press, Beijing, 2009
8. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: A practical guide,
B.Wisner & J.Adams (Eds.), WHO, Geneva, 2002 ISBN 92-4 154541-0.
9. Introduction to Disaster Management: SatishModh, Macmillan, 2010

Books for Reference:

1. Statistical Mechanics: S. Rajagopal
2. Introduction to Statistical Physics: Kerson Huang -CRC Press, 2001
3. Statistical Mechanics: Norman Davison, Courier Corporation, 2013
4. Disaster Management: Harsh K Gupta, Universities Press, 2003

Unit 1. Circuit Theory (4 hours)

Kirchhoff’s law- Ideal voltage and current sources- Thevenin’s and

Norton’stheorem, Maximum power transfer theorem

Unit 2. Diode Circuits(14 hours)

Extrinsic semiconductors-n- type and – p-type semiconductors-PN
junction-PN junction under forward and reverse biased conditions-r m s value and
peakinverse voltage- diode characteristics-ac and dc resistances- half wave and
full wave rectifiers- (average dc value of current, ripple factor and efficiency)-
different types of filters(shunt capacitor, LC and RC)- break down mechanism in
diodes- Zener diode- voltage regulator-
Unit 3.Transistors(16 hours)
Theory of BJT operation- CB,CE and CC characteristics-alpha , beta and gamma –
relation between transistorcurrents- biasing circuits(CE configuration)- stability
factors-selection of operating point-ac and dc load lines-Q point-collector
feedback; base resistor and potential divider methods- BJT amplifiers- input and
outputimpedances-graphical analysis of CE amplifier(frequency response,band
width and gain in dB)- emitter follower.
Unit 4. Power amplifiers: (5 hours)
Amplifier classes and efficiency - class A operation - transformer coupled class A
amplifier - class B amplifier - push pull amplifier - basic ideas of class C operation
- distortion in amplifiers.
Unit 5. Feedback & Oscillator circuits (8 hours)
Feedback principles – negative feedback - advantages of negative feedback -
positive feedback - principle of sinusoidal feedback- oscillation - Barkhausen
criterion for oscillations - RC phase shift, Hartley Oscillator, Colpitt’s, Oscillator
(derivations not required).
Unit 6. Modulation (5 hours)
Fundamentals of modulation - AM, FM - frequency spectrum of AM - power in
AM - demodulation of AM signal - frequency spectrum for FM
Unit 7. Special devices: (8 hours)
JFET- Basic construction - Theory of operation - Static characteristics - Drain
characteristics- Advantages - MOSFET – Depletion enhancement MOSFET –
Construction – Static characteristics. Uni-junction Transistor - Construction-
Unit 8. Operational amplifiers (IC741)(12 hours)
Introduction – Schematic symbol and pin configuration - circuit configuration and
block diagram representation – differential amplifier-ideal OP amp. - CMRR –
differential mode and common mode – virtual ground principle – parameters of OP
amp. - inverting amplifier – non-inverting amplifier –summing- differentiator-
integrator amplifiers.
Books for Study:

1. Basic electronics: Devices, circuits and IT fundamentals: Santiram Kal, PHI,


2. Basic Electronics-Solid State: B. L. Theraja, S. Chand Ltd., 2005

3. Principles of Electronics: V. K. Mehta, S. Chand Ltd.,2005

4. A first course in Electronics: Anwar A. Khan, Kanchan K. Dey,PHI, 2006

5. Communication Electronics:Jose Robin and Ubald Raj, Indira Publications,


Books for Reference:

5. Electronic Devices and Circuits: Theodore F. Bogart Jr., Universal book stall

6. Electronic devices and Circuit theory: Robert Boylestad & Louis

Nashelski,PHI,5th Edn.

7. Electronic fundamentals & applications: John D Ryder, PHI, 4thEdn.

8. Electronic Communications: Dennis Roddy, John Coolen,Pearson, 4thEdn.

Topics for assignments/discussion in the tutorial session (sample)

1. Electronic projects using flip flops.

2. Electronic projects using logic gates.

3. Electronic projects using IC 741 OP amp.

4. Electronic projects using timer 555.

5. Electronic projects using IC 311.

6. Constant voltage power supplies.

7. Constant current sources.

8. Oscillators of different frequencies.

9. Low range frequency generators.

10. High range frequency generators.

11. Voltage regulated dc power supplies with variable output.

12. Voltage regulated dual power supplies with variable output.

13. Instrument for the measurement of capacitance.

14. Instrument for the measurement of dielectric constant of a liquid/ solid.

15. Effect of temperature on electronic components.



Unit 1- Vector Atom Model (10hrs)

Bohr’s theory, correspondence principle Somerfield’s atom modeland explanation

of fine structureof H line inBalmer series of hydrogen atom.Limitationof
Sommerfeld atommodel.Vector atommodel-Various quantum numbers associated
with vector atom model-, L.S and j.j couplings –application of spatial quantization-
Pauli's exclusion principle - magnetic dipole moment of electron due to orbital and
spin motion - Spin-Orbit coupling.

Unit 2- Atomic Spectra (14hrs)

Optical spectra-Spectral terms and notations - selection rules - intensity rule and
interval rule - fine structure of sodium D lines – hyperfine structure-alkali spectra -
Zeeman effect - Larmor's theorem – quantum mechanical explanation of normal
Zeeman effect. Anomalous Zeeman effect –Paschen-Back effect-Stark effect.
Unit 3- X-ray Diffraction (8 hrs)
X-rays- Discovery- properties -scattering -Measurement of X-ray wavelengths by
ruled gratings-X-ray Spectra- continuous and characteristics X- ray spectrum-
Origin of continuous Spectrum -Origin of characteristic X-rays-X-ray energy level
diagram. -Absorption of X-rays-Applications of X-rays
Unit 4- Molecular spectra (28 hrs)
Electromagnetic spectra-molecular energies-classification of molecules-rotational
spectra of diatomic molecules-rotational energy levels-selection rules-rotational
spectrum-isotope effect- bond length and atomic mass.
Diatomic vibrational spectra-vibrational energy levels-selection rule-vibrational
transitions-Rotation-Vibration transitions-IR spectrometer
Raman scattering- classical description of Raman scattering, quantum theory of
Raman scattering- -vibrational Raman spectra-diatomic molecules-polyatomic
molecules-rotational Raman spectra Raman spectrometer.
Electronic spectra sequences and progressions-Frank-Condon principle-

Unit 5- Resonance Spectroscopy (12 hrs)

NMR principle-Resonance condition-NMR spectrometer-chemical shift-indirect
spin-spinInteraction- applications of NMR spectroscopy-
ESR principle- Resonance condition –ESRspectrometer-hyperfineinteraction –
Mossbauerspectroscopy- principle -isomer shift.

Books for Study:

1. Modern Physics: G.Aruldas and P.Rajagopal, PHI, New Delhi, 2005
2. Modern Physics: R.Murugesan, S.Chand& Co., Reprint, 2008
3. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: N.Subramaniam&Brijlal, S.Chand& Co.
4. Atomic Physics: J.B.Rajam, S.Chand&Co.
5. Concepts of Modern Physics: A. Beiser, TMH, New Delhi, 6thEdn.
Books for Reference:
1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy: Banwell, TMH
2. Spectroscopy: Walker & Straw, Chapman & Hill.
3. Molecular Spectroscopy: G.Aruldhas, PHI, 2004
4. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Dr.V.W.Kulkarni-Himalaya Publishing



Unit 1 (18 hrs)

Bio mechanics- biophysics and fluid flow—Gas transport—physics of audition

Physics of vision (chapter 1 to 5 of Reference 3)

Unit 2 Cellular – Molecular biophysics (18 hrs)

Cell -components-proteins-nucleic acids—physics of bio-membranes

-Thermodynamics of bio systems (Chapter 6 to 9 of reference 3 )

Unit 3 (18 hrs)

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