Std8 BK Model Quests N Ans - 1

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1. Who is a prophet? - His mission was to preach the word of

God to the people of northern kingdom
- A prophet is a messenger of God of Israel
2. Mention some duties of a prophet 10. What was the message of Amos against?
- To remind people to be faithful - It was against injustice, corruption,
- To condemn their sins insecurity and oppression of the poor

- To warn people of God’s punishment 11. Why Amos’ message important?

- To foretell the future - It is important because it teaches about

love, empathy, patience, mercy and
3. How the messages of prophets were justice
carried out?
12. Narrate the mission of Micah
- Through sermons
- His mission was to warn people of
- Through their behaviour Judah against planning and doing evil
- Their words were written down for the 13. Describe the message of Micah
future reference (Through their written
words) - His message was that God would
punish people of Judah because of their
4. Who were the main prophets? injustice, corruption and oppression of
- Isaiah - Jeremiah the poor

- Amos - Micah 14. What is the importance of Micah’s

5. What was the message of Isaiah?
- It teaches about justice, love and
- Isaiah warned the people of Jerusalem humility
against their rebellion and sin
15. Who was Isaiah’s father?
6. Why Isaiah’s message important?
- Amos
- It was protecting people of Jerusalem
from God’s punishment 16. How God ruled through Isaiah

7. What was Jeremiah’s mission? - God showed and revealed the message
to Isaiah through a vision concerning
- Was to warn the people of Jerusalem Judah and Jerusalem during the time
against idol worshipping and he told when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and
them to repent and come back to God Hezekiah were king of Judah
8. Describe importance of Jeremiah’s - Isaiah warned the people two cities that
message God would punish them if they did not
- It teaches about reverence, love and change
protection of each other 17. Describe hoe God ruled through Jeremiah
9. Explain the mission of Amos
- God guided Jeremiah by giving him 25. Triumphant entry means _______________
words to speak to the people
- Visiting a place as an honourable person
- He was given authority over nations and
26. When did Jesus enter the holy city of
kingdoms to;
uproot and pulldown,
- On the first day of the passion week
destroy and overthrow
27. How did Jesus entered Jerusalem?
build and to plant
- While riding on a donkey
18. Who was Jeremiah’s father?
28. What did the people do during the time
- Hilkiah Jesus entered Jerusalem?

19. Who was one of the priest of the town of - People spread their clothes and
Anathoth? branches of trees on the road

- Hilkiah - People were singing in praising of God

20. How God ruled through Amos? 29. What did Jesus entry into Jerusalem into
Jerusalem testify?
- God appointed Amos to guide the
people of Israel against the oppression - He was the Messiah
of the poor
30. In Jerusalem, what did Jesus find people
- He told them about God’s punishment doing in the temple?
that He would destroy them because of
- He found people trading and exchanging
their sins
21. .who was one of the Shephereds from
31. What did Jesus do?
Tekoa chosen to guide the Israelites?
- He drove people out and overturned the
- Amos
22. What was Micah’s vision?
32. Why did Jesus drove the people out of the
- He had a vision about the downfall of temple and overturned the tables?
Samaria and Jerusalem
- It was a way of cleansing the temple
23. When was Micah chosen?
33. Who plotted to kill Jesus?
- He was chosen when Jothan, Ahaz and
- The chief priest and other religious
Hezekiah were kings of Judah
24. How God ruled through Micah
34. Why the priest other religious leaders
- He was given responsibility to warn the plotted to kill Jesus?
people of Samaria and Jerusalem not to
- Because Jesus offended and angered
plan and do evil against others
them by His actions in the temple
- He guarded them against the
35. Define
oppression of the poor and denounced
the leaders of Israel for their moral a. Cleansing
corrupt practices
- Is making something pure or holy - Is the process of finding out whether a
person accused of a crime is guilty or
b. Passion
- The suffering and death of Jesus
44. Where did Jesus go with the disciples after
c. Plot the Passover to pray?

- Secret plans against someone - Gethsemane

36. Give ways people may violet the right to life 45. Who betrayed Jesus?

- Through capital punishment - Judas Iscariot

37. How Christians should observe the value of 46. How Judas Iscariot identified Jesus?
life and promote good behaviour?
- Judas kissed Jesus
- Unity - Tolerance
47. Who came to arrest Jesus?
- Peace - Love
- The chief priests, officers of the temple,
- Justice - Fairness guards, elders of the temple

- Equality in society 48. Mention some accusations made against

38. Describe the abuse of power
- He was accused of refusing to pay tax
- Abuse of power is when a person uses
the position for personal gains - He was accused of calling Himself King

39. How power is abused? - He was accused of stirring up the

people all over Judea by His teachings
- Through corrupt practices
49. State two kings that tried Jesus in
- Through unfair judgement
40. State ways Christians should fight again
- Pilate - Herod
50. Who found Jesus not committed any
- By spreading the spirit of Love,
offence to deserve the heath sentence?
Tolerance, and Observe Human right
issues - Pilate

41. What is capital punishment? 51. Who was released instead of Jesus?

- Is the punishment by death - Barabbas

42. What is abortion? 52. Who found Jesus not guilty at first?

- Is the termination of a pregnancy - Pilate

43. Explain the meaning of the term 53. Who ridiculed, mocked and sent Jesus back
to Pilate?
a. Arrest
- Herod
- Is taking and keeping somebody as a
prisoner with the authority of the law 54. What is forgiveness?

b. A trial - Is the act of not taking into account the

people’s wrongs - Sporting

55. Why people forgive each other? - Swimming

- To create good relationships 62. Give some importance of work

56. Mention some examples of situations that - Provides basic needs such as food,
require forgiveness shelter, clothes and water

- Fighting - Killing - Provides people with body exercises

which are important for people’s good
- Stealing - Insulting others
57. List down situations in the Bible that show
- Protects one from effects of laziness
63. Why people should work hard?
- Joseph forgave his brothers who had
hated him and sold him to the - Because earns them respect and favour
Ishmaelites who in turn had sold him to
64. State importance of leisure
the Egyptians while he was young
- It allows the body of relax and rest
- Hezekiah was forgiven after asking for
forgiveness - People do their hobbies

- Jesus forgave those who crucified him 65. Why the Bible teaches about the importance
and one of the criminals who were of work and condemns laziness?
crucified with Him
- Because laziness brings poverty
58. Why people ask for forgiveness from God?
66. Why God is not pleased with laziness?
- To restore or create good relationship
- Because He was the first to work by
59. Define work creating the universe and everything in it

- Is an activity in which the effort of the 67. How God valued leisure time?
body and mind produce something or
- By resting on the seventh day after the
gain a result
creation of the universe
60. What is leisure?
68. What is a role?
- Is the time when one is free from work
- Is a part taken by someone in life or in
or duties of any kind
any activity
61. Mention some things people do during
69. List down some prophetic roles of
leisure time
- Chatting with family members and
- Preaching
- Prophesying
- Reading story books and newspapers
- Baptizing
- Fishing
- Guiding and Counselling
- Sewing
- Praying for the sick
- Playing
- Teaching the word of God - Soldiers

- Church administration - Passersby

70. How God ruled through Christians? - One of the two robbers

- Through different Christian mission 79. Before Jesus’ death, what took place?

71. State ways of fulfilling Christians mission - There was darkness over all the land for
three hours
- Through praying for those in bondage
80. What happened soon after the death of
- Through relief provision
- Mediation
- A curtain of the temple was torn into
- Counselling two pairs

- Preaching the word of God - The earth shook

- Praying for peace - Rocks were split

72. Define - Tombs were opened

a. Crucifixion 81. Who went to Pontius Pilate and asked for

the body of Jesus to be laid in grave?
- Is the death of Jesus on the cross
- Joseph of Arimathea
b. Resurrection
82. Who were with Joseph of Arimathea when
- Is the state of coming back to life or
he was laying the body of Jesus in the
where one ceases to be dead
73. Why the Jews crucified Jesus?
- Mary Magadalene
- Because they thought he was
- Mary the mother of Joseph
83. Who were the first people to visit the tomb
74. Who carried the cross for Jesus to
where Jesus was laid?
- Women
- Simon of Cyrene
84. How many angels guarded the tomb of
75. Where Jesus was crucified?
Jesus and told the women that He has
- At Golgotha risen?

76. After Jesus was crucified, what happened - Two Angels

to His garments

- His garments were shared by casting


77. What inscription was put on the His cross?

- This is Jesus the king Jews

78. Who mocked Jesus while on the cross?

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