Series 90-30 System Manual For Windows Users
Series 90-30 System Manual For Windows Users
Series 90-30 System Manual For Windows Users
January 2010
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This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Intelligent Platforms assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made. GE Intelligent Platforms makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
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This manual accompanies Control software versions 2.4 and later, VersaPro software versions 1.0 and later, and is applicable to version 10.0 of the Series 90-30 PLC CPUs.
Appendix D.
Setting Up a Modem: describes how to set up 32-bit modem communications with your PLC using the Windows programming software and the Communications Configuration Utility (CCU)
Related Information
VersaPro User's Guide TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC Using Control Software Host Drivers and Communications Configuration Software for Windows Environments C Programmer's Toolkit for Series 90 PLCs User's Manual Series 90-30 PLC Installation and Hardware Manual GFK-1670 GFK-1541 GFK-1295 GFK-1026 GFK-0646 GFK-0356
GE Intelligent Platforms General Online Support GE PLC Hotline Fax on Demand System (FaxLink) GE PLC Hotline Telephone Number 804-978-5824
At GE Intelligent Platforms, we strive to produce quality technical documentation. Please contact us with any comments you may have regarding this manual. Henry Konat Technical Writer
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Introduction..................................................................................................... 1-1 System Operation ............................................................................................ 2-1 Section 1: PLC Sweep Summary .................................................................. 2-2
Standard Program Sweep .............................................................................................. 2-2 Sweep Time Calculation......................................................................................... 2-7
Example of Sweep Time Calculation ..................................................................... 2-7 Housekeeping ....................................................................................................... 2-7 Input Scan............................................................................................................. 2-7 Application Program Logic Scan or Solution ......................................................... 2-8 Output Scan .......................................................................................................... 2-8 Logic Program Checksum Calculation................................................................... 2-8
Programmer Communications Window......................................................................... 2-9 System Communications Window .............................................................................. 2-10 PCM Communications with the PLC (Models 331 and Higher)................................... 2-11 DSM Communications with the PLC .......................................................................... 2-11 Standard Program Sweep Variations ........................................................................... 2-12 Constant Sweep Time Mode................................................................................. 2-12 PLC Sweep When in STOP Mode ........................................................................ 2-12 Communication Window Modes........................................................................... 2-13 Key Switch on 35x and 36x Series CPUs: Change Mode and Flash Protect ................. 2-13 Using the Release 7 and Later Key Switch............................................................ 2-13 Clearing the Fault Table with the Key Switch ....................................................... 2-14 Enhanced Memory Protect with Release 8 and Later CPUs................................... 2-14
Chapter 3
Fault Explanation and Correction.................................................................. 3-1 Section 1: Fault Handling .............................................................................. 3-2
Alarm Processor ........................................................................................................... 3-2 Classes of Faults........................................................................................................... 3-2 System Reaction to Faults............................................................................................. 3-3 Fault Tables............................................................................................................ 3-3 Fault Action ........................................................................................................... 3-4 Reboot After Fatal Fault ......................................................................................... 3-4 Fault References ........................................................................................................... 3-5 Fault Reference Definitions .......................................................................................... 3-5 Additional Fault Effects ................................................................................................ 3-5 PLC Fault Table Display............................................................................................... 3-6 I/O Fault Table Display ................................................................................................ 3-6 Accessing Additional Fault Information........................................................................ 3-7
Program Block Checksum Failure......................................................................... 3-11 Low Battery Signal............................................................................................... 3-11 Constant Sweep Time Exceeded ........................................................................... 3-12 Application Fault.................................................................................................. 3-12 No User Program Present ..................................................................................... 3-12 Corrupted User Program on Power-Up ................................................................. 3-13 Password Access Failure ...................................................................................... 3-13 PLC CPU System Software Failure....................................................................... 3-14 Communications Failure During Store.................................................................. 3-16
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Setting Up a Modem........................................................................................D-1
Modem Configuration and Cabling .............................................................................. D-1 PLC CPU Configuration .............................................................................................. D-2 Installing the Modem into Windows............................................................................. D-3 Setting Up the Communications Configuration Utility (CCU) ...................................... D-4 Connecting to the PLC................................................................................................. D-6 Using the HyperTerminal Utility to Establish Connection ............................................ D-7 Other Issues................................................................................................................. D-8
Figure 2-1. PLC Sweep ............................................................................................................................ 2-3 Figure 2-2. Programmer Communications Window Flow Chart................................................................ 2-9 Figure 2-3. System Communications Window Flow Chart...................................................................... 2-10 Figure 2-4. PCM Communications with the PLC.................................................................................... 2-11 Figure 2-5. Power-Up Sequence ............................................................................................................ 2-30 Figure 2-6. Time-Tick Contact Timing Diagram..................................................................................... 2-33 Figure 2-7. Series 90-30 I/O Structure ................................................................................................... 2-36 Figure 2-8. Series 90-30 I/O Modules..................................................................................................... 2-37
Table 2-1. Sweep Time Contribution ........................................................................................................ 2-4 Table 2-2. I/O Scan Time Contributions for the Series 90-30 35x and 36x CPUs (in milliseconds)............ 2-5 Table 2-3. I/O Scan Time Contributions for the Series 90-30 CPUs up to 341 (in milliseconds) ................ 2-6 Table 2-4. Register References ............................................................................................................... 2-19 Table 2-5. Discrete References ............................................................................................................... 2-19 Table 2-5. Discrete References - Continued ............................................................................................ 2-20 Table 2-6. Data Types ............................................................................................................................ 2-21 Table 2-7. System Status References ...................................................................................................... 2-22 Table 2-7. System Status References - Continued ................................................................................... 2-24 Table 2-7. System Status References - Continued ................................................................................... 2-25 Table 2-8. Series 90-30 I/O Modules - Continued ................................................................................... 2-38 Table 2-8. Series 90-30 I/O Modules - Continued ................................................................................... 2-39 Table 3-1. Fault Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3-3 Table 3-2. Fault Actions .......................................................................................................................... 3-4 Table A-1. Instruction Timing, Standard Models ................................................................................... A-2 Table A-1. Instruction Timing, Standard Models-Continued ................................................................... A-3 Table A-1. Instruction Timing, Standard Models-Continued .................................................................. A-4 Table A-1. Instruction Timing, Standard Models-Continued ................................................................... A-5 Table A-2. Instruction Timing, High Performance Models...................................................................... A-6 Table A-2. Instruction Timing, High Performance Models-Continued..................................................... A-7 Table A-2. Instruction Timing, High Performance Models-Continued..................................................... A-8 Table A-2. Instruction Timing, High Performance Models-Continued..................................................... A-9 Table A-3. SER Function Block Timing ............................................................................................... A-10 Table A-4. SER Function Block Trigger Timestamp Formats ............................................................... A-11 Table A-5. Instruction Sizes for 350352, 360, 363, and 364 CPUs .................................................... A-12 Table B-1. PLC Fault Groups ................................................................................................................. B-4 Table B-2. PLC Fault Actions ................................................................................................................ B-4 Table B-3. Alarm Error Codes for PLC CPU Software Faults ................................................................. B-5 Table B-4. Alarm Error Codes for PLC Faults ........................................................................................ B-6 Table B-5. PLC Fault Data - Illegal Boolean Opcode Detected ............................................................... B-7 Table B-6. PLC Fault Time Stamp.......................................................................................................... B-7 Table B-7. I/O Fault Table Format Indicator Byte................................................................................... B-9 Table B-8. I/O Reference Address .......................................................................................................... B-9 Table B-9. I/O Reference Address Memory Type ................................................................................... B-9 Table B-10. I/O Fault Groups ............................................................................................................... B-10 Table B-11. I/O Fault Actions .............................................................................................................. B-10
Table B-12. I/O Fault Specific Data...................................................................................................... B-11 Table B-13. I/O Fault Time Stamp........................................................................................................ B-11 Table C-1. General Case of Power Flow for Floating-Point Operations................................................... C-7
The Series 90-30 PLCs are members of the GE Series 90 family of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). They are easy to install and configure, offer advanced programming features, and are compatible with the Series 90-70 PLCs. Two Windows-based configuration/programming packages are available for Series 90-30 PLCs. VersaPro software supports all Series 90-30 CPUs. Control software supports the 35x and 36x series CPUs. The software structure for the 341 and lower Series 90-30 PLCs uses an architecture that manages memory and execution priority in the 80188 microprocessor. The 35x and 36x series of Series 90-30 PLCs use an 80386EX microprocessor. This operation supports both program execution and basic housekeeping tasks such as diagnostic routines, input/output scanners, and alarm processing. The system software also contains routines to communicate with the programmer. These routines provide for the upload and download of application programs, return of status information, and control of the PLC. In the Series 90-30 PLC, a dedicated Instruction Sequencer Coprocessor (ISCP) controls the application (user logic) program that controls the end process to which the PLC is applied. The ISCP is implemented in hardware in the Model 313 and higher and in software in the Model 311 systems. The 80188 microprocessor and the ISCP can execute simultaneously, allowing the microprocessor to service communications while the ISCP is executing the bulk of the application program; however, the microprocessor must execute the non-Boolean function blocks. Faults occur in the Series 90-30 PLC when certain failures or conditions happen that affect the operation and performance of the system. These conditions may affect the ability of the PLC to control a machine or process. Other conditions may only act as an alert, such as a low battery signal to indicate that the voltage of the battery protecting the memory is low and should be replaced. The condition or failure is called a fault. Faults are handled by a software alarm processor function that records the faults in either the PLC fault table or the I/O fault table. (Model 331 and higher CPUs also time-stamp the faults.) These tables can be displayed through the programming software.
Floating-point capabilities are only supported on the 35x and 36x series CPUs, Release 9 or later, and on all releases of CPU352.
For additional information, see the appendices in the back of this manual. Appendix A lists the memory size in bytes and the execution time in microseconds for each programming instruction. Appendix B describes how to interpret the message structure format when reading the PLC and I/O fault tables. Appendix C describes special considerations for using floating point functions. Appendix D describes how to set up modem communications.
System Operation
This chapter describes certain system operations of the Series 90-30 PLC systems. These system operations include: A summary of PLC sweep sequences (Section 1) ................................................. 2-2 Program organization and user references/data (Section 2) ................................ 2-15 Power-up and power-down sequences (Section 3) .............................................. 2-28 Clocks and timers (Section 4) ............................................................................ 2-31 System security through password assignment (Section 5) ................................. 2-33 Series 90-30 I/O system (Section 6) ................................................................... 2-35
All of these steps execute every sweep. Although the Programmer Communications Window opens each sweep, programmer services only occur if a board fault has been detected or if the programming device issues a service request; that is, the Programmer Communications Window first checks for work to do and exits if there is none. The sequence of the standard program sweep is shown in the following figure.
As shown in the PLC sweep sequence, several items are included in the sweep. These items contribute to the total sweep time as shown in the following table. Table 2-1. Sweep Time Contribution Sweep Element Description
311/313 Housekeeping Data Input Program Execution Data Output Service External Devices Calculate sweep time. Schedule start of next sweep. Determine mode of next sweep. Update fault reference tables. Reset watchdog timer. See tables 2- and 2-3 for scan time contributions. 2 Execution time is dependent upon the length of the program and the type of instructions used in the program. Instruction execution times are listed in Appendix A. See tables 2- and 2-3 for scan time contributions. 2 4.426 2.383 N/A 0.458 0.050 4.524 2.454 3.337 0.639 0.048 2.476 1.248 1.943 0.463 0.031 0.334 0.517 0.482 0.319 0.010 0.714
Input data is received from input and option modules. User logic is solved.
Output data is sent to output and option modules. Service requests from programming devices and intelligent modules are processed. 1 HHP LM- 0 9 PCM 2
Reconfiguration Diagnostics
Slots with faulted modules and empty slots are monitored. Verify user program integrity (time contribution is the time required per word checksummed each sweep). 3
The scan time contribution of external device service is dependent upon the mode of the communications window in which the service is processed. If the window mode is LIMITED, a maximum of 8 milliseconds for the 311, 313, 323, and 331 CPUs and 6 milliseconds for the 340 and higher CPUs will be spent during that window. If the window mode is RUN-TOCOMPLETION, a maximum of 50 milliseconds can be spent in that window, depending upon the number of requests which are presented simultaneously. These measurements were taken with the PCM physically present but not configured and with no application task running on the PCM. The number of words checksummed each sweep can be changed with the SVCREQ function block. These measurements were taken with an empty program and the default configuration. The Series 90-30 PLCs were in an empty 10-slot rack with no extension racks connected. Also, the times in this table assume that there is no periodic subroutine active; the times will be larger if a periodic subroutine is active. The times for the 350 CPU and the 36x series are estimated to be the same.
2. 3. 4.
Table 2-2. I/O Scan Time Contributions for the Series 90-30 35x and 36x CPUs (in milliseconds) 35x and 36x Series CPUs Module Type
8-point discrete input 16-point discrete input 32-point discrete input 8-point discrete output 16-point discrete output 32-point discrete output Combination discrete input/output 4-channel analog input 2-channel analog output 16-channel analog input (current or voltage) 8-channel analog output Combination analog input/output High Speed Counter I/O Processor Ethernet Interface (no connection) Power Mate APM (1-axis) Power Mate APM (2-axis) DSM 302 40 AI, 6 AQ 50 AI, 9 AQ 64 AI, 12 AQ DSM 314 1 Axis (not supported by 2 Axes CPU351) 3 Axes 4 Axes GCM no devices 8 64-word devices GCM+ no devices 32 64-word devices GBC no devices 32 64-word devices PCM 311 not configured, or no application task read 128 %R as fast as possible ADC (no task) I/O Link Master no devices 16 64-point devices I/O Link Slave 32-point 64-point
Main Rack
.030 .030 .043 .030 .030 .042 .060 .075 .058 .978 1.274 1.220 1.381 1.574 .038 1.527 1.807 2.143 2.427 2.864 1.6 2.2 2.8 3.3 .911 8.826 .567 1.714 .798 18.382 .476 .485 .476 .569 4.948 .087 .154
Expansion Rack
.055 .055 .073 .053 .053 .070 .112 .105 .114 1.446 1.988 1.999 2.106 2.402 .041 2.581 2.864 3.315 3.732 4.317 2.6 3.8 4.3 5.2 1.637 16.932 .866 2.514 1.202 25.377 N/A N/A N/A .865 7.003 .146 .213
Remote Rack
.206 .206 .269 .197 .197 .259 .405 .396 .402 3.999 4.472 4.338 5.221 6.388 .053 6.388 7.805 9.527 11.092 13.138 6.9 9.9 13.0 15.9 5.020 21.179 1.830 5.783 2.540 70.777 N/A N/A N/A 1.932 19.908 .553 .789
Table 2-3. I/O Scan Time Contributions for the Series 90-30 CPUs up to 341 (in milliseconds) CPU Model Module Type
311/313 8- oint discrete input p 16- oint discrete input p 32- oint discrete input p 8- oint discrete output p 16- oint discrete output p 32- oint discrete output p 8- oint combination input/output p 4- hannel analog input c 2- hannel analog output c High Speed Counter Power Mate APM (1- xis) a Power Mate APM (2- xis) a DSM 302 40 AI, 6 AQ 50AI, 9 AQ 64 AI, 12 AQ GCM GCM+ no devices 8 64- oint devices p no devices 32 64- oint p devices PCM 311 .076 .075 .094 .084 .083 .109 .165 .151 .161 2.070 2.330 3.181 3.613 4.127 4.715 .041 11.420 .887 4.120 Main Rack .054 .055 .094 .059 .061 .075 .141 .132 .138 2.190 2.460 3.647 4.081 4.611 5.276 .054 11.570 .967 6.250 3.350 4.900 3.340 1.450 2.030 6.170 .222 .350 331 Expansion Rack .095 .097 .126 .097 .097 .129 .218 .183 .182 2.868 3.175 4.497 5.239 5.899 6.759 .063 13.247 1.164 8.529 N/A N/A N/A 1.937 1.169 8.399 .289 .409 Remote Rack .255 .257 .335 .252 .253 .333 .529 .490 .428 5.587 6.647 9.303 11.430 13.310 15.747 .128 21.288 1.920 21.352 N/A N/A N/A 4.186 1.925 21.291 .689 1.009 Main Rack .048 .048 .073 .053 .054 .079 .098 .117 .099 1.580 1.750 2.154 2.552 2.911 3.354 .038 9.536 .666 5.043 1.684 2.052 1.678 1.092 .678 4.992 .146 .244 340/341 Expansion Rack .089 .091 .115 .090 .090 .114 .176 .160 .148 2.175 2.506 3.097 3.648 4.170 4.840 .048 10.648 .901 7.146 N/A N/A N/A 1.570 .904 6.985 .226 .321 Remote Rack .249 .250 .321 .246 .248 .320 .489 .462 .392 4.897 5.899 7.729 9.697 11.406 13.615 .085 19.485 1.626 20.052 N/A N/A N/A 3.796 1.628 20.010 .636 .926
not configured, or N/A no application task read 128 %R as fast as possible N/A N/A 1.370 1.910 6.020 .206 .331
ADC 311 16- hannel analog input c (current or voltage) I/O Link Master I/O Link Slave no devices sixteen 64- oint p devices 32- oint p 64- oint p
The housekeeping portion of the sweep performs all of the tasks necessary to prepare for the start of the sweep. If the PLC is in CONSTANT SWEEP mode, the sweep is delayed until the required sweep time elapses. If the required time has already elapsed, the OV_SWP %SA0002 contact is set, and the sweep continues without delay. Next, timer values (hundredths, tenths, and seconds) are updated by calculating the difference from the start of the previous sweep and the new sweep time. In order to maintain accuracy, the actual start of sweep is recorded in 100 microsecond increments. Each timer has a remainder field which contains the number of 100 microsecond increments that have occurred since the last time the timer value was incremented.
Input Scan
Scanning of inputs occurs during the input scan portion of the sweep, just prior to the logic solution. During this part of the sweep, all Series 90-30 input modules are scanned and their data stored in %I (discrete inputs) or %AI (analog inputs) memory, as appropriate. Any global data input received by a Genius Communications Module, an Enhanced Genius Communications Module, or a Genius Bus Controller is stored in %G memory. Modules are scanned in ascending reference address order, starting with the Genius Communications Module, then discrete input modules, and finally analog input modules. If the CPU is in STOP mode and the CPU is configured to not scan I/O in STOP mode, the input scan is skipped.
Output Scan
Outputs are scanned during the output scan portion of the sweep, immediately following the logic solution. Outputs are updated using data from %Q (for discrete outputs) and %AQ (for analog outputs) memory, as appropriate. If the Genius Communications Module is configured to transmit global data, then data from %G memory is sent to the GCM, GCM+, or GBC. During the output scan, all Series 90-30 output modules are scanned in ascending reference address order. If the CPU is in the STOP mode and the CPU is configured to not scan I/O during STOP mode, the output scan is skipped. The output scan is completed when all output data has been sent to all Series 90-30 output modules.
The time limit for the communications window is 6 milliseconds for the model 340 and higher CPUs and 8 milliseconds for the 311, 313, 323, and 331 models. The following figure is a flow chart for the programmer communications portion of the sweep.
Unlike the Active Constant Sweep which can be edited only in RUN mode, the Configured Constant Sweep Mode can be edited only during STOP mode and you must Store the configuration from the Programmer to the PLC before the change will take effect. Once stored, this becomes the default sweep mode.
If the system window mode is changed to Limited, then option modules such as the PCM or GBC that communicate with the PLC using the system window will have less impact on sweep time, but response to their requests will be slower.
Key Switch on 35x and 36x Series CPUs: Change Mode and Flash Protect
Each of the 35x and 36x series CPUs has a key switch on the front of the module that allows you to protect Flash memory from being over-written. When you turn the key to the ON/RUN position, no one can change the Flash memory without turning the key to the OFF position. Beginning with Release 7 of the 351and 352 CPUs, the Key Switch has another function: it allows you to switch the PLC into STOP mode, into RUN mode, and to clear non-fatal faults as discussed in the next section. Beginning with Release 8 of the 35x and the 36x series CPUs, the Key Switch has an enhanced memory protection function: it can be used to provide two additional types of memory protection (see the Using the Release 8 and Later Memory Protection section). If the key switch is enabled and in the ON/RUN position, you can change the Time of Day clock only through the programming software. The Hand Held Programmer does not allow you to change the Time of Day clock while key switch protection is active.
If you allow the 5 second timer to expire (RUN light stops flashing) the CPU will remain in its original state, STOP/FAULT mode, with faults in the fault table. If you turn the Key Switch from the STOP to RUN position again at this time, the process will be repeated with this being the first transition. The following table provides a summary of how the two CPU parameter settings affecting the Key Switch (R/S Switch and IOScan-Stop) and the Key Switchs physical position affect PLC. R/S Key Switch Parameter in CPU Configuration
PLC Operation
All PLC Programmer Modes are allowed. All PLC Programmer Modes are allowed. PLC not allowed to go to RUN. PLC goes to RUN if no fatal faults are present; otherwise, the RUN LED blinks for 5 seconds.
Beginning with Release 9 CPUs, some memory sizes for the 351, 352 and 36x series are configurable. (For detailed instructions and a discussion of memory sizes available, refer to the online help within Control or VersaPro software. The user program contains logic that is used when it is started up. The maximum number of rungs allowed per logic block (main or subroutine) is 3000; the maximum block size is 80 kilobytes for C blocks and 16 kilobytes for LD and SFC blocks, but in an SFC block some of the 16 KB is used for the internal data block. The logic is executed repeatedly by the PLC.
Refer to the Series 90-30 PLC Installation and Hardware Manual, GFK-0356, for a listing of program sizes and reference limits for each model CPU. All programs have a variable table that lists the variable and reference descriptions that have been assigned in the user program. The block declaration editor lists subroutine blocks declared in the main program.
Subroutine Blocks
A program can call subroutine blocks as it executes. A maximum of 64 subroutine block declarations in the program and 64 CALL instructions are allowed for each logic block in the program. The maximum size of a subroutine block is 16 KB or 3000 rungs, but the main program and all subroutines must fit within the logic size constraints for that CPU model. The use of subroutines is optional. Dividing a program into smaller subroutines can simplify programming, enhance understanding of the control algorithm, and reduce the overall amount of logic needed for the program.
A subroutine block can be used many times as the program executes. Logic which needs to be repeated several times in a program could be entered in a subroutine block. Calls would then be made to that subroutine block to access the logic. In this way, total program size is reduced.
In addition to being called from the program, subroutine blocks can also be called by other subroutine blocks. A subroutine block may even call itself.
The PLC will only allow eight nested calls before an Application Stack Overflow fault is logged and the PLC transitions to STOP/FAULT mode. The call from the MAIN program to the first subroutine block counts as the first call. Subsequent calls may go seven more blocks deeper without an error. The following illustration shows the maximum call depth allowed at runtime.
If subroutine 8 were to execute another call, the PLC would immediately transition to STOP/FAULT mode.
| |%I0004 %T0001 || |( ) | ______________ |%I0006 | | || || CALL ASTRO | | | (SUBROUTINE) | | |______________| | |%I0003 %I0010 %Q0010 || || |( ) |
This example shows the subroutine CALL instruction as it will appear in the calling block.
Periodic Subroutines
Version 4.20 or later of the 340 and higher CPUs support periodic subroutines. Please note the following restrictions: 1. Timer (TMR, ONDTR, and OFDTR) function blocks will not execute properly within a periodic subroutine. A DOIO function block within a periodic subroutine whose reference range includes references assigned to a Smart I/O Module (HSC, Motion Mate APM, Motion Mate DSM, Genius, and others) will cause the CPU to lose communication with the module. The FST_SCN and LST_SCN contacts (%S1 and %S2) will have an indeterminate value during execution of the periodic subroutine. A periodic subroutine cannot call or be called by other subroutines. The latency for the periodic subroutine (that is, the maximum interval between the time the periodic subroutine should have executed and the time it actually executes) can be around .35 milliseconds if there is no PCM, CMM, or ADC module in the main rack. If there is a PCM, CMM or ADC module in the main rack - even if it is not configured or used, the latency can be almost 2.25 milliseconds. For that reason, use of the periodic subroutine with PCM-based products is not recommended.
User References
The data used in an application program is stored as either register or discrete references. Table 2-4. Register References Type
%R %AI
The prefix %R is used to assign system register references, which will store program data such as the results of calculations. The prefix %AI represents an analog input register. This prefix is followed by the register address of the reference (for example, %AI0015). An analog input register holds the value of one analog input or other value. The prefix %AQ represents an analog output register. This prefix is followed by the register address of the reference (for example, %AQ0056). An analog output register holds the value of one analog output or other value.
All register references are retained across a power cycle to the CPU. Table 2-5. Discrete References Type
The %I prefix represents input references. This prefix is followed by the references address in the input table (for example, %I00121). %I references are located in the input status table, which stores the state of all inputs received from input modules during the last input scan. A reference address is assigned to discrete input modules using the configuration software or the Hand-Held Programmer. Until a reference address is assigned, no data will be received from the module. %I data can be retentive or non-retentive. The %Q prefix represents physical output references. The %Q prefix is followed by the references address in the output table (for example, %Q00016). %Q references are located in the output status table, which stores the state of the output references as last set by the application program. This output status tables values are sent to output modules during the output scan. A reference address is assigned to discrete output modules using the configuration software or the Hand-Held Programmer. Until a reference address is assigned, no data is sent to the module. A particular %Q reference may be either retentive or non-retentive. *
The %M prefix represents internal references. The coil check function checks for multiple uses of %M references with relay coils or outputs on functions. A particular %M reference may be either retentive or non-retentive. * The %T prefix represents temporary references. These references are never checked for multiple coil use and can, therefore, be used many times in the same program even when coil use checking is enabled. %T may be used to prevent coil use conflicts while using the cut/paste and file write/include functions. Because this memory is intended for temporary use, it is never retained through power loss or RUN-TO-STOP-TO-RUN transitions and cannot be used with retentive coils.
Retentiveness is based on the type of coil. For more information, refer to Retentiveness of Data on page 2-20.
Table 2-5. Discrete References - Continued Type
The %S prefix represents system status references. These references are used to access special PLC data, such as timers, scan information, and fault information. System references include %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC references. %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC can be used on any contacts. %SA, %SB, and %SC can be used on retentive coils (M). %S can be used as word or bit-string input arguments to functions or function blocks. %SA, %SB, and %SC can be used as word or bit-string input or output arguments to functions and function blocks.
The %G prefix represents global data references. These references are used to access data shared among several PLCs. %G references can be used on contacts and retentive coils because %G memory is always retentive. %G cannot be used on non-retentive coils.
Retentiveness of Data
Data is said to be retentive if it is saved by the PLC when the PLC is stopped. The Series 90 PLC preserves program logic, fault tables and diagnostics, overrides and output forces, word data (%R, %AI, %AQ), bit data (%I, %SC, %G, fault bits and reserved bits), %Q and %M data (unless used with non-retentive coils), and word data stored in %Q and %M. %T data is not saved. Although, as stated above, %SC bit data is retentive, the defaults for %S, %SA, and %SB are non-retentive. %Q and %M references are non-retentive (that is, cleared at power-up when the PLC switches from STOP to RUN) whenever they are used with non-retentive coils. Non-retentive coils include coils ( ), negated coils (/), SET coils (S), and RESET coils (R). When %Q or %M references are used with retentive coils, or are used as function block outputs, the contents are retained through power loss and RUN-TO-STOP-TO-RUN transitions. Retentive coils include retentive coils (M), negated retentive coils (/M), retentive SET coils (SM), and retentive RESET coils (RM). The last time a %Q or %M reference is programmed on a coil instruction determines whether the %Q or %M reference is retentive or non-retentive based on the coil type. For example, if %Q0001 was last programmed as the reference of a retentive coil, the %Q0001 data will be retentive. However, if %Q0001 was last programmed on a non-retentive coil, then the %Q0001 data will be non-retentive.
Data Types
Table 2-6. Data Types Type
Signed Integer
Signed integers use 16-bit memory data locations, and are represented in 2s complement notation. The valid range of an INT data type is 32,768 to +32,767. Double precision signed integers are stored in 32-bit data memory locations (actually two consecutive 16-bit memory locations) and represented in 2s complement notation. (Bit 32 is the sign bit.) The valid range of a DINT data type is 2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. A Bit data type is the smallest unit of memory. It has two states, 1 or 0. A BIT string may have length N. A Byte data type has an 8-bit value. The valid range is 0 to 255 (0 to FF in hexadecimal). A Word data type uses 16 consecutive bits of data memory; but, instead of the bits in the data location representing a number, the bits are independent of each other. Each bit represents its own binary state (1 or 0), and the bits are not looked at together to represent an integer number. The valid range of word values is 0 to FFFF. A Double Word data type has the same characteristics as a single word data type, except that it uses 32 consecutive bits in data memory instead of 16 bits.
Data Format
Register 1 S| 16 1
Register 2 S| 32 17
Register 1 16 1
Register 2 32 17
Register 1 16 1
(32 bit states) BCD-4 Four-Digit Binary Coded Decimal Four-digit BCD numbers use 16-bit data memory locations. Each BCD digit uses four bits and can represent numbers between 0 and 9. This BCD coding of the 16 bits has a legal value range of 0 to 9999. Real numbers use 32 consecutive bits (actually two consecutive 16-bit memory locations). The range of numbers that can be stored in this format is from 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E+38.
Register 1 4 |3 | 2 | 1 16 13 9 5 1
(4 BCD digits)
Floating Point
Register 2 S| 32 17
Register 1 16 1
%S bits are read-only bits; do not write to these bits. You may, however, write to %SA, %SB, and %SC bits. Listed below are available system status references, which may be used in an application program. When entering logic, either the reference or the nickname can be used. Refer to chapter 3, Fault Explanations and Correction, for more detailed fault descriptions and information on correcting the fault. You cannot use these special names in another context. Table 2-7. System Status References Reference
%S0001 %S0002 %S0003 %S0004 %S0005 %S0006 %S0007 %S0008 %S0009 %S0010 %S0011 %S0013 %S0014 %S0017 %S0018 %S0019 %S0020 %S0021 FF_OVR
Set to 1 when the current sweep is the first sweep. Reset from 1 to 0 when the current sweep is the last sweep. 0.01 second timer contact. 0.1 second timer contact. 1.0 second timer contact. 1.0 minute timer contact. Always ON. Always OFF. Set when the PLC fault table fills up. Cleared when an entry is removed from the PLC fault table and when the PLC fault table is cleared. Set when the I/O fault table fills up. Cleared when an entry is removed from the I/O fault table and when the I/O fault table is cleared. Set when an override exists in %I, %Q, %M, or %G memory. Set when background program check is active. Set to indicate a bad battery in a Release 4 or later CPU. The contact reference is updated once per sweep. SNP-X host is actively attached to the CPU. SNP-X host has read data from the CPU. SNP-X host has written data to the CPU. Set ON when a relational function using REAL data executes successfully. It is cleared when either input is NaN (Not a Number). Used with reboot after Fatal Fault feature. Set ON when a fatal fault exists. Cleared when all fatal faults are cleared or the CPU mode is set to STOP/FAULT. Set to reflect the state of the CPU mode switch: 1=Run/On; 0 = Stop/Off Reserved for use by the programming software.
%S0022 %S0032
Set when a checksum calculated on the application program does not match the reference checksum. If the fault was due to a temporary failure, the discrete bit can be cleared by again storing the program to the CPU. If the fault was due to a hard RAM failure, the CPU must be replaced. Set when the PLC detects that the previous sweep took longer than the time specified by the user. Cleared when the PLC detects that the previous sweep did not take longer than the specified time. It is also cleared during the transition from STOP to RUN mode. Only valid if the PLC is in CONSTANT SWEEP mode. Set when an application fault occurs. Cleared when the PLC transitions from STOP to RUN mode. Set when a configuration mismatch is detected during system power-up or during a store of the configuration. Cleared by powering up the PLC when no mismatches are present or during a store of configuration that matches hardware. Set when the diagnostics detects a problem with the CPU hardware. Cleared by replacing the CPU module. Set when a low battery fault occurs. Cleared by replacing the battery and ensuring that the PLC powers up without the low battery condition. Set when an I/O module stops communicating with the PLC CPU. Cleared by replacing the module and cycling power on the main rack. Set when an option module stops communicating with the PLC CPU. Cleared by replacing the module and cycling power on the main rack. Set when an I/O module is added to a rack. Cleared by cycling power on the main rack and when the configuration matches the hardware after a store. Set when an option module is added to a rack. Cleared by cycling power on the main rack and when the configuration matches the hardware after a store. Set when a hardware failure is detected in an option module. Cleared by replacing the module and cycling power on the main rack. Set when an unrecoverable software fault is detected in an option module. Cleared by cycling power on the main rack and when the configuration matches the hardware. Set when the CPU detects corrupted RAM memory at power-up. Cleared when the CPU detects that RAM memory is valid at power-up. Set when a password access violation occurs. Cleared when the PLC fault table is cleared. Set when the CPU detects an unrecoverable error in the software. Cleared by clearing the PLC fault table. Set when an error occurs during a programmer store operation. Cleared when a store operation is completed successfully.
%SA0003 %SA0009
%SA0027 %SA0031
Set when any fault occurs. Cleared when both fault tables have no entries. Set when any fault occurs that causes an entry to be placed in the PLC fault table. Cleared when the PLC fault table has no entries. Set when any fault occurs that causes an entry to be placed in the I/O fault table. Cleared when the I/O fault table has no entries. Set as long as there is at least one entry in the PLC fault table. Cleared when the PLC fault table has no entries. Set as long as there is at least one entry in the I/O fault table. Cleared when the I/O fault table has no entries. Set when a hardware fault occurs. Cleared when both fault tables have no entries. Set when a software fault occurs. Cleared when both fault tables have no entries.
Note: Any %S reference not listed here is reserved and not to be used in program logic.
For a coil, the reference represents a location in memory that is controlled by the flow of power into the coil. In this example, if power flows into the left side of the coil, reference %Q0004 is turned ON.
%Q0004 ( )
The programming software and the Hand-Held Programmer both have a coil check function that checks for multiple uses of %Q or %M references with relay coils or outputs on functions.
Other functions are more complex. They may have several places where you will enter information to be used by the function. The generic function block illustrated below is multiplication (MUL); parameters vary with the type of function block. Its parts are typical of many program functions. The upper part of the function block shows the name of the function.
| _____ |%I0001 | | %Q0001 || || ADD_|( ) | | INT | | | | | CONST |I1 Q|%R0002 | +00010 | | | | | |%R0001 |I2 | | |_____| |
Each line exiting the right side of the function block represents an output. There is only one form of output from a function block or reference. Outputs can never be written to constants. Where the question marks appear on the left of a function block, you will enter either the data itself, a reference location where the data is found, or a variable representing the reference location where the data is found. Where question marks appear on the right of a function block, you will usually enter a reference location for data to be output by the function block or a variable that represents the reference location for data to be output by the function block.
_____ | | | MUL | | | | | | ???????|I1 Q|??????? | | | | | | | | | ???????|I2 | This is the output parameter (Q) | | for the function block. | |_____| | |_____ These are the input parameters (I1 and I2) for the function block.
Most function blocks do not change input data; instead, they place the result of the operation in an output reference.
For functions that operate on tables, a length can be selected for the function. In the following function block, the LEN operand specifies the number of words to be moved.
______ | | (enable) | MOVE_| (ok) | WORD| | | ???????|I1 Q|??????? | | | LEN | | 00003| |______|
Timer, counter, BITSEQ, and ID functions require an address for the location of three words (registers) which store the current value, preset value, and a control word or Instance of the function.
_____ | | (enable) |ONDTR| Q |1.00s| | | (reset) |R | | | | | ???????|PV | |_____| (address)
Function blocks cannot be tied directly to the left power rail. You can use %S7, the ALW_ON (always on) bit with a normally open contact tied to the power rail to call a function every sweep. Power flows out of the function block on the upper right. It may be passed to other program logic or to a coil (optional). Function blocks pass power when they execute successfully.
A cold power-up consists of the following sequence of events. A warm power-up sequence skips Step 1. 1. 2. The CPU will run diagnostics on itself. This includes checking a portion of battery-backed RAM to determine whether or not the RAM contains valid data. If an EPROM, EEPROM, or flash is present and the PROM power-up option in the PROM specifies that the PROM contents should be used, the contents of PROM are copied into RAM memory. If an EPROM, EEPROM, or flash is not present, RAM memory remains the same and is not overwritten with the contents of PROM. The CPU interrogates each slot in the system to determine which boards are present. The hardware configuration is compared with software configuration to ensure that they are the same. Any mismatches detected are considered faults and are alarmed. Also, if a board is specified in the software configuration but a different module is present in the actual hardware configuration, this condition is a fault and is alarmed. If there is no software configuration, the CPU will use the default configuration. The CPU establishes the communications channel between itself and any intelligent modules. In the final step of the execution, the mode of the first sweep is determined based on CPU configuration. If RUN mode, the sweep proceeds as described under STOP-to-RUN Mode Transition. Figure 2-5 on the next page shows the decision sequence for the CPU when it decides whether to copy from PROM or to power-up in STOP or RUN mode.
3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
15 10
Figure 2-5. Power-Up Sequence Prior to the START statement on the Power Up Flowchart, the CPU goes through power up diagnostics which test various peripheral devices used by the CPU and tests RAM. After completing diagnostics, internal data structures and peripheral devices used by the CPU get initialized. The CPU then determines if User Ram has been corrupted. If User Ram is corrupted the user program and configuration are cleared out and defaulted and all user registers are cleared.
FLOW CHART TERMS: PRG = user program CFG = user configuration REGS = user registers (%I, %Q, %M, %G, %R, %AI, and %AQ references). USD = user storage device, either an EEPROM or flash device. URAM = non-volatile user ram which contains PRG, CFG, and REGS. FLOW CHART EXPANDED TEXT: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Are the <CLR> and <M_T> keys being pressed on the HHP during power-up to clear all URAM? Is the USD present (could only be missing on models that use EEPROM device) and is the information on the USD valid? Is the PRG SRC parameter in the USD set to Prom meaning to load the PRG and CFG from the USD device? Is the PRG SRC parameter in the URAM set to Prom meaning to load the PRG and CFG from the USD device? Is the REG SRC parameter in the USD set to Prom meaning to load the REGS from the USD device?
(6 & 7) Are the <LD> and <NOT> keys being pressed on the HHP during power-up to keep the PRG, CFG, and REGS from being loaded from USD? (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Copy PRG, CFG, and REGS from the USD to URAM. COPY PRG, and CFG from the USD to URAM. Is the PRG or CFG checksums just loaded from USD invalid? Is the URAM corrupted? Could be due to being powered down with out a battery attached or a low battery. Could also be due to updating firmware. Is the PRG SRC parameter in the URAM set to Prom meaning to load the PRG and CFG from the USD device? Is the USD present? Only applicable to models that use EEPROM device. Are the <NOT> and <RUN> keys being pressed on the HHP during power-up to unconditionally power-up in Stop Mode? Is the PWR UP parameter in URAM set to RUN? Is the battery low? Is the PWR UP parameter in URAM set to STOP? Set the power up mode to what ever the power down mode was. Clear PRG, CFG, and REGS.
System power-down occurs when the power supply detects that incoming AC power has dropped for more than one power cycle or the output of the 5-volt power supply has fallen to less than 4.9 volts DC.
Time-of-Day Clock
The time of day in Series 90-30 PLC Model 331 and higher is maintained by a hardware time-ofday clock. The time-of-day clock maintains seven time functions: Year (two digits) Month Day of month Hour Minute Second Day of week
The time-of-day clock is battery-backed and maintains its present state across a power failure. However, unless you initialize the clock, the values it contains are meaningless. The application program can read and set the time-of-day clock using Service Request #7. The time-of-day clock can also be read and set from the CPU configuration software. Note that the Hand Held Programmer does not allow you to change the Time of Day clock while key switch protection is active. The time-of-day clock is designed to handle month-to-month and year-to-year transitions. It automatically compensates for leap years until the year 2079.
Watchdog Timer
A watchdog timer in the Series 90-30 PLC is designed to catch catastrophic failure conditions that result in an unusually long sweep. The timer value for the watchdog timer is 500 milliseconds in the 35x and 36x series of PLC CPUs; this is a fixed value which cannot be changed. The watchdog timer always starts from zero at the beginning of each sweep. For 331 and lower model 90-30 CPUs, if the watchdog timeout value is exceeded, the OK LED goes off; the CPU is placed in reset and completely shuts down; and outputs go to their default state. No communication of any form is possible, and all microprocessors on all boards are halted. To recover, power must be cycled on the rack containing the CPU. In the 340 and higher 90-30 CPUs, a watchdog timeout causes the CPU to reset, execute its powerup logic, generate a watchdog failure fault, and change its mode to STOP.
Time-Tick Contacts
The Series 90 PLC provides four time-tick contacts with time durations of 0.01 second, 0.1 second, 1.0 second, and 1 minute. The state of these contacts does not change during the execution of the sweep. These contacts provide a pulse having an equal on and off time duration. The contacts are referenced as T_10MS (0.01 second), T_100MS (0.1 second), T_SEC (1.0 second), and T_MIN (1 minute). The following timing diagram represents the on/off time duration of these contacts.
X SEC a43071
Any data, except passwords may be read. This includes all data memories (%I, %Q, %AQ, %R, etc.), fault tables, and all program block types (data, value, and constant). No values may be changed in the PLC. This level allows write access to the data memories (%I, %R, etc.). This level allows write access to the application program in STOP mode only. This is the default level for systems which have no passwords set. The default level for a system with passwords is to the highest unprotected level. This level, the highest, allows read and write access to all memories as well as passwords in both RUN and STOP mode. (Configuration data cannot be changed in RUN mode.)
There is one password for each privilege level in the PLC. (No password can be set for level 1 access.) Each password may be unique; however, the same password can be used for more than one level. Passwords are one to four ASCII characters in length; they can only be entered or changed with the programming software or the Hand-Held Programmer. A privilege level change is in effect only as long as communications between the PLC and the programmer are intact. There does not need to be any activity, but the communications link must not be broken. If there is no communication for 15 minutes, the privilege level returns to the highest unprotected level. Upon connection of the PLC, the programming software requests the protection status of each privilege level from the PLC. The programming software then requests the PLC to move to the highest unprotected level, thereby giving the programming software access to the highest unprotected level without having to request any particular level. When the Hand-Held Programmer is connected to the PLC, the PLC reverts to the highest unprotected level.
privilege level change is denied if the password sent by the programmer does not agree with the password stored in the PLCs password access table for the requested level. The current privilege level is maintained and no change will occur. If you attempt to access or modify information in the PLC using the Hand-Held Programmer without the proper privilege level, the Hand-Held Programmer will respond with an error message that the access is denied.
Locking/Unlocking Subroutines
Subroutine blocks can be locked and unlocked using the block locking feature of programming software. Two types of locks are available: Type of Lock
View Edit
Once locked, you cannot zoom into that subroutine. Once locked, the information in the subroutine cannot be edited.
A previously view locked or edit locked subroutine may be unlocked in the block declaration editor unless it is permanently view locked or permanently edit locked. A search or search and replace function may be performed on a view locked subroutine. If the target of the search is found in a view locked subroutine, one of the following messages is displayed, instead of logic:
Found in locked block <block_name> (Continue/Quit)
Cannot write to locked block <block_name> (Continue/Quit)
You may continue or abort the search. Folders that contain locked subroutines may be cleared or deleted. If a folder contains locked subroutines, these blocks remain locked when the programming software Copy, Backup, and Restore folder functions are used.
The permanent locks differ from the regular VIEW LOCK and EDIT LOCK in that once set, they cannot be removed. Once a PERMANENT EDIT LOCK is set, it can only be changed to a PERMANENT VIEW LOCK. A PERMANENT VIEW LOCK cannot be changed to any other type of lock.
%Q %M 1 BIT
The drawing shown above is specific to the 90-30 I/O structure. Intelligent and option modules are not part of the I/O scan; they use the System Communication Window.
All of the I/O modules listed below may not be available at the time this manual is printed. For current availability, consult your local GE PLC distributor or GE sales representative. Refer to the Series 90-30 I/O Module Specifications Manual, GFK-0898, for the specifications and wiring information of each Series 90-30 I/O module. Figure 2-8. Series 90-30 I/O Modules Catalog Number
IC693MDL230 IC693MDL231 IC693MDL240 IC693MDL241 IC693MDL630 IC693MDL632 IC693MDL633 IC693MDL634 IC693MDL640 IC693MDL641 IC693MDL643 IC693MDL644 IC693MDL645 IC693MDL646 IC693MDL652 IC693MDL653 IC693MDL654 IC693MDL655 IC693ACC300
8 8 16 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 8/16 120 VAC Isolated 240 VAC Isolated
Discrete Modules - Input
Pub Number
GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898
120 VAC 24 VAC/DC Positive/Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive Logic 125 VDC Positive/Negative Logic 24 VDC Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive Logic 24 VDC Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive Logic, FAST 24 VDC Negative Logic, FAST 24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic, FAST 24 VDC Position/Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic, FAST 5/12 VDC (TTL) Positive/Negative Logic 24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic Input Simulator
12 8 16 5 8 8 8 8 6 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 8 8 16 4 ch 8/8 8/8 4 ch 4 ch 16 16 2 ch 2 ch 8 ch 4/2 120 VAC, 0.5A
Discrete Modules - Output
Pub Number
GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898 GFK-0898
120/240 VAC, 2A 120 VAC, 0.5A 120/240 VAC Isolated, 2A 12/24 VDC Positive Logic, 2A 12/24 VDC Negative Logic, 2A 12/24 VDC Positive Logic, 0.5A 12/24 VDC Negative Logic, 0.5A 125 VDC Positive/Negative Logic, 2A 12/24 VDC Positive Logic, 0.5A 12/24 VDC Negative Logic, 0.5A 12/24 VDC Positive Logic, 1A 12/24 VDC Negative Logic 12/24 VDC Positive Logic, 0.3A 5/24 VDC (TTL) Negative Logic, 0.5A 12/24 VDC Positive/Negative Logic, 0.5A Relay, N.O., 4A Isolated Relay, BC, Isolated Relay, N.O., 2A Digital Valve Driver Input/Output Modules 24 VDC Input, Relay Output 120 VAC Input, Relay Output Analog Modules Analog Input, Voltage Analog Input, Current Analog Input, Voltage Analog Input, Current Analog Output, Voltage Analog Output, Current Analog Output, Current/Voltage Analog, Current/Voltage Combination Input/Output
Table 2-8. Series 90-30 I/O Modules - Continued Catalog Number Description
IC693APU300 IC693APU301 IC693APU301 IC693APU302 IC693APU302 IC693DSM302 IC693DSM314 IC693TCM302/303 IC693PTM100/101 IC693APU305 IC693CMM321 IC693ADC311 IC693BEM331 IC693BEM320 IC693BEM321 IC693BEM330 IC693BEM340 IC693CMM302 IC693PCM300 IC693PCM301 IC693PCM311 Option Modules High Speed Counter Motion Mate APM Module, 1-AxisFollower Mode Motion Mate APM Module, 1-AxisStandard Mode Motion Mate APM Module, 2-AxisFollower Mode Motion Mate APM Module, 2-AxisStandard Mode Motion Mate Digital Servo Module (DSM302) Motion Mate Digital Servo Module (DSM314) Temperature Control Modules Power Transducer Module I/O Processor Module Ethernet Communications Module Alphanumeric Display Coprocessor Genius Bus Controller I/O Link Interface Module (slave) I/O Link Interface Module (master) FIP Remote I/O Scanner FIP Bus Controller Enhanced Genius Communications Module PCM, 160K Bytes (35KBytes User MegaBasic Program) PCM, 192K Bytes (47KBytes User MegaBasic Program) PCM, 640K Bytes (190KBytes User MegaBasic Program)
Pub Number
GFK-0293 GFK-0781 GFK-0840 GFK-0781 GFK-0840 GFK-1464 GFK-1742 GFK-1466 GFK-1734 GFK-0521 GFK-1084 GFK-0521 GFK-1034 GFK-0631 GFK-0823 GFK-1038 GFK-1037 GFK-0695 GFK-0255 GFK-0255 GFK-0255
Diagnostic Data
Diagnostic bits are available in %S memory that will indicate the loss of an I/O module or a mismatch in I/O configuration. Diagnostic information is not available for individual I/O points. More information on fault handling can be in Chapter 3, Fault Explanations and Correction.
Global Data
Genius Global Data
The Series 90-30 PLC supports very fast sharing of data between multiple CPUs using Genius global data. The Genius Bus Controller, IC693BEM331 in CPU firmware release 5 and later, and the Enhanced Genius Communications Module, IC693CMM302, can broadcast up to 128 bytes of data to other PLCs or computers. They can receive up to 128 bytes from each of the up to 30 other Genius controllers on the network. Data can be broadcast from or received into any memory type, not just %G global bits. The original Genius Communications Module, IC693CMM301, is limited to fixed %G addresses and can only exchange 32 bits per serial bus address from SBA 16 to 23. This module should not be used as the Enhanced Genius Communications Module has over 100 times the capability. Global data can be shared between Series Five, Series Six, and Series 90 PLCs connected to the same Genius I/O bus.
possible if the logic for these signals was handled in the main ladder program running in the PLC. This would be due to (1) the delay in communicating the signals across the backplane and (2) the longer PLC sweep time. For detailed information on Local Logic Programs and the DSM314, see GFK-1742, the Motion Mate DSM314 for Series 90-30 PLCs Users Manual. For information on configuration and writing Local Logic Programs, refer to the VersPro online Help feature for the DSM314.
This chapter is an aid to troubleshooting the Series 90-30 PLC system. It explains the fault descriptions, which appear in the PLC fault table, and the fault categories, which appear in the I/O fault table. Each fault explanation in this chapter lists the fault description for the PLC fault table or the fault category for the I/O fault table. Find the fault description or fault category corresponding to the entry on the applicable fault table displayed on your programmer screen. Beneath it is a description of the cause of the fault along with instructions to correct the fault. Chapter 3 contains the following sections: Section
Fault Handling
Describes the type of faults that may occur in the Series 90-30 and how they are displayed in the fault tables. Descriptions of the PLC and I/O fault table displays are also included. Provides a fault description of each PLC fault and instructions to correct the fault. Describes the Loss of I/O Module and Addition of I/O Module fault categories.
2 3
3-8 3-17
Alarm Processor
The condition or failure itself is called a fault. When a fault is received and processed by the CPU, it is called an alarm. The software in the CPU which handles these conditions is called the Alarm Processor. The interface to the user for the Alarm Processor is through the programming software. Any detected fault is recorded in a fault table and displayed on either the PLC fault table screen or the I/O fault table screen, as applicable.
Classes of Faults
The Series 90-30 PLCs detect several classes of faults. These include internal failures, external failures, and operational failures. Fault Class
Internal Failures
Non-responding modules. Low battery condition. Memory checksum errors. Loss of rack or module. Addition of rack or module. Communication failures. Configuration failures. Password access failures.
I/O Fault Table PLC Fault Table Fatal Diagnostic Informational
Fault Tables
Two fault tables are maintained in the PLC for logging faults, the I/O fault table for logging faults related to the I/O system and the PLC fault table for logging all other faults. The following table lists the fault groups, their fault actions, the fault tables affected, and the name for system discrete %S points that are affected. Table 3-1. Fault Summary Fault Table
Fault Group
Loss of or Missing I/O Module Loss of or Missing Option Module System Configuration Mismatch PLC CPU Hardware Failure Program Checksum Failure Low Battery PLC Fault Table Full I/O Fault Table Full Application Fault No User Program Corrupted User RAM Password Access Failure PLC Software Failure PLC Store Failure Constant Sweep Time Exceeded Unknown PLC Fault Unknown I/O Fault
Fault Action
Diagnostic Diagnostic Fatal Fatal Fatal Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Informational Fatal Diagnostic Fatal Fatal Diagnostic Fatal Fatal
3 Fault Action
Faults can be fatal, diagnostic or informational. Fatal faults cause the fault to be recorded in the appropriate table, any diagnostic variables to be set, and the system to be halted. Diagnostic faults are recorded in the appropriate table, and any diagnostic variables are set. Informational faults are only recorded in the appropriate table. Possible fault actions are listed in the following table. Table 3-2. Fault Actions Fault Action
Response by CPU
Log fault in fault table. Set fault references. Go to STOP mode.
Diagnostic Informational
Log fault in fault table. Set fault references. Log fault in fault table.
When a fault is detected, the CPU uses the fault action for that fault. Fault actions are not configurable in the Series 90-30 PLC, except for the following condition.
The Reboot After Fatal Fault feature should not be used (should be set to Disabled) in applications where a restart under fault conditions could produce an unsafe condition in the controlled equipment. It is the responsibility of the system designers to determine whether this feature can be used safely with their equipment. Failure to follow this warning could result in injury or death to personnel and/or damage to equipment. Following the fatal fault, the PLC will automatically reset and resume execution. If fatal faults are present following the power up, the PLC will still be allowed to transition to Run mode. This feature is enabled by the Ignore Fatal Faults (or Fatal Fault Override) parameter in the CPUs hardware configuration. The maximum number of retries and the time period in which these retries can occur is set through Service Request #48: Auto Reset. Three parameters must be
configured to enable automatic reset; Unlimited Retries, Number of Retries Allowed and Retry Period (in minutes). Service Request #49: Auto Reset Statistics, can then be used to determine the number of fatal faults and retries that have occurred. There are three parameters associated with this Service Request: Command (set to 0 = Return total number of Fatal Faults and Number of Retries that have occurred; set to 1 = Initialize the Total Number of Fatal Faults and Total Number of Retries to 0), Returned Value = Total Number of Fatal Faults that have occurred, and Returned Value = Total Number of Auto Reset Retries. The configuration for this feature can be set to require the operator to cycle power rather than providing for automatic recovery. In this mode, fatal faults will be ignored at power up. A system status bit, %S21 indicates to the users application program that a fatal fault exists. This status bit is set to 1 whenever retry is successful and remains set until all faults are cleared or the mode is set to STOP/FAULT. For information on configuration of this feature, refer to the VersaPro online Help.
Fault References
Fault references in the Series 90-30 are of one type, fault summary references. Fault summary references are set to indicate what fault occurred. The fault reference remains on until the PLC is cleared or until cleared by the application program. An example of a fault bit being set and then clearing the bit is shown in the following example. In this example, the coil light_01 is turned on when an oversweep condition occurs; the light and the OV_SWP contact remain on until the %I0359 contact is closed.
When a PLC CPU software failure is logged, the Series 90-30CPU immediately transitions into a special ERROR SWEEP mode. No activity is permitted in this mode. The only method of clearing this condition is to reset the PLC by cycling power. During a sequence store (a store of program blocks and other data preceded with the special Start-of-Sequence command and ending with the End-of-Sequence command), if communications with the programming device performing the store is interrupted or any other failure occurs which terminates the download, the PLC Sequence Store Failure fault is logged. As long as this fault is present in the system, the PLC will not transition to RUN mode.
This second statement means that you must tell Field Service both the information readable directly from the fault table and the hexadecimal information. Field Service personnel will then give you further instructions for the appropriate action to be taken.
Some faults can occur because random access memory on the PLC CPU board has failed. These same faults may also occur because the system has been powered off and the battery voltage is (or was) too low to maintain memory. To avoid excessive duplication of instructions when corrupted memory may be a cause of the error, the correction simply states:
Perform the corrections for Corrupted Memory.
This means: 1. 2. If the system has been powered off, replace the battery. Battery voltage may be insufficient to maintain memory contents. Replace the PLC CPU board. The integrated circuits on the PLC CPU board may be failing.
The following table enables you to quickly find a particular PLC fault explanation in this section. Each entry is listed as it appears on the programmer screen. Fault Description
Loss of, or Missing, Option Module Reset of, Addition of, or Extra, Option Module System Configuration Mismatch Option Module Software Failure Program Block Checksum Failure Low Battery Signal Constant Sweep Time Exceeded Application Fault No User Program Present Corrupted User Program on Power-Up Password Access Failure PLC CPU System Software Failure Communications Failure During Store
3-9 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-11 3-11 3-12 3-12 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-14 3-16
Fault Actions
Fatal faults cause the PLC to enter a form of STOP mode at the end of the sweep in which the error occurred. Diagnostic faults are logged and corresponding fault contacts are set. Informational faults are simply logged in the PLC fault table.
All Others Module Failure During Configuration The PLC operating software generates this error when a module fails during power-up or configuration store. (1) Power off the system. Replace the module located in that rack and slot.
Correction: Error Code: Name: Description: Correction: Error Code: Name: Description: Correction: Error Code: Name: Description: Correction:
Application Fault
The Fault Group Application Fault occurs when the PLC CPU detects a fault in the user program. The fault action for this group is Diagnostic, except when the error is a Subroutine Call Stack Exceeded, in which case it is Fatal.
Error Code: Name: Description: 7 Subroutine Call Stack Exceeded Subroutine calls are limited to a depth of 8. A subroutine can call another subroutine which, in turn, can call another subroutine until 8 call levels are attained. Modify program so that subroutine call depth does not exceed 8. 1B CommReq Not Processed Due To PLC Memory Limitations No-wait communication requests can be placed in the queue faster than they can be processed (for example, one per sweep). In a situation like this, when the communication requests build up to the point that the PLC has less than a minimum amount of memory available, the communication request will be faulted and not processed Issue fewer communication requests or otherwise reduce the amount of mail being exchanged within the system. 5A User Shut Down Requested The PLC operating software (function blocks) generates this informational alarm when Service Request #13 (User Shut Down) executes in the application program. None required. Information-only alarm.
14, 27 Corrupted PLC Program Memory The PLC operating software generates these errors when certain PLC operating software problems occur. These should not occur in a production system. (1) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE PLC Field Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry. (2) Perform the corrections for corrupted memory. 27 through 4E PLC Operating Software Error The PLC operating software generates these errors when certain PLC operating software problems occur. These errors should not occur in a production system. Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE PLC Field Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry. 4F Communications Failed The PLC operating software (service request processor) generates this error when it attempts to comply with a request that requires backplane communications and receives a rejected response. (1) Check the bus for abnormal activity. (2) Replace the intelligent option module to which the request was directed. 50, 51, 53 System Memory Errors The PLC operating software generates these errors when its request for a block of system memory is denied by the memory manager because no memory is available or contains errors. (1) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE PLC Field Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry. (2) Perform the corrections for corrupted memory. 52 Backplane Communications Failed The PLC operating software (service request processor) generates this error when it attempts to comply with a request that requires backplane communications and receives a rejected mail response. (1) Check the bus for abnormal activity. (2) Replace the intelligent option module to which the request was directed. (3) Check parallel programmer cable for proper attachment. All Others PLC CPU Internal System Error An internal system error has occurred that should not occur in a production system. Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE PLC Field Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.
The faults described on the following page have a fault category, but do not have a fault type or fault group. Each fault explanation contains a fault description and instructions to correct the fault. Many fault descriptions have multiple causes. The Fault Category is the first two hexadecimal digits in the fifth group of numbers, as shown in the following example.
0200 84000000000003 | |_____ Fault Category (first two hex digits in fifth group)
The following table enables you to quickly find a particular I/O fault explanation in this section. Each entry is listed as it appears on the programmer screen.
The PLC operating software generates this error when it detects a Series 90-30 I/O module in a slot that the configuration file indicates should be empty. (1) (2) Remove the module. (It may be in the wrong slot.) Update and restore the configuration file to include the extra module.
The Series 90- PLCs support many different functions and function blocks. This appendix 30 contains tables showing the memory size in bytes and the execution time in microseconds for each function. Memory size is the number of bytes required by the function in a ladder diagram application program. Two execution times are shown for each function: Execution Time
Time required to execute the function or function block when power flows into and out of the function. Typically, best- ase times are when the data c used by the block is contained in user RAM (word- riented memory) and not o in the ISCP cache memory (discrete memory). Time required to execute the function when power flows into the function or function block; however, it is in an inactive state, as when a timer is held in the reset state.
Timers and counters are updated each time they are encountered in the logic, timers by the amount of time consumed by the last sweep and counters by one count.
For the 350, 351, 352, and 36x PLC CPUs, times are identical except for the MOVE instruction, which is different for the 350 CPUrefer to the note at the bottom of the table on page A-6.
15 9 15 11 11 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 15 15 15
Counters Math
54 57 54
3 Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 5.01 of Logicmaster 90- 0/20 software for Models 31 1, 313, 340, and 341 CPUs (Release 7 for the 331). 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case.
13 13 13 9 15 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 25 25 13 13 13 27 27 9 15 15 15 13 21 21 21 21 21
141 156
39 64 40 50 49 27 153 52 99
1272 1489 201 202 261 198 201 177 181 229 176 177
3 Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 5.01 of Logicmaster 90- 0/20 software for Models 311, 313, 340, and 341 CPUs (Release 7 for the 331). 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
3 Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 5.01 of Logicmaster 90- 0/20 software for Models 311, 313, 340, and 341 CPUs (Release 7 for the 331). 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
7 12 15 15
point output, in a 5- lot rack. s *Service request #26/30 was measured using a high speed counter, 163 Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 5.01 of Logicmaster 90- 0/20 software for Models 311, 313, 340, and 341 CPUs (Release 7 for the 331). 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
3 3 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
15 15 15 13 13 13 19 17 13 19 17 13 19 17 13 19 17 13 19 10 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 11 11
Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 7 of Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software for Model 351 and 352 CPUs. 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case.
10 16 14 10 16 14 10 16 14 10 10 14 10 16 14 10 16 14 13 22 13 13 13 13 10 16 16 16 16 13 13 13 13 25 25
Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 7 of Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software for Model 351 and 352 CPUs. 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 7 of Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software for 350 and 360 Series CPUs. 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
*The PID times shown above are based on the 6.5 release of the 351 CPU. **Service request #26/30 was measured using a high speed counter, 16-point output, in a 5-slot rack. Notes: 1. Time (in microseconds) is based on Release 7 of Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software for 350 and 360 Series CPUs. 2. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified.; for bit operation functions, microseconds/bit.; for data move functions, microseconds/number of bits or words. 3. Enabled time for single length units of type %R, %AI, and %AQ. 4. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and HSC. 5. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module. 6. Where there is more than one possible case, the time indicated above represents the worst possible case. 7. For instructions that have an increment value, multiply the increment by (Length 1) and add that value to the base time.
26.50 79.94 80.58 81.56
Time (sec)
with 24 samples 372.73 with 32 samples 477.95 Notes: Increment for specifying an Input module: +46 sec Increment for each group of 8 contiguous samples: +32 sec Increment for each group of 8 noncontiguous samples: +254 sec Increment for trigger sample using BCD format: +29 sec Increment for trigger sample using Posix format: +148 sec Times shown for reset are for the maximum buffer size of 1024 samples. (Reset clears all samples in the sample buffer.)
Table A-4. SER Function Block Trigger Timestamp Formats Example trigger time of November 3, 1998 at 8:34:05:16 a.m. BCD Format:
struct time_of_day_clk_rec { unsigned char unsigned char unsigned char unsigned char unsigned char unsigned char }; seconds; minutes; hours; day_of_month; month; year;
%R0203 %R204 %R205 %R206
Minutes/Seconds Day of Month/Hours Year/Month Unused
Value (dec)
13317 776 -26607 0
Value (hex)
3405 0308 9811 0
POSIX Format:
struct timespec { long long }; tv_sec; /* Number of seconds since January 1, 1970 */ tv_nsec;/* Number of nanoseconds into next seconds */
%R0203 %R204 %R205 %R206
Seconds Low Word Seconds High Word Nano-seconds Low Word Nano-seconds High Word
Value (dec)
-7811 13845 26624 2441
Value (hex)
e17d 3615 6800 0989
The Series 90-30 PLCs maintain two fault tables, the I/O fault table for faults generated by I/O devices (including I/O controllers) and the PLC fault table for internal PLC faults. The information in this appendix will enable you to interpret the message structure format when reading these fault tables. Both tables contain similar information. The PLC fault table contains:
Fault location. Reference address. Fault category. Fault type. Date and time of fault.
Fault Extra D ata Error C ode Fault A ction Fault G roup T ask Slot R ack Spare Long/ Short
The System Configuration Mismatch fault entry is explained below. (All data is in hexadecimal.)
Field Long/Short Rack Slot Task Fault Group Fault Action Error Code Value 00 00 03 44 0B 03 01 System Configuration Mismatch fault. FATAL fault. Description This fault contains 8 bytes of fault extra data. Main rack (rack 0). Slot 3.
The following paragraphs describe each field in the fault entry. Included are tables describing the range of values each field may have.
Long/Short Indicator
This byte indicates whether the fault contains 8 bytes or 24 bytes of fault extra data. Type
Short Long
00 01
These six bytes are pad bytes, used to make the PLC fault table entry exactly the same length as the I/O fault table entry.
The rack number ranges from 0 to 7. Zero is the main rack, containing the PLC. Racks 1 through 7 are expansion racks, connected to the PLC through an expansion cable.
The slot number ranges from 0 to 9. The PLC CPU always occupies slot 1 in the main rack (rack 0).
The task number ranges from 0 to +65,535. Sometimes the task number gives additional information for PLC engineers; typically, the task can be ignored.
Fault Action
Each fault may have one of three actions associated with it. These fault actions are fixed on the Series 90-30 PLC and cannot be changed by the user. Table B-2. PLC Fault Actions
Fault Action Informational Diagnostic Fatal Action Taken by CPU Log fault in fault table. Log fault in fault table. Set fault references. Log fault in fault table. Set fault references. Go to STOP mode. Code 1 2 3
Error Code
The error code further describes the fault. Each fault group has its own set of error codes. Table B-3 shows error codes for the PLC Software Error Group (Group 87H). Table B-3. Alarm Error Codes for PLC CPU Software Faults
Decimal 20 39 82 90 Hexadecimal 14 27 52 5A All others Name Corrupted PLC Program Memory. Corrupted PLC Program Memory. Backplane Communications Failed. User Shut Down Requested. PLC CPU Internal System Error.
Table B-4 shows the error codes for all the other fault groups.
Table B-4. Alarm Error Codes for PLC Faults Decimal Hexadecimal Name
PLC Error Codes for Loss of Option Module Group (04) 44 45 79 255 2 4 5 2C 2D 4F FF Option Module Soft Reset Failed Option Module Soft Reset Failed Loss of Daughterboard Option Module Communication Failed
Error Codes for Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module Group (08) 2 Module Restart Complete 4 Addition of Daughterboard 5 Reset of Daughterboard All others Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module Error Codes for System Configuration Mismatch Group (11) 8 Analog Expansion Mismatch A Unsupported Feature 17 Program exceeds memory limits 3A Mismatch of Daughterboard Error Codes for System Bus Error Group (12) All others All codes 1 2 3 5 11 13 401 3 0 1 2 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 System Bus Error Error Codes for PLC CPU Hardware Faults (13) PLC CPU Hardware Failure Error Codes for Option Module Software Failure Group (16) 1 2 3 5 B D 191 Unsupported Board Type COMREQ mailbox full on outgoing message that starts the COMREQ COMREQ mailbox full on response Backplane Communications with PLC; Lost Request Resource (alloc, tbl ovrflw, etc.) error User program error Module Software Corrupted; Requesting Reload
8 10 23 58
Error Codes for Program Block Checksum Group (17) 3 Program or program block checksum failure 0 1 2 5 6 7 1 Error Codes for Low Battery Signal (18) Failed battery on PLC CPU or other module Low battery on PLC CPU or other module Error Codes for User Application Fault Group (22) PLC Watchdog Timer Timed Out COMREQ WAIT mode not available for this command COMREQ Bad Task ID Application Stack Overflow Error Codes for System Bus Failure Group (128) Operating system
Error Codes for Corrupted User RAM on Powerup Group (130) 1 Corrupted User RAM on Power-up 2 Illegal Boolean Opcode Detected 3 PLC_ISCP_PC_OVERFLOW 4 PRG_SYNTAX_ERR
Four of the error codes in the System Configuration Mismatch group supply fault extra data: Table B-5. PLC Fault Data - Illegal Boolean Opcode Detected Fault Extra Data
[0] [1] [2,3] [4,5] Model Number Mismatch ISCP Fault Register Contents Bad OPCODE ISCP Program Counter Function Number
For a RAM failure in the PLC CPU (one of the faults reported as a PLC CPU hardware failure), the address of the failure is stored in the first four bytes of the field.
Seconds Minutes Hours Day of the month Month Year
The following diagram identifies the hexadecimal information displayed in each field in the fault entry.
00 FF0000 00037F7FFF7F 0702 0F 00 00 010000000000027EF00B0301000000000000000000
Fault Specific Data Fault Description Fault Type Fault Category Fault Action Fault Group Point Block I/O Bus Slot Rack Reference Address Long/Short
The following paragraphs describe each field in the I/O fault table. Included are tables describing the range of values each field may have.
Long/Short Indicator
This byte indicates whether the fault contains 5 bytes or 21 bytes of fault specific data. Table B-7. I/O Fault Table Format Indicator Byte Type
Short Long 02 03
Reference Address
Reference address is a three-byte address containing the I/O memory type and location (or offset) in that memory which corresponds to the point experiencing the fault. Or, when a Genius block fault or integral analog module fault occurs, the reference address refers to the first point on the block where the fault occurred. Table B-8. I/O Reference Address Byte
0 12 Offset
Memory Type 0 FF 0 7FF
The memory type byte is one of the following values. Table B-9. I/O Reference Address Memory Type
Name Analog input Analog output Analog grouped Discrete input Discrete output Discrete grouped Value (Hexadecimal) 0A 0C 0D 10 or 46 12 or 48 1F
The rack number ranges from 0 to 7. Zero is the main rack, i.e., the one containing the PLC. Racks 1 through 7 are expansion racks.
The slot number ranges from 0 to 9. The PLC CPU always occupies slot 1 in the main rack (rack 0).
Point ranges from 1 to 1024 (decimal). It tells which point on the block has the fault when the fault is a point-type fault.
I/O Fault Specific Data
An I/O fault table entry may contain up to 5 bytes of I/O fault specific data.
There are a few considerations you need to understand when using floating-point numbers. The first section discusses these general considerations. Refer to page C-5 and following for instructions on entering and displaying floating-point numbers.
Floating-point capabilities are only supported on the 35x and 36x series CPUs, Release 9 or later, and on all releases of CPU352.
Floating-Point Numbers
The programming software provides the ability to edit, display, store, and retrieve numbers with real values. Some functions operate on floating-point numbers. However, to use floating-point numbers with the programming software, you must have a 35x or 36x series CPU (see Note above). Floating-point numbers are represented in decimal scientific notation, with a display of six significant digits.
In this manual, the terms floating-point and real are used interchangeably to describe the floating-point number display/entry feature of the programming software. The following format is used. For numbers in the range 9999999 to .0001, the display has no exponent and up to six or seven significant digits. For example: Entered
.000123456789 12.345e-2 1234
+.0001234567 .1234500 +1234.000
Ten digits, six or seven significant. Seven digits, six or seven significant. Seven digits, six or seven significant.
Outside the range listed above, only six significant digits are displayed and the display has the form:
Exponent (signed power of 10) Exponent indicator and sign of exponent Five less significant digits Decimal point Most significant digit Sign of the entire number
Bits 17-32 32 17 16
Register use by a single floating-point number is diagrammed below. In this diagram, if the floating-point number occupies registers R5 and R6, for example, R5 is the least significant register and R6 is the most significant register.
Least Significant Register Bits 1-16 16 1 Least Significant Bit: Bit 1 Most Significant Bit: Bit 16
Most Significant Register Bits 17-32 32 17 Least Significant Bit: Bit 17 Most Significant Bit: Bit 32
Mantissa (f)
Non-zero 0 Any value Non-zero 0
1s *
1s * 2e127 * 1.f 1s * 2126 * 0.f 0
f = the mantissa. The mantissa is a binary fraction. e = the exponent. The exponent is an integer E such that E+127 is the power of 2 by which the mantissa must be multiplied to yield the floating-point value. s = the sign bit. * = the multiplication operator.
For example, consider the floating-point number 12.5. The IEEE floating-point binary representation of the number is:
01000001 01001000 00000000 00000000
or 41480000 hex. The most significant bit (the sign bit) is zero (s=0). The next eight most significant bits are 10000010, or 130 decimal (e=130). The mantissa is stored as a decimal binary number with the decimal point preceding the most significant of the 23 bits. Thus, the most significant bit in the mantissa is a multiple of 21, the next most significant bit is a multiple of 22, and so on to the least significant bit, which is a multiple of 223. The final 23 bits (the mantissa) are:
1001000 00000000 00000000
The value of the mantissa, then, is .5625 (that is, 21 + 24). Since e > 0 and e < 255, we use the third formula in the table above:
number = 1s * 2e127 * 1.f = 10 * 2130127 * 1.5625 = 1 * 23 * 1.5625 = 8 * 1.5625 = 12.5
Thus, you can see that the above binary representation is correct. The range of numbers that can be stored in this format is from 1.401298E45 to 3.402823E+38 and the number zero.
+250,0000 +4.000000 2383019. +34.00000 .003620900 +1.20000E+10 4.00000E15 +731.0388 +9.92000E28
Examples of invalid floating-point number entries are shown below. Invalid Entry
433E23 10e-19 10.e19 4.1e19 Missing decimal point. Missing decimal point. The mantissa cannot contain spaces between digits or characters. This is accepted as 10.e0, and an error message is displayed. The exponent cannot contain spaces between digits or characters. This is accepted as 4.1e0, and an error message is displayed.
If you are using software floating point (all models capable of floating point operations except the 352 CPU), numbers are rounded to zero (0) at 1.175494E38. If the infinities produced by overflow are used as operands to other REAL functions, they may cause an undefined result. This undefined result is referred to as an NaN (Not a Number). For example, the result of adding positive infinity to negative infinity is undefined. When the ADD_REAL function is invoked with positive infinity and negative infinity as its operands, it produces an NaN for its result. On a 352 CPU, each REAL function capable of producing an NaN produces a specialized NaN which identifies the function:
NaN_SW NaN_ADD NaN_SUB NaN_MUL NaN_DIV NaN_SQRT NaN_LOG NaN_POW0 NaN_SIN NaN_COS NaN_TAN NaN_ASIN NaN_ACOS NaN_BCD REAL_INDEF = = = = FFFFFFFFh 7F81FFFFh 7F81FFFFh 7F82FFFFh Software floating point NaN. Real addition error value in hex. Real subtraction error value in hex. Real multiplication error value in hex.
= 7F83FFFFh = 7F84FFFFh = 7F85FFFFh = 7F86FFFFh = 7F87FFFFh = 7F88FFFFh = 7F89FFFFh = 7F8AFFFFh = 7F8BFFFFh = 7F8CFFFFh = FFC00000h
Real division error value in hex. Real square root error value in hex. Real logarithm error value in hex. Real exponent error value in hex. Real sine error value in hex. Real cosine error value in hex. Real tangent error value in hex. Real inverse sine error value in hex. Real inverse cosine error value in hex. BCD-4 to real error. Real indefinite, divide 0 by 0 error.
All other CPUs that support floating point operations produce one NaN output: FFFF FFFF. When an NaN result is fed into another function, it passes through to the result. For example, if an NaN_ADD is the first operand to the SUB_REAL function, the result of the SUB_REAL is NaN_ADD. If both operands to a function are NaNs, the first operand will pass through. Because of this feature of propagating NaNs through functions, you can identify the function where the NaN originated.
For NaN, the ok output is OFF (not energized). The following table explains when power is or is not passed when dealing with numbers viewed as or equal to infinity for binary operations such as Add, Multiply, etc. As shown previously, outputs that exceed the positive or negative limits are viewed as POS_INF or NEG_INF respectively. Table C-1. General Case of Power Flow for Floating-Point Operations Operation
All All Except Division All Division All
Input 1
Number Infinity Number Infinity Number
Input 2
Number Number Infinity Number Number
Positive or Negative Infinity Infinity Infinity Infinity NaN
Power Flow
No Yes Yes No No
This appendix describes how to set up 32-bit modem communications with your PLC using the Windows programming software and the Communications Configuration Utility (CCU). If you are unable to use the built-in communications utility, HyperTerminal software can be used as an alternate means of establishing modem communications.
With the standard modem selected, click the Properties button. Under the maximum speed for that modem, choose 9600 (or other desired baud rate) if it is not already selected. On the Connection tab, the Data bits should be 8, Parity should be none, and Stop bits should be 1.
Click the Advanced button, and deselect the Flow Control checkbox.
Click OK until you have closed the Modem Properties dialog box.
Although the Configure Line button opens a modem properties dialog box, changes to parameters in this box are not saved. Use the Windows Control Panel to configure the modem.
2. In the CCU, click on the Ports tab. Click New to add a new port to the list.
Enter the name of the port. Next to Type, select SNP_SERIAL. Next to Physical Port, select the desired COM port for the modem on your computer. Set the Port Settings to be equal with those that were configured for the PLC CPU. Select the Associated Modem that was created in step 1. Click the Advanced button. Next to Connect Timeout, enter a value (in milliseconds) of approximately 40000 (40 seconds). This time may be longer or shorter depending on how long it takes for the modem to establish communications. Click OK to accept the port.
In the CCU, click on the Devices tab. Click New to add a new device to the list.
Under Device Name, type in the desired name for the device. Next to Device Model, select from the list the type of CPU to communicate with. Next to Default Port, select from the list the port that was created in step 2. Next to Associated Modem, select the modem that was created in step 1 from the list (If the port and/or the modem do not appear in the list, they need to be created and saved). Click OK to accept the device. 4. Click OK in the CCU to accept the configuration changes.
If not already selected, select the Device and Port that are configured for the modem. Click Connect to initiate communications with the PLC. The modem will dial and communications will be initialized.
This approach may not work for PCMCIA modems. Modem configuration can be accomplished with HyperTerminal by entering the AT commands specified by the FaxLink documents listed on page D-1. Some typical settings necessary for SNP to operate across a modem connection are: Flow control disabled Error correction disabled Data compression disabled Baud rate only at the desired baud rate Break signal sent intact (only for pre-Break-Free CPUs) DTR signal ignored Autoanswer for remote modem selected 1. To start HyperTerminal, go to the Start menu and select Programs, Accessories, and HyperTerminal. (In Windows 98, HyperTerminal is under Accessories, Communications) In HyperTerminal, enter a name for the connection. Naming and saving the connection makes it easier to re-connect in the future. To open the Properties dialog box, go to File, Properties. Next to Connect Using, choose the comm port that the modem is connected (or mapped) to. Click the Configure button to configure the communications parameters. Set the baud rate to 9600 (or other desired baud rate), data bits to 8, parity to none, stop bits to 1, and flow control to none. Click OK to accept the parameters. Modems autobaud to the settings of the DTE when in command mode. This means that any port settings will work to configure the modem and dial it. However, when the modem is in data mode (connected to another modem), the modem may not respond to the escape sequence unless it is sent at the same baud rate at which the modem is communicating. 4. In HyperTerminal, test the connection to the modem by typing AT and pressing ENTER. The modem should respond with OK. To dial the modem, type ATDT# (where # is the phone number of the remote modem) and wait for the connection response (ex. CONNECT 9600). Set up the PLC programmer to communicate at the desired port settings, but assume a standard serial port connection, not a modem connection, using the desired port setup parameters. The port setup in the CCU will not have an associated modem, but will have a modem turnaround time.
2. 3.
6. To hang up, first disconnect the PLC programmer connection (this will free up the comm port for use with HyperTerminal). Then connect to the modem with HyperTerminal. While connected, wait at least 1 second, then type three plus signs (+++). One second later, the modem should respond with an OK. Next, enter ATH, the hang-up command. The modem should respond OK again.
Remember that the HyperTerminal connection must be set to the same baud rate that the modem is currently communicating at. If not, the escape sequence may not be recognized.
Other Issues
Because of the dynamic nature of the computer/communications industry and limited resources for testing modems, a situation may arise where a recommended modem can not be found. If this is the situation, there are a few steps that can be taken to see if an alternate modem will work in your system.
The first thing to look at is the chipset that the modem uses. This can be obtained from the modem manufacturer, their web site, or occasionally through the computer manufacturer. The chipset dictates the AT commands used to configure the modem. The AT command reference will be available from the chipset manufacturer (typically Rockwell, Lucent, USRobotics, Hayes -- R.I.P.)
Applies to the following CPU models: 350 and higher, before revision 9.00 341, 331, 323, 313, and 311 before revision 8.20 For those CPUs that require the break to be passed, the modem needs to send the break intact without affecting the data being sent. This mode is sometimes called non-destructive, expedited. A destructive break will clear all data in the buffers of the modem. Typical parameters to look for are the S82 register (for most chipsets) and the &Y command (for USR).
Other Considerations
PCMCIA modems sometimes operate differently than external modems. One major difference is that some PCMCIA drivers will remove power from the modem card when the port is deactivated. This means that dialing with HyperTerminal will not work. You must use the modem connect procedure within the programming software in order to keep the com port handle active. The baud rate is a critical setting for reliable communications. 19200 baud is the current maximum rate for GE PLCs , but the distance between modems and line quality will
dictate what baud rate is acceptable. SNP does not use hardware flow control and all data quality features of the modems must be disabled. Therefore we are relying on an 8-bit checksum to catch transmission errors, meaning 1 out of every 256 errors will be detected. Running the modem over low-quality analog phone lines with high data rates will increase the chances of transmission errors. It is a good idea to find the optimum baud rate by experimenting with the actual line quality and connection rate before fully implementing a system. Forcing the modems to a single baud rate is desirable. Because the PLC serial port can only be configured to one rate, forcing the PLC modem to its baud rate ensures that the modems will not choose a different negotiating speed. Most modems will not pass parity, and specifically state that they will not pass parity settings. The modem turnaround time in the PLC and programmer delays the time from when the device receives transmission to when it responds. You need to have a value of 1 (10ms) or greater in the PLC and programmer.
35x and 36x series CPUs: key switch, 2-13 Communications with the PLC, 2-11 Configuration mismatch, system, 3-10 Connecting to the PLC, D-6 Constant sweep time exceeded, 3-12 Constant sweep time mode, 2-12, 2-33 Constant sweep timer, 2-33 Corrupted memory, 3-8 Corrupted user program on power-up, 3-13 CPU sweep, 2-2
ADD_IOM, 2-24 ADD_SIO, 2-24 Addition of I/O module, 3-18 Alarm, 3-2 Alarm error codes, B-5 Alarm processor, 3-2 ANY_FLT, 2-25 APL_FLT, 2-24 Appendices
A - Instruction timing, A-1 B - Interpreting fault tables, B-1 C - Using floating-point numbers, C-1 D - Setting up a modem, D-1
Data retentiveness, 2-20 Data types, 2-21
BCD-4, 2-21 BIT, 2-21 BYTE, 2-21 DINT, 2-21 INT, 2-21 REAL, 2-21 WORD, 2-21
BAD_PWD, 2-24 BAD_RAM, 2-24 Battery signal, low, 3-11 BCD Format
for SER function block trigger timestamp, A-11
Defaults conditions for Model 30 output modules, 2-39 Diagnostic data, 2-40 Diagnostic faults, 3-4
addition of I/O module, 3-18 application fault, 3-12 constant sweep time exceeded, 3-12 loss of I/O module, 3-17 loss of, or missing, option module, 3-9 low battery signal, 3-11 reset of, addition of, or extra, option module, 3-9
setting up, D-4
Double precision signed integer, 2-21 DSM communications with the PLC, 2-11 DSM314
I/O scan time contributions, 2-5 local logic programs, 2-40
CFG_MM, 2-24 Checksum calculation, 2-8 Checksum failure, program block, 3-11 Clocks, 2-32
elapsed time clock, 2-32 time-of-day clock, 2-32
EDITLOCK, 2-35 Elapsed time clock, 2-32 Error codes, B-5 Ethernet Global Data, 2-40 External I/O failures, 3-2
error code, description, and correction, 3-11
addition of I/O module, 3-18 additional fault effects, 3-5 application fault, 3-12 classes of faults, 3-2 communications failure during store, 3-16 constant sweep time exceeded, 3-12 corrupted user program on power-up, 3-13 error codes, B-5 explanations and correction, 3-1 external I/O failures, 3-2 fault action, 3-4 I/O fault action, B-10 I/O fault group, B-10 I/O fault table, 3-3, 3-6 I/O fault table explanations, 3-17 internal failures, 3-2 interpreting a fault, B-1 loss of I/O module, 3-17 loss of, or missing, option module, 3-9 low battery signal, 3-11 no user program present, 3-12 operational failures, 3-2 option module software failure, 3-11 password access failure, 3-13 PLC CPU system software failure, 3-14 PLC fault action, B-4 PLC fault group, B-3 PLC fault table, 3-3, 3-6 PLC fault table explanations, 3-8 program block checksum failure, 3-11 references, 3-5 reset of, addition of, or extra, option module, 3-9 system configuration mismatch, 3-10 system reaction to faults, 3-3
Fatal faults, 3-4
communications failure during store, 3-16 corrupted user program on power-up, 3-13 option module software failure, 3-11 PLC CPU system software failure, 3-14 program block checksum failure, 3-11 system configuration mismatch, 3-10
Fault category, 3-17 Fault description, 3-17 Fault effects, additional, 3-5 Fault explanation and correction
I/O fault group, B-10 interpreting a fault, B-1 PLC fault group, B-3
Faults, interpreting, B-1 Flash protection on 35x and 36x series CPUs, 2-13 Floating-point numbers, C-1
entering and displaying floating-point numbers, C-5 errors in floating-point numbers and operations, C-6 internal format of floating-point numbers, C-3 values of floating-point numbers, C-4
Genius Global Data, 2-40 Global data, 2-40 Global data references, 2-20
Housekeeping, 2-7 HRD_CPU, 2-24 HRD_FLT, 2-25 HRD_SIO, 2-24 HyperTerminal, D-7
Levels, privilege, 2-34
change requests, 2-34
I/O data formats, 2-39 I/O fault table, 3-3, 3-6, B-8
explanations, 3-17 fault action, B-10 fault actions for specific faults, B-11 fault address, B-9 fault group, B-10 fault specific data, B-11 fault time stamp, B-11 interpreting a fault, B-1 long/short indicator, B-9 point, B-10 rack, B-10 reference address, B-9 slot, B-10 symbolic fault specific data, B-11
Local logic programs, 2-40 Locking/unlocking subroutines, 2-35 Logic program checksum calculation, 2-8 Logic solution, 2-8 LOS_IOM, 2-24 LOS_SIO, 2-24 Loss of I/O module, 3-17 Loss of, or missing, option module, 3-9 Low battery signal, 3-11 LOW_BAT, 2-24
Maintenance, 3-1 Manuals
for I/O modules, 2-37
I/O structure, Series 90-30 PLC, 2-36 I/O system , Series 90-30 PLC, 2-36 I/O system, Series 90-20 PLC, 2-36 I/O system, Series 90-30 PLC
default conditions for Model 30 output modules, 2-39 diagnostic data, 2-40 global data, 2-40 I/O data formats, 2-39 model 30 I/O modules, 2-37
No user program present, 3-12
Operation of system, 2-1 Operational failures, 3-2 Option module software failure, 3-11 Output references, discrete, 2-19 Output register references, analog, 2-19 Output scan, 2-8 OV_SWP, 2-24 Overrides, 2-20
Input references, discrete, 2-19 Input register references, analog, 2-19 Input scan, 2-7 Instruction timing, A-1
high performance models, A-6 SER, A-10 standard models, A-2
INT, 2-21 Internal failures, 3-2 Internal references, discrete, 2-19 Interpreting fault tables, B-1 IO_FLT, 2-25 IO_PRES, 2-25
Password access failure, 3-13 Passwords, 2-34 PB_SUM, 2-24 PCM communications with the PLC, 2-11 Periodic subroutines, 2-18 PLC CPU configuration
for modem communications, D-2
Key switch on 35x and 36x series CPUs, 2-13
PLC CPU system software failure, 3-14 PLC fault table, 3-3, 3-6, B-2
error codes, B-5 explanations, 3-8 fault action, B-4 fault group, B-3 fault time stamp, B-7 interpreting a fault, B-1 long/short indicator, B-2 rack, B-3 slot, B-3 spare, B-3 task, B-3 transitions and overrides, 2-20 user references, 2-19
Program structure
how blocks are called, 2-17 how C blocks are called, 2-17 how subroutines are called, 2-17
Program sweep, standard, 2-2 Programmer communications window, 2-9 Programs, local logic, 2-40
Data type structure, 2-21 Using floating-point numbers, C-1 Using Real numbers, C-1
Reset of, addition of, or extra, option module, 3-9 Retentiveness of data, 2-20
Scan time contributions for 35x and 36x series CPUs, 2-5, 2-6 Scan, input, 2-7 Scan, output, 2-8 Security, system, 2-34
locking/unlocking subroutines, 2-35 passwords, 2-34 privilege level change requests, 2-34 privilege levels, 2-34
Power flow, 2-28 Power-down, 2-31 Power-up, 2-29 Power-up and power-down sequences, 2-29
power-down, 2-31 power-up, 2-29
Series 90-20 PLC I/O system, 2-36 Series 90-30 PLC I/O system, 2-36
default conditions for Model 30 output modules, 2-39 diagnostic data, 2-40 global data, 2-40 I/O data formats, 2-39 I/O structure, 2-36 model 30 I/O modules, 2-37
Program block
how blocks are called, 2-17 how C blocks are called, 2-17 how subroutines are called, 2-17 nested calls, 2-17
Program block checksum failure, 3-11 Program organization and user data
floating-point numbers, C-1
Setting up a modem, D-1 SFT_CPU, 2-24 SFT_FLT, 2-25 SFT_SIO, 2-24 Signed integer, 2-21 SNPX_RD, 2-22 SNPX_WT, 2-22 SNPXACT, 2-22 Software failure, option module, 3-11 Standard program sweep mode, 2-2
Standard program sweep variations, 2-12 Status references, system, 2-20, 2-22 STOP mode, 2-12 STOR_ER, 2-24 Subroutine blocks
examples of, 2-16 nested calls, 2-17 PB_SUM, 2-24 SFT_CPU, 2-24 SFT_FLT, 2-25 SFT_SIO, 2-24 SNPX_RD, 2-22 SNPX_WT, 2-22 SNPXACT, 2-22 STOR_ER, 2-24 SY_FLT, 2-25 SY_PRES, 2-25
Subroutines, locking/unlocking, 2-35 Sweep time calculation, 2-7 Sweep, PLC, 2-2
application program logic scan, 2-8 constant sweep time mode, 2-12, 2-33 DSM communications with the PLC, 2-11 housekeeping, 2-7 input scan, 2-7 logic program checksum calculation, 2-8 logic solution, 2-8 output scan, 2-8 PCM communications with the PLC, 2-11 programmer communications window, 2-9 scan time contributions for 35x and 36x series CPUs, 2-5, 2-6 standard program sweep mode, 2-2 standard program sweep variations, 2-12 STOP mode, 2-12 sweep time calculation, 2-7 sweep time contribution, 2-4
Temporary references, discrete, 2-19 Time-of-day clock, 2-32 Timers, 2-32
constant sweep timer, 2-33 time-tick contacts, 2-33 Watchdog timer, 2-33
SY_FLT, 2-25 SY_PRES, 2-25 System configuration mismatch, 3-10 System operation, 2-1
clocks and timers, 2-32 PLC sweep summary, 2-2 power-up and power-down sequences, 2-29 program organization and user references/data, 2-15 Series 90-20 PLC I/O system, 2-36 Series 90-30 PLC I/O system, 2-36 system security, 2-34
User references, 2-19
analog inputs, 2-19 analog outputs, 2-19 discrete inputs, 2-19 discrete internal, 2-19 discrete outputs, 2-19 discrete references, 2-19 discrete temporary, 2-19 global data, 2-20 register references, 2-19 system references, 3-5 system registers, 2-19 system status, 2-20, 2-22
System references, 3-5 System register references, 2-19 System status references, 2-20, 2-22
ADD_IOM, 2-24 ADD_SIO, 2-24 ANY_FLT, 2-25 APL_FLT, 2-24 BAD_PWD, 2-24 BAD_RAM, 2-24 CFG_MM, 2-24 HRD_CPU, 2-24 HRD_FLT, 2-25 HRD_SIO, 2-24 IO_FLT, 2-25 IO_PRES, 2-25 LOS_IOM, 2-24 LOS_SIO, 2-24 LOW_BAT, 2-24 OV_SWP, 2-24
Watchdog timer, 2-33 Window
programmer communications window, 2-9
WORD, 2-21