Earth and Life Science

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Earth and

lifE sciEncE
charactEristics of thE subsystEm of thE Earth
Earth that arE nEcEssary Earth’s Subsytems and the Flow of
Matter and Energy
to support lifE
Earth - system of interralating physical,
chemical , and biological processes
Biological factors needed in order to live :
1. Atmosphere -
1. Temperature -  Earth’s blanket
 Influences movement of atoms  Atmos - gas , sphaira - globe
 low-slows down chemical reaction produces  78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen , 0.9% argon,
ice 0.10% is made up of different gases and
 high - breakdown of biological molecules vapor
 Earth’s protection from harmful UV rays
2. Water -  Keeps the planet warm
 absence of this will interfere reactions  As the altitude increases the amount of
necessary for life. gases, atmosphere decreases
 Has 2 forms ice (north&south pole), water  Layers:
(equator) troposphere,stratosphere,mesosphere,ther
mosphere, exosphere
3. Atmosphere -
 Insulation/shielding from the sun and 2. Geosphere
meteorites either small or large.  geos- ground
 Greenhouse gases traps heat thus avoid  Layers: crust,mantle,and core
planet from freezing  Made of rocks
 Regolith - rocks that enveloped the surface
4. Energy - of the earth
 Sun to support life
 Earth is on right position to support various 3.Hydrosphere
biological processes  Hydro - water
 Composed of all water in many form
5. Nutrients -  Cryosphere - frozen parts
 Used to build maintain organism’s body  Water is constant and constatntly moving
structure because p temperature and salinity
 Insufficient can impede synthesis of the  Role on absorption and redistribution of
different biological molecules solar radiation
4. Biosphere
 Bios - life
 Composed of all living thins e.g animals,
microbes , and plant
Sphere interactions -
 process that move matter and energyfrom
one sphere to another.
 The 4 subsytems are closely linked through
the biochemical cycle. [ biologocal ,
geochemical , and chemical factors ]
 Biotic - biosphere
 Abiotic - geosphere
 Maintains the balance of substances in the
different subsystem of the earth
 Any interference and disturbances in the
flow of matter and energy may cause
damage to any of the subsytems and it’s
Additional properties:
physical and chEmical  Magnetism
 Reaction with acid
propErtiEs of minErals  Striations
 Specific gravity
 Taste , Odor , Feel
1. Crystal Habit - overall shape or growth - presence and arrangement of atoms in
pattern of the mineral minerals.
Dana System
 Equant - three dimensions of the ineral Classificati Description
have about the same length , like that of a on of Example
cube and sphere. ( garnet ) minerals
 Elongate - forms prismatic or prism-like Native  Naturally occuring
crystals that are thicker than the needle as elements in nature
in a pencil ( indicolite )  Have distinct
mineral structure
 Platy - looks like a flattened and thin crystal  Classified as
like plate ( wulfenite ) (silver) metal,semi metals
and nonmetals
3. Luster - appearance of mineral when light is Silicates  Largest group of
reflected from it’s surface. It can be described  Contains silicon ,
as opaque , transparent , dull , or shiny oxygen ,
aluminum ,
 Metallic luster is opaque and very reflective (feldspar) magnesium , iron ,
like gold and silver and calcium.
 Nonmetallic luster is dull , silky , greasy , Oxides  Combination of
metal and oxygen
and pearly like silicates  Group ranges
from dull ores to
4. Cleavage and Luster - tendency of minerals gems
to break along smooth , flat and shiny surfaces. (magnetites)
Sulfides  Compound of
sulful & metal
5. Hardness - measure of the mineral’s  Heavy & brittle
resistance to scratching
Moh’s Scale of of Hardness
Sulfates  Compound of
Scale Mineral sulfur , metal , &
1 Talc oxygen
2 Gypsum  Soft & translucent
2.5 Fingernail (gypsum)
3 Calcite Halides  Formed from
3.5 Copper penny halogen
4 Fluorite  Soft & easily
5 Apatite dissolved in water
5.5 Steel knife blade / glass plate
6 Orthoclase feldspar Carbonate  Made of carbon
7 Quartz s oxygen and
8 Topaz metallic element
9 Corundum (ruby)
10 Diamond
Phosphate (apatite)  Often fored when
6. Color - one of the most obvious properties of s other minerals
break dow by
a mineral but not reliable alone weathering
 Brightly colored
7. Streak - color of the mineral in it’s powdered
form, which may or maybe not the same as the Mineraloid (amber)  Term used for
color of original form. Streak is more reliable substances that
than color. doesn’t fit on 8
classification of rocks minErals important to
Rock is a naturally occuring solid aggregate of
minerals sometime with nonmineral solid prticles
1. Igneous Rocks - magmatic rocks formed
through cooling and solidification of magma or Mineral Energy 1. Uranium
lava used in
Mineral 1. Calcium
a. ) intrusive igneous rocks - used in Medicine
2. Magnesium
 is formed from solidification of magma or
lava below the surface. Mineral 1. Nitrogen
 have large crystals of minerals that are used in 2. Phosporous
formed overtime through slow process of Agriculture
3. Potassium
crystallization in a magma
 ( granite , diorite , gabbro , pegmatite , Mineral 1. Iron
peridotite ) used in 2. Carbon
b. ) extrusive igneous rocks - Construction
 Formed through fasterrate solidification of 3. Limestone
lava on the surface of earth 4. Chalk
 Glassy in appearance due to less Mineral 1. Fluorite
crystallization used in 2. Talc
 (andesite , basalt , dacite , obsidian ,
pumice , rhyolite and tuff ) Household 3. Aluminum
4. Chromium
2. Sedimentary rock - formed by deposition
and cementation of mineral organic particles on 5. Copper
the floor of oceans and other bodies of water
a. ) clastic sedimentary rock -
 Formed from the mechanical weathering
debris of rocks
 ( breccia , conglomerate , sandstone ,
siltstone , shale )
b. ) chemical sedimentary rock -
 Formed when dissolved materials
precipitate from solution ]
 ( rock salt , iron ore , chert , flint , some
dolomites )
c. ) organic sedimentary rock -
 Formed from the build up of plant or animal
3. Metamorphic rock - existing rock types
called “parent rock” in the process called
metamorphism. Subjected to heat and pressure
a. ) foliated metamorphic rocks -
 formed through pressure due to
compression of rock that create bands
called foliation.
 ( gneiss , phyllite , schist , slate )
b. ) nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
 Has no doliation or bands
 ( hornfels , marble , quartzite , novaculite )
orE minErals : how thEy arE c. ) Dredging - This is the process of mining
materials from the bottom body of water,
found , minEd , and procEssEd including rivers, lakes, and oceans.

for human usE

Mining is the process of mineral extraction from
a rock seam or ore - rock or sediment
containing one or more valuable mineral.
There are two methods of mining : 2. Underground mining - is used to extract the
rocks, minerals and o precious stones that can
1. Surface Mining - is used to extract ore be found beneath the earth's surface. In
minerals ear the surface of the earth . The soil underground mining, miners need to create a
and rocks that covered the ores are removed tunnel so they can reach the ore minerals. This k
through blasting. Blasting is a controlled use of mining is more expensive and dangerous as
of explosives and gas exposure to break rocks. compared to surface mining because miners
Some examples of surface mining are : need to use explosive devices to remove the
minerals from the rocks the cover them.
a. ) Open - pit mining
 Most common type of surface mining
 A big hole/pit on the ground created by
blasting and drilling
 Used to mine gravel , sand , and even rock

Mineral processing is the process of extracting

minerals from the ore, refining them, and
preparing these minerals for use. The primary
steps involved in processing minerals include:
b. ) Strip mining -
 This mining type involves the removal of a 1. Sampling - is the removal of a portion which
thin strip of overburden (earth or soil) represents a whole needed for the analysis of
above a desired deposit this material.

2. Analysis - is important to evaluate the
 dumping the removed overburden behind valuable component in an ore. This includes
the deposit, extracting the desired deposit, chemical, mineral and particle size analysis.
creating a second, parallel strip in the same
manner, and depositing the waste materials 3. Comminution - is the process where the
from that second (new) strip onto the first valuable components of the ore are separated
strip. through crushing and grinding. This process
 This mining method is used for coal, begins by crushing the ores to a particular size
phosphates, clays, and tar mining and finishes it by grinding the ores into a
powder form
4. Concentration - involves the separation of
the valuable minerals from the raw materials
5. Dewatering - uses the concentration to
convert it to usable minerals. This involve
filtration and sedimentation of the suspension
and drying of the solid materials harvested
from this suspension
how fossil fuEls arE formEd ? 4. Natural gas-
 It is a naturally occurring hvdrocarbon gas
with the mixture of methane
What are fossil fuels?  Earth's cleanest fossil fuel and is odorless
 remains of plants and animals that died and colorless in its natural state.
millions of years ago.  Natural gas is produced from sedimentary
 world's primary energy source that rock formation by forcing chemicals, water,
provide most of the energy support in and sand down a well under high pressure.
transportation, electricity, and industries  The Philippines' main domestic source of
 natural and finite resources that are very energy is the Malampaya natural gas field
abundant and has a cheaper cost which is located at Palawan Island.
production compare to other resources
 considered as non renewable energy
source as they take millions of years to form Millions of years ago the of prehistoric
plants and animals beneath the Earth's surface .
What are the major types of fossil fuels and These remains were covered by mud sediment
Where are they usually found? was buried by sediments and It started to
change into rock as the temperature and press
1 . Coal - increase. In that case fossil fuels are formed in
 It is an important and primary loss fuel a low oxygen environment. The plant and
present on Earth. animal remain were altered chemically by this
process, and slowly changing into crude oil and
 found predominantly where forest trees, natural gas.
plants and marshes existed before being
buried and compressed millions of years
There are four major ranks of coal.
I. Anthracite
 which is the highest rank of coal
 It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal,
often referred to as hard coal, containing a
high percentage of fixed carbon and a low
percentage of volatile matter Through the spaces of permeable
II. Bituminous coal rock, the oils move upwards and will be trapped
 It usually has a high heating value and is if it reached impermeable rock Oil.companies
the most common type of coal used in can drill down through te impermeable rocks to
electricity generation. get it out They are then able to turn products
 appears shiny and smooth at first glance, we can use, such as petrol and diesel On the
but when you look closely, you will see that other hand, coal can be extracted from the
it has layers. Earth through underground mining Once has
III. Subbituminous coal been extracted, it can be used to fuel power
 which is black in color and dull, and a plants for electricity
tougher heating value than lignite
IV. Lignite
 which is also known as brown coal.
 It is the lowest grade coal with the least
concentration of carbon
3. Oil -
 Oil is an organic material, mostly algae
which was buried in mud at the bottom of
the sea and lakes
 used mainly for the production of
transportation fuels and petroleum-based
 Philippines imports crude oil and petroleum
from Saudi Arabia and Russia,
Types of Geothermal Power Plant
EnErgy bEnEath thE Earth
Hot and Cold
 Heat is one of the types of energy that is
dynamic, transferable and can be
converted into useful forms.
 It is the product of random motion of
particles that are continuously colliding and Type Description
vibrating. Dry It sips directly hot steam
 Heat results to certain level of temperature Steam beneath the ground through
(hotness or coldness) of a given body. Plants pipes to mobilize generator
Observing the earth, as you go down turbines.
tremendous heat will be experienced. It pipes high pressure hot
 This is a result of radioactivity at its interior Flash water from geothermal
The heat generated beneath the ground is Steam reservoir and convert it into
called geothermal energy, that when Plants steam that turn generator
harnessed can generate electrical energy turbines to produce
for community use. electricity
 This is possible when a geothermal power It has a system that
plant is established equipped with transfers heat from hot
technology that runs the process of energy Binary water sipped miles deep to
conversion Cycle other liquid. Exceedingly
Plants high temperature from
Harnessing Geothermal Energy geothermal water changes
the other liquid into steam to
Getting down beneath the ground, you will experience drive the generator turbines
increase in both temperature and pressure. Thus, in
putting up a geothermal power plant, it is required to
drill i to 2 miles deep to pump steam or hot water into
the surface. At this depth, the power plant that uses
hydrothermal resources (having both water and heat)
can attain the required temperature that is about 300
Fto 700 F Figure 16 shows how a type of geothermal
power plant works.

( Geothermal powerplant )
Geothermal energy is not only used by a power plant for
electricity generation Another way of using the energy is
through heat pumps that can be installed at home. Heat
pump works depending on the season using water or a
refrigerant and obtaining the Earth's constant
temperature (50 - 60 F) below the ground.

( Geothermal Heat Pump )

EnErgy from watEr currEnt 1. The country's potentiality to harness
non-renewable energy resources is dependent
Water is life. Different life processes on its geologic processes and leatures For
within and outside the body requires water to instance, the presence of geologic features
perform biological and ecological tasks. Aside such as volcanoes and fumaroles, hot springs,
from these essentialities, its nature and and geysers are indicators that there are
mechanism in the environment can be available passages for geothermal energy to
harnessed to add up to the supply of energy reach the surface of the earth For hvdropower,
needed by the community. The key to this the process of hvidrologic evcle is important for
energy conversion is water cycle Through the the replenishment of water in rivers and dams.
unending process of evaporation, condensation The volume (density) and the steepness of the
and precipitation, the water in streams, lakes, slope tgravity) affects the efficiency of the
rivers, and falls are replenished. Due to its power plant to generate electricity.
ability to flow, current is occurred based on the
slope (gravitational) and other external forces 2. Geothermal energy is the heat from the
(wind). earth's core due to the slow decay of
radioactive substances Different layers of the
ENERGY IN CURRENT earth possess different temperatures as the
core found to be the hottest This energy comes
One requirement for water to out to the surface through the tectonic plate
become energy resource is the presence of com boundaries and edges where mont formation of
Current in streams and rivers is largely affected volcanoes occurs when molten materials
by gravity based on the steep slope of the (magma come out through the spaces in
runways and the obstacles that may hinder the between the plates, they hear up the ground
flow. Since the w flowing down the sca level, it water suspended in the porous rocks The
possesses certain amount of potential energy process produces steam (hydrothermal) that
whit directly proportional to the density and builds pressure needed to be emitted to the
height where the source is located Toc this surface through volcanoes In this case,
energy into usable form (electrical energy), a Philippines, being one of the countries within
hydroelectric power plant m established the Ring of Fire that encircles the Pacific Ocean.
is rich in renewable geothermal energy and has
high potential to harness it into electricity
3. To test the capability of the ara. geologists
The process of converting my chemical apply several methods to determine whether an
energy from running water to electrical energy area has potentiality for geothermal reservoir
scalled hydroelectricity Since 71 of the earth is For instance, drilling a well and measuring the
water, this energy resource is considered temperature (300-700 F is the most reliable
renewable and is dependent only drome de that method before putting up a power plant IN the
involves the heat from the sun to change liquid obtained temperature is 50-60 F, then, it can be
water into vapor Looking back to the history, used for household purposes only like warming
the use of running water is for milling process a house and building during winter
(grinding s To understand the conversion of
mechanical energy to electrical energy. 4. Applications of geothermal energy can be
attained through either getting the surface cat
for heating or drilling miles beneath the ground
RUNNING WATER TO ELECTRICITY for electricity generation. There are three main
types of geothermal energy systems 1) direct
The strength of the current is a good use and district heating. 21 geothermal power
reference on where the power plant man plants and 3) geothermal heat pumps
constructed Understanding riverscape, it can
be concluded that the current (mechanical 5. Direct use and district heating systems use
energy is affected by the volume of water flow hot water from springs or reservoirs located
and the steepness landscape Rivers with high near the surface of the earth Ancient Roman,
volume of water flowing at great height Chinese, and Native American cultures used
possess the best potential to be sources of hot mineral springs for bathing, cooking, and
hydropower. Hydropower constitutes the heating
highest energy percentage (about 6.7%) among
renewable energy resources Today, many hot spring still used for bathing
and many people believe the hot, mineral rich
waters have health benefits. Geothermal
energy in also directly heat individual buildings
and to heal multiple buildings with d heating
What I Have Learned distrier heating system provides heat for most
of the buildinga w Reykjavik Iceland Industrial
1. The country's potentiality to harness applications of geothermal energy ino
non-renewable energy resources i dependent dehydration (drving) golding and milk
on its geologie processes and features. For pursteurizing
instance, the presence of geologic features
such volcanoes and Tumarules, hot springs, and 6. Geothermal power plants are generally
geysers are indicators that there are available constructed where geothermal res are located,
passages for geothermal energy to reach the within a mile or w from the earth's surface.
surface of the earth For hydropower, the Geothermal per plants apply hydrothermal
process of hydrologic cycle is important for the resources that have both water (hydro) and
replenishment of water in rivers and dams. The (thermal). People utilize these resources by
volume (density) and the steepness of the slope drilling wells into the earth and the piping steam
gravity affects the efficiency of the power or hot water to the surface. The hot water or
plant to generate electricity. steam powers a turbi that generates electriat.
Some geothermal wells are as much as two
2. Geothermal energy is the heat from the miles die depending on the availability of
earth's core due to he slow decay of sufficient geothermal source There are the
radioactive substances Different layer of the basic types of geothermal power plants ! dry
earth possess different temperatures as the steam plants, 2)flash steam plan and 3) binary
core found to be the hottest: This energy comes cycle power plants
out to the surface through the tectonic plate
boundaries and edges where most formation of 7. Geothermal heat pumps apply the constant
volcanoes occurs When molten materials temperatures near the surface of the earth to
magma) come out through the spares in increase and decrease the temperature of
between the plates, they heat up the ground buildings or houses Geothermal heat pumps
water suspended in the porous rocks The transfer heat from the ground (or water) into
process produces steam hydrothermal that building during the winter and reverse the
builds pressure needed to be emitted to the process in the summer with the use of
surface through volcanoes. In thin case, refrigerant
Philippines, being one of the countries within
the Ring of Fire that encircles the Pacific Ocean 8. The environmental afects of geothermal
in rich in renewable geothermal energy and has energy depend on how geothermal energy is
high poteritial to harriess it into electricity. consumed on how it is transformed into useful
energy Direct se applications and geothermal
3. To tent the capability of the geologist apply heat pumps have almost no negative effects on
neveral methods to determine whether and are the environment. In fact, the reduce the use of
haas potentiality for the recevoir Por instance, energy sources that may have harmful effects
drilling a well as h e capture (300 - 700 Ft the the environment due to emission of greenhouse
most reliable method before putting up a power gas Geothermal power plants du Tout burn fuel
plant in the alitained temperature is 50 - 60 to generate electricity, so the level of air
then it can be used for henhold purposes only pollutants they exhaust are low. Geothermal
like warming a house and building during winter power plants emit 97% less all rain-causing
sulfur compounds and about 99% less carbon
4. Applications of geothermal energy can be dioxide than fossil fuel power plants of similar
trained through either getting the surface heat size Geothermal power plants use scrubbers to
for heating purposes or drilling tiles beneath the remove the hydrogen sulfide naturally found in
ground for electricity generation There are geothermal reservoirs Mon geothermal power
three main types of geothermal energy systems: plants inject the geothermal steam and water
I) direct use and district heating. 21 geothermal that they back into the earth. This recycling
power plants and 3) geothermal heat pumps helps to renew the geothermal resource
5. Direct use and district heating systems use 9. Hydropower or hydroelectricity is the
hot water from springs or reservoirs ludinted conversion of flowing water (mechanics energy
near the surface of the earth Ancient Roman, into electrical energy. Using this renewable can
Chinese, and Native American cultures used be replaced within human life span energy
hot mineral springs for bathing, cooking, and resource, water (hydrologic) cycle that requires
heating Today, manv hot springs are still refs soli energy dictates precipitation that can be
ruling, and many people believe hot. mineral collected by streams and rivers wher falls in the
rich Water have health benefits. Geothermal form of rain or snow The amount of water in the
energy is also en directly heat individual area determines the efficiency in generating
buildings and to heat lunapie buildings with electrical energy. Thus, Irregularities in seasons
distret heating systems Hot water near the firth and climate change that may result to droughts
s surface i5 piped into buildings he hear A directly affects the hydro production In terms
of actual production, the volume of water and
the tech the source determines the rate of
power generation. Various watEr sourcEs on Earth
10. There are three main types of hydro plants Sources of Water
Impound facilities are the most common
technology which uses a dam to create a large Natural Man Made
resor of water Electricity is made when water  Rainwater  Dams
pases through turbines in the dam 21 Pumped
storage facilities are similar but have a second  Oceans  Wells
reservoir below the dam Water can be pumped  Rivers  Tube
from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir  Lakes wells
storing energy for use later Run-of river  Streams  Hand
facilities rely more on natural water flow rates  Ponds pumps
diverting just a portion of river water through
turbines sometimes without the use of a dam or  Spring  Canals
reservoirs. Since run of river hydro is subject to
natural water variability, it is more intermittent
than dammed hydro 11 However, there are
many concerns with hydropower, particularly Two Main Sources of Water
large dam facilities Daiming river has a 1. Surface Water
significant impact on the regional ecosystem. by  Oceans
flooding upstream landscapes, disrupting  Rivers
habitats for wildlife, blocking fish passages,
and often displacing local communities. In  Lakes
addition, dam failures can be catastrophic  Reservoir
Further disrupting landscapes and claiming the  Ponds
lives of those living downstream. Finally, hydro  Streams
plants are not completely free of greenhouse 2. Underground Water
gas emissions As with most forms of energy
carbon dioxide emissions occur during  Rainwater that seeps through the soil
construction, particularly because of the large  Spring
quantities of cement used, and loss of
vegetation in flooded arras creates methane, Water Distribution on Earth
another greenhouse gas, as its matter decays
actiVitiEs that affEct thE Quality human actiVitiEs that affEct thE
and aVailability of watEr for Quality and Quantity of soil
human usE Soil — organic and inorganic materials on the
surface of the earth
Water quality describes the condition of the  that provide the medium for plant growth
water , including chemical , physical , and  purify water
biological characteristics usually with respect to  Helps break down the remains of plants and
it’s suitability for a particular purpose. animals
 Provides home for a variety of living thing
Physical Attributes
 Temperature — thermal capacity density , 3 Major human activities that cause soil
specific weight , viscosity , surface tension , degradation
specific conductivity , salinity , and solubility
of dissolved gas 1. Farming
 Colour — aesthetic , quantitative assessment Positive Effect Negative Effect
of the presence of potentially hazardous or  Herbicide  Tillage
toxic organic materials in water  Lime and mineral  Pesticides
 Taste & Odour — perceptions of taste fertilizers  Veterinary
 Turbidity — measure of the light  Organic manure medicines
transmitting properties of water  Provision of water
on Irrigation and
Water Scarcity drainage
Water supplies can no longer satisfy all human
2. Construction of Structure
— grading and filling can reduce soil quality.
Soil nutrients are washed away

3. Waste Disposals
— soil pollution

Ways to Protect and Conserve Soil

1. Forest protection
2. Buffer strips
3. No till farming
4. Fewer concrete surfaces
5. Plant windbreak areas
6. Terrace planting
7. Plant trees
8. Crop rotation
9. Water the soil
10. Maintain pH
11. Indigenous crops
12. Afforestation
13. Monitor gazing
14. Dams
15. Fertilizers
16. No soil compacting control storm water
17. Monitor growth
iii. Agricultural Wastes
how pEoplE gEnEratE diffErEnt Wastes generated from farming activities These
typEs of wastE substances biodegradable are mostly

iv. Fishery Wastes

Kinds of Waste Waste generated due to fishery activities like fish
viscera, fish bones and scales These are
There are different kinds of wastes generated by extensively found in coastal and estuarine areas.
the people around the world
v. Radioactive Wastes
А. Solid Waste. This type of wastes is in solid Wastes containing radioactive materials, These
form likedomestic commercial wastes such as are commonly by-products ol nuclear processes.
plastics styrofoam paper scrap iron and sludge Sometimes industries that are not directly
from a waste water treatment plant or a control involved in nuclear activities may also produce
facility some radioactive waste such as radioisotopes
and chemical sludge.
B. Liquid Waste. This type of wastes is in liquid
form such as chemicals , oils , and waste water vi. E Wastes
from ponds and manufacturing industries It Electronic wastes generated from any modern
includes sewage as well as waste water from establishments. They may be discarded
industrial processes and agricultural processing electrical described IS electronic devices. Some
electronic scrap components such as CRTs may
C. Gaseous Waste. This type of waste is in contain contaminants such as lead, cadmium,
gaseous form which usually originates from and beryllium or brominated flame 10 retardants
chopping and dissolution operations. As an
example, volatile radionuclides are discharged vii. Biomedical Wastes
to the stack after scrubbing with sodium Solid or liquid including wastes including
hydroxide and filtration through charcoal filter containers, intermediate or end products
generated during diagnosis, treatment and
Classification of Waste research activities of medical sciences.
biodegradable Non Hazardous Non hazardous
Paper Bottles Ignitability Disposal
Several waste disposal practices in the country
Woods Plastics Corrosivity problems includes concentrate and contain or also known
fruits Machines Reactivity
Cans toxicity as isolation specifically for solid waste. Landfills
and dumps minimize the impact of waste in the
Waste According to Generation ( Origin ) environment. Landfill is a place to dispose waste
i. Municipal Solid Wastes material by burving or covering over with soil and
Solid wastes that include household garbage. become an extending usable land after few
rubbish, construction and demolition debris, years. Dump is an excavated piece of land for
sanitation residues, packaging materials, trade waste storage and regulated by the government.
refuges and others managed by the any A dump is smaller than a landfill. Other useful
municipality options are composting, resource recovery and
energy recovery.
ii. Industrial Wastes Liquid and solid
wastes generated by that are manufacturing
and processing units of various industries like
chemical, petroleum, coal, metal, gas, sanitary
and papers
what is a wastE
 Paper/yard waste This wfdes packaging
Solid waste is defined as any garbage, refuse, material newspaper cardboards and other
sludge from waste treatment plant water supply products Paper can easily be recycled and
treatment plant or air pollution control facility retsed so make re to place them in your
and other material, including solid, liquid, set recycling bin or take them to your closest
solid, contained gaseous resulting from recycling area near your place.
industrials commercials, missing and agricultural
operations from community activities  Tins and metals - This can be found in
various forms throughout your home. Most
Types of Waste metals can be recucled Consider taking
these items to a scrap yard or your closest
1. Biodegradable waste, These are the wastes terveling area to dispose of this waste type
that come from our kitchen and it includes food properly
remains, garden waste, etc. Also known as moist
waste This can be composted to obtain manure.  Ceramics and glass These items can easily
It decomposes themselves over a period of time be recycled. Look for special glass recycling
depending on the material bird and bottle banks to dispose them
2. Non-biodegradable waste. These are the
wastes which include old newspapers, broken 3. Organic Waste is another common household.
glass pieces, plastics, etc. Known as dry waste. All food waste, garden waste: manure and
Dry wastes can be recycled and can be reused. rotten meat are classified as organic waste.
Non biodegradable wastes do not decompose Over time, organic waste is turned into manure
by themselves and hence are major pollutants. by microorganisms. Organic waste in landfills
causes the production of methane, so it must
Waste can be classified into five types of waste never be simply discarded with general waste
which is all commonly found around the house.
These include liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic 4. Recyclable Rubbish includes all waste items
waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous waste. that can be converted into products that can be
Make sure that you segregate your wasted into used again. Solid items such as paper, metals,
these different types to ensure proper waste furniture and organic waste can all be recycled
removal. 1. Liquid Waste commonly found both in
household as well as in industries. It includes 5. Hazardous Waste - includes all types of
dirty water, organic liquids, wash water, waste rubbish that are flammable, toxic,corrosive and
detergents and rainwater. reactive. These items can harm you as well as
the environment and must be disposed of
 Solid Rubbish can include a variety of items correctly
found in your household along with
commercial and industrial locations Solid Characteristics of wastes
rubbish is commonly broken down into the
following types 1. Corrosive: these are wastes that include acids
or bases that are capable of corroding mental
 Plastic waste - This consists of bags, containers, eg acid or alkaline solution, rust
containers, jars, bottles and many other remover, battery acid and caustic hot turik
products that can be found in your waste.
household Plastic is not biodegradable, but
many types of plastic can be recycled. 2. Ignitability, this is waste that can create fires
Plastic should not be mix in with your regular under certain condition, eg. waste oils and
waste, it should be sorted and placed in your solvents
recycling bin
3. Reactive: these are unstable in nature, they
cause explosions, toxic fumes when heated, e.g.
lithium sulfur batteries and explosives

4 Toxicity waste which are harmful or fatal when

ingested or absorb, e.g. are the household
products in everyday homes that are improperly
disposed of such as old batteries, pesticides,
paint, and car oil 5. Non Hazardous waste is any
type of industrial waste which, according to

regulations, cannot be added to a dumpster or

sewage line eg refuse,

garbage, sludge, municipal trash

6. Hazardous waste: The most common examples

of hazardous waste found within the home
include paints, batteries, solvents, cleaning
agents and pesticides, heavy metals, and
chemical sludges

7. Radioactive: high and low level radioactive

waste. Low-Level Radioactive Waste for LLRW) is
a regulatory term defined as the broad group or
class of radioactive waste that is not included in
the following classes of radioactive waste:
Spent nuclear fuel. Fuel that has been
withdrawn from a nuclear reactor after use. High
level radioactive wastes are the highly
radioactive materials produced as a byproduct
of the reactions that occur inside nuclear

High-level wastes take one of two forms: Spent

(used) reactor fuel when it is accepted for
disposal. Waste materials remaining after spent
fuel is reprocessed

Mixed waste: Radioactive organic liquids,

radio-active heavy metals, Mixed hazardous
waste is waste which falls into two or more
different categories of hazardous materials.
Examples include radioactive contaminated
phenol/chloroform, or blood labeled with a

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