Earth and Life Science
Earth and Life Science
Earth and Life Science
lifE sciEncE
charactEristics of thE subsystEm of thE Earth
Earth that arE nEcEssary Earth’s Subsytems and the Flow of
Matter and Energy
to support lifE
Earth - system of interralating physical,
chemical , and biological processes
Biological factors needed in order to live :
1. Atmosphere -
1. Temperature - Earth’s blanket
Influences movement of atoms Atmos - gas , sphaira - globe
low-slows down chemical reaction produces 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen , 0.9% argon,
ice 0.10% is made up of different gases and
high - breakdown of biological molecules vapor
Earth’s protection from harmful UV rays
2. Water - Keeps the planet warm
absence of this will interfere reactions As the altitude increases the amount of
necessary for life. gases, atmosphere decreases
Has 2 forms ice (north&south pole), water Layers:
(equator) troposphere,stratosphere,mesosphere,ther
mosphere, exosphere
3. Atmosphere -
Insulation/shielding from the sun and 2. Geosphere
meteorites either small or large. geos- ground
Greenhouse gases traps heat thus avoid Layers: crust,mantle,and core
planet from freezing Made of rocks
Regolith - rocks that enveloped the surface
4. Energy - of the earth
Sun to support life
Earth is on right position to support various 3.Hydrosphere
biological processes Hydro - water
Composed of all water in many form
5. Nutrients - Cryosphere - frozen parts
Used to build maintain organism’s body Water is constant and constatntly moving
structure because p temperature and salinity
Insufficient can impede synthesis of the Role on absorption and redistribution of
different biological molecules solar radiation
4. Biosphere
Bios - life
Composed of all living thins e.g animals,
microbes , and plant
Sphere interactions -
process that move matter and energyfrom
one sphere to another.
The 4 subsytems are closely linked through
the biochemical cycle. [ biologocal ,
geochemical , and chemical factors ]
Biotic - biosphere
Abiotic - geosphere
Maintains the balance of substances in the
different subsystem of the earth
Any interference and disturbances in the
flow of matter and energy may cause
damage to any of the subsytems and it’s
Additional properties:
physical and chEmical Magnetism
Reaction with acid
propErtiEs of minErals Striations
Specific gravity
Taste , Odor , Feel
1. Crystal Habit - overall shape or growth - presence and arrangement of atoms in
pattern of the mineral minerals.
Dana System
Equant - three dimensions of the ineral Classificati Description
have about the same length , like that of a on of Example
cube and sphere. ( garnet ) minerals
Elongate - forms prismatic or prism-like Native Naturally occuring
crystals that are thicker than the needle as elements in nature
in a pencil ( indicolite ) Have distinct
mineral structure
Platy - looks like a flattened and thin crystal Classified as
like plate ( wulfenite ) (silver) metal,semi metals
and nonmetals
3. Luster - appearance of mineral when light is Silicates Largest group of
reflected from it’s surface. It can be described Contains silicon ,
as opaque , transparent , dull , or shiny oxygen ,
aluminum ,
Metallic luster is opaque and very reflective (feldspar) magnesium , iron ,
like gold and silver and calcium.
Nonmetallic luster is dull , silky , greasy , Oxides Combination of
metal and oxygen
and pearly like silicates Group ranges
from dull ores to
4. Cleavage and Luster - tendency of minerals gems
to break along smooth , flat and shiny surfaces. (magnetites)
Sulfides Compound of
sulful & metal
5. Hardness - measure of the mineral’s Heavy & brittle
resistance to scratching
Moh’s Scale of of Hardness
Sulfates Compound of
Scale Mineral sulfur , metal , &
1 Talc oxygen
2 Gypsum Soft & translucent
2.5 Fingernail (gypsum)
3 Calcite Halides Formed from
3.5 Copper penny halogen
4 Fluorite Soft & easily
5 Apatite dissolved in water
5.5 Steel knife blade / glass plate
6 Orthoclase feldspar Carbonate Made of carbon
7 Quartz s oxygen and
8 Topaz metallic element
9 Corundum (ruby)
10 Diamond
Phosphate (apatite) Often fored when
6. Color - one of the most obvious properties of s other minerals
break dow by
a mineral but not reliable alone weathering
Brightly colored
7. Streak - color of the mineral in it’s powdered
form, which may or maybe not the same as the Mineraloid (amber) Term used for
color of original form. Streak is more reliable substances that
than color. doesn’t fit on 8
classification of rocks minErals important to
Rock is a naturally occuring solid aggregate of
minerals sometime with nonmineral solid prticles
1. Igneous Rocks - magmatic rocks formed
through cooling and solidification of magma or Mineral Energy 1. Uranium
lava used in
Mineral 1. Calcium
a. ) intrusive igneous rocks - used in Medicine
2. Magnesium
is formed from solidification of magma or
lava below the surface. Mineral 1. Nitrogen
have large crystals of minerals that are used in 2. Phosporous
formed overtime through slow process of Agriculture
3. Potassium
crystallization in a magma
( granite , diorite , gabbro , pegmatite , Mineral 1. Iron
peridotite ) used in 2. Carbon
b. ) extrusive igneous rocks - Construction
Formed through fasterrate solidification of 3. Limestone
lava on the surface of earth 4. Chalk
Glassy in appearance due to less Mineral 1. Fluorite
crystallization used in 2. Talc
(andesite , basalt , dacite , obsidian ,
pumice , rhyolite and tuff ) Household 3. Aluminum
4. Chromium
2. Sedimentary rock - formed by deposition
and cementation of mineral organic particles on 5. Copper
the floor of oceans and other bodies of water
a. ) clastic sedimentary rock -
Formed from the mechanical weathering
debris of rocks
( breccia , conglomerate , sandstone ,
siltstone , shale )
b. ) chemical sedimentary rock -
Formed when dissolved materials
precipitate from solution ]
( rock salt , iron ore , chert , flint , some
dolomites )
c. ) organic sedimentary rock -
Formed from the build up of plant or animal
3. Metamorphic rock - existing rock types
called “parent rock” in the process called
metamorphism. Subjected to heat and pressure
a. ) foliated metamorphic rocks -
formed through pressure due to
compression of rock that create bands
called foliation.
( gneiss , phyllite , schist , slate )
b. ) nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
Has no doliation or bands
( hornfels , marble , quartzite , novaculite )
orE minErals : how thEy arE c. ) Dredging - This is the process of mining
materials from the bottom body of water,
found , minEd , and procEssEd including rivers, lakes, and oceans.
( Geothermal powerplant )
Geothermal energy is not only used by a power plant for
electricity generation Another way of using the energy is
through heat pumps that can be installed at home. Heat
pump works depending on the season using water or a
refrigerant and obtaining the Earth's constant
temperature (50 - 60 F) below the ground.
3. Waste Disposals
— soil pollution