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UCSP MODULE 2: Social Organization

and Institution Collective

Society  temporary groups
 a social system that is composed of  Crowds, masses, public and social
people assigned to perform a definite movements
task and function in a social system  clusters of people interacting with each
called social institution. People have a other but the interactions are temporary
tendency to form a group because of or short-lived
their societal personality and maybe  composed of clusters of people who
because they badly need it. share some kind of belief
 characterized by the unstructured
Group development of norms and organizations
 composed of two or more persons who which oppose the existing norms and
have something in common, are organization in a society
interacting with each other, and are
guided by a set of norms
 constituted by two or more persons who
interact together and are together Factors That Influence Groups
physically. Motivational base shared by individuals.
 most common and most familiar of social  related social situation that may have
units motivational implications for the
Three Requirements for a Group development of groups
1. There must be two or more people.  People form groups based on their needs,
2. There must be interaction. interests, desires, noble activities,
Interaction - occurs when the action of one insecurities, or problems.
person causes another person or persons Size of the group.
to act.  size of the group may range from two to a
- consists of both an action and a million meme
response.  dyad – two members; a friendship group.
- involves the use of symbols (a word,  Can be small or large groups
gesture, facial expressions or other  as the group increases in number, the kind
ways of transmitting an idea. of interaction is affected. As the size of the
3. The members of the group must be group increases, the number of probable
together physically. channels and interactions among group
members increases geometrical
Aggregates Type of group goals.
 unstructured  A group will determine or develop
 found in one place but they do not interact structural forms that will facilitate the
with each other. progress of the achievement of each goal
 main characteristic is common physical and block structural forms that will hinder
location. the pursuit of its goals
a. Old centralized bureaucratic structure
Social Category with the national government
 an agglomeration where members executives exercising control over the
possess common identifying status local units.
characteristics but do not interact b. The other structure is one where local
socially. units have autonomy in some aspects
 distinctions is on the basis of sex, age, of governance and just coordinate in
and race, income or social class, other matters with the national
occupation, religion, political beliefs or government.
ethnicity. The kind of group cohesion.
 social category have common  refers to the extent to which the members
characteristics and identity. group have the capability to function and
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interact collectively in the direction of dynamic or behavior aspect of the status
their goals. is a role.
 could be influenced by size, goals, and the  Role refers to the sum total of behavior
possibility of attaining the goals of the expectations and activities associated with
group. a social position which a holder is
 depends on the degree to which the group supposed to carry out and perform. It
has developed the notion of a "code of conveys the prescribed or ideal standards
honor" as reflected in the sense of honor of behavior that a holder of a social
of each member. position is supposed to carry. It is the
manner by which a given individual
Social Organization
performs the duties and obligations of a
 Social organization is a study of society,
status and enjoys its privileges and
culture, and personality. Organization was
defined as:
1. to stand for a relationship among
Social Function
 results of action that occur in relation to a
2. type of a particular social system
particular structure and includes the
called formal organization.
results of the activities of individuals
 process of bringing order and significance
into human social life. It has its roots in occupying particular statuses. The social
social interaction. activity of a given social structure has
 established pattern of relationship certain consequences which make the
adaption or adjustment.
McGee - identifying characteristics of  Each social group has an organization with
social organizations: an overall structure governing the
a. Differentiation in statuses and roles on the interaction of the members and
basis of sex, age, and ability which may performing the necessary function of
be observed in the activities of different holding the group together.
types of people.  These social groups are not in isolation but
b. Recurrent connection between sets of are linked together to form the total social
activities and the repeated tendency for organization of the society. All social
one type of social activity to follow organizations involve normative,
regularly after another. communicative, and other forms of social
c. A system of norms and values govern the interaction.
social activities.  In Philippine society, the basic element of
d. Control: Some persons control the social structure is the family and its
behavior of others, and a system of related kinship groups (kamag-anak). It is
sanctions maintain orderly behavior. through this structural unit of society that
e. Repeated activities and behavior much local authority, rights and
obligations, and modes of interactions are
Social Structure expressed, defined, ordered and
 independent network of roles and the systematized. Interpersonal and
hierarchy of statuses which define the intergroup movements of people or groups
reciprocal expectations and the power in and out of the barrios and towns are in
arrangement of the members of the social most cases, largely determined by kinship.
unit guided by norms
 patterned and recurrent social
relationships among persons in organized
collectivities as well as among the various Types of Social Groups
parts Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
 Social status. Member positions or ranks
in the hierarchy of power relations. The  Ferdinand Toennies
 Gemeinschaft
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- is a community of individuals with - consist of small face to face structures
close personal and family ties. based such as the family and friendship
on "natural will" of the members where groups where personalities fuse into a
they relate to one another as total common whole. These are considered
personalities. The activities, interests, the building blocks of the larger
and personalities of the members society.
center on the large family groups and - initial groups that a person joins and
neighbors. they provide him or her with
- Filipinos have used the terms damay experiences in social relations.
and bayanihan which imply mutual - Cooley: the nursery of human nature as
helpfulness and the sharing of pleasure these groups shape our personality and
as well as of sorrow. Members are develop our self-concept \
bound to the community and work fort - basic primary group is the family.
interests.  Secondary group relationship.
- There is a big degree of conformity - involves a reaction to only a part of the
with the norms, values, moral ideas individuals personality.
and other expectations of group. The - person’s importance to the group is his
unity is based on a similarity of or her function
objectives, traits and experiences the - tend to be casual, temporary, and
type social unity designated as limited in personal involvement. The
"mechanical solidarity.". individual can be easily replaced by
anyone who can carry out the same
 Gesellschaft function.
- "public life" or the world itself. - tend to impose patterns of conformity
- Characterized by impersonal, on their members.
secondary, contractual, and - Contacts may be face-to-face, indirect,
rationalized 'relationships. or transitory.
- Members are guided by the rational - There are advantages in maintaining
will characterized by forethought and secondary relations in large scale
deliberation. establishments.
- there is transitory and superficial
contact, a characteristic of secondary In-Groups and Out-Groups
groups.  In-group
- members co-exist but are independent - group with which the individual
from one another. identifies and which gives him a sense
- The interpersonal relationships of the of belonging, solidarity, camaraderie,
members stop in themselves and the esprit de corps, and a protective
used for the attainment of one's attitude toward the other members.
objectives. - members are loyal to each other and
- Relationships are contractual and one may accept responsibility for the
formal so that they are guided by others. They know each other
specific rules and determined by a intimately and share common norms,
business-like agreement. activities, goals, and background.
- division of labor, specialization, and  Out-group
functional independence, but solidarity - outsiders by the in-group.
or cohesion is achieved. - Any member of the in-group has
insufficient contact with the members
The Primary Group and the Secondary of the out-group.
Group - He may be aware of its existence, but
 Primary groups he tends mock it or criticize it. More
- characterized by intimate face-to-face often than not, he has feelings of
association and cooperation. strangeness, dislikes, avoidance,

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antagonism, indifference, and even stereotyped or they would not be
hatred toward the out-group. recognized.
- There is a tendency to think of those
in the out-group in terms of Quiz 1 (2nd Quarter)
stereotypes which are over-simplified,
sometimes false conceptions or Directions: True or False (Modified Type) Read
images that people seize about other the following statements. Write the word True
people. Outsiders may be labeled as if the statement is correct and change the
"headhunters or "dirty pigs". There underlined word or phrase if the statement is
may also be stereotyped images of incorrect. Write your answer in the space
social classes, occupational groups, provided for it.
and regional ethnic groups, as when 1. Groups a number of individuals who have
Tagalogs are labelled as mayabang common identity, interact with one
(arrogant) or the Ilokanos as kuripot another, and feel belonging together.
(tightwad). 2. Interaction occurs when the action of one
person causes another person or persons
 Reference group to act.
- groups that are significant to us as 3. Reference group refers to the degree to
models even though we ourselves which the members of a group have the
may not be a part of the group. ability to function and interact together
- A reference group is any group to towards the pursuit of their goals.
which we refer when making 4. Secondary groups are the initial groups
judgments-any group whose value that a person joins and they provide him
judgments become our value or her with experiences in social relations.
judgments. 5. Social organization is a process of bringing
- one which an individual does not only order and meaning into human social life.
have a high regard for but one after 6. The in-group is the group with which the
which he or she patterns his or her life individual identifies and which gives him a
- The individual is not necessarily a sense of belonging, solidarity,
member in the group or belonging to camaraderie, esprit de corps, and a
the individuals forming a group. protective attitude toward the other
Rather, the individual takes the group members.
of persons as personal reference and 7. The primary groups are groups which are
identifies himself with them important to us as models even though we
consciously or subconsciously. ourselves may not be a part of the group.
- The central aspect of reference group 8. Gesellschaft is a type of group which is
is self-identification rather than actual characterized by impersonal, secondary,
membership contractual, and rationalized relationships.
9. The out-group is commonly viewed as
 Stereotypes. outsiders by the in-group.
- Out-groups are generally perceived in 10.Informal group is a type of group with
terms of stereotypes. small and having intimate and personal
- is a group shared image of another relationship among members.
group or category of people.
- Stereotype can positive, negative or a
combination of both.
- are applied indiscriminately to all
members of the stereotyped group
without considering for individual
- never totally fictitious for they must
bear some resemblance to the
characteristics of the persons
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