Elteach Handbook U2

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Lesson 2

Teaching Classroom Language LEARN 1

A. Here are some phrases for teaching classroom language. Listen and repeat. 2.3

You can show students how to ask for help in English. This will encourage students to use English on their Teaching Classroom Language

In Lesson 2, you will:

■ help students use English in class.

■ explain how to ask for help.

Please ask me in Repeat after You can say, You can say,
■ respond to student questions about classroom language. English. me, please. “May I have a “Can you repeat
pencil, please?” that, please?”

You can say, You can say, You can say, When you don’t
“Can you “Can you write “May I go to understand, ask:
speak more that on the the bathroom, “What does it
slowly?” board?” please?” mean?”
Language to Know

bathroom mean repeat slowly spell understand

When you want When you want

What Do You Know? to know a word, to write a word,
Do you know these phrases for teaching classroom language? Write K if you know the phrase. Write DK if say: “How do say: “How do you
you say this in spell that?”
you do not know the phrase. English?” 
Please ask me in English.
Repeat after me, please. 2.4
B. There are many substitutions for these phrases. Listen and repeat.
You can say, “Can you repeat that, please?”
Phrases Substitutions
You can say, “Can you speak more slowly?” You can say, “May I have a pencil, please?” You can say, “May I have a book, please?”
You can say, “Can you write that on the board?” When you don’t understand, ask: “What does it When you don’t understand, say: “What does it
You can say, “May I go to the bathroom, please?” mean?” mean?”

When you don’t understand, ask: “What does it mean?”

56   UNIT 2 Managing the Classroom: Activities  57

LEARN 2 9. When you want to a word, 10. If you forget your book, you can say, “May
say: “How do you say this in English?” I , please?”
Read the conversation, and watch the video. Listen to the teacher teach classroom language. 2.2 a. go to a. have a book
b. repeat b. have a pencil
Ms. Choi: These are important questions. When you don’t c. have c. go to the bathroom
understand, please ask me in English. You can say, d. know d. read the book
“Can you speak more slowly?” Repeat after me:
“Can you speak more slowly?”
Class: “Can you speak more slowly?”
Ms. Choi: Good. When you want to write a word, say: Fill in the blanks with the phrases.
“How do you spell that?” Repeat, please.
“How do you spell that?” can say don’t understand on the board repeat after write
Class: “How do you spell that?” Can you it mean May I have please ask you spell
Ms. Choi: Very good. Mirae, do you have a question?
Mirae: Yes. Can you speak more slowly? Ms. Choi: Let’s review the worksheet. If you have a question, me in English. Sangwoo,
do you have your worksheet?
Sangwoo: Worksheet?

PRACTICE 1 Ms. Choi: It’s OK. When you , say, “What does ?”
Sangwoo: speak more slowly?
Choose the correct answer.
1. Please in English. 5. You can say, “May I , Ms. Choi: Yes. I said that you , “What does it mean?” Everyone me,
a. after me please?” please. “What does it mean?”
b. ask me a. understand that Class: “What does it mean?”
c. you say b. speak more slowly
d. can say c. repeat that Ms. Choi: Yes, Mirae?
d. have a pencil Mirae: Write, please.
2. You can say, “ speak more
6. When you want to a word, Ms. Choi: You can say, “Can you that ?” or “How do that?”
say: “How do you spell that?” Mirae: How do you spell that? Oh, I want.
a. Repeat after
b. Please ask a. have
b. repeat Ms. Choi: Do you need a pencil? You can say, “ a pencil, please?”
c. Can you
d. How do c. ask
d. write REFLECT

3. Repeat , please. 7. You can say, “May I to the Think about the phrases you learned in this lesson. Write five phrases you practiced.
a. after me bathroom, please?”
b. does it a. go Phrases for Teaching Classroom Language
c. when you b. have
d. can say c. get
d. do
4. When you , ask: “What does 8. You can ask, “Can you on
it mean?” the board?”
a. ask me in English a. ask me
b. don’t understand b. repeat that
c. repeat after me Now rate your confidence using these phrases. Put a check below your confidence level.
c. write that
d. write a word d. say that not confident a little confident somewhat confident very confident

58   UNIT 2 Managing the Classroom: Activities  59

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