General Anatomy-Nervous System Lec 1-Dr - Gosai

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General Anatomy

Nervous system Lecture 1

Director, Academics
PIMSR, Parul University
Learning Objectives
AN7.1 : Describe general plan of nervous system with components
of central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system.

AN7.2 : List components of nervous tissue and their functions.

AN7.3 : Describe parts of neurons and classify them based on

number of neuritis, size and function.

Gray’s anatomy for students
General anatomy by B D Chaurasia/ General anatomy by Inderbir singh

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Divisions of Nervous system
Structurally Functionally
Central Somatic Controls
nervous nervous voluntary
12 pairs of
system (CNS) system activities Brain Cranial
Peripheral Autonomic Controls
nervous nervous involuntary 31 pairs of
system (PNS) system (ANS) activities Spinal cord Spinal nerves

ANS + associated
nervous system
Coverings / spaces within Nervous system

Meninges are covering of brain and spinal cord (and spaces

enclosed between them)
• Dura mater-outer layer (‘Hard mother’)
: Epidural / extradural space (B/w dura mater & bone)
: Subdural space (B/w Dura & arachnoid mater)
• Arachnoid mater-middle layer (‘Spider-like mother’)
– Subarachnoid space: contains CSF
• Pia mater-inner layer (‘Soft mother’)

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Central nervous system
Subdivisions of >>>

>>>Spinal cord >>>Vertebral column

• Cervical segments (8) • Cervical vertebrae (7)
• Thoracic segments (12) • Thoracic vertebrae (12)
• Lumbar segments (5) • Lumbar vertebrae(5)
• Sacral segments (5) • Sacral vertebrae (5) : fuse to
form 1 sacrum
• Coccygeal segments (1) • Coccygeal vertebrae (4) :
fuse to form 1 piece of coccyx
 Thus, there is numerical disparity between spinal and
vertebral segments.

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> Mr.John was getting late for the
meeting, hence was speeding up
his car and met with accident as
seen in picture. His MRI was done
and showed injuries at RED and
YELLOW arrows. Which of the
following division of nervous
system is involved in injury?
a. Spinal cord
b. Cranial nerves
c. Forebrain
d. Spinal nerves

 Forebrain
 Revise the parts of nervous system
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• Cell Types
– Neurons ( Nerve cells)
– Glial cells (Glia- glue) for support, nutrition
• Properties
– Excitable by stimulation – action potential-
nerve impulse
• Development
– From ectoderm
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• Independent Functional and Structural unit
• Responsible for:
– Reception
– Transmission
– Processing of stimuli
– Release of neurotransmitters

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Cell body – PERIKARYON
Receive stimuli
Conduct nerve impulse away from cell body
Terminal buttons
Make synapses
Conduct nerve impulse towards the cell body
Usually short
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Classification of Neurons (According to shape)
PseudoUnipolar Neurons: Round neurons one
process emerge from cell but divide at “T”
junction into one central process going to CNS
and other peripheral process coming from
Examples: Dorsal (Posterior) root ganglion
(Spinal Ganglion), Trigeminal ganglion

Bipolar Neurons: Having two processes one for

axon and one for dendrite.
Examples: Neurons in Retina, Olfacotry
mucosa, Cochlear and vestibular ganglion

Multipolar neurons: Multiple poles one for

axon and others for dendrite.
Examples: Universally present in nervous
system like in brain and spinal cord

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Classification of Neurons (According to size)

Golgi Type I Neurons:

Long axon
Examples: Motor cells of
spinal cord, Pyramidal cells,
Purkinje cells

Golgi Type II Neurons:

Short axons, star shaped
Examples: Stellate cells
Cerebral and Granular cells
in cerebellar cortex and are
often inhibitory
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Classification of Neurons (According to function)

Sensory (Afferent Neurons) Motor (Efferent Neurons)

Carry sensation Control motor

from the body (Musclular)
Impulses and
towards the secretomotor
cell body hence (Secretion of
afferent. glands)
activities of
Impulses away
from cell body
hence efferent.

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Neuroglia: Supporting cells in nervous system

• Astrocytes –
protoplasmic & fibrous
(Support, Insulation and
• Oligodendrocytes
(Formation of myelin in
• Ependymal cells
(Lining of cavities in brain)
• Microglia
(scavengers removing cell
debris in CNS)
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Neuroglia: Supporting cells in nervous system

• Satellite (capsular)
(Form capsule around
the cell body)
• Schwann cells
(Formation of Myelin in

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> Ms.Lily was getting difficulty in vision. On examination

by ophthalmologist, she was found to be suffering from
the tumor in the retina. Which of the following types of
neuron might be affected in the tumor?
a. Unipolar
b. Bipolar
c. Multipolar
d. Peudounipolar
 Bipolar
 Revise the Types of neurons and neuroglia
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To be continued in Nervous system Lec 2 !

Thank You!

Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and

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