Second Quarter CAE Reviewer

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Second Quarter CAE Reviewer

Japanese Literature

Literature of Antiquity / Ancient Literature ● The Kojiki ('Record of Ancient Things') is the
(794) oldest book of Japanese history and the
oldest text of any kind from Japan. Compiled
● Since Japan is highly influenced by China, in 712 CE by the court scholar Ono
There are two important writing systems in Yasumaro, the work begins with the gods
Japan during the ancient times. It is called and the creation of the world, progresses to
the genealogy of the early emperors and
Kanji and Kan.
ends with the reign of Empress Suiko in 628
Kanji CE.
Kanji ( 漢 字 ), one of the three scripts used in the ● The Kojiki was written in Chinese characters
Japanese language, are Chinese characters, which but with some Japanese adaptations in
were first introduced to Japan in the 5th century via terms of sentence structure. There are some
Korea. elements such as certain gods and names
which show influences from China and
Korea, but the work is, as a whole, an
Kanji are ideographs, i.e. each character has entirely Japanese construction.
its own meaning and corresponds to a word. ● The Kojiki is most celebrated for its
By combining characters, more words can be description of the 'Age of the Gods' when
created. the world and Japanese islands were
created and the gods ruled before
withdrawing to leave humanity to rule itself.
Kanji are used for writing nouns, adjectives,
adverbs and verbs. But unlike the Chinese What is Nihon Shoki?
language, Japanese cannot be written entirely The Nihon Shoki ('Chronicle of Japan' and also
in kanji. For grammatical endings and words known as the Nihongi) is an official history of
without corresponding kanji, two additional, Japan which was written by a committee of
syllable based scripts are being used, hiragana
court scholars in 720 CE.
and katakana, each consisting of 46 syllables.
It is a compilation of myths and legends
*Shintoism is their religion, and their supreme concerning the Shinto gods and episodes from
sun goddess is Amaterasu* the reigns of the early emperors. The work
Two writing systems of Japan in this begins with the story of the Creation and ends
period: Hiragana and Katakana with the reign of Empress Jito in 697 CE.

Hiragana and katakana each consist of 46 The Nihon Shoki was a sequel of sorts to the
signs which originally were kanji but were Kojiki ('Record of Ancient Things'). Compiled in
simplified over the centuries. When looking at a 712 CE by the court scholar Ono Yasumaro,
Japanese text, one can clearly distinguish the the earlier work also described the mythology
two kinds of signs: the complicated kanji and of the Shinto gods and the creation of the
the simpler kana signs. world.

Hiragana is the first of all the writing systems Nihon Shoki vs. Kojiki
taught to Japanese children. Many books for Nihon Shoki Kojiki
young children are, therefore, written in
hiragana only. ● presents multiple ● a work for
versions of the national
What is Kojiki? same myths and consumption
seems much ● is more than an
The Manyoshu collection contains poems
more concerned invaluable history
which were all written in the Japanese of that
with presenting a source and
time, i.e. using Chinese characters phonetically
definitive entertaining
historical compilation of
presentation of Japanese
events, even mythology, it is Otomo no Yakamochi
regularly citing the cornerstone
the dates of of the Shinto Many scholars consider the Manyoshu to have
events down to religion, its gods been compiled by the poet Otomo no
specific months and rituals. Yakamochi (c. 718-785 CE). He certainly
and days included plenty of his own works, some 479 or
● was designed to 10% of the collection. Yakamochi was born into
show Japan’s an aristocratic family and his father was also a
great history to poet. When he was 30 years old, Yakamochi
the outside was made governor of the then minor and
world, in
particular in remote province of Etchu (modern Toyama
China and Prefecture). This posting perhaps explains the
Korea, the two poet’s penchant for themes of separation and
advanced loneliness, unrequited love and descriptions of
cultures the
Japanese court nature.
most wanted to
appear favorably
to The literature of Middle Antiquity / Classical
Literature (794-1192)
Amaterasu, in full Amaterasu According to Witt ( 2002) Heian Period, Japan
Ōmikami, (Japanese: “Great Divinity is known as the Golden Age of Japanese
Illuminating Heaven”), the celestial sun history because of the major import and further
goddess from whom the Japanese imperial development of Chinese ideas in art,
family claims descent, and an important Shintō
architecture, literature, and ritual that occurred
deity. She was born from the left eye of her
father, Izanagi, who bestowed upon her a at this time and led to a new and ultimately
necklace of jewels and placed her in charge of unique Japanese culture.
Takamagahara (“High Celestial Plain”), the
abode of all the kami. Amaterasu’s chief place Aristocracy - the highest class in certain
of worship is the Grand Shrine of Ise, the societies
foremost Shintō shrine in Japan. Tale of Genji - the world’s first novel; was
What is Manyoshu? written by a woman named Lady Murasaki
The Manyoshu or 'Collection of Ten Thousand
Leaves' is an anthology of ancient Japanese
Why do Japanese in the Heian era admired
poems compiled c. 759 CE during the Nara
and idolized China's Tang dynasty?
Period but including many earlier works. The
most likely person to have assembled the Tang Dynasty is the golden age of China that
collection is Otomo no Yakamochi, himself a gave birth to numerous literary, artistic and
prolific poet who included nearly 500 of his own scientific innovations at that time.
works in the Manyoshu. The Manyoshuis
regarded as a literary classic and high point of
Japanese poetry.
Two known women writers in classical Haiku - focuses on nature as its subject; its
Japanese literary period: Sei Shonagon and function is to show appreciation and reverence
Lady Murasaki Shikubu to nature
The literature of the Middle Ages / Medieval Matsuo Basho - “Father of Japanese Haiku”
Literature (1192-1603)
A strong influence of Zen Buddhism Japanese Zen Stories
Period of varied civil wars that arises the A Cup of Tea - about emptying your mind
interest of war tales The Muddy Road - Don’t think maliciously.
Insights about life, death, simple lifestyle and Sometimes the right decision means not
redemption following the rules. The important thing is to
act, then let it go and move on.
Tale of the Heike - an epic account of the Obedience - Obedience brought about by
struggle between the Taira and Minamoto love, gentleness, and compassion is far better
clans for control of Japan at the end of the than Obedience brought about by harshness,
twelfth century in the Gempei War (1180-1185) ambition and glorying the self-centered self.
- was compiled in 1240 by an unknown author Right and Wrong - Don't write people off so
from a collection of oral stories composed and easily. Expressing compassion isn't always
recited by traveling monks, who chanted them easy, but we're all together in this life, so we
to the accompaniment of the biwa can't just help those that keep good behavior.
- considered one of the great classics of We should strive to lift them up just as we
medieval Japanese literature and has strive to lift ourselves and those we love up
provided material for many later artistic works despite their own flaws.
ranging from Noh plays to woodblock prints Killing - Beware of companions who speak
one way and act another. They can
*Heike ( 平家 ) refers to the Taira ( 平 ) clan; hei is inadvertently kill you faster than you think.
an alternate reading of the kanji (character) for Learn how to execute your escape.
Learning to Be Silent - Never be too quick to
Noh - a major form of classical Japanese
judge others. Don’t be a hypocrite.
musical drama that has been performed since
the 14th century; specializes the use of masks A Career
Heresy - All truth becomes heresy.
Tanka - traditional five-line poem; 5-7-5-7-7 Impressed By the Monks - When you are
syllables; the topic is about nature meditating, make sure that you don’t think of
Renga - Japanese linked-verse poetry in which anything (emptiness of the mind).
two or more poets supplied alternating sections
of a poem; form began as the composition of a Haiku
single tanka by two people and was a popular
pastime from ancient times, even in remote ● It contains three lines.
rural areas
● It has five moras (syllables) in the first line,
seven in the second, and five in the last line.
● It contains 17 syllables in total.
The literature of Recent Past / Early Modern ● A Haiku poem doesn't rhyme.
Literature (1603-1867) ● Haiku poems frequently have a kigo or
Kabuki Theatre - began in 1603 by Izumo no seasonal reference.
Okuni; specializes the use of makeups ● Haiku poems are usually about nature or
natural phenomena.
Error: The tall boy led the parade with red hair.
Revised sentence: The tall boy with red hair
Phrasal modifiers led the parade.
Adjectival modifiers
→ Adjectival phrase (noun/pronoun) Dangling modifiers - the word or phrase
Example: They met a lovely girl in silk kimono. being modified is not stated in the sentence

Adverbial modifiers How to correct dangling modifiers?

→ Adverbial phrase (Verb/ Adjective/ Adverb) 1. Name the appropriate or logical doer of
Example: The monks are preparing through the action as the subject of the main
silence. clause.
2. Change the phrase that dangles into a
Sentence Errors complete introductory clause by naming
Misplaced modifiers - a modifier that is the doer of the action in that clause.
incorrectly separated from the word it
Error: Having arrived late for practice, a written
excuse was needed.
- the modifier is placed FAR from the word it Revised sentence: Having arrived late for
modifies and therefore can cause practice, Sheila needed a written excuse.
CONFUSION Error: Driving west, the scenery was beautiful.
- Awkward; illogical; nonsensical, Revised sentence: Driving west, they saw
ambiguous/vague beautiful scenery.

Examples: How to revise these kinds of sentences?

Error: The clerk sold the scarf to the woman Rephrase the sentence
with the red print. Add or subtract words or a subject
Revised sentence: The clerk sold the scarf Change the voice of sentence (Active or
with the red print to the woman. Passive)

Chinese Literature

Philosophical Beliefs in China • Buddha did not see the world as corrupt
Three men gathered around a jar of wine. but, perhaps, in denial.
Each dipped a digit in then touched it to his • Clinging to that which cannot last
tongue. creates suffering
To K’ung Fu-Tzu, the taste was sour; to
• Free the mind from earthly desires
Gautama Buddha, the taste was bitter; to
K’ung Fu-Tzu, the taste was sour
Laozi, the taste was sweet.
All three different; all three one. • The world is sour or tainted with evil. His
teaching focuses on how a man should
Lao Tzu, the taste was sweet live by the laws of heaven and laws of
the government.
• saw the world as inherently right as it
flows with the natural order of things • His remedy was to put forth a set of
virtues and etiquette that would bring
• his idea was not to judge or critique the
the focus back to ethics and
way of the world, but to accept it.
Buddha, the taste was bitter
• idea of suffering Xia Dynasty
•"mandate of heaven" •Li Si introduced a writing system that later
Shang Dynasty (1700 AD – 1050 AD) developed into modern Chinese writing
• Emperor Qin Shi Huang favored a
•Development of Chinese Writing philosophical school that was called
•The first dynasty (historical record and Legalism
archaeological evidence) • Li Si explained that it is the duty of the
•Northern central China government to rule strictly; offenders will be
punished severely.
•No documents survived, but hieroglyphic
writing on bronze wares and oracle bones • the strong control of the emperor and
were found. maintained that everyone should obey him.
•The hieroglyphic writing system later evolved Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220)
into ideographic and partly-phonetic Chinese
characters. • Scientific and Historical Texts
Zhou Dynasty (1045 AD – 255 BC) • Confucianism was revived and mixed with
the Legalism
•Philosophical and Religious Literature • Sima Qian wrote Historical Records
•emergence of religions and philosophies the • The Han Dynasty era was one of the two
“One Hundred Schools of Thought.” main hotspot eras for scientific and
•In Chinese history, the dominant rulers technical advances.
generally discourage philosophical • Cai Lun, invented writing paper
expression that contradicts their own.
•Longest dynasty (800 years) Tang Dynasty (617 – 907)
•Spring and Autumn Period became the basis
• Golden Age of Chinese Literature
for Chinese religious and social belief
system Literary achievements:
•Taoism and Confucian literature, and other
prominent religious and philosophical Book of Documents
schools were introduced. • compilation of 58 chapters detailing the
events of ancient China.
Literary achievements:
• tells the deeds of the early sage-kings
•Confucian Classics Yao and Shun.
•Taoist writings • The compilation also includes the
•These literary works deeply shaped Chinese history of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou
philosophy and religion. dynasties.
•Confucius edited the Spring and Autumn • often considered the first narrative
Annals that shape Chinese thinking about its history of ancient China.
Book of Songs
Qin Dynasty (221 BC – 206 BC)
• comprised of 305 poems dealing with a
•Literary Disaster and Legalism range of issues, including love and
marriage, agricultural concerns, daily
•The most powerful dynasty lives, and war.
•“Book Burning and Burial of Scholars”
•standardized the written Classical Language • contains different categories of poems,
including folk songs and hymns used in
Book of Rites • Woodblock printing and Neo Confucian
• the social norms, governmental • The Analects of Confucius
organization, and the ritual conduct • Mencius
during the Zhou dynasty. • The Doctrine of the Mean
• foundation of many ritual principles that • The Great Learning
arise in later imperial China.
Yuan Dynasty (1279 – 1368)
• proper ritual conduct would maintain
harmony in the empire, as well as • Chinese Drama and Fictional Novels
emphasize the virtue of piety. • Drama and Great Fictional Novels
• shadow puppet plays
Book of Changes
• Guan Hanqing - Midsummer Snow
• contains a system of divination, which is
centered largely around the principles of Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)
yin and yang. Classical Chinese Novels
• The Book of Changes has also been
• Water Margin
translated as I-Ching or Classic of
Changes. • Romance of the 3 Kingdom
• Journey to the west
*Spring and Autumn Annals
As the longest of the Five Classics, the Spring Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911)
and Autumn Annals is a historical chronicle of • Pre-modern literature
the State of Lu. 
Dream of the red chamber
Pangu – separates the sky from the earth • Cao Xe Quin
Qilin: Wisdom • Chia Family
Phoenix: Rebirth • Feudalism
• Concubinage
Dragon: Power
• Fidelity
Turtle: Strength and Immortality • Loyalty
Known personalities in this period: • Greediness
• Family’s Reputation
Li Bai
Beijing Opera
• one of the greatest romantic poets of ancient
Modern Era (1911 – Present)
• He wrote at least a thousand poems on a
● Analects (as literary pieces) set order in
variety of subjects from political matters to society.
natural scenery ● Analects (as literary) unified or systematized
the rules of the government.
Du Fu ○ Analects helped promote
harmony in society.
• One of the greatest realist poets of China.
• His poems reflect the hard realities of war, Themes of the Analects:
● Benevolence
dying people living next to rich rulers, and ● Ritual Propriety
primitive rural life. ● Righteousness
Song Dynasty (960 – 1279) ● Wisdom
● Integrity ● Choose and keep the company of those who
share the same values as you do.
● We learn best when we do things. ● A good man (man with values) never
LESSON OF ANALECT II engages in a fight neither does he promote
● People who are hopeful aspire for peace. exclusivity.
● Humility is the start of wisdom. ● A wise man takes accountability for all his
LESSONS OF ANALECT IV decisions and actions
● It is foolish to pretend that we know what we LESSON OF ANALECT IX
actually do not know. ● Humility in accepting our weaknesses
● Pretentious people will not gain wisdom. and strengthens our resolve not to make
LESSONS OF ANALECT V the same mistake.
● Every good value of a child is learned and LESSON OF ANALECT X
nurtured at home. and these values are ● We must choose people who can inspire
transmitted outside the home. and lead us.
● A group of words that does not express
FRAGMENTS a complete thought maybe a phrase or
● a
dependent clause

How to correct fragments? Add a subject or a


RUN - ON sentences
● two (2) or more independent clauses
that are not properly joined together or
separated from one another
How to correct run-on sentences?
1. Use a period and a capital letter to
turn a run-on sentence into two
separate sentences.
2. Use a comma and a coordinating
conjunction. The coordinating
conjunctions are the ff: for, and, nor,
but, or, yet, so.
3. Use a semicolon. Determine the
independent clauses then separate
them with a semicolon.

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