Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Lesson 2: Developing a Business Plan
Lesson 3: Opportunity Seeking
Lesson 4: Implementing a Business Plan
get ahead of his competitors lest he is driven out of market.
Buyers of commodities have tendency to patronize
innovative offerings of any kind and if one wans patronage,
he must remember this motivation.
Defining innovation
Lesson 1: Introduction to Innovation - maybe defined as the introduction
Entrepreneurship of a new method, procedure, custom, device,
among others.
1.1: What is Entrepreneurship? Innovation could be any of the following:
The concept of entrepreneurship involves three major 1. A new product.
components. These components include:
2. A new process of production.
Entrepreneurship – is the propensity of mind to take
calculated risks with confidence to achieve a 3. The substitution of a cheaper material in an unaltered
predetermined business or industrial objective. To material.
simply put, entrepreneurship is the act of setting out on
4. The reorganization of production, internal function, or
your own and starting business.
distribution arrangement leading to increased
Entrepreneur – is the one who undertakes the efficiency, better support for a given product, or lower
endeavor. An entrepreneur is the person responsible for cost.
setting up a business or enterprise. A good entrepreneur
5. An improvement in the instrument or method of doing
has the initiative, skill for innovation, and who looks for
innovation. Innovation may also be viewed as the last
high achievements.
stage of important process consisting of the following:
Enterprise – is the business organization that is a. Invention – refers to the discovery or devising of
formed and which provides goods and services, creates new products or processes.
jobs, contributes to the national outcome, exports, and
contributes to the overall economic development. b. Development – refers to the process by which the
ideas and principles generated from the stage of
1.2: Who can be an Entrepreneur? invention are embodied in concrete products and
There is not one single quality or skill to define an
entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs come in various c. Innovation – refers to the actual introduction of a
ages, gender, race, and social status. They also differ in new product or process.
education and experience. However, research indicates that
most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal
attributes, including: creativity, dedication, flexibility,
Lesson 2: Developing a
determination, leadership, passion, self-confidence, and
Business Plan
The “SMARTS” 2.1: What is a Business Plan and What
Creativity – is the spark that drives the development is it for?
of new product ideas or ways to do business. It is the
Entrepreneurs who plan to enter any business plan
push for innovation and improvement.
endeavor must have a business plan on hand to guide them
Dedication – is what motivates the person to work throughout the process. Different business plans are
hard to get the endeavor off the ground. Planning and prepared for different purposes. There are business plans
ideas must be joined by hard work to succeed. written prior to setting up and enterprise, which are similar
Dedication makes it happen. to a prefeasibility study and feasibility study.
Determination – is the extremely strong desire to Business plan - is a written description of your
achieve success. It includes persistence and the ability business’ future, a document that tells what you plan to
to bounce back after rough times. For the true do and how you will plan to do it. It serves as the guide
entrepreneur, money is not the motivation. – a roadmap for your business that outlines the goals
and details of how you plan to achieve those goals.
Flexibility – is the ability to move quickly in response
to the changing market needs. It is being true to a The masters of a business plan
dream while also being mindful of market realities.
It serves the entrepreneur who must set a navigational
1.3: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
It serves investors and cautious financers.
The freedom of competition afforded by the capitalist
economy serves to drive the entrepreneur to innovate and
It serves the managers and staff of the organization so The school has at least 203 regular school days. Break
that they will know the strategies and programs of the such as Semesterly Break, Holidays, and Summer will see
enterprise. slow the business.
8. Key Activities – are the most important activities in Who are competing enterprises in the industry and what
executing a company’s value proposition. are their comparative advantages and disadvantages?
What business models and strategies are they
9. Cost Structure – defines all the costs and expenses employing?
that your company will incur while operating your
business model. This final step in the process is Who are the suppliers in the industry and what are their
important, because it will help your team decide capabilities and bargaining power?
whether to pivot or proceed.
What are the channels of distribution being used by the
industry? How effective are these channels?
2.4: Introduction: Vision, Mission, and
The Macro-Environmental Factors, in the other hand,
Objectives explains the effect of external factors that might affect the
business. The following are the macro-environmental
Vision Statement – is a mental picture of what you
what to accomplish or achieve.
1. Social Environment – this factor includes the
Mission Statement – is a general statement of how
demographic and cultural dimensions that govern the
the vision will be achieved. This is an action statement
relevant entrepreneurial behavior.
that usually begins “to”.
2. Political Environment – defines the governance
Objectives – provides specific milestones with a
system of the country or the local area business. It
specific timeline for achieving a goal.
includes the laws, rules, regulations on allowable and
disallowable business practices.
2.5: Executive Summary
3. Economic Environment – it is mainly driven by
This part of the business plan provides a busy reader supply and demand forces. It is the same factor that
with everything that needs to be known about the new drives the interest and foreign exchange rates to
venture’s distinctive nature. fluctuate with the movement of the market forces.
Executive Summary – is the brief introduction to a 4. Ecological Environment – includes all-natural
business plan. resources and ecosystem that defines the habitat of
man, animals, plants, and minerals.
2.6: Business Proponents
5. Technological Environment – explains the makes
This third section of your business plan contains and breaks competing participants in any industry.
information about business proponents or stakeholders.
There are four types of stakeholders: 2.9: Product/Service Offering:
1. Resource Mobilizers and Financial Backers Description, Evolution, and
2. Technology Providers and Applicants Justification
3. Governance and Top Management 1. Product/Services – is the changing highlighting
feature and attributes that would most appeal to the
4. Operating and Supporting Team target customer.
2.7: The Target Customers and the 2. Describe and Compare – this section needs to be
explained exactly what are you selling and will fits in the
Main Value Proposition market place.
The business proponent must be very precise about the
3. Price Points – explains products may come into
target audience or target customers. Target customers must
different sizes, quantities, or varieties that will impact
be at least sufficient in size, in paying capacity, and in
the price, and services might be more or less extensive Here is the so-called Entrepreneurial Mind Frame:
depending on the price to be changed.
Lesson 3: Opportunity Seeking grown strongly in recent years, which makes the ecological
force a crucial factor to consider. For instance, world, air,
and water pollution are headlines every marketer should be
3.1: What is Opportunity Seeking? aware of.
First and foremost, you have to go back to the beginning. Is Marketing collateral – marketing manager
your business plan realistic and does it have clear goals, Recruitment – HR manger securing new clients and
objectives, and aims that suit your aspirations? business – business development manager.
Although the list below is not exhaustive, your business Opening company bank account – you
plan should contain a clear outline of the following:
Social media management – marketing manager
Business Proposition – what is your
product/service; who are your clients; who is your Time allocation
competition; how are you going to sell your
product/service? Each time should be paired with an appropriate time frame
of completion. You should be aggressive, but reasonable
Management Team – who is your management team with your time allocation in order to ensure, not just
– directors, key personnel, and any strategic partners completion, but competent work as well.
and alliances you may have?
For assistance in framing this timescale, create you own
Marketing – how are you going to promote Gantt chart – helpful tool that shows how long it will take to
(marketing, including market research, and pricing) complete different tasks and in what order the tasks should
your product or service? be finished.
Staff – who do you need to employ and what is your Progress and review
organizational structure?
You or a member of your management team needs to be in-
Operations – more information about your office charge of monitoring each task’s progress and the
premises, and infrastructure needed such as IT, website, completion percentage of each objective. When delays
telecoms, and similar. occur, try to get root of the problem. The more efficiently
Infrastructure -what is your trading entity, insurance you start implementing your business plan, the more likely
needed, lawyers and accountants you will be using? is that you will survive this early period.
Finances – more information about your profit and Keep a tab on your finances
loss forecasts, cash flow, finance needed, and
Keep reviewing your finances. If you are not hitting your
investment opportunities.
targets, implement changes and tackle this. Also have a
Set out your objectives regular review with your accountant to manage income,
costs and any tax liabilities. It is so important to keep
Once you have your business plan you should set out your disciplined, focused and motivated by cash flow, even more
objectives, for example, in the recruitment industry, some so in the early stages of your business.
of your objectives could include the following:
Join a trade association or networking
Secure office space, set up the company and
infrastructure, and start trading within three
months. Business plans are always dynamic. Make sure you join a
networking group so you can keep up to date with the
Secure your first deal within two months of ground market knowledge, connections, and legal and
trading. financial updates. You may also need to react and change
accordingly. Don’t get totally blinkered into your business
Make one business deal every month from there plan, you always have to see what’s going on around you.
on for the first year.
Regularly review your business plan
Review your business plan on a regular basis. Compare
budgeted numbers to actual fingers of doing business.
Determine whether you can keep operating as you are or
whether you need to make changes, such as reducing costs,
raising prices or increasing marketing.