Effect Social Media Spelling Ability Students Case Study Federal College Education Yola 2576 8484 East 18 218

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Volume 2 Issue 1 | PDF 153 | Pages 13

Edelweiss Applied Science

and Technology
Research Article ISSN: 2576-8484
The Effect of Social Media on the Spelling Ability of
Students: A Case Study of Federal College of Education
(FCE) Yola
Fredrick Wilson*
*Corresponding author: Fredrick Wilson, Department of mass communication, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria, Tel:
+2347037626884, E-mail: [email protected]
Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal college of education (fce) yola (2018)
Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Received: Aug 17, 2018
Accepted: Oct 04, 2018
Published: Oct 11, 2018
Copyright: © 2018 Fredrick Wilson. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
This research investigates social media effect on the spelling abilities of students of Federal College of Education Yola. The study is significant
because it helped in unveiling the negative effect of social media on students spelling abilities. The intents of the study are to examine the effect
of social media on the student‟s spelling ability, to find out the nature of effect social media have on students spelling ability, to determine the
number of hours spent by students on social networking activities every day and to determine how social media usage has affected students
spelling ability. The social learning theory was adopted as the theoretical framework. Survey was the research method used, using questionnaire
as the instrument which was conveniently and accidentally distributed among respondents in the levels. The study established that virtual
platforms (social media) have negative effects on the spelling ability of students. Students expend excessive period on social media events than
their academics especially the effect on the spelling ability of students during examination, when writing letters and using social media platform
such as Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook. The research generalized that the usage of social media by students affects their spelling ability
negatively more especially when writing examination and letters, which in turn affects conventional way of writing. The study however
recommends that more time should be channeled and spent on productive academic engagement and institutions should come up with ways of
harnessing such virtual platforms academically in order to enhance students spelling ability since they are so addicted to social media.
Keywords: Mass communication, Spelling Ability, Social media.

Edegoh, (2012) the gradual evolution and growth of technology has

Introduction redefined and changed the world immensely, this is evident in respect
No doubt contemporary technology in communication seem to have of how technological innovations are used as best channels for
turned the entire world into a Global village just as emphasized by an exploring the wide area of knowledge.
English professor in the person of Marshall McLuhan years ago. The
birth of internet or World Wide Web (www) gave rise to the concept of The evolution of the internet technology created a suitable, easiest, cost
worlds interconnectivity fostered by Information And Communication efficient and fast medium of communication, whereby majority of the
Technology (ICT) driven by international trade and investment. This world‟s population two-third statistically participate fully in blogging
also facilitated the rise of the various social media platforms that have as well as social media activities in order to satisfy their thirst for
become integral to people in respect of information. As it is today, the information, and entertainment, hence such platforms serve as tools for
growth, adoption and usage of technology offers tremendous benefits, connection and creation of mutual understanding. Over the years, the
advantages as well as disadvantages. Virtual platforms popularly and online environment created by social media has enabled it users share
professionally known as social media are known for the facilitation of thoughts, common business, personal and intellectual ideas effectively
information sharing, enlightenment and the enhancement of without restriction. (William, Boyd, Densten, Chin, Diamond &
development issues across the globe regardless of distance and time, Morgenthaler 2009). The long dream of the world transformation into a
which is the regular side. The popular believe today is that mankind global village where one language, one flag and common values rule
has been exposed to simpler and better ways of exhibiting things with has become a reality as a result of the interconnectivity of several
the aid of technology. Social media which include, Facebook, Twitter, interactive platforms that unite and allow people to communicate from
Myspace, Whatsapp messenger, blackberry messenger, Skype, Google diverse ends, social background, and culture. Countless benefits have
talk, Google messenger, are interactive virtual environments which been tremendously realized via distant communication expedited by
propels and harness cordialness through relationships built on the sites. social media usage.
In both contemporary and primitive societies today, most people utilize
these platforms to interrelate with physical, virtual friends and connect The ability to spell words effectively prepares a ground for educational
with old friends, share thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively and distinction which is key in the intellectual quest and pursuit of all
efficiently within a short period of time. According to Asemah and students. It plays a crucial part in an individual assignment within

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of
federal college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

academic and non-academic institutions hence coining possible ways friends be it physical or virtual exercise some form of influence, the
and mechanism of how people‟s academic achievements can be degree and frequency of social media usage is a key and major
enhanced in all ramification by spelling words effectively and correctly determinant in respect of student‟s disposition towards their studies. It
has become a priority and a phenomenon of concern. (Olubiyi 2012). is against this background that this study examined the effect of social
media on the spelling ability of Federal College of Education Yola
Worldwide, emphasis have been placed on intellectual and academic students.
excellence. Most prevalent and alarming globally are issues and
problems upholding and downgrading it hence many studies have been
carried out in order to establish concrete intellectual findings in that
Statement of problem
regard. Academic accomplishment and its imperativeness in The growing trend and usage of social media as means of fostering
determining one‟s success is multi-faceted and largely depends on mutual understanding has come to stay in Nigeria just like in almost all
many factors some of which are, the ability to spell words correctly, parts of the world. It is however imperative to note that majority of
the ability to phrase and write good sentences and the ability to use users that form the internet or virtual community thriving today are
language appropriately. They determine one‟s academic capability in high school and University students. Baran, (2010:272) noted that
both institutions of learning and career development (Kyoshaba 2009). whatever effect social media has on the user fundamentally depends on
Spelling excellence which contribute immensely to academic how the user chooses to use it as it can be used in advantageous ways
excellence remains one of the goals of numerous if not all academic and otherwise. The phenomenon social media has been explored
establishments, it is however ascertained and measured through widely by diverse scholars in respect of its benefit and effects, however
examination results, therefore spelling excellence and academic it appears less has been done about the affiliation between social media
excellence are the outcome or product of education. In respect of and the spelling ability of students, in order to fill the gap in
measurement, there is no general agreement on how it is best tested or knowledge, the study surveyed the effect of social media on students
the aspects that are most important (Annie, Howard & Mildfred, 1996). spelling ability. Specifically this study will find answers to the
With the recent setback of life‟s existent principles and tenets of following question. What is the effect of social media on the spelling
education commonly prevalent amidst students that accumulate the ability of students?
vast majority of social media users for interaction, perhaps there may
be a direct relationship that exists between social media usage and the Objectives of the study
spelling ability of students in universities and beyond. The greater The rationale of this survey generally is to examine the effect of Social
concentration of these contemporary platforms revolves to a great Media on the Spelling ability of students of Federal College of
extent around erecting and modifying appropriate social connotation Education Yola.
between individuals with communal and mutual concern. The World Specifically, the study seeks
Wide Web, that host countless social interactive sites has posed serious
flaws to students as they most often prefer channeling time meant for i. To examine the effect social has on the spelling ability of
productive academic ventures to activities such as chatting and students.
socializing with friends online. ii. To find out the nature of effect social media have on students
spelling ability.
A lot of apprentices are now habituated to the technological iii. To determine the number of hours spent by students daily on
amusement and rave of Facebook and twitter. as a result of addiction, social media.
the quest to exchange information swiftly, gave birth to new methods iv. To determine ways by which social usage has affected the
of spelling words which is a total deviance from the normal, spelling ability of the students.
professional and formal ways of spelling words thus the student seem
to have found in love with shortening words to enable them say as
much as they can in a short time. Research questions
i. What effect does social media has on the spelling ability of students
Today, most young people who are students enjoy chatting while in Federal college of education Yola?
walking on streets, in formal settings of learning, places of worship etc. ii. What is the nature of effect on students spelling ability?
it is however alarming that the surge for the usage of these iii. What is the number of hours spent by students on social media
technological devices increases each passing moment. Crystal, D, activities?
(2008) established that, among the growing trends in communication, iv. In what ways has social media usage affected the spelling ability of
social media happens to be the most welcomed development and the the students of Federal College of Education Yola?
favourite of youths and students globally because of its cheap tariff and
reliability. Scope of the Study
The quintessence of this study is to fundamentally examine social
A study by Rafi, M, (2010) revealed that the adoption, usage and media and its effect on the spelling abilities of students. In order to
addiction to text messaging have propelled the deterioration of English easily, effectively and accurately analyze data generated, the major
writing and appropriate spelling of words. The excessive usage habit focus of this research is the students of Federal College of Education
according to majority of the respondents expedites hurdles in writing Yola. The essence is to avoid complications that may accrue and arise
English during examination. The indispensable fact is, texting has as a result of using an enormous universe. However since the features
come to stay and evolve speedily as a 21st century fashion with of learners (students) in all institutions are to a great extent analogous,
abundant and unusual usage of language which is a total deviance from the outcome of the survey will be widespread to encompass all students
the years to years standards. However it is a popular believe that the of tertiary institutions in Nigeria and the globe at large.
practice is promoting a huge debility in learning hence the writing
skills of students is greatly affected as a result of excessive usage of
SMS. Significance/ Justification of the study
The addiction of social media usage mostly among youths and students
A philosophical guide by name Social information processing theory has been as issue of local and international discussion. The
posits that more time is needed in developing virtual social deteriorating rate of intellectual excellence hugely related to social
collaboration than one on one relationship. However when developed, media usage as proven by numerous scholars‟ triggered lots of studies
it has the same bearing as the one on one. Therefore, given the fact that on its effects and benefits. Glaringly little or nothing has been done

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

about its relationship with the spelling ability of students. Hence this It is paramount and requisite to have a knowledge of what media is in
research work is important to institutions of learning, parent and order to understand the concept of new media. Daramola, (2003:95)
students. It will enable educators understand the impact social media sees media as the vehicle or means by which information are conveyed
has on their students. The study is also of immense significance to from source to receivers. More so, Ball-Reach and Cantor cited in
parents in terms of knowing and comprehending the effects social Littlejohn (1992:341) explain that central to any study in mass
media has on their children and the necessary mechanism for the communication is the media. The contemporary Mass Media (whether
regulation of its excessive usage. The study will serve as a veritable hot or cool as McLuhan would say), foster the interconnectivity of
platform for students to comprehend the collective advantages of social millions of people to be in touch with almost any spot on the globe.
media and the likely dangers exploring the platforms more than
required may pose to their spelling ability and academic performance In the craft of journalism, the new and the old media exist as a result of
as a whole. It will assist student in comprehending the diverse nature of the emergence and evolvement of the internet. According to Dungson,
social media. It will make available pertinent guide for other (2006) Newspapers, magazine, radio and television are the old media
intellectuals and researchers undertaking related study. while Haralambos & Holborn, (2004) see new media as those aspects
that are associated with information and communication technology
(ICT), hardware and software, as well as media institutions and the
Operational definitions people who practice in them.
As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following
definitions are given as words used as intended to be understood for the Mcquail (2005) stated that new media is an encompassing set of
purpose of this study. diversifying plus applied communication technologies (IT).
Haralambos & Holborn, (2004) added that technological development
Social Media: They are internet based virtual platforms that simplify in information and information technology has allowed new media to
interactivity and the creation of mutual understanding among people diversify and spread. Dominick (2009:291) claimed that the internet
from diverse ends within a limited period of time. Social media include i.e. new media supplements the old surveillance function of Mass
web and mobile technology. In this study, this refers to platforms such Media.
as facebook, twitter, Myspace and Whatsapp that enable users share
information. Kietzman (2012). Defined Social media as web and mobile based
Spelling Ability: The act, competence, quality, practice or subject of machinery that create veritable platforms through which people
forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words. communally exchange, relate, reinvent and co create user generated
(Orthography). In this study it stands for the ability of students to spell content. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) added that social media are
words correctly as required formally and professionally. platforms built of philosophical practicalities and a conglomerate of
Students: In this study it stands for students of Federal College of networks that enable users generate and share contents.
Education Yola.
According to Martinez cited in Boyd (2009), social media allow people
Literature Review expand their social connections by contacting and becoming friends
World over, new information technologies involving a range of with people who they may not have met in person. Wellman, Salaff,
computer controlled communication services have evolved. Prominent Dimitrova, Garton, Gulia & Haythorn, (1996) opines that social media
among these is the internet. The internet is a cluster of thousands of support both maintenance of existing social ties and formation of new
heterogeneous computer networks utilizing different set of protocols to connections outside pre-existing social groups or location their
create a worldwide communication platform (Adesina, 2006:168). allowing the formation of communities around shared interest, as
opposed to shared geography. Over the years, social media have
The internet is a conglomerate of diverse categories of networks and expanded as a result of the availability of mobile phones which have
set ups linked together. It is also known as a connection of computers contributed immensely to users‟ usage, adoption and dependence to
with the aid of computer networks based on a common addressing social media. Social media effects are dire. Baran (2010:272) opined
system and communication protocol called „transmission control that the outcome of social media influence on a user which could be
protocol/internet protocol. It facilitates information sharing just as advantageous (positive) or otherwise fundamentally depends on the
mobile phones enable people talk from different ends. Some call the manner or ways by which the user chooses to use it hence scholars and
internet super highway. As a road allows vehicular movement to researchers across the globe have been able to establish some findings
various parts of a country so does information travel via different on the influence of social media. According to Englander, Terregrossa
interconnected computer networks (Owolabi, 2006:139). & Wang (2010) the negative effect of social media on the academic
performance of students is far greater than its advantages thus, social
Dominick (2009:277) posit that the connections that exist among these media is negatively concomitant with academic excellence and
networks could be microwaves, fiber optic cables, phone lines or wires prosperity.
built exceptionally for this purpose. Dominick (2009) also gave the
make-up and characteristics of the internet as World Wide Web Social Media Effects
(WWW), email, newsgroup, and online service providers. Boyd and (Oche and Aminu 2010) posits that majority of students and
Ellison (2007) further explained the features of the internet by saying adolescences now a days own Facebook accounts which is gradually
“It shares a variety of technical features that allows individuals to resulting to a massive decline in the academic performance of students
construct a public or semi-public office, articulate list of their users that in all institutions of learning in Nigeria to be specific and the world at
they share connection with and view their list of connection`s within large. However reasons or explanations for this decline may not be
the system”. farfetched from excessive usage of social media. While many minds
might be quick to blame the poor quality of teachers forgetting that
However, the most interesting thing about the internet is that no students‟ attention has drifted away from physical associates to virtual
organization owns or controls it. There is no government regulation or online friends, whereas relevant academic related schemes like
and no one censors the information made available on the internet (Wu, writing and spelling words effectively gets crippled in the process.
Paulina 2015) Wu, Paulina (2015) also gave the following uses of the Olubiyi (2012). Noted that the level at which students are so enthralled
internet: chatting, text-based chats, e-based or multimedia chat etc. to online chatting is one of the commonest trends in societies today,
virtually 24 hours is spent on social media by active users(mostly
student) to socialize and satisfy their yearnings for visibility in the

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

virtual world. Even in classrooms and lecture theatres, it has been However Kuppuswamy & Shankar (2010) avert that social networking
observed that some students are always busy pinging, 2going or platforms ensnare the minds of students and divert it to nonacademic
Facebooking, while lectures are on, time ought be channeled towards venture such unproductive online conversation. While Liccardi,
learning, academic research and innovative engagements have been Ounnas, Massey, Kinnunen, Midy, & Sakar (2007) explicitly presage
crushed by the passion for meeting new friends online, and most times that social media nurture social connectivity among students, it allows
busy discussing trivial issues and most painful of all spelling words them make known to each other their everyday educational
wrongly. Thus countless number of students experience academic proficiencies and also converse on numerous topics. Furthermore,
impediment by virtue of excessive social media practice. Tinto (1997) added that social media is needful as extra-curricular
events and educational events are unsatisfying to some students who
Obi, Bulus,Adamu & Sala ( 2012), observed that majority of students suffer from the inaccessibility of social networking sites. This explains
that often explore social media routinely have coined and adopted that there are lots of academic benefits and useful experiences that
peculiar practices of writing and abbreviating words in formal settings attached to social media.
and during chatting which is gradually becoming integral to their
formal writing skills. For example students now use 2 in place of to, D Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels (2009) argued that social media in its
in place of the, and 4 in place of for. These necessitated the entirety is precarious to youths who are mostly if not all students.
establishment of deterioration in the use of English and grammar by Social networking sites according to Cain (2009) offers ease of
users who are mostly students, therefore this explains in clear terms connectivity among people. Its cost effectiveness, information,
that words abbreviation while chatting has a direct link with the class pictures and videos sharing nature upsurge users‟ participation.
assessment of students as it alters the conventional way of spelling Preceding studies according to Wiley and Sisson (2006) shows that
words as required professionally. great percentage of tertiary students (90%) engage in social media
usage. In the same way Ellison (2007) added that roughly half an hour
Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe (2007) notes that although social media is spent routinely on chatting and other social media activities, thus
has been recognized as an important resource for education today, social media is important in the lives of students. A study conducted by
other studies however shows that undergraduates harness social media Lenhart & Madden in 2007 unveiled that students acclaim social
such as Facebook for fun, to while away time, to meet existing friends networking sites are good frequencies for collaboration and the
or to make new ones. Also Kimberly, Jeong & Lee, (2009), supposed exchange of information with friends.
that students spend ample stretch on participating in social media
activities, with many students apportioning blames to social platforms Richardson, Third & MacColl (2009) in Ito (2005) postulate that
for consistent shrinkage and decline in excellent academic creative contents on social media strengthen community building when
performance. It also shows that only few students are aware of the exchanged. It extends high sense of friendship, inseparability and
academic and professional networking opportunities the sites offers. closeness among people who share the same history. It upholds the
virtues of collaboration and strong sense of community development.
Benefits of Social Media From which ever perspective social media is looked at, Richardson,
Third & MacColl connotes that, users‟ sense of community
Social media by originality propagates information sharing for the
development is built which means to a great extent, they have positive
purpose of creating mutual understanding and benefits. It has the
impact on users.
supremacy of humanizing, amusing and influencing the audience. Most
importantly, they hold a “contagious and outreaching influence” of
Finally Arling P & Subramani M (2011) opine that employees use
which the mainstream media is deficient of. Osahenya (2012)
social networking tools (e.g Facebook, LinkedIn, On-line Blogs, etc) to
explained this latent as the “unstoppable power of the social media”
establish contacts and associate with experts that could be useful in
In spite of the fact that a lot of negativities have been attached to social
exchanging knowledge that could be helpful in increasing job
media as a result of the potential menace students are exposed to. It is
performance. In 2013 a survey was conducted to examine the use of
also imperative to elicit the advantages that can be accrued if properly
social media by students. The study unveiled that students usage of
harnessed. Abubakar (2011) posits that the open, chatty and interactive
these platforms are mostly for leisurely purposes such as phonography
nature of social media propels and boosts participation.
viewing, films watching and the discussion of religious and political
issues (Ezeah, Euphemia, Asogwa and Obiorah, 2013).
He characterized the diverse nature of social into blogs, YouTube,
flicker, 2go, Facebook and twitter to mention but a few. Boyd (2007)
revealed that institutions of knowledge acquisition are beginning to Academic Performance of Students and the
utilized quite a number of the virtual sites for educational purposes and Influence of Social Media
to incorporate and foster information sharing habits among students
The rate at which students drop out of school yearly is alarming which
regarding assignment and other beneficial intellectual information
is why it has become a global phenomenon. (Bowen 2008). Lots of
other students are deficient of. schools have started to use these sites
research posits that among the factors and pressures propelling and
to promote education, keep students up to date with assignments, and
raising the dropout rate of students across the globe, the greatest and
offer help to those in need. He concluded that social media can be a
most impactful among them is social media. However, with the
positive influence on students if amply used. Boyd (2007) believes that
increase in social media adoption, usage, addiction and the surge for
social networking sites bid users the opportunity to uniquely air their
technological social lives by students, the question remains, does it
views without restrictions of any kind.
affect their academic pursuit? (Bowen 2008). Yang (2003) noted that
the degree of social media usage fundamentally determines its effect on
In addition, Boyd (2007) perceived that social media serve as both
the user. While Williams (2008) holds that majority of high school
meeting place and a platform that propagates positive interactivity
graduates lack the adequate knowledge and qualification to enroll for
where like-minded individuals can showcase their talents. Boyd &
higher studies and these reasons are not far from the surge and
Ellison (2007) further explained in clear terms that secondary school
addiction of social media by students and youths.
students make judicious use of this available forum as yardstick for
acquiring wealth of knowledge and other crucial aid for future
However Kabilan (2010) believe that there are some advantages tied to
planning. For example, high school graduates aspiring to be
social media usage one of which is the facilitation of English learning
undergraduates in diverse disciplines and Universities could log in to
which leads to English proficiency. Also Craig (2003) & David (2008)
these platforms and visit the profile of the university they deem is fit
noted that information sharing on social media which involves typing
for them.

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

or texting in some ways enhance students literateness and mastery of students are adversely linked. The disadvantages associated with its
language. Williams (2008) observed that users‟ ability to type fast and usage outweigh the advantages. To him, constants handlers enjoy being
multi task gets broadened through social media usage. online rather engaging in other relevant personal and professional
endeavors which ultimately create a glaring discrepancy in educational
In a study on “impact of Facebook on undergraduate academic excellence in terms of performance.
performance Moon (2011) averred that social media have negative
impact on students. According to the result, the more students use A study by Karpinski & Vein (2009) pointed out that social networking
facebook the more it affects their academic performance. Similarly, handlers create little or no time for their educations when compared to
Oye (2012) notes that most of the younger students use social non-users. The study was able to ascertain and generalized that based
networking sites mainly for socializing activities rather than for on data collected and analyzed in relation to users and non-users
academic purpose. Another study conducted by Shana (2012) revealed CGPAs hence in the history of generations and their peculiar
that students use social media mainly for making friends and chatting. distractions, Social media usage and addiction is seen to be the
The result showed that only 26 percent of the students (respondents) foremost disturbance of this current generation (Karpinski &
use social media for academic purpose. Duberstein (2009).

Young (2006) in a study titled “the effect of internet use and social Social Media and Language
media on the academic performance of students” explained that the
The imperativeness of language and language usage as the only natural
wide tentacles of the internet have impacted greatly to the school lives
means of creating mutual understanding cannot be over emphasized.
of undergraduates and students generally. He noted that contemporary
The gradual evolution of technology that gave birth to concepts such as
students now a days fundamentally depend on social media for
digital age and globalization have impacted and redefined
information sourcing and entertainment that are hugely related to
communication momentously. The adoption of social media as
school life. The researcher added that, internet, though time sapping,
channels of exchanging information have in ways uncountable altered
has less negative effects on studies. This is evident going by numerous
language and conventional language usage. Veteran users who are
observations carried out on some students of university of Maiduguri
mostly young people by virtue of addiction have now coined a variety
who are vigorous handlers of social media and yet the most intelligent
of online dialect that is constructing influence in the speech of youths
in their respective classes.
and the vast diverse areas of language.
Jeong (2005) noted that students obsession to internet is expressively
Eloquence and good mastery of English language is a celebrated global
associated with their academic and emotional characteristics. Seo
phenomenon. It is not only important in academic endevours but a
(2004) corroborates Jeong‟s assertion when he opined that the negative
prerequisite in all ramifications of professional activities both locally
influence of internet is only on excessive users and not on all users. A
and internationally in today‟s contemporary generation. . According to
new research study found that widespread use of social media among
a study conducted on Malaysian youths by Saraswathy, ErPekHoon,
freshman college students may compromise academic performance.
Swagata Sinha Roy and Pok Wei Fong (2014) revealed that it the
The study is one of the first to explore mechanisms of media effects on
quality language spoken by Malaysian youths is gradually deteriorating
academic outcomes. Investigators determined that use of media, from
and deviating from conventional standard as a result of improper and
texting to chatting on cell phones to posting status updates on
unprofessional usage on social media communication which ultimately
Facebook may lower grades for freshman female students (Nauert
brings to fore new phrases and words.
(Aydin 2012). Theorize that abbreviated language developed on social
Usage of Social Media and Students technological platforms is severely interfering with the vocabulary of
Academic Performance students negatively. He concluded that lot students learn and practice
the online language by counter parting and observation in both speech
The outcome of a survey by Lenhart in 2010, on social media revealed
and lettering. For example addicted handlers use leet instead of elite
that about 57% of virtual platform users are student who fall within the
which is a total deviance from the conventional.
age range of 18-29. Most of them according to his findings have
numerous profiles or accounts on several social networking sites.
As usage of online platforms continue to increase many users (students
Pempek, Yermolayeva, & Calvert (2009) added that there is a great
and teenagers) have coined a peculiar language of communication on
variance in respect of time spent on social media by users. However,
the platforms. (Aydin 2012). Holds that texting and jargons established
analysis discovered that huge number of users expend nearly half an
and used during conversation in online platforms directly affects
hour routinely mostly around 9 p.m. to zero hours socializing while
language as 90% of youths and students own a mobile phone while
students disburse 47 minutes every day on Facebook. Majority of
96% actively enjoy texting. This shows that young people are active
college students about 50% visit social media more than necessary
„texters‟ (Plester 2008).
daily (Sheldon 2008).
Kathleen & Anuhea (2010) see social media as a liability base on
According to Quan, Haase & Young (2010) 82% of undergraduates
freedom of speech and poor regulation that came with the platforms,
visit social networking sites severally daily. Younger students
according to them the lack of censorship have posed serious challenges
frequently explore Facebbok more than older students. They use the
to people‟s privacy and vocabulary more especially celebrities, that
platforms for maintaining old relationships with people from their
post items with clear linguistic challenges. Toutanova (2003). Revealed
places of origin as well as high school colleague and friends. (Pempek
series of studies that detailed how writing accuracy on social media
considerably dropped from 97% to 85% hence the magnitudes of
language technology are dismal.
A research conducted by Ajewole, Olowu & Fasola in 2012 on social
media dependence amid youths of Nigeria revealed that most of the
Foster (2011) validates the impact of social media on language based
respondents have issues with noble academic productivity of which
on the double digit accuracy deterioration experienced in multiple state
time spent on social media is seen to be the factor responsible. Khan U
of the art parsers when examined on online platforms methods of
(2009), is of the opinion that active social media users encounter deficit
texting, Craig (2003) also added that the continuous use of abbreviation
in their school presentation. Similarly, Englander, Terregrossa & Wang
and uncommon slang during texting impedes the ability of students to
(2010) postulate that social media and the academic performance of
implore prescribed literacy abilities. However other scholars consider

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

social media as great platforms that facilitates vocabulary development Students and humans generally are now constantly surrounded by so
and language learning. While some researchers claim that, frequency of many influence fundamentally the media. Social media has become
usage and number of encounters in different forms and contexts integral to virtually all students across the globe and this has influenced
determine the acquisition of new vocabulary. Grosseck (2008) & them behaviorally, cognitively and otherwise.
Muñoz (2009) found that social media (Facebook and Twitter) give
students the opportunity to exchange useful academic information. Albert bandura gave three major process or stages by which social
Group pages when created on either whatsapp or facebook enable learning takes place since learning does not occur independently. These
students communicate and share valuable information about process are:
assignments and projects. In University of Maiduguri, a lot of students
explained how well informed they are about class issues as a result of Identification: This is a psychological process whereby the subject
such platforms. assimilates an aspect, property, or attribute of the other and is
transformed wholly or partially by the model provided. It is by means
Kabilan (2010) postulate that virtual environments created on social of a series of identifications that the personality is constituted and
media could be used in the promotion of learning through language specified by which copying a model and specific acts, springs from
development since confidence, motivation and the constructive trust to wanting to be and trying to be like the model with respect to some
communicate in English are built on the platforms. On the effect of broader quality” (White 1997).
texting Craig (2003) & David (2008) similarly concluded that social
media in some ways develops learning via messaging as it makes Observation: Neal M & John D (1941). Observed that observational
viable likelihoods to absorb language. learning occurred when observers were motivated to learn, when the
cues or elements of the behaviors to be learned were present, when
Social Media Problems in Schools observers performed the given behaviors, and when observers were
positively reinforced for adapting those behaviors. According
Social media networks and other contemporary systems of dispatching
behaviors can be adopted when seen and such behaviours would be
facts have modeled serious challenges to schools and professional
reorganized and then learned which produces new behaviour, and
bodies as a result of the level obsession showcased by students within
either increase or decrease frequency with which a previously learned
centers of knowledge and skills acquisition. (Greenfield &
behaviour is demonstrated.
Subrahmanyam 2008). Speculates that mechanism put in place by
various institutions of learning to regulate and checkmate usage of
Imitation: is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes
social media seems to be less effective as many students devise means
and replicates another‟s behaviour. It is a form of social learning that
of accessing these sites as they so wish during learning sections.
leads to the development of traditions and culture. Miller and Dollard
(Greenfield &Subramanian 2008). Further connotes that irregularities
assumed that individuals behaved in certain ways and then shaped their
showcased during tutoring phase implement negative outcome on
behavior their based on imitation and learning. The researchers saw
learning in educational serenity. Oche & Aminu (2010) posits that
imitation as replacing random trial-and-error behaviors and that it has
majority of undergraduates now a days are addicted to chatting because
simplify behavioural adoption and reinforcement.
of over usage which is very unhealthy for their education, while Wiley
(2006) perceive it to be a sharing nation and a great opportunity for
Social learning theory has been used for this study because it best
explains how people learn and develop certain behaviors that could be
as a result of media usage and exposure to media content plus the
Theoretical Framework reason(s) and outcomes of such usage on the users. As the theory
Klaus (1993) states that theories resent various ways observers see states, “the degree of our learnability in a social context is the key
their environment more than they capture reality itself. Kaplan (1964) variable in understanding how we learn and adapt certain behaviors.
also added that the formation of theory is not just the discovery of fact
but a way of seeing and thinking about the world, as such it is better The History of Federal College of Education
seen as the „lens‟ one uses in observation than as a „mirror‟ of nature.
In this study, the effect of social media on the spelling ability of
students, social learning theory was used. There has been some The Federal College of Education Yola started as Federal Advanced
questions on the kinds of values adopted and used by people from the Teachers College in 1974. The College alongside others in Nigeria was
conventional media and now social media. Social learning theory restructured in 1989 with a change of status and mandate to Federal
propounded by Albert bandura postulates that learning takes place in a College of Education following the enactment of Decree No 4 of the
social context via cognitive processes known as observation and 1986 and the follow-up Decree No 6 of the 1993. The mandate of the
uninterrupted guidelines even in the absenteeism undeviating Federal College of Education, Yola is to produce highly motivated and
corroboration. He further said that people learn persistently using efficient classroom teachers for the Basic Education level of the
communication within their immediate environment and now the Nigeria‟s Educational system.
virtual environment known as the internet/social media. He explained
that communal and virtual communal interaction exercise influences on The vision of the College is to be a leading college in Africa in the
the mind thus, innovations such as social media is a factor in training of efficient and creative teachers, and the promotion of
determining the life events, believes, values and culture tenable in our professionalism, research and community service and also to spearhead
societies today. the internalization of the NCE programme and the integration of the
host community into the mainstream of national education agenda in
Elder (1981) & Bandura (1989) Posit that technology provides new line with the college core values which are, humility, selfless service
innovative methods that create social learning environments. One and God consciousness.
aspect of this technology is its ability to create platforms that allows
interactivity and also provide the opportunity to observe others. To The college offers three year NCE (Nigeria Certificate in Education)
them human believe system is greatly influenced by virtual platforms programme and five year NCE part-time program (for in-service
used for the transmission of information and the stimulation of social teachers). In collaboration with sister institutions, Information
persuasion of which social media is a clear example. Technology courses, Language proficiency courses and vocational
programs are offered. The college also offers a B.Ed. Programs in 9

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

subjects in collaboration with University of Maiduguri. The college can

burst of more than seven thousand students from diverse ends. Formula = sub group Population X Required samples
Total population
Methodology In this study-students population in each level X 150 (required
The research design adopted for the study was descriptive survey. This
Total Population of students; Federal College of Education Yola
design is considered apt because it enables the researcher to generate
All the levels were represented proportionately to their size within the
data through the standardized collection procedures based on highly
population. Stratified Accidental sampling technic was used for the
structured research instrument(s) and well defined study concept.
actual selection of individuals involved. (Selecting students from year
According to Barbie (1997) survey design is probably the best
two to final year). 3545 formed the universe of the study from which
technique available to social scientists for original data collection from
150 students were drawn as required sample size for this research.
a defined population extremely large to observe holistically and
directly. He added that survey design is excellent in measuring
Below is the table that shows the sample allocation bases.
orientation and attitudes in large population. According to Osuala
(2001) survey research investigates both large and small population by
NCE TWO 1520 64
selecting and studying samples excerpt from the population in order to
explore the relative incidence, distribution interrelation of sociological NCE THREE 2025 86
and psychological variables. The outcome of most survey is TOTAL 3545 150
characterized by the following: Selection of samples via identified Table of sample allocation for the levels.
sampling technique, construction of measurement instruments, and the
process of data presentation, analysis and interpretation after the study. A well-constructed and self-developed questionnaire was the data
Data generation in survey is often through questionnaire, personal eliciting instrument for this study. Questionnaire is perceived to be the
interview and observation. most frequently used instrument of data collection specifically in most
survey research. Onwe (1998) claimed that appropriate usage of
questionnaire in a particular research situation provides meaningful
Population of the study answer to research problem.

The entire students of Federal College of Education Yola form the The general two types of questionnaire was appropriately used in the
population of this study from which samples were drawn. The total study and these are: (A) structured or fixed response questionnaire in
universe for the study was 3545. which each question include a number of respondents to respond to
options by picking any option that best suit their option. While (B)
Sample and Sampling Technique which is the unstructured or op-ended questionnaire allows respondents
Wimmer and Dominick (1987) defined sample as a sub set of a to respond according to their feelings and own words.
population that is taken to be the representation of the entire population
who share the same characteristics in all aspect. Since it was practically In view of the above, questionnaire was used to find out the
not possible for this study to investigate the entire students of Federal effect of social media on the spelling abilities of students, a case study
College of Education Yola, as a result of time and size, respondents of Federal College of Education Yola. The question focused on the
were drawn from each level (levels and figures as provided by the selected indicators of the study (the effect of social media on students
Examination and Records Division, Federal College of Education spelling abilities of Federal College of Education Yola).
Yola.) this formed the sample of the study.
According to Nachmias and Nachmias (1996) questionnaire
Purposive sampling method which is under non probability has a lot of advantages some of which are, cost efficiency, greater
sampling technique was adopted in the study for sample selection. The anonymity of respondents and the reduction of biasing error because of
purposive sampling procedure is a jacketed process that entails the the little or no interaction between the researcher and the respondents,
selection of subject base on specific features or qualities and eliminates as such, less or no influence that will tamper with the authenticity,
those deficient of the laid down criteria. It is a method where reliability and validity of the research outcome is experienced. This
researchers handpick subject to participate in a study based on study used tables and percentage to interpret quantitative data
identified variables under consideration (Wimmer and Dominick generated. Qualitative interpretation and analysis was used
1987). Defer (1997) believe that the power of purposive sampling lie in appropriately especially as it relates to open ended questions.
the selection of information rich-cases for in-depth analysis related to
the central issues being studied. Data Presentation
The study with the aid of questionnaire elicited information from
Samples in the study were selected based on level of study. students of Federal College of Education Yola (FCE) 150
Using the total number of students and distribution according to level, questionnaire were administered on students using purposive and
the study drew samples from each level according to their proportional accidental sampling techniques, out of which 139 were returned. Three
size that was determined using the steps below: were invalid and eight got missing. This gave a response rate of 92.7%.

1. The total population of students Federal College of Education

Yola was identified Demographic Data
2. The number of students in each level in Federal College of
Education Yola was identified. Sex Frequency Percentage%
3. The required total sample size is 150 (The 150 sample was Male 74 53.2%
selected bearing in mind several constraints which makes it Female 65 46.8%
difficult to study the whole students) Total 139 100%
Table 1: Sex of respondents.
The proportion required from each of the level was determined using
the formula below: From the above table, majority of the respondents are male
(53.2%).While (46.8%) of the respondents are female.

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

of examination and 36(25.9%) respondents in letters. 23(16.5%) while

using Facebook and 9(6.5%) while using Whatsapp.
Age (years) Frequency Percentage%
16-20 52 37.4% The effect of social media on students
21-25 68 48.9%
26-30 14 10.1% spelling ability
31 and above 5 3.6% Option Frequency Percentage
Total 139 100% Positive 45 32.4&
Table 2: Respondents age. Negative 73 52.5%
Indifferent 21 15.1%
From the table above 52(37.4%) of the respondents fall within the age Total 139 100%
category of 16-20 and 68(48.9%) 21-25, 14(10.1%), 26-30 and 5(3.6%) Table 6: What is the impact of words abbreviation on your spelling
31 and above. ability?
Below is the presentation of the findings based on the objectives of the The table above unveils that 45(32.4%) of the respondents said words
research. abbreviation while chatting on social media positively affects their
spelling ability while 73(52.5%) of the respondents said words
abbreviation while chatting on social media negatively affects their
Objective one: To examine the effect of spelling ability. 21(15.1%) of the respondents said the effect on their
social media on the student’s spelling ability. spelling ability is indifferent.

Options Frequency Percentage The effect of social media on conventional

Yes 106 76.3%
No 33 23.7% way of writing
Total 139 100% Options Frequency Percentage
Table 3: The effect of social media on students spelling ability! Yes 115 82.7%
No 24 17.3%
Findings from this table above reveal that 106(76.3%) of the Total 139 100%
respondents believe that social media can affect their spelling ability Table 7: Do you believe that words abbreviation can alter conventional
while 33(23.7%) of the respondents believe that social cannot affect way of writing?
their spelling ability. This table shows that 115(82.7%) respondents said words abbreviation
can alter conventional way of writing while 24(17.3%) respondents
said words abbreviation does not alter conventional way of writing.
Social media influence on the spelling ability
of students! Objective three: To determine number of
Option Frequency Percentage hour’s students spend on social networking
Positively 60 43.2% activities daily.
Negatively 60 43.2%
No response 19 13.6% Option Frequency Percentage
Total 139 100% 6 hours 20 14.4%
Table 4: How has the use of social media influenced students spelling 4hours 25 18%
ability? 2hours 52 37.4%
1hour 38 27.3%
From the table above 60(43.2%) 0f the respondents said social media
Others 4 2.9%
has influenced their spelling ability while 60(43.2%) of the respondents
Total 139 100%
said social media has negatively influenced their spelling ability.
Table 8: How many hours do you spend online?
19(19.6%) of the respondents gave no response which it has neither
The table above reveal that 20(14.4%) respondents spend 6 hours
influenced their spelling ability negatively or positively.
online. 25(18%) respondents spend 4 hours online and 52(37.4%)
respondents spend 2 hours. 38(27.3%)respondents spend 1 hour online
Objective two: To find out the nature of and 4(2.9%) respondents spend hours not specified by them.
effect social media have on students spelling Objective four: To determine the commonly
ability. misspelled works by the students.
Options Frequency Percentage
Option Frequency Percentage Fkns 11 7.9%
Examination 71 51.1% Twaz 9 6.5%
Latters 36 25.9% Wuh 18 12.9%
WhatsApp 23 16.5% Ait 12 8.6%
Facebook 9 6.5% Lol 18 12.9%
Total 139 100% All of the above 69 49.6
Table 5: The nature of effect social media have on students spelling Others 2 1.4%
ability! Total 139 100%
Table 9: How the use of social media has affected students spelling
This table shows the nature of effect social media have on students ability.
spelling ability. 71(51.1%) respondent see more of the effect in terms

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

This table reveal that 11(7.9%) respondents commonly abbreviate fkns extent of stretch expended by students as a result of the inevitable
while chatting while 9(6.5%) respondents use twaz. 18(12.9%) satisfaction driven from the usage. According to Morahan- Martin and
respondents use wuh and 12(8.6%) respondents commonly abbreviate Schumacher, (2000) excessive use of the internet, social media
ait. 18(12.9%) respondents use Lol and 69(49.6%) respondents use all addiction, and the failure to control this usage may eventually become
the abbreviations and 2(1.4%) respondents use 2day, and leta a problem. Kuss and Griffiths, (2011) said, on the internet, students
respectively. engage in multiplicity of activities some of which may be potentially
Specific words miss spelt when chatting or Also in ascertaining the effect of social media on students spelling
writing formally ability, the study indicates that 11.9% of the respondent spell Fkns
instead of thanks and 6.5% spell it was as twaz, 12.9% spell what as
Options Frequency Percentage wuh while 12.9 spell laugh out loud as lol while 49.6% of the
Wif 15 10.8% respondent misspell all the words and even more.
D 9 6.5%
U 17 12.2% Table ten also captures the extent at which students of Federal College
Dat 8 5.8% of Education Yola misspell words. Findings in table ten revealed that
Kk 18 12.9% 10.8% of the respondents spell with as wif and 12.7% spell you as u
Hw 29 20.9% while 20.9% of the respondents spell how as hw while majority of the
B 2 1.4 respondents misspell all the words in the table. The findings from the
two tables indicate the negative effects social media usages have on
All of the above 37 26.6
students spelling ability.
Others 4 2.9%
Total 139 100% Question 2: What is the nature of the bearing social media has on the
Table 10: What specific words do you misspell when chatting and spelling ability of students?
writing formally?
To find out the nature of bearing social media has on the students
This table shows that 18(12.9%) of the respondents said they miss spell spelling ability; the study found that 43.2% of the respondents said
kk when chatting and writing formally while 29(20.9%) respondents social media has influenced their spelling ability negatively while
miss spell how and 2(1.4%) respondents miss spell B. 15(10.8%) 43.2% of the respondents said social media has negatively influenced
respondents miss spell Wif while 8(5.8%) respondents miss spell Dat their spelling ability. 19.6% of the respondents gave no response which
and 9(6.5%) respondents miss spell D. 17(12.2%) respondents miss means the influence of social media on their spelling ability is neither
spell U and 37(26.6%) respondents miss spell all of the above while negative nor positive and also table 5 discovered that 51.1% respondent
4(2.9%) miss spell others such as 2day, Nofin and others. see more of the effect in terms of examination and 25.9% respondents
in letters. 16.5% while using facebook and 6.5% while using
Options Frequency Percentage Whatsapp.
During examination 71 51.1%
When writing letters 36 25.9% This finding revealed that, although students engage in the use of social
When facebooking 23 16.5% media virtually every day, the nature of influence it has on them varies,
When whatsapping 9 6.5% as some experience more of the effect in examination, others. However
Total 139 100% the result here is in tandem with the finding by Baran (2010) who
Table 11: How it has affected students spelling ability? noted that technology could have both negative and positive bearing on
its user depending on how it is used. It was observed in university of
This table shows how words abbreviation while chatting on social Maiduguri that some students use social media excessively but doing
media affects students spelling ability. 71(51.1%) respondent said it well academically while some of the excessive users perform
affects them when writing examination and 36(25.9%) respondents otherwise. Therefore, the nature of effect boils down to influence
said when writing letters. 23(16.5%) respondents said it affects them which could be negative or positive and mostly visible in examination,
when facebooking and 9 (6.5%) respondents when whatsapping. latters, Facebook and Whatsapp just as revealed by the finding.

Question 3: What is the number of hours spent by students on social

Discussion of findings media activities?

Question 1: What is the effect of social media on students spelling And in finding answers to number of hour‟s students spend on social
ability in Federal college of Education Yola? media activities; the study further revealed that on daily basis, 14.4%
respondents spend 6 hours online. 25(18%) respondents spend 4 hours
Providing answers to the first research question: What is the effect online and 52(37.4%) respondents spend 2 hours and 27.3%
of social media on students spelling ability in Federal college of respondents spend 1 hour online and 2.9% respondents spend 30 to 40
Education Yola? This study indicates that 76.3%of the respondents use minutes daily on social media. Time is a very important factor in
social media, according to them, adequate access and usage of social examining the effect of social media generally. Findings from the
media can affect their spelling ability. Furthermore in table 6 majority analyzed data revealed that most of the respondents consume not less
of the respondents 74.8% said that social media affects their spelling than 2 to 4 hours daily. The result here correlates with the work of
ability negatively and 32.4% of the respondents believed that social Lawal and Oluwatoyin (2011) where they pointed that social media
media affects their spelling ability positively. 15.1% of the respondents users spend an average of two to six hours using social media while
said social media neither affects their spelling ability negatively nor non-users spend between eight and seventeen hours studying.
positively which means the effect is unknown. This result therefore According to him those who spend hours using social media devotes
strengthens the finding by Moon (2011). Who theorize that the social lesser time to academic venture. This study revealed the same on
media have undesirable bearing on students. He argued that frequent students of Federal College of Education Yola since they spend hours
and ceaseless usage of social media determine the level of bearing it on social media which contributes to the deterioration of their spelling
has on students. This negative effect is however associated with the ability.

Citation: Wilson F. The effect of social media on the spelling ability of students: a case study of federal
college of education (fce) yola (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 262-274.
Wilson F. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology, 2018 PDF: 153, 2:1

the research has revealed. Furthermore, the theory states that the mind
Question 4: In what ways has social media usage affected the spelling is influenced by social interaction as a result of technological
ability of the students of Federal College of Education Yola? advancement and changes which alter, often considerably, the kinds of
life events that are customary in the society. However although the
The findings indicate that. 51.1% respondents said social media affect social media have lots of benefits to its credit, it is important to focus
them when writing examination and 25.9%of the respondents said it more on the negative rather than the positive.
affect their spelling ability while writing letters. 16.5% of the
respondents said it affects them when facebooking and 6.5% Recommendation
respondents when whatsapping. Findings here revealed that social
Based on the outcome of the research findings and conclusions, the
media is a major factor that affects students spelling ability in Federal
following recommendations are made.
College of Education Yola. The outcome of this study is consistent
with the finding by Aydin, (2012). Who noted that, words abbreviation
i. Students should spend more time on productive academic
used on virtual platforms deteriorates student‟s vocabulary. Many learn
engagements than merely just interacting with friends on social
the language through observation and imitation in both speaking and
media. Also more academic utility should be introduced to social
writing. According him, alternative words such as sup derived from
media platforms that will enable students not only chat but
what‟s up and wuh from what are good examples of elements
engage in intellectual activities which means developing more the
deteriorating conventional spoken language and vocabulary. However
academic activities than endless chatting that destroys their
generally this study stands on the fact that social media affects students
spelling abilities in conventional writing.
spelling during examination and when writing letters, the negative
effect also alters their conventional way of writing which is unhealthy
ii. Based on the deleterious bearing of social media on students
academically and formally. Thus, according to social learning theory
spelling ability, academic institutions should come up with ways
which posits that learning takes place in a communal context by
of harnessing this social media in order to enhance students
observation and imitation, the students of Federal College of Education
spelling ability since they are so addicted to social media.
Yola learns things from the use of social media being a social context.

According to the theory students of Federal college of Education Recommendation for Further research.
continuously learn and construct meaning from social media practice Based on the outcome of this study, the following are recommended
which has altered their beliefs, behaviour and feelings as the research for further research:
has revealed. Furthermore, the theory states considerably technological
advancement responsible for the growth of social interaction via social i. A research should be carried out on this same topic in other higher
platforms influences the mind and alters the original values practiced in academic institutions of learning in Nigeria and beyond.
communities. ii. A research should be carried out on the advantages of social media
on students spelling ability.
Elder (1981) and Bandura (1989) Posits that technology provides new iii. Also, a research should be conducted to ascertain the usefulness of
innovative methods that creates social learning environments. One social media by academic institutions to enhance students spelling
aspect of this technology is its ability to create platforms that allows ability and a better learning environment going by the trends of
interactivity and also provide the opportunity to observe others. Thus technology.
as a result of social persuasion triggered by such online platforms,
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