Consent Letter From SBA 2013-14

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From: (Name & Address of Audit Firm with Tel. no.

& e-mail id)

To: Chief General Manager, Financial Reporting & Taxation Department.
State Bank of India, 3rd floor, State Bank Bhavan, Nariman point, Mumbai-400021 (Phone –
022-22740371, fax-022-22023487 e-mail: [email protected])
Dear Sir,

Sub: Statutory Branch Auditors for your Bank for the year 2013-14

We refer to your letter and are pleased to confirm that our appointment as Statutory Branch Auditor for FY
2013-14 and also for the subsequent continuing years, if made, will be in compliance of RBI guidelines.

1. We hereby undertake not to disclose to anybody that our firm has been considered by your Bank for
appointment as one of the Statutory Branch Auditors.

2. We hereby undertake that our appointment, if made, as one of the Statutory Branch Auditors for the year
2013-14 would be subject to the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India.

3. We hereby confirm that:

i. The firm is not disqualified under Section 226 of the Companies Act, 1956 to accept this appointment.
Partners individually or severally are not disqualified under Section 226 of the Companies Act 1956.
Further, the spouse, dependent children and wholly or mainly dependent partners, brothers, sisters or any
of them, of any of the partners / proprietors of the firms or the firm / company in which their partners /
directors are not indebted to the Bank for an amount exceeding Rs. 1000 as borrower or guarantor as
provided under section 226 of Companies Act, 1956 and none of the partners is a director of the Bank or
employee of the Bank. Further, none of the partners is holding any security of the Bank.
ii. The Firm is not associated with internal assignment of the Bank.
iii. The Firm / any Partner has not undertaken any other assignment from the Bank and its subsidiary directly
/ indirectly.
iv. We have not accepted the Statutory Central/Branch Audit from any other Bank. Further, we undertake
not to accept offer of appointment as Statutory Central/Branch Auditors from any other Public Sector
Bank. We also confirm that this undertaking is irrevocable.
v. There are no adverse remarks / disciplinary proceedings pending / initiated against the firm / any of its
partners / proprietor by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
vi. neither the Partners nor Members of his family (family will include besides spouse, children, parents,
brothers, sisters or any of them who are wholly or mainly dependent on the Chartered Accountants) nor
the Firm / Company in which the Partner is a Partner / Directors have been declared as willful defaulter
by any Bank/ Financial Institution.

In case, the above declaration or any part thereof is found to be incorrect, the Bank is free to advise the details
to Reserve Bank of India and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for initiating necessary action.

Yours faithfully,

(Senior Partner / Proprietor)


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