Smith, M.D., & McCurrach, D.P. (2021) - An Examination of The Relative Benefits & Limitations of CALL
Smith, M.D., & McCurrach, D.P. (2021) - An Examination of The Relative Benefits & Limitations of CALL
Smith, M.D., & McCurrach, D.P. (2021) - An Examination of The Relative Benefits & Limitations of CALL
Smith, M & Mccurrach, D 2020, 'An Examination of the Relative Benefits & Limitations of CALL', Kwansei Gakuin
University Journal of International Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 83-95.
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CALL の利点とリミテーションに関する研究
Abstract :
As demonstrated by the global, COVID-19-induced turn to educational technologies, the
role of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is continually evolving, leading to a require-
ment for evaluation of the medium in terms of both historical and contemporary perspectives.
Traditionally, CALL manifests per three phases of development, namely, the structural, commu-
nicative, and integrative phases. Through this paradigm shift, it is shown that contemporary
CALL practices influence several pedagogical factors. For institutions, CALL offers flexibility,
enhanced accessibility, and location independence, but suffers from assessment and mediational
issues. The role of the practitioner is also significantly impacted, perhaps necessitating adapta-
tional strategies and a reevaluation of teacher positionality given the reduction of in-situ presence
and potential absence of technological capacity or interest. Learners were ultimately identified as
the most significant consideration on the basis that digital environments foster increased personal
interactions, digital literacy and, if implemented correctly, higher cognitive development. Those
learners in socioeconomically or technologically deprived areas are at most risk of disadvantage
−although this disparity is decreasing as networked technologies become increasingly prevalent.
The authors stress that teacher-learner interaction remains vital, however, emphasizing the value
of a holistic approach that takes into consideration the needs of all stakeholders.
要旨:COVID-19 の最近の影響により、コンピューターの支援による言語学習(CALL)
に影響を与える「構造」、「コミュニケーション」、「統合」の 3 つの段階がある。教育機関
にとって、CALL は柔軟性、アクセシビリティ、リモート学習を含むいくつかの利点を提
*School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
**School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University
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The scope of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is both vast and inherently multidisciplinary,
with its application in the reinforcement and expansion of knowledge, literacy, and interactivity tak-
ing many forms. Due to this increasing prevalence, there has emerged an expectation for practitio-
ners to not only utilize digital tools to support learning (Fotos & Browne, 2004), but to observe the
intersection of theory, practice, and reflection with regards to the practical application of educational
technologies. This expression of this praxis-orientated approach is none more visible than within the
sphere of applied linguistics, where digitally-mediated approaches have visibly impacted the do-
mains of language processing, sociolinguistics, and second and foreign language acquisition (SLA &
FLA, respectively) (Kumaresen et al., 2012). More specifically, there is a growing body of literature
(e.g., Cutrim Schmid, 2006 ; Reinders & Hubbard, 2013) that reflects the broader social and peda-
gogical applications of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) due to the extensive dissemina-
tion of digital technologies and their emergence as a viable medium for inclusive, task-orientated
Put simply, CALL may be described as “the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a
second or foreign language” (Richards & Schmidt, 2010, p.110), with this definition commonly ex-
tended to incorporate the use of specialized educational tools, including corpora and concordancing
software and an array of general pedagogical interventions, such as smartphone applications, virtual
learning environments, and interactive whiteboards, within language learning settings. Traditionally
an area of relevance only to those within specialist linguistic communities (Shaalan, 2005), contem-
porary research into CALL is connected not only to broader areas of study within applied linguistics
(Beatty, 2010), but often general trends in education, including learner empowerment, interactivity,
and multiculturalism. Despite this increasing prevalence, however, CALL remains a young and often
reactionary branch of learning, frequently bound to continually evolving pedagogical context, dy-
namic social and technological innovation (Beatty, 2010), and divergences in the advancement of
digital literacy between learners and educators (Prensky, 2001).
Given the recent and sudden attention paid to online delivery methods, it is appropriate that this
inquiry focus entirely on the digital components of CALL−i.e., computer-based information and
communication technologies (Selwyn, 2017). Be as that may, it is not the aim of this inquiry to pro-
vide a comprehensive analysis of TEL ; rather, this paper serves to present CALL as an exemplar
of its broadening parent field and to establish its status as a powerful learning tool that retains the
capacity to frame how learners absorb language and interact with the world. An awareness of the
contextual factors surrounding the utilization of CALL is crucial in understanding the pedagogical
implications associated with the approach. It is thus the purpose of this paper to first present a con-
cise overview of CALL’s historical and theoretical stages of development, and follow this with a
critical examination of the benefits and apprehensions inherent to the approach that is appreciative
of contemporary trends of CALL analysis. In doing so, this inquiry aims to explore the manner by
which these factors impact upon the institution, educator, and learner during the conjunction of digi-
tal content and language acquisition, and to ultimately assess CALL’s suitability as a vehicle for ex-
plorative language education.
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groups in the presence of appropriate learning infrastructure. Further, the computer-as-a-tutor model
allows language learners to engage content at an individual pace, with the mechanical nature of
feedback providing an educational environment that is free from judgment (Warschauer & Healey,
1998, p.57), thereby acknowledging, if not explicitly, the affective considerations of the learner.
Thus, while being overtly behaviorist, structural CALL exhibits connectivity with the humanistic in-
structional archetype that was to disseminate in the wake of the cognitive revolution.
Nonetheless, the disadvantages inherent in structural CALL and, indeed, all forms of behaviour-
istic education are well documented. Behaviourism is notably constrained by its inability to exploit
high-order cognitive processes faithfully, potentially leaving learners unprepared for language acqui-
sition tasks that utilize problem-solving or creative thinking. Indeed, behaviorist CALL is unable to
account fully for linguistic proficiencies developed as a result of alternative instructional paradigms,
most notably those which occur in the absence of positive or negative reinforcement. The one-
dimensional nature of behaviorism thereby limits its capacity for understanding learner behaviors,
including free will, feelings, and moods, or indeed “how learning takes place and how knowledge is
constructed within the human mind” (Selwyn, 2017, p.77).
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cations−with all mediums allowing learners to contribute to global real-time interaction. In doing
so, integrative CALL exploits the learner’s intrinsic motivation for communication to enhance cul-
tural awareness, collaboration, and the authenticity of its language learning context.
Throughout the integrative process, the classroom serves as a space in which learners explore
and creatively exploit the target language. As a consequence, the role of the educator is to facilitate
proactive, autonomous, and reflective communication, and to enhance the learning environment via
student-centered interactions. Moreover, their presence is critical in “giving students stimulating sup-
porting materials, focusing on particular linguistic expressions, and generally knowing how to chan-
nel the students’ reactions into constructive analytical patterns” (Blake, 2013, p.103). Feedback
should be structured in such a manner that it provokes reflection concerning the appropriateness and
effectiveness of language use and, following Bloom (1956), stimulates high-order cognitive proc-
esses, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (Bax, 2003, p.21).
Finally, integrative is a term not only used to describe the enhanced synergy between cognitive
-based instructional archetypes and CALL but the increased presence of digital infrastructures within
formal and non-formal learning environments. As noted by Selwyn (2017), post-digital TEL charac-
terizes itself by the emergence of “networking logic” (p. 15), in which Internet-capable devices,
such as smartphones, tablets, and personal computers, synchronously and asynchronously connect
learners to content and each other. Thus, the diffusion of technology has restructured CALL into a
holistic language learning platform. Where once, a learner would relocate to an institution’s dedi-
cated CALL or IT laboratory, digital devices are now present in almost every room. Classrooms
have become reconfigurable spaces with CALL’s presence transcending the boundaries of traditional
education, supporting mass socialization via interactivity irrespective of user location or demo-
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conventional educational institutions may appear, at this stage, premature ; social media and freely-
accessible learning platforms, such as podcasts and massive open online courses (MOOCs), retain
the capacity to shape personal learning environments, defined here as spaces in which “the user is
connected with teachers, mentors, and other learners” (Friesen & Lowe, 2012, p.186).
With regard to CALL, the International Education Service’s Massive Open Online English
Course (MOOEC) facilitates a blended pedagogic model of English language instruction. Specifi-
cally, learners affiliate and participate in language education both online and at self-access centers
both prior to and post-face-to-face enrollment at a traditional place of learning (MOOEC, 2017).
This convergence of in-house and distributed methods of instruction provides users with several
benefits. Most notably, multimodal instructional paradigms facilitate enhanced learner agency and
autonomy regarding the “pace, place, and mode” (Gordon, 2014, p.4) of their language learning
contexts. Moreover, the face-to-face component of the blend retains the capacity for the advanced
pastoral and linguistic support potentially absent within strictly e-learning environments. These fac-
tors may be especially beneficial to non-traditional learners, such as mature students, professionals,
and parents, who a) may have been removed from structured education for prolonged periods, and
b) are required to accommodate learning around busy schedules. Nevertheless, one should note that
“digital immigrant” (Prensky, 2001) language learners may, in some cases, lack the requisite techni-
cal skills to benefit initially from this approach. In this instance, it is imperative that local practitio-
ners ensure that learners are acclimatized gradually to the digital systems in play, and not cogni-
tively overloaded by their efforts to advance technological and linguistic proficiencies contempora-
Virtual learning platforms in unison with complementary CMC accommodates the access, inte-
gration, and promotion of interest-driven personal learning ecosystems. Consequently, integrative
CALL links itself to the concept of connected learning, in which the achievements, relationships,
and personal interests of learners integrate holistically within a distinctly peer-supported, open-
networked learning process. The interaction between online language learning and social media plat-
forms links linguistic progress and “the support of friends, caring adults, and/or expert communities”
(Kumpulainen & Sefton-Green, 2014, p.10). Subsequently, the interconnectedness of social media
provides an outlet for dialogue and multi-sourced, collaborative linguistic production, while also dis-
regarding the hierarchical structures typically associated with formal learning settings. Given that
CALL permits continued access to learning materials, students may, by way of example, elect to
share a language generation quandary amongst trusted peers or learning groups via social media or
collaborative services, such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, outside of formal schooling. Reinforcing
or corrective feedback is thus received in a relaxed, humanistic space, thereby interlinking affective
and cognitive benefits while concurrently enriching a linguistic community of practice.
Nonetheless, formal attempts to measure CALL-derived learning must take into account the dis-
advantages coupled to online pedagogies. Whilst peer-to-peer interaction is appropriate within the
context of self-determined learning, the assessment of individual progress during cooperative prac-
tices can prove challenging. Specifically, concerns over plagiarism may occur when content is dis-
cussed online, where the division between collaboration and support may become distorted. How-
ever, as noted by Gordon (2014), “legislating and penalizing such behaviors ignores the trend to-
wards shared knowledge and social media” (p.18). The practitioner must thereby provide effective
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assessment measures that account for the effects of digitally-mediated cooperative learning infra-
structures. Possible resolutions include a reduction in “traditional” testing models in favor of digital
assessment methods, such as Wiki entries, online portfolios, video discussion chains, or blog activi-
ties, which permit specific review of individual contributions. Regardless of approach, however, one
must ensure that flexible routes of assessment exhibit equivalency with established methods with re-
gards to practicality and the degree of learner contribution.
Given the range of factors presented here, it is evident that any discussion regarding the appli-
cation of CALL should abandon binary distinctions with regard to provision. The hybridization of
TEL with more conventional forms of instruction offers institutions a flexible, interest-driven foun-
dation for language acquisition that similarly recognizes the benefits of face-to-face interaction and
its associated methodologies. Indeed, given the growing utilization of CMC as a collaborative space
for learners to process and discuss content (Gordon, 2014), one could argue that formal learning is
becoming increasingly blended, making either/or distinctions functionally redundant. CALL thereby
affords institutions the opportunity to not only embrace emergent forms of pedagogy but a new and
dynamic type of learner, also.
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ing. High-quality software packages that apply to the socio-cultural context of a specific language
may be prohibitively expensive or difficult to source. That is not to say that CALL, whether facili-
tated via CMC, community-generated content, or AI is unable to account for the factors listed here.
However, due to time zone or scheduling conflicts, synchronous CMC may be realistically unattain-
able ; user-generated content may be prepared by those inexperienced in pedagogical theory ; and
AI, in its current manifestation, is unable to account sufficiently for the affective and cognitive con-
siderations unique to individual language learners. The educator, if appropriately skilled, can con-
solidate the above with the additional benefits of immediacy and a physical, reassuring presence.
Rather than displacing face-to-face instruction, CALL should be viewed as a complementary instru-
ment that, if used both creatively and appropriately, will relieve educators of laborious functions,
thereby enabling “students to receive individualized attention from both teachers and machines”
(Ravichandran, 2000, p.87).
While reluctance to embrace digital pedagogies may stem from a lack of understanding over
the status of technology, an increasingly digitalized society is calling for a reconciliation between
the educator and TEL. Proficiency in the use of established techniques is no longer sufficient when
accounting for the omnipresence of network technologies and sustained growth in “digital native”
(Prensky, 2001) language learners. It is the contemporary practitioners’ responsibility to not only fa-
cilitate digitally-mediated language acquisition but also to prepare learners for the application of net-
worked technologies beyond the confines of the classroom (Hubbard, 2004). The advancement of
learner digital literacy is undeniably a broad and holistic endeavor, yet deficiencies in the technical
and theoretical knowledge of educators present a significant barrier to the practical application of
CALL. As noted by Prensky (2001), divergences in teacher digital proficiency may stem from the
generational gap between contemporary learners, who grew up surrounded by networked technolo-
gies, and those teachers who did not. For instance, given that pre-integrative CALL was typically
excluded from language classrooms, it is perhaps understandable that “digital immigrant” language
educators continue to place their trust in conventional instructional devices, such as textbooks. Nev-
ertheless, the suspicion that “the use of computers threatens traditional literacy skills since such are
heavily tied to books” (Patnaik & Venugopal, 2008, p.325) is not only fundamentally flawed, but
damaging to the socio-contextual features of FLA, including cultural awareness, pragmatics and
phonology, and thus, communicative competence as a whole.
Bax (2003) categorizes an alternative psychological distance, in which a combination of fear
and awe, interspersed with exaggerated expectations with regards to applications of technology, in-
hibits educators from implementing CALL successfully. Specifically, the “sole agent fallacy” relies
on the “assumption that the key or only factor in successful implementation of the technology is the
technology itself” (Bax, 2003, p.25). Regardless of the educator’s inclination to employ TEL, how-
ever, measures must be taken to enhance professional development and collaboration amongst lan-
guage educators. Laurillard (2012), for instance, envisions teachers working alongside and indeed
working as researchers to effect and disseminate reflective practice. While issues of workload and
budgets present noticeable barriers to such an approach, more practical “design patterns” offer edu-
cators the opportunity to externalize solutions to recurrent pedagogical issues via the distribution of
semi-structured methodologies. In essence, teachers and faculties distribute resources throughout the
FLA community, contributing to the cooperative development of “resources and tools for supported
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independent learning” (Laurillard & Kennedy, 2017, p.12). Given that teaching, whether at the mi-
cro or macro levels, is a constant collaborative process, design patterns should, in theory, represent
an adaptation of pre-existing professional competency and thus be relatively simple to adopt.
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but psychological variables, including self-efficacy and esteem, via the realization of linguistic goals
that may, in turn, scaffold other domains of study.
The provision of CALL to disadvantaged groups presents an appreciable opportunity for self-
betterment and the improvement of opportunity. Nevertheless, the digital divide remains an all-too-
real social and economic inequity that impacts individuals, families, and geographical areas within
developing and developed nations alike. The relative scarcity of high-speed internet infrastructures
within economically disadvantaged settings, in conjunction with a lack of acceptance for TEL within
specific cultures, present noticeable barriers to equitable CALL participation. Nevertheless, as digital
technologies continue their dissemination, the divide is gradually narrowing. The Pew Research
Center (2018), for instance, notes that American smartphone ownership has risen to 77%, a consid-
erable increase on the 35% that was recorded by the same organization in a previous study (Zickuhr,
2011). Such devices promote further digital equity, acting as key drivers of inclusive education by
granting access to target languages and cultures to traditionally disadvantaged populations−with
Pew (2018) noting that the use of smartphones as a principal means of online access is “especially
common among younger adults, non-whites and lower-income Americans.”
The continued migration of language education to network-based solutions has provoked a re-
configuration of FLA environments into settings in which digital and linguistic competencies ad-
vance per collaborative, experiential processes. With this in mind, integrative CALL offers a com-
pelling vision for FLA, and for observing how social, cognitive, and affective factors impact the
flow of knowledge during the conjunction of digital content and linguistic acquisition. Most notably,
CALL in its current manifestation holds the potential to make significant contributions to student-
centeredness, learner interaction, achievement, motivation, self-efficacy, and global understanding ;
and for fostering learning environments in which students can develop digital literacy via creative
processes and, by association, multidisciplinary high-order cognitive mechanisms. Nevertheless, it
should be noted that empirical evidence proving the potential of CALL remains relatively underde-
veloped ; educators should be cautious to distinguish the functional veracity of the medium and to
reject the assumption that the presence of CALL alone is sufficient to facilitate FLA. Integrative
CALL, while versatile, does not provide a complete facsimile of learner-mentor interaction. Educa-
tors should thereby embed their pedagogical knowledge into digital activities that maintain and pro-
mote autonomously-driven learning, while also providing the opportunity for individual student con-
To conclude, engaging in digitally-mediated language instruction is a persistent challenge that
requires the constant reappraisal of one’s pedagogical methods. However, as the population of “digi-
tal native” learners increases, so too does the requirement for−and, indeed, confidence in−techno-
logical learning interventions. This paper, in presenting the respective advantages and limitations of
CALL, calls for language educators to embrace a flexible and adaptive approach to language acqui-
sition that provides infrastructures for cooperative and explorative learning, while also exhibiting the
potential to facilitate positive affectual and language acquisition changes in disadvantaged demo-
graphics. The continued and vertiginous rise of networked technologies is currently redefining the
roles and identities of educators and learners alike ; it is thus consistent that language educators
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adapt their technical and pedagogical competencies to meet local and global educational imperatives
and, crucially, the diverse language learning modes of their students.
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