MAN Installation Manual Arc Chamber Power Xpert UX 6082940 G01 01

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Installation Manual

Arc Chamber
Installation Manual

Administrative data

Issue number: 6082940 G01 01

Date of issue: 25-03-2013

2 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction 5
1.1 General description 5
1.2 Using this manual 5
1.2.1 Structure of the manual 5
1.2.2 Safety instructions 5

2 Floor Plan 6
2.1 Arc chamber with extension pieces 6
2.2 Arc chamber+arc absorber 6

3 Arc chamber installation 9

3.1 Preparation of arc chamber installation 9
3.2 Installation of standard or low height arc chamber 9
3.3 Installation of arc chamber with arc absorber 11
3.4 Installation of arc chamber extension pieces, end grille and wall flange unit 11
3.4.1 Assembly of the end grille and wall flange unit 12
3.4.2 Installation of arc chamber extension pieces 15

4 Appendix 17
4.1 Typical wall opening drawing 17
4.2 Typical drawing of 600 mm wide Arc Channel 19

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 3
4 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013

1 Introduction
1.1 General description
Power Xpert UX Switchgear has an internal arc
classification of AFLR according to IEC62271-200 and
satisfies all the criteria from 1 to 5. This guarantees the
safety of personnel within the switchroom in the event of
an internal arc occurring within the switchgear. An
integral Arc Chamber collects and exhausts the hot
gases and particles. This duct is mounted on the top of
the switchgear and is normally extended on either the
right or left side.

The recommended solution is to extend the arc chamber

to the external environment with arc chamber extension
pieces, wall flange and protection grille to vent the
gasses outside the switchgear room. If due to special
circumstances this is not possible then certain
precautions need to be taken into account when Figure 1-1 Panel with arc chamber and extension piece
designing a safe environment for exhausting the gasses installed viewed from outside the switchroom.
within the switchgear room.

Eaton provides 3 standard solutions:

1. Standard height arc chamber (560mm) with

extension pieces (See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2).
2. Low-height arc chamber (250mm) with extension
pieces (See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2).
3. Arc Chamber + Arc Absorber for applications where
the IAC requirement up to 31.5kA -1s
(See Figure 1-3).

Contact Eaton for recommendations if a non-standard

solution is required.

1.2 Using this manual Figure 1-2 Panel with arc chamber and extension piece
1.2.1 Structure of the manual installed viewed from inside the switchroom.

The manual contains 4 chapters.

Chapter 1 contains general information on the arc


Chapters 2 and chapter 3 contain floor plan drawings for

arc chamber installation.

Chapter 4 appendix provides typical drawing for the arc

chamber installation.

1.2.2 Safety instructions

Read this user manual carefully before installing the arc
chamber. Make sure that you have read and understood
all instructions.

Figure 1-3 Panel with arc chamber and arc absorber up to

IAC 31.5kA-1s.

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 5
Floor Plan

2 Floor Plan
2.1 Arc chamber with extension pieces
Floor plans for installations with standard or low height
arc chamber with extension pieces are provided in the
Operation and Maintenance manual.

Installing extension pieces requires a wall opening to be

provided to allow for the end grille and wall flange unit to
be installed. An example of the wall opening drawing is
provided, as shown Figure 2-1.
For other wall openings refer to par. 4.1.

2.2 Arc chamber+arc absorber

Example of a floor plan for arc chamber with arc
absorber provided, as shown Figure 2-2.

6 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Floor Plan

Typical wall opening drawing

Value of dimension
Type of panel A C
UX-17-2000-40-VCB 800 X+145
UX-17-2000-50-VCB 800 X+145
UX-17-3150-40-VCB 1000 X+145
UX-17-3150-50-VCB 1000 X+145

1. Wall cut-out for arc-chamber 610 x 1100 mm

2. Wall cut and wall flange
3. Fasten L-profile to the wall via bolts M12 x L (depends on wall thickness)
4. Gap of two flanges can be adjusted from 90-200 mm
5. X-dimension depends on installation requirements.
Standard extension please are 800 and 1000 mm
Figure 2-1

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 7
Floor Plan

Typical floor plan

Front view Side view

Dimension Front and rear access Front access

Dim A Min. 800 Min. 500 recommended
Dim B Min. 100 Min. 100
Dim C Depends on cable bend radius
* Optional Centre mounting is optional

1. LV control cable entry 4. Second pouring of the concrete

2. Main cable entry 5. First pouring of the concrete
3. C channel steel 6. Foundation
Figure 2-2 Typical floor plan for bottom cable panel entry panel with arc absorber 17.5kV 630/1250A 25/31.5 kA

8 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Arc chamber installation

3 Arc chamber installation

3.1 Preparation of arc chamber installation
Install arc chamber only when the items below are completed
1. Switchgear is erected and placed in the right position
2. Main busbars are connected correctly
3. Earth busbar is connected correctly
4. Auxiliary cables are connected correctly
5. Main cables are connected correctly
6. All tools are taken away from the switchgear

3.2 Installation of standard or low height arc chamber

Step 1 – Mount L-profile

Mount the L profile to each of the end panels of the switchboard with M8x30
bolts, apply torque 20Nm.

Step 2 – Mount front and rear plates

Starting at one end of the switchboard (left or right), fix the front and rear
plates of the arc chamber to the panel with bolts M8x30, apply torque 20Nm.
Each arc chamber front and rear plate corresponds to the width of the panel.

Hint: Mount all front and rear plates to the entire length of the switchboard. If
working from the front of the switchboard it may be an advantage to mount all
the rear plates first,and if working from the rear it may be an advantage to
mount all the front plates first.

Step 3 – Mount next front and rear connector plates

Fix the front and rear connector plates of the arc chamber to the next panel
with bolts M8x30, apply torque 20Nm.

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 9
Arc chamber installation

Step 4 – Mount end cover

The arc chamber can be arranged to exit either from the Left or the Right of
the installation.
At the opposite end from the exhaust side the arc chamber is fitted with an
end cover.
Fit the end cover using M8x30 bolts apply torque of 20Nm.

Step 5 – Mount top cover plate

Mount the top cover to the side plates with bolts M8x30, apply torque of
Proceed to mount all adjacent top cover plates to each panel.

10 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Arc chamber installation

3.3 Installation of arc chamber with arc

The installation of the arc chamber with arc absorber is
exactly the same as for the standard arc chamber, follow
steps 1 – 5 above.

The arc absorber replaces the top covers in step 4. An

arc absorber top cover is fitted on every 3rd panel with a
minimum of 2 arc absorbers per installation.

When arc absorbers are used an End Cover is mounted

on each end of the arc chamber.

Figure 3-1 Top cover with arc absorber.

3.4 Installation of arc chamber

extension pieces, end grille and wall
flange unit
The arc chamber extension pieces, end grille and wall
flange unit are to be mounted together to provide a
complete channel to exhaust the gasses outside the

The number of arc chamber extension pieces depends

on the dimension between the panel and switchgear wall.

First assemble end grille and wall flange unit.

See par. 3.4.1 and loosely mount in the opening in the

Figure 3-2 Extension pieces

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 11
Arc chamber installation

3.4.1 Assembly of the end grille and wall flange unit

Step 1
End grille and wall flange are to be assembled before arc chamber extension
pieces are mounted to the installation.

Step 2
Mount front, rear and bottom plate of end grille with stainless bolts M8x25, apply
torque 20Nm.

Step 3
Mount grille bracket to the front and rear plate of end grille with stainless
bolts M8x25, apply torque 20Nm.

12 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Arc chamber installation

Step 4
Place grille between front and rear grille bracket.

Step 5
Place plain washer, nut M12 between grille bracket and front or rear plate of
end grille.

Insert shaft through front or rear plate of end grille Nut M12, grille bracket,

Apply torque 20Nm for nut M12.

Turn nut M8 to shaft and apply torque 20Nm.

Mount remaining grille to the grille bracket.

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 13
Arc chamber installation

Step 6
Fix L profile to the top plate of end grille with stainless bolts M8x25, apply
torque 20Nm.

Step 7
Fix top plate to the front and rear plate of end grille with stainless bolts
M8x25, apply torque 20Nm.

End grille is assembled.

Step 8
When the wall is reached, insert the pre-assembled extension piece through
rectangular hole in the wall. The wall should be prepared to accept the wall
flange before inserting the extension piece. Some drilling is necessary to
mount the wall flanges to the extension piece.

Wall opening drawings are shown on Figure 2-1.

Step 9
Mount wall flange to the top and bottom plate of end grille with stainless bolts
M10x30. Don’t tighten.

14 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013
Arc chamber installation

3.4.2 Installation of arc chamber extension pieces

Step 1 – Extension arc chamber supports

Standard widths of arc chamber extension are 600mm, 800mm and

Supports need to be put in place for the assembly of the extension pieces.
Normal support is from above using standard threaded rods (1) and support
brackets (2) – not supplied by Eaton.

Step 2 – Rear plates

Fix rear plate of arc chamber extension to the panel with bolts M8x30, apply
torque 20Nm, and use support bracket previously mounted on Step 1 to
support the installation.

Step 3 – Bottom plates

Fix bottom plate of arc extension to rear plate, arc chamber and support the
arc chamber installation as it is assembled till it reaches the end grille. Use
bolts M8x30, apply torque 20Nm.

Continue to assemble the rear plate and bottom plate to adjacent extension
piece and ensure the assembly is supported properly until the end grille and
wall flange unit is reached.

Step 4 – Front plates

Fix all the front plates of arc extension assembly to the bottom plates,
Continue until the end grille and wall flange unit is reached.
Use bolts M8x30, apply torque 20Nm.

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 15
Arc chamber installation

Step 5 – Cover plates

Fix front and rear cover plates to the front and rear of extension pieces and
end grille with bolts M8x30, apply torque 20Nm.

Step 6 – Top cover plates

Mount the top cover to the side plates with bolts M8x30, apply torque of
20Nm. Mount remaining top covers to the installation, each top plate
corresponds to the width of the panel.

16 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013

4 Appendix
4.1 Typical wall opening drawing

Value of dimension
Type of panel A C
UX-17-2000-40-VCB 800 X+145
UX-17-2000-50-VCB 800 X+145
UX-17-3150-40-VCB 1000 X+145
UX-17-3150-50-VCB 1000 X+145

1. Wall cut-out for arc-chamber 610 x 1100 mm

2. Wall cut and wall flange
3. Fasten L-profile to the wall via bolts M12 x L (depends on wall thickness)
4. Gap of two flanges can be adjusted from 90-200 mm
5. X-dimension depends on installation requirements.
Standard extension please are 800 and 1000 mm
Figure 4-1

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 17

Typical wall opening drawing

Value of dimension
Type of panel A C
UX24-800-20-VCB 800 X+145
UX24-1250-25-VCB 800 X+145
UX24-2000-25-VCB 1000 X+145
UX24-2500-25-VCB 1000 X+145

1. Wall cut-out for arc-chamber 610 x 1130 mm

2. Fasten L-profile to the wall via bolts M12 x L (depends on wall thickness)
3. Gap of two flanges can be adjusted from 90-200 mm
4. X-dimension depends on installation requirements.
Standard extension please are 800 and 1000 mm
Figure 4-2

18 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013

4.2 Typical drawing of 600 mm wide Arc Channel

Left hand arc chamber assembly drawing 17.5kV 630/1250A 600 wide

Type 1: Arc chamber with integral arc absorber assembly
Type 2: Standard arc chamber

Seq. Qty. Part number Description Type 1 Type 2

1 1 535.5311.017.04 Left End Cover √ √
2 1 535.5144.002.04 L-Bracket √ √
3 1 535.8100.010.01 Front Connection Plate √ √
4 1 535.5160.002.04 Front Cover Plate √ √
5A 1 535.5002.009.05 Arc Absorber Assembly √ x
5B 1 535.8310.031.04 Top Plain Cover x √
6 1 535.5160.003.04 Back Cover Plate √ √
7 1 535.8100.011.01 Back Connection Plate √ √
8 57 535.8920.014.00 Bolt M8x30 √ √
9 80 535.8950.003.00 Plain washer 8 √ √
10 57 535.8950.007.00 Spring washer 8 √ √
11 23 535.8940.003.00 Nut M8 √ √

Figure 4-3

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 19

Middle panel arc chamber assembly drawing 17.5kV 630/1250A 600 wide

Type 1: Arc chamber with integral arc absorber assembly
Type 2: Standard arc chamber

Seq. Qty. Part number Description Type 1 Type 2

1 1 535.8100.010.01 Front Connection Plate √ √
2 1 535.5160.002.04 Front Cover Plate √ √
3A 1 535.5002.009.05 Arc Absorber Assembly √ x
3B 1 535.8310.031.04 Top Plain Cover x √
4 1 535.5160.003.04 Back Cover Plate √ √
5 1 535.8100.011.01 Back Connection Plate √ √
6 47 535.8920.014.00 Bolt M8x30 √ √
7 70 535.8950.003.00 Plain washer 8 √ √
8 47 535.8950.007.00 Spring washer 8 √ √
9 23 535.8940.003.00 Nut M8 √ √

Figure 4-4

20 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013

Right hand arc chamber assembly drawing 17.5kV 630/1250A 600 wide

Type 1: Arc chamber with integral arc absorber assembly
Type 2: Standard arc chamber

Seq. Qty. Part number Description Type 1 Type 2

1 1 535.5311.054.05 Right End Cover √ √
2 1 535.5144.005.05 L-Bracket √ √
3 1 535.8100.010.01 Front Connection Plate √ √
4 1 535.5160.002.04 Front Cover Plate √ √
5A 1 535.5002.009.05 Arc Absorber Assembly √ x
5B 1 535.8310.031.04 Top Plain Cover x √
6 1 535.5160.003.04 Back Cover Plate √ √
7 1 535.8100.011.01 Back Connection Plate √ √
8 57 535.8920.014.00 Bolt M8x30 √ √
9 80 535.8950.003.00 Plain washer 8 √ √
10 57 535.8950.007.00 Spring washer 8 √ √
11 23 535.8940.003.00 Nut M8 √ √

Figure 4-5

Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013 21
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22 Arc Chamber Installation Manual 6082940 G01 01 March 25th 2013

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