Wiley The Philosophical Quarterly
Wiley The Philosophical Quarterly
Wiley The Philosophical Quarterly
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The Philosophical Quarterly.
Plato: TheRepublic, 1955) p.153, Book III,
by H. D. P. Lee (Harmondsworth,
But of all faultsof the soul the gravestis one whichis inbornin
mostmen,one whichall excusein themselves and none therefore
attemptsto avoid- thatconveyedin the maximthat'everyoneis
naturally his own friend'and thatit is onlyrightand properthat
he shouldbe so, whereasin truth,thissameviolentattachment to
selfis theconstantsourceof all mannerof misdeedsin everyone
of us ... a manwho meansto be greatmustcare neitherforself
norforitsbelongings, butforjustice,whetherexhibited in his own
conductor ratherin thatof another.6
6Ibid.p. 1318,BookV,731d-732a.
MorayHouse College,