G9 Foe
G9 Foe
G9 Foe
Department of Education
Region XI
Tagum City Division
Apokon, Tagum City
1 11 19 12 24 25 23 17 21 17 35 22 36 28 290 1 290 25
Illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a
mathematical system in general, and in Geometry in
2 27 32 39 31 39 39 31 42 35 42 45 41 37 480 particular: (a) defined terms; (b) undefined terms; (c) 2 480 8
3 24 37 22 30 27 23 33 30 25 26 38 43 23 381 postulates; and (d) theorems. 3 381 22
4 28 22 28 33 33 29 23 38 27 34 23 43 24 385 Illustrates triangle congruence. 4 385 20
Eve Karen Mae Orcullo Karen Grace A. Cubar Xy-za B. Merquita Lovely Faith Talania Joy Movimar Sasuman
Techer I Teacher III Teacher III TI/Math Coordinator Master Teacher I