Key Performance Indicators in Humanitarian Logistics

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Key Performance Indicators in Humanitarian Logistics


Anne Leslie Davidson

B.S. Accounting and Information Systems, B.A. French

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2002

Submitted to the Engineering Systems Division in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of


at the

JUN 2 6 2006
C 2006 Anne Davidson. All rights reserved.
The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and
electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part.

Signature of Author............................. ...

Engineering SystemsDivision
[I~ o~
~ I L ~ May10, 2006

Certified by ................................
' _............Edgar Blanco
R se c As ciate, MIT Center for Transportationjd Logistics
/ _ JL._
T is Supervisor
Acceptedby.................................................................- /
1/ 6// YosefSheffi
Professor, ngineenng Systems Division
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Director, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics
Key Performance Indicators in Humanitarian Logistics


Anne Leslie Davidson

Submitted to the Engineering Systems Division

on 12 May 2006 in Partial Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in

Non-profit humanitarian relief organizations have typically been unable to measure the
performance of their supply chains due to an inability to centrally capture data from operations.
With the recent development and implementation of information technology systems that can
support the logistics function of these organizations, the data is now available to measure
performance, but what is still lacking is a central framework of metrics that measures
performance according to the organization's strategic goals.

First, this thesis reviews the best practices noted in performance measurement systems of the
logistics functions in military and commercial organizations and applies them to the
humanitarian sector. Second, the thesis suggests a framework of key performance indicators to
be implemented in an international non-profit humanitarian organization based on the unique
strategic goals of the sector. The thesis then applies this proposed framework to two actual
operations performed by this organization. The analysis performed herein proves that a
measurement system would help strengthen the organization's ability to deliver goods to
beneficiaries more efficiently and effectively. Finally, the thesis addresses feasibility issues of
implementing a measurement system in the non-profit sector and also describes the next steps of
opportunities related to measurement systems within humanitarian logistics.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Edgar Blanco

Title: Research Associate, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

The completion of this thesis would not have been possible without the support and valuable
input from the following people: Dr. Edgar Blanco of MIT, Dr. Laura Kopczak of the Tuck
School at Dartmouth and the Fritz Institute, Martin Bush of the International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and Mitsuko Mizushima of the Fritz Institute. I would
also like to thank my fianc6, my family, and my fellow MLOG students for their continued
support throughout this program.

Biographical Note
Anne Davidson completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Information
Systems, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in French from Virginia Tech in August of 2002.
Following graduation, she became a Certified Public Accountant while working in Assurance &
Advisory Services with Deloitte & Touche, LLP, located in Richmond, Virginia. She returned to
Blacksburg, Virginia, in August of 2004, to serve as a campus ministry intern with the Baptist
Collegiate Ministry at Virginia Tech. During this internship on a disaster relief construction trip,
it was then that she discovered the challenging and fascinating field of humanitarian logistics.

Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 2

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 3

Biographical Note ......................................................................................................... 4

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................... 5
List of Tables................................................................................................................. 7
List of Figures ............................................................................................................... 8
1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 9
2 Understanding the Context of the Humanitarian Sector . ........................12
2.1 Industry Climate: Recognizing the Need for Metrics..................................... 12
2.2 UN Efforts Towards Global Benchmarks........................................................ 14
2.3 Development of Software for Humanitarian Organizations............................. 15
3 Best Practices of Performance Measurement Systems Used in Business &
Military Logistics......................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Evaluating the Applicability of Metric Frameworks Used in Business and Military 17
3.1.1 Military Logistics and "Velocity Management"............................................... 17
3.1.2 The Balanced Scorecard Approach . 23
3.1.3 Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR Model) . . ...............25
3.2 Principles of Performance Measurement. 27
3.2.1 Best Practices of Performance Measurement Systems ................................ 27
3.2.2 Current Trends in Supply Chain Management Relevant to Performance
4 A Performance Indicator Framework for the Humanitarian Supply Chain..... 34
4.1 Explanation and Description of Proposed Framework . ...........................34
4.1.1 Understanding the Business Processes at the IFRC .................................... 34
4.1.2 Proposed Framework and Definition of Key Indicators. ................................39
4.1.3 Features of the Framework ........................................................................... 45
4.2 Walk-through of Two IFRC Operations Using Proposed Scorecards ............... 51
4.2.1 Methodology................................................................................................51
4.2.2 Walkthrough of Proposed Framework. 53
5 In-Depth Analysis of Two IFRC Operations . ..................................................... 65
5.1 Basic Facts & Background of Two Operations .................................. 65
5.1.1 Sahel Food Security Crisis............................................................................ 65
5.1.2 South Asia Earthquake ................................................................................. 66
5.2 Comparison and Contrast of Logistics Performance in Sahel and South Asia .... 67
5.3 Lessons Learned from the Two Operations......................................................... 71
5.3.1 Sahel Food Security Crisis............................................................................ 71
5.3.2 South Asia Earthquake ................................................................................. 73
5.4 Common Themes Discovered between the Two Operations............................... 77

6 Implementing the Framework ............................................................................. 78
6.1 Applying the Framework to Other Organizations ................................................. 78
6.2 Feasibility Issues of Implementing the Framework.............................................. 81
7 Opportunities for Future Research .................................................................... 83
7.1 Expansion Possibilities Given Additional Data..................................................... 83
7.2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 85
Appendix - Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................................ 88

List of Tables
Table 1 - Individuals Interviewed at IFRC Headquarters............................................. 35

Table 2 - Data Elements Used to Calculate the Four Performance Indicators ............ 45

Table 3- Example of Operational Budget Goals ......................................................... 49

Table 4 - Comparison of IFRC Operations Used as Case Studies............................... 52

List of Figures
Figure 1 - CWT vs. RWT Metrics.................................................................................. 22

Figure 2 - Four Phases of an IFRC Emergency Operation........................................... 36

Figure 3 - Proposed Framework for IFRC .................................................................... 40

Figure 4- Sahel & South Asia: Week 1 Scorecards.................................................... 54

Figure 5 - Sahel & South Asia: Week 2 Scorecards..................................................... 55

Figure 6- Sahel & South Asia: Month 1 Scorecards ..................................................... 57

Figure 7 - Sahel & South Asia: Final Scorecards .......................................................... 61

Figure 8 - Sahel & South Asia: Percentage of Items Received In-Country (by Item

Figure 9 - Sahel & South Asia: Transport Breakdown by Value of Goods .................... 71

Figure 10- Sahel - Expected Delivery Time vs. Actual Delivery Time.......................... 72

Figure 11 - Sahel: Budget to Actual Values by Item Group in Dollar Form and in

Figure 12 - South Asia: Budget to Actual Values by Item Group in Dollar Form and in
Percentages........................................................................................................... 74

Figure 13 - South Asia: Distribution of Airfreight Arrivals.............................................. 76

Figure 14 - Proposed Framework for Application in Other Organizations .................... 80

I Introduction

When disasters strike, humanitarian organizations respond. When disasters strike and

organizations don't respond fast enough in the eyes of the media and the local government, the

blame that is placed on these organizations tarnishes their name and reputation, which affects

their base of donors. Without the financial support of donors, a non-profit humanitarian

organization's entire ability to continue operations is placed in danger.

Therefore, actual performance of operations after a disaster, as well as the perception of

the organization's performance, are both clearly essential to "humanitarian logistics": the

function of a non-profit organization that oversees "delivering the right supplies to the right

people, at the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantities" (Russell, 2005). The

question then becomes, "How well did the organization actually perform?"

Given the volatile and variable environment of disaster occurrence, answering this

seemingly simple question becomes a very complex problem. The need for standard performance

metrics in humanitarian logistics is a deeper issue than merely the media's perception of poor or

slow performance after a disaster. It is a very real need that has been acknowledged in recent

studies by the Fritz Institute after the 2004 tsunami in South Asia (Thomas & Ramalingam,

2005) and in the "Humanitarian Response Review" commissioned by the United Nations Office

for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA, 2005).

The question of how to measure the performance of an organization's response to a

disaster has surfaced frequently in the past two years, mainly because of the following three

high-profile disasters: the 2004 tsunami in Asia, the 2005 earthquake in South Asia, and

Hurricane Katrina in 2005. However, the lack of performance metrics has been a standing

problem in the humanitarian sector long before these disasters occurred. Several factors cause the

performance of humanitarian organizations to be both difficult to define and to measure:

o Lack of centrally-captured data from operations

o Limited information technology infrastructure

o Lack of funding for IT infrastructure

o Variability / chaotic environment after each disaster

o External factors (e.g. geography, state response, etc.)

o Lack of incentive for measurement in non-profit sector

o Potential negative media exposure

o Human resources issues

o Organizational culture

o Long-term vs. short-term goals of disaster response

Although the above factors are significant obstacles in overcoming the problem of

performance measurement, the hypothesis of this research is that measurement standards can be

defined and implemented to improve the performance of disaster relief operations. Significant

research has been performed relating to performance measurement of the logistics function in

both the private and military sectors, and many of these operations have been transformed

through the implementation of performance measurement systems. It is the goal of this research

to draw from that knowledge and apply it to the humanitarian sector.

The remainder of this thesis is structured into five chapters. Chapter 2 will explore the

current context of the humanitarian sector with regard to implementing a system of performance

measurement and address the question, "How willing and able is the sector as a whole to

implement such a system?" Chapter 3 documents the best practices of performance measurement

systems that have been implemented in business and military logistics operations and describes

how these principles can appropriately be applied to disaster relief operations. Chapter 4

describes the business processes of a disaster operation at the International Federation of the Red

Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and proposes a framework of key performance

indicators to be used by the logistics department of this organization. To demonstrate how this

framework would be used and interpreted by the IFRC, the scorecards are presented to recreate a

walk-through of two different IFRC emergency operations. Chapter 5 tests the proposed IFRC

framework by giving a more in-depth background and analysis of these two operations. The

performance of the logistics function in these two operations is compared and contrasted in terms

of the metrics used in the proposed framework. Chapter 6 discusses how the IFRC framework

can be applied more generically to other non-profit humanitarian organizations. It also discusses

feasibility issues of implementing a framework of key performance indicators. Chapter 7

concludes by describing opportunities for future research that will further promote the use of key

performance indicators in the humanitarian sector.

2 Understanding the Context of
the Humanitarian Sector

2.1 Industry Climate: Recognizing the Need for

There are several indications that the culture of the non-profit sector is on the brink of

being able to embrace a quantitative system of performance measurement. In the past, goals for

humanitarian operations have been set very qualitatively, which makes it difficult for these

organizations to truly gauge their performance upon the completion of an operation.

Understandably, due to the chaos in which most workers find themselves in the midst of a relief

operation, there has been much more emphasis placed in non-profit organizations on the

necessity to deliver goods and services as quickly as possible to beneficiaries rather than

emphasizing the need to perform the paperwork and review operational performance (Taylor,

1997). However, when the record-keeping suffers, knowing with confidence what the current

inventory levels are as well as knowing when future deliveries will arrive becomes much more

difficult, which often leads to an environment of intense frustration for many relief workers on

the ground.

Enabling better supply chain visibility would alleviate many of these frustrations. The

only way to support such visibility involves two key steps: to establish systematic organizational

processes and to define benchmarks of performance. These steps should standardize the flow of

the relief chain as much as possible, although it is important to note that all variability can never

be eliminated due to the very nature of responding to disasters. It is also important to highlight

that while the focus of this paper is to define the key performance indicators that enable an

organization to determine what constitutes an effective response, it is absolutely imperative that

standardized business processes are in place throughout these organizations as well. Oftentimes

in the humanitarian sector, business processes are either not pre-defined for individuals to follow

or they are not enforced, which leaves the action up to the individual's discretion. The

importance of standard and clearly defined business processes and lines of authority in these

organizations cannot be stressed enough as an essential part of gaining visibility and

standardization in the relief supply chain.

The need for benchmarks and performance measurement is also augmented as the scope

and size of an operation increases. Such was the case during and after the response to the

December 2004 tsunami. As mentioned earlier, the need for establishing benchmarks of an

effective operation was one of the top-line findings of a recent report from the Fritz Institute

(Thomas & Ramalingam, 2005). In this operation it was found that while the beneficiaries

themselves may serve as an important source of gauging operational performance, it is usually

subjective and should be used with caution. Because the beneficiaries' perceptions may be

affected by various factors such as cultural expectations, the unique circumstances of the

disaster/event, and how the aid is actually administered, organizations should rely on a more

objective and standard basis of performance measurement.

2.2 UN Efforts Towards Global Benchmarks
A similar recommendation was made in a 2005 report commissioned by the United

Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. This review highlighted a number

of long-standing gaps already known to be present in the humanitarian sector, particularly in the

areas of preparedness, benchmarking, and coordination. Specifically related to benchmarking,

while OCHA recognized the difficulty of gaining consensus around objectives from various

international organizations, it nonetheless recommended that a global set of benchmarks and

indicators be created and implemented to measure performance. It notes that "other key

recommendations cover, first and foremost, the development and application of benchmarks and

indicators to measure performance" (OCHA, 2005, p12). While this is clearly a powerful

indication of a cultural shift towards performance measurement from an organization at a global

level in the humanitarian sector, the complexity of following through with this recommendation

to actually develop and implement any such system remains.

The OCHA report itself actually highlights the issue of vague quantitative benchmarks

and performance goals that have typically characterized the humanitarian sector, most surely

without intending to do so. It indicates as one of its main recommendations that benchmarks and

indicators should address the following:

* access and coverage of population in need,

* identification of responsibilities in delivery of assistance and in coordination,

* resources mobilization (e.g. human, assets, financial),

* identification of relevant lifesaving activities, and

* protection aspects, where needed (UNOCHA, 2005, p16).

The report also indicates that the needed elements of benchmarks should relate to "speed,

quantity, relevance, appropriateness, and sustainability" (UNOCHA, 2005, p21). The gap in the

analysis is that the possible indicators that are listed on pages 23-25 of the report do not cover all

of the bulleted objectives listed above, nor do they relate to all of the needed elements of

benchmarks that were given. For the possible indicators that have been listed in the report, there

is no real structure around them so that organizations can build a framework of metrics that will

enable performance measurement, even though the report acknowledges that such a framework

is necessary.

The other questionable finding from the OCHA report is its repeated focus on donor-

based benchmarks. The underlying theme related to benchmarking in the report is that donors

should be stringently involved in both the development and the monitoring process of

benchmarks used in humanitarian organizations. The research performed herein will take a

different approach to this idea, proposing that performance indicators should first be developed

internally by an organization and later introduced as external indicators for donors. The reason

for this difference is because the research findings from the private sector related to performance

measurement strongly indicate that it is the organization itself which must define its operational

goals based on its strategicobjectives.Any metricframework introducedshouldfirst flow from

the organization'sgoals and notfrom any goals imposedby an outsideparty. This idea will be

explained further in Chapter 3.

2.3 Developmentof Software for Humanitarian

Another shift that is gradually occurring in the humanitarian sector is the development

and implementation of software packages that are specialized to humanitarian logistics. Such

software packages can provide visibility in the relief supply chain since they can capture the data

of an operation in a centralized location. The lack of complete operational data has long been the

single largest inhibitor of standardized performance measurement, so the development and

implementation of logistics software is truly a giant leap forward for the humanitarian sector. In

2003, the logistics department of the IFRC implemented Humanitarian Logistics Software

(HLS), which was developed jointly with the Fritz Institute. HLS captures data and tracks

information related to the procurement and distribution of goods to field personnel. It has been in

use for all major emergency IFRC operations since late 2003. This system was the data source

for the research performed in this project and documented in Chapters 4 and 5.

Performance measurement for the entire humanitarian sector may still be a long way off,

but the trends and motivation exist to begin investigating these possibilities today. The need for

benchmarks has been acknowledged after the three well-publicized disaster response operations

of the past two years. There is still a gap between motivation and execution, though, until more

organizations begin to implement computerized logistics systems. How quickly other

organizations implement such systems will most certainly affect when it will become standard

for the sector as a whole to use performance metrics.

3 Best Practices of
Performance Measurement
Systems Used in Business &
Military Logistics

3.1 Evaluating the Applicabilityof Metric Frameworks

Used in Businessand Military

3.1.1 Military Logistics and "Velocity Management"

In many ways military logistics are more similar to international humanitarian logistics

than supply chains designed for the business sector. Military supply chains and humanitarian

relief chains share the following:

* Both organizations must be flexible enough to create and establish a working supply

chain in a given geographic region with very short notice and/or time for operation-specific


* Both kinds of operations are working in potentially chaotic and hazardous


* Neither type of organization are working to make a profit from its operations, so they

"measure success" differently than a business. For the military, a successful mission would be

one that accomplished its goal, rather than to show an increase in Net Income or a decrease in

Total Costs.

A key characteristic of military supply chains is that they must be both agile and flexible

(Edmonson, 2005). Edmonson acknowledges that a military supply chain will never be able to

achieve the kind of "lean" efficiency found in commercial supply chains because of the higher

degree of flexibility a military operation requires. This is the trade-off found due to operating in

times of emergency, which both military and humanitarian organizations are forced to do on a

regular basis. Before the commercial focus on supply chain management during the past 10-15

years, the military used to surpass the commercial sector in terms of supply chain technology,

but now it actually lags behind in cutting-edge initiatives such as the use of RFID (Radio

Frequency Identification) to track the flow of goods in supply chains. Edmonson's assessment of

the military's current progress in supply chain management also validates the importance of

researching commercial supply chain best practices as part of the search for key performance

indicators, even though military supply chains do share more in common with humanitarian

supply chains than those found in the commercial sector.

One best practice applicable to humanitarian organizations that Edmonson notes is the

military's focus on packaging items for the end user as early as possible in the supply chain.

Although sometimes humanitarian organizations are able to implement this principle, the receipt

of unsolicited goods often presents a problem that is not faced in the military sector.

Humanitarian organizations typically receive a variety of unsolicited goods after a disaster.

Edmonson cites Dalton Cunningham, a major in the Salvation Army: "When donations come in

unsolicited, it's generally a mix-match of multiple items that people believe are needed. All of it

has to be sorted, separated, and then it can be palletized, shrink-wrapped and distributed to the

areas where the need is" (Edmonson, 2005). Despite the issue of unsolicited goods, many

organizations do pre-package "kits" of items upstream in the supply chain to create hygiene kits

or kitchen sets, which does save time during the distribution phase.

The difficulty for a humanitarian organization then becomes having all the necessary

items on hand for a one-time distribution to a family, for example, that is in need of multiple

types of items (e.g. a kitchen set and a hygiene kit). Obtaining such efficiencies in the

distribution process requires a high level of coordination between the various departments of an

organization, particularly between the logistics department and the field personnel. The field

personnel must communicate what various types of goods need to be distributed to beneficiaries

at a specific time, and the logistics department must be able to have them all delivered before the

actual distribution, to prevent the redundancy of having multiple distributions to the same


Another best practice from military logistics is the customer focus of "Velocity

Management," which is a performance measurement initiative that was implemented in U.S.

Army supply chains in the late 1990's. As noted in study conducted by the RAND Arroyo Center

for Research, Velocity Management is a streamlined version of the Six Sigma approach that uses

structured methodologies to measure and improve performance (Dumond, 2000). This approach

was adopted to improve customer response times in the supply chains, so that goods can flow to

the end user as quickly as possible.

The Velocity Management initiative centers around the processes of "Define, Measure,

and Improve." The various processes involved in Army logistics are to be explicitly defined and

scoped, then measured using appropriate metrics, then analyzed to be improved upon. The

initiative is structured to be an iterative process so that improvement continues over time. RAND

noted in its research the value gained simply from performing group walkthroughs of the various

processes, because it forced communication from different divisions involved in a given process

and facilitated collective insights about each process. RAND also noted that the "most critical

aspect of measurement is the development and implementation of appropriate metrics that span

the full process and reflect key customer values" (Dumond, 2000).

Another key insight from Velocity Management is that it includes the use of multiple

metrics that cover the various dimensions of time, quality, and cost. These metrics look at the

median values and not just the mean, because a primary goal of the initiative is to reduce

variability in the supply chain as well as find the trade-off between time, quality, and cost. The

idea of analyzing the median values can and should be directly applied to humanitarian logistics

measures. With the inherent variability that disaster situations naturally include, humanitarian

organizations should seek to reduce the variability of their own performance as much as possible

in order to streamline their supply chains.

Velocity Management also establishes a "baseline performance level" as part of its

measurement process. It is unclear if this should be applied in all areas of humanitarian logistics

because baseline performance may vary significantly based on the type of disaster, geographic

region, and scope of the disaster. Determining reasonable baseline levels of performance may be

the next phase of implementing key performance indicators in humanitarian logistics. First, over-

arching performance goals for all disaster operations should be determined, and then baseline

measures could be determined at a more detailed level for various disaster types in various

regions. This could potentially be a deep area for future research.

RAND also notes that the data should be analyzed in both short and long-term feedback

cycles in order to gain a deeper understanding of the actual trends of performance. This principle

is also applicable to humanitarian logistics. Organizations should define what specific time

periods are implied by "short-term" and "long-term" after a disaster, and performance should be

measured and analyzed at both levels in order to find the true areas of improvement. This is

important because examining operations over time may reveal counter-intuitive insights. For

example, procurement times may actually increase over time if the disaster was of a magnitude

to cause a regional or even international shortage of a given product. The 2005 Pakistan

earthquake caused this to happen, because its magnitude triggered a worldwide shortage of tents

and temporary shelters. With that knowledge in mind, one would expect procurement times to

have increased over time after the earthquake, instead of decrease, which would be more typical

of the time to procure a given item. In short, to truly understand what is happening in the supply

chain, an organization must measure itself across both time-frames of the short and long-term,

however those are defined.

Two specific metrics that have been key to improving supply chain performance as part

of the Velocity Management initiative are Customer Wait Time (CWT) and Requisition Wait

Time (RWT), (Brauner & Lackey, 2003). The RAND Arroyo Center for Research conducted a

study specifically on these metrics and how they improved the U.S. Army's supply chain for

spare parts. These metrics both measure order fulfillment time, but they measure it from different

levels of perspective. CWT measures the total time it takes to satisfy a request for a part needed

to make a repair, from the initial customer request to the time the request has been received by

the customer. RWT measures the total time it takes for a request to be fulfilled by the Supply

Support Activity (SSA). The SSA is the "military analog of a retail parts store," so the purpose

of this metric is to determine how much time is required for an individual SSA to satisfy a


Figure1 from the article represents the different purposes of these metrics:

Figure 1 - CWT vs. RWT Metrics

Unit parts clerk perspective SSA perspective


CWT measures how quickly the RWVTmeasures how quickly the
supply chain fills requests from supply chain fills requisitions
unit-level customers from the SSA

CWT focuses on supply requests. Its variability depends on the amount of stock supplied

on-hand by the SSA, as well as the time it takes to order and receive goods not held on hand by

the SSA. The Army examines the variability of CWT by looking at the mean, the median, and

they also group the data in various percentiles in order to determine what parts are caused to be

delayed in the supply chain.

RWT focuses on how well a supply unit in a specific location can meet its demands. It

evaluates how well the logistics chain for spare parts serves the SSA: how much time is required

to satisfy an SSA requisition for a part. Like CWT, RWT measures percentiles to not only

examine the speed of the supply chain but also its reliability.

After implementing these metrics, the Army then set specific improvement goals based

on the performance revealed by these metrics, both for averages and for percentiles. The RAND

research noted that these metrics have enabled the Army to dramatically reduce wait times since

1995, when these systems were first implemented. For example, average RWT was 22 days in

1995. RWT had dropped to 10 days in 2002, with a goal to improve to 6 days after 2002.

Both of these metrics appear to be very applicable to humanitarian logistics, given that

information systems are put in place which can support capturing this data. The benefit of using

CWT and RWT is that it measures at not only the customer level, but also the service unit level.

For an international non-profit organization, the analog of a customer would be the beneficiary

and the analog of a service unit could be a storage warehouse on-site. CWT could help the

organization measure the entire length of time it takes for goods to be delivered to the

beneficiary, and RWT could help an organization isolate which geographically-specific

warehouses have the most delays in the supply chain. Applying these metrics directly to

humanitarian logistics will be discussed further in Chapter 4.

3.1.2 The Balanced Scorecard Approach

The Balanced Scorecard Approach originally emerged in 1992, as a framework for

performance measurement in the Harvard Business Review (Kaplan & Norton, 1992). The

Balanced Scorecard Approach forces managers to select only a small number of critical

measures by which they can gauge performance. The Balanced Scorecard also excels in forcing

organizations to focus on two key issues: first they must examine what their core competencies

are, and second, they must look beyond purely financial metrics.

The Balanced Scorecard organizes the metrics into four perspectives that are addressed

by asking the following questions, which should provide managers with a more "balanced"

perspective of performance than just the proverbial "bottom-line results."

1. Customer perspective: How do customers see us?

2. Internal Business perspective: What must we excel at?

3. Innovation & Learning perspective: Can we continue to improve and create value?

4. Financial perspective: How do we look to shareholders?

The next question to therefore ask is, "Can the Balanced Scorecard be successfully

applied to humanitarian logistics?" While the Balanced Scorecard was originally designed to be

implemented in for-profit businesses, it has been successfully implemented in other non-profit

organizations, such as local governments (Kreklow & Ruggini, 2005). Kreklow & Ruggini

provide insight into the history of performance measurement in governmental systems and

indicates that performance measurement in earnest began when local governments started to

understand the importance of focusing their attention on customer service and product quality.

To meet these goals, some city and local governments have used the questions above to

implement their own version of the Balanced Scorecard approach. Hence, the transition from for-

profit to non-profit industries using the Balanced Scorecard approach is possible.

The clearest benefit of using the Balanced Scorecard approach in humanitarian logistics

is the importance it places on customer service. In the humanitarian sector, the customer's

perception of service and the media's portrayal of this service greatly affect an organization's

reputation and potential donations, so the customer perspective is critical in this sector. Because

the Balanced Scorecard incorporates the customer perspective as a significant part of its

framework, it follows that the Balanced Scorecard should, in theory, provide a framework of

metrics that is consistent with a humanitarian organization's goals.

One key feature to remember about the Balanced Scorecard that was noted in the original

Kaplan & Norton article is the importance of information systems (Kaplan & Norton, 1992).

They noted that information technology systems play a critical role in helping managers

implement a measurement system. This is a significant area of weakness in the humanitarian

sector, because as described in Chapter 2, IT systems are often lacking the relief supply chain of

various organizations. In other words, a performance measurement system is only as valid as the

data that it captures, and so if there is limited data being captured by the IT system or there are

no IT systems in place, a performance measurement system like the Balanced Scorecard

approach is most likely not feasible.

In 2002, an INSEAD study was performed to evaluate both the feasibility and the value

of implementing a balanced scorecard at a selected division of the IFRC (Guyoton & Muirhead,

2002). Guyoton & Muirhead elaborate on many of the current systems of performance

measurement, which are very informal and often anecdotal. They conclude that implementing a

form of the balanced scorecard would very valuable at the division examined (the Disaster

Management and Coordination Division), but there are significant challenges such as executive

support, IT infrastructure, and personnel retention issues, which must be overcome to achieve a

successful implementation. They conclude with a suggested framework of metrics along the four

Balanced Scorecard perspectives, but none of these metrics are really aimed at measuring supply

chain performance or operational performance immediately after a disaster. They are more aimed

towards the strategies of preparation, personnel retention, and knowledge-sharing. They do

support the conclusion, though, that given a humanitarian organization with proper IT

infrastructure and management support, the Balanced Scorecard could be implemented, provided

that the metrics selected are quantitative enough to reveal where the true opportunities for

improvement can be found.

3.1.3 Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR Model)

The SCOR model is a framework that groups the phases of supply chain management

into 5 management processes: plan, source, make, deliver, return. The SCOR model breaks down

each management process at various organizational levels and establishes metrics at each of

these levels (SCC, 2004). While this model provides enough detail and choices of metrics that it

may be adaptable to the humanitarian supply chain, it is not the best choice of metric systems

mainly because its complexity could hinder its ability to be implemented in a humanitarian


The SCOR model would also have to be analyzed on a "per disaster" basis in order to be

implemented. According to Beamon, businesses operate in a static world where supply chains

and distribution networks are pre-defined and planned before demand from the consumer occurs.

Humanitarian organizations may have some pre-defined distribution networks and agreements

with vendors in place before disaster strikes, but nearly all operations contain some kind of "ad-

hoc" elements to the supply chain, given the unpredictability of operation timing, location,

needs, etc. (Beamon, 2004). Therefore, the management processes of the SCOR model may vary

per item within an organization.

For a simple example, a flood occurs in South Asia and a humanitarian organization

learns that the two items most needed from them are water purification kits and sandals. This

organization has a pre-existing relationship with a regional vendor to provide the purification kits

in South Asia in case disaster strikes there. The same organization has no pre-existing agreement

with any regional vendors for sandals. Using the SCOR model, which emphasizes the "Plan -

Source - Make - Deliver - Return" timeline, the point of customer demand for these two items

occurs during different phases of the creation of the supply chain. In the case of the purification

kits, the point of demand occurs after the sourcing has already been determined. What remains

for the organization is to activate this supply chain and deliver the goods to the customers. In the

case of sandals, since no pre-existing relationship exists, the supply chain has not fully been

established yet. Hence, the point of demand occurs during the "Plan" phase of the supply chain

and the items must first be sourced before they can be delivered to customers.

Based on the above example, the SCOR model itself provides a framework that is

perhaps too rigid for use in humanitarian agencies, given the inherent variability of their

operations and supply chains. The SCOR model does, however, contain numerous metrics that

may be of use for the humanitarian sector. Such metrics include the following, which will be re-

visited in Section 4.1.2.

* Receiving Cycle Time

* Verification Cycle Time

* Transfer Cycle Time

* Transfer / Product Storage Costs as a Percentage of Product Acquisition Costs

* Delivery Flexibility

3.2 Principles of Performance Measurement

3.2.1 Best Practices of Performance Measurement Systems

Because the commercial sector has been using performance measures as part of their

management accounting systems for the past 75 years (Johnson & Kaplan, 1987), there is a

wealth of literature written on this topic, specifically about the best practices that have been

found in companies that tend to perform well.

The most obvious and most important best practice related to performance measurement

is that the metrics selected must be aligned with the organization's over-arching goals (Lambert,

2001). Because this point has been noted again and again in both literature and in actual

presentations related to supply chain management given by Fortune 500 companies at MIT, this

point cannot be stressed enough. If a metric is not critical to fulfilling your specific

organization's goals, then it should not be included in your system of performance measurement.

Organizations should therefore begin by analyzing what their true goals are as an

organization and determining what attributes of a supply chain are most valuable in helping them

achieve those goals. For example, a humanitarian organization should determine which is more

important to fulfilling its goals: Is it more important to get goods to beneficiaries as fast as

possible or to get them the right quantity of the most-needed goods? While the initial answer by

an organization to this question may be "both," there is an inherent trade-off between one and the

other. Speed of delivery to beneficiaries requires a faster initial assessment and fast

communication upstream in the supply chain to request goods. Conversely, focusing on accurate

quantities of items requires more detailed assessments on the ground, which inherently requires

more time. Hence, fulfilling the second goal will decrease the chances of meeting the first one.

The best way to solve the above dilemma is to determine what the organization's true

goals and core competencies are. One principle of the Balanced Scorecard Approach is to select

only those key metrics that help you achieve your core competencies. If too many metrics are

selected, the scorecard can become too cluttered and too cumbersome to truly gauge

performance. There is a tendency in designing performance measurement systems of "more is

better," but this is simply not true. As explained below, measurement systems require trade-offs

of all kinds, so with each metric that you add to the system, there must be some kind of

responsive action somewhere else.

The second best practice noted from industry is that the trade-offs between various

metrics selected in a measurement system should be taken into account when designing the

system, and these trade-offs can occur across multiple dimensions (Caplice & Sheffi, 1994). The

authors in their study noted the top eight criteria that had been recorded from other previous

studies of logistics metrics. Therefore, the following list captures many ideas from prior work

related to metrics and what to consider before including a specific metric in a measurement


* Validity: The metric accurately captures the events and activities being measured and

controls for any exogenous factors.

* Robustness: The metric is interpreted similarly by the users, is comparable across time,

location, and organizations, and is repeatable.

* Usefulness: The metric is readily understandable by the decision maker and provides a guide

for action to be taken.

* Integration: The metric includes all relevant aspects of the process and promotes

coordination across functions and divisions.

* Economy: The benefits of using the metric outweigh the costs of data collection, analysis,

and reporting.

* Compatibility: The metric is compatible with the existing information, material, and cash

flows and systems in the organization.

* Level of detail: The metric provides a sufficient degree of granularity or aggregation for the


* Behavioral soundness: The metric minimizes incentives for counter-productive acts or

game-playing and is presented in useful form.

Some of the key trade-offs to consider from the above criteria are among the first four

listed. The more valid and specific a metric is to a particular issue, the less robust it will be,

because it will be less comparable to other issues. The more integrative a metric is across various

functions or processes, the less useful it will be, because it will not point to one specific

corrective action to be taken. Both of these trade-offs are applicable to humanitarian logistics

metrics. For example, metrics that incorporate specific actions related to one particular type of

disaster may want to be avoided because although they would be more valid to this type of

disaster, they would be less comparable and therefore less robust in measuring the organization's

overall performance. There is also a secondary trade-off to note between usefulness and validity:

the more valid a metric is, in that it accounts for all activities and exogenous factors, the less

likely it will be understandable for decision-making, or the less useful it will be.

The third best practice noted from industry is the idea that measurement systems should

be evaluated at the system-level, in addition to the metric-level (Caplice & Sheffi, 1995). While

the discussion above centered around how to select specific metrics for use in a measurement

system, once the metrics have been determined the entire system should be examined to ensure

that the organization is indeed measuring what they were seeking to measure, and the system will

drive behavior in the direction of their strategy. The authors note that a performance

measurement system must be "cohesive, comprehensive, and complementary." The term

"cohesive" indicates that the measurement system should be both vertically integrated to the

overall firm strategy and horizontally integrated to measure processes that include various

activities, functions, and departments, rather than measuring by function alone. The term

"comprehensive" indicates that a measurement system should capture performance from more

than one perspective, or from all relevant stakeholders. To apply this principle to a humanitarian

organization, this means that stakeholders such as beneficiaries and donors should be considered

when designing a broad set of performance measures. Finally, the term "complementary" refers

to the trade-offs of the individual metrics noted in the previous paragraph.

In short, between the phase of design and implementation phases of a performance

measurement system, an organization should first go back and re-evaluate the proposed system

as a whole. Only from this perspective can the organization see if they are capturing what they

need to capture and if the set of metrics align with the organization's overall goals. The

organization should also go back and consider what their measurement system is not capturing as

well. Through this type of review process, an organization may discover an issue of importance

to stakeholders that had not been previously included.

Another best practice noted from industry is there exists a need to change the targets of

the metrics periodically in order to continue the improvement process as well as to prevent

people in organizations from simply "gaming the metrics" (Meyer 2005). Meyer takes a more

pessimistic viewpoint about measurement systems in that he believes that "any definition of

performance that makes it easy to measure would lock firms into rigid and maladaptive patterns

of behavior." For the purposes of humanitarian logistics, however, so little has been actually

implemented regarding quantitative performance metrics that this caution is not immediately

applicable, but his point is well-taken. Because it is people that comprise any organization and

people tend to adapt their behavior to deliver "what is measured rather than the performance that

is sought but measured imperfectly," it is advisable to humanitarian organizations that they

revise their targets regularly in order to prevent the metrics from becoming obsolete or irrelevant.

Meyer also brings to light the interesting issue of the effect of time on performance

metrics. He writes that, "most performance studies do look forward, but to do so, they shift the

time frame backward and look forward to the present from the vantage of the past." This insight

is extremely applicable to humanitarian organizations, because if only project "postmortems"

are performed after an operation has been completed, the organization can only apply knowledge

to future operations based on past operations. It would therefore be advisable to design a system

that will measure the performance of the supply chain during operations while goods are still

being delivered to beneficiaries. Implementing a "dashboard" set of metrics to monitor current

performance during an operation would alleviate some of the problems created by only looking

at performance from the vantage of the past.

3.2.2 Current Trends in Supply Chain Management Relevant to

Performance Measurement
There are two current trends in supply chain management today that stand out as the most

applicable to humanitarian supply chains. The first is the important trend of building flexibility

into commercial supply chains, and the second a broad trend of supply chains being used as a

competitive advantage to aid companies in the pursuit of their strategic goals.

Clearly, the elements of flexibility and resiliency in supply chains have received ample

attention in supply chain management within the past few years due to threats of terrorism and

natural disaster. Sheffi proposes several strategies for making supply chains more resilient after

documenting numerous examples of companies whose operations were dramatically interrupted

due to such unexpected events (Sheffi, 2005). While the advantages of having a flexible supply

chain that can respond to a variety of situations are obvious under these conditions, incorporating

flexibility which can be measured into a supply chain poses both an important yet complex

challenge (Beamon, 1999). Beamon indicates that supply chain performance metrics should

center around measuring resources-metrics that aim for efficiency, measuring output-metrics

that aim for high customer service, and measuring flexibility-metrics that target the ability to

respond to a changing environment. Beamon further breaks down flexibility metrics into two

categories of "range flexibility" and "response flexibility". The former measures to what extent

the operation can be changed (for humanitarian operations this could mean by disaster type,

geographic region, etc.). The latter measures how easily the operation can be changed,

presumably measured by the additional amount of time and money it takes to respond to a

changing environment.

The second key trend that appears across in the commercial sector in supply chain

management is the idea that a streamlined and well-coordinated supply chain remains for many

businesses to be an untapped wealth of competitive advantage. Lambert (2001) writes that what

most companies refer to as "supply chain metrics" are in actuality mostly internally-focused

logistics measures such as lead time, fill rate, or on-time performance. Lambert proposes more

holistic measures that require not only coordination between parties, but a true integration

between the parts of the supply chain in order to measure its performance functioning as a whole.

He indicates that in order for this kind of "global optimization" to occur, it requires parties to

align both their activities and their strategies in order to create the ideal supply chain, given a

particular industry and market position. While Lambert's ideas are pushing the boundaries in the

commercial sector of supply chain management, they may seem far too advanced for the

humanitarian sector, but I believe there are indeed applications to the topic at hand.

The part of Lambert's idea that is applicable is the underlying theme that the proper use

of supply chain information can create competitive advantage. In the humanitarian sector, due to

the donors demanding more and more proof of operational effectiveness and due to the media

which stands by attentively watching, there will be smaller allowances for inefficiencies in the

future. There will, however, be greater chances for organizations to differentiate themselves

through the use of streamlined supply chains and well-measured operations.

4 A Performance Indicator
Framework for the
Humanitarian Supply Chain

4.1 Explanationand Descriptionof Proposed


4.1.1 Understanding the Business Processes at the IFRC

The framework and the process of how it was derived are described in this chapter in

terms specific to the IFRC. However, any organization implementing a measurement system

should follow first determine what elements of performance are most important them and then

define metrics that support these priorities. This should provide a basic template that is

applicable to other humanitarian organizations, given the similar over-arching goals of delivering

goods in the disaster relief environment.

One theme of the research thus far has been that organizational goals should determine

what metrics are put into place. In order to apply this methodology to the IFRC, it was first

necessary to determine from a broad level what is important to the organization and how they

define a successful operation. To determine their goals, I interviewed individuals from several

departments at the IFRC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, during the week of January 24-27,

2006. The purpose of these interviews was to obtain different perspectives of how the IFRC

defines a successful emergency operation and how best to measure the performance of their

logistics function given these goals. Individuals were asked questions such as the following:

* From your perspective, what is the most important aspect that defines a successful

emergency operation?

* What should be done to streamline operations and the current process of obtaining items

for distribution to beneficiaries?

* Where do you see the "hold-ups" in the system? Where does the flow of goods from

procurement to distribution tend to slow down or break down?

The positions and departments represented by the individuals interviewed at IFRC headquarters

in Geneva are presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1 - Individuals Interviewed at IFRC Headquarters

IFRC Department I -Positpion Title

Disaster Preparedness & Response .Senior Officer, Disaster Policy
Finance Department Head
Information Systems Department Head
Logistics& Resource Mobilization Department Head
Logistics & Resource Mobilization Senior Officer, Procurement
Logistics & Resource Mobilization Senior Officer, Mobilization
Logistics & Resource Mobilization .Senior Officer, In-Kind Donations
.. stics & Resource .. Mo zati....... Sen...,.r.........
........... s..... ............. . .
Logistics & Resource Mobilization Senior Officer, Systems & Processes
Monitoring & Evaluation iManager
Operations Support Coordinator, Americas Region
Operations Support iSenior Officer, Reports & Appeals
Support Services Director
Water & Sanitation Manager

Based on the interviews conducted with these individuals an emergency operation at the

IFRC can be grouped into four phases, which are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Four Phases of an IFRC Emergency Operation

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Phase 1: Notification

The IFRC is first notified of an event by the national society of the country or countries

in which the disaster took place. If the items required for aid are greater than the capacity of what

the national society can provide and they request aid, then the IFRC establishes involvement in

mobilizing goods. Otherwise, the operation will be managed at the national level without any

visibility to the IFRC. In certain large-scale disasters in which it is clear that the requirements

will exceed local capacity, the IFRC may skip the "notification phase" and directly enter the

"mobilization phase." In most cases, however, the mobilization phase does not begin until the

IFRC logistics department receives the initial list of requested items and item quantities from

Operations Support, the department that supervises assessment and distribution activities in the


Phase 2: Mobilization

The "Appeal Creation Date" is the date on which the IFRC commits to responding to an

emergency. On this date, the logistics department creates a new project in the HLS system. Items

requested from the field are entered into a "Mobilization Table," which is the tool in HLS used to

track the requested items, item quantities, and expected unit costs. The Mobilization Table can

only be updated by the IFRC headquarters. After it is initially populated at IFRC headquarters, it

is published online to the national societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. These national

societies serve as the direct donors to the IFRC for "in-kind donations" (donations of items

instead of cash), which are requested on the Mobilization Table. If a national society wishes to

donate items listed on the table, they contact the IFRC via telephone or e-mail to record the

donation. The IFRC logistics department updates the Mobilization Table as donors make pledges

for items, as well as when new information arrives from the field about the items and quantities

needed on-site.

The IFRC receives in-kind donations as well as cash donations. When cash donations are

given toward an operation, the IFRC has a formalized process of procuring these items from

suppliers and shipping them directly to the destination country. The framework proposed in this

chapter, however, is based more on in-kind donations. In the two IFRC operations examined,

100% of the Sahel Food Security Crisis shipments and 80% of the South Asia Earthquake

Operation shipments were in-kind donations. Because of the relatively small proportion of

procured items, no additional metrics were incorporated into the IFRC framework to account for

the time it takes to raise money before procurement can occur. Unlike the IFRC, however, some

non-profit humanitarian organizations only receive cash donations instead of in-kind donations.

Section 6.1 describes how the proposed framework can be modified to be more applicable to

these other organizations.

Phase 3: Filling the Pipeline

After donors register their donation with the IFRC, they notify the IFRC again when the

shipping information is available. A shipment of goods is referred to as a "consignment" in HLS.

The donor provides information to the IFRC for each consignment, such as item codes, item

quantities, the expected shipment date, the expected arrival date, and the mode of transportation.

The above information is then entered into HLS by the IFRC logistics department.

As shipments are recorded, the logistics department creates the "Pipeline Report" using

HLS and distributes it periodically to logistics personnel as well as the Operations Support

personnel working in the field. The purpose of this report is to provide visibility in the supply

chain so that the field personnel can see when they can expect to receive future shipments. How

often the Pipeline Report is distributed depends on the scope of the operation. In large-scale

disasters where the pipeline is changing rapidly due to several shipments arriving via airfreight

during the first weeks after a disaster, this report may be distributed as often as 2-3 times per day.

Phase 4: Receipt of Goods

When a consignment is received in the destination country, the logistics personnel on-site

create a "Goods Received Note" or "GRN" for it and then notify the IFRC logistics department

of its arrival. The GRN contains the date the goods arrived in-country, a list of the item codes in

the consignment, and item quantities received. The logistics department then records the GRN

data in HLS which modifies the consignment to appear as "closed." A copy of the GRN is also

sent back to the donor to show them when their goods arrived on-site.

The arrival of the goods in the destination country and the creation of the GRN is as far

downstream in the relief supply chain as HLS currently captures. HLS does not currently cover

the "last mile of delivery," which is from the arrival of the goods in-country to the actual

distribution to beneficiaries within that country. Hence, one limitation of the proposed

framework of metrics is that there may be delays in this last mile that it will not observe, but the

delays will occur nonetheless in preventing items from reaching their final destination.

It is also worthy to note that there may be a delay from the date a consignment arrives in-

country and the date a Goods Received Note is recorded. This may be due to delays in customs

or there may be too many arrivals at a given time for the field personnel to process all deliveries

as they are arriving. In either of these possibilities, while accuracy of the true arrival date is

important, the GRN date will still be useful to the metrics regardless, because it notifies the IFRC

that the goods shipped have, in fact, been delivered.

4.1.2 Proposed Framework and Definition of Key Indicators

Some articles related to humanitarian logistics suggested that financial efficiency and

responding to the requests of donors were equal in importance as the effectiveness of the

organization's actual response to beneficiaries. Financial efficiency is clearly an important goal

at the IFRC, but the over-arching finding based on my interviews is that a timely response to the

needs expressed in the field is much more important to the organization than financial efficiency

alone. Hence, this must be kept in mind when designing and implementing a system of

performance measurement.

Although a Balanced Scorecard approach was a candidate upon which to base a

framework of metrics, it was not the final solution chosen. This is because what was determined

to be important to the IFRC was not in complete alignment with the four quadrants of the

Balanced Scorecard. Also, in an interview with Ray Archer, Vice President of DAO Operations

at Dell, Inc., he noted that the Balanced Scorecard is often best used to track how well an

organization is meeting its goals for change management, but it is not necessarily the best

method to simply measure performance. Mr. Archer indicated that for an organization that is not

familiar with performance measurement, it is best to start by identifying what is important to that

specific organization and designing metrics that address these goals and leverage the

organization's core competencies. Because the goal of this research is more closely related to

performance measurement of a department rather than change management at an organizational

level, the idea of forcing a framework for humanitarian logistics strictly into a Balanced

Scorecard was therefore abandoned. It is certainly worthy to note, however, that it may be

modified for application in humanitarian organizations, depending on the business processes the

organization is seeking to change.

A template of the proposed framework to be implemented at the IFRC is shown below in

Figure 3, which is followed by a detailed explanation of the four performance indicators and how

they would be used to measure performance throughout an operation.

Figure 3 - Proposed Framework for IFRC

~-.- .. : :-; '. ';Ape
- : .
ati Name
. . . -. .
. ...
Status'Update: Final : - Operation:Total: Priorit - Pnior 2. Total op
Current: Date: (W-eighted): tem Group .
- : item Groupi Target
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of itemls)
After 1 week % % % %
After2 weeks % % %
After 1 month % % % %
After 2 months % % %
After 3 months % % % O
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of tems)
After 1 week % % % e%
After 2 weeks % _% % %
After 1 month % % % %
After2 months % % % %
After 3 months % % _o_ % %
Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (#days) #days #days #days #days
Median (#days) #days # days # days # days
Financial Efficiency
(Donor Cost - Budget Cost) / Budget Cost ' % % %%
Actual $ Spent- Budget $ $ $ $ $
Transportation Cost / Total Product Cost % % % %
AssessmentAccuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget
After2 weeks %O % %
After 1 month % % % %
After 2 months _%_ % % %
After 3 months _ % % %

The proposed framework relies upon the following four performance indicators, which are each

described in more detail below:

1. Appeal Coverage

2. Donation-to-Delivery Time

3. Financial Efficiency

4. Assessment Accuracy

Appeal Coverage: This indicator uses two specific metrics: 1) percent of appeal coverage and

2) percent of itemsdelivered.

The first metric-percent of appeal coverage-is defined as the percentage of the

quantity of items that donors have pledged out of the total number of items requested for the

operation at a given point in time. It is expressed in fractional form as follows:

Quantityof Items Pledged

Total Items Requested

The purpose of this metric is to indicate to the organization how well and how quickly they are

finding pledges for the requested items.

The second metric-percent of items delivered-is defined as the percentage of items

that have actually been delivered on-site out of the total number of items requested for the

operation at a given point in time. This metric is expressed in fractional form as follows:

Quantityof Items Delivered

Total Items Requested

These two metrics together indicate how well an organization is both finding donors and

delivering goods to the destination country at a specific point in time.

Donation-to-Delivery Time: The second performance indicator is straightforward, measuring

how long it takes for an item to be delivered after a donor has pledged to donate it. Based on the

findings from the military logistics research, it is important to measure not only the mean

delivery time but also the median delivery time, in an attempt to encourage consistency of

delivery times as well as to gauge how long it takes on average for items to be delivered. As

described further in Section 7.1, this metric could later be modified to become a more "relative"

metric, such as "On-Time Delivery," which would allow for more comparability across

operations. During this initial implementation, however, it is best to begin with an absolute

metric so that the actual lead time in the number of days is visible to the logistics department.

Financial Efficiency: Three metrics are included as part of the indicator of financial efficiency.

As mentioned earlier, how important this indicator is depends on the organization, but since all

non-profit humanitarian organizations are held accountable to spending their donors' money

wisely, this is a universal indicator which should be included in the framework. The first

financial efficiency metric is defined as:

(Donor Cost - Budget Cost)

Budget Cost

This metric expresses the amount under or over budget as a percentage of budget cost.

We suggest that at the beginning of an operation, an organization should establish a standard cost

of what they expect to pay for a given item, based on current market values or based on the

prices they have previously negotiated with suppliers. Although some organizations have created

standard item catalogs that contain prices, these catalogs are often out of date and often do not

reflect current market values.

The second metric of financial efficiency expresses differences to budget in more

absolute terms. The second financial efficiency metric is defined as:

Actual DollarsSpent - Budgeted Dollars1

This metric should be used together with the first financial efficiency metric to present a fuller

picture of the operation's financial state. For example, if the value of the relative metric at a

point in time is 300%, this would indicate on its own that the operation is far exceeding its

budget. If, however, the value of the absolute metric is $200,000, and one knows that the entire

budget for the operation is $5 million, then one can conclude that despite the "relative" measure

of overage, but the dollar-value of overage is not significant. Hence, these metrics used together

help to show how financially efficient the operation is at a given point in time.

The third metric of financial efficiency incorporates the transportation cost of delivering

the goods to the beneficiaries. Because certain items are considered to be critical needs

immediately after a disaster strikes, it is expected that transportation costs will typically be very

high in the first days of an operation. Goods are often shipped via airfreight immediately a

disaster to get them to beneficiaries as quickly as possible. One can expect, however, that

transportation costs should decline over the life cycle of the operation (e.g. one would not expect

to see items shipped via airfreight late in the operation, because they could be shipped using a

less expensive method after the initial phase of the relief effort). One would also expect the ratio

of total transportation costs to total product costs to decrease over the course of the operation as

well, because transportation costs should be decreasing as discussed above, and total product

Note that the second financial efficiency metric is expressed in the generic term of "dollars", which has been
replaced in the IFRC scorecards shown as Swiss Francs (CHF) because that is the currency used by the IFRC. Note
that for other organizations using other currencies, any currency may be used in the proposed framework of metrics.

costs should be increasing as more and more items are delivered on-site. Hence, as a way to

gauge financial efficiency, the third metric is expressed at a given point in time as:

Total Transportation Costs

Total Product Costs

Assessment Accuracy: Since the logistics function of an organization mobilizes its goods and

donations based on the assessment of needs from personnel in the field, the amount of goods the

logistics department can get into the pipeline relies on this information being accurate. For

example, in the 2005 South Asia earthquake, the initial estimates of the death toll were far lower

than the final estimation even up to several weeks after the earthquake occurred. In this case, the

logistics department of any humanitarian organization would have been unable to respond with

the appropriate quantity of goods with the first wave of items they delivered because the

assessment of the earthquake's damage was incorrect.

The purpose of a metric related to assessment accuracy is to therefore measure how much

the operation's final budget changed over time from the operation's original budget. This metric

is expressed in the form of a percentage of:

Revised Operation Budget


The original operation budget is defined as the budget one week after the first day of

disaster operation (Original Appeal Date). The operation budget equals the budgeted cost of each

item multiplied by the total number of items requested. In the breakpoints of time when the

operation is subsequently evaluated (i.e. two weeks, one month, two months, etc.), the revised

operation budget captures the items that were added to the list after the first week plus the

original items requested. The percentage over or under 100% indicates how accurate the original

assessment of needs was one week after a disaster occurred. This metric will help put the values

of the other metrics in the framework into context. For example, if it appears on the scorecard

that the delivery lead time of a specific type of item was longer than the operation's average

delivery lead time, the assessment accuracy metric will indicate if that late delivery was caused

by a low initial estimation of the quantity needed of that type of item.

To understand how the data captured in HLS affects the values of the four indicators,

Table 2 summarizes what elements of information are used to calculate each of the metrics.

Table 2 - Data Elements Used to Calculate the Four Performance Indicators

.- -: . ...

to Calculatethe FourPeiformanceIndicators
Revised Quantities Actual Goods
OriginalAppe'l Appeal Pledged of Items Budgeted DonorItem Transportation Pledge Received
Key Indicator Quantities Quantiies Quantities Received tm Costs Costs Costs Date NoteDate
Percentof Appeal
Coverage X X X
Percentof Items
Delivered X X X

Speedof Delivery _ X X
Financial Efficiency -
Budgetvs.Actual X X X X X
TransportationCosts X X X

Accuracy X X X

4.1.3 Features of the Framework

There are three additional features of this framework: a) the designation of high-priority

items to be delivered during an operation, b) the use of specific breakpoints in time that are

recommended to implement this framework, and c) the importance of how to weigh various

types of items in calculating the operation's overall performance.

Item Group Priorities

At the outset of every operation, organizations should begin by designating what specific

types of items will be their "priority items" to deliver to beneficiaries. The designation of certain

types of items as key priorities will help an organization define and clarify what the successful

outcome of their operation will look like. Intuitively, without explicitly-stated priorities it is

difficult for an organization to review their performance at the end of an operation and truly say

that they were able to achieve their goals. The setting of priority-items helps them to determine

which items will have the most critical impact on the beneficiaries, and it will help the logistics

department internally to focus on procuring and delivering these items as rapidly as possible. In

short, priorities will help an organization maintain strategic focus throughout an operation. For

example, if the IFRC decides to focus their efforts on mobilizing water and sanitation items for a

particular operation, not only will this save time from the donors asking what items are of the

highest priority, but they will be able to continually focus their efforts in mobilizing and

delivering these goods. They will also be better able to track and report their performance when

the operation has been completed. This re-enforces one of the themes that has emerged

throughout the course of this research, which is that spending more time in the planning phase of

the supply chain causes a more consistent and predictable flow of goods throughout the supply

chain, all the way to the distribution of the items to beneficiaries.

From interviews conducted with individuals in the logistics department at the IFRC, HLS

does not currently have the capability to prioritize items. When a disaster strikes, individuals

from various national societies contact the IFRC logistics headquarters via telephone or e-mail to

ask the question, "Out of the list of items currently on the appeals list, which is the most

important?" Oftentimes, a national society may have a donor step forward with a monetary

donation with the intention to satisfy the most pressing needs first. The problem is that in the

"Mobilization Table," which lists the current appeals for an operation, the items needed are not

listed with any kind of priority or ranking system. Hence, such priorities are determined

manually through communication between Operations Support in the field, the logistics

department at the IFRC headquarters, and then to the national society donors. This current

process of communication is often very time-consuming for the individuals in the logistics

department during the critical hours and days after a disaster. Thus, altering HLS to capture item-

type priorities for each operation would not only help the organization measure their

performance, it would also save time and effort of the logistics personnel.

Ideally in the future, the process of designating priority items could be further

streamlined if several different non-profit organizations were to coordinate at the outset of a

disaster and decide who would specialize in the different type of items needed (e.g. housing and

shelter, water and sanitation, kitchen sets, etc.). This would help eliminate some of the

redundancies that commonly occur in some operations, such as when multiple organizations

deliver too many of one type of item and too few of another. Still, the most pressing need is

clearly for priorities to be determined at the organizational level.

Breakpoints in Time

The second feature of the framework is how to use these scorecards at specific

breakpoints in time. The purpose of setting breakpoints in time after the original appeal date is to

understand how the operation's performance changes over time. This will enable an organization

to evaluate performance during an operation, so that corrective action can be taken as necessary,

depending on how well the targets on the scorecard are being met.

The necessity of using breakpoints in time after the original appeal date is driven by two

of the key differences which exist between humanitarian operations and commercial operations.

One key difference is that the assessment of the needs of the affected population may fluctuate

significantly in the days and weeks following a disaster. This fluctuation affects the

organization's ability to respond accurately and ensure that the appropriate items and quantities

are placed into the delivery pipeline. The second key difference is that the organization's targets

of how many people they will assist in an operation may also change over time. For example,

after a disaster occurs, an organization may initially decide to set a target goal of providing aid to

50,000 people. If the disaster's damage is later determined to be significantly worse than

originally estimated, then the organization may change its target population to 80,000 people.

One can see that either of these occurrences-the assessment of the damage changing or the

target population changing-will affect how quickly the appropriate items and quantities arrive

at their intended destination of the beneficiaries.

Given that the above situations are inherent in working in the sector of humanitarian aid

and disaster relief, an organization should designate specific breakpoints in time at which they

examine both the state of the operation and the performance of the logistics function. In the

IFRC analysis, the first scorecards were calculated one week after the original appeal date. One

week is a sufficient amount of time for field officers to obtain information from the local

governments related to the extent of the disaster's damage, revise as new information is obtained,

and communicate the most recent information to the logistics department in order to mobilize the

goods that are requested.

Furthermore, I would caution placing a breakpoint in time of less than one week, because

during this week the logisticians are concentrating their time and efforts to mobilize goods into

the pipeline, and the information surrounding the event may still be unclear. Although the

scorecards would be automatically generated by the IT system, the time spent by the logisticians

evaluating the scorecards within the first week may actually detract from the performance itself,

given the limited resources many organizations already face. This supports the idea of

"economy" to be used as a criterion when determining how to structure a framework of metrics,

as described earlier in the 1994 Caplice & Sheffi article. This criterion states that "the benefits of

using the metric outweigh the costs of data collection, analysis, and reporting." The benefits of

creating and using a scorecard during the first week of an operation would not outweigh the costs

of taking the time of the logisticians during this critical phase of an operation.

It is up to the individual organization how often after the initial week they should place

their breakpoints in time to analyze their performance. For the IFRC, breakpoints were set

arbitrarily at two weeks, one month, two months, and three months after the initial appeal date.

How Items are Weighted Affects Performance Metrics for Overall Operation

The purpose of the "Operation Total (Weighted)" column in the proposed framework is

to help the user interpret how quickly the pipeline is being filled and items are being delivered

for the entire operation. The other two columns focus specifically on the types of items that have

been designated as high priorities. An important feature to recognize about the framework is that

how each type of item has been weighted in the operation in total will therefore affect the value

of the metrics in this column.

Ideally, at the beginning of an operation when an organization is defining their goals and

targets, they would explicitly state how much of the total budget should be allotted for each type

of item. For example, as shown below in Table 3 an organization could define their goals for

Operation X as the following:

Table 3 - Example of Operational Budget Goals

Operation X Budget Goals
Item Type Bud4getGoal
Food 10%
. .. 9....................
.o..n .......................................!15%
Water / Sanitation 50%
Operation Total 100%

If the goal is that half of the budget should go towards water and sanitation items, then in

calculating the values for the metrics in the "Operation Total (Weighted)" column, the water and

sanitation items would be weighed as worth 50% of the total.

To calculate the values shown on the scorecards in Section 4.2, the weights of each type

of item were determined as the percentage of each item-type out of the total budget at each

breakpoint in time. Since the budgets for the two operations were not initially set as "fixed" but

rather they changed over time, for these calculations the weights had to change over time as well.

Ideally, the weights should not change over time, but should be determined at the beginning of

an operation. This will ensure consistency of the values presented on the various scorecards.

When determining how items should be weighed, an organization may want to adjust the

weights to emphasize early delivery of certain lower-valued items. An example of this would be

if an organization placed a high priority on early delivery of water / sanitation items to prevent

the spread of disease after a disaster. Water / sanitation items may have a lower dollar value than

shelter items, for example, but they could be weighted higher in the table of the operation's

budget goals so they would arrive as early as possible on-site.

Finally, weights are important because they affect the organization's ability to compare

results across operations. If item-types are designated to have different weights in various

operations, then the results would not be truly comparable if one was to examine the Operation

Total columns of two scorecards. This is an example of the trade-off between validity and

robustness which was described in the 1994 Caplice & Sheffi article in Section 3.2.1. Validity is

how specific a metric is to a particular issue. Robustness is how comparable the metric is across

various issues (Caplice & Sheffi, 1994). In this case, as weights are more specific to an

organization's goals for a particular operation, the less comparable the metrics will be across

multiple operations. To solve this dilemma, ideally an organization would determine a standard

set of weights that represent their goals for item-types in all operations. The "Operation Total

(Weighted)" column could then be accurately compared across multiple operations. To gain

details about the performance of one operation, the organization could rely on the remaining two

columns of the scorecard, which contain the item priorities which have been designated for that

particular operation.

4.2 Walk-throughof Two IFRC OperationsUsing

Proposed Scorecards

4.2.1 Methodology
Two emergency operations were selected for the analysis of the HLS data. The first

operation was the Sahel Food Security Crisis (referred to herein as "Sahel"), which had an appeal

date of July 22, 2005. The second operation selected was the South Asia Earthquake operation

(referred to as "South Asia"), which had an appeal date of October 9, 2005. Both operations

occurred over 18 months after HLS was fully implemented, which indicates that the logistics

department users were comfortable by then with both the system itself and with the business

processes which the system helped to automate. The operations selected were significantly

different in both the scope and disaster type, which provides a representative sample of the

varying types of operations and disasters that the IFRC faces on a daily basis. Data was obtained

from queries of the HLS system which were run by Martin Bush, Senior Officer of Systems and

Processes of the Logistics and Resource Mobilization Department. The queries were imported

directly into Microsoft Excel for analysis. In both operations, no priorities of item-types had

officially been designated in the HLS system. "Priority 1" items were determined for this

analysis based on interviews of individuals at the IFRC where they indicated what the most

important type of item was that the IFRC needed to deliver in this operation. "Priority 2" items

were determined by analyzing the appeals list and selecting the type of items that was the second

largest percentage of the budget, since the Priority 1 items took up the largest amount of the


Because the two operations occurred in different geographic regions of the world, the

level of difficulty for goods to be delivered to each country is very different. Sahel occurred

mostly in a land-locked region of Africa. Of the four affected countries-Niger, Mauritania,

Burkina Faso, and Mali-only Mauritania had direct seaport access. South Asia did have seaport

access, but because of the mountain landscape, the remote villages, and the unexpectedness of

the disaster, airfreight proved to be the most-used method of transport in this operation. Besides

the location and disaster-type differences of Sahel and South Asia, one must also note that the

other major difference between these operations is that South Asia attracted much more media

attention on a global scale than did Sahel, which clearly affected the speed of donor response.

Key factors relating to each case are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4 - Comparison of IFRC Operations Used as Case Studies

Sahel so . Asia
Site of affected country Third world region Third world region
Mostly in land-locked
Seaport access? region Yes

Sudden disaster? No, slow onset disaster Yes

High, global
Media exposure Limited media exposure
Clear priority of IFRC
item groups? Yes Yes
Duration of operation 5 months 6 months

4.2.2 Walkthrough of Proposed Framework
The following section will re-create a walk-through of what the proposed scorecards

would have looked like for the Sahel and South Asia operations had this system been in place at

that time. For each breakpoint in time (e.g. one week after appeal date, two weeks after appeal

date, etc.), the data that was available at that time in HLS has been used to create the following

scorecards, so the information presented is what the organization would have been able to see if

they had been using this system. After each set of scorecards is presented, their results will be

compared and contrasted. Following the walk-through, Chapter 5 will present additional analysis

performed on these two operations to understand why the operations unfolded as they did.

The "Total Op Target" column has been left blank in the following illustrations. A key

feature of using this system is that the organization would be forced to set targets for each metric

at the outset of an operation in order to gauge their performance throughout the operation.

Because this system was not in use during these two operations and goals were not set by the

IFRC in this format, the column has been left blank.

Figure 4 - Sahel & South Asia : Week 1 Scorecards

Sahel Food Security Crisis

Juy 22,2005
StatusUpdate:. eek' : .: .- peration Total' Priod .' ' Piority2" Totalp
Date:Juy29,; 2005 : ;: : .-. eighted):: Food . Transport Targe: :
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 5% 1% 6% I
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)
After 1 weekl % 0% 0%

Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (# days) N/A NA N/A
Median (#days) NIA N/A | N/A

:.::South Asia Eirthquake

..Apeal Dat. October 9,2006 "
Status Update: Week :- peration Total' Priority - Pririty 2 Total
" Op
Date:'Octobe:rI6 2005, : (Weighted) .Housing Kit &Sets Target:
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 63% 61% 77%

Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)

After 1 week 6% 1% | 4%

Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (# days) 3 3 3
Median (#days) 2 3 2

One week after the organization had committed itself to each operation, 1% of the

requested food items in Sahel had found donors as compared to 61% of the requested housing

items in South Asia. In Sahel, no deliveries had been made after one week. Six percent of the

total requested items had been delivered in South Asia.

There are no "Financial Efficiency" metrics or any "Assessment Accuracy" metrics

included in the Week 1 Scorecard. Based on interviews with the IFRC, the immediate priority of

the logistics department after an appeal is launched is to cover the appeal by finding donors and

to monitor how quickly the donated items are delivered. In other words, since financial

efficiency is not a priority at this point in time, it has not been included on these scorecards.

Assessment accuracy is not included in the Week 1 Scorecard for a different reason; this metric

uses the total value of items requested after one week as the baseline value for future scorecards.

Hence, assessment accuracy is not applicable after one week.

Figure 5 - Sahel & South Asia: Week 2 Scorecards

.'' .. -' .'- . '.: Sahe....

'- .eiFood Sec.urityCrisis' :.: ::. .-' : '.:., ':"..':. :''.
. ...'.' . .....:,:-:":::
Status Update:,;Week2
..).:... lpa=::a-i'Ju
1' -T.otal-y2:20:.../:...:
" ::,,,: Operation
' Priority.'
'.'i ' :,:, ,,'-..
AJppeal: Date: Jy22,00
Priority2,.. Tol .'
Date:August 5,2005 : .(Neighte)-- - . oo'.'"d.' Transport Targe.
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 5% 1% 6%
After 2 weeksI 47% 54% 8%
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 0% 0% 0%
After 2 weeks 3% 0.1% 0%
Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (#days) 8 8 N/A
Median (#days) 8 8 N/A
Assessment Accuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget
After 2 weeks| 103% | 100% 100% I

':SouthAsiaEathquake......... -...
Date: October
.. ,~0 . .. .200 ...
. : '' .'
Status Update:- Week 2' - Operation .. Pr: -Total.
Priority 2 ... Total
Date:Octo'ber 23:~2005 -iiei"ghted-'"
-(W ' Housing .Kits & ets :Target
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 63% 61% 77%
After 2 weeks 47% 45% 18%
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 6% 1% 4%
After 2 weeks 9% 5% 2%
Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (#days) 5 6 6
Median (#days)| 5 6 4
Assessment Accuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget
After 2 weeks] 130% 118% 365%

The information given on the Week 2 Scorecards must be carefully interpreted in order to

draw the appropriate conclusions about each operation. The Week 2 Scorecard uses cumulative

information from the Week 1 Scorecard, to give the user a perspective of the operation over time.

At first glance, it appears that in the Sahel operation, requested items found more donors during

the second week, while the donations decreased in the South Asia operation during Week 2. The

former statement is true: the requested items did find more donors in Week 2 of Sahel. 47% of

the total requested items had found donors after Week 2, which was an increase from 5% after

Week 1. From the Assessment Accuracy metric, one can also determine that the list of items

requested (or the "Appeals List") did not change very significantly; hence, the original

assessment after 1 week was relatively accurate and increased by only 3% from Week 1 to Week

2. The latter statement above, that donations somehow decreased during Week 2 of the South

Asia operation, is not true. After Week 2, 47% of the total goods requested had found donors,

which was a decrease from 63% after Week 1. By noting the Assessment Accuracy metric for

this operation, however, which is at 130%, one can see that the Appeals List increased 30%

during that week, which would explain why it appears that donations decreased.

Regarding deliveries that were made, a small number of deliveries were made during the

second week of the Sahel operation, or 3% of the total number of goods requested. The number

of deliveries made in the South Asia operation appears to have increased only to 9%, but one can

deduce a significant number of deliveries were made that week. Again, this is because the total

number of items requested increased by 30% during Week 2, which would be the denominator of

the calculation of percent of items delivered (number of items delivered / total number of items


Like the Week 1 Scorecards, the Week 2 Scorecards do not contain financial efficiency

metrics, since it is our recommendation based on the IFRC's organizational goals that the

coverage and the length of delivery metrics be emphasized when analyzing performance more

than the financial metrics at this point in time. How highly the organization places an emphasis

on financial efficiency will determine when they want to begin incorporating these metrics into

their analysis. Based on the research performed at the IFRC, we would recommend adding the

financial efficiency metrics beginning in the Month 1 Scorecard, shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6- Sahel & South Asia: Month 1 Scorecards

,' ' ' -' Sah'e:': c :::Food'

C-ri: ':

Status Update:Month .:: : OperationTtal Priority, PNority 2 To. p'.

Dateu2005 "200 .: . ; .eighted' : :'Fod ':' Tran rt'
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 5% 1% 6%
After 2 weeks 47% 54% 8%
After 1 month 96% 100% 67%

Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)

After 1 week 0% 0% 0%
After 2 weeks 3% 0.1% 0%
After 1 month 7% 3% 4%

Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (#days) 11 12 10
Median # days) 10 10 10

Financial Efficiency
(Donor Cost - Budget Cost) Budget Cost -100% -5% 265%
Actual CHF Spent - Budget CHF 6,187,250 3,084,683 3,166,949
AssessmentAccuracy: Revised Budget Original Budget
After 2 weeksl 103% I 100% 100%
After 1 month 124% 122% 100%

South:AsiaEath ake ', ,

' :Appeate:: Octoobeer'9;
2005:'': ':
Status Up te: MOntho. operation Total Priorty Pdority.2 Total Op
November, 2005 ' ''Hous
'.. K':
it Sets Targe
. ing.'':''.eighted)
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 63% 61% 77%
After 2 weeks 47% 45% 18%
After 1 month 74% 73% 51%
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 6% 1% 4% _

After 2 weeks 9% 5% 2% _

After 1 month 33% 27% 8%

Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (# days)l 11 12 12
Median (#days)l 11 1 1 12
Financial Efficiency
(Donor Cost - Budget Cost)/ Budget CostI -7% I -12% t 44%
Actual CHF Spent- Budget CHF p,570,139) {5,531,198)1 1,992,575
Assessment Accuracy: Revised Budget I Original Budget
After2 weeksl 131% 118% 365% I
After 1 month I 139%/ 123% 377%

Appeal Coverage: Between the two operations for the highest priority item-types, after one

month donors had pledged 100% of the food items in the Sahel operation. In contrast, 73% of the

housing items had been donated in the South Asia operation, but more of these items were

reaching the destination country after one month. Only 3% of the food items had been delivered

in the Sahel operation after one month, as opposed to 27% of the housing items that were

delivered to South Asia.

Donation-to-Delivery Time: Both operations show comparable delivery lead times averaging at

11 days during the first month of the operation. Note that the "Total Op Target" column will be

particularly useful for this metric. The organization will in essence be able to determine what

method of transportation should be used at a given phase of an operation by how they set this

target. For example, if the target is set at a mean of 3 days, then the organization is forcing

themselves to ship the goods via airfreight in order to meet that goal. If after one month, the

target is set at 15 or 20 days, the organization would be relaxing this rule and encouraging

shipments to be made via other methods that have longer lead times, such as ocean-freight or


Financial Efficiency: As described earlier, the first two financial efficiency metrics need to be

interpreted together in order to understand the true financial dynamics of the operation. First, for

the (Donor Cost - Budget Cost) I/BudgetCost metric, positive percentages indicate that the

donor cost exceeded the budgeted cost. Negative percentages indicate that the budgeted cost

exceeded the donor cost. To meet the budget exactly, this metric would have a value of 0%.

In the Sahel operation, these values are seen to fluctuate much greater around 0% than the

values in the South Asia operation. In the Operation Total column, the -100% indicates that

weighted for the operation in total, the budgeted cost far exceeded the donor's cost for most

items. The 265% in the Transport column, however, indicates that the donor's cost for transport

items far exceeded the budgeted cost.

The second financial efficiency metric measured in CHF helps to put the first one into

context. In comparing the two operations, one can interpret these values to mean that for the

Sahel operation in total actual spend exceeded budgeted spend by 6.1 million CHF. Conversely,

for the South Asia operation in total budgeted spend exceeded actual spend by 3.5 million CHF.

It is interesting to note, however, that in the South Asia operation in the Kits & Sets column,

actual spend exceeded budgeted spend by 1.9 million CHF. However, when one examines the

Assessment Accuracy metric for Kits & Sets, it becomes apparent that the original needs

assessment for this type of item was far lower than what had been requested after one month,

which is why the actual spend exceeded the budget.

The third financial efficiency metric, Total Transportation Cost / Total Product Cost, is

not included in the Month 1 scorecards in Figure 6, because transportation costs are not currently

captured by HLS during the operation. Transportation costs currently are requested from donors

after an operation has been completed, and they are then compiled for the total operation at IFRC

headquarters. Because one would want to see this ratio decrease between the Month 1 scorecard

and the Final Scorecard for an operation, we do recommend that this data should be captured at

the consignment level and included in the future on the Month 1 scorecard. This idea is discussed

further in Chapter 7 as one of the next steps in moving forward with implementing this proposed


Assessment Accuracy: After Month 1, both of the operations experienced significant increases

from their original Week 1 assessment of needs. The type of item that was most underestimated

among the two operations was the Kits & Sets in South Asia, as mentioned above, with a 377%

increase after one month from the Week 1 assessment. As described earlier this metric helps to

put the other values on the scorecard into context for the logistics department, so that they can

see the delays in the pipeline, as well as gauge what information they were lacking at the outset

of an operation.

Figure 7 shows the Final Scorecards for the two operations, which give a picture of the

operation's performance three months from the original appeal date. Denoting these Month 3

scorecards as "Final" is more for the purposes of illustration and clarity in this discussion. In

actuality, these operations were not fully completed after three months. Items arrived in Sahel up

to five months after the original appeal date, and shipments were still arriving in South Asia until

March, 2006, which was when this data analysis was performed.

Figure 7- Sahel & South Asia: Final Scorecards

.: - , .Sahel.
C:sis,--- . :
Appeal Da -:uly22
.. 2005 :
..... .:: . .oponTotal
Status Updat.: Final..:.... -: Priority Prori.......2 Total Op
:-"Mrh- .....
.Da.te:2ao6-8--: ., '. .... Weighted).. Food- -TranSport Target.
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 5% 1% 6%
After2 weeks 47% 54% 8%
After 1 month 96% 100% 67%
After 2 months 100% 100% 100%
After 3 months 100% 100% 100%

Percenit of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)

After 1 week 0% 0% 0%
After2 weeks 3% 0.1% 0%
After 1 month 7% 3% 4%
After 2 months 38% 3% 98%
After 3 months 52% 25% 98%
Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (#days) 29 36 20
Median (# days) 15 18 , 9
Financial Efficiency
(Donor Cost - Budget Cost) / Budget Cost 131% 81% 482%
Actual CHF Spent- Budget CHF 6,204,512 3,084,683 3,119,011
Transportation Cost /Total Product Cost 37% NfA N/A _

AssessmentAccuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget

After 2 weeks 103% 100% 100%
After 1 month 124% 122% 100%
After 2 months 123% 122% 107%
After 3 months 123% 122% 107%

- - : :SoutAsia
Dae ctbr20065
:::;:---- :: - ::::
Statu Uapd.: Fin .- Operation Total: Priai. I dority Toa:
: Op.
Date:-Marchl8, 2006 -- eighted) Housing:- K Sets :Target -
Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity of items)
After 1 week 63% 61% 77%
After 2 weeks 47% 45% 18%
After 1 month 74% 73% 51%0
After 2 months 91% 92% 71%
After 3 months 93% 99% 100%

Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of items)

After 1 week 6% 1% 4%
After 2 weeks 9% 5% 2% _

After 1 month 33% 27% 8%

After 2 months 48% 46% 19%
After 3 months 67% 72% 47%

Donation-to-Delivery Time
Mean (# days) 33 35 29
Median (# days) 28 31 24
Financial Efficiency
(Donor Cost - Budget Cost) / Budget Cost -5% -11% 30%
Actual CHF Spent- Budget CHF (3,510849) (5,209,538 1,810,531
Transportation Cost /Total Product Cost 10% N/A N/A

AssessmentAccuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget

After2 weeks 131% 118% 365%
After 1 month 139% 123% 377%
After 2 months 148% 127% 493% _

After 3 months 158% 127% 493%
i m~~

Appeal Coverage: In the Sahel operation, donors had completely satisfied the requests on the

appeals list after two months. In the South Asia operation, donors had satisfied 92% of the total

requests after three months.

For deliveries that were made to the destination country, however, the scorecards tell a

different story. In the Sahel operation after three months, only 52% of the total items had been

delivered which included only 25% of the Priority 1 items (food). In the South Asia operation

after three months, 67% of the total items had been delivered which included 72% of the Priority

1 items (housing/shelter).

Donation-to-Delivery Time: It is interesting to note that the Sahel operation actually shows a

lower mean donation-to-delivery time after three months, but based on the information above,

one can determine that this mean will increase because a significant portion of the goods have

not yet arrived at the three-month breakpoint.

In the South Asia operation, because the median value is lower than the mean value for

the operation total, the housing items, and the kits & sets, this indicates that there are fewer

outliers with a very long delivery time than if the median was higher than the mean. As a "rule of

thumb," an organization would desire the median value to be close to the mean if not slightly

lower, to ensure consistency in the delivery times of goods that are in the pipeline.

Financial Efficiency: In addition to the two financial efficiency metrics discussed in the Month

1 scorecards, in the final scorecard the transportation cost metric has been added. At present the

current HLS system is limited to providing transportation cost information at the level of "one

donor for one operation." Since the scorecards are not presenting information at the donor-level,

this essentially has limited this analysis to only obtaining transportation costs for the total

operation and not for the individual types of items (e.g. food). A future enhancement of this

system would be to capture transportation cost data at the item-type level throughout the


Given this limitation, it should also be noted that at the time of publication of this thesis,

the IFRC was still in the process of receiving transportation cost data from donors of the South

Asia operation, which explains the low value of 10%. 53% of the donors had not yet reported to

the IFRC their transportation costs for this operation at the time this analysis was performed.

Assessment Accuracy: One can see that after two months of the Sahel operation, the list of

items appealed for did not change any further. In the South Asia operation, however, the list of

items appealed for continued to grow over time, even as late as three months from the original

appeal date.

The next chapter will take a deeper look at analyzing the contexts of each operation and

will discuss some of the factors that influenced operational performance. These graphs and

findings may be replicated for any major emergency IFRC operation in the future, since the data

used to construct them was extracted from HLS.

5 In-Depth Analysis of Two
IFRC Operations

Chapter 4 presented the operational results of the two operations based on the metrics

defined, but the causes and contexts of each disaster must be more deeply explored in order to

further understand each scorecard and to draw conclusions about each operation's performance.

First, the basic facts and background of each disaster are given in order to provide the context of

the relief operation which followed. The HLS data is then used to gain further insights about

these operations to determine the common themes discovered from the two and how the

framework of metrics will enable some of the "lessons learned" to be applied to future


5.1 Basic Facts & Backgroundof Two Operations

5.1.1 Sahel Food Security Crisis

In the African region of Sahel, which encompasses Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and Burkina

Faso, severe food shortages were reported in the summer of 2005, due to a combination of low

rainfall and a locust invasion in 2004. The IFRC launched its appeal on July 22, 2005, but it had

been monitoring the situation since August of 2004. An estimated number of 8 million people

were reported to be at risk in this region due to food shortages, with the most threatening

shortages occurring in Niger. The IFRC committed to assisting 222,000 people for six months. In

this food security crisis, the IFRC was coordinating not only with fellow Red Cross and Red

Crescent national societies, but also with various agencies of the United Nations such as the

World Food Programme, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF (IFRC, 2005).

5.1.2 South Asia Earthquake

On October 8, 2005, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale struck 95

kilometers northeast of Islamabad, Pakistan. Tremors were felt throughout South Asia from

Kabul, Afghanistan, to Delhi, India. Aftershocks continued for the next several months, some

measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale (IFRC, 2005). The most recent estimate of casualties indicate

that over 73,000 people were killed by this earthquake, and another 3.5 million people were

rendered homeless (Ozsoy and Nelson, 2006).

Due to the geographical difficulties of accessing villagers in the mountains of northern

Pakistan, this operation has posed significant challenges to humanitarian organizations in terms

of scope and delivery. Assessing the true extent of the earthquake's damage was a massive

challenge in this disaster, because so many remote villages were affected which already had

limited access to any outsiders, whether they were officials from the local governments or

personnel from non-profit organizations.

Another key item to note about this operation is why so many people were rendered

homeless and why housing / shelter items were the highest priority for the IFRC to deliver. A

study performed by the Earthquake Engineering Center of the University of Engineering and

Technology, Peshawar, indicated that approximately 60% of buildings in urban areas were

constructed using unreinforced solid concrete. More than 60% of these buildings collapsed from

the earthquake, which caused the majority of the casualties in this disaster (EERI, 2005). Hence,

providing shelter for so many thousands of people rendered suddenly homeless before the onset

of winter became the highest priority for the IFRC in this operation.

Because the extent of this earthquake's damage was so difficult to quantify, the

organization changed their target population to serve as time passed after the initial earthquake.

The preliminary appeal launched by the IFRC was on October 9, 2005, to aid 30,000 families for

four months. As new information was received about the extent of the damage, this target

increased to as much as 150,000 families in October of 2005, and the scope has since been

narrowed to 81,000 families for six months (IFRC, 2006).

5.2 Comparisonand Contrastof Logistics

Performancein Sahel and South Asia
Based on the very nature of the Sahel operation being a food security crisis, food was

clearly the type of item that was the top priority to deliver. However, the importance of explicitly

identifying item-type priorities throughout the mobilization phase of an operation cannot be

understated. In the Sahel operation, although food was the most important type of item to be

delivered, it was the last type of item to arrive during the operation. Figure 8 below displays the

length of time it took for 100% of all items of each type to be delivered after the original date the

appeal was created. Based on discussions with individuals at the IFRC, transportation items were

the second highest priority to deliver after food in this operation, because there was limited

transportation in the area and the organization needed to be able to distribute goods to

beneficiaries far inland into Africa.

Another key factor to consider with regard to the performance of the Sahel operation is

that this was a slow-onset disaster. It appears that the IFRC decided to respond when it did due to

the high malnutrition rates revealed from a nutritional survey that took place in the summer of

2005, in Niger. The coordinator of this operation also indicated in the IFRC press release that if

the appeal was launched in July, the organization had a three-month "window of opportunity"

during which they could assist people in planting for the final harvest coming up in October

(IFRC, 2005). Because media exposure gravitates toward sudden-onset disasters, a food shortage

such as this one that has been seen coming for some time will typically elicit a slower response

from donors as opposed to a sudden-onset disaster, such as an earthquake or a tsunami. For this

reason, when an organization decides to commit to a particular operation, they must ensure that

the targets they set are a reasonable match to the specific context of finding donors and

delivering goods for that operation.

In the South Asia operation, delivering housing and shelter was clearly identified as the

IFRC's top priority. Because of the scope of this disaster, however, which not only left thousands

of people homeless, but also left them without any material possessions at all, kits and sets

emerged as the second-highest priority for the IFRC. One of the largest challenges, however, was

determining how many goods to get into the pipeline and how much to request from donors.

Accurately assessing needs and identifying how many people the IFRC would commit to provide

aid to was a significant challenge, because the magnitude of this earthquake was not truly

understood by the humanitarian community until weeks and even months after it had occurred.

However, the scope of this disaster prompted a strong worldwide response, which explains why

the donations kept coming despite the increasing list of appeals, which grew rapidly throughout

the first three months of the operation.

Figure 8 - Sahel & South Asia: Percentage of Items Received In-Country (by Item Group)

Sahel: Percentage of Items Received In-Country (by Item Group)

80% -- ERU
70% ---- Food
-.- Kits & Sets
40% -- Transport
30% Housing
20% * Medical

k b .4
e !O 8' o' o I
4$' 4$' z 4$'~e 0

Note: in the above graph, there was only one shipment each for ERU items, housing items, and medical items,

which explains why several line items in the graph go directly from 0% to 100%. In this operation, there were

multiple shipments of food, kits & sets, and transport items.

South Asia: Percentage of Items Received In-Country (by Item Group)

100% i. ._

90% -- Adrrinistratiobn
, · II-·-;
_- Drugs
60% Engineering
i -- ERU
30% - Housing
20% -- Kits & Sets
0% i Medical Renewable
- Medical Equipment
I 04

'l p.r C,
- Transport
0r 4$ o4' ---- WatSan

Note: In the above graph, certain types of items were added to the appeals list several months after the initial appeal

date. For example, drugs, engineering items, and medical renewable items were added one month after the initial

appeal date, which is why none of these items arrived until two months or more after the original appeal date.

As shown in Figure 8, 50% of the Priority 1 items (food) in the Sahel operation were

received 3.5 months after the original appeal date. In the South Asia operation, 50% of the

Priority 1 items (housing) had been received 2 months after the original appeal date.

For the Priority 2 items in Sahel (transport), 50% had been received 2 months after the original

appeal date, while the Priority 2 items in South Asia (kits & sets), were received 3.5 months from

the original appeal date.

To understand why the highest priority items were the last to be delivered in the case of

the Sahel operation, and why the kits & sets took so long to arrive in the South Asia operation,

the data can be broken down for further analysis. First, for Sahel, each consignment was

analyzed by the method used for delivery: airfreight, ocean, truck, and other. As shown below in

Figure 9, 59% of the total value of items shipped in this operation were delivered by truck, which

accounts for a total of 6.4 million CHF of goods. 29% of the total value of goods were shipped

via airfreight, which accounts for a total of 3.1 million CHF of goods.

In the South Asia operation, 56% of the total value of goods shipped were via airfreight,

and 43% of the total value of goods were shipped via truck. These account for 34.6 million CHF

and 26.4 million CHF of goods, respectively. The higher percentage of goods shipped via

airfreight in the South Asia operation intuitively helps to explain why the high-priority items

arrived at their destination faster.

Figure 9 - Sahel & South Asia: Transport Breakdown by Value of Goods

Sahel - TransportBreakdown by Value of Goods

(in CHF, and in percent of total operation)

1I4, oo, Z7/o

6,490,229, 599
* TotalAirf reight
* TotalOceanfreight
o TotalTruck
o TotalOther

South Asia - Transport Breakdown by Value of Goods

(in CHF, and in percent of total operation)

140,816, O%J * TotalAirf reight
* TotalInlandWaterways
* TotalOceanfreight
o3Total Truck

5.3 Lessons Learned from the Two Operations

5.3.1 Sahel Food Security Crisis

Further analysis of the Sahel data demonstrates not only that airfreight will move faster

than trucks, which is obvious, but that some particular shipments of trucks arrived significantly

later than anticipated. Using the data from HLS, one can compare the expected transit time of

each shipment to the actual time in transit. Figure 10 below indicates that of the 48 shipments in

total for this operation, 39 shipments arrived on-time (or 81% of total shipments). 8 of the

remaining 9 shipments missed the target delivery date by more than 30 days. The shipments

shown below were sorted in order of the shipment date, so the graph presents a snapshot of the

course of the operation from its beginning to end. In other words, the few shipments that arrived

late arrived extremely late (> 30 days late), and these late shipments were the ones that contained

the bulk of the food items.

Figure 10 - Sahel - Expected Delivery Time vs. Actual Delivery Time

Sahel - Consignment Date to Delivery: Expected vs. Actual

80 . . + Exp. Transit
70 - Time
O 60-
'5 50 "
E040 X h a i r a
I=30 Date to
20 Delivery Date

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47

Consignment (Shipment)

Note: Dark line represents expected length of shipment times, light line represents actual length of shipment times.

Figure 11 below provides a strong case for establishing official priorities of item families

at the outset of an operation. The following two graphs indicate two basic facts relating to the

outcome of the operation as a whole: 1) the value of the goods shipped during the operation

exceeded the budgeted value and 2) that the money spent on each item group was not spent

proportionally to the operation total as originally intended.

From the first graph in Figure 11, one can see that the original budget of the Sahel

operation was 4.7 million CHF, while the actual amount of money that was spent during this

operation was 10.9 million CHF. In the second graph shown below, one can see that the

percentage of the total monies spent in this operation towards food items was not as high as

originally intended. Clear priorities should be established at the outset of an operation so that the

logistics department and the donors will be better able to meet the original targets of how much

the organization wants to spend in total on each type of tem.

Figure 11 - Sahel: Budget to Actual Values by Item Group in Dollar Form and in Percentages

Sahel - Budget to Actual by Item Group

(in CHF)
12,000,000 .l~ - -·-·-·----·--·-·1-

.. . .


* Transport
* Medical
* Kits & Sets
. . * Housing
4,000,000 * Food
i Food

Budget CHF Actual CHF

Sahel - Budget to Actual Percentages by Item Group


* Transport
* Medical
. a Kfts& Sets
50% -
* Housing
. . Food
30% -
10% -
0% - . .
Budget (%) Actual (%)

5.3.2 South Asia Earthquake

In the South Asia earthquake operation, a different story can be told relating to the

adherence to the budget for the item-types that were the highest priority to delivery. As shown

below in the first graph of Figure 12, the actual cost of items incurred was less than expected for

this operation (61.5 million CHF compared to 65 million CHF). However, despite the 3.5 million

CHF difference, the second graph illustrates that the proportions of the various types of items

were very close in comparing budget spend to actual spend. Housing items were budgeted to be

74% of total spend for this operation, and they actually accounted for 69% of the total spend.

Based on these graphs, it can be inferred that the organization performed well in adhering to the

original priorities of the items they wanted to deliver in this operation.

Figure 12 - South Asia: Budget to Actual Values by Item Group in Dollar Form and in Percentages

South Asia - Budget to Actual by Item Group

(in CHF1
, ,


60.000,000 I
* WatSan

50,000,000 _* Transport
O Medical Equipment
40,000,000 I* Medical Renewable
U Kits & Sets
30,000,000 1
_* Housing
o Engineering
10,000,000 · Drugs
:Im z .z ''I
t I I I Administration

BudgetCHF ActualCHF

South Asia- Budget to Actual Percentages by Item Group

* WatSan
* Transport
o Medical Euiprment
Medical Renew able
* Kits & Sets
* Housing
o Engineering
* Drugs
Budget (%) Actual (%)

One of the benefits to the humanitarian sector of using a quantitative system of metrics is

that issues noted anecdotally during an operation can now be examined using the data captured

to determine their true effects on the operation. In the past in many humanitarian organizations,

observations that are made and reported by personnel in the field often make it into the final

reports after an operation has been completed, but the extent to which issues have been noted are

unclear because the data has not been quantified. Capturing operational data and being able to

accurately report back to headquarters with it will ameliorate this problem. In this way, the true

issues that affected the operation can be revealed and issues that were noted but revealed by the

data to be small issues can be noted as such.

An example of how data can be used to determine the extent of an issue noted is the

distribution of the arrival of airfreight shipments was noted in the final reports for the South Asia

operation. This issue was noted both through-interviews with individuals at the IFRC and in the

"End of Mission Report - South Asia Earthquake Operation." The following is an excerpt from

the "End of Mission Report" which explains this issue:

"Despite the shipping instructions and the daily pipeline [report] sent on a daily

basis to the field operations, a lot of planes arrived in Islamabad on the wrong

date and at the wrong time which leads to a lot of frustration at the airport. In

addition, some items came with poor or no documentation, quality of goods were

not according to standards and some goods came unannounced or with wrong

information. All this resulted in major difficulties to handle the goods, delays in

customs clearance (as wrong or no documentation) and non-suitable items to deal

with" (IFRC, 2006).

By sorting the HLS data into shipments by transportation mode, 309 shipments were

recorded as airfreight recorded with a Goods Received Note. Of these shipments, 144 shipments

arrived on the expected date of arrival. The remaining 165 shipments arrived either before the

scheduled arrival time or after it (see Figure 13). In this scenario where the airport is likely to be

overcrowded by relief shipments, an arrival either before or after the expected date may cause

complications . The shipments ranged from as much as arriving 8 days before the expected date

of arrival to 91 days after it.

Figure 13 - South Asia: Distribution of Airfreight Arrivals

South Asia - Distribution of Airfreight Arrivals


o Arrival Before ETA

(1-8 days)

* Arrival on ETA

* Arrival after ETA

144 (1-91 days)

_____ __

As demonstrated by the data, the issue noted by personnel in the End of Mission Report

was, in fact, widespread in this operation, which affected over half of the airfreight shipments.

Understanding the true magnitude of the issues noted in operations may help to present a

stronger case for change in the organization when an operation is being reviewed. By

quantifying the issues of an operation through data analysis, the organization can then truly

begin to build on its "lessons learned" in order to improve performance in the future.

5.4 Common Themes Discovered between the Two
Based on the analysis performed in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, the following have emerged as

the most important lessons to learn in order for a framework of metrics to be successfully

implemented and for performance to subsequently improve:

1. There is a clear need at the outset of an operation to establish priorities of item groups as

well as delivery and financial efficiency targets. Although it will take more time on the

"front-end" of an operation, it will save time over the course of the operation so that the

logistics department does not have to communicate individually with donors what the

priorities are at various points in time. This will also ensure that the organization will be

able to meet their goals of how much they desired of each item group to deliver in an


2. The need for complete and accurate data must be stressed at a high level of any non-profit

humanitarian organization. If the scorecards are to be interpreted accurately by the

logistics department, the budget prices for all items listed in the appeal must be input into

the system. Additionally, donors should enter transportation cost data completely and in a

timely manner. Finally, the importance of entering the date of delivery (the GRN date) in

a timely manner should be stressed to the field personnel.

3. Organizations should also consider regularly using an analysis similar to Figures 11 and

12 to help them understand if they are really delivering the items that they have

committed to providing, based on the identified priorities.

6 Implementing the Framework

6.1 Applying the Framework to Other Organizations

As described in Section 4.1.2, the proposed framework has been tailored specifically to

the needs and business processes of the IFRC. However, since other non-profit humanitarian

organizations work toward a similar strategic goal of distributing goods to beneficiaries after

disasters as quickly and effectively as possible, this framework can be adapted and applied to

them as well.

The IFRC works primarily by having field personnel assess the needs of the population

after a disaster and report these needs back to headquarters, in the form of specific items and

quantities required. The logistics department at the IFRC headquarters then posts the list of

required items to donors, which is what constitutes the "appeals list." Oftentimes the specific

goods are donated as in-kind donations; otherwise, money is donated directly to the IFRC, which

then procures the goods from suppliers. The goods are then shipped to the destination country.

Based on discussions with individuals at the Fritz Institute who work with a multitude of

non-profit humanitarian organizations, this process is performed somewhat differently

elsewhere. Typically, needs are assessed in the field and reported back to the organization's

headquarters. Management at headquarters then determines a total amount of money they wish to

raise from donors to contribute towards the operation. This dollar amount of money is then

communicated to donors. Donors respond by contributing money directly to the organization,

which procures the goods and ships them to the destination country. The basic difference is that a

higher percentage of monetary donations occur in other organizations, rather than in-kind


To account for this additional step in the relief chain of raising funds before procurement

can occur, an additional metric needs to be added to the proposed framework as one of the

performance indicators of appeal coverage. This metric will allow the organizations to see how

quickly they are reaching their fundraising goal:

Pledges Received(in Dollars)

Total Amount Requested (in Dollars)

The second metric of appeal coverage, shown as Percent of Appeal Coverage (in quantity

of items) on the IFRC framework, should then change to Percent of Items Procured (in quantity

of items). This metric would allow the organization to have visibility of how quickly they are

able to find suppliers for the goods they wish to purchase after donors for the money have been

found. The third metric of appeal coverage from the IFRC framework, Percent of Items

Delivered (in quantity of items), will remain the same in the universal framework.

The metric of Donation-to-Delivery Time also needs to be altered in the universal

framework. Since the items are not donated as in-kind donations, but rather the organization is

procuring the items from suppliers, the length of delivery time should begin to be measured after

the order has been placed with the supplier. Hence, this metric appears on the universal

framework as Procurement-to-Delivery Time. It is possible that there may be a delay, however,

from when an organization receives money and when they actually place an order with a

supplier. In this case, the Procurement-to-Delivery Time metric will not accurately capture these

inefficiencies. However, it is impractical to begin measuring the lead time when the money is

received because not all monies received have been specified at that time to purchase certain

goods. Despite the limitation of not measuring those potential inefficiencies, Procurement-to-

Delivery Time will capture a significant portion of an organization's total procurement process.

The adjusted framework is shown in Figure 14, which should be able to better closely

match the business processes of other non-profit humanitarian organizations.

Figure 14 - Proposed Framework for Application in Other Organizations

,: :
. . .
:::':: -.' :-'-" Operation:Name
:Appeal:Date : ..... :
Status Update Final - .:.:.perationTotal Podty I Priority2: TotalOp,
.CurrentDate: '. '':''"' ' . ."' ': i. item Group-- Item Group : Taraet
Pledges Received / Total Amount Requested (in $)
After 1 week % N/A N/A _ %o
After 2 weeks % N/A N/A %
After 1 month % NIA N/A %
After2 months % N/A NIA %
After 3 months % NIA NIA %O
Percent of Items Procured (in quantity of items)
After1 week % % % %
After2 weeks % % % %
After1 month % % % %
After2 months % % % %
After 3 months __% % %
Percent of Items Delivered (in quantity of itelns)
After 1 week % % % %
After2 weeks % % % %
After1 month % % % %
After2 months % % % %
After 3 months % % % %a
Procurement-to-Delivery Time

Cost:% % %
Mean (# days) # days # days #days #days
Median (#days) # days # days # days # days
Financial Efficiency

Actual$ Spent- Budget$ $ $ $ $

Transportation Cost/ Total Product Cost, % % % %
AssessmentAccuracy: Revised Budget / Original Budget
After2 weeks % % % %
After 1 month % % % 1
months %e
After2 % % %
After 3 months % % e
% %

Note: In the framework above, the first metric added to the Appeal Coverage indicator has been

marked "N/A" in the "Item Group Priority" columns. This is because an organization typically

raises funding for the operation as a whole, not for specific types of items. Targets of how

quickly the organization would like to raise the total funds for an operation should go in the

"Total Op Target" column.

6.2 FeasibilityIssues of Implementingthe Framework

Implementing a framework of metrics to be used in the logistics department of a non-

profit humanitarian organization implies much more than simply gathering data in the form of a

scorecard. There is an entire cultural shift that will need to occur within an organization in order

for a system of metrics to be successfully implemented. First, because non-profit organizations

are not used to measuring performance, people should be well-educated about any such system

before one is implemented. There may be resistance from either personnel within the

organization or from donors that additional time is being spent on metrics that will take away

from the time spent delivering aid to beneficiaries. It should be stressed to personnel and to

donors that metrics will emphasize that time, money, and efforts should be spent on the "back

end" of an operation so that the "front end" of an operation-the part where the final

beneficiaries receive aid-is performed faster, more reliably, and more efficiently.

Another cultural shift that will have to take place for metrics to be successfully

implemented is increased communication between the various departments of a non-profit

organization. Even though the purpose of this proposed framework is to measure the

performance of the logistics function, the logistics department on its own cannot successfully

implement any such system as a stand-alone effort. The logistics department should be more

involved in the front-end planning of an operation so that they are made aware from the outset

what the overall organizational goals relating to an operation are and what types of goods are the

highest priority to mobilize from donors and deliver. Furthermore, since the scorecards rely on

timely and accurate information obtained from various departments, the support of these

departments is needed in order for the framework to be successfully implemented. For the IFRC,

the critical links of communication appear to be between the Logistics Department, the Regional

Operations department, the Operations Support department, and the Finance Department.

7 Opportunities for Future

7.1 Expansion Possibilities Given Additional Data

The four key indicators described in this research will be more valuable in the future

when certain additional data can be captured by the information system. For example,

computerized logistics systems such as HLS should be designed to capture changes to the

appeals list on a transactional level, so that one can see exactly how the appeal changed over

time and not just what the quantities requested were at certain points in time. Second, as

mentioned in Chapter 4, transportation costs are currently captured in HLS only on a "one donor

per operation" basis. If these costs could be tracked at the shipment level and reported to the

centralized logistics function during the operation, this would greatly increase the value of the

financial efficiency metrics. Finally, using the computerized system to track delivery data to the

final beneficiaries would also add value to the performance measurement system. The

scorecards would then be able span the entire length of the supply chain, from procurement to

final distribution.

There are many opportunities for future research to increase the value of the proposed

framework of metrics. The universal framework presented in Chapter 6 can be used as a starting

point for other organizations to build their own framework of metrics, based on their

organization's goals and business processes. Future opportunities can be explored in shaping and

manipulating the scorecard itself to make it specific to whatever purposes the organization would

like to use it for. For example, comparing results across different operations may be very

important to an organization, and there may be better ways to present the scorecard so that

information is more easily comparable across operations. One such way to make the metrics

more comparable across operations is to eventually shift from metrics that are "absolute" to

metrics that are more "relative." The Donation-to-Delivery Time metric, for example, currently

measures the length of delivery lead time in the number of days (an absolute metric). As

organizations gain visibility over their supply chain and the delivery process becomes more

standardized over time, the scorecard could progress to measuring the standard deviation from

the expected lead time (a relative metric), which would be easier to compare across multiple


There are also opportunities of future research related to how organizations should set

their performance goals. As mentioned in Chapter 3, an organization should determine what their

baseline performance levels are and if these baselines vary between operations based on external

factors (such as disaster type and geographic region). There also may be better ways for an

organization to emphasize metrics or item families that are particularly relevant to their specific

goals. For example, the IFRC seeks to be a world leader in providing housing and shelter items

just as Oxfam International seeks to be a world leader in providing water and sanitation items

(Oxfam, 2006). These two organizations could potentially alter their scorecards to include a

specific metric which would address such goals in all of their operations.

Finally, there may also be opportunities for research relating to change management and

business processes in non-profit humanitarian organizations and how to better foster the "cultural

shifts" mentioned in Chapter 6, that will orient organizations towards measuring themselves in

the future. The change management aspect of implementing any system of measurement is

absolutely critical, because after all, it is people that make up non-profit organizations. The

success of implementing both a framework of metrics and fostering a cultural shift towards

measuring performance is directly correlated with the amount of the support such an initiative

receives from the people within the organization, and particularly from top management of an


7.2 Conclusion
The purpose of this research was twofold: to identify the best practices of performance

measurement systems from military and commercial logistics and to apply them in the

development of a framework of metrics to be used by non-profit humanitarian organizations in

their disaster relief operations. Although these organizations will continue to be challenged by

several factors which are inherent to providing aid after disasters, there is reason to look to the

future with optimism. The development of information technology systems that can provide

visibility to the multiple actors in the supply chain of relief items is a huge step forward for the

sector as a whole. As more organizations begin to adopt and implement these systems and

visibility is established throughout their supply chains, the use of key performance indicators will

then be essential in further improving these supply chains. By clearly defining operational targets

and then measuring actual performance to these targets, organizations will be able to better retain

the lessons they learn from each operation and provide a higher level of service to their

beneficiaries in the future.

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Appendix - Abbreviations and

CWT - Customer Wait Time

GRN - Goods Received Note

HLS - Humanitarian Logistics Software

IFRC - International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

RWT- Requisition Wait Time

SCOR Model - Supply Chain Operations Reference Model

SSA - Supply Source Activity

UNOCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


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