IS875 (Part3) - Wind Loads On Buildings and Structures - IIT Kanpur-Part 3
IS875 (Part3) - Wind Loads On Buildings and Structures - IIT Kanpur-Part 3
IS875 (Part3) - Wind Loads On Buildings and Structures - IIT Kanpur-Part 3
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
geographical location, terrain conditions
and shielding effect.
NOTE: Positive sign of the pressure coefficient
indicates pressure acting towards the surface
and negative sign indicates pressure acting
away from the surface.
Return Period – Return period is the number
of years, the reciprocal of which gives the
probability of an extreme wind exceeding
a given speed in any one year.
Shielding Effect – Shielding effect or
shielding refers to the condition where
wind has to pass along some structure(s)
or structural element(s) located on the
upstream wind side, before meeting the
structure or structural element under
consideration. A factor called shielding
factor is used to account for such effects
in estimating the force on the shielded
Speed Profile – The variation of the
horizontal component of the atmospheric
wind speed with height above the mean
ground level is termed as speed profile.
Suction – Suction means pressure less than
the atmospheric (static) pressure and is
considered to act away from the surface.
Solidity Ratio – Solidity ratio is equal to the
effective area (projected area of all the
individual elements) of a frame normal to
the wind direction divided by the area
enclosed by the boundary of the frame
normal to the wind direction.
NOTE – Solidity ratio is to be calculated for
individual frames.
Terrain Category – Terrain category means
the characteristics of the surface
irregularities of an area, which arise from
natural or constructed features. The
categories are numbered in increasing
order of roughness.
Topography – The nature of the earth’s
surface as influenced by the hill and
valley configurations in the vicinity of the
existing / proposed structure.
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
4. – GENERAL C4.1 -
For the purpose of this Code wind speed has been
4.1 - considered as that occurring at 10 m height above
Wind is air in motion relative to the surface the general ground level. Several new recording
of the earth. The primary cause of wind is stations have been established in the country by
traced to earth’s rotation and differences in the Indian Meteorological Department over the
terrestrial radiation. The radiation effects are last two decades, the information from which can
mainly responsible for convection current help upgrade the wind zoning map of India.
either upwards or downwards. The wind However, more extensive data are needed to make
generally blows horizontal to the ground at this exercise meaningful.
high speeds. Since vertical components of
atmospheric motion are relatively small, the
term ‘wind’ denotes almost exclusively the
horizontal wind while ‘vertical winds’ are
always identified as such. The wind speeds
are assessed with the aid of anemometers
or anemographs, which are installed at
meteorological observatories at heights
generally varying from 10 to 30 meters
above ground.
4.2 – C4.2 -
Very strong winds are generally associated Several atmospheric phenomena are responsible
with cyclonic storms, thunderstorms, dust for wind storms. Cyclonic storms, that hit some
storms or vigorous monsoons. A feature of of the coastal regions of India, are the most
the cyclonic storms over the Indian region is devastating due to extremely high wind speeds in
that they rapidly weaken after crossing the these storms accompanied by sea surge and
coasts and move as depressions/ lows flooding. These can last several hours. The
inland. The influence of a severe storm after current revised draft has recognized the fact that
striking the coast does not, in general exceed the high wind speeds that occur in cyclones far
about 60 kilometers, though sometimes, it exceed the wind speeds for design given in the
may extend even up to 120 kilometers. Very Code at present, and addresses the problem vis-à-
short duration hurricanes of very high wind vis the 60 km strip in the east coast and the
speeds called Kal Baisaki or Norwesters Gujarat coast by including suitable factors to
occur fairly frequently during summer months enhance the design wind speed, keeping in view
over North East India. the importance of the structure.
Tornados, which are a narrow band phenomenon
of limited time duration, often occur during the
summer, mostly in Northern parts of India.
These, however, have extremely high wind
speeds, often higher than in the severest cyclones.
4.3 – C4.3 -
Higher the intensity of a gust, lower is its
The wind speeds recorded at any locality are
duration. The Code specifies the basic wind
extremely variable and in addition to steady
speed as that of a gust of 3 second duration; or in
wind at any time, there are effects of gusts,
other words, the wind speed averaged over a 3-
which may last for a few seconds. These
second period. The effect of reduction in the
gusts cause increase in air pressure but their
average wind pressure with increase in the area
effect on stability of the building may not be
over which the pressure is considered (the
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
so important; often, gusts affect only part of tributary area) is accounted for by the ‘Area
the building and the increased local Averaging Factor, Ka’ defined in Section 5.4.2. A
pressures may be more than balanced by a maximum reduction of 20% in wind pressures is
momentary reduction in the pressure specified for tributary area beyond 100 m2.
elsewhere. Because of the inertia of the
building, short period gusts may not cause
any appreciable increase in stress in main Contrary to this, one may consider wind effects
components of the building although the over a limited (small) area of the surface. This is
walls, roof sheeting and individual cladding particularly important near the edges and ridge of
units (glass panels) and their supporting a structure or sharp corners elsewhere in a
members such as purlins, sheeting rails and building, where large suctions occur due to
glazing bars may be more seriously affected. separation of flow and generation of eddies. The
Gusts can also be extremely important for area of influence being small, there is better
design of structures with high slenderness correlation within these areas. These local area
ratios. effects are treated elsewhere in the Code.
C4.4 -
4.4 – The dynamic characteristics of a flexible structure
The response of a building to high wind defined by its time period of vibration and
pressures depends not only upon the damping would affect its response to the gustiness
geographical location and proximity of other or turbulence in wind, which itself gets modified
obstructions to airflow but also upon the due to presence of other structures/ obstructions,
characteristics of the structure itself. particularly those in the close vicinity of the
structure. The effect of the latter is difficult to
evaluate and a simplified approach has been
added for limited cases for the first time in the
Code to approximate these so called interference
effects in Section 7.
C4.5 -
4.5 – The pressures created inside a building due to
The effect of wind on the structure as a whole access of wind through openings could be suction
is determined by the combined action of (negative) or pressure (positive) of the same order
external and internal pressures acting upon of intensity while those outside may also vary in
it. In all cases, the calculated wind loads act magnitude with possible reversals. Thus the
normal to the surface to which they apply. design value shall be taken as the algebraic sum
of the two in appropriate/concerned direction.
Furthermore, the external pressures (or forces)
acting on different parts of a framework do not
correlate fully. Hence there is a reduction in the
overall effect. This has been allowed for in clause
C4.6 -
4.6 – The stability of a structure shall be checked both
The stability calculations as a whole shall be with and without the wind loads, as there may be
done with and without the wind loads on reversal of the forces under wind besides a
vertical surfaces, roofs and other parts of the reduced factor of safety considered with the wind
building above average roof level. loads.
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
4.7 – C4.7 -
Buildings shall also be designed with due Comfort of the inhabitants of a tall flexible
attention to the effects of wind on the comfort building can be affected by large wind induced
of people inside and outside the buildings. deflections or accelerations, particularly the latter.
There is no criterion included in this Code for
control on these parameters. Since there is no real
tall building activity yet in India, the problem has
not attained importance. Likewise, at the plaza
level around a tall building, there may be
accentuated flow conditions, particularly if the
building has other similar structures adjacent to it.
Thus the pedestrians at the plaza level can be put
to inconvenience. A wind tunnel model study is
required to determine the flow pattern and to
carryout the design accordingly.
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
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Code & Commentary IS 875 (Part 3)
5.3 –Design Wind Speed (Vz) C5.3 -
The basic wind speed for any site shall be The basic wind speed, Vb corresponds to certain
obtained from Fig. 1 and shall be modified to reference conditions. Hence, to account for
include the following effects to get design various effects governing the design wind speed
wind speed, Vz at any height, Z for the in any terrain condition, modifications in the form
chosen structure: (a) Risk level, (b) Terrain of factors k1, k2, k3, and k4 are specified.
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