Introduction To Psychology Notes
Introduction To Psychology Notes
Introduction To Psychology Notes
The Brain and Nervous System Soma, where the dendrites channel the
information then it builds up as an electro-
In the 1800s a German scientist by the chemical signal.
name of Ernst Weber conducted several
experiments meant to investigate how This electrical part of the signal, called an
people perceive the world via their own action potential shoots down the axon, a
bodies. long tail that leads away from the soma
and toward the next neuron.
The main difference between humans and
other animals-- in terms of brain Nerves, refers to bundles of axons that
development-- is that humans have a form long neural wires along which
much more developed frontal cortex (the electrical signals can travel.
front part of the brain associated with
planning). Cell-to-cell communication is helped by
the fact that the soma is covered by a
The Central Nervous System (CNS): myelin sheath—a layer of fatty cells that
The Neurons Inside the Brain allow the signal to travel very rapidly from
neuron to neuron.
Synaptic Gap, the space between of the heart. Coordinates actions without
neurons. the needs of conscious awareness.