CAPE IT UNIT 1 Past Paper Questions
CAPE IT UNIT 1 Past Paper Questions
CAPE IT UNIT 1 Past Paper Questions
1. Information Technology (IT) is the application of computer science to solve real life
(b) For EACH aspect of computer science identified below, describe its function in IT
(c) Information Technology involves the use of data. Distinguish between the following
forms of data:
(d) Construct a diagram which illustrates the relationship among data, knowledge and
information. (3 marks)
(e) rotate_left
2. A high school wishes to develop a computerized registration system for its students.
With respect to this system, discuss ONE example of data and ONE example of information,
describing fully how EACH may be appropriately represented in the system. (6 Marks)
4. Discuss THREE issues that may affect the quality of data collected using online
questionnaires. (6 marks)
Imran interviewed 25 international cricketers from 4 countries about their favorite things to
do. 13 cricketers said they love to visit the peaceful scene of the English countryside, 5 said
they love a tasty Indian curry and 7 said they feel excited about 12 ounces of latter with a
family appearance.
(i) List TWO examples of quantitative data mentioned in the paragraph above. (2 marks)
(ii) List THREE examples of qualitative data mentioned in the paragraph above. (3 marks)
6. Information processing refers to the transforming of data into information through the use of
a. Information Technology (IT) is one of the five major computing disciplines. List THREE
(3 marks)
(b) Farad, a racehorse trainer has developed an information system to assist him with the
breeding and training of race horses. The system is designed so that it can potentially
replace Farad when he retires.
(i) What type of automated information system BEST describes the system
above? (1 mark)
(ii) Outline ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of this type of information
system. (4 marks)
2. Automated information processing techniques using technologies and tools are critical for
working with data.
(a) Explain what is meant by ‘information processing’ in the context of information
technology. Information processing is retrieval storing ad processing of
informtion marks)
1. The Internet gives users access to global information and instant communication. Access
can occur anytime from a computer in any location.
(a) Other than the World Wide Web, name THREE other services that the Internet offers to
individuals. Web service. file transfer and communication services
(3 marks)
(b) Some households use dial-up connections to access the Internet. Discuss TWO high
speed broadband
(c) d connections that a householder or small business may use to access the Internet.
(6 marks)
(d) The CEO of a multinational company is concerned about the rising costs of office
accommodation for staff. In discussions with colleagues, he was told about a
telecommunication technology that would allow staff to work from home, but still be in
contact with their office using computers.
(i) Propose a telecommunication strategy that the CEO could implement, which would
allow the staff to work at home. (1 mark)
(ii) Other than the computer, list THREE Information Technology tools or services that
would be required by an employee, working from home, to connect to the company’s
network via the Internet. Mobile phone, tablet and laptop
(3 marks)
2. Communications has been utilized greatly in performing many everyday tasks. The
internet is one of the most popular applications used in telecommunications.
(i) Define the term ‘Internet’. Is a vast network that connects computer all over the world
(2 marks)
(ii) Explain EACH of the following telecommunication terms:
(a) Transmission medium is a communication channel that carriers information to the
sender to the receiver
(2 marks)
(b) Modulation- is the process of varying one or more properties of a periodic
waveform. (2 marks)
(c) Bandwidth- is a maximum rage of data transfer across a given path
(2 marks)
(d) Modem- is a hardware device that connects a computer to a broadband network
(2 marks)
(e) Antenna (2 marks)
(f) Web browser- is an application used to access and view websites
(2 marks)
4. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, allow end users to connect with friends and
family in real time.
(a) Apart from chatting, outline THREE other ways in which students and teachers can
use social networking sites to enhance the teaching and learning process. (6 marks)
(b) (i) List TWO hardware components that are required by a computer to connect to the
Internet. Modem and router
(2 marks)
(ii) The development of mobile phones has made it possible to access the Internet from
any location. Discuss TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of using the mobile
phone to access the Internet. (8 marks)
5. Various online tools are available for the storage and retrieval of information as required
by users.
(i) List TWO search engines available on the Internet. Google and chrome
(2 marks)
(ii) Outline TWO advantages of using a mailing list to disseminate information online.
(4 marks)
6. Outline ONE function of EACH of the following tools as used in the transmission of
(a) Router- they facilitate communication between computers and the internet
(2 marks)
(b) Hub- it allows communication between devices so that data can be transmitted from
one computer another (2
(c) Network interface card (NIC)- is data transfer between the computer.
(2 marks)
7. Schools and businesses may use various Internet-based tools to locate, share and work
with information.
(b) In recent years, the Internet has become the choice of storage for personal and business
data. Outline THREE issues associated with this method of storing data. (6 marks)
(b) Using a suitable example, explain EACH of the following types of application software:
(ii) Expert Systems- refers to a computer application that performs a task that would
otherwise be performed by a human experts.
(3 marks)
(ii) Describe the function of EACH of the information technology systems identified
in (c) (i) above. DSS It helps mangers to choose between alternative
solution and expert system is specific taks done by human expert
(4 marks)
(d) Explain, using an appropriate example, why it is useful to distinguish between the
categories of users in an information technology system. (4 marks)
(ii) Suggest, with explanation, ONE reason why the set of drivers is not supplied on a
floppy diskette. (2 marks)
(iii) Discuss TWO other methods that could be used for supplying the software. (4
(a) The speed of an information technology system is dependent on the characteristics of its
components. For EACH component listed below, state ONE characteristic that can affect
the speed of an IT system.
(i) Hardware (1 mark)
(ii) Software (1 mark)
(iii) User (1 mark)
3. The operating system is sometimes referred to as the most important software of a computer
(a) (i) State THREE examples of an operating system software. Apple ios, Google android
os and Microsoft windowns (3 marks)
(ii) Outline THREE functions of the operating system software. Microsoft windows- it
provide a way to store files run software, play games watch videos (6
(b) Open source software is used extensively by large corporations and individuals for
important tasks.
(i) List TWO examples of open-source software. Mozilla fox , gimp and vnc
(2 marks)
(ii) Outline TWO benefits of open source software.
(4 marks)
1. Individuals and companies use Information Technology systems daily. The software
component is typically built by developers.
(a) During the development life cycle of an information system, there is the need for
agreed deliverables such as test plans that are produced at the design stage. Give
THREE other examples of deliverables, and state the stage in the development life
cycle at which EACH would be produced. (6 marks)
2. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an important aspect of the development
of information systems.
(a) Use a labelled diagram to illustrate the stages of the SDLC. (7 marks)
(b) Various tools are used at each stage of the SDLC. For EACH of the tools specified
below, state at which stage it would be most appropriately used, clearly explaining its
function at that stage.
(i) Gantt Chart (2 marks)
(ii) Entity-Relationship Diagram (2 marks)
(iii) Interview (2
(c) Explain why training is an important part of the system development process.
(2 marks)
3. Interviews and observations are two commonly used tools for soliciting information from
users during the SDLC process.
(i) Outline TWO advantages of using interviews instead of observations. (4 marks)
(ii) Explain ONE benefit of using a prototype in the software development process.
(2 marks)
1. Computer networks are an integral part of life in the 21st century. The Internet is an
example of a network.
(a) Define the term ‘protocol’ in relation to networking. (2 marks)
(b) List THREE protocols that are associated with the Internet. (3 marks)
(c) Explain why protocols are important for communication over the Internet. (3 marks)
(d) Discuss the differences between a local area network (LAN) and the Internet in terms
of the following:
(i) Reach
(ii) Type of connection
(iii) Speed of data transmission (6
(e) In a school’s computer lab, computers are connected to a wireless local area network
(LAN) and the Internet. The wireless LAN is a star network. Students can print their
work, store files on a server and access the Web. Draw a labelled diagram of the LAN
showing at least THREE computers and other features of the LAN. (6 marks)
(c) For ONE of the wired and ONE of the wireless transmission media named in (b)
above, discuss an application of its use in a school environment.
Fiber optic cable contains anywhere from a few to hundreds of optical
fibers within a plastic casing. And Bluetooth- wireless communication
technology that can be used for close-range data transmission from one
digital device to another (4 marks)
3. Computer networks help businesses organize their IT resources for maximum use and
effective management of these resources.
(a) Outline THREE advantages of using a computer network instead of stand-alone
computers. (6 marks)
(b) An organization wishes to network five computers and one printer in the HR
(i) Draw a diagram to represent a network topology that would allow the computers
and printer to be connected in such a way that the failure of any one of the
computers (or its connection) will not affect the function of the network as a
whole. (4 marks)
(ii) Identify the topology drawn in (b) (i) above and state why network failure is
prevented in the case of one computer (or its connection) failing. (2 marks)
(iii) There are other topologies where the failure of a single device will result in a
complete or partial network failure. Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate one
such topology. (3 marks)
(ii) A hotel offers bookings via the Internet using an online reservation form. Other than
menus, suggest THREE features of a graphical user interface (GUI), giving ONE
advantage of EACH feature that would make the booking process simple and user
friendly. (6 marks)
(b) An online university registration system requires new applicants to enter various
pieces of information including the age of the applicant.
(i) Identify TWO GUI features that can be used to capture the age of an applicant.
(2 marks)
(ii) For ONE of the features identified in (b) (i) above, state ONE advantage of using
this feature. (1 mark)
(c) State TWO disadvantages of placing help information on a user interface. (2 marks)
3. The human computer interface (HCI) for an Information Technology system that is to be
used by the general public has to be chosen carefully. One example of where menus are
used as a HCI is with mobile telephones.
(iii) State, with explanation, ONE other situation where menus are used as the main
feature of the HCI. (3 marks)
(iv)A hotel offers bookings via the Internet using an online reservation form. Other than
menus, suggest THREE features of a graphical user interface (GUI), giving ONE
advantage of EACH feature that would make the booking process simple and user
friendly. (6 marks)
(e) An online university registration system requires new applicants to enter various
pieces of information including the age of the applicant.
(iii) Identify TWO GUI features that can be used to capture the age of an applicant.
(2 marks)
(iv) For ONE of the features identified in (b) (i) above, state ONE advantage of using
this feature. (1 mark)
(f) State TWO disadvantages of placing help information on a user interface. (2 marks)
(a) Explain the concept of problem solving in the context of Information Technology.
(2 marks)
(b) An interview is one of the instruments (tools) that can be used to gather data in the
analysis stage of problem solving. Name ONE other instrument that can be used in this
stage. (1 mark)
(c) Discuss ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of the instrument named in (b) when
2. The Board of Governors of a tertiary institution decided to open a second campus in another
part of the island. To aid in the decision making on where to locate the campus, the Board
will require certain pieces of information. Examine the following pieces of information, and
for EACH, state whether it is cosmetic, desirable or essential. Justify your response.
(iii) The main bus terminal is one mile from the proposed site. (6
solutions. In a certain organization, the IT manager has decided to use this process to create a
solution for automating the tasks performed by the human resource department.
Define the problem, Analysis the problem, identify the problem, evaluate possible
(b) Discuss TWO pieces of information that would be relevant to the IT manager. Your
discussion should include possible sources of information and the purpose of the
(c) Discuss TWO criteria that the IT manager should consider in deciding if a piece of
4. Problem solving is defined as the process used for finding solutions to daily problems.
(a) (i) State TWO considerations in selecting the MOST optimal solution to a problem.
(2 marks)
(ii) Outline ONE activity that takes place during the review stage of the problem solving
process. (2 marks)
(b) To effectively solve problems, quality information is necessary. List THREE criteria for
(c) Your neighbors have a one-year-old baby who suffers from an undetermined health
condition. To learn more about the problem, they have started consulting Internet sources
considered as they search the Internethe information should be correct t. accurate and
5. A detailed report was submitted to the teacher of a school by an invigilator. The extract
below was taken from the report. Damian Shaw who lives at 11 Arbor Lane, Roseau, came
into the CAPE Information Technology (IT) examination room wearing his school uniform.
He sat next to Trudy Clarke. Thirty minutes before the examination was due to finish, he was
(i) Based in the extract, identify ONE example of EACH of the following types of
(a) Extraneous
(ii) Identify TWO categories of information other than those mentioned in (d) (i) above.
(2 marks)
6. The problem solving process has several stages, which when followed may lead to an
(a) Dis cuss the importance of the ‘analyse the problem’ stage.
identifying the overriding problem and establishing the causes and effects
(b) Discuss the purpose of TWO tools used in the ‘analyse the problem’ stage
(6 marks)
7. Carlos finds a flyer while waiting at the bus stop. The flyer advertises a method of earning
US $5 000 per week for life by investing US $10 using a credit card at the website listed on
the flyer. Carlos is very interested in the opportunity but wishes to get additional information.
(a) Explain why the website listed may not be a trustworthy source of information for Carlos.
(2 marks)
8. (a) (i) Identify the FIRST and LAST stages of the problem-solving process. (2 marks)
(ii) Describe THREE important questions that should be asked during the SECOND stage
9. Ringo is a rural cattle farmer. Over the last two years he has lost animals to an unknown
disease which has caused him to suffer losses. He was advised by some friends to consult
(i) Ringo has never heard about refereed sources before. Identify THREE pieces of information
Outline TWO advantages of using a refereed source of information compared with a non-
refereed source. (4 marks)
1) sorce
2) data stores
3) data flow
4) process
(c) A payroll system involves the payroll clerk entering the hours worked by weekly paid
employees. This results in the calculation of the net pay and the printing of payslips. The
payslips are given to the employees and the payroll database is updated. Draw a context
diagram for the payroll system described above. (8 marks)
3. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are used to show the flow of data through an information system.
(a) (i) State TWO types of data flow diagrams.
Logical and physical (2 marks)
(ii) Draw the symbols used in DFDs to represent EACH of the following:
a) Data flow
b) Process
c) External entities
d) Data stores (4 marks)
1. Algorithms are blueprints to solving problems and are used by programmers when developing
computer programs.
(a) Identify THREE ways of representing algorithms.
Flow chart, pseudocode and programming language (3
(b) For any TWO ways identified in (a), discuss the features of EACH way of representing an
algorithm. Your response should include an example and an advantage of using the
method of representation. (6 marks)
(c) Consider the algorithm shown in Figure 2 and answer the following questions.
(i) Assume that the user entered 5 at the prompt, what is the value of X, Y and Z when the
algorithm in Figure 2 terminates? (4 marks)
(ii) Rewrite the algorithm to perform the iteration 10 times without asking the user to enter a
value for X. (2 marks)
1. Xavier has been asked to write a program to determine the average score obtained by students in
the Information Technology class.
(a) Identify THREE programming paradigms, stating ONE example of EACH. (6 marks)
(b) Explain why it is beneficial for Xavier to write an algorithm BEFORE he begins to write
the program. (2 marks)
(c) Draw a flow chart for Xavier’s program. Assume:
(i) The score of each student will be entered one at a time.
(ii) The user will indicate by entering ‘-1’ as a score that there are no more scores to be
entered. (6 marks)
2. Algorithms are useful tools in the problem solving process because they require the user
identify a systematic approach to the solution of the problem.
(a) Examine the algorithm shown below.
(i) Explain the function of the algorithm shown above. (3 marks)
(ii) State the output of the algorithm. (2 marks)
(iii) Design a flow chart to represent this algorithm. (6 marks)
3. The following algorithm was designed to accept numeric values representing temperature
readings for a week. It should then calculate the average of temperatures entered and print
that value. However, the algorithm results in a program which freezes the computer on which
it is running.
3. Xavier has been asked to write a program to determine the average score obtained by students
in the Information Technology class.
(a) Identify THREE programming paradigms, stating ONE example of EACH. (6 marks)
(b) Explain why it is beneficial for Xavier to write an algorithm BEFORE he begins to write
the program. (2 marks)
(c) Draw a flow chart for Xavier’s program. Assume:
(i) The score of each student will be entered one at a time.
(ii) The user will indicate by entering ‘-1’ as a score that there are no more scores to be
entered. (6 marks)
(d) When Xavier implemented his solution, the program did not stop requesting grades after
the user entered ‘-1’.
(i) Explain whether this is a semantic or syntactic error. (3 marks)
(ii) Discuss the MOST likely cause of the error and how it could be resolved.
4. (a) Three of the programming paradigms for developing software are the procedural, Object
oriented and the functional paradigms.
(i) Explain any TWO of the paradigms listed above. (4 marks)
(ii) Give an example of a programming language for EACH paradigm explained in (a) (i)
above. (2 marks)
(b) (i) Explain the function of a ‘loop’ in a block of program code. (2 marks)
(ii) Describe ONE error that may cause a program to run infinitely. (2 marks)
(iii) Documenting program code is a very important stage in programming. Outline TWO
problems that may arise if programmers do not document source code. (4 marks)
2. After algorithms have been developed, it is common to develop programs based on these
(a) Use a diagram to illustrate the stages in the program development process. (4 marks)
(b) Explain EACH of the following programming paradigms, giving ONE example of a
language in EACH case.
(i) Object oriented (2 marks)
(ii) Functional (2 marks)
(iii) Procedural (2 marks)
(c) Assembly programming is not popular for the development of typical application
software, but it is still quite useful.
(i) Identify TWO advantages of assembly programming over high-level programming.
(2 marks)
(ii) Identify TWO disadvantages of using assembly programming as compared with high-
level programming. (2 marks)
(d) Any program written in a typical high-level programming language contains various
control structures. Explain EACH of the control structures listed below.
(i) Sequence (2 marks)
(ii) Selection (2 marks)
(iii) Iteration (2