Applying Technology in Teaching English: Padlet, Animoto, and Sway

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222

2nd Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2018)

Applying Technology in Teaching English: Padlet,

Animoto, and Sway
Tri Wahyuni Chasanatun
Sri Lestari Universitas PGRI Madiun
Universitas PGRI Madiun Madiun, Indonesia
Madiun, Indonesia [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract—The purpose of this research is to know how the [4]. Padlet helps the lecturer to give the task for the students,
process of English learning by applying padlet, animoto, and give comment, and also the whole class can see the result of
sway application. The subjects of this study are second semester each college students’ work. Students use computers more
of Primary Education Department students who take English often and for a much larger range of applications [8]. Several
subject, and the schedule of this research began from November studies reveal that students using ICT facilities mostly show
2017 to June 2018. This research is a descriptive qualitative higher learning gains than those who do not use. In order to
research, and the methods in collecting data used: survey, namely make the teaching learning process better, the lecturer try to
questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The result of this use ICT Application in the classroom. The ICT Application
research were; first, the students are motivated joining English
that will be used is Padlet and Sway. Padlet allows students to
class. Second, students’ speaking ability improve from language
level ability basic User A1 to basic user A2 based on The
communicate with their classmates, as well as their teacher, in
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages regards to class content [4]. Padlet helps the lecturer to give the
(CEFR) assessment. task for the students, give comment, and also the whole class
can see the result of each college student’s work.
Keywords— ICT; padlet; animoto; sway; CEFR; speaking skill. Padlet is an easy tool for English teaching learning.
According to Fuchs [5], Padlet can be used for a variety of
I. INTRODUCTION classroom purposes. It helps the teacher to have an extra guide
Recent years, the use of Information and Communication for his/her students in order to make them easy to learn
Technology (ICT) based in education is common. Many English. In other hand padlet also can be a media for the
educational practitioners use ICT in their classroom. ICTs have students to share their idea about what they have known related
revolutionized the way people work today and are now to the material that the teacher gives. They can do the task
transforming education systems. This ICT can help the trough padlet, give comment, and make a revise for their task.
educators in delivering their material, support their teaching It is supported by Fiester and Green [4] that Padlet allows
learning process, and give the students task through online students to communicate with their classmates, as well as their
media, so that the students and teacher (lecturer) can be easy in teacher, in regards to class content. Then, Sway is one of
conducting the teaching learning process. Schools in the Microsoft application. Sway can help users in create interactive
Western World invested a lot for ICT infrastructures over the report, presentation, and story [6]. Furthermore, Animoto is
last 20 years, and students use computers more often and for a one of simple media for presentation or slideshow based on
much larger range of applications[1]. Several studies reveal web. The users just choose and put photos then describe it. A
that students using ICT facilities mostly show higher learning student can have a complete, fully animated, and quite
gains than those who do not use. M. Munienge [2] states that professional-looking presentation ready for viewing in as little
the teachers/educators can improve teaching and learning as fifteen minutes, and Animoto broaden as students and
strategies and also promote deep learning and change the teachers are able to take advantage of this and many other web-
learning environment into learner-centered environment by based instructional tools. Furthermore Creating an Animoto
using ICT in classroom. In addition, S. Ghavifekr and W.A.W. video is as simple as uploading photos, choosing music, and
Rosdy [3] argue that teacher who is well-equipped preparation letting it go. Animoto does all the heavy lifting, providing
with ICT tools and facilities could get the best result in their students with a stunning video in only a matter of minutes
teaching and learning process because well-equipped The focus of subject in this research is English. English is
preparation is one of the main factors in success of technology- the subject that must be learned by the college student of
based teaching and learning. In order to make the teaching primary teaching education program in 2nd Semester. The
learning process better, the lecturer try to use ICT Application material is about the Basic English. For non-English
in the classroom. The ICT Application that will be used are department, English is not the easy subject. If they have no
Padlet, Animoto, and Sway. interest in English at all, English can be a difficult subject for
Padlet allows students to communicate with their them. To reach the learning goals for this subject, that is
classmates, as well as their teacher, in regards to class content “Students are able to identify, recognize and construct the

Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 77
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222

competence of language, linguistic, socio-culture, strategy and in using this tenses in daily life. Second, lecturer explained
attitude accurately, fluently and acceptable using English in about padlet application and how to create and use it. Third,
accordance with the rules of English teaching at the college Students are given the task via padlet as students’ project
level” the lecturer should find any idea about how the way to (writing) at home by the lecturer to describe thing (food, place,
make the English class more interesting and the college and people). Fourth, Lecturer checked students' work with the
students can easy to learn. The use of ICT especially padlet, theme of "introduction in English" that has been collected in
animoto, and sway are proposed. This application is part of the the links that already exist [10].
ICT application in which the lecturer can use it in or outside
the class. Fifth, Both lecturer and students evaluated students’
project. Sixth, Lecturer checked the results of students' writing
One of skill that must be learnt by students is speaking. In through a link that has been in student share. The result of their
this research, students speaking skill will be evaluated by using writing, there were still some students who are still less
The Common European Framework of Reference for appropriate in using tenses and punctuation. In this case, the
Languages (CEFR) assessment. The CEFR is a framework, lecturer discussed the results of the students' work through the
published by the Council of Europe in 2001, which describes written “padlet” that has been printed by the lecturer. So, the
language learners’ ability in terms of speaking, reading, results of writing that has been in print then given a note by the
listening, and writing as six reference level. The six levels are lecturer.
named as follows: Basic user (A1 and A2), independent user
(B1and B2), and proficient user (CI and C2). Furthermore, at the meeting of 5, 6, and 7 lecturers re-use
the application of padlet with the theme of other tenses. To
In this article the writer will discuss about how the process know the ability of each student in their understanding of
of English teaching learning by using padlet, animoto, and simple present tense and simple past tense materials, lecturers
sway application and to know whether there is an increase or used padlet application to assign tasks to students to write
not in students’ productive skills by using those application. "daily activities" and also "past experience" students. In this
The goal or aim of using CEFR in evaluating students’ learning, students recorded their voice related to topic and
competency is to measure progress at each level of language posted it. By applying padlet, students did not only post their
learning [9]. writing, but they recorded their voice, uploaded their video,
and posted pictures. In the following meeting, lecturer also
II. METHOD used animoto as students’ project in speaking. Students created
their animoto and present in front of class. The topic which
This study is a type of descriptive qualitative research. The students presented was about branding and brand’s name.
method of collecting data are: survey which includes Students chose of a brand, then collected the picture about it,
questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The content of and finally, they made animoto. At last, they presented about
questionnaires and interview are related to students’ response that brand.
in using padlet, animoto, and sway application as media in
learning. While, in observation phase, researcher observes the The Sway app is used at the 10th to 14th meeting. This
English teaching and learning in class. There are 30 application is used by lecturers as media for students in
respondents. presenting a topic. After lecturer explained about “academic
presentation skill”, students were asked to choose a topic to be
presented using sway. The lecturer explained what sway is and
how to make a presentation using sway. In the following
English learning activities for students of primary teaching meeting, the lecturer checked the students' work using the links
education program began with the delivery of learning they have shared. The problem with this activity is that the
agreements. The total of meetings in this study was 16 student is good enough to write in each slide of sway but for
meetings including mid-test and final test. The material the speaking activities in the class, students still have problem
presented in this semester is Part of speech, tenses (Simple in present it well. Thus, in next meeting, teacher asked students
Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, and Simple Past to make sway again and present it in front of class.
Tense), Reading, and also academic presentation skills. In this
activity, lecturers used padlet, animoto, and sway application Using padlet, animoto, and sway made students are more
on student learning activity of primary teaching education interested in accomplishing their project in English. It was first
program in 2nd Semester. time for them to know and use those application, so students
feel interested and motivated in joining English class. Besides
This is blended learning, whether the teaching learning improving students motivation, using those application also as
process happened in class and online. In the classroom, good alternative to give chance students in practicing their
students got the materials from lecturer and discussed with language. Below is students’ ability in speaking skill after
friends. While to improve students’ ability, lecturer used the utilizing three applications.
three application as a students’ project in writing and speaking.
The padlet application was first used in the classroom at the
second meeting, on the subject of Introducing Ourselves. In
this activity, students are asked to write their introductions in
English. These are the stages: First, The lecturer delivered the
learning materials, simple present tense and specific conditions

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222


Based on table above, it can be seen that only 2 students
Indicator (spoken
language use)
Before After who get the level Independent User B1, and 12 students in
Range - Most of students - Even not too level Basic User A2, and the remains are in level basic user A1.
cannot explain and fluent, students can Based on the observation in this research, from previous
describe things (place, explain and describe meeting before utilize three application (technology), most of
people, etc) in detail. things in detail.
students still not confident to talk and answers the questions.
- Still use simple phrase - Uses basic sentence They tend to keep silent and difficult to interact or
related to personal patterns with communicate each other. After lecturer introduced the padlet,
details and particular memorizing phrases,
concrete situation. groups of a few words animoto, and sway in teaching, students looked interested to
(Basic User A1) and formulas in order to accomplish the project both in speaking and writing. Beside
communicate limited evaluate students’ competence, researcher also check students’
information in simple response after applying those application. Here the result of
everyday situations.
(Basic User A2)
Accuracy Shows only limited Uses some simple
control of a few simple structures correctly but The Percentage of Respondents (%)
grammatical structures. still systematically Items Strongly Strongly
(Basic user A1) makes basic mistakes. Disagree Agree
Disagree Agree
(Basic User A2)
Using application 13.33 86.67
Fluency - Only 4 students from - Understood in very Animoto, padlet,
30 students who speak short utterance, even and sway allows
English fluently though pauses. students’ to be more
because limited of creative and
vocabulary and content - After several
meetings, the imaginative.
- Still much pausing percentage of students The use of animoto, 63.33 36.67
to search for fluency in speaking padlet, and sway
expressions, to improve, become 11 helps students to
articulate less familiar students (Basic User find related
words (Basic User A1) A2) knowledge and
Interaction - Can ask and answer - Can answer questions information for
question about personal and respond to simple learning
details statement. The use of animoto, 3.33 86.67 10
- Can interact in a - Rarely able to padlet and sway
simple way but understand enough to encourages students
communication is keep conversation to communicate
totally dependent on going of his/her own more with their
repetition (Basic User accord (basic User A2) classmates.
A1) The use of animoto, 73.33 26.67
Coherence Can link words or Can link groups of padlet, and sway,
groups of words with words with simple increases students’
very basic linear connectors like “and, confidence to
connectors like “and or but, and become” Basic participate actively
then” (Basic User A1) User A2) in the class.
I think students 90 10
learn more
From those result, it can be concluded that there was effectively with the
use of animoto,
improvement in students’ speaking ability. Generally, students’ padlet, and sway.
competence was in level Basic User A2 from Basic User A1.
I think the use of 6.67 40 53.33
sway helps to
No. Language Total Of Percentage improve students’
1. C2 0 - ability specifically
in speaking and
2. C1 0 - writing

-3. B2 0 - The students’ are 83.33 16.67

more behaved and
4. B1 2 6,66 % under control with
the use of animoto,
5. A2 12 40 % padlet, and sway.
6. A1 16 53,3 % The use of animoto, 13.33 86.67
Total 30 100% padlet, and sway
enables students’ to

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222

express their ideas [7] C. Abdullah and Z. Marlowe, “Technology in ELT: English Teachers
and thoughts better. Investigate Animoto and Fotobabble”, interntional Journal of Higher
Education, vol. 4, 2015.
The use of animoto, 53.33 46.67 [8] Animoto. (2018, February). Available:
padlet, and sway [9] B. Dylan, “Globally Recognized Proficiency Scales: The goals and Uses
promotes active and
of CEFR, “British Council, Indonesia, March 2018.
engaging lesson for
students’ best [10] Padlet. (2018, February). Available:
learning experience.

From table above, it can be concluded that 30 students have

positive response in using padlet, animoto, and sway in
learning English. Those application are as media to help them
to be more creative in accomplishing their project. There are
some strengthen and weaknesses in using them, the strengths
are: easy to apply, interactive, and more communicative. While
the weaknesses are: depends on online data.

The use of padlet, animoto, and sway application can
motivate students in learning English. It is proven by students’
response in answering the questionnaires. Learning in
classroom just for sharing and discussing the material, while
using the application as for practicing in both speaking and
writing. This research focus on evaluating students’ ability in
speaking. Based on reviewing students’ performance in
classroom and checking students’ recording in padlet, it can be
concluded that students ability improve from language level
ability basic user A1 to basic user A2. Beside, these application
can be used not only for teaching English but for another
subjects because animoto and sway can be an alternative in
presenting a topic. While, padlet can be used for posting
assignment and sharing related to the assignment with friends
in that wall. In conclusion, it is recommended that further
studies conducting on this topic, using larger data collections,
quantitative and qualitative survey instruments and other
software applications.


[1] L. Cynthia K. “The Effects of Using Padlet on the Academic

Performance and Engagement of students in a fifth grade basic skills
Mathematics classroom”. Rowan Digital Works, Rowan University:
New Jersey, United States, 2017.
[2] M. Munienge, “Integration of ICT in Education: Key Challenges,
Scholarly Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science”, International
Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, vol. 3, pp.
515-520, 2015.
[3] S. Ghavifekr and W.A.W. Rosdy, “Teaching and learning with
technology: Effectiveness of ICT integration in schools”, International
Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 1(2), pp. 175-
[4] H. Fiester and T. Green, “Students use of backchanneks. TechTrends”,
pp. 404-408, 2016.
[5] F. Beth, “The Writing is on the Wall: Using Padlet for Whole-Class
Engagement”, Library Faculty and Staff Publication, USA, 2014
[6] Sway (2018, February). Available: hhtp://


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