Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course the student shall be able to
CO1: Interpret object orientation and Utilize programming strategies and Contrast classes and
CO2: Analyze Inheritance and Dynamic Method Dispatch.
CO3: Design Packages and Interpret various classes in different packages.
CO4: Manage Exceptions and Apply Threads.
CO5: Create GUI screens along with event handling and write network programs.
UNIT-I 12 Lectures
Introduction to Objects & Classes
What is Object Oriented Programming? Object Orientation as a New Paradigm: The Big Picture
(TEXT BOOK-2), An Overview of Java: Process Oriented Vs Object Oriented Programming, OOP
Principles, Java BuzzWords, The Byte Code, A First Simple Program
Class Fundamentals with Variables and Methods, Declaring objects for accessing variables and
Data Types and Variables, Operators and Expressions, Control Statements, Type Conversion and
casting, Lexical Issues in Java, Arrays: Single Dimension, command line arguments, Arrays: Multi
Constructors: Default and Parameterized, this keyword and Garbage Collection, Final and Static
Keywords, Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors, Using objects as Parameters,
Returning objects, String and String Buffer.
UNIT-II 8 Lectures
Inheritance Basics, Types of Inheritance, Using Super keyword for constructors, Super to call
variables and methods, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch
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Information Technology VII / VIII-Semester
UNIT-III 11 Lectures
Packages and Interfaces
Defining a Package, importing a package, Package Example, Access Protection, An Access
Example, Abstract classes, Interfaces: Defining and Implementing Interfaces
Exploring java.lang: Wrapper classes, Object, Math, Runtime
Exploring java.util: The collection framework: ArrayList, HashSet and HashMap,
StringTokenizer, Calendar, Random, Scanner
Exploring java.io: File class, Byte Streams, Character Streams, FileInputStream,
FileOutputStream, FileReader and FileWriter classes
UNIT-IV 10 Lectures
Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, throw, throws and
finally, Creating your own exceptions, Chained Exceptions.
Multithreaded Programming: Java Thread Model, The Main thread, Two ways of Creating a
Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, isAlive(),join(), Synchronization, Inter Thread Communication
UNIT-V 9 Lectures
Introducing GUI Programming with Swings
Swing Features, MVC Connection, Components and Containers, Panes, Simple Swing Application,
Simple Swing Applet, Layout Managers: Flow, Border, Card, Grid, Grid Bag, Working with Color,
Working with Fonts, Painting in Swing, Exploring Swing Components
Delegation Event Model: Event Classes, Sources and Listeners.
Exploring java.net: Socket, ServerSocket, InetAddress, DataGramSocket, URL, Client-Server
Program using Sockets.
Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, Java The complete reference, 11th Edition, McGrawHill, 2019
2. Timothy budd, An introduction to object-oriented programming, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
Y. Daniel Liang Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version, 10th Edition, Pearson,
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