Analysis Operational Cost Budget at PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri
Analysis Operational Cost Budget at PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri
Analysis Operational Cost Budget at PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri
Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The service sector is one of the priority sectors in the the winner of the MEA and rely on the service sector
Indonesian economy, where every year the as a source of new economic growth.
contribution of the service sector to the National
In practice, services can be viewed from two different
Gross Domestic Product (NGDP) always increases.
perspectives, namely services that are seen as the
Board of Advisors Indonesia Services Dialogue (ISD)
main product (offering) and services as supporting
Mari Elka Pangestu said in the last 10 years the
services for a product. For companies engaged in
contribution of the service sector to GDP has
services must be able to prioritize elements of service
continued to increase, in 2000 the contribution of the
to customers well, because it is a factor that affects
service sector reached 45% then increased to 60% in
the development of the company. The emphasis is
2015 and he estimates the contribution of the service
more on how the company manages the services or
sector to GDP tends to increase by double digits. The
services provided to customers according to their
service sector is the most important sector in the
needs and expectations so that consumers feel
economy because the service sector creates jobs and
satisfied. The company can be said to be successful if
certainly increases Indonesia's competitiveness. Since
the company's services meet or exceed what is
2000-2010, the service sector has succeeded in
expected by consumers.
creating 21 million jobs, far more than the
manufacturing sector which only reached 2.2 million. In carrying out operational activities, every company
According to Mari Elka Pangestu, the service sector must have goals and objectives to be achieved. One of
must be the mainstay of the economy and the the company's goals is to obtain maximum profit with
government is expected to support it by providing certain sacrifices to maintain the company's survival.
positive policies. Meanwhile, ISD Board of Founder In achieving the company's goals effectively and
Chris Kanter said Indonesia is ready to face efficiently, managers must be able to anticipate all
competition in the ASEAN Economic Community changes in situations and conditions both from the
(AEC) because Indonesia has advantages and internal and external sides of the company.
strengths in each service sector. Indonesia could be
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50695 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1617
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
One way to anticipate change is by planning and The operational cost budget is used as work
monitoring. Supervision is an activity in conducting coordination, this is very helpful for companies in
an assessment, measurement, and improvement of an each division in terms of clarity of activities carried
activity carried out, and to determine the extent to out. The operational cost budget is used as a work
which the implementation of the plan has been carried control tool, namely as a comparison tool in the
out to achieve company goals. The growth of budget and implementation. The operational cost
companies in general shows fierce and strong budget is used as an evaluation tool for the company's
competition, both in industrial companies and service activities in preparing the next operating cost budget.
companies. In this case the cost is needed by the Budget as a control tool is a series of stages intended
management in carrying out all its functions to ensure to ensure the management of all aspects of activities
the systematic operation and as a tool to oversee the carried out by responsibility centers oriented towards
implementation of the company's activities that have effective and efficient operations and processing.
been planned. Research on operational cost budget analysis at PT.
Cost control can be carried out through a cost budget Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) was once carried out by
that is continuously monitored by analysis of Katili (2013), where this company must have careful
deviations that occur so that the causes of deviations planning and effective control of the costs to be
from these differences can be identified and then incurred in its operational activities. PT. Asuransi
follow-up is carried out so that the losses incurred are Jiwasraya (Persero) is an Indonesian State-Owned
relatively small. Control is needed in every job to Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in the life
evaluate the activities that have been carried out so insurance business. Budget is a very important control
that they are in accordance with what was originally tool in controlling the effectiveness of operational
planned. costs. realization of costs usually exceeds the budget
set by the company, resulting in deviations from
The following is a previous study as a reference in
costs. Effective cost control helps companies in
research conducted by the author, namely research on
analyzing operational cost variances so that the
operational cost budget analysis at PT. Kereta Api
realization of costs does not exceed the previously set
(Persero) has been carried out by Hafid (2007). With
the results that the research and discussion obtained,
PT. Kereta Api (Persero) has implemented the 2. Literature Review
operating cost budget effectively. this can be seen by 2.1. Budget
the stages to achieve the effectiveness of operating Munandar (2000:1) states that the notion of a budget
control and the hypothesis that reaches 98.45% which is a plan that is compiled systematically, which
is the operating cost budget that plays a role in includes all company activities, which are expressed
supporting the effectiveness of operating costs is in monetary units and are valid for a certain period of
acceptable. Thus it can be said that the operational time in the future. According to Supriyono (2014:12),
cost budget plays a role in supporting control the budget is a detailed plan that is formally stated in
controls. quantitative terms to show how resources will be
obtained and used over a certain period of time,
Subsequent research by Djauhari (2009) analysis of
generally one year.
the operational cost budget at PT. (Persero)
Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan where the results Meanwhile, according to Adisaputro and Asri
obtained are that the operational cost budget has not (2016:9), the budget is a formal and systematic
functioned effectively in controlling operational costs, approach rather than the implementation of
this can be seen from the occurrence of unfavorable management responsibilities in planning,
(negative) in 2004 and 2006. The operational cost coordination, and supervision.
budget was prepared by PT. (Persero) Pelabuhan Corporate budgeting (budgeting) is a process of
Indonesia I Medan in 2003 and 2005 has functioned planning and controlling the company's operational
effectively in controlling operational costs, this can be activities expressed in units of activity and units of
seen from the occurrence of favorable (positive) in money, which aims to project the company's
2003 and 2005. operations in the projection of financial statements.
The operational cost budget has a role in supporting Corporate budgeting (earnings planning and control)
the effectiveness of operational cost control at PT. includes the development and application of corporate
(Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I Medan, this can be objectives, specification of corporate objectives,
seen from the operational cost budget used as a work development of a short-term profit planning strategy,
guide tool, this is very helpful in directing the preparation of a periodic performance report and
implementer in carrying out operational activities. development of follow-up procedures. The
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
description of the planning and control of the The budgeting process is the process of preparing a
company's operations is manifested in a report format short-term work plan, which in a profit-oriented
known as the budget (Christina, 2001:9). company, the selection of a work plan is based on the
impact of the work plan on profits. Therefore, often
2.1.1. Types of Budget
the budgeting process is also called the short-term
According to Munandar (2015: 205), budgets can be
profit preparation process. Basically the authority and
grouped from the following points of view:
responsibility for budgeting and its implementation is
A. According to the basis of preparation, the budget
in the hands of the highest leadership of the company.
consists of: variable budget and fixed budget.
This is because the company's leadership is most
B. According to the method of preparation, the responsible for the company's activities as a whole.
budget consists of: Periodic budget and However, the task of preparing and compiling a
continuous budget budget can be delegated to other parts of the
C. According to the time period, the budget consists company.
of: short-term budget (tactical budget) and long- The first step in the budgeting process is to assess and
term budget (strategic budget). identify factors related to the company in the future,
D. According to the sector, the budget consists of an either directly or indirectly. These factors can be
operational budget and a financial budget. These assessed whether including external factors or internal
two budgets combined are called the master factors. The second step is to determine the general
budget. A master budget that consolidates the purpose of the company which includes the mission
company's overall plans for the short term, and objectives of the company being founded. The
usually prepared on an annual basis. Annual third step is to communicate organizational goals and
budgets are further broken down into quarterly long-term plans to lower managers and the budget
budgets and quarterly budgets are further broken committee, in this case it means that coordination is
down into monthly budgets. The operating budget needed between parts of the company. The fourth step
consists of: sales budget, factory cost budget, is choosing the appropriate tactics, coordinating
operating expense budget, and income statement activities, and supervising activities, where the
budget. While the financial budget consists of a selection of these tactics is usually prepared with a
cash budget, accounts receivable budget, specific project plan, which is usually equipped with
inventory budget, debt budget, and balance a feasibility study. The fifth step is to draw up a
budget. budget for each division, which has started
E. According to the ability to prepare, the budget implementing the budget here, this budget is used as a
consists of: a comprehensive budget and a partial guide in the company's activities both as an element
budget. of planning, coordination, and control tools (Harahap,
2001 in Kartikasari, 2008: 28).
F. According to its function, the budget consists of:
Appropriation budget and Performance budget. 2.2. Operating Cost Budget
The operating cost budget is a budget or estimate of
2.1.2. Budget Function
all costs incurred by the company during the
The budget function according to Christina (2001:15),
company's operating activities within one year of the
accounting period. The budget is a plan that is stated
A. There is an integrated planning
in the numbers that the company will achieve in the
B. As a guideline for the implementation of
future. Budgets are made and compiled repeatedly or
company activities
continuously by the company. Budgets can be used as
C. As a work coordination tool
monitoring tools that are widely used both in business
D. As a work monitoring tool
and in government. The budget provides an overview
E. As a tool to evaluate company activities.
of the expected results and the expenditures made
The budget provides several advantages as stated by available to achieve them.
Supriyono (2014: 22), namely helping management
According to Munandar (2015:21), the operational
make an initial study of the problems faced by an
cost budget is the budget concerned with activities to
organization and familiarizing management to study
generate company profits. The final result of the
carefully a problem before it is decided, Encourage a
operating budget preparation process is the projected
high standard of achievement and inspire enthusiasm.
income statement. This operational cost budget is a
healthy competition, uniting goals and objectives
control tool to avoid wasting costs, in other words to
which are measuring tools or standards for measuring
create cost efficiency, so that the actual costs do not
performance and measures of individual management
exceed the budgeted amount, so that the results
and executive considerations.
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
obtained can be maximized. With this operational D. To rationalize the source and use of funds in order
cost budget, activities related to the company's to achieve maximum results.
operations will be directed, so that goals can be E. To perfect the plans that have been drawn up,
achieved. Whereas according to Nafarin (2011:11) because with a clearer and more visible budget.
states that the operational cost budget is a budget that
aims to prepare profit and loss. Where profit and loss F. To accommodate and analyze and decide on any
is a budget in the form of a systematically compiled proposals related to finance.
list of revenues, expenses, and profit and loss 2.2.5. Operational Cost Budgeting Procedure
obtained from a company during a certain period. A procedure is a series of interrelated tasks that are
2.2.1. Operational Budget Planning held to ensure the execution of work. In making a
Every company that wants to survive, grow or budget, the procedures are as follows: The stage of
develop smoothly requires planning and supervision. determining the budget planning guidelines, the stage
To achieve this goal the company must have a good of budget preparation and the stage of determining the
plan. In other words, planning is the most important budget.
function of other management functions, namely In large companies, the company's activities are very
organizing, directing, and controlling which actually complex and the scope is very broad. It is not possible
only carries out the interests of planning. for the administration to prepare the budget without
2.2.2. Prepare Operational Cost Budget active participation in other departments, so the task
For company leaders, the budget is a means of of preparing the budget will be delegated to a team
planning, coordinating and monitoring purposes. In involving all parts of the company. This team is
preparing the budget, the company can use several usually called a budget, whose members can be at the
common methods, in accordance with the wishes of same level as deputy directors, division heads or
the company concerned. The goal is to improve the section heads which are a combination of company
company's activities by way of coordination, control parts that play important roles.
costs and increase profits. The members of this budget committee will discuss
In preparing a budget, there are several ways or plans for future activities, so that the budget that will
methods for preparing a common budget, namely: A be prepared later is the result of a mutual agreement,
priori, Postoretic, and Pragmatic. in accordance with the conditions, facilities and
capabilities of each part in an integrated manner.
2.2.3. Operational Cost Budgeting Time Thus the implementation of the budget is really
Most budgets are prepared on a monthly basis, but the supported by all parts of the company so as to
timeframe for the budget can be used as long as it is facilitate the creation of cooperation and can be well
useful. This time frame depends on the type of coordinated.
market, construction period for capital facilities,
product life cycle, turnover rate, manufacturing Budgeting by the company can be done by superiors,
period, time to develop the product, nature of the subordinates or by both. This is adjusted to the ability
industry, accuracy of financial information, timing of subordinates and participation in budgeting,
and sources of raw materials, and how the data should according to company needs, in an effort to achieve
be used. Shorter budget periods are more suitable for company goals.
times when there is a lot of uncertainty and volatile 2.3. Operating Costs
events. Costs can be classified according to their involvement
2.2.4. Purpose of Preparation of Operational in the company's operations into operating costs and
Cost Budget non-operating costs. Operational costs are costs
Budget is one of the planning tools in increasing incurred for everything that is closely related to the
company profits. According to Nafarin (2004:15) company's operations. While non-operational costs
there are several objectives of preparing a budget, are costs that are not closely related to the company's
including: main business, but from the company's side business.
A. To be used as a formal juridical basis in selecting In order for planning and control to run well, one of
the source of funds for the use of funds. them is needed a tool, namely a budget. In order to
support the creation of increased income, it is
B. To limit the amount of funds sought and used. necessary efficiency regarding the operational costs
C. To detail the type of source of funds sought and of the organization. For this reason, it is necessary to
the type of use of funds so as to facilitate make a budget for operating costs. According to
supervision. Mulyadi (2001:51), the operating cost budget is the
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50695 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1620
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
operating budget concerned with activities to generate of the institution (business unit), secondly to check
company profits. The final result of the operating the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, thirdly
budget preparation process is the projected income to improve business efficiency, one of which aims to
statement. prevent corruption. Hartadi, 1999:48).
This operational cost budget is a control tool to avoid Internal control is a process that is influenced by
wasting costs, in other words to create cost efficiency, rules, directors, management, other personnel that are
so that the actual costs do not exceed the budgeted structured to provide guarantees related to the
amount, so that the results obtained can be achievement of objectives such as reliable financial
maximized. With this operational cost budget, reports, compliance with stipulated laws and
activities related to the company's operations will be regulations as well as effectiveness and efficiency of
directed, so that goals can be achieved operations (activities). (Hartadi, 1999:81).
2.4. Operational Cost Control The budget as an integrated planning system, the
The budget plays a very important role in the more complex the problem causes many activities to
company as well as the cash budget. Cash has a be carried out based on careful planning. A budget is
central position in an effort to maintain the smooth one form of various plans that may be drawn up,
operation of the company. An adequate amount of although not every plan can be referred to as a budget
cash is very important for the smooth running of day- (Adisaputro and Asri, 2016:1). The company budget
to-day business as well as for supporting the is a plan for the company's activities which includes
implementation of long-term strategic decisions, such various operational activities that are interrelated and
as research and development efforts, capacity influence each other. In terms of controlling the
expansion efforts and so on. amount of the budget, which is based on the correct
standard figure, it also functions as a tool for
The amount of cash that is excessive or insufficient,
evaluating efficiency because the standard figure used
both have negative consequences for the company.
is indeed effective and feasible. So that the realization
Lack of cash can result in non-payment of various
of costs that exceed or are less than the budgeted
obligations such as salary payables and bank interest,
amount of money is considered a real waste/savings
trade payables to raw material partners and so on
(Adisaputro and Asri, 2016:22).
(Adisaputro, 2015: 73).
Planning and budgeting are the basis for controlling
Without a budget, efficiency will be difficult to
and making decisions related to costs (Supriyono,
achieve and goals will be difficult to achieve. Budget
2014: 3). The main goal of the company is to achieve
will provide tools for management, leadership will
profit by using its economic resources. Therefore,
have plenty of time to fix weaknesses. The repertoire
after the objectives are determined in the planning in
of decisions and actions will be abundantly available
the form of a budget, it must be analyzed whether
and can be anticipated more accurately. Thus, the
these goals can be achieved effectively and
budget will help the company operate with high
efficiency and objectives can be achieved effectively
(Herman, 2006:5). Budgeting is the process of preparing a budget, while
the budget is the result of budgeting. Budgeting
The role of the budget in controlling operational costs
includes the budget, while the budget is part of
is that the budget can help management to see and
budgeting. Before setting goals, top management (eg
control the implementation of the vision, goals,
President Director) first assesses the relevant
objectives, strategies and programs. The budget will
variables, strengths and weaknesses of the company.
be a tool for management to know from the start the
Relevant variables consist of dependent variable and
extent to which the vision has been achieved in the
independent variable. Controllable variables or
coming fiscal year. The budget is able to provide
dependent variables are variables that can be planned
certain signals about the weaknesses that will occur in
and managed effectively by management, for
the following year. Thus, emergency measures can be
example determining the selling price per unit,
prepared as soon as possible. The budget will also
number of employees, and costs. Uncontrollable
direct top management to focus on strategic decisions
variables or independent variables are variables that
and give authority to subordinates for the
cannot be influenced by management, such as
implementation of daily operations (Herman, 2006:
population development, rival activities, and
government policies. The dependent variable and the
Internal control includes the organizational system independent variable must be used by management if
and all the methods and provisions adopted, the it is considered beneficial and avoided if it is
purpose of which is to firstly protect the assets/wealth considered detrimental.
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
According to Adisaputro, et al (2016: 22), the get several benefits, namely it can support the
effectiveness of operating cost control if: An effective effectiveness of the company's operating costs. The
control process and the achievement of the objectives budget also functions as a controlling tool in the
of operating cost control, namely the reliability of company.
financial reports, compliance with stipulated laws and The effectiveness of operating cost control requires a
regulations, and effectiveness and efficiency of
good control process. Good control process,
operations (activities).
especially in the company PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri
3. Methodology certainly sets a measurement norm, meaning that the
The analytical method in this study is a descriptive company in planning the budget must set
analysis method where the research is carried out by norms/standards in controlling budget costs based on
collecting data according to the actual situation and previous analyzes to date so that it can be used as a
providing a technical description of the problems that real budget control. Comparing the actual
exist at PT Mitra Maha Mandiri, including the implementation with standard norms means that the
following indicators: company in comparing budgets must be comparable
A. Effective control process to the established norms so that each budgeted budget
B. Achieving the objective of controlling operating can be balanced. Finding the cause of the deviation
costs means that the company must be able to analyze each
budget so that there are no deviations caused by
In addition, the analytical method used in testing the
inaccuracies in the company. In addition, they also
effectiveness of operational costs is using analysis of
take corrective action, meaning that the company
variance, with the following formula:
designs the budgets and corrective actions to make
improvements to each of the causes of the deviation.
Ket: S2= Varians
X1= Budget In the company PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri, the
X2= Monthly Operational Cost achievement of the objectives of controlling operating
costs is one of the factors that determine the
4. Results and Discussion effectiveness of controlling operating costs, because
4.1. Operational Cost Budget PT. Mitra Maha the control objectives are targets to be achieved by
Mandiri carrying out several actions aimed at knowing and
The operational cost budget of PT. Mitra Maha investigating the implementation of activities that are
Mandiri plays an important role because the budget is currently or have been carried out, whether as
a process carried out to control and control the costs planned, also to find out whether the implementation
of a company which is usually made and applies of activities is running efficiently and to determine
within a certain time. With a budget, the company can the increase in efficiency in the future.
Table 4.1 Budget and Realization of Operational Costs in 2020
Year2020 Budget Monthly Fee Varians Description
January 40.000.000 32.530.499 7.469.501 effective
February 30.000.000 26.204.153 3.795.847 effective
March 30.000.000 27.639.019 2.360.981 effective
April 40.000.000 27.286.711 12.713.289 effective
Mey 20.000.000 29.962.725 (9.962.725) Ineffective
June 30.000.000 38.922.651 (8.922.651) Ineffective
July 40.000.000 31.201.422 8.828.578 effective
August 30.000.000 36.145.108 (6.145.108) Ineffective
September 50.000.000 37.302.702 12.697.298 effective
October 30.000.000 30.339.698 (339.698) Ineffective
November 30.000.000 34.186.227 (4.186.227) Ineffective
December 30.000.000 33.265.804 (3.265.804) Ineffective
Total 400.000.000 384.956.719 15.043.281 effective
Source: Data processed (2021)
In January 2020 the costs incurred by the company amounted to Rp. 32,530,499 from Rp. 40,000,000 budgeted
budget, meaning that the cost does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp.
7,469,501 or the company saves 18.67%.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50695 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1622
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In February 2020 the company spent Rp. 26,204,153 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the
cost does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp. 3,795,847 or savings occurred
in the company of 12.65%.
In March 2020 the company spent Rp. 27,639,019 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the cost
does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp. 2,360,981 or there is a cost savings
of 7.86% for the company.
In April 2020 the company spent Rp. 27,286,711 from Rp. 40,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the cost
does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp. 12,713,289 or savings occurred in
the company of 31.78%.
In May 2020 the company spent Rp. 29,962,725 from Rp. 20,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the costs
incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
9,962,725 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 49.81%.
In June 2020 the company spent Rp. 38,922,651 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the costs
incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
8,922,651 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 29.74%.
In July 2020 the company spent Rp. 31,201,422 from Rp. 40,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the cost
does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp. 8,828,578 or cost savings occurred
in the company of 22.07%.
In August 2020 the company spent Rp. 36,145,108 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the costs
incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
6,145,108 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 20.48%.
In September 2020 the company spent Rp. 37,302,702 from Rp. 50,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the
cost does not exceed the budget because budget to cost has an excess value of Rp. 12,697,298 or there is a cost
savings of 25.39% for the company.
In October 2020 the company spent Rp. 30,339,698 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the
costs incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
339,698 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 1.13%.
In November 2020 the company spent Rp. 34,186,227 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the
costs incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
4,186,227 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 13.95%.
In December 2020 the company spent Rp. 33,265,804 from Rp. 30,000,000 budgeted budget, meaning that the
costs incurred by the company exceed the budget because the budget to costs has a difference in value of Rp.
3,265,804 or there is a shortage of costs to the company by 10.88%.
So, if totaled as a whole, PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri in 2020 spent Rp. 384,956,719 from Rp. 400,000,000 budget
budgeted. Budget to cost has an over value of Rp. 15,043,281 or there is a cost savings of 3.76% for the
company. This means that operational costs have been effective because they do not exceed the budgeted
standard budget. This is in accordance with the indicators because according to Adisaputro, et al (2016:22), the
effectiveness of operating cost control if the control process is effective, this means that in terms of controlling
the amount of the budget based on the correct standard figure it also functions as an efficiency assessment tool.
4.2. Effectiveness of Operational Cost Budget
The operational cost budget has a role in supporting the effectiveness of operational cost control. this can be seen
from the operational cost budget used as a work guide tool, this is very helpful in directing operational activities.
The operational cost budget is used as work coordination, this is very helpful for companies in each division in
terms of clarity of activities carried out. The operational cost budget is used as a work control tool, namely as a
comparison tool in the budget and implementation. The operational cost budget is used as an evaluation tool for
the company's activities in preparing the next operating cost budget. According to Adisaputro, et al (2016:22),
the effectiveness of operating cost control can also be seen from the achievement of operating cost control
objectives, including: The reliability of financial reports, Compliance with stipulated laws and regulations, and
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations (activities).
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 4.2 Income Statement for 2020
Income statement
31 December 2020
Income 3.543.208.500
HPP (1.669.788.392,50)
Gross profit 1.873.390.107,50
Operating costs (1.700.589.845,92)
Operating Profit 202.800.261,58
Tax (35.431.785,00)
Current account 1.460.375,39
L/Rnet 138.828.851,97
Source: Data processed (2021)
Profit and loss: Income - COGS – Operating expenses = The result is net income before tax + Current account
income = Net profit. b. HPP: acquisition cost of stock goods. For example, buying cigarettes at a supplier is Rp.
1,000,000 is the main ingredient before being sold to consumers. c. Net giro service: other income from the bank
or proceeds from bank interest because the company uses demand deposits. d. Final income tax payable: ie 1%
of income (income x 1%).
Current Debt Rp. 19.123.328
Equity Rp. 4.723.342.709,78
Total Rp. 4.742.466.037,78
Source: Data processed (2021)
Balance Sheet at PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri in 2020 has Standard Operating Procedures are documents related
been carried out in accordance with generally to procedures carried out chronologically to complete
accepted accounting standards and in accordance with a job that aims to obtain the most effective work
company rules, it can also be seen from the balance of results from workers at the lowest possible cost. To
the balance sheet. Compliance with established laws achieve operational effectiveness in the company, PT.
and regulations has met company standards because Mitra Maha Mandiri carried out several alternatives
PT. Mitra Maha Mandiri has a job description for such as reducing employees, reducing the stock of
employees' daily operations or commonly known as goods that were not selling well, both food and
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) as stated in the drinks, saving electricity by using electricity as
ministerial regulation on the utilization of state needed, changing some of the work systems of tools
apparatus regarding company service standard that previously used machines to manual ones such as
guidelines, articles 1 and 2 which reads: coffee machines that did not use machines. used
A. Every Public Service Provider is required to again, but what they use is coffee filter cloth to save
establish and apply Public Service Standards for more on company operational costs, also use freight
each type of service. elevators as necessary and so on
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50695 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 1624
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
budget and realization of operational costs of PT. Serang. Skripsi. Universitas Widyatama.
Mitra Maha Mandiri has been running effectively. Bandung.
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