MD2 HW # 2 For Prelim Period
MD2 HW # 2 For Prelim Period
MD2 HW # 2 For Prelim Period
4th year
ME 132P: Home Work # 2 (Prelim Period) – A39 Date Aug 27, 2022
INSTRUCTION: Solve the following problems, correctly and systematically, and show all the necessary figures.
Submit your solution together with this questionnaire signifying your complete name (failure to do
so, an appropriate deduction will be imposed), in pdf file/copy, on or before August 29, 2022 and not
later than 5:29 pm to Engr. Jose Francisco’s email: [email protected]
Prob. # 1] A flywheel has a mean diameter of 4 ft and is required to handle 2250 ft-lb of kinetic energy. It
has a width of 8 inches, mean operating speed is 300 rpm and the coefficient of fluctuation is to be 0.05.
The weight of arms and hub is equivalent to 10 % of the total rim weight. The flywheel is made up of cast
iron with specific weight of 0.26 lb per cubic inch. Determine: a) the weight of the rim, in lb; and b) the
thickness of the rim, in inches. (20 points)
Prob. # 2] The flywheel is required to handle 3100 N-m of kinetic energy at a normal operating speed of
350 rpm. The mean diameter of the flywheel is 120 cm and the rim width is 20.5 cm. The coefficient of
fluctuation is 0.05; and the hub and arms are equivalent to 10 % of the total rim weight. Assuming that the
flywheel material is a cast iron with density of 7600 kg/m3. A) Determine the maximum rpm of the
flywheel. b) What is the minimum rpm of the flywheel? c) Find the mean velocity of the flywheel rim. d)
Determine the weight of the rim, in kg. e) Find the thickness of the flywheel, in mm. (25 points)
Prob. # 3] A punching machine requires 1600 ft-lb of energy to punch a certain hole. During the punching
operation, the speed of the machine is reduced from 180 rpm to 160 rpm. The weight of the arms and
hub is considered to be 10 % of the rim weight, and the mean diameter of the flywheel is 32 inches. a)
What is the mean or operating rpm of the flywheel? b) Find the coefficient of fluctuation. c) What is the
maximum speed of the flywheel, in fps? d) What is the minimum speed of the rim, in fps? d) Determine
the weight of the rim, in lb. e) What is the weight of the flywheel, in lb? f) Determine the weight of the
arms and hub, in lb. (25 points)
Prob. # 4] A pulley is keyed to a 64 mm diameter shaft with a 16 mm by 11 mm by 76 mm flat key. The
shaft rotates at 50 rpm. The allowable shearing stress for the key is 152 MPa. The allowable compressive
stress for the key, hub, and shaft is 455 MPa. Determine the maximum torque that the pulley can safely
delivered. (15 points)
Prob. # 5] Two short shafts having identical diameters of 1.5 inches and rotating at 400 rpm are connected
by a flange coupling having 4 bolts with a 4 inches bolts circle diameter. The design shearing stress of the
bolt is 1740 psi and design compressive stress of the flange is 2176 psi. a) What is the Hp transmitted by
the short shaft? b) What diameter of bolts should be used, in inch?
c) How thick should the flange be, in inches? (15 points)
Even if others are not; Even if others will not; Even if others cannot
“He who walks honestly walks securely, but he whose ways are crooked will fare badly.”
Proverb 10:9