5 Cath
5 Cath
5 Cath
2, Wes Todd
423. Hypaque contrast material is _______ and when injected into the heart causes
an immediate _____ in cardiac output.
a. Hypertonic, Increase
b. Hypertonic, Decrease
c. Hypotonic, Increase
d. Hypotonic, Decrease
ANSWER b. Iodine. All vascular contrast media are organic compounds including the
chemical element Iodine on the benzene ring. It is a heavy metal which absorbs X-rays.
This imparts it's essential "radiopaque" quality.
See: Grossman, chapter on "Angiography: Principles..."
Keywords: Iodine in contrast = radiopaque
ANSWER a. No abnormalities are seen except the AO systolic is slightly higher than
systolic LV, seemingly a hemodynamic impossibility. (AO pressure can't be higher or
blood would flow backwards during systole). However, the further down the AO the
catheter tip is withdrawn, Systolic pressure increases due to wave reflections.
systolic pressure is commonly seen when the catheter is pulled back into the descending
See: Grossman, chapter on "Pressure measurements"
Keywords: LV-AO pullbacks
ANSWER c. Dyskinetic. A weakened LV wall can bulge in systole just like an aortic aneurysm.
They are termed dyskinetic ("dys-" prefix means disordered or bad). It is also termed
"paradoxical motion" because it moves the wrong way. Dyskinetic LV walls steal stroke volume
from the heart and absorb the LV contraction. They are common immediately following
myocardial infarction. They usually heal into a stiff akinetic scar which does not steal as much
stroke volume. Open heart surgery can be done to excise the dead bulging aneurysm or scar to
improve LV function.
See: Medical Dictionary Keywords: Dyskinetic LV
C6 RHC CV Review Vol. 2, Wes Todd
292. You are assisting a new cardiologist do a right heart cath on a cyanotic child.
Before inflating the balloon he asks you "What should I use to inflate this balloon?"
You should answer______.
a. "Air"
b. "CO2"
c. "Sterile Saline"
d. "50%-50%, contrast and saline"
ANSWER b. CO2 is 20 times more soluble in blood than air. If the balloon breaks or
leaks in the right heart it will be more quickly absorbed. Since cyanotic shunts move
across the septum in a R-L direction, some of the gas may pass through the R-L shunt. If
it does embolize into the left heart it might lead to a dangerous arterial embolism or
Get the CO2 from a CO2 tank off the table.
O2 gas is heavier than air, so let it bleed into a glass or basin through a sterile tube on
the table. Then fill the balloon syringe by aspirating CO2 from the bottom of the glass.
Use this to inflate the balloon. One problem with CO2 is that it diffuses rapidly through
rubber. So you may have to replenish the CO2 frequently.
Never inflate a Swan-Ganz balloon with any fluid, especially contrast! Its high
viscosity may prevent you from removing it through the tiny catheter lumen.
See: Baim and Grossman, chapter on "Balloon-tipped Flow-directed catheters"
Keywords: Cyanotic kid use CO2 in Swan
ANSWER c. All stopcock side-arm ports must be replaced with closed (dead-ender) caps. This
prevents accidental opening to air which could allow contamination or blood leakage. Systems
should be flushed whenever air bubbles or blood are present. Air bubbles should be vented up
and out of the transducer. Blood should be flushed through the catheter back to the patient.
pressure cuff on the IV solution bag must be maintained at 300 mmHg not 200. Normal
continuous flow rates are 3-5 ml/hr not 10-20 ml/minute.
See: Darovic, chapter on "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring" and
296. When inserting a Swan-Ganz catheter the balloon should be inflated in the:
a. Sheath
b. Femoral vein
d. RV
e. PA
ANSWER c. RA. The balloon should not be inflated until it reaches the large vena-cava
or RA. If inflated in the sheath or small vein it may rupture the balloon or damage the
vessel. In an average sized adult the RA is usually reached after inserting the catheter
15-20 cm from the Internal Jugular (I.J.) vein or 30 cm. from the femoral vein. The
inflated balloon then floats downstream with the RA-RV-PA blood flow. See: Baim and
Grossman, chapter on "Balloon-tipped Flow-directed catheters" Keywords: Inflate
Swan balloon in RA
300. The most stable place to leave a Rt. Ht. catheter positioned is with the tip in
a. RA
b. RV
c. PA
d. PAW
ANSWER c. PA. Most monitoring catheters are left in the PA position because it
produces fewer arrhythmias than the RA (PACs) or RV (PVCs). After obtaining a PA
wedge the balloon is deflated to prevent obstruction of blood flow, and the catheter is
pulled back out of wedge so in cannot damage the lung. Monitoring Swan-Ganz
catheters may be left in the PA position long term.
See: Baim and Grossman, chapter on "Balloon-tipped Flow-directed catheters"
Keywords: PA most stable position
ANSWER a. Following vessel puncture, SaO2 analysis of a withdrawn blood sample should be
<95% is not true. The SvO2 (not SaO2) must be less than 85% to be sure you are in the vein.
Patients may develop RBBB if the RBB is irritated during catheter passage through the RV. If the
patient has pre-existing LBBB, complete heart block may ensue, requiring pacing via a paceport
catheter, a pacing Swan or external transcutaneous pacing. The carotid artery is close to the
internal jugular. Take precautions against air embolism by placing the patient in the
Trandelenburg position.
See: Darovic, chapter on "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring" and
ANSWER b. Withdraw PAC slightly if a PAOP waveform is obtained with inflation of <1.25 ml
air. You want the catheter to wedge with <1.5 ml of air. But, if the wedge air volume is <1.25 the
hard catheter tip may be exposed. Darovic says: "The following guidelines should prevent
damage or rupture of the pulmonary artery:
1. Do not advance the catheter with the balloon deflated
2. Slow balloon inflation while continuously observing the PA waveform. Inflation is
stopped immediately when the PA trace changes to a wedged pressure trace.
3. Do not inflate the balloon with fluid...
4. Keep the wedging time and the number of balloon inflation/deflation cycles to a
minimum. If a close pulmonary artery diastolic/wedge pressure relationship exists,
pulmonary artery diastolic pressure may be used to assess left atrial pressure.
5. Position the catheter tip in a central pulmonary vessel so that the full or nearly full
recommended inflation volume produces the wedge waveform.
6. Avoid excessive catheter manipulation
7. Avoid irrigating the pulmonary artery lumen under high pressure. ... The damped
tracing may be due to spontaneous wedging, and forced irrigation may produce rupture of
the pulmonary artery."
See: Darovic, chapter on "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring" and
ANSWER a. All intravascular monitoring catheters are thrombogenic. Even heparin does not
guarantee they will not clot. However, many physicians are not using heparin for right heart
cath or PA monitoring. And, if a catheter does become clotted, do NOT flush the catheter into
the circulation. That causes an embolus. Darovic says: "Any catheter in the vascular system can
promote thrombus formation, particularly in patients who have prolonged circulatory failure. .
.. Prevention of catheter thrombus formation requires consideration of anticoagulation I
hypercoagulable patients if pulmonary artery pressure monitoring is prolonged or if catheter
insertion is known to have been traumatic."
See: Darovic, chapter on "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring" and
ANSWER b. Deflate the balloon. If you pull back an inflated balloon catheter across
a valve, you may damage that valve. The balloon should be "up" when inserting
and "down" when withdrawing the catheter. It won't hurt to flush the distal lumen
through which your pressures are coming. It will reduce damping. But it is not
necessary at this time.
See: Baim and Grossman, chapter on "Balloon-tipped Flow-directed catheters"
Keywords: deflate balloon when withdrawing
327. Which one of the following statements about abnormal central venous
O2 saturation (SvO2) is most correct?
a. SvO2 values <0.60 indicate threatened tissue oxygenation
b. SvO2 values >0.80 indicate adequate or increased tissue oxygenation
c. SvO2 values <0.60 indicate low oxygen consumption
d. SvO2 values >0.80 indicate increased oxygen consumption
ANSWER a. SvO2 values <0.60 indicate threatened tissue oxygenation. This low venous
saturation suggests low cardiac output (wide A-V difference) and poor tissue oxygenation.
Darovic says: "SvO2 monitoring is a sensitive indicator of the oxygen supply/demand
balance. When the SvO2 values fall to less than 50 percent, the patient should be rapidly
assessed for conditions that increase oxygen demand. . . . Acute changes in the patient's
oxygen supply/demand balance may be simply and safely assessed in the clinical setting
by two technologies. First, continuous SvO2 monitoring [via Swan-Ganz fibreoptic
catheters] ... Second, pulse oximetry can be used with cardiac index and hemoglobin
values to estimate the amount of oxygen delivered to the body cells."
See: Darovic chapter on "Continuous Monitoring of Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation
(SvO2)" and http://www.pacep.org/pages/start/ref.html?xin=asahq
328. Central venous pressure (CVP) can directly assess which 2 of the
1. RV function
2. LV function
3. Fluid volume status
4. Myocardial contractility
a. 1&2
b. 2&3
c. 3&4
d. 1&3
e. 2&4
ANSWER d. 1 & 3: RV function and Fluid volume status. To measure CVP, a catheter may
be placed in the SVC or a Swan-Ganz catheter may be monitored from the RA port. CVP or
RA pressure directly measures right heart preload and RV function. The RV filling
pressures will be elevated in right heart failure (assuming no tricuspid disease). Darovic
say: "The central venous pressure measurement also can be used to assess and manage
intravascular volume status because pressure in the great thoracic veins generally
correlates with the volume of venous return. The amount of blood that returns to the heart
is normally ejected by the heart. Therefore, in patients with hypovolemia, a decreased CVP
measurement is associated with a decreased cardiac output, whereas patients with volume
overload typically have increased CVP and cardiac output."
CVP can indirectly monitor LV function, but only in normal young people. The
frequent disparity between right and left heart function in critically ill patients requires a
Swan-Ganz catheter so that each side of the heart can be evaluated independently.
See: Darovic, Chapter on "Monitoring Central Venous Pressure"
329. Which of the following is most likely to be associated with hypovolemia?
a. Increased central venous pressure
b. Decreased RV end-diastolic pressure
c. Increased PA occlusion pressure
d. Decreased heart rate
ANSWER b. Decreased RV end-diastolic pressure. Darovic says: "Progressive
intravascular volume losses produce greater decrements in right atrial pressure and CVP.
Patients with acute, profound hemorrhage may have measurements as low as minus 8 to
minus 10 mmHg." In acute decompensated hypovolemic shock vasoconstriction increases
to maintain BP, skin is cool & pale, along with signs of tachycardia, lactic acidosis, and
See: Darovic, Chapter on "Monitoring the Patient in Shock" and
330. Which one of the following statements about the pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure (wedge) is most correct?
a. The pulmonary artery occlusion pressure is measured through the most
proximal catheter port
b. Inflation of the balloon momentarily stops the flow of blood and creates a
static column of blood between the tip of the catheter and the left atrium
c. The PAOP waveform always contains 3 positive waves (a, c, v)
d. During inflation of the balloon the pulmonary artery pressure changes to
a right ventricular waveform
ANSWER b. Inflation of the balloon momentarily stops the flow of blood and creates a
static column of blood between the tip of the catheter and the left atrium. This static
column transmits the LA pressure back to the catheter tip. Since LA is the filling pressure
of the LV, wedge tells us about the LV filling pressure and LV function. The PA occlusion
pressure (wedge) is measured through the distal catheter port, as it is directed into the
pulmonary capillary bed. The wedge waveform will show a and v waves, but commonly
no c wave is visible, because it merges with the a wave.
See: Darovic, chapter on "Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitoring" and
334. Indications for diagnostic myocardial biopsy include all the following
a. Cardiac transplant patient follow up
b. LV hypertrophy associated with untreated chronic systemic hypertension
c. Restrictive cardiomyopathy (Amyloidosis, hemochromatosis...)
d. Viral myocarditis and/or Endocardial fibrosis
338. From what part of the heart are intracardiac myocardial biopsy samples
normally taken?
a. RV septum
b. RV outflow tract
c. Inferior RV wall
d. LV free wall
ANSWER a. The RV septum is the safest area from which to take a sample. Being
part of the LV septum, it is the thickest part of the RV . Overzealous sampling may
perforate the RV wall, leading to pericardial tamponade. 4-5 samples should be
taken from the RV. It is not usually necessary to sample LV because most of the
diseases diagnosed are diffuse and effect both chambers. In addition, Kern states
that sampling from the RV outflow tract (near the pulmonic valve) and inferior
wall should be avoided.
See: Baim and Grossman, Chapter on "Myocardial Biopsy." and Kern, Chapter
"Special Techniques."
Keywords: Biopsy samples usually RV septum
339. How much heparin should a patient receive for Right heart myocardial
biopsy? How much for Left heart biopsy?
a. None, - - - None
b. None, - - - 5000 u
c. 5000 u, - - - None
d. 5000 u, - - - 5000 u
ANSWER b. None for RV, 5000 u for LV. Heparinization encourages the bleeding
from biopsy sites and pericardial tamponade into perforations. Grossman states
"We avoid right ventricular biopsy in any patient with a Prothrombin time greater than 17
sec, any patient who is heparinized or any patient with a clinical coagulopathy. On the
other hand, left ventricular biopsies are generally performed with systemic
anticoagulation (heparin 5000 u), which is not reversed with protamine at the end
of the procedure to minimize the risk of thrombus formation at the biopsy site."
None, - - - 5000 u
Bleeding from the right side is more serious than emboli (they will be filtered by
the lung). Whereas, emboli from the left side are more serious (possibility of
See: Baim and Grossman, Chapter on "Myocardial Biopsy."
Keywords: No heparin for RV biopsy, 5000 u for LV biopsy
342. Myocardial biopsy samples for light microscopic analysis are placed in a
solution of:
a. 10% formalin
b. 56% formalin
c. 5.0% Glutaraldehyde
d. 50% Glutaraldehyde