q1 Grade 10 Music DLL Week 2

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Daily Lesson Log SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL 10



A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of 20th century music styles and characteristic features.
B. Performance Standard The learner creates musical pieces using particular style/s of the 20th Century.
C. Learning Competencies/ The learner… The learner…
Objectives  explores other arts and media that portray  Creates short electronic and chance
20th century elements through video films music pieces using knowledge of 20th
or live performances; century styles.

II. CONTENT  Electronic music

 Chance music
pp. 14-20
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pp. 26-31 pp. 33-38
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
http://youtube.com/watch?v=xv4fKjTGO_Q – Earth Wind And Fire (Fantasy) http://youtube.com/watch?
v=S9MeTn1i72g – Eagles (Hotel California)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHK9TDoj870 – David Foster (Forever)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuDzS0EYixQ – Edgar Varrese (Poeme Electronique)

A. Reviewing Previous Review: Review: Role playing: Ask the students to
Lesson or Presenting differentiate between
New Lessons Name that tune: Recall how the Ask volunteers to act as Electronic and
Identify the title of the performers and other performers/singers, chance Music
music being played by casts in the video camera man, crews. through Venn
the teacher. seen acted and did Diagram. Cite some
Have them create a
their roles. characteristics of
short performance like
Music: each musical style to
singing or dancing.
 Claire de Lune 5 minutes Ask each volunteer to distinguish their
 Miriors play their role in differences.
 La mer producing a simple
 Jeux d’ Eua output that portrays 5 minutes
 bolero musical style in the 20th
The teacher will show
pictures of different 10 minutes
gadgets. (old and new
Ask: What significant
innovations do you
observe? How it affects
the human lifestyle, music
or even perspective?

10 minutes
(See attached music)
B. Establishing A Purpose for The teacher will play The teacher will ask the
the Lesson music in the 20th century. following questions:
(ex.  How each performer
Fantasy by Earth, Wind performs, and how
and Fire or any popular other casts play their
music in the 20th century roles?
which uses electric  How they utilized
instruments) Let the the media in
students listen carefully. creating a
Ask them to

recognize the kind of simple performance?

instruments being used by  What are the media
the performers/musicians. used in producing the
Ask: How will you performance?
differentiate the style of
music of Debussy, Ravel 10 minutes
and Schoenberg with the
music of Earth Wind and
Fire? What significant
differences have you
noticed in term of

10 minutes

(See Attached Video)


C. Presenting Examples / The teacher will play a Activity:
Instances of the New video clip/ concert Hold a “Chance Musical
Lesson performed by Band Eagles Experience”.
or David Foster.  Ask two students
to simulate a
Important reminders: performance
 Recognize the concert sitting in
instruments used by front of an
the performers instrument like
 Observe on how keyboard, just
performers act on holding a guitar or
stage as they any other musical
performed. instruments in 3
 Notice how the crews minutes without
do their tasks along playing these.
before, during and
after the performance.  Discuss the
 Watch how the camera performance and

men manipulate/utilize get the reactions

and take advantage of and observations
the new technologies from the class
such as what they
25 minutes hear, see, feel,
(See Attachment) touch, or smell.
v=S9MeTn1i72g Ask: What can you say
https://www.youtube.com/ about their performance?
watch?v=gHK9TDoj870 What kind of music is
being produced?
The teacher will
emphasize that the music
that are being produced
are called “Chance Music
and electronic music”

15 minutes
D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will discuss The teacher will explain
and Practicing New Skills the role of every cast in the difference between
#1 the performance. Electronic and Chance
Allow the students to give Music based from
their personal observation experiences and
about the performance performances of the
and role of the casts. students.

15 minutes The teacher will discuss

the distinctive
characteristics of
electronic and chance

The teacher will play

music by Edgar Varese
“Poeme Electronique”

Ask the students to listen
carefully to the music.
Ask them to analyse the
sounds and type of

Ask: How is it different

to other kind of music?

The teacher will present

the electronic music.

25 minutes

(See attached music)


E. Developing Mastery Ask the students to Have the students

(Leads To Formative name some conduct an
Assessment 3) instruments and experiment with
other new sounds on materials
technologies that they were assigned
help improved and to bring to create
chance music.
marked the
Divide the class into
significant innovation
four groups. Allow
in the 20th century each group to explore
music industry. in creating chance
10 minutes
10 minutes

F. Finding Practical The teacher will say: The teacher will say:
Applications of The Music nowadays and Today, humanity is
Concepts And Skills In other form of increasingly
Daily Living entertainments dependent on science
become more and technology to
sophisticated. If you meet its material
were given a chance needs. But then
to produce or create technology should be
a simple production, used with caution for
how can you come the benefits of
up with to meet the humankind. How can
demands of today? we properly utilize
these materials?
5 minutes What particular
circumstances in the
field of music do
these technologies

5 minutes
G. Making Generalizations Call on volunteers to The teacher will play
And Abstractions About act as some music. Let the
The Lesson singers/performers, students identify
camera men and weather electronic or
crews. chance music.
Ask them to create
scenes that portray 5 minutes
the style of music in
the 20th century.

20 minutes

H. Evaluating Learning Divide the class into Mini Concert:

Have them create Divide the class into

and explore other four groups. Allow
each group to choose

arts (Multi-media) any of the two types

that portray 20th of music; Electronic
century musical or chance music.
styles(Impressionism Remind them that in
and Expressionism) electronic music, they
through a 10-minute should strictly use
video clip or MTV electronic
using their digital instruments.
cameras, mobile Ask each group to
phone or any other perform before the
gadgets. Let them class their chosen
research or look for musical piece.
videos in the
internet. 35 minutes
Let them show and
discuss their video
works in class.
20 minutes

I. Additional Activities For Research on the Ask the students to

Application And popular composers of watch any video clip
Remediation electronic music about electronic or
period. chance music.

J. Assignment Ask the students to
bring the following
materials: empty
bottle, spoon and
fork, electric guitar,
toy keyboard or any
electric musical


A. No. Of Learners Who
Earned 80% In The
B. No. Of Learners Who
Require Additional For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Work? No. Of Learners
Who Have Caught Up
With The Lesson.
D. No. Of Learners Who
Continue To Require
E. Which Of My Strategies
Worked Well? Why Did
These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My
Principal Or Supervisor
Helped Me Solved?

G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other


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