CC - Question - Bank

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Question Bank:

Cloud Computing – Module 1

1. Explain Cloud computing reference model with a neat diagram (05 Marks)
2. Explain Pro’s and Con’s of Virtualization (06 marks)
3. Explain two types of Hypervisor (05 Marks)
4. Explain different computing platforms and technologies (06 Marks)
5. Give the Taxonomy of Virtualization. Explain H/w virtualization techniques (06 Marks)
6. Write a brief note on Xen Architecture (04 Marks)
7. Define Cloud Computing. Describe the vision introduced by Cloud Computing (04 Marks)
8. Briefly summarize Cloud computing reference model (04 Marks)
9. Describe the characteristics and benefits of cloud computing (08 Marks)
10. What is Virtualization? What are the characteristics of virtualized environments (08 Marks)
11. What are pro’s and con’s of of virtualization in the context of cloud computing (08 Marks)
12. Define Cloud Computing. Describe the cloud computing reference model (08 Marks)
13. Describe any four characteristics of cloud computing (04)
14. Discuss the drawbacks of CC (04)
15. With a neat diagram, describe the virtualization of reference model (06)
16. Define Virtualization. Describe the factor that influences the importance of virtualization with
respect to CC (04)
17. With a neat diagram, explain the taxonomy of virtualization technique. (06)
18. Define Cloud Computing. Explain its characteristics and benefits (05)
19. Discuss the machine reference model of execution virtualization (06)
20. List and explain pros and cons of virtualization (05)
21. List and explain various cloud computing platforms and techniques (06)
22. Explain the characteristics of virtual environments (05)
23. What is cloud computing? Explain the cloud computing reference model (07)
24. Explain the following
25. Amazon web services b) Manjrasoft Aneka c) Microsoft Azure (09)
26. What is virtualization? Explain the pros and cons of virtualization (08)
27. What is Xen? Discuss its elements for virtualization (08)
28. Summarize the closure look of the cloud (04)
29. Define cloud computing. Explain Distributed systems its milestones and service oriented computing
30. With a neat diagram explain machine reference model and privilege mode (06)
31. Explain the characteristics and applications of virtualized environment (06)
32. Explain different virtualization techniques (04)
33. Discuss any three hardware virtualization techniques (07)
34. Explain with neat diagram Type I and Type II hypervisors (05)
35. Describe Popek and Goldberg’s Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 (04)
Module 2

1. Explain IaaS reference with a diagram (6)

2. What are the essential characteristics that identifies a PaaS Solution (6)
3. With a neat diagram explain the Infrastructure-as-a- Service reference model and
4. Functionalities of its components (10)
5. What are the open challenges of Cloud Computing (4)
6. Discuss the open challenges in Cloud Computing (8)
7. Describe Private Clouds (6)
8. Explain Hardware and Software stack of Private Cloud. List any 2 key advantages of using private
cloud interface.
9. What are the benefits of Community Cloud (4)
10. Classify and explain various types of Clouds (8)
11. Describe the fundamental features of the economic and business model behind cloud
12. Computing (8)
13. Analyze any 2 service and Aneka Container (6)
14. Explain the 3 services installed in Aneka Container (8)
15. Explain the 3 types of services that are hosted inside the Aneka container (8)
16. Describe the features of the Aneka Management Tools in terms of Infrastructure, Platform and
Application (8)
17. Discuss Infrastructure and logical organization of Aneka Cloud (8)
18. Explain Aneka Framework with a diagram (6)
19. What are Major features of Aneka application Model? (4)
20. List the different type of Application services provided by Aneka Container (4)
21. Explain with a neat diagram, logical organization of Aneka Cloud (6)
22. With a neat diagram explain private deployment mode and public deployment mode
23. Supported by Aneka (6)
Module 3

1. Model the framework of Aneka container and services offered by Aneka in detail (7)
2. Make use of Aneka SDK to develop service life cycle model (7)
3. Model the view of Task based application with MPI program structure in detail. (7)
4. Make use of Workflow application with offspring architecture (7)
5. List and explain Thread APIs provided for thread programming (8)
6. Analyze the differences between Aneka thread vs Common thread.
Explain any 3 of them in detail (8)
7. Discover how domain decomposition is used to create parallel computation in
distributed environment (8)
8. Analyze the working of multi-core processor in terms of concurrent computing
and also explain the framework of process and thread. (8)
9. Define Task computing. Explain frameworks for Task computing (7)
10. With an example, explain functional decomposition (5)
11. Describe MPI programming structure (4)
12. What is thread? Explain different types of thread APIs
13. Explain Aneka Task Libraries (6)
14. List the difference between Aneka Thread and Common Threads (5)
15. What are two major techniques used to define parallel implementation of computer algorithm?
Explain (4)
16. Describe how to implement a parallel matrix scalar product by using domain Decomposition.
17. Bring out the differences between Aneka Threads and Local Threads (8)
18. Define a Task. Explain the computing categories that relate to task (8)
19. What are the featured provided by Aneka for developing a parameter sweep application
20. Define Thread. Explain relationship between Processes and Threads with a neat diagram
21. Explain Domain Decomposition techniques for parallel composition with Threads with help of
diagrams. ( 4)
22. Explain Aneka and common thread life cycle with a diagram. (7)
23. Discuss two categories of Task Computing. (4)
24. Explain MPI program structure with a diagram. (6)
25. Explain offspring workflow manager architecture, with a diagram (6)
Module 4

1. Explain reference scenario, characteristics and applications of Data Grid (6)

2. Discuss Lustre, IBM GPFS, Google File System and sector high performance
Distributed File System (6)
3. Analyze Big Table architecture with a diagram (4)
4. With the help of Computation workflow diagram, discuss MapReduce programming
model (6)
5. Explain any three variations and extensions of MapReduce (6)
6. With the neat diagram, Explain Aneka Map Reduce File Format (4)
7. Define Data Intensive computing. Explain its historical perspective (6)
8. With a neat diagram, explain Amazon Dynamo architecture (6)
9. Define Lustre, GPFS, GFS and Sector (4)
10. With a neat diagram describe Aneka Map Reduce programming (6)
11. List the parameters that can be controlled in Aneka Map Reducing programming (4)
12. What is Data intensive computing? What are the open challenges in the data
intensive computing? (4)
13. Describe the architecture of Google File System (4)
14. What is Mapreduce programming model? Describe the kinds of problems
MapReduce can solve (8)
15. Bring out the difference between original Mapreduce model and Mapreduce-linc
frameworks (8)
16. Describe the components of the Scheduling and execution service that constitutes
the runtime infrastructure supporting MapReduce (8)
17. List the open challenges in data-intensive computing (8)
18. Explain the Aneka MapReduce Infrastructure (8)
19. What is Big-Table? Explain with a neat diagram (8)
20. Explain the following MapReduce like frameworks
i) Pig ii) Hive. Iii) Hadoop iv) Twister (8)

21. What is data intensive computing? Describe the open challenges in data intensive
computing (5)
22. Discuss the features of Google File System and Amazon Simple storage service S3
23. Explain the Mapreduce scheduling service of Aneka with a neat diagram (8)
24. What does the term NOSQL mean?
25. Explain Google Big table with its architecture (5)
26. Explain the Mapreduce execution service of Aneka with a neat diagram (6)
27. Explain Google map programming model (5)
28. Define Data Intensive Computing. List and explain the characteristics of Data
Intensive Computing (6)
29. Describe the characteristics of Google File System (GFS) and Amazon simple storage
services S3. (4)
30. With a neat diagram, describe Google Big Table architecture (6)
31. Write a Map and Reduce functions of MapReduce model. Describe the Map Reduce
Model Workflow with a neat diagram (6)
32. With a neat diagram, describe Amazon Dynamo architecture (6)
33. Describe any four parameters that can be controlled during execution of an Aneka
Map Reduce application (4)
Module 5
1. Describe AWS CloudFormation and AWS Beanstalk (4)
2. Discuss Resource Naming, Buckets and Objects and Metadata with respect to
AWS (7)
3. Explain Amazon Route 53 and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) (5)
4. With a neat diagram, explain sandboxing and supported Runtimes of
Google App Engine (6)
5. With a neat diagram, explain SQL Azure architecture (5)
6. Explain with a neat diagram, Animoto Reference Architecture (5)
7. Explain the Google App Engine Architecture and its run time environment
With a neat diagram (6)
8. Explain the six categories of EC2 instance (6)
9. Describe Amazon RDS (4)
10. With a neat diagram explain Microsoft Azure Compute Service (6)
11. Analyze Animoto Reference architecture (6)
12. Explain Multiplayer Online gaming in detail (4)
13. What is AWS? What types of services does it provide (4)
14. Describe the application engine of the AppEngine (4)
15. What is Microsoft Azure? Describe the architecture of Microsoft Azure (8)
16. Describe how cloud computing technology can be applied to support remote ECG
monitoring (8)
17. Provide some examples and media application that used cloud technologies and
explain. (8)
18. Describe how cloud computing technology can be applied to support remote ECG
monitoring (8)
19. What is AWS? What type of services does it provide (8)
20. Explain the Google AppEngine platform Architecture (8)
21. Write short notes on the following
a) Animoto. b) Maya rendering (8)
22. Explain the various compute service provided by Amazon web service (5)
23. What is AWS? List and provide any two examples in each type of services provided by AWS
24. What is AppFabric? List and explain the different types of storage services provided by
Microsoft Azure (3)
25. With a neat diagram explain Google AppEngine platform architecture (6)
26. Describe how cloud computing technology can be applied to support ECG
monitoring (5)
27. Explain the concept of S3 provided by Amazon web services (5)
28. Explain Microsoft Window Azure Platform architecture with diagram (6)
29. Describe an application of cloud technologies for online gaming (5)
30. List and explain the different types of storage services provided by Microsoft Azure
31. Describe the usage of cloud computing Technology in supporting Remote ECG
monitoring (6)
32. Demonstrate how cloud computing technology can be applied for Satellite image
processing (7)
33. Explain the role of cloud computing technologies for social networking (5)
34. List and explain six major categories of currently available configuration of EC2
instances (6)
35. What is AWS? List type of services provided by AWS and provide any two examples in each
36. Define Access Control Policies (ACP) with respect to Amazon S3, Describe five
permissions available in ACP. (6)
37. Describe Amazon SimpleDB. (4)
38. What is AppFabric? List and explain the different types of storage services provided by Microsoft
39. Model the various compute service provided by Microsoft Azure
40. Model Amazon Route 53 and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
41. Demonstrate how cloud computing technology can be applied predict the protein

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