Annual Report English 2017-18

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Phone No.: +91 674 7134560, +91 674 7134561
E-mail: [email protected]

Pg 1
Pg 2
FROM DIRECTOR'S DESK ......................................................................................................................5
BOARD OF GOVERNORS........................................................................................................................6
FINANCE COMMITTEE ..........................................................................................................................9
BUILDING AND WORKS COMMITTEE ..............................................................................................9
ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................12
PROFESSORS-IN-CHARGE & CO-ORDINATORS ..........................................................................14
ABOUT IIT BHUBANESWAR .............................................................................................................19
VISION & MISSION................................................................................................................................20
GOALS AND STRATEGIES ...................................................................................................................20
TO MAKE THE CAMPUS ECO-FRIENDLY .......................................................................................31
SCHOOLS ..................................................................................................................................................49
CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE....................................................................................................................65
OUR FACULTY .........................................................................................................................................67
PUBLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................81
RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND COLLABORATIONS...........................................................111
ONGOING SPONSORED RESEARCH PROJECTS .......................................................................112
CONSULTANCY/ DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FOR 2017-18................................................119
PATENTS FILLED IN THE YEAR 2017-18.....................................................................................121
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT (IPR) ......................................................................................122
INVITED LECTURES/PRESENTATION BY FACULTY MEMBERS..........................................123
SEMINARS / CONFERENCES / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED...................................................130
SEMINARS / CONFERENCES / WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED .................................................136
DISTINGUISHED VISITORS...............................................................................................................138
CENTRAL LIBRARY..............................................................................................................................139
CAREER DEVELOPMENT CELL........................................................................................................142
STARTUP CENTRE ..............................................................................................................................146
RAJBHASHA EKAK ..............................................................................................................................148
EVENTS ...................................................................................................................................................150
STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................................................173
FINANCIAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................................190
R&D RECEIPT & PAYMENTS A/C FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2017-18...........................192

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

institutions. The Institute has also been ranked at 16th
position by Career 360 Engineering and 20th by Times –
i3RC Engineering.
With the objective of fulfilling the aspirations of the society,
during the last three years, IIT Bhubaneswar raised its
student intake and the current strength sands at 1765
students, 129 full-time faculty members, 15 officers and
other supporting staff. This year we started a new M. Tech.
Programme in Computer Science and Engineering with two
sub-specializations Cyber Security & Forensics and Data
Analytics which is perhaps the first of its kind in the
country. Intake of the B. Tech. students is increased to 370
including supernumerary seats for female students and
now IIT Bhubaneswar has the highest B.Tech. intake
amongst the 2nd and 3rd generation IITs. The number of
programmes at the institute includes B. Tech. programmes
in 6 branches of Engineering, 5-year Dual degree
The last year marked the 10th year of IIT Bhubaneswar programmes in 9 disciplines, M. Tech. programme in 11
after its inception, and since then there have been specializations, and M. Sc. programme in 5 disciplines.
significant historic developments such as shifting of central
Research & Development Activities:
administration to the permanent campus which completes
the migration. There has been considerable progress in Research and
Development front during last one year. A total of 68
One of the ambitions I have been personally embarked
sponsored research and consultancy projects worth about
upon as the Director is to help the Institute move towards
Rs. 16 Crore have been sanctioned to the Institute during
finding its place amongst the top global class institutions.
the year (2017-18) from different funding agencies.
Some of the important measures taken up in elevating the
Moreover, 100 project proposals worth about Rs. 72 Crore
standards, in this endeavor, have started yielding results
have been submitted during the last year to different
including rapid growth and these have also been reflecting
funding agencies such as MHRD, DST, CSIR, UGC, ISRO,
in a significant rise in institute's ranking performance. The
DRDO and DAE. Various major areas covered by these
all India engineering institutional rank by NIRF is at 18 in
projects include Advanced Materials, Energy,
2017-18 and all India Overall rank by NIRF went up to 51 in
Nanotechnology, Health Care, Defense, ICT, Next
2017-18 from 66th in 2016-17. As per the India Today
Generation Networks, Environmental Sciences & Climate
ranking, it went up to 10 from 22; and as per The Week
Change, Water Resources & River Science, Manufacturing
Hansa Research Engineering, it went up to 27 from 32. This
and Sustainable Urban Design.
year, the Institute made a respectable debut into the
international ranking frameworks, QS BRICS & India Research Publications & Patents:
University Rankings 2019 and Times Higher Education
Rankings. As per QS BRICS & India University Rankings During the last year (2017), the institute contributed to
2019, IIT Bhubaneswar is ranked 21 in QS Indian University creating new knowledge by publishing more than 447
Ranking and 107 in QS BRICS University Rankings. As per research articles including, 319 research papers in
The Times Higher Education Rankings, IIT Bhubaneswar National and International Journals of repute and high
proudly stands at 601–800 amongst 1258 institutions impact factor, and 5 Book-chapters. Further, 129 papers
worldwide. Within India, IIT Bhubaneswar secured top 10th were presented in various national and international
position, along with few other institutions, out of 49 conferences in India and abroad and 8 patents have been

Pg 5
International Faculty at IITBBS – A New Rooftop Solar PV system on 9 different buildings of the
campus and it has been operational since May 2018.
The Institute took up a new initiative to appoint faculty Green Campus Initiatives:
from other countries for a period of one semester to two IIT Bhubaneswar adopted several green campus initiatives
years and we could have 5 faculty colleagues in the last to make the campus which was not habitable three years
two years. back into an eco-friendly and outstanding green campus
with 100% cycle culture for students, Energy-Harvesting,
Awards Won: Water-Harvesting, GRIHA compliant Green Buildings and
In an endeavour to create an environment of teaching- Eco-friendly Waste Disposal.
learning of high order, the institute honoured its best
teachers based on student feedback. This apart, several Distinguished Visitors:
academic distinctions, honours, distinguished fellowships, An innumerable number of distinguished personalities
associateships, named lectureships, coveted medals and visited the Institute on different occasions and addressed
awards have been bestowed on our faculty, staff and the faculty, students and staff. As many as 50 distinguished
students in recognition of their academic achievements, personalities visited the campus.
during the last year.
Student Activities:
Collaborative Research:
The Students' Gymkhana at IIT Bhubaneswar is a central
The Institute is very actively engaged in collaborative hub for all round development of students. The major
research with many reputed universities and research councils under Students' Gymkhana are Social & Cultural,
organizations across the world. The Institute initiated Science & Technology and Sports & Games, which are
research collaborations with National Aluminum Company active throughout the year. The annual techno-
(NALCO), Indo-US Science and Technology Forum and State management fest Wissenaire, socio-cultural fest Alma
Pollution Control Board (SPCB). About 36 faculty members Fiesta, and Entrepreneurship meet E-Summit, Aswamedha
and 6 students visited foreign countries this year on the sports fest have set a distinguished mark in the eastern
various academic and research assignments and paper zone.
presentations. The institute also had innumerable number
Societies of Technical and Socio-cultural Councils
of distinguished visitors for academic, research and other
participated and won in competitions in and around
collaborative programmes.
Bhubaneswar and brought glory to the institute. There has
Infrastructure Development: been tremendous improvement in the results of Inter IIT
Sports Meet, Inter IIT Cultural Meet and Inter IIT Tech Meet.
During 2015-17, the institute was engaged in solving Many students were awarded with best presentation and
problems emerged due to earlier rescinding of works by best paper awards in the conferences and the list is given
the contractor and getting the much delayed Phase-1 in the Convocation brochure.
constructions completed. Towards the end of financial year
2016-17, MHRD, Govt. of India sanctioned Rs 850 Crore to Alumni Activities:
the institute for Phase-2 constructions to fully develop the
The Alumni Affairs and International Office at the institute
institute in all respects for a student strength of 3500.
serves as outward-facing window to the alumni and within
The institute went on a serious planning exercise, a short span of the Institute's existence, it has successfully
significantly improved the master plan and came out with conducted its first Alumni Meet during 14th April to 16th
outstanding planning and the architectural designs for April, 2017 at its new permanent campus. Our alumni have
phase-2 buildings. been performing well in their initiatives living up to the
The new constructions include, a lecture hall complex, a IITian brand.
1500 seated auditorium, three school buildings, an
outstanding student activity center, 200 faculty quarters,
Entrepreneurship & Startup Activity:
88 staff quarters, dispensary, hostels for accommodating E-Cell Activity: IIT Bhubaneswar took very ambitious steps
2000 more students, Central Workshop, Central Research in the last two years and drafted a vision paper for
and Instrumentation facility, extension of the existing encouraging entrepreneurship at the institute, put up an
school buildings, play fields, roads, cycle paths, Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell), Technology Incubator and an
landscaping, besides many others. IIT Bhubaneswar Research and Entrepreneurship Park in
place. As many as 10 startups are operating in this centre
In addition, IIT Bhubaneswar installed 490 kw capacity

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Continuing Education Programme (CEP): on Women's Issues and Rights at Workplace. Dr. Gitanjali
Batmanabe, Director of AIIMS Bhubaneswar and Dr.
As many as fourteen conferences and workshops have Nandini Harinath, the Deputy Operations Director for the
been organized by the institute to foster scholarly Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) addressed the women's day
exchange of ideas and research collaboration during the evening. The workshop was well attended by Students, and
last year including “Soft Computing for Problem Solving” in members of Faculty and Staff from the institute.
Dec 2017, and “Electricity Market Based Control of
Microgrids” in Collaboration with Lappenranta University of Outreach Programmes:
Technology (LUT), Finland, in December 2017.
IIT Bhubaneswar considers itself as privileged to reach out
IIT Bhubaneswar has been inducted as a new Quality to the society besides engineering education and research
Improvement Programme (QIP) Centre with 26 Ph.D. seats of societal relevance for educating and inspiring the young
for providing opportunities to faculty members of the and under-privileged of the country, through its outreach
degree-level engineering institutions to improve their programmes. Some of the major ones include, Vigyan Jyoti
qualification by offering admissions to Ph.D. research Programme, Open House Day and Interactive Session with
Programme. IIT Rankers and Aspirants, Open House and S&T Exhibition
Under the aegis of the Flagship programs of the Ministry of on 10th Foundation Day. These apart, the institute
Human Resource Development Government of India “GIAN organized many programmes in the six adopted villages
(Global Initiative of Academic Networks)” short term under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.
courses inviting Guest Faculty from abroad and 29 short
term courses have already been conducted.
Other Activities:
The Institute observed and celebrated several events like
Placements: the International Yoga Day, 10th Institute day, 72nd
IIT Bhubaneswar has been performing outstandingly well Independence Day, Engineer's Day, Vigilance Awareness
on placement front and the highlights of placement season Week 2017, Rashtriya Ekta Saptah, Unity Run, Alma Fiesta,
2017-18 are as follows: E-Summit '18, Ashvamedha 18, 69th Republic Day,
Matribhasa Diwas, International Women's Day, National
Ÿ A total of 207 students have been placed from all the
Science Day, 10th Foundation Day, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
disciplines. 20% rise in no of students placed this year
(UBA), Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, Vigyan Jyoti
as compared to last year.
Programme, National Technology Day 2018, Yeh India Ka
Ÿ Undergraduate placement is about 87%. Time Hai (celebration of 70 years of Independence and
Ÿ Highest domestic CTC offered was 39 Lakhs per annum.
75th year of Quit India Movement), heritage trips organized
for the First Year B.Tech. Students, Teacher's day, besides
Ÿ Almost 100% placements achieved for the 3 M. Sc. the regular national events. A large number of students,
programs (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). faculty and staff members participated in the events.
Ÿ Highest number of job offers have been received from
core industries. Acknowledgements:
Ÿ 53 companies had participated in this year's placement This Institute and its entire activities could not have been
season. carried out well without the full participation and support
of all stakeholders – our members of the Faculty, students
Ÿ Average salary is 11.15 Lakh per Annum for UG.
and staff; agencies and industries sponsoring R&D and
Women's Grievance Redressal consultancy projects; professionals from other
organizations and our alumni. The Institute is grateful to
Committee (WGRC): the Ministry of Human resource Development, Govt. of
WGRC, IIT Bhubaneswar, organized a three day programme India for its continued and sustained encouragement and
as a part of International women's day celebration-2018. support. There is still a lot of work to be done and I would
The programme included: (i) theme based competitions like to assure that we shall only march forward, year to
along with health awareness workshop, and (ii) a session year.

Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar

November 14, 2018

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Shri Pankaj Ramanbhai Patel

Chairman & Managing Director
Cadila Healthcare Limited


Prof. Ratnam V. Raja Kumar

Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh, IAS

Principal Secretary
Commissioner-Cum-Secretary, Skill Development & Technical Education
Govt. of Odisha Bhubaneswar

Prof. S. Parasuraman
Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Shri Rabindra Nath Nayak

Former CMD, Powergrid Corporation of India Limited

Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy

School of Physical Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi

Shri R Gopalkrishnan
Director, Tata Sons Ltd.

Prof. R. K. Panda
Professor, School of Infrastructure
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Prof. V. R. Pedireddi
Professor, School of Basic Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Pg 9

Dr. D Gunasekaran
IIT Bhubaneswar
[Till 30.06.2017]

Shri Debaraj Rath

Registrar In-Charge
IIT Bhubaneswar
[From 01.07.2017]

Pg 10
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

CHAIRMAN Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
Shri Pankaj Ramanbhai Patel School of Physical Sciences
Chairman & Managing Director Jawaharlal Nehru University
Cadila Healthcare Limited New Delhi
Prof. R. K. Panda
MEMBERS Professor, School of Infrastructure
Prof. Ratnam V. Raja Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Shri R. Subrahmanyam, IAS

Additional Secretary (TE) SECRETARY
Deptt. of Higher Education Dr. D Gunasekaran
Ministry of Human Resource Development [Till 30.06.2017]
Government of India, Shastri Bhawan Registrar
New Delhi Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Ms. Darshana M Dabral Shri Debaraj Rath

JS & FA, Deptt. of Higher Education [From 01.07.2017]
Ministry of Human Resource Development Registrar In-Charge
Government of India Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi


CHAIRMAN Prof. R. K. Panda
Prof. Ratnam V. Raja Kumar Head, School of Infrastructure
Director, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

MEMBERS Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu

Shri S. R. Sethy Head, School of Electrical Sciences
Chief Engineer, Buildings Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
PWD, Government of Odisha
Bhubaneswar SECRETARY
Dr. D Gunasekaran
Shri R. K. Shami [Till 30.06.2017]
Chief Engineer, CPWD Registrar
Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Mr. S. Sahu Shri Debaraj Rath

Sr. General Manager (T) [From 01.07.2017]
CESU, Odisha Registrar In-Charge
Bhubaneswar Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Pg 11
Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar Chairman (Ex-Officio) Director, IIT Bhubaneswar

Prof. Sujit Roy Member Dean (F&P)/Professor, School of Basic Sciences

(Chemistry) / Head, SMM&ME

Prof. Nirod Chandra Sahoo Member Dean (Academic Affairs )

Prof. V. R. Pedireddi Member Dean, (Students' Affairs)

Prof. S.K. Mahapatra Member Dean, CE /Dean, AA&IR /Head, SHSS&M

Prof. R.K. Panda Member Dean(R&D)/Head, School of Infrastructure

Prof. Saroj K. Nayak Member Head, School of Basic Sciences (Upto 29.10.2017)

Dr. T.V.S. Sekhar Member Head, School of Basic Sciences (w.e.f. 30.10.2017)

Dr. P.K. Sahu Member Head, School of Electrical Sciences

Dr. Satyanarayan Panigrahi Member Head, School of Mechanical Sciences

Dr. Sandeep Patnaik Member Head, School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences,

Prof. Brahma Deo Member Visiting Professor, Academic Coordinator, MM&ME

Prof. P. C. Pandey Member Visiting Professor, Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

Prof. Ganapati Panda Member Visiting Professor, School of Electrical Sciences

Prof. Sadananda Sahu Member Visiting Professor, School of Mechanical Sciences

Prof. U.C. Mohanty Member Visiting Professor, School of Earth, Ocean & Climate

Prof. P. K. Mishra Member Visiting Professor, School of Mechanical Sciences

Prof. V. R. Yerikalapudy Member Visiting Professor, Basic Sciences (Mathematics)

Prof. Jayanta Pal Member Visiting Professor, School of Electrical Sciences

Prof. Ashok Kumar Kapoor Member Visiting Professor, School of Basic Sciences (Physics)

Prof. Pratap Kumar Jagdev Mahapatra Member Visiting Professor, School of Mechanical Sciences &
Academic Coordinator, SHH&M

Prof. Brij Kumar Dhindaw Member Visiting Professor, School of Minerals, Metallurgical and
Materials Sciences

Prof. K. R. Srivathsan Member Visiting Professor, School of Electrical Sciences

Prof. H.K. Mishra Member Visiting Professor, School of Earth, Ocean & Climate

Pg 12
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Prof. Tian Cheng Zhang Member Visiting Professor, School of Infrastructure

Prof. V. Chandrasekhar External Member Director, NISER Bhubaneswar (two years w. e. f. 24th
March, 2017)

Prof. Gopal Krishna Nayak External Member Director, IIIT Bhubaneswar (two years w. e. f. 24th March,

Mrs. Kumkum Mohanty External Member Geeta Govinda Charitable Trust, Bhubaneswar (two years
w. e. f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. Shantanu Pal Member Asst. Professor, SBS / Warden

Dr. Manoranjan Satpathy Member Associate Professor, School of Electrical Sciences (two
years w. e. f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. A.K. Ojha Member Associate Professor, School of Basic Sciences (two years
w. e. f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. Niharika Mohapatra Member Assistant Professor, School of Basic Sciences (two years
w. e. f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. Partha Pratim Dey Member Asst. Professor, School of Infrastructure (two years w. e.
f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. Soobhankar Pati Member Assistant Professor, School of MM&ME (two years w. e. f.
24th March, 2017)

Dr. Amrita Satapathy Member Asst. Professor, School of HSS & M (Renewed for another
two years w. e. f. 24th March, 2017)

Dr. S. Mohapatro Member President, Gymkhana

Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash Member Chairman Library

Dr. Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati Member (Ex-Officio) Chairman, JEE W.e.f. 27.04.2017 (Tenure as Chairman JEE
for 2 years w.e.f. 01.08.2016)

Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Member (Ex-Officio) Chairman, GATE W.e.f. 27.04.2017 (Tenure as Chairman
GATE for 2 years w.e.f. 01.08.2016)

Dr. Rajan Jha Member (Ex-Officio) Chairman, JAM W.e.f. 27.04.2017 (Tenure as Chairman
GATE for 2 years w.e.f. 01.08.2016)

Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo Member Deputy Librarian w.e.f. December 2017

Mr. Ajay Babu Kambhampati Student Invitee Ph.D. Research Scholar (School of Electrical Sciences)
(Upto 28.02.2018)

Mr. Samiran Mandal Student Invitee Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Earth, Ocean and
Climate Sciences (w.e.f. 09.03.2018)

Mr. Abinash Ankit Raut Student Invitee Vice President, Gymkhana

Dr. D. Gunasekaran Secretary Registrar, IIT Bhubaneswar (Relieved w.e.f. 30.06.2017)

Shri Debraj Rath Secretary Registrar I/c, IIT Bhubaneswar (w.e.f. 01.07.2017)

Pg 13
DIRECTOR School of Electrical Sciences
Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
Prof. R V Raja Kumar
Email: [email protected]

DEANS School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

Dean (Academic Affairs) Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik
Prof. N. C. Sahoo Email: [email protected]
till 25.03.2018
Prof. Pravas Ranjan Sahu School of Infrastructure
from 26.03.2018 chool of Infrastructure
Email: [email protected] Prof. R. K. Panda
Email: [email protected]
Dean (Faculty and Planning)
Prof. Sujit Roy School of Humanities, Social Sciences and
till 29.10.2017
Prof. Swarup Kumar Mahapatra
Prof. Saroj Kumar Nayak
Email: [email protected]
from 30.10.2017
Email: [email protected]
School of Mechanical Sciences
Dr. Satyanarayan Panigrahi
Dean (Research & Development)
Email: [email protected]
Prof. R. K. Panda
Email: [email protected]
School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials
Dean (Student Affairs)
Prof. Sujit Roy
Prof. V. R. Pedireddi
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Dean (Continuing Education) & Dean (Alumini Affairs

and International Relations)
Prof. Swarup Kumar Mahapatra
Dr. D. Gunasekaran
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
till 30.06.2017

Shri Debaraj Rath

Registrar In-charge from 01.07.2017
School of Basic Sciences
Prof. Saroj Kumar Nayak
Shri Debaraj Rath
till 29.10.2017
Joint Registrar
Dr. T. V. S. Sekhar
Email: [email protected]
from 30.10.2017
Email: [email protected]

Pg 14
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Shri Bimalendu Mohanty Smt. Jagnyashini Debadarshini

Superintending Engineer (Civil) Programmer
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo Shri Abdul Khader LKM

Deputy Librarian System Administrator
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri Sanku Das Dr. Naba Kishore Patnaik

System Engineer Medical Officer In- charge
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri K Rabin Kumar Dora Dr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan

Executive Engineer (Civil) Medical Officer
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri Manas Kumar Behera Dr. Ashima Sarkhel

Assistant Registrar Medical Officer
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Sailendra Narayan Routray Dr. Divya Underkonda

Assistant Registrar Medical Officer (On contract)
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri Pradeep Kumar Sahoo Dr. Sarnam Singh Yadav

Assistant Registrar OSD (Sports)
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri Rabi Kumar Patnaik Shri Prasanna Kumar Das

Career Development & Placement Officer OSD (F&A)
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Lt. Cdr. Raj Kumar Shri Kulamani Nayak

Chief Security Officer OSD (E&A)
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Shri Biswaranjan Pradhan Shri Sushanta Kumar Poddar

Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) OSD (Acad.)
Email: [email protected] Email: osd.academics@iitbbs,

Shri Chandra Vadde Smt. Manisha Misha

Programmer Student Counsellor (On contract)
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Pg 15
Dr. Akhilesh Barve Dr. Mihir Kumar Pandit
PIC - E-Cell PIC - Guest House
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Ankush Sharma Dr. Niladri Bihari Puhan

PIC - Start-up Centre PIC - Examination
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Arun Kumar Pradhan Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu

PIC - Training & Placement [Career Development Cell] PIC - Network and Security Service
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Dinakar Pasla Dr. Raj Kumar Singh

PIC - Civil Works PIC - Rajbhasa Ekak
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pravas Ranjan Sahu Dr. Sathyanarayana Ayyalasomayajula

Till 25.03.2018 PIC - E-mail Admin
Dr. Balakrishna Pamulaparthy Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
From 26.03.2018
PIC - Electrical Works Dr. Satyanarayan Panigrahi
Email: [email protected] PIC- IPR
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Joy Chandra Mukherjee
PIC - ERP Prof. V. R. Pedireddi
Email: [email protected] PIC - Permanent Campus; PIC - Security
Email: [email protected];
Dr. Joy Chandra Mukherjee
Till 06.07.2017 Dr. Yogesh G. Bhumkar
Dr. Manas Mohan Mahapatra PIC - Institute Seminar
From 07.07.2017 Email: [email protected]
PIC, Time-Table
[email protected] Dr. Sumanta Haldar
PIC - Web Services
Dr. M. Sabarimalai Manikandan Email: [email protected]
PIC – Horticulture (Residence)
Email: [email protected] Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki
PIC - Counselling Services
Dr. Srinivas B. Karanki Email: [email protected]
PIC – Horticulture (Academics)
Email: [email protected]

Pg 16
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash Dr. Animesh Mandal

PIC - Transport Services Co-Chairman, Central Instrumentation Facility
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Prof. Sujit Roy Prof. Brahma Deo

Chairman - Institute Purchase Committee Academic Coordinator, SMMME
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Prof. R. K. Panda
Prof. P. K. J. Mohapatra
Chairman- House Allotment Committee
Academic Coordinator, SHSSM
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Dr. N V L N Murty
Dr. Snehasis Chowdhuri
Till 19.09.2017
Dr. P. K. Sahu Coordinator - EAA
From 20.09.2017 Email: [email protected]
Chairman, CITSC
Email: [email protected] Dr. B. Hanumantha Rao
Co-Coordinator- EAA
Dr. Barathram Ramkumar Email: [email protected]
Associate Chairman, CITSC
Email: [email protected] Dr. Soobhankar Pati
Coordinator - Alumni Affairs & International Relations;
Dr. Pravas Ranjan Sahu Coordinator - Alumni Cell
Chairman – CPMC Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Naresh Chandra Sahu
Dr. Remya Neelancherry Co-Coordinator UBA Programmes
Chairperson, Women's Grievance Redressal Committee Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Amrita Satpathy
Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash
Co-Coordinator, Newsletter
Chairman, Central Library
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro

Dr. Rajan Jha
President, Gymkhana
Chairman, JAM
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati Dr. Kaushik Das

Chairman, JEE Treasurer, Gymkhana
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Dr. Shantanu Pal

Chairman, GATE Warden
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Dr. Manas Mohan Mahapatra Dr. Meenu Ramadas
Chairman - Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Assistant Warden
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Pg 17
Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki Dr. Barathram Ramkumar
Assistant Warden Assistant Warden
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr. Yogesh G. Bhumkar Dr. Sourav Sil

Assistant Warden Assistant Warden
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Director's Office R&D Section

Shri K. Saikiran [Private Secretary] Shri Giresh Kumar Pitta [Jr. Superintendent]
Shri Surendranath Patra [Secretary – On contract] Shri Anirudha Bai [Jr. Superintendent]

Shri Ramesh Chandra Biswal [Driver – On contract]

Store & Purchase Section
Smt. Nibedita Patnaik [Jr. Superintendent]
Registrar's Office
Shri Rajsekhar Bendi [Jr. Superintendent]
Shri Pradeep Kumar Pattanaik [Private Secretary]

Academic Section
Dean Faculty & Planning Office Shri Satyajit Sarangi, Jr. Superintendent
Shri Satyabrota Ghosh [Junior Superintendent] Shri Abhimanyu Mahal [Jr. Superintendent]
Shri Susanta Kumar Prusty [Junior Assistant]
Dean Continuing Education Office Shri Gouri Shankar Mishra [Junior Assistant – On
Shri Marshal Tudu [Junior Assistant] contract]

Central Library
Smt. Sangita Sahu [Sr. Library Information Asst.]
Smt. Jignyasha Behera [Jr. Superintendent]
Smt. Smruti Smaranika Kumar [Junior Assistant]
Shri Arup Kumar Pandab [Junior Assistant] Shri Durgaprasad Acharya [Associate Network
Administrator – On contract]
Finance and Account Section Shri Rabinson Behera [Associate Network Administrator -
On contract]
Shri Ajit kumar Sahoo [Jr. Superintendent]
Shri Sambit Ranjan Mohanty [Jr. Superintendent]
Smt. Suhana Parween [Jr. Accounts Officer]
Smt. Sunita Verma [Physical Training Instructor]
Shri Raghunath Behera [Jr. Accounts Officer]
Shri Biswajit Pegu [Physical Training Instructor]
Shri Guru Parsad Sahoo [Jr. Accounts Officer – On
Shri Ravinder Kumar Sagar [Physical Training Instructor]

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Health & Sanitary Unit Shri Raimohan Behera [Junior Technician]

Shri Pradip Kumar Poddar [Sanitary Inspector – On Shri Brajamohan Mohapatra [Junior Technician]
contract] Shri Mrinal Datta [Junior Technician – On contract]
Shri Sk Tajuddin Ahmed [Junior Technician – On
Medical Unit contract]
Smt. Prabhavathy M [Staff Nurse] Shri Krushana Chandra Nayak [Junior Technician – On
Smt. Soniya John [Staff Nurse – On contract] contract]

Smt. Swarnalata Swain [Staff Nurse – On contract]

Shri Srinibash Panigrahy [Pharmacist] School of Infrastructure
Smt. Supriyarani Mohanty [Junior Technical
Security Unit
Shri Samir Kumar Sethi [Junior Technical Superintendent]
Shri Tapan Kumar Mohapatra [Assistant Security Officer]
Ms. Souravi Behera [Junior Assistant]
Shri Jitendriya Raul [Junior Technician]
Engineering Cell
Smt. Akasmika Sarangi [Junior Technician]
Shri Dipti Ranjan Pattanaik [Junior Engineer (Civil)]
Shri Soubhagya Kumar Behera [Junior Technician– On
Shri Abhisek Das [Junior Engineer (Electrical)]
Shri Gajendra Behera [Junior Engineer (Electrical)]
Shri Rupesh Kumar Pradhan [Junior Engineer (Civil))
School of Mechanical Sciences
Shri Aloka Kumar Nayak [Jr. Technical Superintendent]
School of Basic Sciences
Shri Malaya Kumar Routray [Jr. Technical
Shri Nihar Ranjan Panda [Jr. Technical Superintendent] Superintendent]
Shri Tarapada De [Jr. Technician] Shri Sidhartha Biswal [Jr. Assistant]
Shri Samir Kumar Jena [Junior Laboratory Assistant] Shri Dillip Kumar Sahoo [Jr. Technician]
Shri Naresh Koppula [Junior Laboratory Assistant] Shri Sunil Kumar Pradhan [Jr. Technician]
Shri Sukesh Kumar Mishra [Junior Laboratory Assistant] Shri Bibhudata Mohanty [Jr. Technician– On contract]
Shri Purnendu Kumar Bisoi [Jr. Technician– On contract]
School of Electrical Sciences
Smt. Madhusmita Divyadarsini Mohapatra [Junior School of Mineral Metallurgical Materials
Technical Superintendent] engineering
Shri Santosh Kumar Sahoo [Junior Technical Shri Ramakrishna Pantangi [Junior Technical
Superintendent] Superintendent– On contract]
Shri Bikram Ranjan Behera [Junior Technician] Shri Ravinder Kumar [Jr. Technician– On contract]
Shri Dillip Kumar Biswal [Junior Technician] Shri Sonu Kumar Goyal [Jr. Laboratory Assistant– On
Shri Birata Keshari Nanda [Junior Technician] contract]

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Indian Institute of Technology is established by the The institute is committed to provide holistic education
government of India in 2008 under The Institutes of aimed at producing tomorrow's leaders, nurturing
Technology Act 1961 with Amendments upto 2012. The Act personality, creativity, innovative mind-set and capability
was passed in the Lok Sabha on 24 March 2011 and by the be it in Science or Technology or Management or in other
Rajya Sabha on 30 April 2012. IIT Bhubaneswar became an domains of human excellence. It provides ample
Institute of National Importance from 29 June 2012 with opportunity for a young mind to take any path and excel
notification of Amendment in the Institutes' of Technology apart from providing opportunity to research in a chose
Act, 1961 by the Ministry of Human Resource area. Institute is also committed to create a wellness
Development, (Department of Higher Education) environment, including in green, clean and healthy
Government of India published in the Gazette of India dated environment, quality education, efficient and effective
2 July 2012. governance, effective health services, security, equality
and enlightenment.
The Institute started functioning from the
The Institute has started all academic operations from
campus of IIT Kharagpur on 22nd July 2008 and permanent campus at Arugul from academic session 2015-
16. The Institute provides well qualified faculty, state-of-the
shifted its operation to the city of
art infrastructure facilities creating a conducive
Bhubaneswar on 22nd July 2009. The Institute environment for rapid growth of the students' skill sets in
all aspects of the personality – academic, research,
has adopted the concept of Schools rather cultural, sports, ethical and social responsibility. Our
than Departments for promoting inter- Institute's numerous collaborations with foreign
universities, industries and institutions across the world
disciplinary research. At present there are 7 provides a scope to the students to be exposed to the
schools offering academic programme. global trends in education, research and industry. Ample
opportunities in both national and international stints for
Presently the academic programmes of Institute include B. internships, research projects and exchange programs has
Tech. (Hons.) in Computer Science, Civil, Electrical, ECE, been a prominent trend among our students. In the past 10
Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials years the Institute Co-offered degrees to 600 students
Engineering. The institute is also starting Dual degree (B.Tech, M.Tech, Phd, Msc etc.)
courses in Mechanical and civil with intake of 10 from
academic year 2016-17. The institute offers 2 years M.Sc. During last 10 years the Institute's faculty members and
and M. Tech courses. The Institute started the Doctoral students have contributed to creating knowledge by
programme from the academic session 2009-2010 and publishing more than 1850 original research papers in
offer admission to the joint M. Tech-Ph.D. Programme from reputed national and international Journals and
July 2012. Conferences. Students also won several awards in
conferences and competitions.
The Institute has broadly adopted the course curricula,
syllabi and other academic regulations of IIT Kharagpur, the It has been ranked well amongst the top engineering
institutions in the country. IIT Bhubaneswar was ranked 18th
mentor institute. The pedagogy emphasizes participatory,
in engineering category by the National Institutional
student centric and participatory learning. The academic
Ranking Framework in 2018. IIT Bhubaneswar is also
programmes are equipped with very relevant courses for a
ranked 22nd by India Today in 2017, 16th by i3RC Times
budding entrepreneur, the entire institute may be used as a
Engineering Institute Rankings 2017, and 11th position by
technology incubator and the institute has a 40,000
Edu-Rand among engineering colleges in 2017.
sft.Start-up space for students to avail.

Pg 21
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar inherits the brand name IIT. This fact itself charges the Institute not only to be
worthy of its inheritance but also to be distinctive and distinguished on its own by scripting a path towards novelties.
Presented below are the statements for Vision, Mission, Goals & Strategies (to achieve the Goals) and the Core Values of IIT

“We will be a highly respected Institute in the world for our distinctive knowledge”

§ To shape ourselves into a learning community where we work, listen and respect each other.

§ To encourage and facilitate faculty, researchers and students to work synergistically across discipline boundaries.

§ To infuse a sense of excitement in students in innovation & invention, design & creation and entrepreneurship.

§ To develop and pursue curricula those are dynamic, flexible and holistically designed to facilitate creativity and cognitive

§ To strive for productive partnership between the industry and the Institute.


Promoting globally competitive academic programs and ambience that support
intellectual growth and skill acquisition.

§ Promote skills to critically analyze and the competency § Strengthen the national and international
to effectively synthesize and apply new knowledge in competitiveness of the students by facilitating
curriculum development and delivery. international internships, industrial project
opportunities, student exchange and study abroad
§ Address the changing needs of the region, state, nation participation.
and world in the learning process.
§ Put equal emphasis on discovery science and solution
§ Create a diverse, fully-engaged, learner-centric
campus environment. § Bring research into class rooms.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Expanding world-class interdisciplinary research and scholarly endeavours.

§ Promote distinctive research programs that address § Create a talent pool of world-class faculty members,
the real life as well as futuristic issues. postdoctoral fellows, doctoral and post-graduate
§ Strengthen integrated and synergistic interdisciplinary
research within and across the various Schools. § Create an excellent support staff structure and
regularly upgrade their competencies.
§ Broaden and strengthen the Institute's research base
and support infrastructure by engaging with partners § Evolve itself into a repository of intellectual properties
from all sectors of the economy. and prototypes on a globally competitive basis.

Strengthening and providing support in sustaining a healthy society by improving

the quality of life through application of technology.

§ Establish an institutional structure to facilitate and § Encourage and reward faculty and students' efforts in
promote community engagement and societal community development. Acknowledge efforts and
enterprise. gains in official statements and transcripts.

§ Include community engagements into the Institute's

promotional guidelines.

Establishing a strong and sustainable economic base for the Institute.

§ Encourage and facilitate sponsored projects, § Support entrepreneurial endeavours especially in

consultancy and technology transfer for creating a commercializing emerging technologies evolved out of
sound corpus. the Institute labs through public private partnership.

§ Utilize brand value for attracting endowment for

sponsored chairs and scholarships.

Building up a healthy and robust IIT Bhubaneswar family.

§ Promote and sustain a positive working environment § Nourish and sustain vibrant co- and extra-curricular
and maintain a significantly improved service quality. activities.

§ Improve staff support through expanding professional § Create an ambience for bonding through equity, trust
development opportunities. and mutual respect.

§ Perform Institute's corporate social responsibilities

with utmost sincerity.

Pg 23
Ÿ Respecting students as budding engineers and

scientists embarking on a journey towards innovation

and invention.

Ÿ Nurturing freedom of thought and expression and

encouraging sense of inquiry.

Ÿ Empowering each person to rise to his/her full


Ÿ Respecting the opinions and rights of others.

The permanent campus of IIT Bhubaneswar spreads over
936 Acres of land. It is situated at the foot of Barunei Hill,
which is famous for its rich history. The campus provides a
unique serene and pollution free academic environment.
The campus includes Academic area, Residential area and
area for Training centres and Research Park. The students
are also staying in NISER hostel.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Mahanadi Hall of Residence

Boys Hostel with capacity of 800 students
Mess Facilities; Modern and well equipped kitchens; Gym
and Physical Fitness; Basketball and Volleyball Courts;
Badminton and Table Tennis Court; Media Entertainment
Room; Solar Lighting Systems; 24 Hours high alert security
system; Gigabit Ethernet to individual hostel rooms; ATM

Subarnarekha Hall of Residence

Girls Hostel with capacity of 200 students
Independent mess facilities; Modern and well equipped
kitchens; Basketball and Volleyball Courts; Solar lighting
systems; 24 hours high alert security system; Gigabit
Ethernet to individual hostel rooms

Health center
§ Dispensary-Male
§ Dispensary-Female
§ Round the clock availability of experienced doctors
§ Well equipped ambulances
§ Paramedical staff nurses
§ Life-saving drugs

Sports Facility
Ÿ Cricket field
Ÿ Volleyball courts
Ÿ Basketball courts
Ÿ Table tennis rooms

Pg 25
Residential facility
for Faculty and Staff
Ÿ Faculty quarters block having 80 quarters
Ÿ 40 room guest house
Ÿ Staff quarter block having 40 quarters
Ÿ Mini-Market
Ÿ 200 seated community centre

Guest House
The guest house is comprised of a total of 42 single and
double bedded air conditioned rooms with attached
bathrooms and all modern amenities. Online booking and
e-payment facilities are available.

Phase-II Constructions and planned for the expenditure of Rs. 850 Crores for
Phase – II constructions by appointing NBCC (India) Ltd. as
MHRD has sanctioned Rs. 1260 Crores for Phase –I & II
the Project Management Consultant for phase – II
constructions of IITBBS. Out of Rs. 1260 crores, IIT
constructions of IIT Bhubaneswar. Rs. 850 Crores is to be
Bhubaneswar had approved the Preliminary Estimated cost
spent for infrastructure development of the Institute by
of 410 Crores for Phase-I and CPWD was given A/A and E/S
March 2019.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

The following buildings/facilities are under construction by NBCC as PMC

Sl. No. Name of the Work Area (Sq.m.) Date of Start Date of Completion
A) Works in Progress
M/s. Krishna Builders (Awarded value 87.88 Cr.)
1. Boys' Hostel (800 Seater)- 1 No. 24504 20.04.2017 19.10.2018
2. Girls' Hostel ( 400 Seater)- 1 No. 15043
M/s. Simplex Infrastructures Ltd. (Awarded value 524.12 Cr.)
1. Boys' Hostel (800 Seater)- 1 No. 24504 27.11.2017 26.02.2019
2. Type – A Faculty Qtrs. (44 Nos)-2 unit 11342
3. Type –B Faculty Qtrs. (88 Nos) -4 unit 20658
4. Type –C Staff Qtrs. (88 Nos)-4 unit 18280
5. Type –D Staff Qtrs. (44 Nos) - 2 unit 6733
6. Director's Bungalow 474
7. Students activity centre (including swimming Pool 50 x 25M) 4350
8. Dispensary 1224 27.11.2017 26.02.2019
9. Auditorium (1500 Capacity) 5281
10. School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials, Engineering 3648
11. School of Earth Ocean & Climate Sciences 3648
12. School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management 1582
13. Central Workshop 2554
14. Central Research and Instrumentation facilities 2508
15. Lecture Theater (60 Seater Class room-48 Nos., 120 Seater Class room-
22 Nos., 240 Seater Class room - 4 Nos.
M/s. SNS Infracon Pvt. Ltd (Awarded value 29.29 Cr.)
1. Commercial Complex (Academic) 1443 01.06.2018 31.05.2019
2. Commercial Complex (Residential) 1143
3. Extension of SES Building 8468
M/s. Saket Infra Developers Pvt. Ltd (Awarded value 19.25 Cr.)
1. Construction of Sewerage Network with STP at Argul Campus 09.06.2018 08.03.2019
B] Works for which tender will be called
External Development Tender will be called within two weeks
(i) Covered Car Parking Works
(ii) Open air Theatre works(With Green Room)
(iii) Basketball ,Volley ball, Lawn tennis
(iv) Open Car, Cycle parking
(v) Sports Stand Works
(vi) Equipment Room)
(vii) Football Ground & Athletic Track Works
(viii) LTC Circle Works
(ix) Road Works ,Footpath & Drain Works
(x) School ring hard and soft landscaping including waterbody Works
(xi) Lecture Hall Ring Hard and soft landscape including three nos. lily pool
and water body Works
(xii) Cricket ,Javelin/Discus throw Field
(xiii) Hockey Ground & Seating area
(xiv) External Plumbing
(xv) External Electrical
C) Building in Design Stage
1. One side Extension of SBS Building These buildings are in design stage
2. One side Extension of SIF Building
3. One side Extension of SMS Building
4. Efficiency Hostel for Married scholars
5. Kendriya Vidyalaya (Ground floor only)

Pg 27
Photographs of Phase-II Construction Dt. 30.06.2018


Auditorium: Plinth beam work is in progress Aerial view of LTC-1, 2 & 3

Central Workshop: Roof slab shuttering and SMMME: Plinth beam and
column casting work is in progress. earth filling work is in progress

SMMME : Plinth beam and earth SEOCS: PCC for plinth beam base work
filling work is in progress and earth filling are in progress.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

HSSM : Plinth beam work and column above HSSM : Plinth beam work and column above
plinth beam work is in progress. plinth beam works is in progress.

LTC-3: Plinth beam and column work above LTC-2: Plinth beam and column work above
plinth beam are in progress. plinth beam are in progress.

LTC-2: Plinth beam and column work above LTC-1: Plinth beam and column work above
plinth beam are in progress. plinth beam are in progress.

LTC-1: Plinth beam reinforcement work

and earth filling are in progress.

Pg 29

Type-C1 & C2 Quarters: Plinth beam work is in progress. Type-C3 Quarters: Filling work is in progress.

Type-B1 & B2 Quarters: Ground floor slab Type-B3 & B4 Quarters: Ground floor slab completed in B4
completed. Column work is in progress in first floor. and B3 column work is in progress.

Director's Bungalow: Ground floor slab completed. Boys' Hostel-2: A wing terrace completed. 7th floor
block work is in progress. B wing fifth floor column work is
in progress and 3rd floor block work is in progress.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Boys' Hostel-2: A wing 7th floor column work is in progress Boys' Hostel-2: B wing 3rd floor roof slab casted. Column
and roof beam shuttering work is in progress. work is in progress. 2nd floor block work is in progress
Block work 2nd floor is in progress. and front side block work completed.

Girls' Hostel- 2 : A wing terrace slab completed. Girls' Hostel- 2: B wing back side 6th floor slab completed&
Front side column work in 6th floor slab is in progress.

SAC: Column work up to plinth beam is in progress. D Type Quarters: Front side roof slab shuttering
work is in progress.

Type- A1 & A2 Quarters: Front side ground floor slab Dispensary: Column footing work is in progress.
completed. Column work is in progress.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


Green Campus
IIT Bhubaneswar adopted the following green campus
initiatives to make the campus eco-friendly.

Plantation Initiative
IIT Bhubaneswar believes that nurturing nature is the best
way to promote creativity and increasing the amount of
landscaping and greenery in the campus can provide
positive effect on mental and physical health of the
community. More than 27000 trees have been planted in
last two years. The exotic and indigenous deciduous and
coniferous trees and plants were chosen to create the
healthy echo-system for attracting the exotic and migratory
birds. The avenue trees can sooth and relax us by providing
the pleasant smells. The massive teak plantation was
completed along the boundary wall of our campus to help
in maintaining the balance between the oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere. Water-Harvesting Initiative
IIT Bhubaneswar has initiated building up rooftop rainwater
Cycle Friendly Campus Initiative harvesting and surface rainwater harvesting infrastructure
and setting up a waste management system and
IIT Bhubaneswar banned power vehicle use by students
wastewater recycling plant.
and incorporated the “Cycling Culture” by considering the
health benefits of students, faculty, staff and the Green Buildings
community and for controlling environmental risk factors. The buildings are GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated
The institute has initiated the Bicycle Infrastructure Habitat Assessment) 4 and 5 compliant. The building
Development Plan for creating “Cycle Friendly Campus” by construction is done by using the fly ash bricks recognized
providing sustainable and convenient tree-lined cycle path as an environmentally friendly product because it helps in
to a ride a bicycle between the schools and hostels, and to keeping building cool and clean environment, and also
create cycle parking in each of the buildings. saves agricultural land which is used for manufacturing
clay bricks.

Energy-Harvesting Initiative
IIT Bhubaneswar has installed solar panels on the building Eco-friendly Waste Disposal
rooftops to reduce carbon footprint and dependency on IIT Bhubaneswar deployed dustbins with biodegradable
conventional sources of energy. and non-biodegradable categories.

Pg 33
IIT Bhubaneswar is Ragging Free
The Institute strongly adheres to anti-ragging policy and
implements it through true spirit of actions. The institute
takes several timely actions including close monitoring to
ensure the system is in place. Also the administration,
concerned faculty and staff conducts several meetings
with the newly joined fresher's as well as senior students
appraising them about the policy of the institute and
counselling them about the good practices of interaction
with new students and development of brotherhood
towards personality building.

Anti-ragging activities
The Dean (SA) closely monitors the activities in the campus
being supported by Warden and faculty members to make
it ragging free. In order to build up the confidence in the
minds of freshers, faculty do regularly visit the hostels to
ensure truest interaction between freshers and senior
students and spend nights in the hostel during initial few

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

In the Academic Year 2017-18, the
Institute started new 5-year Dual
degree in 5 disciplines, one each in
Schools of Infrastructure, School of
Mechanical Sciences and School of
Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering and 2 programmes in
School of Electrical Sciences. The
intake of the BTech students
increased from 260 to 350. Two new
M.Tech. programmes in School of
Infrastructure were started. With this
the number of programmes at the
institute includes BTech programmes
in 6 branches of Engineering
(Computer Sciences, Electrical,
Electronics & Communications,
Mechanical, Civil, and Metallurgical
and Materials), 5-year Dual degree programme in 9
disciplines, M. Tech. in 10 specializations and MSc in 5
disciplines (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology and The 6th Annual Convocation was held on Sunday, 18th
Atmosphere & Climate Sciences) besides PhD in almost all March 2018 in the Sports Ground, Argul Campus, IIT
the disciplines ranging across the BTech, MTech and MSc Bhubaneswar. The Honourable President of India and
Programmes. The Institute has 1482 Students (B.Tech. - Visitor, IIT Bhubaneswar Shri Ram Nath Kovind graced the
910, M. Tech. - 218, M.Sc. – 137, and Ph. D. - 211). occasion as Chief Guest. The First Lay Smt. Savita Kovind,
Honourable Governor of Odisha Dr. S.C. Jamir, Shri
The Institute has taken several innovative initiatives on Dharmendra Pradhan, Union Minister of Petroleum &
raising global class faculty, fostering teaching-learning Natural Gas, Dr. Satya Pal Singh, Union Minister of State for
excellence, infrastructure building, collaborative research, HRD, The Chairman, Board of Governors, Shri Pankaj
entrepreneurship, start up activity, placement of students Ramanbhai Patel, the Director IIT Bhubaneswar Prof.
in core industries, transparency in governance, Ratnam V. Raja Kumar and other dignitaries were present
accountability, security, house-keeping etc. on the occasion. Total 295 students (150 B.Tech., 60
M.Tech., 71 M.Sc., and 14 Ph.D.) students were awarded
degrees by Director during the occasion. The graduates
were awarded degrees during the occasion. Mr. Kamal
Nayan Reddy Challa from B.Tech. (Computer Science and
Engineering) was awarded the President of India Gold
Medal for topping among all B. Tech. branches, Mr. Rishav
Goyal of M.Tech. (Climate Science and Engineering) was
awarded the Director's Gold Medal for topping among all
M.Tech. programmes and Mr. Partha Sarathi Jena of M.Sc.
(Geology) was awarded the Director's Gold Medal for
topping among all M.Sc. disciplines. Several other medals
and endowment awards were also distributed.

Pg 35
FOR 2017-18

Programmes Offered

Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science &

4-year B.Tech.
Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Electronics and Communication

B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech. in Mechanical System Design, B. Tech in Mechanical

Engineering + M. Tech. in Thermal Science & Engineering, B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering +
M. Tech. in Manufacturing Engineering, B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in Structural
Engineering, B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in Transportation Engineering, B.Tech. in Civil
5-year Dual Degree
Engineering + M. Tech. in Transportation Engineering, B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in
(B.Tech. + M.Tech)
Environmental Engineering, B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering + M.Tech. in Computer
Science and Engineering, B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering + M.Tech. in Power Electronics and
Drives, B.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering + M.Tech. in Materials Science and

Climate Science and Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Transportation

Engineering, Structural Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Systems
M. Tech. Programme
Design, Thermal Science and Engineering, Power System Engineering, Environmental
Engineering, Water Resources Engineering

Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D.
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences

School of Basic Sciences, School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences, School of Electrical
Ph.D. Programme Sciences, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, School of Infrastructure,
School of Mechanical Sciences, School of Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Year-Wise Sanctioned (Approved) Intake

Academic Programme 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
B.Tech & Dual Degree 350 260 180 180
M. Tech 154 130 130 130
Joint M.Sc. - Ph.D. 100 100 100 100
Ph.D 360

Year wise admitted strength of students in various academic programmes

Year B.Tech & Dual Degree M.Tech M.Sc Ph.D. Total
2010-11 126 25 151
2011-12 112 21 133
2012-13 113 42 50 205
2013-14 148 50 57 44 299
2014-15 164 71 71 48 354
2015-16 162 74 76 58 370
2016-17 249 106 73 61 489
2017-18 338 125 70 51 584

Total Actual Student Strength (2017-18)

Programme No. of Male No. of Female Total Within Outside Economically Socially Backward
Students Students Students State State Backward ( SC, ST, OBC-NCL)
B.Tech 834 76 910 36 874 283 466
M.Tech 169 49 218 63 155 61 103
M.Sc. 102 35 137 17 120 52 71
Ph.D 164 47 211 117 94 89 68

Course Wise Student Strength

B.Tech & Dual Degree
Sl. Name of Approve No. of Total No. of No. of Students
No. Programme d students number of Students passed in 2017-18
Intake admitted in students in passed in (upto Spring End Sem 2017-18)
2017-18 2017-18 2016-17

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1 B.Tech. ( Civil 50 42 6 137 12 28 5 29 4

2 B.Tech ( Electrical 50 46 4 151 15 30 8 32 3
3 B.Tech. (Computer 50 44 6 161 22 38 3 35 7
Science and

Pg 37
B.Tech (Electronics and
4 40 34 4 70 12
Communication Engineering)

B.Tech. (Mechanical
5 50 46 3 151 4 37 1 38 0

B.Tech. (Metallurgical and

6 20 19 * 1 54 2 9 0
Materials Engineering)

Dual Degree (B. Tech in

Mechanical Engineering + M.
7 10 10 * 1 21 1
Tech. in Mechanical System

Dual Degree (B. Tech in

Mechanical Engineering + M.
8 10 10 0 20 0
Tech. in Thermal Science &

B. Tech. in Mechanical
9 Engineering + M. Tech. in 10 10 0 10 0
Manufacturing Engineering

Dual Degree (B. Tech in Civil

10 Engineering + M. Tech. in 10 7 2 13 3
Structural Engineering)

Dual Degree (B. Tech in Civil

11 Engineering + M. Tech. in 10 8 2 16 2
Transportation Engineering)

B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M.

12 Tech. in Environmental 10 8 0 8 0

B.Tech. in Computer Science and

Engineering + M.Tech. in
13 10 8 2 8 2
Computer Science and

B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering

14 + M.Tech. in Power Electronics 10 8 1 8 1
and Drives

B.Tech. in Metallurgical &

Materials Engineering + M.Tech.
15 10 6 0 6 0
in Materials Science and

Total 350 306 32 834 76 133 17 143 14

*including preparatory course completed students

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Sl.No Name of Approved No. of students Total number of No. of Students No. of Students
Programme Intake admitted in 2017-18 students in 2017-18 passed in 2016-17 passed in 2017-18

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1 Electronics and 18 8 6 19 10 4 3 10 4
2 Power System 18 10 7 20 12 2 2 10 4

3 Mechanical 18 18 0 31 1 10 0 13 1
Systems Design
4 Thermal Science 18 17 0 33 0 10 1 16 0
and Engineering
5 Civil Engineering 2 0 1 0
6 Structural 12 8 3 13 7 3 0 4 4

7 Transportation 10 8 1 12 5 2 0 3 3

8 Environmental 12 6 1 6 1

9 Water Resources 12 5 2 5 2

10 Climate Science 18 13 4 14 7 5 3 3 3
and Technology

11 Materials Science 18 6 2 15 5 11 2 9 2
and Engineering

Total 154 99 26 168 50 49 11 69 21

Sl. Name of Sanction No. of students Total number of No. of Students No. of Students
No. Programme ed admitted in 2017-18 students in 2017-18 passed in 2016-17 passed in 2017-18
d) Intake Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1 Chemistry 20 15 2 25 8 13 4 10 6

2 Physics 20 15 4 25 10 13 4 10 5
3 Mathematics 20 17 2 31 7 11 6 11 5

4 Geology 20 9 2 19 8 14 2 9 5

5 Atmosphere 20 4 0 2 2 4 0 2 2
and Ocean

Total 100 60 10 102 35 55 16 42 24

Pg 39

No. of students Total number of No. of Students No. of Students

Sl. admitted in 2017-18 students 2017-18 passed in 2016-17 passed in 2017-18
Name of course/School ved
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1 School of Basic 360 11 2 46 11 7 2 1 0


2 School of Earth, Ocean 2 0 17 8 0 0

& Climate Sciences

3 School of Electrical 6 2 35 8 2 1 1 0

4 School of Humanities & 1 0 3 1 0 0

Social Sciences

5 School of Infrastructure 10 3 27 5 1 0

6 School of Mechanical 10 1 30 1 1 0 1 0

7 School of Minerals, 3 0 15 4 0 0
Metallurgical &
Materials Engineering

Total 360 43 8 173 38 11 3 3 0

Total fees per students for academic year 2017-18 (per semester)

General OBC-NCL SC/ST Sponsored

B.Tech 1,47,392.00 1,47,392.00 47,392.00 * Not applicable

M.Tech 52,392.00 52,392.00 47,392.00 71,892.00

M.Sc 47,392.00 47,392.00 47,392.00 Not applicable

Ph.D 49,892.00 49,892.00 47,392.00 49,392.00

*including PwD candidate

Pg 40
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Graphical Representation of different Academic Programmes up to 2017-18

(Based on admission records)

Yearwise Admitted strength of the exisitng batch of students

in various Academic Programmes








0 2011 - 12
B.Tech. M.Sc. M.Tech. Ph.D.
2012 - 13
2011 - 12 21
2012 - 13 50 2013 - 14
2013 - 14 44
2014 - 15
2014 - 15 164 48
2015 - 16
2015 - 16 162 58

2016 - 17 249 73 106 61 2016 - 17

2017 - 18 338 70 125 51
2017 - 18

Genderwise student strength

1269; 86%

207; 14%

Pg 41
B.Tech & Dual Degree Programme

Yearwise Student Admitted in B.Tech. & Dual Degree Programme










2014 -15 36 39 36 41 12 2014 -15
2015 -16 36 37 37 37 15 2015 -16
2016 -17 55 40 58 39 19 38 2016 -17
2017 -18 75 59 80 60 26 38 2017 -18

Student Admitted category wise

OBC - 250

GE - 436

SC - 136


Pg 42
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Gender Statistics of Students in B.Tech Programe









2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
M 32 36 36 33 12 34 31 36 31 13 54 36 58 38 17 32 65 54 76 52 25 34
F 4 3 0 8 0 2 6 1 6 2 1 4 0 1 2 6 10 5 4 8 1 4

Students admitted in different Programmes : 2017-18

B.Tech. ( Civil Engineering)

B.Tech ( Electrical Engineering)
B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)
6 B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
10 9 48
8 B.Tech. ( Mechanical Engineering)
10 B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering)
Dual Degree (B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech. in
10 Mechanical System Design)
10 Dual Degree (B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech.
11 in Thermal Science & Engineering)
2017-18 B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech. in
Manufacturing Engineering
Dual Degree (B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in
Structural Engineering)
Dual Degree (B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in
50 Transportation Engineering)
B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in Environmental
38 Engineering
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering + M.Tech. in
Computer Science and Engineering,
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering + M.Tech. in Power
Electronics and Drives
B.Tech. in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering + M.Tech. in
Materials Science and Engineering

Pg 43
Gender Statistics






2016-17 2017-18
M 82 99
F 24 26

Admission Status (in different disciplines)

Electronics Power Mechanical Thermal Structural Transportati Climate Material Water Environmen
and System System Science and Engineering on Science and Science and Resource tal
Communica Engineering Design Engineering Engineering Technology Engineering Engineering Engineering
2016-17 16 17 17 18 10 8 7 13 - -
2017-18 14 17 18 17 11 9 17 8 7 7

Distribution of students in School wise

different categories representation of students

ST - 2

SC - 30
10% 28%

School of Electrical Sciences

School of Mechanical Sciences
GEN - 127 School of Infrastructure
OBC - 72
School of Minerals, Metallurgical
and Materials Engineering
School of Earth, Ocean and
Climate Sciences

Pg 44
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Joint M.Sc. – Ph.D. Programme

Gender Statistics







2016-17 2017-18
M 48 60
F 25 10

Distribution of students in different categories School wise representation of students

ST - 15 23%

SC - 22

GEN - 70

OBC - 36

School of Basic Sciences

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences
Admission Status (in different disciplines)
Atmosphere &
Chemistry Physics Mathematics Geology
Ocean Science
2016-17 16 16 19 15 7
2017-18 17 19 19 11 4

Pg 45
Ph.D. Programme
Gender Statistics







2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
M 12 36 37 39 41 53 43
F 9 14 7 9 17 8 8

Distribution of students in different categories ST - 6

SC - 35

OBC - 88
GEN - 204

School wise representation of Ph.D. Scholar




School of Electrical Sciences

12% School of Mechanical Sciences
School of Infrastructure
School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
12% School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences
School of Basic Sciences
School of Humanities and Social Science & Management

Pg 46
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


Disciplines Ph.D. M. Tech. M.Sc. B. Tech.
Civil Engineering 1 9 - 33
Electrical Engineering 1 - - 36
Electronics & Com. Engineering - 11 - -
Mechanical Engineering 5 8 - 40
Materials Science & Engineering - 11 - -
Basic Sciences 2 - - -
Climate Science & Technology - 5 - -
Humanities & Social Sciences & Management 3 - - -
Chemistry - - 7 -
Geology - - 12 -
Mathematics - - 16 -
Physics - - 15 -
Total : 12 44 50 109


Disciplines Ph.D. M. Tech. M.Sc. B. Tech.
Civil Engineering 1 5 - 30
Electrical Engineering 2 - 43
Electronics & Communication Engineering - 14 - -
Mechanical Engineering - - - 37
Materials Science & Engineering - 9 - -
Climate Science & Technology - 5 - -
Mechanical System Design - 1 - -
Power System Engineering - 14 - -
Thermal Science and Engineering - 7 - -
School of Basic Sciences 3 - - -
School of Electrical Sciences - - -
School of Humanities & Social Sciences & 1 - - -
School of Infrastructure - - - -
Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences - - 11 -
Chemistry - - 13 -
Geology - - 15 -
Mathematics - - 15 -
Physics - - 15 -
Total : 7 55 69 110

Pg 47
Disciplines Ph.D. M. Tech. M.Sc. B. Tech.
Civil Engineering - 2 - 33
Computer Science and Engineering - - - 41
Electrical Engineering - - - 38
Mechanical Engineering - - - 38
Electronics & Communication Engineering - 7 - -
Materials Science & Engineering - 13 - -
Climate Science & Technology - 8 - -
Mechanical System Design - 10 - -
Thermal Science and Engineering - 11 - -
Power System Engineering - 4 - -
Structural Engineering - 3 - -
Transportation Engineering - 2 - -
School of Basic Sciences 9 - - -
School of Electrical Sciences 3 - - -
School of Infrastructure 1 - - -
School of Mechanical Sciences 1 - - -
Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences - - 4 -
Chemistry - - 17 -
Geology - - 16 -
Mathematics - - 17 -
Physics - - 17 -
Total : 14 60 71 150

Graphical representation of students Graduated

B.Tech. M.Tech. M.Sc. Ph.D.
2015 109 44 50 12
2016 110 55 69 7
2017 150 60 71 14

Pg 48
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Name of 2017 2016 2015

Programme 2014 (Batch)
Scholarship (Batch) (Batch) (Batch)

MCM Scholarship 2017-18 66 55 39 38

B. Tech. Free Studentship 2017-18 -- 3 16 10

Financial Assistance 2017-18 2 8 1 2

Joint M.Sc.– Ph.D. INSPIRE & Other Scholarship 18 16 -- --

Participation in Conference, Awards & Medals

Programme Awards & Medals National Conference International Conference

B. Tech. 5 -- --

M. Tech. 5 15 --

Joint M. Sc. – Ph.D. 5 1 --

Ph.D. -- 67 4

Special Events in 2017-18

Programme Date



Senate Meetings 20.09.2017



Convocation 18.03.2018

National Science Day 28.02.2017

Pg 49


S , M E N G

Pg 50
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

About the School
The School of Basic Sciences is an unique school with
emphasis on interdisciplinary research in areas of Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics and Biosciences. Presently SBS
offers programs as follows:

§ Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry and


§ Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and


§ Post-doctoral program

The School is proud to have two Centres of Excellence,

namely MHRD Centre of Excellence for Novel Energy
Materials (CENEMA) and S. K. Dash Centre of Excellence of
Bio-sciences and Engineering & Technology (SKBET).

§ No. of faculty: 29
§ No. of PhD Students enrolled : 54
§ Number of Ph.D. Students Graduated :01
§ Number of
§ M.Sc. Students: 104
§ Number of Publications in 2017: 127
§ No. of on-going sponsored research projects - 32
§ No. of Class Rooms with multimedia projectors- 06
§ No. of Seminar/Conference Rooms- 01
§ No. of Computer Labs- 01
§ No. of Faculty Rooms- 27 (29 Faculty)
§ No. of Major Equipment- 15

Pg 51
Major Research Areas IIT Bhubaneswar is a member of both Belle and Belle II
collaborations at KEK, Japan and a member of CMS
The broad areas of research in Physics includes Theoretical collaboration, at Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN,
and Experimental High Energy Physics, Theoretical and Geneva.
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Optics and
The School is fully equipped with a central computing
Photonics, Atomic Molecular and Surface Physics, Non-
server system and integrated and functional for all sorts of
equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Nanoscience and
high computing research and analysis.
Nanotechnology, and Novel Material search.
The research in Chemistry discipline spans over the areas Laboratories
of Physical, Organic, Inorganic and Green Chemistry: the
The School of Basic Sciences presently has the following
design and development of metal complexes towards
laboratories equipped with relevant modern equipment
catalysis and anti-cancer drugs, functionalization of
and instruments:
nanoparticles and nanoparticles based biosensors,
coordination chemistry, magnetic materials and § Atomic Molecular and Surface Physics Lab
magnetostructural correlation and bio-inspired
coordination chemistry, catalysis for fine chemicals, § Biochemistry Lab
molecular recognition for the synthesis of exotic organic
and organic-inorganic hybrid materials
§ Bioinstrumentation Lab

The main areas of research in Mathematics are Analysis, § Chemical Biology Lab
Applied Functional Analysis, Complex dynamics and
Fractals, Matrix Theory, Graph theory, Optimization Theory, § Coordination Chemistry and Materials Chemistry Lab
Queueing Theory, Applied Probability Models,
§ Coordination Chemistry Lab
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Methods, and
Soft Computing. § Experimental High Energy Physics Lab
The research work in biosciences is focused on G-protein
coupled receptor biology, peptide/protein design and
§ M.Sc. Chemistry Lab
engineering, molecular modelling, computational biology,
§ M.Sc. Mathematics Lab
the structure-function studies of various proteins of eye
lenses, leprosy, tuberculosis and mechanism and § M.Sc. Physics Lab
regulation of a class of enzyme ATPases involved in various
biological pathways and human diseases. § Magnetic Materials Lab

State of the art Facilities § Nano Photonics & Plasmonics Lab

The School has procured state-of-art equipment to pursue § Nanostructure & Soft Matter Physics Lab
advanced research. Following advanced instrumentation
facilities have been established through central § Organic Chemistry Lab
instrumentation facility:
§ Organic Synthesis Lab
§ X-ray diffractometers (XRDs)
§ Protein Chemistry Lab
§ Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
§ Quantum Chemistry Lab
§ Raman Spectrophotometer
§ Renewable Energy Lab
§ Rheometer
§ Supramolecular Chemistry Lab
§ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
§ Undergraduate Chemistry Lab
§ Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS)
§ Undergraduate Physics Lab
§ Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

Pg 52
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

About the School
The school aims to provide intellectual, congenial and
vibrant atmosphere for developing state of the art
education and research in Earth System Sciences guided
by an integrated systemic view of Earth-Ocean-
Atmospheric interaction processes for sustainable
Academic programs :
§ Joint M.Sc. – Ph.D. in Geology, Atmosphere and Ocean
§ M. Tech. in Climate Science & Technology
§ and Ph.D. in Geosciences, and Climate Sciences
Experienced and motivated faculty members with varied
specializations has been one of the strengths of the
School. Currently, the specializations of these faculty
members include geochemistry, hydrogeology and
watershed management, geophysics, paleoceanography &
paleoclimatology, remote sensing & GIS applications,
atmospheric aerosols & climate, data assimilation &
analysis, ocean circulations & modeling, mesoscale
modeling and prediction of extreme weather events,
tropical cyclones, storm surges & air-sea interactions,
tropical waves, modelling inter-tropical convergence zone,
intraseasonal variability, monsoon dynamics and climate
change etc.

§ No. of faculty:10

§ No. of Ph.D. students enrolled (2017-2018): 2

§ No. of M.Sc. students: 31

§ No. of M.Tech. students in Climate Science and

Technology (2017-2018) : 21

§ No. of Publications in 2017: 41

Pg 53
State of the art Facilities
Laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art
computational and scientific instruments viz. Broadband
Seismometers, Engineering Seismograph, Digital
Gravimeter, Resistivity meter, Continuously Operating GPS
Reference Stations, High precision Multi-parameter ocean
profiler, Binocular and Trinocular polarizing microscopes,
High resolution stereo zoom microscope, range of
hydrological and hydro-meteorological instruments, High
Performance Liquid Chromatography, Total Organic Carbon
Analyzer, Deionized Water Purification System, Ion
Chromatograph, Microbalances, Microrain radar, Echo-
sounder, CTD profiler, ADCP, Current meter, Celiometer,
Lighting sensor detector. In addition, a number of high-end
workstations, cluster server are available for simulation,
modelling and visualization purposes.

The following laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-
art facilities for Geophysical and Geochemical analyses,
Petrological and Paleontological studies, Remote Sensing
&GIS, Modeling and Visualization, Weather Analysis and
Forecasting and Simulation of Atmospheric and Oceanic
§ Advance Geochemistry Laboratory
§ Advanced Mineralogy & Crystallography Laboratory
§ Applied Paleontology Laboratory
§ Air quality Laboratory
§ Climate Observatory
§ Cloud physics Laboratory
§ Computational Geosciences & Geophysical Laboratory
§ Hydro geological and Hydro-metrological Laboratory
§ Instrumentation and Observation Laboratory
§ Modelling and Visualization Laboratory
§ Numerical Simulation Laboratory
§ Ore Geology Laboratory
§ Petrology & Geochemistry Laboratory
§ Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Laboratory
§ Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory
§ Structure Geology Laboratory
§ Weather Analysis and Forecasting Laboratory
The School is moving forward to establish Bay of Bengal
Coastal Observatory (BoBCO) at Laudigaon, Ganjam
(Odisha). Institute is aggressively perusing to develop the
site (40 acres of land) to make it operational.

Pg 54
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

About the School
The School of Electrical Sciences was established in the
year 2008.
Presently SES offers programs as follows:
Ÿ 4-year B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering, Computer
Science & Engineering, Electronics and Communication
Ÿ 5-year dual degree (B. Tech. and M.Tech.) in Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering
Ÿ M. Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Power System Engineering, and Computer Science and
Ÿ Ph.D. Programmes

The school has a distinguished record in both teaching and

research. Faculty members are active in research activities
and publishing their research findings in highly reputed
national and international leading journals and in national
and international conferences. In addition, the faculty
members are engaged in number of consultancy and in
project activities sponsored by government and leading
§ No. of Faculty : 29
§ No. of B.Tech / dual degree Students Enrolled 2017-18 :
§ Electrical Engineering : 59
§ Computer Science Engineering : 60
§ Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering :

§ No. of PhD Students Enrolled (2017-18) : 8

§ No. of PhD Students Graduated : 2
§ No. of M.Tech. Students Enrolled 2016-17 : 29
§ No of Publications in 2017 : 136
§ The number of patents filed till date : 10
§ The number of patents granted till date : 8

Pg 55
State of the art Facilities § Digital Signal Processing Lab

The School has numerous state of the art laboratories and § Electric Machines Lab
facilities including VLSI system design and fabrication lab,
RTDS lab, Renewable Energy system lab, Radiating system
§ Electrical Technology Lab

design lab and computational facilities for application § FACTS and Power Quality Laboratory
development and research. Full-fledged FPGA
implementation and development facilities linked with § HPC laboratory
embedded system tool and MATLAB provides a smooth § Image & Video Processing Lab
platform for ambitious developers.
§ Measurement and Instrumentation Lab

§ Microfabrication and Characterization Lab

§ Multimedia Lab

§ Operating System & DBMS Lab

§ Optical Communication Lab

§ ·Power Electronics & Electric Drives Lab

§ Power Quality & FACT Lab

§ Power System Analysis & Protection Lab

§ Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) Lab

Laboratories § Real time Embedded Systems Lab
The School has full-fledged laboratories to train the
§ Real-time Signal Processing Lab
undergraduate, postgraduate students, and research
scholars from the very basics to modern trends in the field § Renewable Energy Systems
of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication
and Computer Science Engineering. Students utilize the
§ RF, Microwave & Characterization Lab

modern lab facilities and equipment to carry out design § Security Lab
and testing of various projects. At present there are 33
laboratories that include :
§ Signal Processing Lab

§ Advanced Communication Lab

§ Smart Grid & Hybrid Energy System Lab

§ Algorithm Lab
§ Telemedicine Lab

§ Analog & Digital Electronics Lab

§ Wireless Communication & Sensor Networks Lab

§ Architecture Lab

§ Basic Electronics Lab

§ Biomedical Signal Processing Lab

§ Cloud Lab

§ Communication Engineering Lab

§ Computer Networking Lab

§ Control & Instrumentation Lab

§ Database Systems Laboratory

Pg 56
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

About the School
The School aims at imparting inter-disciplinary education in
Humanities and other Social Sciences to its students. It has
developed into a full-fledged department having expertise
in three different disciplines – Economics, English and
Psychology. Having a team of six young and dynamic
faculties, well-versed in inter-disciplinary areas like
environment, finance, management, personality
development, communication skills and neural science, this
school seeks to generate erudite citizens who would be
perfect amalgamation of technical knowledge, creativity,
empathy and social responsibility.

§ Number of Faculty: 06
§ Number of Ph.D. students graduated: 09
§ Number of Ph.D. students enrolled at present: 07
§ Number of Ph.D. students submitted the thesis: 05
§ Number of Publications in 2017 : 8
§ Ongoing Research Projects:01
§ Completed Research Projects: 12
§ No. of Computer Labs: 01
§ No. of Computers: 39
§ No. of Faculty Rooms: 4
§ No. of Equipment's (No. of Major Equipment's): 3

Pg 57
Integrated Computational Lab with Research Areas
Data Bank (ICLDB) § English language training programme
The ICLDB is meant to be used by the research scholars
§ Forest Resource Management
and faculty members for computation and forecasting of
various socioeconomics variables. § Impact of climate change on Agricultural sector

§ Mining Sector and Productivity

§ Solid Waste Management

§ Valuation of natural resource

Pg 58
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

About the School
In the arena of worldwide infrastructural escalation, School
of Infrastructure at IIT Bhubaneswar has come up to
dedicate its excellence in engineering education, creation
of knowledge, innovation in research and leadership in
professional services. The mission of the School is to offer
unbounded academic environment in undergraduate and
postgraduate teaching, doctoral program, research, and
public outreach. Presently the School offers programs as

§ B.Tech. in Civil Engineering, Dual-degree B. Tech in Civil

Engineering + M. Tech. in Structural Engineering, Dual-
Basic Statistics
degree B. Tech in Civil Engineering + M. Tech. in
Transportation Engineering, § No of faculty members : 16

§ M.Tech in Environmental Engineering, M.Tech. in § No.of B.Tech Students :

Structural Engineering, M. Tech. in Transportation
Engineering and M.Tech. in Water Resources § 48 (1st Year)
§ 32 (2nd Year)
§ Ph.D. Programmes
§ 36 (3rd Year)
The academic activities of the School emphasizes on
thorough understanding of fundamental principles, § 36 (4th Year)
development of creative ability to handle the challenges of
§ No of Dual Degree students:
real-world Civil Engineering problems and the analytical
ability to solve problems having interdisciplinary in nature. § 26 (1st Year)
The School also encourages its students to engage in
extracurricular activities, promotion of team spirit, and § 16 (2nd year)
refining their budding managerial skills.
§ No. of PhD Students enrolled in 2017-18: 14

§ Number of Ph.D. Students Graduated in 2017-18: 01

§ Number of Master Students:

§ Environmental Engg: 06 in 1st Year

§ Structural Engg: 09 in 1st Year and 09 in 2nd Year

§ Transportation Engg: 09 in 1st Year and 08 in 2nd Year

§ Water Resources Engg: 07 in 1st Year

§ No of Publications in 2017-18 : 53

Pg 59
State of the art Facilities vegetation. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art
equipment like Down looking and Side looking Acoustic
The School is having Advanced Computational Laboratory
Doppler Velocimeters, Acoustic Doppler Profilers,
facility with modelling and simulation packages like PLAXIS
Recirculating Tilting Flumes with Wave Generator and
3D, ABAQUS, HYDRUS 3D, VMODFLOW for practical training
sensors like Flow Visualisation Apparatus, MIKE_SHE
in handling real-world civil engineering problems. The
software, Water Depth Recorder, Digital Flowmeter, etc.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory of the School is
equipped with state-of-the-art equipment like AAS, GC, Laboratories
Freeze Dryer, Radiometer, UV-Vis. Spectrophotometer, Zeta The School of Infrastructure currently runs with eight well-
Potential cum Particle Size Analyzer, etc. for carrying out equipped under graduate and postgraduate laboratories as
various sophisticated analysis of water and wastewater. follows:
The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory houses advanced
instruments such as GPR, Cyclic Triaxial Setup, Laser § Advanced Computational Laboratory
Profilometer, Flexible Wall Permeameter, etc. The § Concrete Technology Laboratory
Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology
Laboratories house state-of-the-art facilities such as § Engineering Mechanics Laboratory
Dynamic Actuators, Shake Table, Servo Controlled
§ Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Compression Testing Machines, NDT Equipment, Corrosion
Analyser, etc. for analysis and evaluation of various types § Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
of civil engineering structures. The Transportation
§ Groundwater Hydrology Laboratory
Engineering Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art
instruments to carry out advanced experiments and § Hydro-meteorology Laboratory
simulations works such as bituminous mix design,
§ Soil Dynamics Laboratory
pavement evaluation, rutting measurement, evaluation of
multi-modal urban transportation network, traffic flow etc. § Structural Engineering Laboratory
The Laboratory facility houses sophisticated instruments
such as Dynamic Shear Rheometer, Repeated Load Triaxial
§ Surveying Laboratory

Test, Wheel Tracking Machine with Roller Compactor, § Transportation Engineering Laboratory
Superpave Gyratory Compactor etc. Besides the lab has a
computational facility for those working in Transportation
§ Water Resources Engineering Laboratory

System Planning and Traffic Engineering field. The Water All of the above laboratories are equipped with modern
Resources Engineering Laboratory is capable of carrying facilities to carry out high-end research works in any of the
out various experiments and simulations relating to fluvial micro specializations of Civil Engineering field.
hydraulics, flow through submerged and emergent In addition to the state-of-the-art laboratories, the
classrooms are equipped with multimedia projectors.
Besides, the school is having 20 faculty office chambers, 01
seminar room, and 01 conference room.

Pg 60
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

The School is involved in the following industrial and academic collaborations:

Name of Faculty Member Industrial and Academic Collaboration

Prof. R.K. Panda Ÿ Collaboration with Texas A & M, IIT Kharagpur and OUAT and KIIT University through a
multi-institutional project.
Ÿ Industrial collaboration with Bokaro Steel Ltd. SAIL,Bokaro

Dr. U.C. Sahoo Providing technical support under PMGSY to Ministry of Rural Development

Dr. Debasis Basu IMPRINT-India, an initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India and Partner Ministry is Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs, GOI, with Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) as industry
implementation partner.

Dr. B.H. Rao NALCO, Bhubaneswar

Dr. Arindam Sarkar Received research project in collaboration with IISC Bangalore from Ministry of Water
Resources, GOI

Currently, the school is working on 16 research projects involving 12 of its faculty members and 15 students' participation.
The School organized the GIAN programme on the theme “Design and performance of Pavements” between 19th and 23rd
June, 2017.

Pg 61
About the School
The School of Mechanical Sciences at IIT Bhubaneswar
endeavors to be both globally competent and locally
Presently the School offers programs as follows:
§ B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, B. Tech. in
Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech. in Mechanical
System Design, B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering +
M. Tech. in Thermal Science & Engineering, B. Tech. in
Mechanical Engineering + M. Tech. in Manufacturing
§ M. Tech. in Mechanical System Design,
§ M. Tech. in Thermal Science and Engineering and
§ Ph.D. Programmes
Thrust areas of the School include Energy & Environment,
Advanced Manufacturing, Autonomous Robotics, Product
Design and Agricultural automation. The faculty members
of the school are also involved in basic research in their
own areas of specialization while also coming together to
blend their shared expertise in creating technologies,
products and processes that will enrich both the national
and local economy. The school sees its role in nation
building via three important avenues of contribution –
building of human capital, building of knowledge capital
and building of wealth capital through creation of
comprehensive idea to-industry cycle.

§ No of faculty : 20

§ No. of B. Tech Students: 204

§ No. of PhD Students enrolled (2017-18): 11

§ Number of M.Tech. Students: 58

§ Number of Publications 2017: 68

§ No. of Patents filled: 4

Pg 62
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

State of the Art Facilities Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

4 Channel Hot Wire Anemometer, 70 cfm 13 bar Screw
The Advanced Product Development Laboratory houses a
Type Compressor
high end FORTUS 400 FDM based rapid prototyping
machine and a high accuracy 3-D Optical Profilometer. The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
advanced manufacturing laboratory has various in-house Experimental set ups for measurement of fluid viscosity,
developed equipment such as 400W Fiber laser micro flow measurement, major and minor losses, forces on
workstation, Laser-Milling Hybrid processing and a Pulsed immersed bodies, flow visualization (All experimental set
Micro Micro-Electroforming. Besides, the lab also houses ups are developed by U.G. students of IIT Bhubaneswar)
CNC Router with Digitizer for Reverse Engineering, CNC Heat Transfer Laboratory
Milling and Gear Hobbing Machine. The thermo-fluid
laboratory has NEXA PEM Fuel Cell Training System, Flame Concentric Tube heat exchanger Unit, Shell and Tube Heat
Exchanger Unit, Combined Free and Forced Convection and
propagation & stability unit and Mach-Zehnder
Radiation Heat Transfer Unit, Radiation Errors in
Interferometer for visualization of various heat transfer
Temperature Measurement, Unsteady State Heat Transfer
Unit, Refrigeration Cycle Demonstration Unit, Linear and
Radial Heat Conduction Unit, Radiation Heat Transfer Unit,
Combined Cycle Refrigeration Unit with Cycle Inversion
School has well equipped laboratories along with a high- Valve, Extended Surface Heat Transfer Unit, Single Tube
end computational laboratory with 30 workstations served Boiling Heat Transfer Unit, Critical Heat Flux Boiling Heat
byan 18 blade server. This laboratory also provides various Transfer Unit, Plate Heat Exchanger Unit, Boiling Heat
software packages like ANSYS, SolidWorks, NASTRAN, Exchanger Unit, 5×3 Tube Bundle Boiling Heat Transfer
Hyper Works, Pro-E, CATIA, ADAMS, COMSOL, MATLAB, Testing Setup, PCM Based Electronic Chip Cooling Setup
LabVIEW, ASAP-PRO, Tecplot360etc. School has following IC Engine Laboratory
laboratories with major equipments:
Variable Compression Ratio Engine, Axial Flow Gas Turbine
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory Unit, Flame Propagation & Stability Unit, Nexa Fuel Cell
Optical Profilometer, Profile projector, Grinders, Laser Training System, 4 Stroke 4 Cylinder CRDi Diesel Engine
based Micro-machining Workstation. with Open ESU, Exhaust Gas Analyzer.

Advanced Product Development Laboratory Machine and Mechanism Laboratory

Fused Deposition Method based Rapid Prototyping Static and Dynamic Balancing, Whirling of Shaft,
Gyroscope, Governor, Anti-Friction Bearing, Hydrodynamic
Production system, Optical Three Dimensional (3D) Profiler
Lubrication, Basic Kinematics Demonstrations – Gears,
Linkages, Mechanism, Inversion, Differential, Universal
Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics Lab Vibration Apparatus.
Stewart Platform, Humanoid robot platforms (Bioloid and Machine Tools & Machining Laboratory
Lamark), Manipulator arm, Hexapod robot, four wheeled
Wire cut EDM, Ultrasonic drilling cum milling machine, CNC
robots, Table top CNC Milling and Turning machines
vertical milling center, Master gear hobbling, radial drilling
CAD/CAM/CAE Laboratory machine, Industrial grinder, Lathe machine, Milling
Work Station for CADLAB, UPS for CADLAB, Electrification machine, Hydraulic surface grinder, Die Sinking EDM,
Dynamometer, Lapping Machine, Telerond.
of CADLAB, Work Station for CADLAB, Blade Server, ANSYS
Software (25users), ANSYS Software (75users), PRO Engg. Materials Testing Laboratory
Software, Hyper Works Software, Scanner & Plotter for Hardness Testing Machines: Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers,
CADLAB, UPS for CADLAB, MSC Software bundle, PBS Pro, Spring Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Rotary
Tech Plot 360, CATIA, DELMIA, SmartTeam. Bend Fatigue Testing Machine, Erichsen Cupping Test
Computational Aero-Acoustics Laboratory Machine, Photo-elastic Bench

CWF Laboratory Opto-Thermal Lab (Thermo-Fluid Lab)

TIG & MIG welding, General purpose belt grinder & surface Mach– Zehnder Interferometer setup
polisher, Hydraulic specimen mounting press, Induction Sense & Process Laboratory
furnace, Resistance furnace, Foundry equipment &
Sound Impedance Tube, Handheld Sound Analyzer, DAQ
Machinery, Muffle furnace, 80 Ton Hydraulic Press.
Boards & PXI Chassis, Compact CRIO DAQ system

Pg 63
About the School
and Uchchatar Aviskar Yojana - MHRD. Also, few
The School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials consultancy projects with Tata Sponge Iron Limited and
Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar, established in 2012, is a others are being undertaken.
unique initiative where minerals, metals and materials
have come into a collaborative existence with a mission to
be locally relevant and globally competitive.

Presently the School offers programs as follows: Statistics

§ B.Tech. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, § No of faculty: 11

§ B.Tech.-M.Tech. Dual degree in Metallurgical and § Number of Publications 2017: 17

Materials Engineering,
§ No. of Class Rooms with multimedia projectors : 2 Nos
§ M. Tech. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
§ No. of Seminar/Conference Rooms: Meeting room with
1 No multimedia projector
§ ·Ph.D. Programme
§ No. of Computer Labs : 1 No
Located in the state of Odisha, one of the most mineral rich
states of India, the school is aware that the maximum § No. of Computers : 10 Nos workstation + 6 nos desktop
economic benefit from a mineral could be achieved when (5 per use and 1 for equipment)
economically transformed to its final product leading to
ultimate benefit. § No. of Faculty Rooms : 11 Nos

The focus of school activities is therefore multi-directional § No. of Equipment ( No. of Major Equipment) : 56 Nos
with an emphasis on both teaching and research. In this
regard, the school has drawn a road-map to progress via § Student exchange programme: Six undergraduate sixth
partnership with Institute of Minerals and Materials semester students were sent to SJTU, China for
Technology (CSIR-IMMT) at Bhubaneswar and student and summer internship in 2017. Two M. Tech. students
faculty exchange with Warwick Manufacturing Group were sent to WMG, UK for M. Tech. project work in
(WMG) at Warwick University, UK and Shanghai Jiao Tong 2017.
University, China. The School has also received a generous
endowment of 30 million INR from MGM Group to establish
§ No. of students sent abroad through student exchange
programme: 8
a permanent Chair Professorship.

Currently, the faculty members are engaged in sponsored § Industry and academic collaborations: Tata-sponge
projects by Department of Science and Technology, UGC- iron limited, Joda
DAE Consortium of Scientific Research - Kalpakkam,
Planning Coordination Department - Government of Odisha
§ Number of Live projects with student participation: 1
(with Tata sponge iron limited)

Pg 64
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

State of the art Facilities § Electrometallurgy and Thermodynamics Laboratory

The School has procured a Field Emission Scanning § High Temperature Processing Laboratory
Electron Microscope with EDX and EBSD facility which is
under Central Instrumentation Facility. § Mechanical Testing Laboratory

Laboratories § Metallography Laboratory

The School has been developing a number of laboratories § Minerals Processing Laboratory
to cater to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and
well as various research activities of the School and the § Modeling and Simulation Laboratory
Institute. The School is in process of creating facilities for
microstructural characterization of materials. Some of § Optical Microscopy Laboratory
them include the microscopy facilities like Field Emission
Scanning Electron Microscope with EDX and EBSD, Inverted § Physical Metallurgy Laboratory
Optical microscopes with image analysis facility, Melting
and heat treatment facility, Metallography facility for
§ Powder Processing Laboratory

sample preparation, Universal Hardness, Testing Machine, § Materials Characterization Laboratory

Electrochemical workstation and Computer workstation.
The school has the following laboratories: § Process Control and Instrumentation Laboratory

Pg 65
Pg 66
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Augmented Reality and Virtual his sincere thanks to all the donors for being party to an
august beginning and reiterated the commitment of the IIT
Reality (VARCoE) Bhubaneswar to foster research and entrepreneurship
activity in this important area. He also acknowledged that
As part of IIT Bhubaneswar's initiative for strengthening
the support will give an impetus to the ongoing research,
Research and Entrepreneurship supported by In Jan 2018,
and help in taking the research activity to the next level
Smt. Susmita Bagchi and Shri Subroto Bagchi provided a
including immersive visualisation and technology
philanthropic support of Rs 2.50 crore followed by a
matching grant from Startup Odish to Research and
Entrepreneurship Park of IIT Bhubaneswar to establish a Speaking on the occasion, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha
Center of Excellence in Augmented Reality and Virtual expressed satisfaction on management of the fund and
Reality (VARCoE) to enhance research and development of the centre by the Institute of National
entrepreneurship activity in this important area. Importance and urged the team members to come out with
Subsequently, Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), real innovation that can reach to the masses.
provided a grant of Rs 2.50 crore to the VARCoE initative.

In a meeting held on 21.04.2018 (Saturday) Mr. Manas Bay of Bengal Coastal Observatory
Ranjan Panda, Director, STPI Bhubaneswar handed over a (BoBCO)
cheque of Rs.2.5 crores to Prof. R. V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT
Bhubaneswar in presence of Mr A P Padhi, Chief Secretary Bay of Bengal Coastal Observatory (BoBCO) is a centre of
Govt. of Odisha, Mr L.N. Gupta, Additional Chief Secretary, excellence in Earth System Sciences. It aims to generate
Mr Ashok Meena, Principal Secretary, CA&PG Department, high skilled and competent human resources to address
Shri Subroto Bagchi, Chairman, Odisha Skill Development challenging issues such as climate change, monsoon
Authority, Dr Manoranjan Satapathy, Professor-in-charge of variability, tropical cyclone, extreme weather events and
the center and Dr Satyanarayan Panigrahi, Head of School disaster mitigation through multiscale and multidisciplinary
of Mechanical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar. approach by examining the complex interactions of Land-
Ocean-Atmosphere in terms of observations, modeling and
prediction with special reference to Bay of Bengal.

Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar mentioned

that establishment of VARCoE is one of the first few
initiatives in the country in the area of ARVR and expressed

Pg 67
Centre of excellence on Novel shared facilities to support materials research on- and off-
campus, educational outreach to graduate and
Energy Materials (CENEMA) undergraduate researchers. The current team members
come from three different centrally funded institutes in
Centre of excellence on Novel Energy Materials (CENEMA)
Bhubaneswar (IITBBS, IMMT and IOP) with expertise
at IIT Bhubaneswar seeks to develop cutting edge and
ranging from supramolecular chemistry to fuel cell
futuristic materials for energy application. The center
engineering and other partners include Rice University,
focuses on development of two dimensional (2D) hybrid
Applied Materials.
materials for energy storage and conversion.

The primary aim of this center is to become hub for DESIGN INNOVATION CENTRE (DIC)
developing and designing new materials for energy
conversion and storage, with a bottom up approach Design Innovation Centre (DIC) an initiative of MHRD under
starting from atomistic/molecular design to a final usable the National Design Innovation Network since its days of
product. Other complementary functions of center include: establishment in February 2015 has been pioneer creating
industrial outreach and knowledge transfer, operation of an usher among youth of IIT Bhubaneswar. The financial
year 2017-18 witnessed some of exciting events,
innovations with establishment of startups from DIC.


We work in HUB & SPOKE Model with IIT Bhubaneswar as

Hub and Spokes are as follows:

Ÿ Ravenshaw University (Psychology & Philosophy

Department), Cuttack
Ÿ Bhubanananda Orissa School of Engineering (BOSE),
Ÿ Kendriya Vidyalaya School – No.1, Bhubaneswar

Ÿ College of Engineering & Technology (CET),


“Our Projects focus on the domain of children's product

such as toys, teaching aids, furniture, books, movies,
medical aids and many more.”

“We infuse a culture of innovative thinking in the budding

engineers to undertake projects which lead to
development of educational and community driven
products primarily for children.”


Ÿ Product Development and Design Teaching.

Ÿ To become financially self-sustained within five years

of inception through aggressive entrepreneurial
Ÿ To act as a bridging element between industry and
Ÿ Explore and proliferate the rich heritage and culture.

Pg 68
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


The financial year 2017-18 witnessed some of exciting events which are as follows.

Ÿ "Advanced Industrial Automation" informative workshop based on learning about the PLC, HMI/MMI, SCADA, AC Driver was
organized by the DIC, IITBBS from 19th to 21st January, 2017.

Ÿ “Lab Fest” featuring M.Tech students of the School of Mechanical Sciences showcased their projects based on topics like
MatLab, Hyperspace and Cryogenics with encouraged participants from children of Kendriya Vidyalaya-I, Bhubaneswar
along with their teachers visited DIC during this event.

Pg 69
Ÿ An exciting design competition “EGGLOURIOUS BATTLE-The Egg Drop Challenge” was conducted on 3rd September, 2017.

Ÿ An Idea Pitching session was conducted for SPOKE KV No-1, Bhubaneswar students on 26th July, 2017.

Pg 70
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Ÿ A team of DIC HUB & SPOKES participated at ALL INDIA DIC MEET-2018 organized by DIC, IIT BHU & BHU on 9th & 10th
February 2018 thereby showcasing DIC activities.

Glance of different products made by students, faculties as well as DIC officials.


Pg 71


Products developed by SPOKES, Bhubanananda Orissa School of Engineering (BOSE), Cuttack

Pg 72
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Back Pack Folding Bicycle For Kids

Smart Baby Swing

Folding Chair Cum Smart Air Bed For Kids Arduino Based Urination System
System Smart Stroller



VASITARS Pvt. Ltd. Co-founded by Mr. Vishwas Chandra Khan and Mr. Tushar Gautam is a technology-based startup founded by
students & faculty members of School of Mechanical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar to provide In-Situ composite repair solutions
to damaged transmission pipelines (Patent No. allotted is 201731007916). It is the first Indian company to provide “Complete
in-situ Composite Repair Solutions” to all kind of damage scenarios in transmission pipelines. The technique is well tested at
laboratory scale and presently it is in pilot scale.

Pg 73

Pg 74
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


Pg 75
ACHIEVEMENTS accessible in secure manner possible.

Ÿ The said company has been supported by Indian Oil The company is expanding its horizon beyond IIT
Corporation with a fund of Rs. 64 Lakhs for Testing & Bhubaneswar campus to different parts of the city, with
Commercialization. upcoming recent outlet services at KIIT University square.

Ÿ Startup Odisha funded Vasitars with an amount of Rs.

5.0 Lakhs.
SK Dash Centre of Excellence of Bio-
Sciences and Engineering and
Ÿ The company was selected among Top 50 innovators in
IIGP-2.0 (Indian Innovation Growth Programme). Technology (SKBET)
Ÿ· They also received 1st Prize in Business Plan IIT Bhubaneswar established the S K Dash Centre of
competition at TECHKRITI-2017, IIT Kanpur. Excellence of Bio-Sciences and Engineering and
Technology (SKBET) with a generous grant from Dr. S. K.
Ÿ The company got incubated at STARTUP CENTRE, IIT
Dash Foundation, USA to carry out research on probiotics
Bhubaneswar and IIT Madras Research Park with and broader areas of biology. The center hosts workshops
extended lab facilities for their Prajjawala Project. and brainstorming sessions by bringing together experts on
the broad areas of probiotics and multiscale modeling at IIT
Ÿ Vasitars has received 2nd Prize at TECHKRITI-2018, IIT
Bhubaneswar. The goal of SKBET is to carry out cutting-
Kanpur under the category of Social Track Events.
edge research on microbiome from various sources such
Ÿ They also received 1st Prize for their Prajjawala Project as; human, soil, and water from the state of Odisha. The
in SRIJAN at IIT Kharagpur, Global Entrepreneurship next generation probiotics and microbes discovered
Summit-2018. through this research will help in making formulations for
the human consumption as well as for the organisms in
Ÿ They also received 1st Prize for their Prajjawala Project
aquaculture. The center now hosts to the Probiotics and
in E-Summit Business Plan Event at IIT Bhubaneswar. Human Microbiome research laboratory. This Laboratory is
applying innovative approaches and state of the art
Ÿ Vasitars founders in association with IITBBS faculties
technology to understand and solve problems that are
have filed 3 patents.
related to Human gut microbiome associated diseases. The
Ÿ Vasitars has been successful in implementing the laboratory is designed to carry out: Probiotic culture &
pipeline mechanism at sites of IOCL (Paradeep), Apollo characterization area (Microbiology /infective work area),
Tyres (Chennai) etc. Molecular biological characterization of isolated probiotics
(Molecular biology work –non-contaminated), Cell culture
TOBEL.IN facility (sterile), Bioinformatics workstation, Utility (Media
preparation, autoclave area). The laboratory is now fully
TROBEL Co-founded by Mr. Manoranjan Kumar in 2016, is
equipped with various instruments and consumables.
an entrepreneurial endeavor which aspires to provide the
Researchers are currently working in the center for the
service of a centralized library throughout the country, with
development of a microbial formulation to prevent
the initial stages focusing more on the metropolitans and
eutrophication in aquaculture. Development of a few next-
other major cities of the country, starting with
generation probiotics formulations suiting the microbiome
Bhubaneswar, Odisha. We aim to provide the joy of book
of the local population is another objective of the center.
reading to people in the most convenient, affordable, and

Pg 76
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

(a) The working area of the molecular biology laboratory (b) Microbiological work in progress

(c) The gel documentation system (d) The PCR cabinet with PCR machine

Figure. The molecular biology laboratory equipped with instruments and molecular as well as general chemicals and

Pg 77
Gender wise distribution of Faculty All Faculty with PhD

Ph.D.-India; 94; 77%

Male; 112; 89%

Ph.D.-Abroad; 31; 23%

Female; 13; 11%

Faculty With Post Doctoral Experiences

Post-Doc (Abroad); Without Post-Doc;

100; 81% 18; 14%

Post-Doc (India);
7; 5%

School wise distribution of Faculty






Pg 78
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Basic Sciences

Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

Prof. Saroj Kumar Nayak

Jawaharlal Nehru First Principles Molecular dynamics Simulations,
1. Professor
University, 1995 Nanostructures, Quantum transport, Quantum Biology
[email protected]

Prof. Sujit Roy

2. Professor IIT Kanpur, 1987 Organometallic Chemistry, Homogeneous Catalysis
[email protected]

Prof. V. R. Pedireddi Solid State Chemistry; Supramolecular Chemistry; Self-

University of
3. Professor Assembly of Biological, Organic and Organic-inorganic
Hyderabad, 1993
[email protected] Ensembles

Prof. A. K. Kapoor
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
4. Visiting Professor IIT Kanpur, 1975
LEFT ON 31.12.2017
[email protected]

Prof. V. R. Yerikalapudy Mathematical Modelling for Ultrasonic Nondestructive

Andhra University,
5. Visiting Professor Testing ;Numerical Methods in elastic wave motion and
[email protected] vibration; Techniques of Applied Mathematics

Prof. Matjaz Kovse

University of
6. Visiting Faculty of Foreign Graph Theory
Maribor, 2008

Dr. Akshay Kumar Ojha Soft computing; Optimization Theory(Geometric

Utkal University,
7. Associate Professor programming and Fractional Programming; Data Mining
[email protected] and Portfolio Optimization

Dr. T. V. S. Sekhar
8. Associate Professor IIT Madras, 1995 Numerical Methods; Computational Fluid Dynamics;
[email protected]

Queueing Theory, Applied Probability Models, Stochastic

Dr. Abhijit Datta Banik Modelling and Simulation, Stochastic Models in Operations
9. Assistant Professor IIT Kharagpur, 2007 Research and their application in Communication systems,
[email protected] Transportation, Manufacturing, Production and Inventory

Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Chemosensors; Magnetic

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh
Materials and MRI Contrast Agents; Synthesis and
10. Assistant Professor IIT Kanpur, 2007
Characterization of Task Specific Ionic Liquids and Their
[email protected]

Dr. Anasuya Roychowdhury University of Texas Chemomechanistic physiology and regulation of class of
11. Assistant Professor Medical Branch, enzyme ATPase; Role of ATPase in Cancer Biology; Role of
[email protected] 2009 ATPase in Biological Clock

Elucidation of structure-function relationships in small heat

shock proteins and its importance in human diseases
(leprosy and tuberculosis) using biochemical and
biophysical techniques.; Investigating the effect of various
Dr. Ashis Biswas
Bose Institute, post-translational modifications on the eye lens crystalline
12. Assistant Professor
2006 proteins and their role in developing cataract formation in
[email protected]
human lens using biophysical methods.; Elucidating the
mechanism behind the interaction of metal complexes
(anti-cancer agents) with DNA and proteins using various
biochemical techniques.

Pg 79
Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area
Dr. C. S. Rout Applied Physics, 2D Materials, Energy storage devices and
JNCASR, Bangalore,
Ramanujan Fellow Supercapacitors, biosensors, Field emission
13. 2008
[email protected] LEFT ON JULY, 2017
Dr. Chandrasekhar
Bhamidipati Institute of Physics, Heat Engines, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics;
14. Assistant Professor 2006 Black Holes; String Theory
[email protected]

Dr. Kousik Samanta Texas A&M

Quantum Chemistry; Scattering theory; Mixed quantum-
Assistant Professor University, College
15. classical dynamics
[email protected] Station, USA, 2009

Dr. Malay Kumar

Bandyopadhyay Open Quantum System; Non-equilibrium Statistical
University, Calcutta,
16. Assistant Professor Mechanics; Nanomagnetism
[email protected]

Dr. Niharika Mohapatra

Multiferroics; Thermoelectrics; Topological phases of
Assistant Professor IIT Bombay, 2006
17. matter
[email protected]

Dr. Rajan Jha

Assistant Professor IIT Delhi, 2007 Optical Devices; Plasmonics; Fiber Optic
[email protected]

Dr. Rajesh Kumar
University Pure and Applied Mathematics
Visiting Faculty
19. Magdeburg, LEFT ON 27.07.2017
[email protected]
Germany, 2011

Dr. Sabyasachi Pani

Variational Inequalites and Complementarity Problems;
Assistant Professor IIT Kharagpur, 2004
20. Applied Functional Analysis; Optimization Techniques
[email protected]
Dr. Sasmita Barik
Assistant Professor IIT Guwahati, 2007 Combinatorial Matrix Theory; Graph Theory;
[email protected]

Semiconductor nanosheets, Dilute magnetic

Dr. Satchidananda Rath semiconductor, Metal clusters, graphene,; Optical
Institute of Physics
Assistant Professor properties, fast transitions, Raman scattering, Small angle
22. Bhubaneswar, 2006
[email protected] x-ray scattering, Rheology; Solar cell, Light Emitting

Dr. Seema Bahinipati University of

Experimental High Energy Physics [B Physics, CP Violation,
Assistant Professor Cincinnati, Ohio,
23. Beyond Standard Model Physics]
[email protected] U.S.A., 2008

Development of novel methodology and total synthesis of

Dr. Shantanu Pal biologically active natural products; Development of
Assistant Professor IIT Bombay, 2006 chemically modified small molecules as therapeutic
[email protected] agent; Synthesis of modified nucleic acid as anticancer or
antiviral drug.

Dr. Shyamal Chatterjee The University of

Experimental atomic, molecular and surface physics;
Assistant Professor Heidelberg,
25. Nanomaterials; Biomolecules, clusters
[email protected] Germany, 2007

Pg 80
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

26. Dr. Snehasis Chowdhuri IIT Kanpur, 2005 Theoretical Chemistry; Statistical Mechanics; Molecular
[email protected] Dynamics Simulation

27. Dr. Soumendra Rana IIT Bombay, 2007 G-protein Coupled Receptor Biology; Molecular Modelling
Assistant Professor and Computational Biology; Design, Synthesis and
[email protected] Characterization of Peptides

28. Dr. Srikanta Patra IIT Bombay, 2005 Metal Mediated Organic Transformations (Catalysis);Metal
Assistant Professor Based Anticancer Drugs; Functional Materials,
[email protected] Luminescent Materials, Sensors

29. Dr. Tabrez Khan University Of Synthetic Method Development; Natural products and
Assistant Professor Mumbai, 2009 natural product inspired bioactive molecule synthesis
[email protected]

30. Dr. Tarakanta Nayak IIT Guwahati, 2007 Complex Dynamics; Fractals; Independence polynomials
Assistant Professor and independence fractals of graphs
[email protected]

31. Dr. Bankim Chandra Mandal University of Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Partial
Assistant Professor Geneva, Differential Equations, Domain Decomposition Methods
Switzerland, 2014

32. Dr. Sunil Kumar Prajapati IIT Delhi, 2013 Algebra

Visiting Faculty

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

33. Prof. Prem Chand Pandey Allahabad Oceanography; Atmospheric Sciences; Climate Science
Visiting Professor University, 1972 and Polar research
[email protected] LEFT ON 17.11.2017
34. Prof. Uma Charan Mohanty Odessa Hydro- Tropical Meteorology, Numerical Weather Prediction,
Visiting Professor Meteorological Monsoon Dynamics, Regional Climate Studies and Meso-
[email protected] Institute, USSR, 1978 scale Modelling

35. Prof. Hrusikesh Mishra University of Coal Geology/Petrology, Coal Preparation, Coal Petrology
Visiting Professor Wollongong, New and its application in Coal & Hydrocarbon exploration
South Wales,
Australia, 1987

36. Dr. Kiranmayi Landu IISc Bangalore, Climate Dynamics; Tropical Meteorology; Extreme
Assistant Professor 2008 Weather events
[email protected]

Dr. Sourav Sil

Physical Oceanography; Ocean Circulation Modelling;
Assistant Professor IIT Kharagpur, 2012
37. Coastal Dynamics
[email protected]

Dr. Debadatta Swain

University of Pune, Satellite & Physical Oceanography; Ocean-Atmosphere
Assistant Professor
38. 2009 Interactions & Modelling; Atmospheric Dynamics
[email protected]

Dr. Raj Kumar Singh

Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography; Marine
Assistant Professor IIT Kharagpur, 2009
39. Micropaleontology; Hydrogeology
[email protected]

Pg 81
Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik

Andhra University, Tropical Meteorology; Monsoon, Cloud Physics; Extreme
Assistant Professor
40. 2006 Events (e.g. Tropical cyclone, Heavy Rainfall, Lightning)
[email protected]

Dr. Syed Hilal Farooq

Hydrogeochemistry; Geothermal Energy; Organic
Assistant Professor IIT Bombay, 2010
41. Geochemistry
[email protected]

Dr. Vinoj. V Aerosol Cloud Climate Interactions; Satellite Remote

IISc Bangalore,
Assistant Professor Sensing, Radiative Forcing, Field Measurements; Monsoon
42. 2009
[email protected] and Climate Change, Climate Modelling

Dr Abhishek Kumar Rai University of

Visiting Faculty Cambridge, UK, Seismology; Geophysics
[email protected] 2005

Prof. Scott Andrew Whattam

Visiting Faculty of Foreign The University of Igneous Petrology, Tectonics, Cosmochemistry, Planetary
44. Origin Hong Kong, 2003 Science, Geochronlogy
[email protected]

School of Electrical Sciences

45. Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar IIT Kharagpur, 1987 Wireless communications systems; Wireless networking
Professor, Director protocols; Channel equalization and baseband
[email protected] processing; Detection methods and systems; Tracking
algorithms; Adaptive filtering algorithms and their
performance analysis; Estimation of time-varying signals
and systems; Spectral Estimation methods; Audio and
video coding; VLSI based processors for wireless
communication systems;
Voice and multimedia over IP

46. Prof. N. C. Sahoo National University Renewable Energy Systems; Power System Optimization
Professor of Singapore, 2001 and Control; Control of Electric Drives
[email protected]

47. Prof. Ganapati Panda IIT Kharagpur, 1982 Digital Signal processing; Machine Learning and
Visiting Professor applications; Intelligent Instrumentation
[email protected]

48. Prof. Jayanta Pal University of Reduced Order Modelling; Fractional Order Systems;
Visiting Professor Roorkee. [Now IIT, Electrical Power Systems
[email protected] Roorkee], 1981

49. Prof. K.R. Srivathasan Queen's University, Information Systems and Informatics, e-Learning and
Visiting Professor Canada, 1981 Management
[email protected] LEFT ON 31.07.2017

50. Dr. Chandrashekhar IIT Delhi, 2008 Renewable Energy, Distributed Generation; Power Quality,
Narayan Bhende Custom Power Devices; Application of soft computing
Associate Professor techniques to power systems
[email protected]

Pg 82
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area


51. Dr. Manoranjan Satpathy IIT Bombay, 1997 Software Testing and verification; Advanced Computer
Associate Professor Architecture; Programming Languages
[email protected]
52. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu IIT Kharagpur, 2008 Optical Communication; Remote Sensing; Speech and
Associate Professor Signal Processing
[email protected]

53. Dr. Pravas Ranjan Sahu IIT Kanpur, 2006 Digital Communications, Mobile Communications,
Associate Professor Receiver performance in fading channels.
[email protected]

54. Dr. Subhransu Ranjan NIT Rourkela, 2007 Power System protection; Smart-Grid; PMU and WAMs
Associate Professor
[email protected]

55. Dr. Adway Mitra IISc. Bangalore, Data Mining; Machine Learning; Climate Informatics;
Assistant Professor 2016 Modelling complex spatio-temporal processes; Bayesian
[email protected] Modeling; Computer Vision; Video Analytics; Social
Network Analysis

56. Dr. Ankush Sharma IIT Kanpur, 2014 Power System State Estimation; Smart Grid Technology
Assistant Professor Development; Wide Area Monitoring and Control
[email protected] LEFT ON 21.02.2018
57. Dr. Balakrishna IIT Madras, 2016 Power System Automation; Data Analytics for Smart
Pamulaparthy Power Grids; Smart Grids/Micro Grids Technology; Power
Assistant Professor Distribution Systems
[email protected]

58. Dr. Barathram Ramkumar Virginia Tech, 2011 Signal Processing; Wireless Communication; Bio-Signal
Assistant Professor Processing
[email protected]

59. Dr. Chandrasekhar IIT Delhi, 2014 Integration and Control of Renewable Energy Systems;
Perumalla Design and Development of Smart Controllers for
Assistant Professor Microgrid/Smart Grid Systems; Control of Active
[email protected] Distribution Systems; Energy Management in Hybrid
AC/DC Microgrid Systems; Application of Power
Electronics to Power Systems; Application of Soft
Computing to Power Quality Problems

60. Dr. Debalina Ghosh Syracuse University, Remote Sensing; Electromagnetic Engineering and
Assistant Professor Syracuse, NY, USA, Antennas; Radar Systems
[email protected] 2007

61. Dr. Debapratim Ghosh IIT Bombay, 2017 Microwave components, circuits, and systems, microwave
Assistant Professor measurement systems, analog and small-scale embedded
[email protected] systems

62. Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra IIT Kharagpur, 2012 Visual Surveillance and Computer Vision; Human
Assistant Professor Computer Interface; Augmented Reality
[email protected]

63. Dr. Dipankar De IISc Bangalore, Switched Mode Power Converter and Design of Integrated
Assistant Professor 2011 Magnetics; Application of Power Electronics in Power
[email protected] Systems; Wide band-gap Device based Power Conversion

Pg 83
Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area
64. Dr. Joy Chandra Mukherjee IIT Kharagpur, 2015 Distributed Algorithms, Time-varying Network Algorithms,
Assistant Professor Intelligent Transportation Systems, Smart Grid
(On Contract)
[email protected]

65. Dr. M. Sabarimalai IIT Guwahati, 2009 Signal and Image Processing; Biometric and Multimodal
Manikandan Interfaces; VLSI and Embedded System
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

66. Dr. Neti V L N Murty IIT BHU, 2008 Compound Semiconductor Device Modelling and
Assistant Professor Characterisation; Radiation Effects on Semiconductor
[email protected] Devices; Thin-film Sensors

67. Dr. Niladri Bihari Puhan Nanyang Image Processing; Biometrics; Biomedical Imaging
Assistant Professor Technologcal
[email protected] University,
Singapore, 2007

68. Dr. Padmalochan Bera IIT Kharagpur, 2011 Networks and System Security; Cryptography; Software
Assistant Professor Defined Networks
[email protected]

69. Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro IISc Bangalore, High Voltage Engineering; Industrial Application of High
Assistant Professor 2011 Voltage for Pollution Control; Renewable Energy Systems
[email protected]

70. Dr. Somindu Chaya Ramanna Indian Statistical Cyber Security

Assistant Professor Institute, Kolkata , LEFT ON 30.06.2017
(On Contract) 2015
[email protected]

71. Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki IIT Madras, 2012 Power Quality; DC DC Converters for Renewable energy
Assistant Professor sources; Power Electronics Applications to Power
[email protected] Systems

72. Dr. Srinivas Boppu University of Programmable Hardware Accelerators

Assistant Professor Erlangen-
[email protected] Nuremberg, 2015

73. Dr. Srinivas Pinisetty INRIA Rennes, Formal methods, runtime monitoring
Assistant Professor University of
[email protected] Rennes1, France

74. Dr. Sudipta Saha IIT Kharagpur,2015 Wireless Sensor Network; Cyber-Physical Systems;
Assistant Professor Internet-of-Things
(On Contract)
[email protected]

75. Dr. Shweta Jain IISc. Bangalore, Game Theory; Mechanism Design; Machine Learning
Visiting Faculty 2017
[email protected]

Pg 84
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management

Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area
76. Dr. Amrita Satapathy Utkal University, Commonwealth Studies, Indian Diaspora Literature, Travel
Assistant Professor 2009 Writings/ Autobiographies/ Memoirs
[email protected]
77. Dr. Anamitra Basu IIT Kharagpur, 2010 Laterality ; Psycholinguistics; clinical Psychology
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
78. Dr. Dukhabandhu Sahoo Institute for Social Open Macroeconomics; Development Economics;
Assistant Professor and Economic Environment and Natural Resource Economics
[email protected] Change, Bangalore,

79. Dr. Naresh Chandra Sahu IIT Kanpur, 2008 Environmental Economics; Finance; Mining and Rural
Assistant Professor Development
[email protected]

80. Dr. Punyashree Panda Berhampur Postcolonial World Literature, Indigenous Writings; Indian
Assistant Professor University, 2008 Writing in English; ELT, Cross-cultural Communication
[email protected]

81. Dr. Rajakumar Guduru English and Foreign Developing Critical Vocabulary of ESL Learners; Cognitive
Assistant Professor Languages Reading Skills; Second Language Aquisition; Teacher
[email protected] University, 2011 Education and Development; Communication Skills;
Technology and Language Learning

School of Infrastructure
82. Prof. Rabindra Kumar Panda Indian Agricultural Hydrology ;Watershed Management; Non-point Source
Professor Research Institute, Pollution of Water Resources
[email protected] New Delhi, 1984

83. Dr. Dinakar Pasla IIT Madras, 2005 Concrete Technology

Associate Professor
[email protected]

84. Dr. Sumanta Haldar IISc Bangalore, Offshore wind energy foundation; Soil-structure interaction;
Associate Professor 2008 Dynamics of soil and foundation
[email protected]

85. Dr. Arindam Sarkar IIT Kharagpur, 2006 Flow through submerged and emergent vegetation; Scour
Assistant Professor around hydraulic structures; Mathematical flow modelling
[email protected]
86. Dr. B. Hanumantha Rao IIT Bombay, 2009 Geotechnical Engineering; Environmental Geotechnics;
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

87. Dr. Debasis Basu IIT Kharagpur, 2008 Sustainable Transportation, Operation of Public Transport;
Assistant Professor Transportation Economics; Traffic Studies
[email protected]

Pg 85
Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

88. Dr. Goutam Mondal IIT Kanpur, 2011 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Seismic
Assistant Professor Analysis of Bridges; Soil-Structure Interaction
[email protected]

89. Dr. Manaswini Behera IIT Kharagpur, 2012 Water and wastewater treatment and reuse; Bioenergy
Assistant Professor recovery during wastewater treatment in microbial fuel
[email protected] cell; Solid waste management

90. Dr. Meenu Ramadas Purdue University, Hydrology; Water Resources; Drought Modelling
Assistant Professor USA, 2015
[email protected]

91. Dr. Partha Pratim Dey IIT Roorkee, 2006 Traffic Flow Modelling
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

92. Dr. Pushpendu Bhunia IIT Kharagpur, 2008 Nutrients removal and recovery from wastewater; Vermi-
Assistant Professor filtration of domestic and industrial wastes; Recovery of
[email protected] energy and biogas generation from biodegradable wastes

93. Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash IIT Roorkee, 2008 Environmental Engineering; Treatment of Water and
Assistant Professor Wastewater; Solid Waste Management
[email protected]

94. Dr. Remya Neelancherry National Chiao Tung Microwave photocatalytic treatment of complex
Assistant Professor University Taiwan, wastewater; Catalytic copyrolysis of mixed solid waste;
[email protected] 2010 Solar photocatalytic treatment and preparation of
supported catalyst

95. Dr. Saikat Sarkar IISc Bangalore, Structural Engineering

Visiting Faculty 2014

96. Dr. Shantanu Patra IIT Delhi, 2013 Geotechnical engineering, geosynthetics and their
Assistant Professor application

97. Dr. Suresh R Dash University of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake engineering; Soil -
Assistant Professor Oxford, 2011 Structure Interaction; Seismic Analysis and Design of
[email protected] Pipelines

98. Dr. Umesh Chandra Sahoo IIT Kharagpur, 2009 Pavement Analysis and Design; Pavement Materials; Low
Assistant Professor Volume Roads
[email protected]

99. Prof. Tian C. Zhang University of Alternative energy sources/low carbon technologies,
Visiting Professor of Foreign Cincinnati, nanotechnology and its environmental aplications, non-
Origin Cincinnati, OH, 1994 point source pollution control technologies and miro-scale
[email protected] environmental conditions.

Pg 86
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Mechanical Sciences

Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area


100. Prof. Swarup Kumar Jadavpur Conjugate Heat Transfer; Radiation Modelling; Bio Heat
Mahapatra University, 2000 Transfer
[email protected]

101. Prof. P.K. J. Mohapatra IIT Kharagpur, 1978 Industrial Engineering; Systems Dynamics; Operations
Visiting Professor Research & Management
[email protected]

102. Prof. Prasanta K. Mishra Jadavpur Non-conventional Manufacturing; MEMS & Microsystems
Visiting Professor University, Calcutta, Engineering
[email protected] 1974 LEFT ON 09.07.2017

103. Prof. Sadananda Sahu IIT, Kharagpur, 1978 Logistics; Supply Chain Management; Productivity Studies;
Visiting Professor Operations Management; Facilities Layout
[email protected] LEFT ON 16.08.2017

104. Dr. Arun Kumar Pradhan IIT Kharagpur, 2008 Solid Mechanics, Composite Materials & Structures,
Associate Professor Fracture Mechanics & Delamination studies in
[email protected] Composites; Smart Materials & Structures; Natural Fibre
Reinforced Composites

105. Dr. Manas Mohan Mahapatra IIT Kharagpur, 2008 Welding Residual Stress & Distortion control, Friction Stir
Associate Professor Welding Tool Design, Friction Stir Processing and Friction
[email protected] Cladding; Thermal Spray and Laser Coating for Wear and
High Temperature Applications; In-situ Metal Matrix
Composites and their Manufacturability

106. Dr. Mihir Kumar Pandit IIT Kharagpur, 2009 Design and Solid Mechanics; Sandwich Structures;
Associate Professor Composite Materials
[email protected]

107. Dr. Satyanarayan Panigrahi IISc Bangalore, Underwater acoustic absorbers; Acoustics of mufflers and
Associate Professor 2007 ducts; Acoustic metamaterials
[email protected]

108. Dr. Akhilesh Barve IIT Delhi, 2009 Supply Chain Management; Humanitarian Logistics;
Assistant Professor Industrial Engineering
[email protected]

109. Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya IISc Bangalore, Multi-phase and multiscale transport phenomena; Phase
Assistant Professor 2014 change and grain structure modelling; Boiling heat
[email protected] transfer modelling

110. Dr. Gaurav Bartarya IIT Kanpur, 2014 Conventional and nonconventional Machining Processes
Assistant Professor

111. Dr. K. Srinivasa Ramanujam IIT Madras, 2012 Active Passive Remote Sensing; Engineering Design and
Assistant Professor Optimization; Atmospheric Radiation
[email protected]

112. Dr. Mihir Kumar Das IIT Roorkee, 2006 Two Phase Heat Transfer; PCM based Cooling System;
Assistant Professor Internal Combustion Engines
[email protected]

Pg 87
Sl. Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

113. Dr. Prasenjit Rath Nanyang Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing; Ultrafast
Assistant Professor Technological Transport; CFD/HT
[email protected] University,
Singapore, 2007

114. Dr. Sasidhar Kondaraju Wayne State Microfluidics; Micro/Nanoscale Thermofluids; Multiphase
Assistant Professor University, 2009 Flows
[email protected]

115. Dr. Sathyanarayana Cornell University, Turbulence; DNS & LES, Spectral Methods; Experimental
Ayyalasomayajula NY, USA, 2007 Fluid Mechanics
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

116. Dr. Satish Dhandole IIT Delhi, 2009 Dynamic Design; Vibro-acoustic; Mechanisms
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

117. Dr. Suvradip Mullick IIT Kharagpur, 2016 Laser material processing, Non-conventional machining
Assistant Professor

118. Dr. V. Pandu Ranga IIT Kharagpur, 2009 Robotics; Manufacturing; Soft Computing
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

119. Dr. Venugopal Arumuru IIT Bombay, 2014 Fluid Structure Interaction and unsteady Aero-
Assistant Professor Hydrodynamics; Heat Transfer augmentation; Acoustics
[email protected]

120. Dr. Yogesh G. Bhumkar IIT Kanpur, 2012 High performance computing; Computational aero
Assistant Professor acoustics; Transitional and turbulent flows
[email protected]

121. Dr. Ankur Gupta IIT Kanpur, 2015 Nanotechnology; Micro-system fabrication; Manufacturing
Visiting Faculty
[email protected]

122. Dr. Pattabhi Ramaiah Bauhaus University Multiscale methods for fracture; molecular dynamics;
Budarapu of Welmar, fracture in multiphysics problems; structural dynamics
Visiting Faculty Germany, 2015

School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

123. Dr. Brahma Deo University of Iron and steel making; Dynamic process control and
Professorial Fellow Burdwan, 1975 optimization; Chaos control in dynamical systems
[email protected]

124. Prof. Golok B Nando IIT Kharagpur, 1979 Rubber Products manufacturing and new materials
Professorial Fellow development, Polymer Blends and Alloys with silicone
[email protected] rubber, Thermoplastic Elastomers and Thermoplastic
Vulcanizates, Rubber & Thermoplastic Elastomer nano-

Pg 88
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Name/Designation/Email Ph.D./Year Specialization/Research Area

Prof. Brij Kumar Dhindaw

125. Solidification Processing and Composites; Physical
Visiting Professor IIT Kharagpur,1971
Metallurgy; Mineral Processing
[email protected]

Dr. Amritendu Roy Ferroelectric and multiferroic materials for memory and
126. Assistant Professor IIT Kanpur, 2012 energy applications; Multi component alloy design;
[email protected] Electronic structure calculations

Dr. Animesh Mandal

127. Aluminium alloys; Metal matrix composites; Semisolid
Assistant Professor IIT Kharagpur, 2007
processing of metallic systems
[email protected]

Dr. Kaushik Das Mechanical Behaviour of Nanomaterials; Integration of

128. McGill University,
Assistant Professor Nanomaterials to Microelectromechanical Systems
[email protected] (MEMS);

Dr. Kisor Kumar Sahu Modelling and simulation of materials; Energy materials
129. Kyoto University,
Assistant Professor and systems; Structural and magnetic frustration of
[email protected] materials

130. Dr. Kodanda Ram Mangipudi University of Computational Mechanics Mechanical behavior of
Assistant Professor Groningen, 2012 (nano)composite materials Mechanics of cellular solids

Missouri University
Dr. Partha Sarathi De
131. of Science & Friction stir welding and processing; High entropy alloys;
Assistant Professor
Technology, USA, Thermo-mechanical processing of metals
[email protected]

Dr. Randhir Singh Computational modelling of electrochemical systems; fuel

132. Imperial College
Assistant Professor cell and hydrogen production; electrometallurgy of Al and
London, 2009
[email protected] Ti reduction

Dr. Soobhankar Pati

133. Boston University, Electrochemistry ;Energy Materials; Sustainable Materials
Assistant Professor
2010 and Process
[email protected]

Dr. Srikant Gollapudi North Carolina Creep behavior of titanium, zirconium, magnesium and
134. Assistant Professor State University, aluminum alloys and solders Mechanical alloying of
[email protected] 2007 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys

Pg 89
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


Name of the
Sl. No. Name Parent Institute
School visited

1. Prof. Samrat L Sabat University of Hyderabad SBS

2. Prof. Ajit Mohan Srivastava Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar SBS
3. Prof. Swapan Kumar Saha Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore SBS
4. Prof. Geetanjali Panda IIT Kharagpur SBS
5. Prof. P V Satyam Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar SBS
6. Prof. K. P. N. Murthy Manipal University, Chennai SBS
7. Prof. Arghya Taraphder IIT Kharagpur SBS
8. Prof. Biswajit Mishra IIT Kharagpur SEOCS
9. Prof. Rengaswamy Ramesh NISER, Bhubaneswar SEOCS
10. Prof. Santanu Banerjee IIT Bombay SEOCS
11. Prof. T. K. Biswal IIT Bombay SEOCS
12. Dr. Ravikant Vadlamani IIT Kharagpur SEOCS
13. Dr. M. D. Behera IIT Kharagpur SEOCS
14. Prof. T. N. Singh IIT Bombay SEOCS
15. Prof. Saibal Gupta IIT Kharagpur SEOCS
16. Dr. Ashwini Nanda HPC Research Inc., USA SES
17. Dr. Subhankar Mishra NISER Bhubaneswar SES
18. Dr. N. K. Goyal IIT Kharagpur SES
19. Dr. Goutam Biswas IIT Kharagpur SES
20. Dr. Korra Sathya Babu NIT Rourkela SES
21. Dr. Bibhudatta Sahoo NIT Rourkela SES
22. Dr. Shailendra K. Varshney IIT Kharagpur SES
23. Prof. Partha Roop University of Auckland, New Zealand SES
24. Prof. (Mrs.) S. Mohanty Orrisa Bigyan Academy SES
25. Prof. Bijaya Kumar Rath Berhampur University SHSSM
26. Prof. Binayak Rath IIT Kanpur SHSSM
27. Padmashree Kumkum Mohanty Odisha Sangeet Maha Vidyalaya SHSSM
28. Dr. Pranaya Kumar Swain NISER Bhubaneswar SHSSM
29. Shri Gokul Chandra Pati IAS- Retired SHSSM
30. Prof. Fakir Mohan Sahoo Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar SHSSM
31. Dr. Aurobindo Behera IAS- Retired SHSSM
32. Prof. G. B. Nando IIT Kharagpur SMMME
33. Prof. Dhanush Dhari Misra IIT (ISM) Dhanbad SMMME

Pg 90
Pg 91
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Book Chapters,

Conference Papers,
123; 28%

Journal Articles;
319; 71%

Book Chapter
School of Basic Sciences Particle Size Characteristics of Red Mud Waste. In
1. Udhayakumar, S., Sekhar, T. V. S., & Sivakumar, R. Geoenvironmental Practices and Sustainability (pp.
(2017). MHD mixed convective heat transfer over an 69–89). Springer, Singapore.
isothermal circular cylinder using low Rm
approximation (Vol. Part F8). School of Mechanical Sciences
5. Mondal, K. and Gupta, Ankur (2017), Carbon based
School of Electrical Sciences Nano-materials for Water Remediation, (Ed.),
2. Kolluru, S. K., Shrimal, S., & Krishnaswamy, S. (2017). Springer, 2017.
Cognitivecam: A visual question answering
application. In Applications of Cognitive Computing Paper published in Peer-reviewed Journals
Systems and IBM Watson: 8th IBM Collaborative School of Basic Sciences
Academia Research Exchange (pp. 85–90).
1. Abhinav, K., Chandrasekhar, B., Vyas, V. M., & 10.1007/978-981-10-6418-0_11
Panigrahi, P. K. (2017). Heisenberg symmetry and
3. Pradhan, H. S., Sahu, P. K., Ghosh, D., & Mahapatra, S. collective modes of one 5, 5 February 2017, Pages
(2017). Brillouin distributed temperature sensor using 457-461,
optical time domain reflectometry techniques (Vol. j.physleta.2016.12.018.
2. Adamczyk, K., Aihara, H., Angelini, C., Aziz, T., Babu, V.,
Bacher, S., … Yoshinobu, T. (2017). The Belle II silicon
School of Infrastructure vertex detector assembly and mechanics. Nuclear
4. Rao, B. H., & Reddy, N. G. (2017). Zeta Potential and Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,

Pg 92
Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors TMAO. Journal of Molecular Liquids, Complete(225),
and Associated Equipment, 845, 38–42. 926–935.
3. Banik, A. D. (2017). Stationary analysis of a 12. Chaudhry, M. L., Banik, A. D., & Pacheco, A. (2017). A
BMAP/R/1 queue with R-type multiple working simple analysis of the batch arrival queue with
vacations: Communications in Statistics - Simulation infinite-buffer and Markovian service process using
and Computation: Vol 46, No 2. (n.d.). Retrieved July roots method: $$ GI ^{[X]}/C$$-$$ MSP /1/\infty
11, 2018, from $$MSP/1/∞. Annals of Operations Research, 252(1), 135–173.
0918.2014.990096 13. Das, A. S., Roy, M., Roy, D., Kar, T., Rath, S., &
4. Barik, N. B., Sekhar, T. V. S. (2017). A novel RBF-FD Bhattacharya, S. (n.d.). (2017). Investigations of
meshless scheme in curvilinear geometry for Microstructure and Dc Conductivity of V2O5-Nd2O3
unbounded flows: International Journal for Glass Nanocomposites. ChemistrySelect, 2(34),
Computational Methods in Engineering Science and 11273–11280.
Mechanics: Vol 18, No 4-5. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 10.1002/slct.201701590
2018, from https:// www.tandfonline. com/ 14. Das, P., Dhal, S., Ghosh, S., Chatterjee, S., Rout, C. S.,
doi/full/10.1080/15502287.2017. 1339135
Ramgir, N., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Superhydrophobic
5. Barik, S., & Sahoo, G. (2017). On the distance spectra to hydrophilic transition of multi-walled carbon
of coronas. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65(8), nanotubes induced by Na+ ion irradiation. Nuclear
1617–1628. Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 413, 31–36.
6. Barik, S., & Sahoo, G. (2017). On the Laplacian spectra 15. Dash, J. N., & Jha, R. (2017a). Cascaded Taper
of some variants of corona. Linear Algebra and Its Collapsed Region-Based PCF Sensor: Wavelength
Applications, 512, 32–47. and Intensity Interrogation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(24), 8338–8342.
7. Barik, S., & Sahoo, G. (2017). Some results on the
Laplacian spectra of graphs with pockets. Electronic 16. Dash, J. N., & Jha, R. (2017c). Fabrication of Inline
Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 63, 219–228. Micro Air Cavity with Choice-Based Dimensions. IEEE 2017.11.017
Photonics Technology Letters, 29(14), 1147–1150.
8. Bera, G., Reddy, V. R., Rambabu, P., Mal, P., Das, P., LPT.2017.2703086
Mohapatra, N., … Turpu, G. R. (2017).
17. Dash, J. N., Dass, S., & Jha, R. (2017). Microfiber
Triclinic–monoclinic–orthorhombic (T–M–O)
Assisted Highly Birefringent PCF-Based
structural transitions in phase diagram of FeVO4-
Interferometric Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(5),
CrVO4 solid solutions. Journal of Applied Physics,
122(11), 115101. 10.1063/1.4985793
9. Bhamidipati, C., & Yerra, P. K. (2017). A note on Gauss-
18. Dash, J. N., Negi, N., & Jha, R. (2017). Graphene Oxide
Bonnet black holes at criticality. Physics Letters B,
Coated PCF Interferometer for Enhanced Strain
772, 800–807.
Sensitivity. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(24),
10. Bhamidipati, C., & Yerra, P. K. (2017). Heat engines for
dilatonic Born–Infeld black holes. The European
19. Dash, N., Bahinipati, S., Bhardwaj, V., Trabelsi, K.,
Physical Journal C, 77(8), 534.
Adachi, I., Aihara, H., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Search for
CP Violation and Measurement of the Branching
11. Chand, A., Chettiyankandy, P., Pattanayak, S. K., &
Fraction in the Decay D0 → KS0 KS0. Physical Review
Chowdhuri, S. (2017). Effects of trimethylamine-N-
Letters, 119(17).
oxide (TMAO) on aqueous N-methylacetamide
solution: A comparison of different force fields of

Pg 93
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

20. Dass, S., & Jha, R. (2017b). Tapered Fiber Attached 29. Hossain, S. M., Singh, K., Lakma, A., Pradhan, R. N., &
Nitrile Diaphragm-Based Acoustic Sensor. Journal of Singh, A. K. (2017). A schiff base ligand of coumarin
Lightwave Technology, 35(24), 5411–5417. derivative as an ICT-Based fluorescence JLT.2017.2776519 chemosensor for Al3+. Sensors and Actuators, B:
21. Dhal, S., Chatterjee, S., Facsko, S., Möller, W., Böttger, Chemical, 239, 1109–1117.
R., Satpati, B., … Hübner, R. (2017). Discrete Single
Crystalline Titanium Oxide Nanoparticle Formation 30. Jarzembska, K. N., Hoser, A. A., Varughese, S.,
from a Two-Dimensional Nanowelded Network. Kamiński, R., Malinska, M., Stachowicz, M., … Woźniak,
Crystal Growth and Design, 17(5), 2660–2666. K. (2017). Structural and Energetic Analysis of Molecular Assemblies in a Series of Nicotinamide
22. Dhanasekar, M., Ratha, S., Rout, C. S., & Bhat, S. V. and Pyrazinamide Cocrystals with Dihydroxybenzoic
(2017). Efficient sono-photocatalytic degradation of Acids. Crystal Growth and Design, 17(9), 4918–4931.
methylene blue using nickel molybdate nanosheets
under diffused sunlight. Journal of Environmental 31. Jia, S., Shen, C. P., Yuan, C. Z., Adachi, I., Aihara, H., Al
Chemical Engineering, 5(3), 2997–3004. Said, S., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Search for the 0 - Glueball in (1S) and (2S) decays. Physical Review D,
23. Dutta, D., Adamczyk, K., Aihara, H., Angelini, C., Aziz, 95(1). PhysRevD.95.012001
T., Babu, V., … Zani, L. (2017). Belle II silicon vertex 32. Kalipatnapu, S., Kuppuswamy, S., Venugopal, G.,
detector. Journal of Instrumentation, 12(2). Kaliaperumal, V., & Ramadass, B. (2017). Fecal total iron concentration is inversely associated with fecal
24. Ghosh, S., & Banik, A. D. (2017b). Computing Lactobacillus in preschool children. Journal of
conditional sojourn time of a randomly chosen Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 32(8),
tagged customer in a BMAP/MSP/1 queue under 1475–1479.
random order service discipline. Article in Press. 33. Kumar, R., Singh, R. K., Singh, A. K., Vaz, A. R., Rout, C. S., & Moshkalev, S. A. (2017). Facile and single step
25. Grygier, J., Goldenzweig, P., Heck, M., Adachi, I., Aihara, synthesis of three dimensional reduced graphene
H., Al Said, S., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Search for B →hν ν - oxide-NiCoO2composite using microwave for
decays with semileptonic tagging at Belle, Physical enhanced electron field emission properties. Applied
Review D, 96(9). Surface Science, 416, 259–265. j.apsusc.2017.04.189
26. Hirose, S., Iijima, T., Adachi, I., Adamczyk, K., Aihara, H., 34. Kumar, R., Singh, R. K., Singh, D. P., Vaz, A. R., Yadav, R.
Al Said, S., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Measurement of the t R., Rout, C. S., & Moshkalev, S. A. (2017). Synthesis of
Lepton Polarization and R (D*) in the Decay B →d*t- self-assembled and hierarchical palladium-CNTs-
? t. Physical Review Letters, 118(21). reduced graphene oxide composites for enhanced PhysRevLett.118.211801 field emission properties. Materials and Design, 122,
27. Horiguchi, T., Ishikawa, A., Yamamoto, H., Adachi, I., 110–117.
Aihara, H., Al Said, S., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Evidence j.matdes.2017.02.089
for Isospin Violation and Measurement of CP 35. Kumar, R., Singh, R. K., Vaz, A. R., Yadav, R. M., Rout, C.
Asymmetries in B →k* (892)?. Physical Review S., & Moshkalev, S. A. (2017). Synthesis of reduced
Letters, 119(19). graphene oxide nanosheet-supported agglomerated cobalt oxide nanoparticles and their enhanced
28. Hossain, S. M., Lakma, A., Pradhan, R. N., Demeshko, electron field emission properties. New Journal of
S., & Singh, A. K. (2017). Valence directed binding Chemistry, 41(16), 8431–8436.
mode of [2 × 2] iron grids of an unsymmetrical c7nj02101a
picolinic hydrazone based ligand. Dalton 36. Lai, Y.-T., Wang, M.-Z., Adachi, I., Aihara, H., Al Said, S.,
Transactions, 46(37), 12612–12618. Asner, D. M., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Search for D0
10.1039/c7dt02433a decays to invisible final states at Belle. Physical

Pg 94
Review D, 95(1). 45. Murthy, P. K., Sheena Mary, Y., Suneetha, V., Panicker,
10.1103/PhysRevD.95.011102 C. Y., Armaković, S., Armaković, S. J., … Van Alsenoy, C.
37. Lai, Y.-T., Wang, M.-Z., Adachi, I., Aihara, H., Al Said, S., (2017). Towards the new heterocycle based
Asner, D. M., … Zupanc, A. (2017). Search for D0 molecule: Synthesis, characterization and reactivity
decays to invisible final states at Belle. Physical study. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1137,
Review D, 95(1). 10.1103/ 589–605. https://
38. Majumder, S., Pasayat, S., Panda, A. K., Dash, S. P., 46. Murthy, P. K., Smitha, M., Sheena Mary, Y., Armaković,
Roy, S., Biswas, A., … Dinda, R. (2017). Monomeric and S., Armaković, S. J., Rao, R. S., … Van Alsenoy, C. (2017).
Dimeric Oxidomolybdenum(V and VI) Complexes, Supramolecular architecture of 5-bromo-7-methoxy-
Cytotoxicity, and DNA Interaction Studies: 1-methyl-1H-benzoimidazole.3H2O: Synthesis,
Molybdenum Assisted C=N Bond Cleavage of spectroscopic investigations, DFT computation, MD
Salophen Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry, 56(18), simulations and docking studies. Journal of
11190–11210. https:// Molecular Structure, 1149, 602–612. https://
39. MarriThese Authors Contributed Equally., S. R., Ratha,
47. Naik, K. K., Gangan, A. S., Pathak, A., Chakraborty, B.,
S., Rout, C. S., & Behera, J. N. (2017). 3D cuboidal
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146. Das, S., Dubey, R., Panigrahi, B. K., & Samantaray, S. R. 155. Jena, M. K., Samantaray, S. R., & Panigrahi, B. K.
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147. Das, V., & Puhan, N. B. (2017). Tsallis entropy and 156. Jena, M. K., Samantaray, S. R., & Panigrahi, B. K.
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149. Dash, S., Rouholamin, M., Lombardi, D., &
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159. Jena, M., Samantaray, S., & PANIGRAHI, B. (2017). A
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New Adaptive Dependability-Security Approach to
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160. Kar, S., Samantaray, S. R., & Zadeh, M. D. (2017). Data-
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161. Kumar, A., & Sahu, P. R. (2017). Performance analysis 170. Kumar, P., Saini, R., Sahu, P. K., Roy, P. P., Dogra, D. P.,
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162. Kumar, A., Pradhan, S. K., Jayasankar, K., Debata, M., International Symposium on Technologies for Smart
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163. Kumar, D., Das, O., Kaurav, M. S., & Khan, T. (2017). the TENSYMP 2017 - IEEE International Symposium
Synthetic studies en route to the first total synthesis on Technologies for Smart Cities.
of a naturally occurring quinone from: Acorus
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Study of Text Segmentation and Recognition Using power supply: Towards retrofitting to automobile

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vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and of Deep Networks. IEEE Signal Processing Letters,
Electrical Insulation, 24(5), 2738–2745. 24(12), 1758–1762.
178. Morello, R., Mukhopadhyay, S. C., Liu, Z., Slomovitz, 187. Pappula, L., & Ghosh, D. (2017a). Synthesis of linear
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179. Morello, R., Mukhopadhyay, S., Gaura, E., Liu, Z., 188. Pati, A. K., & Sahoo, N. C. (2017). Adaptive super-
Samantaray, S. R., Slomovitz, D., & Onyewuchi, U.
twisting sliding mode control for a three-phase
(2017). Guest editorial special issue on smart sensors
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for smart grids and smart cities. IEEE Sensors
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Journal, 17(23), 7594–7595.
69, 296–306.
180. Mukherjee, N., & De, D. (2017). A New State-of-
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Charge Control Derivation Method for Hybrid Battery
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181. Panda, G., Banik, A. D., & Chaudhry, M. L. (2017). 190. Paul, N., Singh, A., Midya, A., Roy, P. P., & Dogra, D. P.
Stationary distributions of the R[X]/R/1 cross- (2017). Moving object detection using modified
correlated queue. Communications in Statistics - temporal differencing and local fuzzy thresholding.
Theory and Methods, 46(17), 8666–8689. Journal of Supercomputing, 73(3), 1120–1139.
182. Panda, G., Banik, A. D., & Guha, D. (2017). Stationary 191. Pinisetty, S., Jéron, T., Tripakis, S., Falcone, Y.,
analysis and optimal control under multiple working Marchand, H., & Preoteasa, V. (2017). Predictive
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Press. Systems and Software, 132, 353–365.
183. Panda, G., Goswami, V., & Banik, D. (2017). Equilibrium
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queues with impatient customers and variant of Marchand, H., & Preoteasa, V. (2017). Predictive
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184. Panda, R., N.B., P., & Panda, G. (2017). Robust and
accurate optic disk localization using vessel 017-0271-1
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Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 37(3),
S., & Hanxleden, R. V. (2017). Runtime Enforcement of
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185. Panda, R., Puhan, N. B., Rao, A., Padhy, D., & Panda, G. Embedded Computing Systems, 16(5s), 1–25.
(2017). Recurrent neural network based retinal nerve
fiber layer defect detection in early glaucoma (pp.
194. Pradhan, J. K., Ghosh, A., & Bhende, C. N. (2017).
692–695). Presented at the Proceedings -
Small-signal modeling and multivariable PI control
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Systems Research, 144, 115–126.
186. Pandey, P., Deepthi, A., Mandal, B., & Puhan, N. B.
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195. Pradhan, P. M., & Panda, G. (2017). Information Transmission Distribution IET Generation, 11(5),
Combining Schemes for Cooperative Spectrum 1293–1302.
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Analysis. Wireless Personal Communications, 94(3), 204. Samantaray, S. R., Kamwa, I., & Joos, G. (2017). Phasor
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196. Radhika, B. (2017). Force identification using information sharing between micro-grids. IET
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197. Raja, P. V., & Murty, N. V. L. N. (2017). Electrically 205. Satija, U., Mohanty, M., & Ramkumar, B. (2017).
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Transactions on Nuclear Science, 64(8), 2377–2385. Using Sparse Signal Decomposition. Wireless Personal Communications, 96(4), 5723–5741.
198. Raja, P. V., Akhtar, J., Rao, C. V. S., Vala, S., Abhangi, M.,
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alpha-particle diagnostics. Nuclear Instruments and
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Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and
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Compliance choice analysis for India's thermal power
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Healthcare Technology Letters, 4(1), 2–12.
Energy Policy, 108, 624–633.
209. Satija, U., Ramkumar, B., & Manikandan, S. M. (2017d).
201. Sahoo, N. R., Mohapatra, P. K. J., Sahoo, B. K., &
Real-Time Signal Quality-Aware ECG Telemetry
Mahanty, B. (2017). Rationality of energy efficiency System for IoT-Based Health Care Monitoring. IEEE
improvement targets under the PAT scheme in India Internet of Things Journal, 4(3), 815–823.
– A case of thermal power plants. Energy Economics,
66, 279–289.
210. Tripathy, S. R., Panda, G., & Majhi, B. (2017).
Constrained LMMSE-based object-specific
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Surveillance scene segmentation based on trajectory Processing, 11(9), 1122–1127.
classification using supervised learning (Vol. 459
211. Vasundhara, Panda, G., & Puhan, N. B. (2017). A new
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measurement unit based wide-area monitoring and scheme for hearing aids. Article in Press.
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212. Yadava, M., Kumar, P., Saini, R., Roy, P. P., & Prosad
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School of Humanities, Social Sciences and 221. Balaganesan, G., Akshaj Kumar, V., Khan, V. C., &
Management Srinivasan, S. M. (2017). Energy-Absorbing Capacity of
213. Kumari, Rupashree Brahma, Basu, Anamitra (2017). Polyurethane/SiC/Glass-Epoxy Laminates under
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275. Ojo, S. O., Budarapu, P. R., & Paggi, M. (2017). A 283. Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Kumar, P., Saini, N., &
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277. Panda, A., & Pani, S. (2017a). Determining 285. Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Kumar, P., Vidyrathy, R.
Approximate Solutions of Nonlinear Ordinary S., & Srivastava, A. (2017c). Microstructure-based
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278. Pandey, C., Giri, A., Mahapatra, M. M., & Kumar, P.
(2017). Characterization of microstructure of HAZs in 286. Pandey, C., Narang, H. K., Saini, N., Mahapatra, M. M.,
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279. Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Kumar, P., & Giri, A. 287. Pany, G., Pani, S., & Mohapatra, R. N. (2017). Error
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900–914. 288. Pattanayak, R., Kuila, S., Raut, S., Ghosh, S. P., Dhal, S.,
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281. Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Kumar, P., & Saini, N.
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282. Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Kumar, P., & Saini, N.
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66, 279–289. water over plain tube bundle with uniform and varying heat flux along the height of the tube bundle.
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295. Saini, N., Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., Narang, H. K., 303. Yadav, R., Pandey, C., Mahapatra, M. M., & Mulik, R. S.
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296. Singh, M., Kondaraju, S., & Bahga, S. S. (2017). 0977-6
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297. Singh, P. K., Kumar, S. D., Patel, D., & Prasad, S. B.
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298. Swain, A., & Das, M. K. (2017). Flow boiling of distilled

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School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials 313. Mohanty, A., & Roy, S. (2017). Glaser-Hay hetero-
Engineering coupling in a bimetallic regime: A Ni(II)/Ag(i) assisted
306. Dutta, B., Ruhela, R., Yadav, M., Singh, A. K., Sahu, K. base, ligand and additive free route to selective
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Liquid-liquid extraction studies of gadolinium with N- Communications, 53(78), 10796–10799.
methyl-N,N,N-trioctyl ammonium-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)
phosphonate – Task specific ionic liquid. Separation 314. Mohapatra, S. S., Wilson, Z. E., Roy, S., & Ley, S. V.
and Purification Technology, 175, 158–163. (2017). Utilization of flow chemistry in catalysis: New avenues for the selective synthesis of
307. Dutta, B., Ruhela, R., Yadav, M., Singh, A. K., Sahu, K. Bis(indolyl)methanes. Tetrahedron, 73(14),
K., Padmanabhan, N. P. H., & Chakravartty, J. K. (2017). 1812–1819.
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phosphonate – Task specific ionic liquid. Separation Treatable Aluminum Alloy: Thermo-Mechanical and
and Purification Technology, 175, 158–163. Microstructure Evolution Model. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 70(5), 1387–1398.
308. Kumar, S. D., Vundavilli, P. R., Mandal, A., Mantry, S., &
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Thixoformed A356-5TiB2in situ Composite Using Influence of reinforcement and processing on steel-
Taguchi's Experimental Design. Tribology based composites: Microstructure and mechanical
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311. Mishra, M., Roy, A., Garg, A., Gupta, R., & Mukherjee, Science, 48(5), 2519–2528.
S. (2017). Room temperature multiferroism in
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312. Mishra, S., Chaubey, A., & Mandal, A. (2017). Effect of Block and a Copper Insert. Transactions of the Indian
Heat Treatment on the Microstructure of Mg-4Al-Nd Institute of Metals, 70(7), 1795–1804.
Alloys. Technologies, 5(2), 23.

Pg 112
Paper published in Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

School of Basic Sciences for the detection of bovine serum albumin using
graphene oxide (Vol. Part F66-FiO 2017). Presented at
1. Bandyopadhyay, M., & Jayannavar, A. M. (2017). the Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Classical spin in contact with an anomalous
dissipative heat bath (Vol. 1832). Presented at the AIP
Conference Proceedings. 9. Srinivasulu Reddy, K., Venkata Reddy, V., & Mandava, R. K. (2017). Effect of Binder and Mold parameters on
Collapsibility and Surface Finish of Gray Cast Iron No-
2. Das, S., Biswal, A. K., & Roy, A. (2017). Fabrication of bake Sand Molds (Vol. 225). Presented at the IOP
flexible piezoelectric PMN-PT based composite films Conference Series: Materials Science and
for energy harvesting (Vol. 178). Presented at the IOP Engineering.
Conference Series: Materials Science and 899X/225/1/012246
899X/178/1/012020 School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

3. Dash, J. N., & Jha, R. (2017b). Fabrication of fiber 10. Amere, A. B., Goyal, R. , Jangir, B. , Ghose, S. K., Vara,
based inline micro air cavities with tunable Prasad T. D. and Swain, D. (2017), Variability of
geometrical parameters (Vol. Part F66-FiO 2017). Relative Heat Content in the North Indian Ocean
Presented at the Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. during three climate cycles, National Conference on Polar Sciences (NCPS-2017), May 16-17, 2017, Goa,
4. Dass, S., & Jha, R. (2017a). Diaphragm based single
mode fiber taper acoustic sensor (Vol. Part F82- 11. Barik, S.S., Mahto, D., Singh, R.K., Tripathy, S., Prusty,
CLEO_Europe 2017). Presented at the Optics InfoBase P., (2017), 5th Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza,
Conference Papers. Retrieved from Spain, 9-13 May 2017, Zaragoza, Spain,
s2.085039909932&partnerID=40&md5=29ed7b5986 sm-abstract-book-zaragoza-2017.pdf
12. Behera, N., Swain, D. and Sil, S. (2017), Influence of
5. Dhal, S., Chatterjee, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Polar Water on the Biology of Southern Indian Ocean,
Welding of copper oxide nanocolumns by ion National Conference on Polar Sciences (NCPS-2017)"
irradiation: Transition from hydrophilic to , May 16-17, 2017, NCAOR, Goa, (2017) Oceanography
hydrophobic surface (Vol. 1832). Presented at the AIP Community,
Conference Proceedings. 13. Ghose, S. K., Goyal, R .,, Jangir, B., Amere, A. B ,
Mathew, S. , Joseph, K. J. , Venkatesan, R. and
6. Halder, O., & Rath, S. (2017). Power dependent phonon Swain, D. (2017), Understanding the response of
frequency within CdSe and CdMnSe nanosheets (Vol. ocean subsurface parameters to changes in surface
1832). Presented at the AIP Conference Proceedings. met-parameters using high resolution moored buoy observations in the Indian Ocean", Workshop on Two
Decades of Observing the Oceans, Apr. 22, 2017,
7. Mishra, N., Krishna, B., Singh, R., & Das, K. (2017). National Institute of Ocean Technology (MoES),
Evaluation of Effective Elastic, Piezoelectric, and Chennai.
Dielectric Properties of SU8/ZnO Nanocomposite for
Vertically Integrated Nanogenerators Using Finite 14. Goyal, R., Amere, A. B., , Jangir, B. , Ghose, S. K., and
Element Method [Research article]. Swain, D. (2017), Heat Content Variability over Northern Indian Ocean during the pre and post hiatus
period", National Conference on Polar Sciences
8. Nayak, J. K., & Jha, R. (2017a). Fiber optic biosensor (NCPS-2017), May 16-17, 2017, Goa, India

Pg 113
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

15. Halder, S. and Sil, Shee, S. (2017), Comparisons of 22. Pramanik, Saikat , Shee, Abhijit, Mandal , Samiran and
Eddy Detection Methods in the Bay of Bengal, "5th Sil , Sourav (2017), Validation of SCATSAT-1 winds
National Conference of Ocean Society (OSICON with RAMA, ASCAT, ECMWF reanalysis winds in the
2017)" , Aug 28 -30, 2017, NCESS, Bay of Bengal, International Tropical Meteorology
Thiruvananthapuram, p 72, (2017) Oceanography Symposium (INTROMET – 2017), November 07-10,
Community, 2017, Space Application Centre (SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India
23. Prusty P, Farooq S. H. and Zimik H. V, (2017),
16. Jangir, B., Goyal, R ., Swain, D. , Ghose, S. K., Amere, Proceedings of Goldschmidt Conference-2017, Paris,
A. B., and Bhaskar, TVS Udaya . (2017), Region
specific investigation of the role of Tropical Cyclone 24. Prusty P, Farooq S. H., and Zimik, H. V. , (0000),
Heat Potential on tropical cyclogenesis and Proceedings of Geological Society of America Annual
intensification in North Indian Ocean and effect of El- Meeting 2017, , Washington.
Nino and La-Nina events", National Conference on 25. S. Pramanik, D. Dey and S. Sil (2017), Effect of Kelvin
Polar Sciences (NCPS-2017), May 16-17, 2017, Goa, and Rossby Waves in the Bay of Bengal using ROMS,
India "5th National Conference of Ocean Society (OSICON
17. Jangir, B., Swain, D. , Bhaskar, TVS Udaya and Ali, M. 2017)" , Aug 28 -30, 2017, NCESS,
M. (2017), Need to reconsider oceanographic input Thiruvananthapuram, p 53.
parameters in cyclone prediction models", 26. Singh, R.K., Jena, P.S., Barik, S.S., Chattaraj, J., Prusty,
International Tropical Meteorology Symposium 2017 P, (2017), 26th Indian Collaquium of
(INTROMET-2017) on Advancements in Space-based Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy, Department of
Earth Observations and Services for Weather and Geology, University of Madras, Guindy Campus,
Climate, Nov 7-10, 2017, SAC/ISRO, Ahmedabad, India Chennai.
18. Mandal, A. Sil, S. , Arunraj, K. S. and Jena, B. K. 27. T. Mukherjee, V. Vinoj, A. Asutosh, S. K. Pandey, A.
(2017), Sub-mesoscale Circulation Features along Panwar, L. Yang, and P. P. Gogoi , (2017), ICIMOD,
Andhra Coast: Observations from HF radar, "5th Kathmandu.
National Conference of Ocean Society (OSICON
2017)" , Aug 28 -30, 2017, NCESS, 28. Zimik, H. V., S. H. Farooq and P. Prusty, (2017),
Thiruvananthapuram, p 155. Proceedings of Goldschmidt Conference , Zimik, H. V.,
S. H. Farooq and P. Prusty, Proceedings of
19. Mandal, Samiran and Sil, Sourav. (2017), OMNI Buoys: Goldschmidt Conference , Paris,
A Platform for Multi-Scale Circulation Studies,
Workshop on "Two decades of Observing the acts/finalPDFs /2017001579- 20170327043458.pdf.
Oceans" , 22 April, 2017, NIOT, Chennai, India, (2017)
Oceanography Community. 29. Zimik, H. V., S. H. Farooq and P. Prusty, (2017),
Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Geological
20. Mishra.H.K., (2017), ICCP Sympossium on "Organic Society of America 2017, Washington.
Petrology in 21st Century", Brisbane
School of Electrical Sciences
21. Pramanik, Saikat , Shee, Abhijit, Mandal , Samiran and
Sil , Sourav (2017), Relative Performance of ASCAT, 30. Ahmed, A., Kar, S., Dogra, D. P., Patnaik, R., Lee, S.,
SCATSAT and ECMWF Re-Analysis Winds on upper Choi, H., & Kim, I. (2017). Video synopsis generation
Ocean Simulation using ROMS, International Tropical using spatio-Temporal groups (pp. 512–517).
Meteorology Symposium (INTROMET – 2017), Presented at the Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE
November 07-10, 2017, Space Application Centre International Conference on Signal and Image
(SAC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Processing Applications, ICSIPA 2017.
Ahmedabad, India.

Pg 114
31. Anurag, M. B., Thrinath, G. S., Karanki, S. B., & Yallamili, 38. Dey, P., Trivedi, N., Satija, U., Ramkumar, B., &
R. (2017). Design of ZVS based high gain DC-DC Manikandan, M. S. (2017). Single Channel Blind
converter for PV applications (pp. 584–589). Source Separation for MISO Communication Systems.
Presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference In 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference
on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, (VTC-Fall) (pp. 1–5).
ICRERA 2016.
39. Firdaus, A., Mishra, S., & Bhende, C. N. (2017).
32. Babu, K. A., Ramkumar, B., & Manikandan, M. S. Modelling a droop controlled multi PV inverter
(2017a). Real-time detection of S2 sound using system to study effects of system parameters on
simultaneous recording of PCG and PPG (Vol. 2017- oscillatory modes (Vol. 2017-December, pp. 1–6).
December, pp. 1475–1480). Presented at the IEEE Presented at the 2017 Asian Conference on Energy,
Region 10 Annual International Conference, Power and Transportation Electrification, ACEPT
Proceedings/TENCON. 2017.
40. Ghosh, A., Kumar, D., & Samantaray, S. R. (2017).
33. Babu, K. A., Ramkumar, B., & Manikandan, M. S. Simultaneous reconfiguration with DG placement
(2017b). S1 and S2 heart sound segmentation using using bit-shift operator based TLBO. Presented at the
variational mode decomposition (Vol. 2017- 2016 National Power Systems Conference, NPSC
December, pp. 1629–1634). Presented at the IEEE 2016.
Region 10 Annual International Conference,
Proceedings/TENCON. 41. Ghosh, Samit Sarkar, Subharthi, Sekhar, T. V. S. (2017), Proceedings of 62nd Congress of ISTAM, Osmania
University Hydearabad,
34. Behera, S. K., Dogra, D. P., & Roy, P. P. (2017b).!/pages/home
Localization of signatures in continuous Air writing.
Presented at the TENSYMP 2017 - IEEE International 42. Jena, M. K., Panigrahi, B. K., Das, S., & Samantaray, S.
Symposium on Technologies for Smart Cities. R. (2017). Exposing zone-2 and zone-3 mal-operations in thyristor-controlled series capacitor compensated
1 transmission system. Presented at the 2016 National
Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2016.
35. Behera, S. K., Kumar, P., Dogra, D. P., & Roy, P. P. (2017).
Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing (pp.
314–317). Presented at the Proceedings of the 15th 43. Jena, M. K., Samantaray, S. R., & Panigrahi, B. K.
IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision (2017b). Supervisory control based wide area back-
Applications, MVA 2017. up protection scheme for power transmission network. Presented at the 2016 National Power
Systems Conference, NPSC 2016.
36. Challa, K. N. R., Pagolu, V. S., Panda, G., & Majhi, B.
(2017). An improved approach for prediction of
Parkinson's disease using machine learning 44. Kar, Pratik Kumar, Priyadarshi , Anurag, Karanki,
techniques (pp. 1446–1451). Presented at the Srinivas Bhaskar (2017). NPEC 2017 program
International Conference on Signal Processing, schedule. (2017). In 2017 National Power Electronics
Communication, Power and Embedded System, Conference (NPEC) (pp. 11–11).
SCOPES 2016 - Proceedings. 45. Kar, S. (2017). A comprehensive protection scheme for
37. Chatterjee, Shyamal .(2017), DAVV, Indore, micro-grid using fuzzy rule base approach. Energy Systems, 8(3), 449–464.

Pg 115
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

46. Kar, S., & Samantaray, S. R. (2017). High impedance 53. Kushwaha, P. C., & Bhende, C. N. (2017). Single-phase
fault detection in microgrid using maximal rooftop photovoltaic based grid-interactive electricity
overlapping discrete wavelet transform and decision system. Presented at the 2016 IEEE Annual India
tree (pp. 258–263). Presented at the International Conference, INDICON 2016.
Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems,
ICEPES 2016. 54. Malik, S., & Sahu, P. K. (2017). A study on free space
optical communication for Bhubaneswar City (pp.
47. Karanki, S. B., & Xu, D. (2017). Optimal capacity and 101–102). Presented at the 2017 USNC-URSI Radio
placement of battery energy storage systems for Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-
integrating renewable energy sources in distribution URSI 2017.
system. Presented at the 2016 National Power URSI.2017.8074917
Systems Conference, NPSC 2016. 55. Manikandan, M. S., Yadav, A. K., & Ghosh, D. (2017).
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive
48. Kerketta, S. R., & Ghosh, D. (2016). Gain enhancement audio signals using sparse representation in mixed
of millimeter wave antenna using superstrate. In dictionaries (Vol. 2017-December, pp. 2531–2535).
2016 IEEE Indian Antenna Week (IAW 2016) (pp. Presented at the IEEE Region 10 Annual International
55–58). Conference, Proceedings/TENCON.

49. Kerketta, S. R., & Ghosh, D. (2017). Gain enhancement 56. Mishra, N., Krishna, B., Singh, R., & Das, K. (2017).
of millimeter wave antenna using superstrate (pp. Evaluation of Effective Elastic, Piezoelectric, and
55–58). Presented at the Proceedings - 7th IEEE Dielectric Properties of SU8/ZnO Nanocomposite for
Indian Antenna Week 2016: A Workshop on Vertically Integrated Nanogenerators Using Finite
Advanced Antenna Technology, IAW 2016. Element Method. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2017.

50. Kukde, R., Manikandan, M. S., & Panda, G. (2017a). Low 57. Mishra, P. P., & Bhende, C. N. (2017). Development of
complexity distributed active noise control using more accurate islanding detection algorithm for
secondary path constraints (pp. 612–616). Presented unbalanced and nonlinear load (pp. 536–539).
at the IEEE Region 10 Annual International Presented at the International Conference on Signal
Conference, Proceedings/TENCON. Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System, SCOPES 2016 - Proceedings.
51. Kukde, R., Manikandan, M. S., & Panda, G. (2017b).
Robust distributed active noise control in presence of 58. Mukherjee, N., De, D., & Nandagaoli, N. (2017). Effect
secondary path and error sensor disturbances (Vol. of Sudden Variation of Grid Voltage in Primary
2017-December, pp. 369–374). Presented at the IEEE Frequency Control Application Using Converter
Region 10 Annual International Conference, Based Energy Storage Systems for Weak Grid
Proceedings/TENCON. Systems (Vol. 2017-January). Presented at the 2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and
Applications, EPE 2017 ECCE Europe.
52. Kumar, P., Saini, R., Behera, S. K., Dogra, D. P., & Roy, P.
P. (2017). Real-time recognition of sign language 9217
gestures and air-writing using leap motion (pp.
157–160). Presented at the Proceedings of the 15th 59. Nayak, Suvasis and Ojha, A.K. (2017), 7th International
IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision conference on Soft computing for Problem
Applications, MVA 2017. Solving(SocProS2017) , 23rd - 24th December 2017, IIT Bhubaneswar(Accepted), Indian Institute of

Pg 116
Technology, Bhubaneswar, Communication, Power and Embedded System, SCOPES 2016 - Proceedings.
60. Pagolu, V. S., Reddy, K. N., Panda, G., & Majhi, B.
(2017). Sentiment analysis of Twitter data for 66. Pradhan, C., & Bhende, C. N. (2017). Frequency
predicting stock market movements (pp. 1345–1350). Sensitivity Analysis of Load Damping Coefficient in
Presented at the International Conference on Signal Wind Farm-Integrated Power System. IEEE
Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded Transactions on Power Systems, 32(2), 1016–1029.
System, SCOPES 2016 - Proceedings.
67. Priyadarshi, A., Kar, P. K., & Karanki, S. B. (2017). An
61. Panda, P. K., & Ghosh, D. (2017). Isolation inductor-less bidirectional DC-DC converter topology
enhancement of patch antennas using metamaterial for high voltage gain applications (Vol. 2017-
superstrate (Vol. 2017-January, pp. 1739–1740). December, pp. 303–308). Presented at the IEEE
Presented at the 2017 IEEE Antennas and Region 10 Annual International Conference,
Propagation Society International Symposium, Proceedings/TENCON.
2912 68. Saha, S., & Chan, M. C. (2017). Design and application
of a many-to-one communication protocol. Presented
62. Pappula, L., & Ghosh, D. (2017b). Unequally spaced at the Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM.
linear antenna array synthesis using multi-objective
cauchy mutated cat swarm optimization (Vol. 2017-
January, pp. 313–314). Presented at the 2017 IEEE 69. Saha, S., Landsiedel, O., & Chan, M. C. (2017). Efficient
Antennas and Propagation Society Internationa Many-to-Many Data Sharing Using Synchronous
Symposium, Proceedings. Transmission and TDMA. In 2017 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor
2199 Systems (DCOSS) (pp. 19–26).
63. Pattanaik, P. A., Sahoo, N. C., & Mishra, S. (2017).
Implementation of demand side management using 70. Sahoo, D., Satpathy, M., & Mutyam, M. (2017). An
microcontroller and wireless communication. Experimental Study on Dynamic Bank Partitioning of
Presented at the Proceedings of the 2017 2nd IEEE DRAM in Chip Multiprocessors (pp. 35–40). Presented
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and at the Proceedings - 2017 30th International
Communication Technologies, ICECCT 2017. Conference on VLSI Design and 2017 16th International Conference on Embedded Systems,
VLSID 2017.
64. Pinisetty, S., Roop, P. S., Smyth, S., Tripakis, S., &
Hanxleden, R. von. (2017). Runtime Enforcement of 71. Sahoo, N. C., Mohapatro, S., Sahu, A. K., & Mohapatro,
Reactive Systems Using Synchronous Enforcers. In B. S. (2017). Loss and cost evaluation of typical DC
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International distribution for residential house (pp. 668–673).
SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (pp. Presented at the PECON 2016 - 2016 IEEE 6th
80–89). New York, NY, USA: ACM. International Conference on Power and Energy, Conference Proceeding.
65. Pradhan, A., Behera, S., Panda, G., & Majhi, B. (2017).
Comparative performance study of wore 72. Sahu, P. K., & Ghosh, D. (2017). Performance analysis
segmentation techniques for handwritten Odia of next-generation passive optical network (XG-PON)
(Vol. 2017-January, pp. 1287–1288). Presented at the
documents (pp. 1592–1597). Presented at the
2017 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
International Conference on Signal Processing,
International Symposium, Proceedings.

Pg 117
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18 (pp. 416–420). Presented at the International

2686 Conference on Signal Processing, Communication,
Power and Embedded System, SCOPES 2016 -
73. Saini, R., Ahmed, A., Dogra, D. P., & Roy, P. P. (2017).
Classification of object trajectories represented by
high-level features using unsupervised learning (Vol.
459 AISC).
81. Sethi, K., Majumdar, A., & Bera, P. (2017). A novel
implementation of parallel homomorphic encryption
74. Saini, R., Kumar, P., Roy, P. P., & Dogra, D. P. (2017). An for secure data storage in cloud. Presented at the
efficient approach for trajectory classification using 2017 International Conference on Cyber Security And
FCM and SVM. Presented at the TENSYMP 2017 - Protection Of Digital Services, Cyber Security 2017.
IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for
Smart Cities. 82. Tomar, A., Mishra, S., & Bhende, C. N. (2017a).
6 Improving the performance of PV based water
pumping system for fluctuations in irradiance (Vol.
75. Samhith, K., Tilak, S. A., & Panda, G. (2017). Word
2016-November). Presented at the India International
sense disambiguation using WordNet Lexical
Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE.
Categories (pp. 1664–1666). Presented at the
International Conference on Signal Processing,
Communication, Power and Embedded System, 83. Tomar, A., Mishra, S., & Bhende, C. N. (2017b).
SCOPES 2016 - Proceedings.
Modified MISO DC-DC converter based PV water
pumping system. Presented at the 2016 IEEE 7th
76. Satija, U., Ramkumar, B., & Manikandan, M. S. (2017b). Power India International Conference, PIICON 2016.
A robust sparse signal decomposition framework for
baseline wander removal from ECG signal (pp.
84. Tomar, A., Mishra, S., & Bhende, C. N. (2017c). Techno-
2470–2473). Presented at the IEEE Region 10 Annual
International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON. economical analysis for PV based water pumping system under partial shading/mismatching
phenomena. Presented at the 2016 IEEE 7th Power
77. Satpathy , G., Patnaik , P., and De , D., (2017), IEEE India International Conference, PIICON 2016.
INDICON, , IIT Roorkee
85. Tripathy, B. K., Sudhir, A., Bera, P., & Rahman, M. A.
78. Sekhar, P. C. and Ratna Rahul. T., (2017), 33rd
(2017). Formal Modelling and Verification of
National Convention of Electrical Engineers-2017,
Requirements of Adaptive Routing Protocol for
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (Vol. 1, pp. 548–556).
79. Senapati, R. N., Sahoo, N. C., & Mishra, S. (2017). Presented at the Proceedings - International
Convolution integral based multivariable grey Computer Software and Applications Conference.
prediction model for solar energy generation
forecasting (pp. 663–667). Presented at the PECON
2016 - 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on 86. Vadrevu, S., & Manikandan, M. S. (2017). Effective
Power and Energy, Conference Proceeding. systolic peak detection algorithm using variational mode decomposition and center of gravity (pp.
2711–2715). Presented at the IEEE Region 10 Annual
80. Senapati, R., Senapati, R. N., Behera, P., & Moharana,
International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON.
M. K. (2017). Performance analysis of unified power
quality conditioner in a grid connected PV system

Pg 118
School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Delhi,
99. Mahajan, S., Patra, S., (2017), Workshop on
87. Kumari, R. B. and Basu, Anamitra. (2017), Role of Sustainable Geotechnics, IGS Kanpur, IIT Kanpur,
Priming and Bilingualism, Egypt.

88. Nayak, Suryakanta and Sahoo, Dukhabandhu. (2017), 100. Nadesan, Manu S and P, Dinakar. (2017), International
IMI Bhubaneswar, Conference in Advances in Construction Materials and Systems,, IIT Madras,

89. Nayak, Suryakanta and Sahoo, Dukhabandhu. (2017), 101. Patra, S. and Nayek, P.S., (2017), Indian Geotechnical
NCDS Bhubaneswar, Conference-2017, IIT Guwahati, India,

102. Reddy , N. Gangadhara and Rao, B. Hanumantha.

(2017), Indian Geotechnical Conference-2017, IIT
School of Infrastructure Guwahati, India,
90. Agarwal, M.P., Radhika, B., and G, Mondal. (2017), 103. Reddy, M. S., P, Dinakar , Rao ,B. H. (2017),
International Conference on Composite Materials International Conference in Advances in Construction
and Structures- ICCMS 2017, Hyderabad, India Materials and Systems,, IIT Madras,
91. Alex, S., Rout, P. R., Bhunia, P.,(2017), McGill University,
Montreal, Qc., Canada. 104. Ristav, Rahul and P, Dinakar , (2017), CORCON 2017,
92. Alex, S., Rout, P. R., Bhunia, P.,(2017), Montreal
Convention Centre, Montreal, Qc., Canada. 105. Roy, S., and Basu, D., (2017), Proceedings of the
Eastern Asia Society of Transportation Studies
93. Biswal, D. R., Dash, S. R. and Sahoo, U. C, (2017),
GeoMEast 2017 International Congress and
Exhibition “Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: 106. Samantaray , Alok Kumar, Ramadas , Meenu, Singh ,
Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology”. Gurjeet. (2017), 7th International Conference on Soft
Computing for Problem Solving ( SocProS 2017)
94. Biswal, D. R., Sahoo U. C. and Dash S. R., (2017),
published by AISC series of Springer (SCOPUS,
National Conference of Roads and Transport.
95. Chakraborty, M., Saha, R., and Haldar, S., (2017), Indian
Geotechnical Conference (IGC2017), , IIT Guwahati, School of Mechanical Sciences
96. Chandra, D., Saha, R. and Haldar, S. , (2017), Indian 107. Bartarya, G., Ankit, Indrajeet Yadav, Yadav, Manish
Geotechnical Conference (!GC2017), IIT Guwahati, Kumar and Kumar, V. (2017), Proc. of 10th Intl. Conf. on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering, , IIT
Madras, Chennai,
97. Chawla, A., Reddy, M. S., Dinakar, P., & Rao, B. H.
(2017). Effect of Curing Conditions on Compressive
Strength of Fly ash-Ground Granulated Blast Furnace
Slag based Geopolymer Concrete, 7(2), 5. 108. Das, S. and Barve, A. (2017), International Journal of Arts and Sciences, British School at Rome ,
98. Kiran, S.A., Basu, D. and Maitra, B., (0000), 18th World 109. Dora, C., & Biswal, P. K. (2017). Automated detection
Road Meeting 2017 (Crossroads WRM-2017), , New of nonphysiological artifacts in polysomnographic

Pg 119
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

EEG using conventional signal processing techniques. 117. Sahoo, S., Das , M. K. and Rath, P. (2017), Proceedings
In TENCON 2017 - 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-
(pp. 1568–1572). ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC- 2017), Hyderabad,

110. Garlapati, V. K., Vundavilli, P. R., & Banerjee, R. (2017). 118. Sahoo, S., Das, M.K, and Rath, P. , (2017), Proceedings
Optimization of flavour ester production through of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-
artificial bee colony algorithm: ABC optimization ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-
approach for flavour ester production. In 2017 Fourth 2017, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad,
International Conference on Image Information
Processing (ICIIP) (pp. 1–4). 119. Shah, S. and Mahapatra, S. K. (2017), S. Shah and S.
K.Mahapatra, RMITU Melbourne, Australia,
111. Kumar, S., Ramaswamy, R., & Nayak, S. K. (2017). The Completed,
energy efficiency of fractal solar grids. Presented at
the 2016 1st International Conference on Sustainable 120. Swain, Abhilas and Das, Mihir Kumar(2017), Soft
Green Buildings and Communities, SGBC 2016. Computing for Problem Solving 2017, IIT Bhubaneswar,

112. Mahato, B., & Bhumkar, Y. G. (2017). Numerical

investigation of the acoustic field around corrugated
School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials
cylinders of different geometries (Vol. 2017-January).
Presented at the INTER-NOISE 2017 - 46th
International Congress and Exposition on Noise 121. Biswal, A. K., Das, S., & Roy, A. (2017). Designing and
Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet. synthesis of a polymer matrix piezoelectric
Retrieved from composite for energy harvesting. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 178(1),
s2.0- 012002.
85042119328&partnerID=40&md5=e6676fec8046ec 899X/178/1/012002
122. Das, S., Biswal, A. K., & Roy, A. (2017). Fabrication of
113. Mahato, B., Bhumkar, Y.G., (2017), INTER-NOISE 2017 - flexible piezoelectric PMN-PT based composite films
46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise for energy harvesting (Vol. 178). Presented at the IOP
Control Engineering: Taming Noise and Moving Quiet, Conference Series: Materials Science and
, Hong Kong; China, Engineering.
114. Mandava , Ravi Kumar and Vundavilli, Pandu R. (2017),
SocPros - 2017, IIT Bhubaneswar, India, 123. Deepak Kumar, S., Karthik, D., Mandal, A., & Pavan Kumar, J. S. R. (2017). Optimization of Thixoforging
process parameters of A356 alloy using Taguchi's
115. Mandava , Ravi Kumar, Bondada, Sukesh and
experimental design and DEFORM Simulation (Vol. 4,
Vundavilli, Pandu R. (2017), SocPros - 2017, IIT
pp. 9987–9991). Presented at the Materials Today:
Bhubaneswar, India,
116. Panda, A., & Pani, S. (2017b). Improved Identification
of Hammerstein plant using a non-linear model
trained with symbiotic organisms search (pp.
247–250). Presented at the IEEE Region 10 Annual
International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON.

Pg 120

Pg 121
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

No. of Sponsored Projects
25 23 22
20 17
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

No. of Consultancy Projects

50 47
5 1
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

50 Major Sponsoring Agencies

Pg 122
The Research and Development activities of the Institute UchhatarAvishkarYojana (UAY), Swachhta Action Plan and
are growing at a faster rate. The total project funding Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) etc.
received so far (2010-2018) from different agencies is
Some of the worth quoting recent Industry-Academia
around Rs. 87.00 crore from 158 Nos. of sponsored
collaborations and R&D initiatives as well as projects
research projects and 131 Nos. of consultancy projects,
connected to the National/State Missions are as follows.
which includes around Rs. 80.00 crore towards sponsored
research projects and nearly Rs. 7.00 crore towards A broad based Research Cooperation Agreement was
consultancy projects. During the current year (2017-18), signed with the National Mineral Development Corporation
projects worth of Rs. 12.40 crore have been received, (NMDC) on 9th October 2017. A research collaboration
which includes Rs. 10.30 crore towards sponsored research agreement was also signed with Indo-US Science and
projects and Rs. 2.10 crore towards consultancy projects. Technology Forum on 25th September 2017 for research
The major funding agencies are MHRD, DST, CSIR, UGC, collaboration on “Smart Distribution System with Storage”.
ISRO, DRDO, ICSSR, DAE, CPRI, DAC, DBT, Deity, NALCO, Another worth quoting initiative of the Institute funded by
NPOL, IUSSTF, INCOIS, MoES, MoWR, IITM, NCAOR, BRNS NALCO is in the area of utilization of industrial wastes for
KPIT, P&C Dept.-Govt. of Odisha etc. In addition to the developing an environmental friendly geo-polymer
above, the faculty members of the Institute have submitted concrete using red mud alone, fly ash along, and a
77 project proposals worth Rs. 58 crore. The various major combination of red mud and fly ash.
areas under which these projects have been submitted are: IIT Bhubaneswar also initiated a research collaboration
Advance Materials, Energy, Nanotech Hardware, Health with State Pollution Control Board (SBCB), Odisha to work
Care, Defense, CS & ICT, Environmental Sciences & Climate on a common platform considering the activities planned
Change, Water Resources & River Science, Manufacturing under Bay of Bengal Coastal Observatory (BoBCO) and
and Sustainable Urban Design. Our faculty members SPCB, Odisha under Integrated Coastal Zone Management
participated in major initiatives of MHRD like IMPRINT, Project (ICZMP).

Pg 123
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

The Institute is also actively participating in the national A significant activity of the Institute is the Unnat Bharat
level efforts namely: “IMPacting Research, Innovation and Abhiyan(UBA), a flagship mission of MHRD, in which our
Technology (IMPRINT)” in ten identified research domains Institute is participating actively and have adopted six
of national interest. Two of the project proposals worth Rs. villages. One worth quoting activity under UBA is
1.60 Crore approved under IMRINT. Similarly, 4 proposals development of Science Labs by the Institute in two
worth Rs. 3.51crore have been submitted for consideration schools of the two adopted villages under UBA, which
under the UchhatarAvishkarYojna. were inaugurated by the Director on 14th July 2017 in
presence of the Sub-collector of the District, as well as
students and faculty members.

Visit of European Delegation: A delegation of European Research & Innovation

officials visited our Institute on 22 February 2018to explore the opportunities
for International collaboration/exchange. The delegation consists of the
Science, Technology & Innovation counsellors, attachés and directors of
institutes from European countries, headed by Ms. Tania Friederichs, Head of
Research & Innovation, EU Delegation to India

Pg 124
Sl. Name of Faculty Name of the Funding
Title of the Project
No. (Principal Investigator) agency

School of Basic Sciences

Nanostructure Genomics Designing Functionality of 2-Dimensional
1. Prof. Saroj Nayak IUSSTF
Nanostructure and Nano-Bio Interfaces
2. Materials and related storage devices for grid-deprived communities Prof. Saroj Nayak DST

Design and study of Nano and micro displacement sensor based on

3. Dr. Rajan Jha ISRO
Photonic Crystal Fiber modal interferometer

Synthesis of some natural marine pyrrole alkaloids and molecules

4. Dr. Tabrez Khan CSIR
inspired from them for multi-drug resistance (MDR) Cancer Cells

Growth and characterization of semiconductor graphene hybrid

5. Dr. Satchidananda Rath DST
nanosheets for sola cell applications

Design and Development of Optical Microfiber based Acoustic

6. Dr. Rajan Jha DST
Sensors for Under/ Over Water Applications

Structural studies on the interaction of hc5a with the N-terminus

7. Dr. Soumendra Rana DST
peptides of C5aR and C5L2 receptor

Ion irradiation induced modification of one-dimensional functional

8. Dr. Shyamal Chatterjee BRNS

Study of hybrid improper ferroelectricity in layered perovskites by

9. Dr. Niharika Mohapatra UGC-DAE
high resolution neutron diffraction techniques

A bound-state electronic structure theory approach to investigate

10. Dr. Kousik Samanta DST
the electron detachment initiated by light

Process for development of new applications of Aluminium based

11. Materials in Solar light, solar roof sheets and in Battery having Prof. Saroj Nayak NALCO
Superior Thermal and Electronic Properties

12. Atomic Scale Aluminium as Interconnects in Electronic devices Prof. Saroj Nayak NALCO
13. Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Upgrade, Operation and Utilization Dr. Seema Bahinipati DST

Design and Development of heterodimetallic complex of ruthenium

14. Dr. Srikant Patra DST
iridium and palladium and their chemical and biological aspects

Magnetic properties of self-assembled bivalent, trivalent and mixed-

15. Dr. Akhilesh Ku Singh UGC-DAE
valent [2x2] transition metal grids

Development of Higher Order Compact Scheme to capture Taylor

16. Dr. T V S Sekhar DST
column phenomena in rotating fluids

Development of a general synthetic approach directed towards the

17. Dr. Tabrez Khan DST
total synthesis of bioactive iridoid class of terpenoids

Pg 125
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Sl. Name of Faculty Name of the Funding

Title of the Project
No. (Principal Investigator) agency

18. Center of Excellence for Novel Energy Materials (CENEMA) Prof. Saroj Nayak MHRD

Design, Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Ftsz inhibitors a

19. Dr. S Pal DBT
potential anti tubercular agents

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Science

Detection of lighting phenomena and associated process and its
20. Dr. Debadatta Swain ISRO
now casting

Numerical simulation of sub-mesoscale features along Odisha coast

21. Dr. Sourav Sil ISRO
using SCATSAT winds

Estimation of upwelling indices and study of propagating ocean

22. fronts in the Indian and Global Oceans utilizing SCATSAT-1 gridded Dr. Debadatta Swain ISRO
wind fields

Role of cloud physics and dynamics on lifecycle of monsoon low

23. Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik DST
pressure using high resolution observation and modeling

Utilization of ITR Doppler Weather Radar Products in High

24. Resolution Mesoscale Model for Prediction of Severe Weather Over Prof. U C Mohanty ITR Chandipur

Seasonal and inter-annual variability of Relative Heat Content (RHC)

25. Dr. Debadatta Swain ISRO
in the Indian Ocean

Establishment of Coastal Ocean Observatory at the Innovation

Ministry of Earth
26. Centre for Climate Change (IC3) and Capacity Building of School of Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik
Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

27. Simulation of coastal circulation on North-West Bay of Bengal Dr. Sourav Sil DST

Monsoon dynamics and thermodynamics from the land surface,

28. Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik IITM
through convection to the continental-scale (INCOMPASS)

Improved under-standing and representation of land surface

29. processes for short, medium and long range prediction of monsoon Prof. U C Mohanty IITM

Millennial to centennial scale variability in the Asian summer

30. Dr. Raj Kumar Singh NCAOR
monsoon: Foraminiferal perspective from the East China Sea

31. Investigations of Aerosol Outflow from Indo Gangetic Plain Dr. V. Vinoj ISRO

Development and application of extended range forecast system for

32. Prof. U C Mohanty DAC
climate risk management in Agriculture phase – II

Pg 126
Sl. Name of Faculty Name of the Funding
Title of the Project
No. (Principal Investigator) agency

School of Electrical Science

Online Target Scoring system for consistency trails with scintillation
33. Dr. N B Puhan DRDO
removal in images

UI-ASSIST: US-India collaborative for smart distribution system with Indo-US Science &
34. Dr. S R Samantaray
storage Technology Forum

Development of Speech Interface for Form-filling Application in Five

35. Dr. M S Manikandan MEIT under IMPRINT
Indian Languages

Si/SiC Hybrid semiconductor based solid state transformer for PV

36. Dr. Dipankar De DST

37. Brush less DC machine based solar pumping system Dr. C N Bhende DST

Design development of light weight wearable wireless acoustic

38. Dr. M S Manikandan DST
wave sensor array based audio-visual digital stethoscope device

39. UK India clean energy research institute (UKICERI) Dr. S B Karanki DST

Techniques and tools for verification of network security policies

40. Dr. Padmalochan Bera DRDO
based on formal methods to assess security of networks

KPIT Technologies
41. Driver behavior modelling for autonomous driving Dr. N C Sahoo

Fabrication and characterisation of CVD diamond detectors for

42. Dr. Satchidananda Rath BRNS
plasma diagnostics in nuclear fusion reactors

Design and implementation of High-speed low-power embedded

43. signal processor based custom power devices for power quality Dr. S B Karanki DST

Design and Development of Affordable and Movable Solar Dr. S B Karanki & Dr. M S
44. DAFP
Photovoltaic (SPV) Water Pumping System Manikandan

Diesel engine Emission Control using Electrical Discharge based

45. Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro DST
Technique for Clean Environment: A Non-Conventional Approach

46. Aeronautic Telemetry Channel Estimation and Equalization Dr. P R Sahu ITR Chandipur

Real time Implementation of Image Fusion Algorithms for IR and

47. Dr. N B Puhan ITR Chandipur
CCD Video

Development of intellegent relaying scheme for micro-grids with DG

48. Dr. S R Samantaray CPRI

49. VisvesvarayaPh scheme for Electronics and IT Dr. M S Manikandan DeitY

Computer vision guided mass gathering surveillance using crowd

50. Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra DST
flow analysis

Pg 127
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Sl. Name of Faculty Name of the Funding

Title of the Project
No. (Principal Investigator) agency
Design and implementation of MIMO based transceiver for
51. Dr. Barathram Ramkumar DST
emergency applications
Special Manpower Development Program for Chips to System
52. Dr. M S Manikandan DeitY
Design (SMDP-C2SD)
Development of a comprehensive wide-area based back up
53. Dr. S R Samantaray DST
protection scheme for power transmission network
Photovoltaic (PV) based grid-interactive and off-grid electricity DST
54. Dr. C N Bhende
system Indo-Finish Joint
Integration and intelligent management of renewable via ICT for
55. Dr. N C Sahoo DST
smart Micro-Grid networks
Speech Based Access of Agricultural Commodity Prices and
56. Dr. P K Sahu DeitY
Weather Information in 12 Indian Languages / Dialects

School of Infrastructure
Estimation of morphodynamicity and its remedial action using red-
57. Dr. B Hanumantha Rao Ministry of Mines
mud based concrete at coastal zone of Eastern Odisha
Impact Assessment of climate change on Hydrometeorological Ministry of Water
58. Dr. Arindam Sarkar
processes and water resources of Mahanadi river basin Resources, GOI
Treatment for domestic wastewater using microphyte assisted
59. Dr. R R Dash MHRD
vermifiltration system
Measures for Improving the Attractiveness of Pedestrian Facility
60. Dr. Debasis Basu MHRD
Accessing Urban Local Bus Stops

Characterization studies of Nano-enhanced Phase Change Material

61. (NEPCM) in thermal storage devices for sustainable building designs Dr. B Hanumantha Rao DST
in India

Design and analysis of reactor for catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass

62. Dr. Remya Neelancherry DST
and plastic: A treatment technique for mixed solid waste

Study of the effects of Climate Change on Hydro-meteorological

63. processes: Droughts and Floods at Different Spatial and Temporal Prof. R K Panda DST
Scales in Eastern India

Greywater treatment and reuse by combined sequencing batch

64. Dr. Remya Neelancherry DST
reactor and solar photocatalytic reactor
Bioelectricity recovery during treatment of kitchen waste in
65. Dr. Manaswini Behera DST
combined leach bed reactor and low cost microbial fuel cell
Rice mill wastewater treatment and bio-electricity generation in low
66. Dr. Manaswini Behera DST
cost microbial fuel cell employing ceramic separator
Establishment of Innovation-cum-Incubation Centre at IIT Planning &
67. Prof. R K Panda
Bhubaneswar Coordination Dept.
Performance Evaluation of Pavements with Stabilized
68. Dr U C Sahoo NRRDA
Bases/Subbases for Rural Roads
Improving groundwater levels and quality through enhanced water
69. Prof. R K Panda ITRA
use efficiency in eastern Indian Agriculture

Pg 128
Sl. Name of Faculty Name of the Funding
Title of the Project
No. (Principal Investigator) agency

School of Mechanical Sciences

Investigation on quantification and prevention of high residual
stresses and hydrogen assisted cracking in creep strength enhanced Dr. Manas Mohan
70. DST
ferritic steel welds for low pollution ultra supereritical power plant Mohapatra

Central Power
Performance Improvement of Steam Generator through the
71. Dr. Mihir Kumar Das Research Institute
Enhanced Hydrophobic Surface

72. Droplet impact and splashing on oblique surface Dr. Sasidhar Kondaraju DST

Development of enhanced hydrophobic tube bundle with low

73. Dr. Mihir Kumar Das DST
pressure drop for two phase shell and tube heat exchanger
Study of Wetting and De-Wetting Transition for Fog-Water DST INSPIRE
74. Dr. Sasidhar Kondaraju
Harvesting Research Grant

Impact of disaster risk reduction activities on livelihood patterns,

75. community resilience and socioeconomic vulnerability in coastal Dr. Akhilesh Barve ICSSR
districts of Odisha: A case study

Development of Deep Hole Drilling Technique for Measurement of Dr. Manas Mohan
76. BRNS
Residual Stresses and its Validation Mohapatra
Pool Boiling Crisis on Porous Coated Surface: An Experimental Study
77. Dr. Mihir Kumar Das DST
and Model Development

78. National Initiative for Design Innovation Dr. S N Panigrahi MHRD

School of Minerals, Metallugrical and Materials

Value added Electrochemical Devices from Zircon Obtained from
79. Dr. Soobhankar Pati Ministry of Mines
Beach Sands of Odisha

80. Panel head of materials panel of Naval Research Board Dr. Brij Kumar Dhindaw DRDO

Optimization Of Silos, Bins And Hoppers Designs Through Modelling, UAY of MHRD &
81. Dr. K K Sahu
Primarily Intended For Iron Ore Storage NMDC
Recycling of cast alloys scraps to produce alloys with comparable UAY of MHRD &
82. Dr. Animesh Mandal
microstructure and properties as that of primary alloys NALCO

Naval Materials
83. Dissimilar joining of Al with Ti and steel using friction stir welding Dr. ParthaSarathi De Research Laboratory

Modelling of Chemical Vapour Infiltration (CVI) process for

84. Dr. Soobhankar Pati ASL, DRDO
Fabrication of Carbon Reinforced Carbon Matrix Composites
Study of piezoelectric nanomaterial reinforced polymer
85. Dr. Kaushik Das DST
nanocomposite films for applications in MEMS
Designing of Novel Multiferroic Transition Metal Oxides for Memory
86. Dr. Amritendu Roy DST
and Energy Applications
Optimization HIP process conditions for 9Cr and 18Cr ODS steel
87. Dr. Animesh Mandal UGC-DAE

Pg 129
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

FOR 2017-18
Name of Faculty (Principal
S.No. Title of the Project Name of the Funding agency

School of Electrical Science

Designing of video synopsys algorithms for visual Korea Institute of Science and
1. Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra
surveillance Technology

School of Infrastructure
M/s Jindal Steel and Power
2. Electrical Conductivity Test in Bricks Dr. Dinakar Pasla
Inspection of defective works and submission of
M/s Braithwaite Burn and
compliance report for construction of school
3. Dr. Dinakar Pasla Jessop Construction Company
building, staff quarters etc. at KendriyaVidyalaya No.
2, Sambalpur, Odisha
Vetting of Structural Design, drawing (Pre-
4. Engineered Building), A/c The Samaja, Mancheswar, Dr. Goutam Mondal M/s LLoyd Insulations
Reconstruction with geometric improvement of
existing single/intermediate lane to 2 -lane with
paved shoulders configuration from existing KM Shivalaya Construction Co.
5. Dr. Partha Pratim Dey
92.880 to KM 121.550 of NH-125 in the state of Pvt Ltd.
Uttarkakhand on EPC mode, through engineering,
procurement and construction (EPC) basis contract

Rehabilitation and upgradation to two-lane with

paved shoulders from KM 531/250 to KM 597/946
6. (Kunkuri to CG/JH border section) of NH-78 in the Dr. Partha Pratim Dey GAWAR-S.C.C.(JV)
state of Chhattisgarh under NHDP - IV through
engineers, procurement & construction (EPC) basis

Slope stability analysis for new BG Line from M/s ARSS Infrastructure
7. Dr. Sumanta Halder
Nuagaon to Paradeep Project Ltd.
Consultancy services for design of structural
8. element of MIG 29K & HAWK-AJT infrastructure at Dr. S R Dash M/s Subhadra Consultants
INS DEGA Visakhapatnam
Checking of safe bearing capacity of pile and suitable
9. Dr. Sumanta Halder RITES Limited
remedial measures for ROB at Ghantapada, talcher
Concrete cube testing for "Cyclone alert
Communication System” in EWDS-Odisha Project for
10. the Village situated in 6 districts viz., Kendrapara, Dr. Goutam Mondal RG2SK Business Solution
Balasore, Bhadrak, Jagatsinghpur, Puri&Ganjam
along coastal line of Odisha state

Pg 130
Name of Faculty (Principal
S.No. Title of the Project Name of the Funding agency

Improvement of Tara Tarini Temple Ring Road

Rural Works Department,
11. (Regarding with protection works- Hill top portion) in Dr. U C Sahoo
Govt. of Odisha
the district of Ganjam

Development of Structural Grade Concretes for TG

12. Dr. Dinakar Pasla M/s JK Paper Mill
Deck Foundations

13. Proof Checking of guided and fixed pot PTFE bearing Dr. S R Dash M/s Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

Vetting of bearing capacity calculations of mission

14. Dr. B Hanumantha Rao IDCO
shaktibhawan at pokhariput

Design proff checking of six-buildings of RVNL work

15. Dr. Goutam Mondal D K Construction
at Haridaspur-Paradeep New BG line

Service as proof consultant for structural design

M/s Eastern India
16. components of proposed HL bridge over river Dr. S R Dash
Construction (P) Ltd

Proof Checking of 19m RCC T Beam ROB for railway

17. Dr. S R Dash M/s Emami Cement Ltd
siding Project of M/s Emami Cement Ltd.

Proof Checking of launching scheme of composite

Rahee Infratech Ltd., West
18. girders for ROB No. 438 of RVNL Sambalpur – Dr. S R Dash
Titlagarh Project

Proof Checking of Design and Drawing of 14.2m steel Sparsh Engineering Company
19. Dr. S R Dash
semi through rail bridge girder (P) ltd

Mix Design for construction of ATC tower, Bijupatnaik

20. Dr. Dinakar Pasla Airport Authority of India
International Airport, Bhubaneswar

21. Mix Design for M25 and M30 Grade concretes Dr. Dinakar Pasla M/s Rathee, NBCC

22. Geotechnical investigations on soil/rock samples Dr. B Hanumantha Rao Vedanta Limited
Evaluation of Terrazyme (A bioenzyme) stabilized
23. Dr. U C Sahoo Avijeet Agencies
roads constructed under PMGSY
Examination of soundness of the intake well at
24. Dr. Arindam Sarkar IDCO
Pankapal on the bank of river Bramhani, Dist: Jajpur

25. Work on technical support of Cold-Mix technology Dr. U C Sahoo SAPCO Bitumen Company Ltd

Design and drawing of minor bridges of RVNL proof

26. Dr. S R Dash Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

Proof checking of launching scheme of composite

27. girders for ROB no 439 A and 423A of RVNL Dr. S R Dash M/s RaheeInfratech Ltd
SambalpurTitlagarh Project

School of Mechanical Sciences

Residual stress measurement in unrestrained and
28. Dr. M M Mahapatra NMRL, DRDO
restrained double "V" joints

Vetting/ Proof checking of refrigeration for 3000 MT Engineering Projects (India)

29. Prof. S K Mahapatra
and 5000 MT Ltd

Pg 131
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

IN THE YEAR 2017-18
S.N. Title Name of the Application No. Year School

Dr. Amritendu Roy , Dr. Kishor K

Graphene coated metal/metal
Sahu, Mr. SoumyabrataBasak,Mr.
1 alloy wire and its process of 201631017052 2017 SMMME
Turin Dutta, Mr.Anil D Pathak, Mr. V
Sai Pranav , MsShreeja Das

Vishwas Chandra Khan, Dr.

BalaganesanGuruswamy, Dr. Mihir
2 Artificial odour generator system Kumar Pandit, Mr. TusharGautam, Dr. 201731012054 2017 SMS
Arun Kumar Pradhan, Aditya Kumar

Diaphragm free optical fiber

3 hydrophone based on cascaded Dr. Rajan Jha, Mr. Sumit Dass 201731014677 2017 SBS
single mode fiber tapers

A system and a method for

Dr. Venugopal Arumuru and Mr.
4 steering and focusing of 201731035216 2017 SMS
Syam Sanosh Nair
momentum jets

A single unit fixed bed reactor for

simultaneous hetero- trophic
nitrification-aerobic denitrification Dr. R. R. Dash, Dr. P. Bhunia and
5 201731036014 2017 SIF
adsorptive coupled denitrifying Mr. Prangya Ranjan Rout
phosphate removal from waste

Mr. Sadik R Syed, Mr. Soham

6 Autobacus 201831005630 2018 SMS
Shailesh Kulkarni, Dr. Mihir Pandit

Removal of Toxic Azo Dyes/

Aromatic Amines and Industrial Dr. Srikant Patra and Mr. Anoop
7 201831002728 2018 SBS
Effluent treatmentt by Porous Sahoo
Ruthenium Nanocatalyst

Optical fiber model interferometer Dr. R Jha, Dr. A Venugopal, Mr. SBS/
8 201831019721 2018
based Vortex Flowmeter Dhrubaraj Dora SMS

Pg 132
In all 32 no. of patents are filled by the Institute during the years 2011 through 2018. Last year 08 no. of Patents are filled.

Simulation results showing jet focusing

(Vorticity magnitude contours for an unfocused synthetic jet)

(Vorticity magnitude contour for a focused synthetic jet with phase distribution)

A one day workshop on “Awareness Generation on

Intellectual Property Rights” has been organized at IIT
Bhubaneswar on 27th March, 2018. The workshop included
different aspects of Intellectual Property Rights with its
benefits in safeguarding innovations along with outputs of
research and development among innovators/ scientists/
faculties/ researchers and students.

Pg 133
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


S.N. Title of Lecture/ Presentation Author(s) Conference Name, Year, Duration Remarks

School of Basic Sciences

Domain Decomposition methods for Dr. Bankim C. Won Best Paper
1. SocProS 2017
Optimal Control Problems Mandal Award
2. Physics prospects of exotic and Dr. S. Bahinipati Light Cone 2017 Plenary Talk
conventional bottomonia at Belle II

3. Belle-II Silicon Vertex Detector Dr. S. Bahinipati The Technology and Oral Presentation, on
Instrumentation in Particle behalf of Belle II
Physics 2017 (TIPP2017) Collaboration
4. Optical Fiber Sensors: Principles to Dr. Rajan Jha IONS Kochi, 11-14 September,
Practice CUSAT, Kerela

5. Interferometric Sensors based on Inline Dr. Rajan Jha Student Conference on Optics
Fabry-Perot Cavity on Demand and Photonics (SCOP-2017), 1-2
September, PRL Ahmedabad
IEEE WRAP, December 18-19,
Specialty and Tapered Fiber modal
6. Dr. Rajan Jha 2017, Mahindra EcoleCentrale,
Interferometer for sensing applications
“Two-site Binding Model of C5a
Receptor (C5aR) Exemplified via Native
2nd PAN IIT Biotech Meet, during
7. and Engineered hC5a” in theme Dr. S. Rana
5-7th October 2017, Goa
“Synthetic Biology and Cardiovascular
Addressed to the
Zonal Institute of Education and
Unnatural amino acids in DenovoDesign participating faculty
8. Dr. S. Rana Training, at KV-6, Bhubaneswar
of Peptides and Proteins members of KV (east
on 11th October 2017
zone) at a workshop
9. Important Discoveries at the Frontiers Dr. S. Rana Dept. of Bioinformatics, OUAT, Addressed to the PG
of Chemical Biology Bhubaneswar on 27th December students

International Linear Algebra

On the spectra of bipartite Dr. S. Barik
10. Society (ILAS) 2017 Meeting:
multidigraphs and Dr. G. Sahoo
Connections, July 24-28, 2017.

Design and Development of Homo- and

Modern Trends in Inorganic
Heterodimetallic Complexes of
11. Dr. Srikanta Patra Chemistry (MTIC)-XVII, Pune, Invited Speaker
Ruthenium, Iridium and Palladium as
December 11-14th, 2017
Tandem Catalysts
12. Heterodinuclear Complexes of Dr. Srikanta Patra New perspective to Advance Invited Speaker
Ruthenium and Iridium as Anticancer Functional Materials” (NPAFM
Agents 2017) during 15 -17 December,
2017, Ravenshaw University,
Cuttack, Odisha

Pg 134
13. Multimetallic Systems and Their Dr. Srikanta Patra Invited talk by Department of Invited Speaker
Diverse Applications Chemistry Revenshaw
University, Cuttack, Odisha
14. The Nobel Prize Winning Discovery Dr. A. Institute Seminar on 14th Talk Title:"Discoveries
(2017) on Physiology / Medicine Roychowdhury November 2017, IIT on molecular
Bhubaneswar mechanisms
controlling the
circadian rhythm".
15. Magnetoresistance in semimetals and Dr. Niharika International conference on
narrow gap semiconductors Mohapatra Laser Deposition, 2017,
November 20-22
16. Frustrated Magnetism Dr. Niharika Condensed Matter Physics
Mohapatra Meeting

17. Unusual magnetic properties of Dr. Niharika Seminar on Recent

frustrated spin systems Mohapatra developments in condensed
matter physics

18. Smart Magnetic Materials Dr. Akhilesh Kumar International Conference on

Singh Advanced Engineering and
Functional Material -2K17

19. Independence fractal of a graph Dr. Tarakanta 83rdAnnual Conference of Indian Held at Sri
Nayak Mathematical Society, 12-15 Dec Venkateswar
2017 University, Tirupati

20. Completely invariant domains Dr. Tarakanta ICTP Delivered on 23 June

Nayak 2017

21. Completely invariant domains Dr. Tarakanta ICTP Delivered on 23 June

Nayak 2017

22. A moving football in a spherical Dr. Tarakanta State Level UGC Sponsored at Baba
playground Nayak Autonomy Seminar on Recent Bhairabananda
Trends in Mathematics and Autonomous College,
Applications , 24 March 2018 Chandikhol, Odisha

23. Dynamics in the unit disk Dr. Tarakanta National Level Seminar on at Pingla Thana
Nayak Recent Advances in Mahavidyalaya, West
Mathematics, 9 February 2018 Bengal

24. Potential of 2D-Nanomaterial based Dr. S Rath Recent trends in

devices under harsh condition Science,Technology &

Nano-dimensional states of Matter: An

Recent Trends of Nano Materials
25. observation of unique optical and Dr. S Rath
for Futuristic Applications
electronic properties
Quantum Space-Time Seminar
Dr. Chandrasekhar
26. Black Holes at Criticality Series, 2017, TIFR, Mumbai, 14-
17 August 2017
Critical Heat Engines and Black Holes in Dr. Chandrasekhar Raman Research Institute,
AdS Bhamidipati Bangalore, January 2018

International conference of
Tuning wettability of nanostructured Dr. Shyamal complex fluids (CompFlu 2017),
surface by ion beam irradiation Chatterjee IIT Madras, 18-20 December,

Pg 135
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

International conference of laser

Dr. Shyamal
29. Welding of ceramic nanostructures deposition (iCOLD), 20-22
November, 2017, IIT Madras
International conference on nano
Slow ions: A tool for welding Dr. Shyamal structuring by ion beam (ICNIB
ceramic nanomaterials Chatterjee 2017), 10-13, Oct, 2017, DAVV,
Indore, India
Basics on Higher order compact Faculty Development Programme,
31. Dr. T V S Sekhar
schemes KIIT University, 2017

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

National Roundtable Discussion
Radiative properties of on Geoengineering and India: organized jointly by DST,
32. Dr. V. Vinoj
geoengineering aerosols Science and Policy, 23rd June, IISc and IIT Delhi
Organized by
33. Urbanization and Climate Change Dr. V. Vinoj Urbanization and Climate Change, GeotheZentrum,
Hyderabad at NGRI
Environmental, Climate change,
Changing Dust and Climate over Dr. V. Vinoj Agriculture and Human Health: Organized by S.K.
South Asia and S. K. Pandey National and Regional scenario University
35. Climate Change over NE India Dr. V. Vinoj Brahmaputra Conclave Gauhati University

Land Use Change and Climate

36. Change Signatures in Surface Dr. V. Vinoj NICES Workshop IMMT, Bhubaneswar
Temperature over Odisha State

Regional Environment & Climate in

by Indian Meteorological
Odisha: Lightning, Thunderstorm
37. Lightning Monitoring Network Dr. D. Swain Society (Bhubaneswar
and Heatwave (RECO2018), 2018,
Chapter) and ITER
Mar. 23.

Is our energetic ocean leading us Spring Semester Climate Seminar

into climate extremes: An Series of Interdisciplinary
38. investigation of the North Indian Dr. D. Swain Programme in Climate Studies, by IDP, IIT Bombay
Ocean and its role in modulating Indian Institute of Technology
the regional climate? Bombay, 2018, Mar. 14.

by IEEE-GRSS Kolkata
Remotely Sensed Big Data Chapter and Centre for
Remote Sensing of the Earth
39. Dr. D. Swain Analysis and Mining (RSBDAM'18), Soft Computing Research
System: Challenges & Way Ahead
2018, Jan. 23-24. (Indian Statistical
Institute), Kolkata

Big Data Analytics in Climate Big Data and Earth Science, 2017, by IEEE-GRSS (India) and
40. Dr. D. Swain
Sciences Nov. 15-16. KIIT University

Invited Talk at Civil

Thermal Inertial of the North Indian Civil Engineering Association, IIT
41. Dr. D. Swain Engineering Association,
Ocean: Exploring its Significance Bombay, 2017, May 1.
IIT Bombay

Department of Earth and Actively interacted with

Coal Petrography and its
42. Dr. H.K.Mishra Atmospheric Sciences ,NIT faculty and students in
Rourkela NIT Rourkela

Pg 136
School of Electrical Sciences
Issues and Challenges in Dr. S. R.
“Micro-grid Protection Samantaray

Wide-Area Back-Up Protection schemes Dr. S. R.

44. NWET 2018, SIT BBSR
for Transmission Systems Samantaray
Issues and Challenges in Dr. S. R.
45. IIT Roorkee
Micro-grid Protection Samantaray
Wide-Area Back-Up Protection schemes Dr. S. R.
46. IIT Delhi
for Transmission Systems Samantaray
Issues and Challenges in
Dr. S. R.
47. “Micro-grid Protection including IGIT Saranga

IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection-

48. VSSUT Burla Dr. D P Dogra National Energy Conservation Invited Talk
Day, 12 December 2017.

Key Developmental Challenges and International Conference on

Research Directions in Internet of Dr. M Sabarimalai Microelectronics Devices,
Things (IoT) Enabled Monitoring Manikandan Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS
Systems 2017)

50. Advances in Wireless Communication Dr. Barathram. R TEQIP, May, 2018, VSSUT, Burla

Faculty Development
Advanced crypto-systems for enforcing Dr. Padmalochan programme in Cyber Security
data security in cloud Bera sponsored by Electronics and ICT
Academy, NIT Warangal
Faculty Development
Security Challenges for Software Dr. Padmalochan programme in Cyber Security
Defined Networks - Research Roadmap Bera sponsored by Electronics and ICT
Academy, NIT Warangal

53. Smart Grid Technology Dr. Balakrishna P TEQIP Program, 2018, 1 Day At Andhra University

Integration of Devices and Systems for At Coimbatore

54. Dr. Balakrishna P AICTE Program, 2018, 1 Day
Smart Grid University
Dr. Srinivas
Pinisetty, Dr. Partha
Roop, Steven International SPIN Symposium
Runtime Enforcement of Reactive
55. Smyth, Stavros on Model Checking of Software,
Systems Using Synchronous Enforcers
Tripakis and 2017, July 13, 14
Reinhard von
TEQIP-III Workshop on Recent
Dr. P.
56. Smart Electric Grid-An Overview Techniques in Energy At NIT Nagpur
Management for Smart Grid


High Penetration of RES-Challenges & Dr. P.
Probable Solutions Chandrasekhar

Pg 137
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

At Gandhi Institute for

Mircrogrid-A Building Block of Smart Dr. P.
58. ISTE Golden Jubilee Celebrations Education and
Grid Chandrasekhar
Voltage Regulation in Smart
Dr. P. MHRD, TLC's Workshop on Smart
59. Distribution Systems With high RES At NIT Warangal
Chandrasekhar grid and Microgrid Technologies

Problems and Probable Solutions with Dr. P. FDP on Research issues in

60. At CPRI Bangalore
high PV Penetration Chandrasekhar Renewable Energy Sources

61. Internet of Thing (IOT) Dr. P. K. Sahu National conferece Guest of Honour

Hosted by the
Turning the tables: Journey from a Ph.D Dr. Debapratim Students Reading
62. 29 May 2018 at IIT Bombay
student to a Faculty member Ghosh Group, Dept. of EE, IIT

School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management

Content Enrichment Program for
Developing Content in Long Writing Dr. Amrita Senior Secondary Level English
Tasks Satapathy Teachers, DAV, CDA, 20 May

Key Note Speaker, Role of language in International Conference on

64. Dr. Anamitra Basu
Cognitive Psychology Social Science and Humanities

Dr. Rajakumar
65. Speaking Skills VigyanJyothi Programme

School of Infrastructure
Agricultural Drought Monitoring Dr. Ramadas, M.,
ASCE World Environmental and
Framework for an Eastern India River Singh, G.,
66. Water Resources Congress, May
Basin using Remotely Sensed Soil Samantaray, A., and
21-25, 2017
Moisture Data Panda, R. K.

National Workshop on “Climate

Climate Change & Application of
67. Dr. M. Ramadas Change & Sustainable
Livelihood”, January 2, 2018

Green Technology in Industrial

Advanced Technology for Nutrient Dr. P R Rout, Dr. R R
68. Waste Minimization, 2017, 18th -
Removal from domestic wastwater Dash, Dr. P Bhunia
31st January 2017
Faculty Development Program
on “ Abatement of
Bioenergy recovery during wastewater Dr. Manaswini Environmental Pollution through
treatment in Microbial fuel cell Behera Clean Technology” in ITER, SOA
University campus, 3rd-8th July,
INDO-EU Workshop on The
K. Rajesh Naidu, recent developments in
Electricity generation from kitchen
Vijay Ranjan microbial fuel cell and
70. waste in low cost microbial fuel cell
Dhulipala, Dr. membrane bioreactor
employing earthenware separator
Manaswini Behera Technology, IIT Kharagpur, Feb
02-03, 2018

Pg 138
National Seminar on Advances in Civil
Sustainable Development of Engineering, 21-22nd Oct 2017, organized
71. Dr. U. C. Sahoo Invited Lecture
Road Infrastructure in India by Govt. College of Engg., Bhawanipatana,

2nd Training Programme on Quality

Use of Non-Conventional
Control and Quality Monitoring of Third
72. Materials in Construction of Dr. U. C. Sahoo Invited Lecture
Part QM, 23rd Aug 2017, organized by
Rural Roads
Architechno Consultants, Bhubaneswar

Bio-Engineering Measures for controlling

Conventional and modern
73. Dr. S. Patra Landslides and Go-Environmental Issues, Invited Lecturer
retaining technologies
2017, three days

Liquefaction of Soil and Ground Earthquake Resistant Low Cost Housing, Invited as Expert
74. Dr. S. Patra
Improvement Techniques Six day Lecturer

Short Term Course on Recently Revised

Recent revision of Is1893-2016
Dr. Suresh Ranjan Seismic Code-Impact on analysis and
75. and its impact in seismic design
Dash design using software, NITTR Extension
of structures
Center, Bhubaneswar 10-14 July 201

Short Term Course on Recently Revised

Ductile Design Concept and Dr. Suresh Ranjan Seismic Code-Impact on analysis and
Application using IS13920 Dash design using software, NITTR Extension
Center, Bhubaneswar 10-14 July 201

School of Mechanical Sciences

Two-day National Conference on Recent
Dr. Pandu R. Advances in Mechanical Engineering held
77. Key note lecture
Vundavilli at Andhra University, Vizag, AP on 10th
Mar 2017
Delivered 8 hour
Dr. Yogesh G
78. Aeroacoustics VSSC, July 5 - 7 2017 lectures for
scientists from VSSC
Nanoscale Manipulation in Invited talk (July
79. Dr. Ankur Gupta BRICS Young Scientist Conclave-2017
Sensing Application 2017)

AICTE short term course on Recent

Recent trends on EDM and Wire- Advances in Machining Processes (RAMP)
80. Dr. Ankur Gupta
EDM at Veer SurendraSai University of
Technology, Burla
Third International Conference on
Scope of Electroforming in
81. Dr. Ankur Gupta Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization
and Applications (ICN 2018).

Invited talk in CSIR NIIST,

Nanofabrication through
82. Dr. Ankur Gupta Thiruananthpuram, Kerala, India on 14
May 2018.

Residual stresses in thick Dr. M M International Congress 2017, Dec 7-9,

weldments Mahapatra 2017

PCM based solar PV cooling Dr. Anirban GIAN program on Recent Advances in PCM
system Bhattacharya Based Cooling Technology

Pg 139
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Formability of a wrought Mg S. Gollapudi, W. National Conference on Processing

85. alloy evaluated by impression Mohamed, I. Charit, K. L. and Characterization of Materials,
testing Murty 2017, Dec 8-9

Processing and characterization Dr. Animesh Mandal,

of as-cast aluminium based in- Prakash Srirangam,
86. NMD-ATM, 2017, November 11-14
situ composites reinforced with Madhusudan
Titanium diboride particles Chakraborty

Gallium Ferrite: a functionally Recent Advances in Science and

87. rich room temperature Dr. Amritendu Roy Technology (RAST) 2018, IGIT
multiferroic Sarang, Orissa, March 10, 2018

National Seminar on Advanced

Designing of novel multiferroic
Materials and Technology, AMT
88. transition metal oxides for Dr. Amritendu Roy
2018, Centurion University,
memory and energy applications
Bhubaneswar, April 17, 2018

Waste to Wealth in Mineral and

Metallurgical Industries” [WWMMI-
89. Recycling of Aluminium scrap Dr. B. K. Dhindaw Key Note lecture
2018] during 9th -10th March, 2018,

Recyclability of Aluminium lecture in Prof. T. Ramchandran

90. alloys, Twin Roll Casting and Dr. B. K. Dhindaw Lecture Series, NIT Surathkal 5th Plenary lecture
Nucleation Issues October 2017

Conference on Advanced
Biodegradable Mg Engineering Functional Materials
91. base/Hydroxyapatite composite Dr. B. K. Dhindaw (ICAEFM 2017). date of Conference Key Note lecture
materials 21st -23rd Sep, 2017 at
Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Pg 140

S.N. Name Title Attended Dates Place Remarks
From To

School of Basic Sciences

Dr. Bankim Chandra 2017- 2017-
1. SocProS 2017 Conference IIT Bhubaneswar
Mandal 12-23 12-24
XI SERC School on Experimental 2017- 2017-
2. Dr. Seema Bahinipati Workshop NISER, Bhubaneswar Resource Person
High-Energy Physics at NISER 11-07 11-27
3. Dr. Seema Bahinipati Light Cone 2017 Conference 2017- 2017- University of Mumbai, Plenary Talk
09-18 09-22 Mumbai
4. Dr. Seema Bahinipati The Technology and Conference 2017- 2017- Beijing, China Oral
Instrumentation in Particle 05-22 05-26 Presentation
Physics 2017 (TIPP2017)
5. Dr. Soumendra Rana Symposium 2018- 2018- NISER, Bhubaneswar jointly organized
02-23 02-23 by INSA & NISER
6. Dr. Sasmita Barik International Linear Algebra Conference 2017- 2017- Iowa State University,
Society (ILAS) 2017 Meeting: 07-24 07-28 Ames, USA
7. Dr. Srikanta Patra Design and Development of Conference 2017- 2017- NCL-PUNE/IISER PUNE Invited Speaker
Homo- and Heterodimetallic 12-11 12-14
Complexes of Ruthenium,
Iridium and Palladium as
Tandem Catalysts
8. Dr. Srikanta Patra Heterodinuclear Complexes of Conference 2017- 2017- Ravenshaw University Invited Speaker
Ruthenium and Iridium as 12-15 12-17
Anticancer Agents
9. Dr. Srikanta Patra Multimetallic Systems and Their Seminar 2018- 2018- Department of Invited Speaker
Diverse Applications 03-23 03-23 Chemistry Ravenshaw
10. Dr. Malay Kumar DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2017- 2017- BARC Mumbai
Bandyopadhyay Symposium 2017 12-26 12-30
11. Dr. Niharika International conference on Conference 2017- 2018- IIT Madras
Mohapatra Laser Deposition 11-20 06-22
12. Dr. Niharika Recent developments in Seminar 2018- 2018- U. N. (Autonomous)
Mohapatra condensed matter physics 02-11 02-11 College of Science and
Technology Adaspur-
13. Dr. Tabrez Khan Exploration of [2+2+1] Conference 2018- 2018- Aligarh AMU
cycloaddition based strategy 02-24 02-25
towards the synthesis of
modest to complex molecular
14. Dr. Tabrez Khan CYCLOADDITION BASED Conference 2018- 2018- Gwalior Jiwaji University

Pg 141
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

15. Dr. Tabrez Khan Exploration of [2+2+1] Conference 2018- 2018- Kolkatta Prof.Ashima
cycloaddition based strategy 01-08 01-10 Chatterjee
towards the synthesis of Foundation
modest to complex molecular


2017- 2017-
16. Dr. Tabrez Khan ALKALOIDS AND MOLECULES Conference Malaysia ICYC-2017
08-16 08-18
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar 2018- 2018-
17. ICAEFM-2K17 Conference GITA-Bhubaneswar
Singh 09-21 09-23
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar 2018- 2018-
18. MTIC-2017 Conference NCL-IISER-Pune
Singh 12-16 12-18

Recent Trends of Nano

Dr. Satchidananda 2018- 2018-
19. Materials for Futuristic Seminar Dhenkanal, Odisha
Rath 01-31 01-31

Recent trends in
Dr. Satchidananda 2018- 2018-
20. Science,Technology& Conference Khurdha
Rath 03-16 03-17

2017- 2017-
21. Dr. Sabyasachi Pani SOCPROS 2017 Conference BHUBANESWAR
12-23 12-24
Dr. Shyamal International conference of 2017- 2017-
22. Conference IIT Madras
Chatterjee complex fluids (CompFlu 2017) 12-18 12-20
Dr. Shyamal International conference of 2017- 2017-
23. Conference IIT Madras
Chatterjee laser deposition (iCOLD) 11-20 11-22

International conference on
Dr. Shyamal 2017- 2017-
24. nano structuring by ion beam Conference DAVV, Indore
Chatterjee 10-10 10-13
(ICNIB 2017)

45th Annual conference of 2018- 2018- As an Invited
25. Dr. Akshay Kumar Ojha Conference Engineering College,
Orissa Mathematical Society 02-03 02-04 speaker

UGC Seminar at Salepur 2018- 2018- Salepur Autonomous

26. Dr. Akshay Kumar Ojha Seminar As Chief Guest
Autonomous College 03-17 03-18 College
UGC Seminar at Udala College 2018- 2018- Udala College, As Key note
27. Dr. Akshay Kumar Ojha Seminar
Keonjhar 01-13 01-13 Keonjhar speaker

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

Department of Co-Chaired
26th Indian Collaquium of
2017- 2017- Geology, University of session and
28. Dr. Raj Kumar Singh Micropaleontology and Seminar
08-17 08-19 Madras, Guindy given oral
Campus, Chennai presentation
International Tropical 2018- 2018- Space Application
29. Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik Conference
Meteorology Symposium 11-07 11-10 Centre Ahmedabad
Urban Climate: Science, Impacts 2017- 2017- Joint Convenor.
30. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop IIT Bhubaneswar
and Adaptation 09-21 09-22 Sponsored under
31. Dr. Debadatta Swain Big Data and Earth Science Workshop 2017- 2017- KIIT University IEEE-GRSS
11-15 11-06

Remotely Sensed Big Data

2018- 2018- Indian Statistical IEEE-GRSS,
32. Dr. Debadatta Swain Analysis and Mining Workshop
01-23 01-24 Institute, Kolkata kolkata Chapter

Pg 142
Biodiversity and Climate 2018- 2018- CORAL, IIT
33. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop IIT Kharagpur
Change (2nd International) 02-24 02-27 Kharagpur

Regional Environment & Climate
in Odisha: Lightning, 2018- 2018-
34. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop ITER Bhubaneswar Society
Thunderstorm and Heatwave 03-23 03-23

Role of multiple equatorial

2017- 2017-
35. Dr. Kiranmayi Landu waves on cyclogenesis over Conference Singapore
08-06 08-11
Bay of Bengal

Urban climate science impacts 2017- 2017-

36. Prof. Hrusikesh Mishra Seminar IIT Bhubaneswar
and adaptations 09-21 09-22

Indo-US Workshop on prediction

2017- 2017-
37. Prof. Hrusikesh Mishra of heavy rainfall associated Workshop IIT Bhubaneswar
12-15 09-16
with extreme weather events

2017- 2017-
38. Prof. Hrusikesh Mishra Brainstorming workshop Workshop IIT Bhubaneswar
01-17 01-27

School of Electrical Sciences

2017- 2017-
39. Dr. Dipankar De EPE 2017 Conference Warsaw, Poland
09-11 09-15
40. Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra ICSIPA Conference 2017- 2017- Kuching, Malayasis Paper
09-12 09-14 presentation

Dr. Barathram 2017- 2017-

41. IEEE Tencon Conference Penang, Malaysia
Ramkumar 11-05 11-08
Dr. Barathram 2017- 2017-
42. IEEE VTC Conference Toronto, Canada
Ramkumar 09-24 09-27

The Fifth IEEE International

2018- 2018-
43. Dr. Padmalochan Bera Conference on Software Conference Barcelona, Spain
04-23 04-28
Defined Systems (SDS-2018)

2017- 2017-
44. Dr. Padmalochan Bera Cyber Security 2017 Conference London, UK
05-10 05-15
45. Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar TENCON -2017 Conference 2017- 2017- Penang, Malaysia Presented a
Karanki 11-04 11-08 Paper and
Chaired one
46. Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar National Power Electronics Conference 2017- 2017- Pune, India Presented two
Karanki Conference 12-18 12-20 Papers and
Chaired one
47. Dr. Srinivas Pinisetty International SPIN Symposium Conference 2018- 2017- Santa Barbara,
on Model Checking of Software 07-13 07-14 California, United

48. Dr. Debalina Ghosh 2017 IEEE International Conference 2017- 2017- San Diego, US
Symposium on Antennas and 07-09 07-14
Propagation & USNC/URSI
National Radio Science Meeting
49. Dr. Prasant Kumar S. Malik and P. K. Sahu, Symposium 2017- 2017- Sandiego
Sahu 07-09 07-14

Pg 143
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management

Presented paper
on The Politics of
Travel: A Study
2nd International Conference on
of the Travel
Politics and Letters: The 2018- 2018- Utkal University,
50. Dr. Amrita Satapathy Conference Memoirs of
Function of Criticism at the 01-23 01-25 Bhubaneswar
Mirza Sheikh
Present Times
I'tesamuddin and
Sake Dean
51. Dr. Anamitra Basu Role of Priming and Conference 2017- 2017- Egypt
Multilingualism 10-11 10-12
52. Dr. Rajakumar WGB2: National Workshop on e- Workshop 2018- 2018- Bhubaneswar
Learning, MOOCs and Basic ICT 03-19 03-20
Tools for Educators

Resistance Through Writing in

2017- 2018-
53. Dr. Punyashree Panda Two Marginal Women's Debut Conference Goa
12-28 06-30
Novels(IMRF Goa 2017)
, International Journal of Arts &
Dr. Naresh Chandra Sciences' (IJAS) International 2017- 2017-
54. Conference Rome
Sahu Conference for Business and 11-14 11-17

School of Infrastructure
National Workshop on Climate
2018- 2018- Delivered a key
55. Dr. Meenu Ramadas Change & Sustainable Workshop Bhubaneswar
01-02 01-02 note lecture
56. Dr. Meenu Ramadas SocProS 2017 Conference 2017- 2017- IIT Bhubaneswar oral paper
12-23 12-24 presentation and
57. Dr. Meenu Ramadas Urban Climate: Science, Impacts Workshop 2017- 2017- IIT Bhubaneswar
and Adaptation 09-21 09-22
58. Dr. Rajesh Roshan Recycle 2018- International Conference 2018- 2018- IIT Guwahati
Dash Conference on Waste 02-22 02-24

59. Dr. Manaswini Behera IUWMM 2018, INDO-EU Workshop 2018- 2018- IIT Kharagpur Oral
workshop on The Recent 02-02 02-03 presentation
Developments in Microbial Fuel
Cell and Membrane Bioreactor
60. Dr. Manaswini Behera RECYCLE 2018, International Conference 2018- 2018- IIT Guwahati Oral
conference on waste 02-22 02-24 presentation

61. Dr. Shantanu Patra International conference on Conference 2016- 2016- Noida, India.
Trends and Recent Advances in 08-11 08-12
Civil Engineering (TRACE 2016)

62. Dr. Shantanu Patra National Workshop on Workshop 2015- 2018- NIT Rourkela
Technology Enabled Learning 08-04 06-05
63. Dr. Shantanu Patra Indian geotechnical Conference Conference 2014- 2014- Kakinada, India.
12-18 12-20

Pg 144
64. Dr. Shantanu Patra International Conference on Conference 2014- 2014- Hyderabad, India
Sustainable Civil Infrastructures 10-17 10-18
(ICSCI 2014)

65. Dr. Shantanu Patra International conference on Conference 2014- 2014- Durham, UK
Information Technology in Geo- 07-21 07-22

66. Dr. Shantanu Patra workshop on High Performance Workshop 2013- 2013- Dundee, UK
Interviews 11-20 11-20
67. Dr. Shantanu Patra OES Mooring and Anchoring Workshop 2013- 2013- Aberdeen, UK
Practices Offshore: 40 years of 04-08 04-08
experience with drag
embedment anchors
68. Dr. Shantanu Patra National Instruments Hands-On Seminar 2013- 2013- Newbury, UK
Taster seminar 06-27 06-27
69. Dr. Shantanu Patra Indian geotechnical conference Conference 2012- 2012- Delhi, India
12-13 12-15
70. Dr. Shantanu Patra Institute Seminar on What Seminar 2017- 2017- IIT Bhubaneswar
makes us happy? Unanswered 08-30 08-30

71. Dr. Suresh Dash Earthquake Safety Assessment Workshop 2017- 2017- IIIT Hyderabad
of Buildings 08-30 08-31
72. Dr. Debasis Basu Integrated Transport System for Workshop 2018- 2018- Kolkata Organised by
Kolkata: Opportunities and 02-23 02-23 British deputy
Challenges High
Kolkata, Invited
to join Panel

73. Dr. Debasis Basu Making Urban Transport Smart Workshop 2017- 2017- Kharagpur Jointly Organised
and Sustainable in India 05-31 05-31 by Univ. of
Scotland, Invited
to join Panel

74. Dr. B. Hanumantha Bauxite Residue Valorisation Conference 2018- 2018- Athens, Greece
Rao and Best Practices conference 05-05 05-10
75. Dr. B. Hanumantha Int. Conf. on Environmental Conference 2018- 2018- NIT Jalandhar, India
Rao Geotechnology, Recycled Waste 03-28 03-31
Materials and Sustainable
76. Dr. Pasla Dinakar Corrosion Conference CORCON Conference 2017- 2017- Mumbai
2017 09-17 09-20
77. Dr. Pasla Dinakar International Conference in Conference 2017- 2017- IIT Madras
Advances in Construction 09-03 09-08
Materials and Systems

Pg 145
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

School of Mechanical Sciences

Dr. K. Srinivasa 2018- 2018- Oral
78. iRAD 2018 Conference NARL Gadanki
Ramanujam 01-08 01-11 presentation
10th Intl. Conf. on Conference
2017- 2017- presented the
79. Dr. Gaurav Bartarya on Precision, Meso, Micro and Conference IIT Madras, Chennai
12-06 12-08 paper
Nano Engineering (COPEN10)

2nd International Conference on

2017- 2017-
80. Dr. V. Pandu Ranga Mechanical Engineering and Conference Paris, France
12-09 12-15
Robotic Research

7th International Conference on

2017- 2017-
81. Dr. V. Pandu Ranga Soft Computing for Problem Conference IIT Bhubaneswar
12-23 12-24
Dr. Manas Mohan 2017- 2017-
82. IIW-2017 Congress Conference Chennai
Mahapatra 12-07 12-11
GIAN program on Recent
Dr. Anirban 2017- 2017-
83. Advances in PCM Based Cooling Workshop IIT Bhubaneswar
Bhattacharya 12-11 12-15
Prof. Swarup Kumar Engaging Canada and India: 2017- 2017-
84. Conference SICI, DELHI
Mahapatra Perspectives on Sustainability 05-13 05-14
2018- 2018-
85. Dr. Sasidhar Kondaraju Workshop on Wetting Workshop Bhubaneswar IMMT
04-09 04-09

School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Dr. Kodanda Ram Discussion Meeting on 2018- 2018-
86. Conference Coorg, Karnataka, India Conference ONLY
Mangipudi Mechanics/Materials Interface 02-18 02-22
Advances in Materials and 2018- 2018-
87. Dr. Srikant Gollapudi Workshop Chennai
Additive Manufacturing 03-21 03-22
In addition to my
National Conference on presentation, I
2017- 2017-
88. Dr. Srikant Gollapudi Processing and Characterization Conference Rourkela was asked to
12-08 12-09
of Materials judge the poster
Indo-Australian Workshop on
2018- 2018-
89. Dr. Animesh Mandal Advances in Materials and Workshop IIT Madras
03-21 03-22
Additive Manufacturing (AM2)
2018- 2018-
90. Dr. Animesh Mandal Indo-Italian Metal Hub seminar Seminar NALCO, Bhubaneswar
01-20 01-20
2017- 2017- BITS Pilani Goa
91. Dr. Amritendu Roy NMD-ATM 2017 Conference
11-11 11-14 Campus
Indo-Austrian workshop on
2018- 2018-
92. Dr. Amritendu Roy Advances in Materials and Workshop IIT Madras
03-20 03-23
Additive Manufacturing
93. Dr. Kaushik Das Indo-Australian Workshop on Workshop 2018- 2018- IIT Madras
Advances in Materials 03-21 03-22

94. Dr. Soobhankar Pati Strategy on Resource Efficiency Workshop 2018- 2018- Bhubaneswar
01-22 01-23
95. Dr. Soobhankar Pati Indigenous Li-ion Batteries for Workshop 2017- 2018- Vishakhapatnam
special Applications 06-08 06-08

Pg 146

S.N. Name Title Organized Place Remarks
From To

School of Basic Sciences

XI SERC School on Member, Local
2017- 2017- NISER,
1. Dr. Seema Bahinipati Experimental High-Energy Workshop Organizing
11-07 11-27 Bhubaneswar
Physics at NISER Committee

IIT Demonstrated some

Member of Physics on 2018- 2018-
2. Dr. Rajan Jha Workshop Bhubaneswar, basic experiments
Open day 02-12 02-12
Physics Lab on Optics

Dr. Chandrasekhar National Strings Meeting 2017- 2017- Joint

3. Conference NISER/IITBBS
Bhamidipati 2017 12-04 12-11 Organizer/Convener

7th International
Dr. Akshay Kumar conference on Soft 2017- 2017- IIT
4. Conference As Convener
Ojha computing for Problem 12-23 12-24 Bhubaneswar
solving (SocProS2017)

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

National Workshop on
2017- 2017-
5. Dr. Vinoj Velu Urban Climate: Science, Workshop Bhubaneswar Co-codinator
09-21 09-22
Impacts and Adaptation

Indo-US colloquium on
Prof. Uma Charan “Prediction of Heavy 2017- 2017- IIT
6. Workshop
Mohanty Rainfall associated with 12-14 12-16 Bhubaneswar
Extreme Weather Events”

Brainstorm workshop on
22 Institutes within
Establishment of Bay of 2018- 2018- IIT
7. Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik Workshop India and abroad
Bengal Coastal 01-17 01-17 Bhubaneswar

Prediction of Heavy
2017- 2017- IIT
8. Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik Rainfall Associated with Workshop
12-15 12-16 Bhubaneswar
Extreme Weather Events

Biodiversity and Climate 2018- 2018- Organizing

9. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop IIT Kharagpur
Change (2nd International) 02-24 02-27 Committee Member

Pg 147
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

7th International
Conference Soft 2017- 2017- IIT Hospitality
10. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop
Computing for Problem 12-23 12-24 Bhubaneswar Committee Member
Solving - SocProS 2017

Joint Convenor.
Sponsored under
Climate Change
Urban Climate: Science, 2017- 2017- IIT Programme by
11. Dr. Debadatta Swain Workshop
Impacts and Adaptation 09-21 09-22 Bhubaneswar SPLICE Division
(Dept. of Science
and Technology,
Govt. of India)

School of Electrical Sciences

Electricity Market
Dr. Chandrashekhar Oriented Control of 2017- 2017- IIT Joint Indo-Finish
12. Workshop
Narayan Bhende Renewables based 12-13 12-15 Bhubaneswar Workshop

2017- 2017- IIT Local Organizing

13. Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra SocProS 2017 Conference
12-23 12-24 Bhubaneswar Committee Member

A Three Day Workshop on

Dr. M Sabarimalai VLSI and Embedded 2017- 2017- IIT
14. Workshop
Manikandan System Design (VESD- 10-13 10-15 Bhubaneswar

A Three Day Workshop on

Dr. Barathram VLSI and Embedded 2017- 2017- IIT With Dr.Manikandan
15. Workshop
Ramkumar System Design (VESD- 10-13 10-15 Bhubaneswar and Dr.Srinivas

Dr. Chandrasekhar Smart Grid and Microgrid 2017- 2017-

16. Workshop NIT Warangal
Perumalla Technologies 12-04 12-08

Dr. Manoranjan GIAN course on Advanced 2017- 2017- IIT

17. Seminar
Satpathy Computer Architecture 12-14 12-23 Bhubaneswar

School of Infrastructure
Low clinker high
Dr. B. Hanumantha 2018- 2018- SIF, IIT
18. performance cement Workshop
Rao 06-13 06-15 Bhubaneswar
composites (HPCC)

School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Current Trends in Attended by
2017- 2017- IIT
19. Animesh Mandal Solidification Processing Workshop delegates from
04-07 04-07 Bhubaneswar
and Technology SJTU China

Current Trends in
2017- 2018-
20. Dr. Soobhankar Pati Solidification Processing Workshop Bhubaneswar
04-03 04-06
and Technology

Pg 148
GIAN Programmed
S.N. Course Name/ Duration Host Faculty Foreign Faculty

Comparative Literature for the Twenty-First Century Neil ten Kortenaar, University
1. Dr. Punyashree Panda
6th Dec, 2017 to 16th Dec, 2017 of Toronto Canada

Yogendra Kumar Joshi,

Recent Advances In PCM Based Cooling Technology Georgia Institute of
2. Dr. P. Rath
11th Dec, 2017 to 15th Dec, 2017 Technology, Atlanta United
States of America

Bahman Kalantari, Rutgers

Polynomials with Polynomiography and Applications
3. Dr. Tarakanta Nayak University United States of
21st Dec, 2017 to 30th Dec, 2017

Integration of Electronically-Coupled Energy Resources and

Reza Iravani, University of
4. Apparatus in Electrical Power Systems Dr. Debalina Ghosh
Toronto Canada
19th Feb, 2018 to 23rd Feb, 2018

Institute Seminars
IIT Bhubaneswar regularly organizes Institute Seminars which are delivered by eminent personalities throughout the world for
the benefit of the students, faculty members and staff. Apart from topics related to science and technology, seminars have
been arranged on a wide range of important topics including health, foreign affairs, defence, entrepreneurship, economics,
spirituality and psychology. Seminars receive an enthusiastic participation from the educational institutes in and around
Bhubaneswar. List of all the seminars conducted during the academic year 2017-2018 have been given below.
List of Institute Seminars:

S.N. Title of the talk Speaker Date

What makes us happy? Unanswered Prof. Manas K. Mandal, (Distinguished Visiting Professor,
1 30/8/2017
questions IIT Kharagpur)

Conceptual Evolution of Mechanics and the Prof. Amitabha Ghosh, (formerly Director IIT Kharagpur,
2 1/9/2017
Little Known Story of F = ma Honorary Scientist of Indian National Science Academy)

Some Perspectives on I N D I A (Innovation,

Mr. Harun Rashid Khan, (Retd. Deputy Governor of the
3 Natural resources, Demography, Inclusion 13/10/2017
Reserve Bank of India)
and Agriculture)

Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy, (Retired Professor of Electrical

4 On the art of setting a good question paper 27/10/2017
Engineering, IIT Delhi)

Pg 149
Know your Self to get true success and
5 Prof. Kanchan Chowdhury, (IIT Kharagpur) 10/11/2017
lasting happiness

Prof. Parlapalli V. Satyam, (Institute of Physics,

The Nobel Prize Winning Discoveries (2017)
Bhubaneswar) ,Dr. Anasuya Roychowdhury, (IIT
6 on Chemistry, Physiology / Medicine and 24/11/2017
Bhubaneswar),Dr. Chandrasekhar Bhamidipati, (IIT

Super-ion Inspired Materials for Energy Prof. Purusottam Jena (Physics Department, Virginia
7 21/2/2018
Storage and Conversion Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284)

My story: Building a successful, sustainable

8 Dr. BVR Mohan Reddy (Executive Chairman, Cyient) 10/3/2018
global company

India-China relations: Cooperation,

Lt. Gen. P R Kumar, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd. Director
9 competition, confrontation; A security 16/3/2018
General Military Operations)

Pg 150
S.N. Name Details of the Awards/Honours/Fellowship

School of Basic Sciences

1. Dr. Bankim Chandra Mandal Best Paper Award in SocProS 2017, held in IIT Bhubaneswar in December 2017.

Senior Member, Optical Society of America (OSA)

2. Dr. Rajan Jha For individuals having ten year or greater record of professional and/or service
accomplishments within the optics and photonics field.

3. Dr. Srikanta Patra Life membership from National Academy of Science Indian (NASI)

Award for Excellence in Teaching (Best Teacher) from IIT Bhubaneswar

Dr. Chandrasekhar
4. Best Teacher (Among all other faculty who received award for teaching excellence in

Recipient of prestigious Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship from Indo-
5. Dr. Shyamal Chatterjee
US Science and Technology Forum - 2018

6. Dr. Kousik Samanta Teaching Excellence Award 2017 (IIT Bhubaneswar)

School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

United Nations University Fellowship
7. Dr. Syed Hilal Farooq
Duration 17 April 2018 - 6 October 2018

Biju Pattnaik award for scientific excellence- 2018

8. Prof. Uma Charan Mohanty
Highest science award of Government of Odisha through Odisha Bigyan Academy

Faculty Research Awards for Outstanding Research Faculty from CAREERS 360- 2018
CAREERS 360 is an online counselling service for students and researchers gives best
9. Prof. Uma Charan Mohanty
academicians with highlighted research over India every year in various science

School of Electrical Sciences

Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems- 2017

Pg 151
Dr. Subhransu Ranjan IEEE India Council Outstanding Volunteer Award-2017
Samantaray IEEE India Council

Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Exceptional Reviewer, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery-2015, 2017

Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Samantaray IEEE PES Society

Dr. Chandrashekhar Narayan Bhaskara Advance Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship

Bhende Sponsored by Indo-US Science & Technology Forum

Professor Dr. Muhammad H Rashid Best Paper Award for the paper entitled
15. Dr. N. C. Sahoo "Implementation of Demand Side Management using Microcontroller and Wireless
Communication" presented at 2017 IEEE ICECCT Conference

The presentation of the paper titled "Design and application of a many-to-one

16. Dr. Sudipta Saha communication protocol" received the best-in-session-presentation-award in IEEE

17. Dr. Debalina Ghosh IEEE Senior Member

18. Dr. Debalina Ghosh IETE Fellow

19. Dr. Debalina Ghosh SSI Life Member

IEI Young Engineer Award 2017-2018 from The Institution of Engineers (India)
20. Dr. Chandrasekhar Perumalla For the research done in the fields of Renewable Energy and Microgrid / Smart grid

Transnational Access Researcher of European Union's ERIGrid under H2020

21. Dr. Chandrasekhar Perumalla Conducted Research at The National Smart Grid Laboratory, SINTEF Energy and NTNU,
Trondheim, Norway, 2017

Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellowship sponsored by SERB, DST, GoI and Indo-US Science &
22. Dr. Chandrasekhar Perumalla
Technology Forum, 2017

23. Dr. Chandrasekhar Perumalla SERB Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship sponsored by SERB, DST, GoI, 2017

24. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Member International Speech Communication Association

25. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Fellow IETE

26. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Senior Member IEEE

27. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Member Indian Society of Systems For Science and Engineering

28. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Life member System society of India

29. Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Member OSA

Pg 152
School of Infrastructure
Representing Indian Geotechnical Society on the International Technical Committee TC
30. Dr. Sumanta Haldar 209 on "Offshore Geotechnics" of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)

Best paper Award for the paper titled "Bio-electricity generation from kitchen waste in
a low cost earthenware microbial fuel cell" presented in Recycle 2018, 2nd
31. Dr. Manaswini Behera
International Conference on Waste Management held at Indian Institute of Technology
Guwahati from 22nd to 24th February 2018.

Received IGS-Delhi Chapter YGE Award for the Best Paper on “Computational
32. Dr. Shantanu Patra
Geomechanics” (Dec, 2016)

Received IGS-Baroda Chapter YGE Award for the best paper on “Ground Improvement”
33. Dr. Shantanu Patra
(Dec 18, 2014)

School of Mechanical Sciences

BRICS Young Scientist award
34. Dr. Ankur Gupta Selected as "BRICS Young Scientist" by DST for participating in "BRICS Young Scientist
Conclave", held from 11-15 July 2017 at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Teaching Excellence Award 2017-2018

35. Dr. Venugopal Arumuru
IIT Bhubaneswar

Young Scientist Award 2017

36. Dr. Venugopal Arumuru
Venus International Foundation

School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Outstanding reviewer citation for reviewing research papers in the following journals:
1. Material Science and Engineering A 2. Material Science and Engineering B, 3. Journal
37. Prof.Brij Kumar Dhindaw
of Alloy and Compounds and 4. Journal of Material Processing Technology. All high
impact factor journals in the domain of metallurgcal and materials engineering

Award for outstanding service in 7. Ms Sunita Burma, Physical Training Instructor,

1. Dr. S Manikandan, Assistant Professor, School of Awards to Students
Electrical Sciences 1. Pranjal Bangani, a member of Panacea, the English
2. Shri Pradeep Kumar Sahoo, Assistant Registrar (Store Literary Society was awarded special mention at the
and Purchase Section) recently held Global Peace Conference Model United
Nations (MUN) Bhubaneswar.
3. Mr. Sambit Ranjan Mohanty, Jr.Superintendent ,
Finance and Account Section 2. Mr. Partha Sarthi Jena, MSc (Geology) a student from
the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences
4. Mr. K Saikiran, Private Secretary, Director’s Office
secured all India 10th rank in the recent CSIR-NET
5. Mr. Ramesh Chandra Biswal examinations.
6. Mr. Biswajit Pegu, Physical Training Instructor, 3. The basketball team of IIT Bhubaneswar clinched the
Gymkhana runners-up trophy at the closure of the College of
Engineering (CET) Tournament, after defeating three

Pg 153
strong opponents to reach the finals. The team was Engineering received Silver medal for topping in
led by Vivek Goddu and Lian Min Tonsing, who guided BTech branches.
the team well and motivated the players.
20. Vishwas Chandra Khan, Mechanical Engineering
4. Mr. Ashutosh Acharya, Ms. Babita Jangir, Ms. Annu received Silver medal for topping in BTech branches.
Panwar got awarded the TROPMENT conference
21. Yogendra Singh Patel, Civil Engineering received
Silver medal for topping in BTech branches.
5. Mr. Deepak Kumar, POSOCO Power system award
22. Harleen Hanspal , Electrical Engineering received
2016 (Doctoral category)
Silver medal for topping in BTech branches.
6. Mr. Himadri Baisya awarded best poster Monsoon
23. Rishav Goyal, Climate science and technology
conference 2016 at IITM Pune.
received Silver medal for topping in MTech
7. Mr. Jeeban Nayak, Got 1st prize for best poster Specialization.
presentation on the National science day.
24. Nikita Trivedi, Electronics and Communication
8. Mr. Loknath Tripathy , POSOCO Power system award Engineering received Silver medal for topping in
2017 (Doctoral category) MTech Specialization.
9. Pankaj Dillip Achlerkar, POSOCO Power system award 25. M Naresh, Mechanical System Design received Silver
2017 (Masters category) medal for topping in MTech Specialization.
10. Mr. Praveen Kumar, Mr. Rishav Goyal, Mr. Pintu Layek, 26. Suryakant Kumar , Materials science and engineering
Mr. Archan Ganguly, Ms. Joyita Chattaraj got joint received Silver medal for topping in MTech
Indian Academics summer research fellowship 2016. Specialization.
11. Mr. Rahul Kumar Dubey, POSOCO Power system 27. Partha Sarathi Jena ,Geology received Silver medal
award 2017 (Doctoral category for topping in M.Sc. Specialization.
12. Mr. Samiran Mandal, got 1st prize in best poster 28. Pijush Chakraborty , Chemistry received Silver medal
presentation in workshop at NIT, Chennai for topping in M.Sc. Specialization.
13. Mr. Samar Kumar Ghosh, got 3rd prize in best poster 29. Priyanka Mishra, Mathematics received Silver medal
presentation in workshop at NIT, Chennai. for topping in M.Sc. Specialization.
14. Mr. Satyanarayan Dhal, got 1st Prize in International 30. Smita Chakraborty , Physics received Silver medal for
conference on IBMEC-2016. topping in M.Sc. Specialization.
15. Mr. Satyanarayan Dhal and Dr. Shyamal Chatterjee 31. Akshay Ramachandran received Dinesh memorial
received Ganesh Mishra memorial award from award for best Btech thesis in Mechanical
Institute of Engineers (India). engineering.
16. Mr. Sourav Dutta got summer fellowship award from 32. Deepak Kaushik received Tejaswi memorial award for
PRL Ahmedabad. best Btech thesis in Electrical Engineering.
17. Mr. Subrota Halder, got 2nd prize Best poster 33. Harleen Hanspal received Prof. P. Rama Rao award
research conclave'17, IIT Guwahati. for best lady graduate.
18. Ms. Susmita Kar , POSOCO Power system award 2017 34. Kamal Narayan Reddy Challa received Dr. K.
(Doctoral category) Kasturirangan Award for best graduate.
19. Kamal Narayan Reddy Challa , Computer science and 35. Vishwas Chandra Khan received B.K. De memorial
award for most innovative project.

Pg 154
Sl. No. Name Name of the Institution

1. Dr. Ashok Mishra Clemson University, USA

2. Dr. BVR Mohan Reddy Executive Chairman, Cyient

3. Dr. C.S.Kumar IIT Kharagpur

4. Dr. Devendra Narain Singh IIT Bombay

5. Dr. Lucy Nandi University of Minnesota,USA

6. Dr. Nilanjan Mitra IIT Kharagpur

7. Dr. P.M.Pandey IIT Delhi

8. Dr. Partha Saha IIT Kharagpur

9. Dr. Piyush Ghaunsali IIT Madras

10. Dr. Radhakrishna Pillai IIT Madras

11. Dr. Ranjan Pradhan University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

12. Dr. Sampreeti Jena University of Minnesota,USA

13. Dr. Sofen Jena Faurecia Clean Mobility,Bengaluru

14. Dr. Sudesna Basu George Washington University

15. Dr. Sujit Bidhar Fermilab, USA

16. Lt GEN P R Kumar Retd. Director General Military Operations

17. Mr. Anil Trigunayat Ambassador, IFS Retd.

18. Mr. Anindya Maitra Associate Vice President, Mindtree

19. Mr. Biranch Panda NTU, Singapore

20. Mr. Biswaranjan Mohanty University of Minnesota,USA

21. Mr. Harun Rashid Khan Retd. Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India

22. Mr. S. Mohapatra SABIC Technology Centre, Bengaluru

23. Mr. Yu Jing Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

24. Ms. Pavitra Parthasarathy Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

25. Neil ten Kortenaar University of Toronto Canada

26. Padma Shri Dr. T. P. Das Vice Chairman, L V P Eye Institute

Formerly Director IIT Kharagpur, Honorary Scientist of Indian National Science

27. Prof. Amitabha Ghosh

Pg 155
28. Prof. Anjan K. Ghosh Vice Chancellor, Tripura University

29. Prof. Avijit Gangopadhya University Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

30. Prof. B.V. Rathish Kumar IIT Kanpur

31. Prof. Bahman Kalantari Rutgers University United States of America

32. Prof. D. Manjunath IIT Bombay

33. Prof. Dhanada Kanta Mishra Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

34. Prof. Kajari Majumdar TIFR Mumbai

35. Prof. Kanchan Chowdhury IIT Kharagpur

36. Prof. Kollure VL Subramanium IIT Hyderabad

37. Prof. Laxmidher Behera IIT Kanpur

38. Prof. Manas K. Mandal Distinguished Visiting Professor, IIT Kharagpur

39. Prof. P. M. Pandey IFB, Kolkata

40. Prof. P.V.S.N Murthy IIT Kharagpur

41. Prof. Parlapalli V. Satyam Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

42. Prof. Prahlad Rao Former Joint Director, CDAC, currently IIIT-Bengaluru)

43. Prof. Purusottam Jena Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

44. Prof. Ramji Prasad Aalborg University, Denmark

45. Prof. Ravindra Gettu IIT Madras

46. Prof. Reza Iravani Professor, University of Toronto Canada

47. Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy Retired Professor of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi

48. Prof. Sachindeo Vaidya CHEP, IISc Bangalore

49. Prof. Saraju Mohanty University of North Texas

50. Prof. Sheshadri Mohan University of Arkansas

51. Prof. Sumon Sinha Sinhatech

52. Prof. Suvrat Raju ICTS Bangalore

53. Prof. T. V. Srinivas Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru

54. Prof. Tangali Sudarshan University of South Carolina

55. Prof. Tian C. Zhang University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA

56. Prof. Utpal Sarkar Former Director PRL, Ahmedabad, IIT Khargapur

57. Prof. Vikram M. Gadre IIT Bombay

58. Prof. Viktor Prasanna University of Southern California

59. Prof. Vishwanath Sinha Formerly IIT Kanpur

60. Prof. Yogendra Kumar Joshi Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta United States of America

Pg 156
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18



LIBRARY § Printed Books: 17,450

The mission of the Central Library is to provide quality
§ E- Books: 30 Lakhs + (World eBook
information resources in all forms to the academic and
research community of IIT Bhubaneswar. With a Library (WEL))
commitment to excel, the Library plays a vital role starting § Journals & Magazines: 24 Nos.
from acquiring to disseminating all types of information
resources by timely and innovative services to support the § Daily Newspapers: 12 Nos.
academic and research need of the user community.The
§ E-resources: 8750+ e-journals
range and quality of services offered by the Central Library
are comparable to any modern libraries in India of § (Technology: 3322+; Science: 3129+ &
International standard.
Humanity & Social Sc.: 2299+ e-
In 2016,Central Library has extended its services at Argul journals)
campus i.e. the permanent campus of Institute. Further, it
has also extended the Library timing up to 9 pm at § Full text online databases: 45 Nos.
permanent campus. Central Library sifted all its operation
§ Bibliographical databases: 04 Nos.
to the permanent campus in April 2017. In a nut shell,
currently it is having over 17600+ volumes of books, 49+ § CD/Multi-media databases: 01 Nos.
full text as well as bibliographical database subscriptions,
and other resources like popular magazines/print journals, § Patent Database: 01 No.
theses, and reports in Engineering, Science & Technology, § E-Book Database: 02 No.
Management, Humanities and Social Sciences. Apart from
the procurement on print books, the Central Library § Web tools: 02 Nos.
achieved phenomenal progress in the subscription of e-
resources which includes more than 8645 e-journals to its
digital collection making "24 x 7 Library" in real sense on LIBRARY SERVICES & FACILITIES
institute-wide network and off-campus access to e-
resources through ezproxy.

Online Subscriptions § Reader's Assistance

There are 49 Electronic Resources including e-journals, § Membership and Borrowing Facilities
online databases, bibliographic databases, data sets,
software tools, e-Books etc. are being subscribed and § Photocopying Facility
renewed annually in both through institute funding and
§ Hindi Collection (Rajbhasa Collection)
also through eSS (e-ShodhSindhu: A nationwide initiative by
Ministry of HRD for Higher Education e-Resources). § Leadership Corner
§ Non-Book Materials
§ Reserved Collection in reading area
§ Special Collection for Scheduled
Castes & Scheduled Tribes
§ Display of Scholarship and fellowship
§ Orientation Programmes
§ Document deliver services

Pg 157
Full Text Online Databases § Optical Society of America

§ AAAS (Science) § Oxford University Press

§ ABI INFORMComplete § Project Muse

§ ACI Materials journals § Proquest Dissertation & Theses

§ ACM Digital Library § Royal Society of Chemistry

§ American Chemical Society § Sage (2 Journals)

§ American institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics § Science Direct Option-1 (5 Sub- Phy, Chm, Mat, Eng, &
§ American Institute of Physics
§ Earth & Planetary Sc. - Elsevier (Science Direct
§ American Mathematical Society Additional)

§ American Meteorological Society § SIAM Journals

§ American Physical Society § SPIE Digital Library

§ American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) § South Asia Archive

§ American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) § Springer Journals

§ Annual Reviews Journals § Taylor & Francis Online (Sc. & Tech, Business & Mgmt.
& Ecos)
§ ASTM International Standards and Engineering DL
§ Transportation Research Board
§ Begell HouseEngineering Research Collection
§ Wiley Online - 65 titles
§ Cambridge Journals
Bibliographical E-DATABASES
§ Cell Press Journals
§ SCIFINDER Scholar (web enabled version)
§ ECS Digital library Online
§ Economic & Political Weekly New
§ Emerald Journals
§ Web of Science (SCIE) (back files since 1965)
§ Geo Science World

§ ICE+ Thomas Telford

Patent Database

§ IEEE Xplore Digital Library

§ WIPS Global Advanced

§ IOP Science Extra E book

§ ISID § McGraw-Hill Access Engineering Library

§ JSTOR § World eBook Library

§ McGraw-Hill Access Engineering Library CD/ Multi-media Databases

§ NATURE - 12 Titles § Cambridge Structural Database System (Researcher

Pg 158
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Computing Infrastructure & Services Open Source Software (OSS) for

The Library has its own sub-LAN, which is connected to the Library Automation and Institutional
Campus LAN. It has more than 20 PCs dedicated for the
user to access electronic resources (e-journals, e-databses,
etc), SUN Fire Server and Blade Server. The Central Library
has a comprehensive Home Page as a part of the Institute's Open source Library Management Software (KOHA) has
web site. The Library Home page serves as an integrated been installed and the day-to-day housekeeping activities
interface for all services available from the Central Library. are being done through this system. Central Library has
The interface, available at and upgraded to the latest koha version of 17.05 in July 2017.
offers the following web-based services: Central Library has also successfully implemented an IR
(Institutional Repository)using the open source software
§ Recent Additions to the IIT Library
Dspace in accordance with the National Digital Library
(NDL), IIT Kharagpur mandate.
§ New Arrival Display & Alert Services (both physical &
Out-reach and other Programs
§ Electronic Resources subscribed
( § Research Analytics and management using SciVal

§ Web-based Library OPAC ( -intranet; § Session on Proquest Dissertations & Theses & ABI - outside Argul network) Inform

§ Web Access to Journals subscribed in Print. § Library Services and citation search for PhD scholars.

§ Off Campus Remote Access to all e-Resources through

EZProxy (\

§ Institutional Repository

Pg 159
The Career Development Cell (CDC) offers a broad range of student-centred support service that empower students to explore,
define, and realize their career goals. The CDC also engages in one-on-one counselling sessions, consultations throughout the
career planning process, and assistance with goal-setting and goal achievement through a variety of career exploration
activities. The ultimate aim is to provide lifetime tools and skills for professional development, job search success, and career
satisfaction, supporting the students in shaping and managing their careers by building key ingredients required for a student
to be a complete professional.

Campus placements of 2018 pass out batch has seen the best placement season so far in terms of quality and quantity of
student placed. A total of 206 students have been placed from all the branches taken together.

Key highlights of placement of 2017-18

§ Total 130 students from UG received offers. § Average salary is 11.15 Lakh per Annum.
§ Undergraduate placement is about 87%. § PSU's like ISRO, IOCL, HPCL, NCCBM participated in the
§ Highest domestic CTC offered was 39 Lakhs per campus placements.
annum. § MNC companies like Goldman Sachs, Renault Nissan,
§ M.Tech placements are close to 60%. Samsung R & D, Oracle, Infosys, TCS R & D, Adobe have
§ M. Sc students from basic sciences was near 100% participated in this year of placements.
placements. § 3rd year students have received internship offers in
§ Highest number of job offers have been received from reputed industries. A few of them are engaged in
Internships in R & D organisations and foreign
core industries.
§ No. of companies visited are 52.


Pg 160
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Course/stream wise distribution of placement: 2017-18

Branch (B.Tech) No. of students Registered No. of students Placed

Civil 29 18
Comp. Science 42 42
Electrical 36 30
Mechanical 35 32
MMME 9 8

Branch (M.Tech/ M.Sc) No. of students interested in placement No. of students placed
M Tech 69 40
M Sc 46 33
PhD - 03

Overall placement:
No of students registered: 266
No of students placed: 206
Percentage of placement: 78%

Sector- wise Sector-wise placement data

placement analysis
4 1
IT: 19 % 5
Core: 53 %
PSU: 8%
Analytics: 4%
Education: 10% 10
NBFC: 1% 53
E- Commerce: 5%


Core Industries IT PSU Education

E- Commerce Analytics NBFC

Pg 161
Placement & Higher studies for previous 3 years
No. of students No. of students No. of students Median salary
No. of first year Academic
Academic Year graduating in participated in placed through of placed
students year (pass
(first admitted) minimum campus campus graduates (in
admitted out)
stipulated time placement placement Lakh)

B. Tech

2012-13 113 2015-16 105 90 87 6.5

2013-14 148 2016-17 147 126 105 7.5

2014-15 2017-18 151 130 8.8

M. Tech

2014-15 71 2015-16 55 31 20 6.5

2015-16 74 2016-17 58 44 37 6.7

2016-17 2017-18 69 40 6.2

M. Sc

2014-15 71 2015-16 69 35 9 7

2015-16 76 2016-17 69 43 14 6.9

2016-17 2017-18 46 33 6

Companies recruited in the Academic Year 2017-18

Adobe Amazon Accenture Affine Analytics
Akash Institute Bharat Seats Ltd. BSEC CEWIT
Capgemini CTS Delta Power Solutions Dolcera
Deloitte Directi Edubrisk Solutions Fiitjee
Futures First Go-Jek Goldman Sachs GMR IT
Ittiam Infosys KIIT KPIT
L & T Construction L & T Limited Maruti Suzuki MIC College of Technology
MathWorks MAQ Software NCCBM OYO
Oracle Renault Nissan Rao Edusolutions Reliance Jio
Samsung R&D Swasth Bharat Prerak Tata Steel Tata Motors
TCS R&D Transweb Educational Tesco UHG
Vedanta Vidyamandir Classes Wipro Zuti Engg.

No of students recruited 206

Minimum salary Offered 4.8 (LPA)
Maximum salary offered 39 (LPA)
Average salary offered 10 (LPA)
Median salary offered 8 (LPA)

Pg 162
The Department of Science & Technology and the Ministry § At present 11 nos. of startups are incubated.
of Human Resource Development, Government of India,
sanctioned Rs. 1.50 crore for establishing Startup Centre at § Villa Mart, one of the promising startup incubated in
IIT Bhubaneswar. Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT the IIT Bhubaneswar's startup center has made it to
Bhubaneswar, inaugurated the Centre on 20th June 2016. the top 10 list of social enterprises at the sixth edition
This facility is available to all budding entrepreneurs of the of Tata Social Enterprise Challenge (TSEC). Currently
region. operational in Nayagarh District, Villa Mart provides a
mobile market place besides making available around
Important dates 260 items of vegetables, grocery and other essential
Ÿ Date of selection letter received by the Institute commodities forb the villagers at their door steps.
22 March 2016
Ÿ Date on which the IIT Startup Centre was inaugurated
20 June 2016
IIT Bhubaneswar Research and
Ÿ Date of selection of first round of startups Entrepreneurship Park
28 September 2016 IIT Bhubaneswar received license and incorporation
Ÿ Date of selection of second round of Startups certificate from Registrar of companies (RoC) to run IIT
6 May 2017 Bhubaneswar Research and Entrepreneurship Park, a
rd section-8 (not for profit) company. This newly formed
Ÿ Date of selection of 3 round of startups
company will operate from the Samantapuri campus of IIT
29 December 2017
Bhubaneswar, at the heart of the capital city Bhubaneswar,
and will promote entrepreneurship, research, and startup
activities. Opening a section-8 company will also help IIT
Bhubaneswar to receive grants under various government
§ The Startup Centre was inaugurated on 20 June 2016 schemes promoting entrepreneurship, research, and
by the Director of the Institute. startup activities. Eventually the park will operate from the
permanent campus of the Institute where already a 70
§ The Institute has earmarked more than 50,000 sq. ft. acres space earmarked for the purpose, said Prof. R.V. Raja
area for the startup centre. Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar.
§ Invitation for opening startups and the relevant IIT Bhubaneswar Research and Entrepreneurship Park will
application forms are uploaded on the Institute initially operate under the chairmanship of Prof. R. V.
Website and are also sent to various college/ Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar. He will be assisted
universities/ industrial enterprises in and around the by Prof. R. K. Panda, Dean R&D IIT Bhubaneswar, and Dr.
State of Odisha which includes Andhra Pradesh, West Yogesh Bhumkar, PIC Startup Centre IIT Bhubaneswar, as
Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh etc. two other directors of the company.
Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar reiterated
§ Advertisements regarding invitation for opening
to promote entrepreneurship and innovation not only in
startups are also sent to leading newspapers.
this state but also in the surrounding states. There are
§ 56 applications were received in the first round of numerous colleges and universities offering various
advertisement out of which 13 Startups were selected. courses, such as engineering, science, and agriculture, to
their students. Therefore, a rich pool of talent is available
§ 30 applications were received in the second round of in and around IIT Bhubaneswar which needs to be guided
advertisement. The second round selection committee for innovation, research, and the entrepreneurship
meeting was held on 6th May 2017 and 12 startups activities. To shape their innovation and promote their
were selected. entrepreneurship interests, IIT Bhubaneswar Research and
Entrepreneurship Park will act as a nodal center.
§ 16 applications were received in the third round of
advertisement. Selection committee meeting was held
on 29th December 2017 and 4 startups were selected. The Research and Entrepreneurship Park has already

Pg 164
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

received funds as given below: § Networking

(I) Ms Susmita Bagchi Rs. 2.50 crores
§ Mentoring support by faculty members
(ii) Govt. of Odisha Rs. 2.50 crores
(iii) STPI Rs.2.50 crores § Support for legal and financial advice by empanelled

Facilities for Startups: § Availability of IIT students for internship

§ Furnished/Semi-furnished/Unfurnished space as per § Interactive workshops with Angel Investors and

the requirement of the entity venture capitalists

§ Internet, electricity, and water facility § Workshop on different issues of Entrepreneurship

§ Hostel facility, if available § Entrepreneur skill development

§ Library facility § Guidance and support for filing patents

§ Laboratory and workshop facilities § Fooding and lodging facility available in nearby
Atmaram Hotel

Pg 165
In pursuance of the Official Language Policy of the and Dr. Raj K. Singh, PIC Rajbhasha encouraged, addressed
Government of India, Rajbhasha Ekak of the Institute is and motivated the participants on these occasions to work
promoting the progressive use of Hindi in IIT Bhubaneswar. more in Hindi.
Presently the Cell has one sanctioned post of Junior Hindi
Translator. The Institute is completely tried to follow the
rules and regulations of the Govt. of India related to Official Hindi Pakhwada Ceremony
Languages Hindi. Further the Rajbhasa Ekak is looking the
During 01-14 September, 2017 Rajbhasha Ekak organized
Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC)
“Hindi Pakhwada” in the Institute. Several Programmes and
Bhubaneswar (Central) activities and our director is
competition in Hindi were organized for employees and
Chairman of TOLIC Bhubaneswar (C). Some the highlights
students of the Institute. The highlights of this year Hindi
are as follows:
Pakhwada was inter institute as well as intra institute
competition for the students were organised with support of
“Abhvyakti”. Various neighbouring colleges and institutes
On Going Activities were participated in these programs. The popular programs
Translation of Institute Annual Report, Annual Accounts, were hindi creative writing “Rachnatamak Lekhan” and “Awaz
Audit Report and various other documents which comes Dil Ki”. On 14th September, 2017 Hindi Diwas was celebrated
under Section 3(3) of Official Language Act, 1963. In in the Institute. Prof. R. Ramesh, Senior Professor, National
addition, various other letters and correspondence, replies Institute of Science education and research was chief guest
etc. are either translated or prepared in Hindi. The Ekak and Prof. P.C.Pandey, Senior professor, IIT Bhubaneswar was
also try to ensure the effective implementation of Official guest of honour. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the
Language policy of Govt. of India at Institute. The Ekak various competitions on that day by the chief guest and
ensures the bilingual display and use of different guest of honour. A very motivational speech on progressive
nameplates, notice boards, rubber stamps, routine type use of hindi is given by Prof. Ramesh, Prof. Pandey.
forms and also help in preparing bilingual Degrees
certificate awarded by the Institute during Convocation.
The Ekak involved the students and motivated them to use
official language and organise official language program
during different institute function with the help of Hindi
literary society “Abhivyakti” under student gymkhana.

Hindi Training and workshop

Time to time, Rajbhasha Ekak impart Hindi training to all
Institute employees who has no working knowledge in
Hindi on Roster. To solve the problem faced by the
employees in using official language, the Rajbhasha Ekak
organized workshops for the employees of the Institute
and member office of TOLIC Bhubaneswar (C). In the report
year, the following workshops were organized:
1) On 13th July, 2017 a Hindi Workshop on “कंप्यूटरपरहिन्दी
मेंकार्य: समस्याएवंसमाधान” was organized for the employees.
2) On 31st August, 2017 a workshop was organised on
“Official Language Policy and problem in online
report filing” for all the member offices of TOLIC
Bhubaneswar (C).
Prof. R.V. Rajkumar, Director, Sri Debraj Rath, Joint Registrar

Pg 166
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Rajbhasha Ekak publishes a bi-monthly newsletter “E-
Samachar” in Hindi, covering all the academic, cultural,
extra-curricular activities of the Institute followed by “Hindi
Sahitya Manch” column.
In addition, Rajbhasa Ekak has also published TOLIC
Bhubaneswar (C) E-magzine “Nagrik”.

Bilingual Website
As per the Official Language policy, Govt. of India,
Rajbhasha Ekak maintains bilingual updation in Institute's Official Language Implementation
website. Further, Rajbhasha Ekak links added in our
institute website which contains various useful information Committee
related to effective use of Official Language Policy. The Institute has an Official Language Implementation
Committee to look after the implementation of Official
Language policies of Govt. of India and to review the
progressive use of Hindi in Institute. Three quarterly
meetings of the committee were held last year under the
chairman ship of the Director of the Institute. In the
meeting discussion were made to accelerate the
progressive use of Hindi in the Institute.

Town Official Language

Implementation Committee (TOLIC)
In addition of this, Rajbhasha Ekak plays a vital role in
coordinating the implementation the Official Language
policy in the city and adjoining area. Rajbhasha Vibhag,
Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. Of India has selected our
Institute Director as Chairman, TOLIC Bhubaneswar (C). All
the Heads of Central government offices of the city and its
adjoining areas are the ex-officio members of TOLIC. The
61st& 62nd meetings of the TOLIC was organized on
30.08.2017 and 28.03.2018 under the chairmanship of
Hon'ble Director Prof. R.V.Rajakumar. At present, there are
nearly 120 central government offices and institutes are
member of TOLIC Bhubaneswar (C). Workshop and training
programs were also organised under the aegis of TOLIC (C)

Pg 167
EVENTS Later, the alumni were taken for a campus tour which
highlighted the recent developments in the college
infrastructure. It also focused on visits to various schools
and academic departments.
The evening witnessed a panel discussion among the
First Alumni Meet
alumni, professors and Mr. Prasenjeeth Pati, Founder of
To take a stroll down the corridors of nostalgia and to unite Afixi Technology and Sri Rajendra Kumar Senapati, Director
all the alumni, the first Alumni Meet was organized by HR, OPTCL with a special focus on “Role of alumni in
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar from 14th of development of an institution”. This interaction was vastly
April to 16th April, at their permanent campus at Argul. The important for the juniors to get connected with their
institute welcomed all passed-out graduates with warmth alumni. The present batch of students had organised a
and vigour. It was the first time that they got a feel of their Food Fest in the campus for the dinner. The night was truly
own new permanent campus at the foothills of the owned by the splendorous cultural performances put forth
majestic Barunei Hills. by the students as a tribute to their senior alumni friends.
Esteemed guest Dr. Ashwini Nanda, CEO, HP Links and Mr.
N. N.Rao, CEO, SDI Bhubaneswar along with other alumni
were the panellists for yet another enlightening panel
discussion on the topic “Industry-academia relations” held
on the following day in the college auditorium. A trip to the
famous Konark Temple was also organised for the alumni.
On the third day, a farewell programme was organised. The
3-day extravaganza ended with a promise to meet again
and everyone bid emotional farewell to each other and
their beloved Alma Mater, IIT Bhubaneswar.

Representation in Festival of
Innovation at Rashtrapati Bhavan
Four Students and Two Faculty Members, Dr Satyanarayan
Panigrahi and Dr Mihir Kumar Pandit represented DIC of IIT
Bhubaneswar in the Festival of Innovation at Rashtrapati
Bhavan. Two startups and one project was exhibited by the
students. Sadik Syed developed a prototype for a self
solving abacus – Autobacus. Tushar Gautam and Vishwas
Chandra Khan exhibited their startup Vasitars Pvt. Ltd.
Which had three feature products namely – In site
composite pipeline repair solution, Ballistic Chronograph
and Artificial odour generator.The second startup was
exhibited by Manoranjan Kumar – TROBEL , which gives
The meet was graced by around 50 alumni ranging across online book rental solution and services.
various batches from B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D. The 3-day
long extravaganza started traditionally with the lighting of
lamp by Prof. R.V.Rajakumar, Hon'ble Director of the
Institute and other officials from the Alumni Affairs body of
the college. The Director, Prof. R.V.Rajakumar and the Dean
of Alumni Affairs and International Relations, Prof. Swarup
Kumar Mohapatra welcomed the alumni and appreciated
their zeal to assemble for the meet despite their busy
schedule and called for greater participation of alumni for
the development of the college as many hold positions of
responsibility in various government organizations, PSUs,
private sector and academic institutions. Many of them are
successful entrepreneurs providing jobs to others as well.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Signing of MoU with NALCO Open House Day and Interactive

A broad-based Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was Session with IIT Rankers and
signed between IIT Bhubaneswar and the National
Aluminium Company (NALCO) on 15th April 2017 in the
NALCO Bhavan, in presence of the Hon'ble Union Minister IIT Bhubaneswar successfully organized Open House Day
for Tribal Affairs Shri Jual Oram and Union Minister for and interactive session for JEE Advanced 2017 rankers and
Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy and Mines Shri
Piyush Goyal; Managing Director of NALCO, Dr. T K Chand; a
team of faculty members of IIT Bhubaneswar and other
dignitaries. The MoU was signed by Prof. R K Panda, Dean
(R&D) on behalf of IIT Bhubaneswar and Shri Subrat Kar,
General Manager (R&D) on behalf of NALCO. The MoU will
facilitate need-based collaboration to address the issues of
mutual interest to IIT Bhubaneswar and NALCO, e.g.
Continuing Education for Skill Development of NALCO
technical personnel, internship for students of IIT
Bhubaneswar, skill development programmes for training
of the under-privileged beneficiaries, development of state-
of-the-art laboratories at IIT Bhubaneswar and NALCO's
R&D centers, promotion of a vibrant culture of innovation
and entrepreneurship.

prospective JEE Students for year 2018, in person and also

through Skype webcast, as well as through telephone, on
18th June 2017. About 190 participants (break up: 170 in-
person, 20 live Welcomed by Prof. V. R. Pedireddi, Dean-
Student Affairs, the live counselling session was started
with in depth details of IIT education in general by Prof. R.
V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar, followed by
introduction of programs of study by Prof. N. C. Sahoo,
Dean-Academic Affairs and presentation on general
procedures to be followed for Admission in to IITs by Dr. C.
Bhamidipati, Chairman JEE at IITBBS. Like in 2016, IIT
Bhubaneswar would continue to conduct Reporting Centre
(RC) activity for JEE Advanced 2017 qualified candidates at
its campus, Argul. Candidates allotted seats in any of the

Pg 169
IITs can do their reporting, document verification at IIT and highlighted the potential for customization to suit the
Bhubaneswar. The dates of Reporting Centre and individual. He shared his experience & wisdom about his
Counselling are announced on the website: decade's long Yoga practice. He, along with other through skype/phone - including participants, actively participated in the practice session.
students and parents/guardians) participated in the Live Mr. Tapan Mishara, a faculty Member of Art of Living,
Counselling session. Bhubanewar, was invited on this occasion to teach Yoga
A special seminar addressed by Mrs. Satpathy, Chief
Manager, SBI, Bhubaneswar appraised the audience about
various possible loan schemes available to prospective UG
students, with special emphasis on Vidyalakshmi Scheme.
The Q & A session which followed the seminars was highly
interactive with active participation of
students/parents/guardians from Odisha, as well from
other states and Live through all over India. The questions
raised by participants were answered by the Panel
members and the Director. Special attention was paid to
female students and informed that extra supernumerary
seats for girl students will start from year 2018. The girl
students were also counselled by the JEE help desk team
to fill as many choices as possible to maximize their
chances of getting a seat in IITs.

International Yoga Day

The Institute celebrated the International Day of Yoga on
21st June 2017 with the enthusiastic participation of
students, faculty and staff with the celebrations spreading
from 10th June to 21st June, 2017. Preceding to the yoga
day, the Institute has organized practice sessions on 10th,
17th, & 20th June 2017. On the first day, an expert Yoga
teacher initially briefed about the essence of Yogic
exercises on the health of individuals and thereafter, held a
long practice session with demonstration of asanas.
Faculty, staff and students enthusiastically participated
during the practice sessions on all preceding days to
acclimatize the body to Yogic exercises & Yoga. The with demonstrations. He also delivered an excellent talk on
participants were introduced to Yogasanas, Kapalbhati, “Towards Excellence” and enlightened the participants
Pranayama, Dhyna, Sankalpa and Meditation, as per the about scientific relevance and importance of Yoga in our
common protocol issued by Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of life and explained how a Yoga practiced perpetually
India. Payers were recited before and after the programme. benefits to reduce stress at work for a healthier body and
The practice of the same was continued on 17th and 20th mind.
June, 2017. On the day of International Yoga Day i.e. on
Mr. Sitakanth Panda, President of Patanjali Yoga Samiti of
21st June, 2017, an enthralling practice session with
Khurda District, and his team imparted the best Yoga
demonstrations was held.
training to all participants during the practice sessions. The
The celebrations on 21st June 2017 (Wednesday) were whole programme was organized by Dr. B. Hanumantha
started with lighting of lamp by Honorable Director Prof. Rao and arranged by Mr. SS Yadav, with active support
R.V. Raja Kumar. He addressed the gathering about yoga from Prof. Pedireddi, Dean (SA) & Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro,
and benefits of practicing Yoga to individual in everyday life President Gymkhana.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

10th Institute Day yet locally relevant.

Guest of Honour Prof. Sudhakar Panda, while delivering
The Institute celebrated its 10th Institute Day on
Instiute Day lecture called upon the students to orient
22.07.2017 in the Community Hall at the permanent
themselves in critical thinking, and ensure smooth
campus of the Institute, Argul. Nine years ago, on this day
handshake between Science & Technology. He also
the first batch of B.Tech students of IIT Bhubaneswar
emphasized the need to have meaningful student-teacher
interaction to improve upon the education system. He also
shared about the collaborative research and other activity
that is happening among IIT, IOP and NISER with the

71st Independence Day

The Institute celebrated the 71st Independence Day in its
campus at Argul today at 9.00 am. Prof R V Raja Kumar, the
Director hoisted the National Flag, offered floral tribute to
the Father of the Nation and delivered his Independence
Day address followed by Guard of Honour by the Security
forces and the students of the Institute. The faculty, staff
and students of the institute participated in the celebration
in large numbers with patriotic fervour. In his address the

started their academic activities at the campus of IIT

Kharagpur, the mentor IIT. Shri R. Subrahmanyam, IAS,
Additional Secretary, Department of Higher Education,
Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) graced
the 10th Institute Day function as the Chief Guest. Prof.
Sudhakar Panda, Director, Institute of Physics, and Acting
Director, NISER, Bhubaneswar was the Guest of Honour.
Nearly 500 students along with several alumnus of IIT
system faculty, staff and guests congregated in the
Community Hall to participate in the celebration.
In his welcome address, Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT
Bhubaneswar narrated the fast-paced growth of the
Institute in recent years, and Institute's dream to march
ahead along with senior IITs. He also mentioned the
initiative of the Institute to hire Professors of foreign origin,
who are adding to the international outlook of the Institute.
Prof. Raja Kumar thanked MHRD for its support towards the
Phase-II construction worth more than Rs.1000 crores. He
assured that the Phase-II infrastructure will be ready by
March-2019, as targeted. He reiterated the initiatives made
by PM Modi ji for making India digitized.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. R. Subrahmanyam, Chief
Guest emphasized the emergent need to connect
knowledge-economy with innovation, and urged the
students to take up the challenge. He also elaborated the
various initiatives taken up by MHRD, one of which is in the
area of Student driven Technology Solution. Mr.
Subrahmanyam also asked IITs to be globally completive

Pg 171
Director emphasised on the initiatives taken by the Engineer's Day
Government for country's self reliant and economic
security through innovative developmental programs like The Institute celebrated, for the first time, the Engineers'
Digital India, Make in India, Start up India etc. He further Day on 15th September, 2017, in honour of Bharat Ratna
emphasized on the digital initiatives being taken by MHRD Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya as a tribute to one of the
greatest engineer of the country for his outstanding
and at different institutes and observed that within a span
of a few years, India is going to take strong lead in
providing digital educational content to cater to the needs
of different education programmes across the globe. He
referred to the glorious past of Nalanda and Takshashila
which may be regained through these digital initiatives. He
stated that the institute has made strong plans and started
implementing, to emerge as a strong institute providing
world class education and to fulfil the National dream to
create wellness environment for students to gain a
distinctive knowledge and skills in green, clean and healthy
While addressing, the Director stated that "On this day,
let's all of us join in paying our respectful homage to the
great personalities who sacrificed their lives and fought for
the independence of India, re-ignite our hearts with
patriotic manifestation, re-resolved to maintain unity in
diversity and work towards strengthening the nation in all
its dimensions through hard work, adopting high ethical
standards, spirited performance of our duties and
innovating to bring in positive differences to the society".
He called upon the students to get empowered with right
learning, harness the inherent potential, stay away from
being complacent, become informed and knowledgeable
individuals by emulating the personalities of the leaders
like Bapuji, take to entrepreneurship than job seekers. He
reiterated the students to adopt good culture in the
campus to improve GREEN TECHNOLOGY and wanted them
to strive to make the institution a world class institution by
setting standards with proper teaching learning. He
expressed that the institute will make sure by engaging
faculty of foreign origin to add flavour.
contribution to society. The celebration was attended by a
The programme was followed by excellent performance
large number of students, faculty and staff members.
displayed by the students of all the local villages adopted
by IIT. The school kids performed folk dances & skits, sang Renowned Professor and Transportation Engineer Prof. Braj
songs on patriotic themes. The students were given away Bhushan Pandey from IIT Kharagpur graced the occasion as
with prizes by the Director. The Director called on the the Chief Guest and the Director Prof. R.V.Raja Kumar
students to emulate the spirit of becoming good human presided over the function.
beings and look forward to work hard and get into the main The event was initiated with a working model making
stream. competition, participated by the students of the Institute. A
The programme was organised by Prof. V. R. Pedireddi, large number of models were there for the demonstration.
Dean Student Affairs. Dr. Hanumanta Rao, EAA Coordinator The Director and the Chief Guest of the event, evaluated
thanked the faculty staff and students for their enthusiastic the models based on innovation and creativity involved.
participation. The programme was marked by the cultural Four out of the Ten teams earned cash prizes and all the
other teams received certificates of participation.
function organised by the Dramatic Society of the institute.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Prof. R.K.Panda, Dean (R&D) introduced the purpose of

celebrating the Engineers' Day and mentioned that
incidentally this is the Golden Jubilee Year of celebration of
Engineers' Day in the country with the theme: “Role of
Engineers in a Developing India”. He also introduced the
Chief Guest to the audience.
The Director, in his address, emphasized on the importance
and advised students to start feeling and role playing as
young Engineers, right from their first year of engineering
education, immerse themselves into becoming engineers
on purpose. He reminded the audience about the selfless
services of Sir. M. Visvesvarayya and urged the fraternity to
follow his footsteps for building future India. Gender sensitization programme was organized by
Women's Grievance Redressal Committee at IIT
Prof. Pandey, in his splendid lecture, emphasized on the Bhubaneswar on 20/10/2017, Friday. The event started
importance of innovative, low cost and indigenous with the welcome speech by honorable director Prof. R V
technology for construction of durable urban and village Rajakumar. Mrs Namrata Chadha, Lawyer, Social activist
roads at a cost at par with that of conventional flexible and member of internal complaints committee IIT
pavements using an innovative technology developed by Bhubanesawar, delivered seminar on “Sexual Harassment
his team at IIT Kharagpur. The technology paves the way, of Women at workplace – acts and rules”. The seminar
he said, for construction of cast-in-situ concrete block aimed at sensitization of the students, faculty and staff of
pavement using recycled plastic cells. This technology the campus regarding the acts, rules and legal
creates three dimensional interlocking among the concrete consequences of complaints if lodged. The seminar was
blocks. The cost of such pavement compares favorably emphasized on the gender bias and related issues, the
with conventional asphalt pavements usually adopted for current judicial scenario for sexual harassment at
rural roads. workplace and various do's and dont's for prevention such
He also talked on paneled concrete pavements, which can malpractices. The programme ended on a note that any
be used as white topping over existing asphalt pavements such grievance is catered with utmost importance and
for rehabilitation and also for construction of new concrete sincere investigation in every national institute through a
pavements with lesser thickness compared to conventional competent committee. The students, staff and faculty
concrete pavements. IIT Kharagpur, under his leadership is members enthusiastically attended the session and made it
providing technical support to NHAI for demonstrating this very interactive.
technology on Indian highways.
The event ended with the vote of thanks by Dr.
S.N.Panigrahi, Head of SMS Vigilance Awareness Week 2017
Vigilance Awareness Week 2017 was observed by the
Institute during 30th October 2017 to 4th November 2017
Gender Sensitization Programme as mandated by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). To
Organized by WGRC commemorate this celebration a special lecture was
organized in the Community Centre of the Institute on 3rd
November 2017 evening, which was delivered by Shri Y. B.
Khurania, IPS, Commissioner of Police. It was participated
by large number of faculty, staff and students.
At the beginning of the Programme, Prof. R. K. Panda, the
CVO of the Institute, introduced the Chief Guest, Shri Y. B.
Khurania and administered the “Integrity Pledge” to all
persons present on the occasion.
The Director, Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar welcomed the Chief
Guest and addressed the gathering. In his speech the
Director reiterated that probity and transparency are the
two key parameters to be followed by one and all. He
mentioned that IIT system is known for transparency and

Pg 173
anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Iron Man of India.
Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, offered floral tribute to
Sardar Vallabhai Patel and flagged off the Unity Run.
Director reminded the students about the sacrifice and
contribution of Sardar Vallabhai Patel in unifying the nation
and administered the pledge to the students for
maintaining the spirit of unity on all sphere of life. Director
reiterated efforts of Govt. of India under the leadership of
ethical standards, while contributing to the nation building.
Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modiji in spreading
He also appreciated the local police for its continuous
the message of unity across the country through this
support to the Institute, as and when required.
Shri Y. B. Khurania made a detailed presentation of
Unity Run started from IIT Main Gate at Argul covering a
different measures being taken up by the law enforcement
distance of ~ 8 Km, going up to Haribhaina Square Jatni and
authority to prevent corrupt practices at all walks of life. He
returned to the Main Gate. Around 500 students, staff and
also expressed the bottlenecks in the system, which may
faculty took part in the event so enthusiastically giving a
deter prevention of corruptions. Mr. Khurania emphasised
perception as if the road getting painted white by blocks of
the importance of transparency and accountability and
a kilometer length.
mentioned that Odisha is one of the leading states in law
enforcement. Dean, Student Affairs (Prof. V. R. Pedireddi), President
Gymkhana (Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro) of IIT Bhubaneswar,
The meeting ended with vote of thanks by the CVO.
organized the mini marathon and participated in the unity
142nd birth anniversary of Sardar The event witnessed an unprecedented welcome and
participation of the local people throughout the run. The
Vallabhai Patel, Iron Man of India local administration and police extended all their
The Institute organized Unity Run (a mini marathon) on cooperation in making it a grand success.
5.11.2017 at 6.30 am on the occasion of 142nd birth

7th International Conference on Soft

Computing for Problem Solving
(SocProS)- 2017
The 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for
Problem Solving (SocProS)- 2017 was organized at IIT
Bhubaneswar during 23-24, December 2017. The
Conference was attended by 250 delegates from across
the country and abroad.
The conference was inaugurated by Prof. R V Raja Kumar,
Hon'ble Director of IIT Bhubaneswar, the host institution.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb, from Michigan State University USA,

Prof. Ram Narayan Mohapatra Central University of Florida
USA, Prof. Song Ping Zhu, University of Wollongong
Australia, Prof. Seyedali Mirjalili, Griffith University
Australia, Prof. Ajit Verama, Haugesund University Norway,
Prof. Swagatam Das, ISI Kolkata and Prof. Radhakanta Padhi
from IISc Bangalore.
Nearly 185 numbers of technical papers are being
presented in 28 parallel sessions covering all most all
areas in soft computing and its applications for solving
complex nature of problems during two days of the
deliberations. The delegates from Industry and academia
took part in the discussion on the interdisciplinary areas on
soft computing and thought-provoking problems. The Some
successful delegates were awarded with Best Thesis, Best
Paper Presentation, Best application papers etc.
Dr. A K Ojha, Convenor of SocProS 2017 extended vote of
thanks to all the delegates, dignitaries, guests, media for
their participation.
A Souvenir cum book of Abstract of the conference was
released during the conference. The conference was
concluded with a cultural program performed by
Padmashree Mrs. Aruna Mohanty along with some
melodious song by Prof. Anusaya Nath of Utkal University,
The delegates expressed satisfaction in the hospitality and
were overwhelmed with the scenic beauty of the campus.
The conference is a grand success.

Prof. Raja Kumar in his inaugural address welcomed all the Alma Fiesta (12 - 14 January 2018)
dignitaries participating in the conference and invoked
The ninth edition of Alma Fiesta, the annual socio-cultural
strong appreciation towards the emergence of soft
event of Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar was
computing from classical areas of mathematical modeling,
held from January 12th to January 14th at our permanent
signal processing and computing. He reiterated the
campus in Arugul. The inaugural night was presided by
importance of soft computational techniques in addressing
Prof. R. V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar. Dr. Sangita
complete and multi modal importance in addressing
problem solving.
Addressing the gathering as Chief Guest, Prof. Gokulananda
Das, Mathematician, Ex-Vice Chancellor of Utkal University,
Vani Vihar motivated the audience by touching upon the
aspects of bi-variance and multi-variance approaches of
soft computing. Prof Kusum Deep, General Chair and
Member of the Steering Committee enthralled the
audience by her inspiring words of the contribution made
by SocProS. Speaking on the occasion Prof. Chander
Mohan, Honorary Chair extended his hearty blessings and
wished all success of the society and the team members
for their dedication and involvement.
The conference was carried forward with the presentation
and key notes speech by eminent academicians such as

Pg 175
Gosain, noted vocalist and chief executive of Guru Kelu
Charan Mohapatra Odissi Research Centre was the chief
guest in this inaugural event. The cultural performances of
the inaugural session were a treat, as the specially-abled
children and performers from the Swabhiman foundation
mesmerised everyone with their brilliant performances.
The second day of the 9th edition of the annual socio-
cultural fest of IIT Bhubaneswar, Alma Fiesta 2018 initiated
with same zeal and enthusiasm with which inauguration
ceremony of the fest ended on the previous night. The day
began with workshops which featured students from every
part of India ranging from Kerala to Delhi. Model United
Nations (MUN) saw a participation of around 120
candidates hailing from colleges and universities from all
over the nation, such as Jadavpur University and Aligarh
Muslim University. The discussions were conducted
smoothly and involved a healthy debating atmosphere with
enthusiastic participants. The solo and group dance
performances had competitors from various colleges of
Odisha, including KIIT, GEC, and GITA. The audience was
thoroughly enthralled by the performers as they unleashed
their full potential on stage. The second day of the fest also
included events of fine-arts like sketching and literary
events like Poetry Slam. Alma Fiesta kick-started the music
competition with UpBeat, the acoustic band competition. A
total of eight bands participated from various colleges of
Odisha. The highlight of the day was the Kite Flying Festival
which was inspired by the vision of the Honourable
Director, Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar. The kite flying festival was
thoroughly enjoyed by the students, the external
participants as well as by the family members of faculty
and staff. The evening concert by Bodhi Route was awe- President, Altisource Technology) and Prof. PKJ Mohapatra
inspiring and saw the participants on the edge of their toes, ( Professor, SMS, IIT Bhubaneswar). The gathering was
dancing to the beats. The final day of the fest turned out to treated to a talk by Mr. Sumit Kumar Chand, who is an
be the most exciting with Nukkad natak, Stage Plays expert in the field of Machine Learning. Inaugural
attracting large groups of students from sister institutions Ceremony organized followed by Vision Night had Chief
in and around Bhubaneswar. The three-day extravaganza Guest Mr. S.K. Dash (Founder of UAS Laboratories) and
culminated with the 3rd star-nite performance by an Guest of Honour Mr. Sri Kumar Misra (Founder, Milk
internationally acclaimed artist Mantra) in presence of the Director, IIT Bhubaneswar.
20th & 21st January, 2018-Day 2 & Day 3
Events of E-Summit '18 :
E-Summit '18 (19 -21 January, 2018)
Investors Drive
19th January,2018 - Day 1
Investors Drive is a one stop solution for all startups who
The 3rd edition of annual Entrepreneurship conclave of IIT
are in the need of funding, mentoring, Incubation space
Bhubaneswar by the E-Cell, E-Summit 2018 was held from
especially for early stage startups by bringing Investors,
19th January to 21st of January 2017. It began with Panel
Mentors & IIT Bhubaneswar Startup Centre faculty all
Discussion on Theme of E-Summit '18 (Vision Night) -
“Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Era”. The
guests list included Mr. S.K. Dash (Founder of UAS This year E-Summit '18 had a participation of 15 startups at
Laboratories), Mr. J. K. Rath (Director, Mechem Pvt.LTD), Mr. Investors Drive.
Prasanjeet Pati (CEO, Afixi Technology), Mr. N.D. Rao (Sr Vice Investors Invited
President, Jindal Steel), Mr. Sumit Kumar Chand (Vice Nirmal K Baradhwaj, CEO Resurgent; Avelo Roy, Founder

Pg 176
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Kolkota Ventures; Hari Bala Subramaniyan, Investor from

Workshops organized on following topics :
Big Data & Hadoop; Share Market and Investment; Startup
All workshops saw a gathering of 20 - 30 students.
IPL Auction; Stockwars; Biz Quiz; Entrepreneurial Ideation ;
Case Challenge
All competitions are team based and each saw 20 teams.
Each Competition top 3 winners are awarded with prize
Guest Talks
20th January, 2018
1) Talk by Prof. Saroj Kumar Nayak, Dean F & P, IIT
2) Talk by Mr. Damodar Sahoo, Wipro
3) Talk by Presanjeet Pati, CEO Affixi Technologies
21st January, 2018
1) Talk by Mr. Nirmal K Baradwaj, CEO Resurgent
event to showcase their sportsmanship. The institute is
2) Talk by Mr. V. S. Sridhar, Vice President Tata looking forward towards conducting the event at a much
Communications larger scale in the coming years as the sports
infrastructure of the institute will be fully functional within
the next six to Eight months. And we can all hope to see
Ashvamedha 18: 1st Annual Sports this small initiative grow into grandeur in terms of sports
Fest festivity around the nation within few years.

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, conducted the

first edition of annual sports Fest Ashvamedha'18. This first 69th Republic Day
edition of the sports extravaganza was a huge success. The
event was scheduled over the period of two days during The Institute has celebrated 69th Republic Day in its
27th-28th January 2018, at the permanent campus of IIT Campus at Argul, attended by Faculty, Staff and Students in
Bhubaneswar. Twenty-five (25) teams from thirteen
different colleges around Bhubaneshwar and Cuttack
participated in this event to take home a shiny trophy and a
handsome cash award in the three games the institute had
to offer, namely, Basketball, Mini-Football, and Volleyball.
The award ceremony was facilitated by the presence of
Prof. R. V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar, Prof. V.R.
Pedireddi, Dean (SA) and Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro,
President, Students' Gymkhana and Dr. Venugopal A,
Faculty Advisor (Sports & Games).
As quoted by Prof. R.V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT
Bhubaneswar “Sports are a means to bring together
people from different domains of life”. Ashvamedha
witnessed this in a cut throat competition among the future
engineers, doctors and lawyers, who participated in this

Pg 177
a large numbers with a great enthusiasm and spirit. On this Bhubaneswar. Hon'ble Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha,
occasion, the Director Professor R V Raja Kumar hoisted the Shri Aditya Prasad Padhi, IAS graced the programme as the
National Flag and took Guard of Honour.In his address he Chief Guest and inaugurated the Ceremony. C. Uday
reminded the contributions of the Great Leaders in making Bhaskar, Director, Society for Policy Studies attended and
the country as Republic and documentation of Constitution delivered Foundation Day Lecture as the Guest of Honour.
of India. He also informed the need of the hour and
importance of dedicated efforts of every individual for the Prof. R V Raja Kumar, Director of the Institute welcomed the
growth of the country, especially stressing upon the power Guest and the invitees gave brief development of the
of youth.He also shared the development plans of the Institute growing from strength to strength.
Institute about new construction and growth plans of the The Chief Guest gave a brief introduction of the
Institute in terms of Infrastructure, Academics and development of the technology in all fields helping the
Research. country to shine in the International arena. He lauded the
The meeting is concluded with cultural programmes spirit of IIT Bhubaneswar in utilizing state of the art
(singing of patriotic songs and dancing) performed by the technology to bring disruptive technologies to address
students of the Institute as well as also by young school societal problems. He was pleasantly surprised to see
children from the nearby village adopted by the Institute
green and vibrant campus in place not too long ago was a
and finally with the performance of the security drill.
barren land. Mr. Padhi also emphasized on use of data for
next generation economy and encouraged students to start
10th Foundation Day, Open House indigenous technology driven companies.
The Chief Guest and the Director felicitated faculty and
and S&T Exhibition
staff members and students of the Institute for their
The Institute observed its 10th Foundation Day on 12th outstanding contribution in their respective fields. These
February 2018 (Monday) at its Argul Campus, Jatni,

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

are as follows: all the school children. More than 1000 students from
1) Dr. C Bhamidipati – Award for Teaching Excellence more than 25 schools and colleges participated in the
(Best Teacher) programme.

2) Dr. Kausik Samanta – Award for Teaching Excellence The day ended with a Kathak dance by Mrs. Sushmita
Banerjee of SPIC MACAY followed by cultural performance
3) Dr. A. Venugopal - Award for Teaching Excellence
by students of IIT Bhubaneswar.
4) Dr. K P N Murty - Award for Teaching Excellence
5) Dr. S Manikandan – Outstanding contribution in
services Matribhasha Diwas (Mother Tongue
6) Mr. P K Sahoo – Outstanding contribution in services Day)
7) Mr. Sambit Ranjan Mohanty – Outstanding The Institute celebrated the Matribhasha Diwas in its
contribution in services campus at Argul on 21.02.2018 at 5.00 PM to
8) Mr. K Saikiran – Outstanding contribution in services commemorate the International Mother Language Day – a
9) Mr. Ramesh Chandra Biswal - Outstanding day dedicated to promote awareness of linguistic and
contribution in services cultural diversity and multilingualism.

10) Mr. Biswajit Pegu – Best Male Athlete in Inter IIT Staff
11) Ms. Sunita Burma – Best Female Athlete in Inter IIT
Staff Sports
The vote of thanks was given by Prof. V. R. Pedireddi,
Chairman, Organising Committee.
The program was shortly followed by the foundation day
lecture by the Guest of Honour, Mr C Udaya Bhaskar on
“National Security – the role of youth”. He emphasised that
it is the responsibility of every citizen of the country to
contribute to national security. He talked about the
importance of maintaining national integrity. He also talked
about role that a nation's security forces have to play to
ensure the well being of the populace of the country, by
giving various historical examples. He asked the audience
to read through the Constitution of India to truly
understand the idea of “Republic of India” which was
founded on 26th January 1950 and said it will go a long
way in maintaining the cohesive integrity within the
country. The lecture was followed by in-depth question and
answer session.
The day witnessed organising an Open Day in the campus
from 11:30 AM to 5: 30 PM for participation of School
students from Class-VIII to Class- XII and Junior Engineering
students from across the city and the state. On the eve, as
a part of the open day, a Science and Technology exhibition
was organized by the students of IIT, spanning across all of
its schools. More than 100 exhibits were exhibited and
demonstrated to the visitors. The visiting students went
through S&T exhibits and working models from school to The programme was graced by Prof. Soubhagya Kumar
school and enthusiastically participated in the science Mishra, Retd. Professor and an eminent writer/poet as
Chief Guest. Speaking on the occasion Prof. Mishra
exhibition and shared their views with the students and
emphasized on maintaining the cultural heritage of India by
faculty. It was very exciting and enriching experience for
giving respect to the Mother Toungue. Prof. R.V. Rajakumar,

Pg 179
Hon'ble Director, IIT Bhubaneswar has presided over the
function. The Director reiterated the rich linguistic diversity
of the country and called upon the audience to feel proud
of our own Mother Tongue to maintain the tradition. This
was followed by a symbolic lamp lighting event by the
Chief Guest, Prof. Soubhagya Kumar Mishra, Prof. R V
Rajakumar, Director and Shri Debaraj Rath, Registrar, IIT
The programme was witnessed different performances
displayed by some students, staff and faculty members and
their wards in different languages. Dr. S N Routray,
Assistant Registrar proposed the vote of thanks to
everyone present there. The programme was concluded
with a Odissi dance programme show cased by local dance
group "Sangeeta".
from School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering (2nd prize) and Paltan Laha from School of
National Science Day Basic Sciences (3rd prize). The cash prizes and certificates
The Institute celebrated the National Science Day on were awarded to the Research Scholars of these posters.
February 28, 2018 in order to commemorate the invention The participation certificates were also given to all the
of the Raman Effect by the Indian physicist and Nobel Research Scholars participating in the poster presentation
Laureate Sir C. V. Raman. The event was celebrated in the session.
presence of the students, research scholars, faculty
members and the functionaries of the Institute.
The event was comprised of a poster presentation session
International Women's Day
by the Research Scholars of the Institute and a function The Women's Grievance Redressal Committee (WGRC), IIT
held in the Institute Community Centre. The poster Bhubaneswar organized a three day programme as a part
presentation session was inaugurated by the Acting of International Women's Day celebration-2018. The
Director & Dean (R & D), Prof. R. K. Panda. In the poster theme for this year's International Women's Day was 'Press
presentation session, the Research Scholars displayed for Progress'.
their research findings in posters and explained their 1st Day (6.3.2018): Health Awareness Workshop and Theme
research works to all. : The health awareness workshop was conducted,
In his address, Prof. R K Panda wished a very Happy specifically on women's health. Dr. Ashima Sarkhel,
Science Day to all and emphasized on development of Medical Officer, IIT Bhubaneswar delivered an immensely
conducive ecosystem for quality research resulting in more informative talk on women's health and hygiene. The
number of Ph D. degree holders. He also highlighted the workshop was attended by Students, and members of
immediate need of the IITs to be engaged in mentoring
other educational institutions for inculcating this in the
students staring from the school level. The Chief Guest for
the occasion was Prof. L. M. Patnaik, a distinguished
computer scientist and former Professor of Indian Institute
of Science Bangalore (Department of Computer Science
and Automation). In his lecture, he gave a spirited address
to the students and faculty members on the topic “Joys and
Challenges of Doing Research” and emphasized the
scholars to focus on the fundamental understanding of the
research topic and genuine innovations. It was followed by
announcement of the three best posters, as evaluated by a
panel of experts, by Prof. N. C. Sahoo, Dean (Academic
Affairs). The prize winners were: Ajay Babu Kambhampati
from School of Electrical Sciences (1st prize), Anil D Pathak

Pg 180
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Faculty and Staffs from the institute. the importance of celebrating International Women's Day
Various theme based competitions were also organized to and this year's theme 'Press for Progress'. Prof. Roy talked
commemorate the event. The competitions and the about the need for gender parity and the need for a change
winners have been outlined below: in our attitude towards women's needs. Dr. Gitanjali
Batmanabe delivered an inspiring as well as a memorable
1. Ankita Nandi speech on motivating the youth to achieve their goals by
2. Shruti Pattajoshi stepping out of their comfort zones. She regaled the
3. Shivam Sethi audience with interesting anecdotes from her life. She also
Slogan Writing reminded that as enlightened and learned women we must
1. Adarsh Divyajyoti teach and give to those who need. The Guest of Honor, Dr.
2. Madhusmita Nanda Nandini Harinath, shared her immense knowledge and
3. Kajari Chatterjee wonderful experience of working as a senior scientist at
Quiz ISRO and also gave valuable insights into the Mars Orbiter
1. Kajari Chatterjee Mission (MOM) by her brilliant presentation. The audience
2. Meenu Ramdas was fascinated by the unique and enthralling lecture
3. Adarsh Divyajyoti experience. Prizes were distributed to the winners of
various competitions. A token of appreciation was
2nd Day (7.3.2018): Interactive Question/Answer session on
presented to Dr. Nandini Harinath and Dr. Gitanjali
Women's Issues and Rights at workplace and society. An
Batmanabe by WGRC. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by
interactive session on Women's Issues and Rights at
Workplace and Society was conducted. The session was Student Coordinator of WGRC, Anu Panwar. The event
chaired by renowned social activist and a lawyer by concluded on a celebratory note with cultural programmes
profession, Adv. Namrata Chadha. Various questions showcasing the remarkable performances from students,
regarding women's rights and issues, from the social and members of faculty and staff, and their family members.
legal aspects, were raised by the audience present in the
room. It was an engaging and active discussions where the
audience learnt much about the glaring problems in the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat :
society concerning women. Few theme based During November, 2017 – March, 2018
competitions were also organized and the winners have
been enlisted below:
Poem Writing
1. Kausani Ghatak
2. Malaya Mohanty
3. Navinya Chirmukar and P.Sai Sindhu Story
1. Harsh Mantri
2. Sagarika Mishra
3. Malaya Mohanty
3rd Day (8.3.2018): International Women's Day Lecture &
Cultural evening
The three day programme reached its culmination on 8
March 2018. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabe, Director of AIIMS
Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) program was launched
Bhubaneswar, was the Chief Guest for the evening. Dr.
by the Honorable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi on
Nandini Harinath, senior scientist at the ISRO Satellite
31st October, 2016 during the Rashtriya Ekta Divas to
Centre, Bengaluru and the Deputy Operations Director for
promote engagement amongst the people of states and
the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), was the Guest of Honor
union territories in the country in order to enhance mutual
for the evening. The program started with the lighting of understanding and bonding between people of diverse
the lamp followed by formal welcome address by cultures, thereby securing stronger unity and integrity of
Dr.Kiranmayi Landu, the Chairperson-in-charge, WGRC. India. The program envisions to portray the unity amongst
Director-in-charge Prof. Sujit Roy gave the presidential cultural diversity of the paired states and union territories,
address by sharing his valuable thoughts and insights on

Pg 181
as per the guidelines of Ministry of Human Resources and The details of the five events are reported herewith.
Development. Indian institute of Technology Bhubaneswar First Event (paired states of Rajasthan-Assam & West
headed by Director, Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, geared up fully Bengal)
responding to the holistic endeavor of the Government to
make it reality by planning to organize sixteen events of
cultural exchange in a span of one year to make the cause
so vibrant.
Our country has diverse cultures and rich cultural heritage
in each of them. The cultural exchange programs will help
us admire and appreciate our cultures mutually and thus,
build a sense of togetherness and bonding. National
integration, irrespective of the regions that we hail from, is
of vital importance since the key to our progress is hidden
in our unity amidst our diversity. The series of events that
our Institute has planned to conduct under EBSB
programme has the objective to strengthen our unity and
help us all build a stronger and better India. The
celebrations have been planned be for 16 odd days
throughout the year and a complete schedule for it has
been prepared. For the organization of the events, a
committee comprising of several faculty members has
been formed by IIT Bhubaneswar, which has been
IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated the first event EBSB program
organizing the events with the help of Students' Gymkhana.
November 15, 2017showcasing the cultural diversity of the
Out the scheduled events, five events have already been
paired states: Rajasthan, Assam and West Bengal. The
conducted during November-March 2018 as follows:
honorable Director of IIT Bhubaneswar, Prof. R. V. Raja
Kumar, inaugurated the program by lighting the traditional
Date Paired States
lamp along with Prof. V. R. Pedireddi, Dean Student Affairs
15-Nov-17 Rajasthan-Assam & West Bengal and the Nodal Officer for EBSB, Dr. Rajesh R. Dash and Dr.
15-Jan-18 Haryana-Telengana Seema Bahinipati, Coordinators of EBSB, and the faculty
26-Jan-18 Punjab-Andhra Pradesh members of the EBSB committee, at the community centre
of IIT Bhubaneswar at Argul, Jatni.
13-Feb-18 Madhya Pradesh-Manipur & Nagaland
In his speech Director appreciated this initiative taken by
19-Mar-18 Delhi-Sikkim
Govt. of India under the leadership of Hon'ble Prime
The remaining events are scheduled to be conducted as Minister, Shri Narendra Modiji to spread the message of
follows. unity between the people of different cultures and bring
Date Paired States them together. He reiterated that IIT being a premier
01-Apr-18 Maharashtra-Odisha institute of the country having students, faculty and staffs
from diverse culture and region will be leading to uphold
29-Jun-18 Goa-Jharkhand
the objective of EBSB by cultural exchange between people
28-Jul-18 Bihar-Tripura & Mizoram in a spirited manner.
15-Aug-18 Himachal Pradesh-Kerala A cultural program was organized with the participation of
25-Aug-18 Uttarakhand-Karnataka students, faculty and staff members of IIT Bhubaneswar
07-Sep-18 Uttar Pradesh-Arunachal Pradesh & and their family members. The events showcased the
Meghalaya cultural diversity of the states of Rajasthan, Assam and
15-Sep-18 Jammu Kashmir-Tamil Nadu West Bengal through light songs accompanied by
orchestra, instrumental music, folk dances, traditional
02-Oct-18 Gujrat-Chattisgarh
fancy dress, photography and documentary screening
27-Oct-18 Chandigarh- Dadra Nagar Haveli amongst other activities. More than 25 performers and
110-Nov-18 Puducherry-Daman & Diu 250-300 audience were participated. Doordarshan covered
10-Nov-18 Lakshadweep -Andaman & Nicobar the whole event and telecasted the highlights.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Second Event (paired states of Haryana-Telengana) program was attended by more than 300 audiences.
IIT Bhubaneswar has celebrated 2nd day event of EBSB Documentary videos and informative photographs on the
program with paired states of Haryana and Telengana on culture, tradition, heritage of both the states were
displayed. Students, staffs, faculty and their family
members from different age groups, cultures, and states
participated in the social and cultural events of the paired
states. Director Prof. R V. Raja Kumar expressed his
pleasure and congratulated coordinating committee
members and participants for making the event successful
with good standards. Performers received awards for their
performances from Director. Participants received awards
for their performances from the Director.
Fourth Event (paired states of Madhya Pradesh-Manipur &
IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated fourth day event of EBSB with
paired states of Madhya Pradesh-Manipur and Nagaland in

15th January 2018, attended by faculty members, staff

members and students in a large numbers. Documentary
videos and informative Photographs on the culture,
tradition, heritage of both the states were displayed. On
this occasion, students, staffs, faculty and their family
members from different age groups, cultures, and states
participated in the social and cultural events of the paired
states of Haryana and Telengana, proving that state
boundaries are not barriers and there is unity in diversity.
Nodal officer EBSB of IIT Bhubaneswar, Prof. V.R. Pedireddi
appraised the importance of organization of the events and
encouraged the participants for their participation in these
events. The event ended with distribution of mementos to
all participants. its Campus at Argul on 13th February 2018, more than 300
Faculty, Staff and Students attended the event. On this day,
Third Event (paired states of Haryana-Telengana)
documentary videos and informative Photographs on the
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar celebrated culture, tradition, heritage of both the states were
third day event of EBSB program with paired states of displayed.
Punjab and Andhra Pradesh on 26th January 2018. The
On this occasion, more than 15 students, staffs, faculty and
their family members from different age groups, cultures,
and states participated in the social and cultural events of
the paired states of Madhya Pradesh-Manipur and
Nagaland, proving that state boundaries are not barriers
and there is unity in diversity. Professor R.K. Panda and
Prof. Jayant Pal distributed mementos to participants for
their outstanding performances in the events in the
presence of EBSB committee members.
Fifth Event (paired states of Delhi and Sikkim)
IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated fifth event EBSB series of
events, with paired states of Delhi and Sikkim on 19th
March, 2018. On this occasion, 35 performers including

Pg 183
students, staffs, faculty and their family members from more about the paired states. More than 250 audiences
different age groups, cultures, and states participated in attended the event and appreciated the entertaining
the social and cultural events of the paired states. They performance. The additional attraction of the event was
performed dance, song, fancy dress and many more on the group performance by the students of Mother Teresa Play
culture of paired states. Informative videos and photograph School, IIT Bhubaneswar campus. Prof. R.K. Panda and Prof.
slide shows were displayed to make the audience to know Jayant Pal encouraged the participants by awarding them
with a participation certificate and a memento.


Name of Faculty Member Designation, School/Department

Prof. V.R. Pedireddi Professor, SBS Nodal Officer

Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash Associate Professor, SIF Coordinator

Dr. Seema Bahinipati Assistant Professor, SBS Coordinator

Dr. Manaswini Behera Assistant Professor, SIF Member

Dr. Meenu Ramadas Assistant Professor, SIF Member

Dr. Ankur Gupta Assistant Professor, SMS Member

Dr. Y.G. Bhumkar Assistant Professor, SMS Member

Dr. Sankarshan Mohapatra Assistant Professor, SES Member

Dr. Sasmita Barik Assistant Professor, SBS Member

Dr. Sourav Sil Assistant Professor, SEOCS Member

Dr. Tabrez Khan Assistant Professor, SBS Member

Dr. Akhilesh Barve Assistant Professor, SMS Member

Pg 184
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

NSS activities
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is introduced under the
Extra Academic activities (EAA) in the academic year 2017-
18. The first-year students of B. Tech and Dual Degree
curriculum who opted for NSS under EAA will be given 1-
credit semester-wise with the credit structure L-T-P: 0-0-3.
Activities under NSS:

Sl. No. Activities

1. Plantation
2. Shramadaan & Awareness Programme
(use of digital platform)
3. Blood donation camp
4. Self-defense training
5. Swachha Bharat mission/ Cleaning Campus
6. Health Camp
7. Under privileged child education
8. Rural development programme (Socio-economic
survey, general awareness and Sanitation )
9. Program on National Integration
10. Program on Peace and Harmony

As per the requirement in different categories, the student

volunteers are divided in three different subgroups and
each group will be assigned to a faculty coordinator:
(i) Volunteers for Schools and under privileged child
education (30 Nos.): weekly minimum 3-hours will be
given by individual.
(ii) Volunteers for Rural development programme (which NSS activities at IIT Bhubaneswar (Autumn & Spring
includes plantation, shramadaan, digital awareness, Semester)
sanitation etc.)- 50 nos. The NSS activities for current academic semester (Autumn,
(iii) Volunteers for organizing Blood donation camp, Health 2017-18) started with the campus cleaning near the LBC
camp, self-defense training etc. – 20 nos. and SBS building area on 20th August, 2017. All ninety-five
NSS volunteers participated on that day. As per the
schedule, self-defence training program was organized on
3rd and 9th September with the help of 'Balaram Defence
School', Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar. All our first year
girl students (on 3rd September) along with the NSS
volunteers participated in the program.
Beside our regular NSS activities, we have also given
emphasis particularly on “Laboratory practices in school
and e-payment training to the villagers in the adopted
villages”. Total 32 NSS volunteers joined in teaching team
under the guidance of Dr. S. Bahinipati and visited regularly
all schools in five adopted villages (Arugul, Khudupur,
Podupada, Kansapada and Padanpur) with an agenda to

Pg 185
teach English to the school students and help to build
science laboratory in these schools.
The volunteers will help run the science laboratories,
where they are established and help build science
laboratories, where it is not set up yet. In addition to this,
they will work on improving the English writing, speaking
and understanding abilities of the students.
On the awareness programme, digital platform/e-payment
training, NSS volunteers participated in a survey regarding
socio-economic status of the villagers in the two of our
adopted villages Khudupur and Podupada, to know that
exactly what kind of digital-platform help can be provided
to them considering our first focus will be on e-payment
training. Beside the survey, as a good gesture, our
volunteers are also actively participated in Swachha Bharat
mission both in Khudupur and Podupada which creates
awareness among the villagers to keep environment clean
for healthy life.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

The NSS unit and Souls for Solace (student's social welfare societal issues. After the cycle rally, all volunteers
society) of IIT Bhubaneswar organised a blood donation participated in a brain storming session to discuss how the
camp on 4th November, 2017. The blood donation drive society can remain in peace and harmony and what to be
held from 8.30am-4:30pm in the community centre, done in this regard. In the future the NSS volunteers of IIT
coincided with the auspicious occasion of Guru Nanak's Bhubaneswar may play a greater role in this issue by
birthday. In this journey, a team from HDFC bank partnered performing nukkad acts, and organizing general awareness
up with the NSS unit for smooth coordination of the event program through blood donation camp, sports activities,
as well as logistical arrangements. One hundred fifty two plantation etc.
(152) donors successfully donated blood, under the vigilant The NSS programme for Autumn semester 2017-18,
supervision of the medical team from Blood bank unit of concluded on 12th November followed by a written
SCB Medical College, Cuttack. Certificates of participation examination for EAA-I, for one hour.
and mementos were distributed to the donors to
The NSS activities for the current academic semester
appreciate their selfless contribution. Thirty active
(Spring, 2018) started with the Swachhata mission cleaning
members from 'NSS Unit and Souls for Solace' of IIT
campus near the LBC and SBS building area on 6th of
Bhubaneswar enthusiastically participated as volunteers in
January, 2018. The self-defence training program was
the event. The NSS and Social Welfare Society of IIT
organized on 11th and 17th of March with the help of
Bhubaneswar expresses gratitude to The Director, IIT
'Balaram defence school', Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar.
Bhubaneswar and The Dean, Student Affairs who graced
All NSS volunteers honed their skill under the supervision
the occasion and motivated the student donors for the
of the self-defence trainer Mr. Balaram Naik during the
noble cause. The event was successful in promoting a
training session.
humanitarian outlook amongst the student community for
rendering selfless community service.
The NSS volunteers of IIT Bhubaneswar participated in the
'Peace and Harmony' program and organized a 'Cycle Rally'
on 11th November as a mark of their responsibility on the

Our NSS Volunteers organised “Digital Awareness Camp”

on 7th of April at Podapada village from 10:00AM – 4:00
PM, regarding Net-banking, online railway ticket
reservation, electricity and other bill payments, etc. The
volunteers also share online enrolment procedure to get
the knowledge of different Government scholarship
schemes for students. NSS volunteers motivated the
villagers not only by theoretical description of these
posters but also demonstrated through their mobile

Pg 187
A team of 50 volunteers on 7th of April, also participated in there have been several instances where peace has been
Swachhata mission to clean the school campus at disrupted owing to different social, political and economic
Podapada village as well as some area of the village near reasons. They all agreed that the Government alone cannot
to the school ground with the idea to spread this be responsible for peace and harmony in the country. Each
awareness campaign to the villagers. one of us must take it as a responsibility and one should do
A peace and harmony programme was conducted on 14th one's duty to nurture feelings of brotherhood with fellow
of April, as the date celebrated as the birth day of Dr. B. R. citizens. Our NSS volunteers pledged to set an example by
Ambedkar who campaigned against social discrimination upholding these values and transforming these ideas into
against backward classes, and also supported the rights of reality.
women and labour. On this occasion NSS volunteers were Finally, the NSS programme for Spring semester is
divided in eight different groups and shared their ideas concluded on 22nd April, 2018 followed by a written
through group discussion. At the end, they concluded that examination scheduled at 10:00 am - 11:00 am.
“though the Constitution of India gives the right to equality At the end, we, the NSS volunteers, need your support to
to all citizens to ensure complete harmony among them, carry forward these activities.

Pg 188
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

Autumn & Spring Semester (2017-18) report at a glance

Sl. Activities for Autumn & Spring

No. Semester, 2017-18

Approximately, 60 NSS volunteers participated in the Cleaning mission as a general

awareness program.

Swachha Bharat mission in 20th August, 8th and 21st October, 2017, 6th January, 2018, 28th January, 2018, 10th
1. Campus & Adopted villages February, 2018,3rd & 24th of March, 2018.
Podupara, Khudupur
7th October, 2017
14th October, 2017
7th April, 2018

Self-defence training program was organized on 3rd and 9th September, 29th October,
2. Self-defense training 2017, and 11th & 17th of March, 2018 with the help of 'Balaram Defence School',
Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar.

Laboratory practices and

teaching at school in five 32 NSS volunteers under the guidance of Dr. S. Bahinipati visited regularly all
3. adopted villages (Arugul, schools in five adopted villages (each Saturday, from August to October, 2017,
Khudupur, Podupada, January-March, 2018).
Kansapada and Padanpur)

Rural development
programme (Socio-economic NSS volunteers participated in Socio-economic survey on 7th and 14th October, 2017
survey, general awareness in Podupara and khudupur respectively.
and Sanitation )

The NSS unit and student's social welfare society of IIT Bhubaneswar organised a
blood donation camp on 4th November, 2017. The blood donation drive held from
5. Blood donation camp 8.30am -4:30pm in the community centre, and total one hundred fifty two (152)
donors successfully donated blood, under the vigilant supervision of the medical
team from Blood bank unit of SCB Medical College, Cuttack.

The NSS volunteers of IIT Bhubaneswar participated in the 'Peace and Harmony'
program and organized a 'Cycle Rally' on 11th November as a mark of their
Program on Peace and responsibility on the societal issues.
14th of April, 2018 (in-house group discussion) on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's Birth day by
NSS volunteers.

The “Digital Awareness Camp” on Net-banking, online railway ticket reservation,

electricity and other bill payments, online enrolment procedure to get the
7. Digital Awareness Camp
knowledge of different Government scholarship schemes related to students,
conducted on 7th of April, 2018 at Podapada village school ground.

Pg 189
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) laboratories were inaugurated on July 14, 2017, by the
Director. Mr. Manoj Kumar Mohanty, ADM, Bhubaneswar
Under this initiative, IIT Bhubaneswar has adopted six was the Guest of Honour. Prof. R. K. Panda, Coordinator,
villages in Odisha, including a cluster of five villages in UBA, Registrar, Mr. D. Rath, faculty members, students and
Khordha district (Arugul, Podapada, Kansapada, Khudupur staff of IIT Bhubaneswar participated in the function. The
and Padanpur) adjacent to the IIT campus and Sunduria Director called upon the students and teachers of the
village, Jajpur district. Some of the issues identified to be schools to maximum benefit out of this newly built labs
addressed in the first phase are improvement in skill established by IIT Bhubaneswar under UBA.
development for unemployed youth, quality of School
As part of ongoing activities under the UBA for the
Education, sanitation, health care, awareness towards
establishment of science laboratories in the schools of the
digital India, renewable energy use.
villages adopted by our institute, UBA team has done
UBA team established science laboratories, for ground work to establish science laboratories in the village
experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and schools of Podapada and Padanpur. The National Service
Mathematics at Arugul High School for Class IX, X students Scheme (NSS) teaching team had also contributed towards
and at Khudupur Primary School for Class VI - VIII students, this work. In addition, they also conducted English teaching
with the initiative of Dr. S. Bahinipati, Co-coordinator. These classes for the school kids.

Pg 190
A B.Tech project was carried out in School of Infrastructure Infrastructure during 2017-18 to assess the quantity and
during 2017-18 to assess the quality of available water characteristics of waste generated from the adopted
resources in the villages adopted under UBA. Water quality villages. Economic evaluation of sustainable solid waste
indices were developed for water quality parameters, management practices for the adopted villages were
which would help in addressing the issues of borne carried out. The effectiveness of biogas generation in a
diseases in the villages. A dual media filter developed laboratory scale anaerobic digester using biodegradable
under the project can be used at the household as well as fraction of the solid waste collected from the villages was
community level. evaluated, which can be installed for domestic or
Another B.Tech project was carried out in School of community use (such as schools).

Pg 191
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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18



§ The Music Society has performed on various occasions

like Independence Day and Republic Day presenting
the National Anthem, National Song and other patriotic

§ The official YouTube channel of Aaroh, the Music

Society was launched:

§ The Music Society Introduction on 15.08.16 was as

beautiful as a spectacular painting. It was a vocal and
instrumental masterclass.

§ Workshop (19-08-17): Aaroh conducted its second

workshop on guitar and keyboard for all the interested
people and there was significant attendance in the
workshop. Special Workshops for vocalists were also

§ The Music Society conducted its auditions on 25-08-17

following a guitar workshop for the freshers. Around
75 students actively participated in the workshop.

§ Teachers' Day (05/09/2017): As a token of gratitude to

the teachers, Aaroh, the Music Society put up some
performances on the occasion of Teachers' Day.

§ Autumn Music Productions: On 20th October, Aaroh

conducted its Autumn Productions. § Foundation Day (12/02/2017): Foundation Day
was the perfect opportunity for all the members
§ Inter IIT Cultural Meet (28th- 30th December 2017):
to showcase their full potential, and they set the
This was the first time our college participated at Inter stage on fire with wonderful presentation of rock
IIT cultural meet held at IIT Kanpur. version of Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram and Sweet
Child O' Mine.

§ Convocation 2018: Aaroh was on hand again to

perform the National Anthem when our most
recent alumni came to collect their hard earned

§ Spring Productions 2017: Beautiful performances

were produced by members of Aaroh. The Music
Society of IIT Bhubaneswar conducted its Spring
Productions. There was a huge turnout of people
to cheer for the final year students and it would
be an understatement to say that the event was a

Pg 193
DANCE SOCIETY (D-GANG): §competition, Celegence at CV Raman college and at
AIIMS college in group dance competition.
§ Independence Day/Dance society introduction (15-08-
2017): Dance Society performed various styles of § Participation in Inter IIT Cultural Meet: The Dance Society
dance through a variety of collection of songs . participated in DO-IT competition, Group Dance
competition and Cypher Hustle in Inter IIT Cultural Meet
§ Dance Workshop: Dance Society conducted a held at IIT Kanpur.
workshop (20-08-2017) for the students in order to
encourage them to learn and discover their dancing § Foundation Day: On the eve of Institute's Foundation day,
skills. 'D-Gang' performed various styles of dance and many
solo performances.
§ Dance Auditions: On 27th August 2017, Dance Society
took auditions for the students who are interested to § Spring Productions: The Dance Society gave their spring
join the dance society. productions and gave an astonishing 45 minutes
performance with many songs that included solos, duets
§ Participation in various competitions: The Dance and group dances of hip-hop, top-rock, popping, classical
Society performed in the Alma Fiesta (13-01-2018), and many different styles.
Spring Fest (IIT Kharagpur,27-01-2018) in group dance

Pg 194
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


§ Independence Day (15/08/17) : The society was

introduced with a Nukkad Natak

§ performance on themes reflecting the hardships of a

farmer and the stereotypes on gay marriage.

§ Auditions for freshers (26/08/17) : The inductions held

for new members witnessed active participation and
interest among freshers .

§ Diwali Celebrations (21/10/17) : A stage play

performance was put up by the newly

§ Inducted members on the occasion of Diwali.

§ The Dramatics Society participated in Spring Fest , IIT


§ Foundation Day (12/02/18) : On the occasion of

Institute Foundation Day ,the society had a stage play
performance on murder mystery.

§ Spring Productions: On the eve of Hostel Day the

Dramatics Society presented its Spring Production a
Nukkad Natak based on demonetisation and black

Pg 195
Following videos were produced by the society:
§ Spring Fest Documentary.
§ Video for institute introduction.
§ (Link:
§ (Link:
Following Events are covered by the society:
§ Surprise video of Freshers.
§ Performing societies' (Aaroh,D-Gang, The Fourth Wall)
§ (Link: introductions.
ij5E&t=322s) § Diwali productions.; Unity Run; Aghaaz 2017, Alma
§ Two short film on ragging. Fiesta.
§ (Link of one of them: § All Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat events.; Open Day of Institute.
7s) § Foundation day Productions. ; Womens' day.
§ Video for open day programme of institute.
§ Alma-Fiesta'18.; E-Summit'18 ; Wissenaire'18.
§ Video of glimpses of First EBSB programme.
§ Video covering Unity Run.
§ After movie of Alma Fiesta'18.
§ Video of Dramatics production on August'15,2017.
§ A short film for AINA competition.
§ A short film for Spring Fest,2018.
§ A short film for Inter IIT Cultural Meet online short film
§ (Link:
§ A short film made at Inter IIT Cultural Meet (offline
§ (Link:

Pg 196
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


§ After the introductions of society, Souls for Solace § On the first weekend of November, Souls for Solace,
had a visit to Podapada village for Unnat Bharat with the help of NSS and HDFC Bank, conducted a
Abhiyan survey and teaching the students of village. Blood Donation Camp which was a great success.
§ As a part of Diwali celebration, Souls for Solace § On the second weekend of January, Souls For Solace,
conducted Cloth and Book Donation Drives, which we with the help of Team Alma Fiesta, had a Children Fest
donated in nearby villages and in slums of 'Bachpan Ka Rang Mach' which was a great success.

and covering various events like the Inter IIT Sports
§ The Introduction of the English Literary Society § Hosted events: Panacea has hosted a lot of events in
included events and competitions that were creative the campus like the Independence day, Republic Day,
and innovative like never before. The overwhelming Transfer of Power etc.
participation of the students carried the momentum
forward, thus leaving a mark among the audience.

§ The Inductions were conducted in 3 rounds, validating

the overall talent of the students. More than 50
students applied for the inductions, thus increasing the
competition among them.

§ Model United Nation Conference: IIT BBSR MUN'18

was conducted from 13th to 14th January, in
association with Alma Fiesta. It witnessed a
participation of 200+ students from various colleges in
and around Bhubaneswar.

§ Facebook Page: Panacea has been working with Clix,

the Photography Society for the page “HUMANS OF IIT
BHUBANESWAR”. Panacea has also been writing
articles on the problems faced by students and latest
achievements of the students and the institute,
transcripts of various Gymkhana members and alumni,

Pg 197

§ Conducted Hindi Pakhwada.

§ Intra College Competitions “रचनात्मक लेखन” and

“आवाज़ दिल की” were organized among students of the
institute to take out their hidden talents in the field of
literature writing .

§ Inter College Competitions “वाद-विवाद” and “बस ये पल”

were organized among different colleges and
institutes of Bhubaneswar and around to promote
competition between institutes which enhances
students capabilities and skills.

§ Essay writing competitions: Online essay writing on

Paryatan Parv, Online essay writing on National unity

§ Alma Fiesta: Poetry Slam was conducted during Alma

Fiesta 2018 on January 14th which attracted as many
as 30 participants from different colleges in and
around Bhubaneswar. The competition was successful
in offering a stage for the students to showcase their
poetry skills.

§ Participation outside institute: Participated in Inter IIT

Cultural Meet and bagged 6th position.

§ Participated in: KIIT MUN, UTKAL MUN, GPC MUN and

IIIT's Lit Fest Ingenium. We won laurels in all the
competitions we participated in. We also bagged the
7th place in Turncoat event in the Inter IIT cult meet.

§ Intra College Competitions: A variety of fun

competitions were held in the institute level, like the
best caption on Valentine's Day, find the word during
inductions and many more.


§ Conducted a Quiz on Maharashtra tourism.

§ Participated in the MELA, India and General Quizzes in

the Inter IIT Cultural meet held at IIT Kanpur.

§ Conducted an inter-college Business Quiz in

association with E-Summit.

§ Conducted Inter-college Business and Science Quizzes

in association with Wissenaire.

§ Conducted a Quiz on Maharashtra and Odisha in

association with Ek Bharath Shresht Bharath.

Pg 198
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


§ In Independence Day Celebration, society actively
participated in making rangoli at community center.
§ Society made a rangoli and sketches on the occasion
of Teachers Day and presented their greetings to the
§ Mahanadi Hall of Residence was decorated on the
occasion of Diwali and a small puja was organized for
the same in MHR.
§ Various competitions were organized in community
center on the occasion of Diwali like Rangoli
competition and Diya Painting competitions.
§ Kalakriti members participated in Xpressions '17,
annual management and cultural fest of XIMB
§ Kalakriti members also participated in Alma Fiesta,
Inter IIT cultural meet (IIT Kanpur) and Spring fest (IIT
§ Mahanadi Hall of Residence was decorated on the
occasion of Alumni Dinner.
§ Exhibition of artworks by the students was also
organized in Mahanadi Hall of Residence on the
occasion of Alumni Dinner.
§ Rangolis were made at Community Center on the
occasions of Ek Bharat Sreshta Bharat events.
§ Mehendi and Rangoli competitions were also
organized with an aim to celebrate tradition and
culture during Paryatan Parv.
§ Face painting, sketching and T-shirt designing
competitions were organized on occasion of National
Unity Day.
§ Art e-Magazines were published on various arts for
students of IIT Bhubaneswar.
§ Rangoli work at Community Center on Republic Day.

Pg 199
§ The Music Society took part in socio-cultural fests of IIIT Bhubaneswar and bagged 4th position in solo singing and 5th
position in the acoustic band competition.

§ Music Society performed and bagged 7th position in solo singing and pair-on-stage respectively, bested only by the senior

§ Dance Society won 1st position in Celegance at CV Raman College.

§ Dance Society won 3rd position in Chiasma, the fest of AIIMS.

§ Dance Society won 4th position in Cypher Hustle in Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

§ Cinewave won the 5th and 6th positions in Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur in offline and online competitions

§ Cinewave won 4th position in documentary making competition and 6th position in short film making competition in
Spring Fest, IIT Kharagpur.

§ Cinewave won 9th position in AINA.

§ Shobhit Sahoo from Panacea won 1st position in Air Crash and 2nd position in Debate Competition in Ingenium, IIIT

§ Aditya Pal from Panacea won 2nd position in Twist in the Tale in Ingenium, IIIT Bhubaneswar.

§ Sai Prasath from Panacea won 2nd position in Ultimate Literati and 2nd position in Spell Bee in Ingenium, IIIT

§ Panacea won 3rd position in TV Series Quiz in Ingenium, IIIT Bhubaneswar.

§ Pranjal Bangani from Panacea won Special Mention in Global Peace Conference Model United Nations(MUN)

§ Panacea won Special Mention in GPC MUN.

§ Panacea won KIIT MUN Best Delegate and 2 Special Mention awards.

§ Quiz Club won 4th position in Mettle Meet the Inter-College Quiz conducted by OrissaPost.

§ Abhivyakti won 1st position in Utkal Diwas symposium organized by The Samaj, a renowned Odiya newspaper.

§ Kalakriti won 1st position in painting competition in Xpressions '17, annual management and cultural fest of XIMB

§ Kalakriti won 1st and 2nd positions in Shadez competition at Alma Fiesta, annual cultural fest of IIT Bhubaneswar.

§ Kalakriti won 5th position in online doodle making competition at Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

§ Kalakriti won 5th position in painting competition at Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

§ Kalakriti won 6th position in costume designing competition at Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

§ Kalakriti won 11th position in sketching competition at Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

§ Kalakriti won 11th position in Street Art competition at Inter IIT Cultural Meet at IIT Kanpur.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18



§ A photowalk was organised to Nandankanan National


§ A advanced photo editing workshop was organised for

the members of the society.

§ Picture of the fortnight competition was organised.

§ Online photograph submission was organised.

§ An active photography club was maintained.

§ Time-lapse and hyperlapse videos of the campus were


§ A Picture Hunt (online photography contest was

organised) for inducting members for the society.

§ The group was very much active on the social media

pages where the members and non-members
reviewed our photos and gave different scopes for

§ Various events were covered including the

Independence Day, Republic Day, Facchas Got Talent,
various Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, various events of
fests, various productions of D-Gang, Aaroh, Fourth
Wall, etc., various institute events and seminars, guest
talks etc.

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IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

NAKSHATRA - ASTRONOMY SOCIETY § Internal quiz competitions were held within the society
to enhance our knowledge.

§ Participated in the second round of this quiz challenger § The postgraduate students of the college discussed
National Student's Space Challenge at IIT Kharagpur. about the astrophysics (the branch of astronomy that
employs the principles of physics and chemistry "to
§ Conducted a workshop by highly experienced ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies, rather
professional with decades of experience in practical than their positions or motions in space.") and
astronomy for all the first year students of the mathematics involved in it giving a new aspect to
institute. discover more and work upon.
§ A team member also participated in the case study
competition of NSSC at IIT Kharagpur where a
presentation on JUNO spacecraft was given and the
member qualified for the final round. In the final round,
the qualified member gave a seminar presentation at
§ Two members of Neuromancers were selected for
IIT KGP on the exoplanet detection with special focus
Google Summer of Code.
on Trappist-1 exoplanet system and several ways to
detect exoplanets including Transit Photometry, § Two teams from Neuromancers participated in the
gravitational lensing, etc. ACM-ICPC.
§ Conducted regular sky watching sessions on roof top § Two members went to the second round of Google
Code Jam.

§ Weekly workshops were conducted by Neuromancers

for the first years.

§ The society took few projects like Institute App, Bus

tracking in the spring semester. The work on all these
projects have started and is expected to be completed

§ IBWC (IIT Bhubaneswar Winter Code) also took place

throughout the winter vacation (December) where the
seniors guided some allotted juniors with learning new
of SBS throughout the semester where each member § There was great participation from Neuromancers in
actively participated in the practical astronomy Advaita, the technical fest of IIIT Bhubaneswar. Six
application using society's telescope and binoculars. teams participated in Switch and Code, a team in Swig
§ The society members also participated actively in the and code, a team in Principium, and two teams in web
presentations on different topics related to astronomy app development contest.
like black holes, exoplanet detection etc.
§ Neuromancers team organized 3 coding contests
§ The society members also visited renowned (including the one in innovation challenge) and one
astronomers to learn new concepts and telescope Hackerrank problem solving session.
§ Neuromancers team also designed the problem
§ Coverage of the 2nd supermoon of 2018 (which was a statements for the Annual Code Challenge as a part of
rare event) was done by the society. the General Championship(Technical).
§ Topics for research (related to cosmology) were given
§ We have managed to increase our online presence at
to the society members and their discussion was done
various coding platforms (like
several times.
Codeforces/Codechef/SPOJ). We have successfully
§ Suggestions from secretaries of Astronomy Clubs at created an environment for coding with huge
different IITs were taken to improve our society's participation from IIT Bhubaneswar.

Pg 203

§ Made the following devices for the introduction.

§ Kick off Bot: Using a Bluetooth and an android phone,

two bots were made which could be controlled

§ Line follower bot: Line follower bot and its hardware

working were showcased.

§ Music LEDs : LEDs that are operated as a response to

the music played were displayed.

§ Kick-off competition was organized in the institute: Full

standard Kick-off competition was conducted where
participants were required to make a bot which can
move and kick a ball. This was conducted in the first
week of November.

§ Yantrix Events were designed: Competitions which

would be conducted in Wissenaire as part of Yantrix
were designed and were be conducted by the society
members. The competitions are Clean India, Robo-
wars, Kick-off, Maze Runner, Bomb squad, Trekk-on.

§ Participated in IIT kanpur events: In this semester

members of the society have participated in Robotics WEB AND DESIGN SOCIETY
events conducted by IIT Kanpur. The team qualified
two preliminary rounds and lost in the last round.
§ Posters: Web and Design Society has designed posters
§ For the first time an in house robotics competitions for various events like Open Day, Ek Bharat Shrestha
open for all branches was organised as a part of Bharat, Run for Unity, Sankalp Se Siddhi, Republic Day.
Innovation Challenge IIT Bhubaneswar. The problem
statements were designed and the events were
§ Work for Convocation : works like photos gathering,
organised successfully. response gathering, templates for yearbook, brochure,
designing yearbook according to graduation list of year

§ Hostel Website : As per the request of Hostel Council

we have made a new website for the hostel.

Pg 204
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


§ Nakshatra secured the first position in the online first

round of Quiz 2.0 competition in National Students'
Space Challenge by IIT Kharagpur among more than
10,000 participants.
§ Neuromancers secured first prize in Swig and Code;
third in Principium; first, third, fourth in Switch and
Code. Fitness training in summer at hilly area near staff quarters.
§ Ajaya Kumar Dash won 1st position in United by HCL
Hackathon held by HCL.
§ Ramit Ashutosh won 2nd position in The Picture Tale in
Spring Fest, IIT Kharagpur.
Our journey at IIT Madras started with extraordinary
§ Shruti Pattajoshi, Putrevu Manasa, T.R. Pratyusha won performance of IIT Bhubaneswar contingent team in March
1st position in Sub-opreti Competition in Techkriti, IIT Past.
§ Shivam Sethi, Aakash Garg, Manthan Srivastava won
2nd position in Marketing Villa competition in Techkriti,
IIT Kanpur.
§ Nitheesh Kumar and team won 1st position in Business
Plan Competition: Srijan, Purvodaya 2018.

§ Inter IIT Trials: The activities of the Sports Council
started from March 2017 with Inter IIT Trials. Two
teams, Team A and Team B for were made for each
game in Inter IIT Sports Meet.

§ Summer Fitness Camp: For the very first time in the

institute, we started a Summer Fitness Camp which ATHLETICS
was open for all faculty, staff and students of our
This year, the athletics team constituting of 8 members
institute. The camp began at 6:00 am, May 17 2017
participated in almost all the track events. The following
with 3 members initially and by the end of July, the
results depicts our Inter IIT performance of this year:
strength increased to 60-70 members.

§ EAA: EAA was made compulsory for 2 days a week. It

helped to mobilize students and also in creating a
healthy sports environment in IIT Bhubaneswar.

§ Inter IIT Practice: Practice for Inter IIT was increased

drastically with providing coaches for each Inter IIT
game for 5 days a week and students have utilized this
opportunity and practiced extra hours to improve their
performance in Inter IIT. Inter IIT Practice started from
March 2017 and practice sessions continued till
December with 5-6 days a week along with having
friendly matches with nearby colleges.

Pg 205
Event Participants Time Gold Time

100m Vikram 12.8s 10.8s

Chaitanya 13.4s

200m Vikram 25.1s 22.0s

Vikas 25.6s

400m Kodam 58.3s 49.6s

Chandan 57.8s

800m Gaurav 2 min 11s 1 min 56s BASKETBALL

The overall performance of the team was much better than
1500m Gaurav 4 min 51s 4 min 18s
the previous year's performance. Even though the team
was placed in a tough pool, the team gave a good fight to
Vikram, Boola, all teams. The team got its first ever victory which is
400m Relay Kodam, 4 min 3s 3 min 21s notable.

Team Opponent Score Team Opponent Score

100m women Prathibha 19.3s 15.6s
IIT Madras 30-46 IIT Kanpur 6-28
200m women Prathibha 35.2s 28.9s
Men IIT Jodhpur 52-30 Women IIT Gandhinagar 2-40

IIT BHU 25-47 IIT BHU 4-17

BADMINTON IIT Dhanbad 42-47
The performance of the badminton team was much better
than the previous year. Practice sessions were planned
accordingly with the resources in hand. The team reached
the pre-quarter finals.

Team Opponent Score Team Opponent Score

IIT Roorkee 0-2 IIT Ropar 3-0

Women IIT Madras 0-2 Men IIT Delhi 0-3

IIT Gandhinagar 0-2 IIT Roorkee 0-3

Pg 206
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18

The cricket team is undergoing a phase of reconstruction
and with time, can excel against other teams.

Inter-IIT 2017 was a great learning experience for the team.
The members of team gave their best in practice sessions
and in the tournament. The team performance was much
better when compared to the previous year in all aspects
like fitness, strokes, rallies and competition. The team gave
a good fight to all the teams in spite of being placed in a
Opponent Result tough group.

IIT Bombay Lost by 128 runs

IIT Goa Lost by 11 runs

Overall the team was happy with its performances and for
qualifying into the knockouts. This performance would not
have been possible had it not been for the daily practice
sessions. These were the best ever results as the football
team had never won a match yet at Inter IIT sports meet.
The team has made huge inbounds into giving a stellar

Opponent Result
Opponent Result
IIT Hyderabad 0-2
IIT Dharwad 5-0
IIT Madras 0-2
IIT Guwahati 0-0

IIT Madras 0-3 IIT Guwahati 0-2

Pg 207
Pg 208
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


As compared to previous year, this year performance is
very good considering the fact that the team is
reconstructing and relatively has lesser experience.
§ The football team won 1st position in Ashwamedha.

§ The volleyball team won 2nd position in Ashwamedha.

Opponent Result § The volleyball team won the 2nd position in Chiasma-
2.0, AIIMS.
IIT Guwahati 0-3
§ The basketball team won the 3rd position in
IIT Palakkad 2-3 Ashwamedha.


Inter IIT Practice started from March 2017 and practice
sessions continued till December 5-6 days a week along
§ Mr. Samiran Mandal was awarded with Young
Researcher Award in OSICON (Ocean Science
with having friendly matches with nearby colleges which
Conference -2017) held by Ocean Society of India.
helped improve the results drastically.
§ Nibedita Behera and team won 2nd position in Oral
presentation in International Conference,RAROM at IIT
Opponent Result Kharagpur.

IIT Hyderabad 3-2

§ Niranjan Dehuri won Best Presentation Award in 31st
Annual Conference by Orissa Chemical Society.
IIT Dhanbad 3-0 § Amita Rani Sahoo won the Best Poster Award at CCBM
IIT Roorkee 0-3
§ Shreyasi Som won “Innovative Student Projects Award
IIT Kharagpur 0-3 2017” from Indian National Academy of Engineering

§ Rishi Gurjar and Vijay Ranjan won the Best Paper at

Inter-department Championship was conducted with
formation of 9 teams of different departments. The Sports
Council organised a 5km cross country race on January
26th 2018. It attracted large competition among students
competing from different departments. Along with the
cross country race, the Council successfully organized all
General Championship games.

The Sports Council of IIT Bhubaneswar conducted
Ashwamedha, the sports fest of IIT Bhubaneswar for the
very first time in our institute. Competitions for three
games - football, volleyball and basketball were held which
drew positive response from teams in and around

Pg 209
(Amount- Rs.) (Amount- Rs.)


2017-18 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17

I. Opening Balance I. EXPENSES

a) Cash in Hand a) Establishment Expenses 276,913,439.00 190,501,588.00

b) Bank Balances b) Academic Expenses 128,044,237.42 116,442,555.37

i) In Current accounts c) Administrative Expenses 54,786,257.97 34,466,519.00

ii In deposit accounts d) Transportation Expenses 12,194.00 15,154.00

iii) In Savings accounts 257,851,875.70 255,232,322.79 e) Repairs & Maintenance 253,138.00 490,403.00

f) Prior Period Expenses 81,275.00 36,452.83

g) Finance Cost 68,818.93 1,157.59

g) Gymkhana Expenses 3,725,794.00 2,083,055.85

Payment against
II. Grants Received II. Earmarked/ Endowment 309,442.31 33,862,577.00

a) From Govt. of India 3,573,520,000.00 1,788,970,985.00

b) From State Government

c) From Other

(Grants from Capital and

Revenue expenses to be
Shown Separately)
Payment against
III. Academic Receipts 147,032,267.00 77,358,795.00 III. Sponsored Projects/ 161,956,298.27 178,748,295.36
Receipts against Payment against
IV. Earmarked/ Endowment IV. Sponsored Fellowships/
Funds : Scholarships


c)Own Funds (other


Receipts against
Investments and
V. Sponsored Projects/ 203,615,415.11 172,515,387.97 V.
Deposits made

a) Out of Earmarked/
795,845.57 6800000
Endowment funds

b) Out of Own funds

(Investments - other)

Pg 210
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18


2017-18 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17

a) Out of Earmarked/
795,845.57 6800000
Endowment funds

b) Out of Own funds

(Investments - other)
Receipts against
Term Deposits with
VI. Sponsored Fellowships VI. 3,275,795,325.49 1,273,096,500.00
Scheduled Banks
and Scholarships
Expenditure on Fixed
Income/ receipt on
VII. VII. Assets and Capital Wrok-
a) Earmarked/ Endowment
3,295,882.00 10,305,483.47 a) Fixed Assets 22,905,032.93 32,929,785.28
b) Capital Works-in-
b) other Investments 89,017.00 1,161,938,213.00
Other Payments
VIII. Interest received on VIII. including statutory 409,428,239.09 549,467,476.20
a) Bank deposits 16,113,900.54 6,169,852.75 Capital fund

b) Loans and Advances -

c) Savings Bank Accounts 7,606,645.33 8,053,913.55

IX. Investments encashed IX. Refunds of Grants -

Term Deposits wih

X. Scheduled Banks 1,859,972,946.09 1,407,430,085.07 X. Deposits and Advances 1,828,298,071.52 35,705,065.61
Other Income (including
XI. 19,952,729.79 10781074.51 XI. Other Payments
Prior Period Income)

Hostel Payment 1,868,206.71 37,897,629.00

Hostel Payment against

536,101.00 432,508.00
Fixed Assets

Hostel Payment against

6,336,138.00 6,907,157.00
Current Liabilities

XII. Deposits and Advances 36,962,005.42 19,950,831.00 IX. Closing Balances

a) Cash in Hand
Miscellaneous Receipts
XIII. including Statutory 183,305,248.16 126,706,835.47 b) Bank Balances
i) In Current accounts

XIV Any Other Receipts ii In deposit accounts

Hostel Income 1,622,243.74 15,795,617.66 iii) In Savings accounts 166,856,566.71 257,851,875.70

Receipt against Hostel

28,045,730.04 19,948,146.55
Current Assets

Accured Interest - 454,637.00

TOTAL 6,338,896,888.92 3,919,673,967.79 TOTAL 6,338,896,888.92 3,919,673,967.79

Pg 211

In (Rs)
Opening Balance

Add: Receipt during the year

Consultancy Project 15,668,690.00

Sponsored Research Project 96,730,489.00

Less : Refunded 2,869,887.00 93,860,602.00

Seed Grant 4,175,000.00

Sponsored Fellowship 6,135,743.00

Institute Overheads 11,346,729.75

TDS 2,664,502.00

Service Tax 1,095,344.00

Goods & Service Tax 1,844,966.00

Professional Tax 25,100.00

EMD 2,177,250.00

Other Current Liability 87,959.00

Sundry Creditors 52,531,055.00

Liquidated Damages 814,780.00

Bank Interest 1,543,094.09

Interest on TDR 1,051,622.00

Stale Cheque 149,270.00

Interest on TDR Accrued 7,174,708.27

Workshop 1,200,000.00

Tender fee 69,000.00

TOTAL RECEIPT 593,694,039.60

Pg 212
IIT Bhubaneswar | Annual Report 2017-18



Salary to JRF/SRF and project Assistant 23,104,692.00

Consumables 5,545,859.00

Contingencies 2,676,388.00

Recurring Expenses 1,076,743.00

Travel Expenses 4,230,583.00

Consultancy Fees & Honorarium 7,850,962.00

Meeting & Workshop Expenses 1,891,013.00

School Development Fund 90,600.00

Fellowship 5,964,513.00

Overhead Expenses 181,000.00

R&D Recurring Expenses 781,918.00

Technical Assistance Expenses 151,076.00

Operation and Maintenance 309,746.00

Fabrication & Other Cost 267,047.00

Startup & IPR Expenses 201,209.00

Training & Development 247,907.00

Duty & Taxes 4,325,912.00

Stale Cheque 17,812.00

Sundry Creditors 48,224,544.00

Faculty Development Fund 466,645.00

Bank Interest 25,647.00

Research Grant 60,645.00

EMD 1,403,800.00

PBG 30,342.00

Other Current Liability 840,207.00

Accrued Interest on TDR 196,994.00

TOTAL PAYMENT 110,163,804.00

CLOSING BALANCE 483,530,235.60

Pg 213

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