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i rrni'i* Fa-g,:s : 2 ErT5S5

Ii" Tech.

,--l}re . 2 Hours Tbtal Marks : 50

Notc :- Attempt all questions, each question earries

equal marks.
l. Attempr any four parts of the following :- (3x6=12)

(a) What is Information System ? Describe the need sf

distributed infon';ation system.

(b) lVhat is the differenee between security and threats and

explain the web securiry

(c) Explain how confidentiality can be achieved ? Also

describe "lntegril/"" "Availability" in information

(d) Explain Java applet security model. Can Java applet

bc harmful for the computers ?
(e) What are the variou! ffpes of data resources antl.
networks resources in information sy'stem ? Cive e:rample
to illustrate your answer.
(0 What is the ciassification of threats and describe the
role of web services ?

EIT505/RFW-2r3ss [Tum Over

A-ll,iinpt airy two parts of the following :*
ia) Wi:ar are the problems with traditional payment system
as compared to electronics payment system ?

(b) What are design issues in biometric system ? Explain

benefirs and criteria for selection of biometrics.

(c) Write short notes on :-

(i) B2B c-commerce

\, (ii) C2C e-commerce

(iii) B2C e-commerce.

3. Attempt any two parts of the following :- (6x2=t2)
(a) What is cryptology ? Describe thCdifference between
Symmetr ic-key cryptography. and public key
cryptography ?

{t} What are the requirements.of,digital signature ? How

authenticaticn is maintained using digital signaiure ?
(c) Explain the VPN arohitecture and how can we implement
firewall with advantages of VpN ?
4. Write short notes on any two of the following :.* (Tx2=14)
--.- (i) tPR

v (ii) Building Securiry into Software Life Cycte,

(iii) Cyber Crimes"

EIT505/RFW-21355 t7240
Printed Pages-3 ECS6O4
Following Paper ID and RollNo. to be filled in yourAnswer Book

B. Tech.
\- Hours
Time : 2 Total Morks : 50

Note :-(l) Attempt a// questions.

(2) Be precise in your answer.

l. Attempt any four parts of the following :- (3x4=LZ)

(a) What are protocols ? Explain the working of CSMA/
CD protocol.
(b) Explain the use and working of FTP tool on the Internet
in brief.
(c) Differentiate between Web browser and Web server.
How does a Web server work ?
(d) What do ycu ffIean by MIME, SMTP and IMAp ?

(e) Discuss the various Web project development phases.

(0 What is Virtual Management ? How one can manage
a virtual team ?

2. Attempt any lour parts of the following :- (3x4=12)

(a) Make a difference table for Static Web page, Dynamic
web page and Active web pages.
(b) Discuss how frames play a big role in advertising on
web. What roles do form play in making web page
Dynamic ?

ECS604/PUR-40228 [Turn Over

'(c) What is Domain Name System (DNS) ? How the DNS 4. Attempt any t$'o parts of the following :- (6.5x2=13)
server works ? What is the need for additional suffix (a) Is CoM same as DC9M ? If not, what are the differences
such as com, edu, Gov ? between them ? Describe the importance of COM/DCOM

(d) What is XML ? Create a XML document of l0 students in making commercial website.
of final MCA. Add their roll numbers, marks obtained G) Write down short notes on the following :-
in 5 subjects, total marks and percentage. Save this (i) Database Programming using JDBC
XML document at the server, write a program that (ii) TOMCAT Servers.
accepts student's roll number as input and returns the (c) What is JSP ? What are the advantages of JSP over
students rnarks, total and percentage by taking the CGI ? Also explain the various component of JSP in
student's information for XML document. detail'

(e) What do you mean by CSS ? Write a CSS rule that

makes all the text 2.5 times larger than the base font
of the system.
(0 Explain the term Document Type Definition (DTD)
with the help of suitable examples.

3- Attempt any two parts of the following :- (6.5x2=13)

(a) What is the difference between JAVA and JAVA
SCRIPT ? How is Java strongly associated with intemet ?

Draw a flowchart to show how various Java tools are

used in application development.

(b) Discuss how CGI works at a conceptual level. What is

the biggest disadvantage of CGI ?

(c) What are exceptions and how they are handled ? Explain
with an example. How we defure a try and catch block ?

Is it essential to catch all types of exceptions ?

ECS604/PUR-40228 ECS604/PUR-40228 3 r5000

Printed Pages : 3 ECS604

(Following Paper ID and RoII No. to be filled in your Answer Book)

Roll No.


Time:2HoursJ I Total Marks : 50

1. Attempt any five parts : 5x 2: 10
(a) State the importance"of MIME in web environment.
(b) Label the fbllowing statements as True or False :

(i) The main function of a browser is to interpret HTML.

(ii) A static web document will run at the client site.
(c) How will you create a password field in a HTML form ?
(d) List the rules used for writing XML.
(e) Compare CGI and JavaScript.
(0 How is array creation done in JavaScript ? Write an example.
(g) Write a JavaScript program to find largest among 5 numbers.
(h) What is the difference between forward and sendRedirbct tag in JSP ?
(D |hat is ASP.NET ?
0) Is Tomcat Server an application server or web s:rver ? Justify.

2. Attempt any three question parts : 3 x 5 = 15
(a) Write short notes on the following : i
(i) DNS
(ii) Traditional Project Vs. Web Project
'(b) ' With
a suitable example, explain briefly about HTML list and CSS.

(c) Illustrate the importance of documents, statements and functions in JavaScript and
VB Script.
(d) Develop a simple JSP application that accepts the user's age and displays a
message according to the following rules :
(i) Age < 15: Message: You are a Kid!
(ii) Age between 16 and 40: You are young!
(iii) Age above 40: You are old!
(e) Where can the session information be maintained in JSP ? Discuss the advantages
ofeach approach.

Attempt all 5 x 5:25
3. Attemptanyonepart: 1x5=5
(a) Define the terms Web site, Web page, Web server, LIRL and home page.
(b) When you download a file using HTTP and FTP, which one is normally used ?
whv ?

4. Attempt any one part : I x 5:5

(a) Create a web page using HTML having frames as follows :

Punch line etc.

Objective Display information here of Display relevant

Personal Information selected link im6ges here

Family Information
Educational Information

The frame which includes Objective, Personal Information, etc., are the
hyperlinks. Display the relevant information in the next fraine as selecting the
link. The colour scheme of hyperlinks should be as follows :

default - green; active- red; visited-blue

(b) What is XML Schema ? Compare )fl\dl, Schema and )CML DTD with neat
2477 )
5. Attemptanyonepart: lx5=S
(a) How JavaScript can be embedded into the HTML, with neat example briefly
explain the forr,n validation using JavaScript.
(b) What is CGI ? How does CGI works ? Give an example progrirm using CGI to
retrieve the user information (name, age, from the HTML p4ge..

6. Attemptanyonepart: 1x5=5
(a) Investigate what one needs to'do to execute CGI, ASP, JSP programs. Actually
set up the necessary environments for at least two of these technologies.

O) Expldin briefly bbout the JSP objects with relevant example.

7. Attemptanyonepart: lx5=5
(a) Write the important features of COM and DCOM
O) Is AJAX s,rme as JavaScript ? How they are related ? Justify.


Printed Pages-2 ECS6O4

(Folloufing Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in yourAnswer


Time : 2 Hours Total Marlcs : 50

:- Attempt all questions.

l. Attemptanytwoofthefollowing: (7x2:14)
.,, (a) What are the stages and strategies required to develop a
web project ?

.-(b) Describe in brief the growth ofthe web technology. Explain

the protocols governing the web.
(c) What do you understand by web technologies ? Write down
the steps to develop multidepartment and large scale

2" Attempt any two of the following : (6x2=12)

4a) What is HTML ? Differentiate between XML and HTML.

-{b) What do you understand by CSS ? Explain different rypes

of CSS with exarnples.

(c) Write HTML code to develop a web page having two

frames that divide the page into two equal rows and divides

the first row into r:qual columns . Fill each with the different

background color.

ECS604/DQJ-2r7s3 [Turn Over


3. Attemptanytwo of the following : (6x2=12'1

(a) How do we handle in JAVA script ? What is DHTML ?

<b) What is the difference between Java and Jave Script ?

Describe the strengths and weakness of JAVA Script.

(c) Write short notes on :

(i) VB Script

(ii) AJAX

4. Attemptany twoofthe following : (6x2=12)

..(a) What do you understand byA SP ? What are its advantages
and disadvantages ? HowAIiP is different from
(b) .What do you mean by JSP ? Explain the Architecture of
JSP How JSP provides bett::r perfonnance.

(i) coM/DCoM
(iD Dynamic Page/Active Page.

ECS604/DQJ-2r7s3 11850
Printed Pages : 2

r llll] lll] ffil illl llilllllllllll llll


(Following Paper ID and Rotl No. to be filled in your Answer Book)

Roll No.

B. Tech.

Time : Hours] [Total Marks : 50

Note: Attempt all questions

1 Attempt any four parts of the following: (3x4:12)

(a) Discuss the basic elements of a good website design,
including navigation considerations
(b) What are the essential skills that must be identified while
selecting the members of a web project tearrfl
(c) What are the technologies used in web design? What
is the role of scripting languages in web design?
(d) Why planning is must before developing a website?
What are the advantages of early planning?
(e) What do you mean by protocol? Provide the name
those protocols, which help in web and explain the
working of those protocols.
O Why it is important to, identify the object in web
development strategies? Also explaiq with help ofblock
diagrarq web development process.

1106041 I I Contd...
Attempt any two parts of the following: (6x2:12)
(a) How do you make an image clickable in HTML?
Illustrate with an example.
O) Write a HTML code to design a 'student Registration
Form' .(Make Assumption)
(c) Discuss various types of DTDs @ocument Type
Definition) in )ilMl.Which ffie of DTD is preferable
and why?

Attempt any two parts of the following: (6x2:12)

(a) How do you perform client side validation using
JavaScript? Illustrate with suitable example.
O) What is dynamic HTML? How DHTML is used with
(c) What do you mean by Common Gateway Interface
(CGD? How does CGI work?

Attempt any four parts of the following: (3.5x4:14;

(a) What is JSP? What are the advantages of JSP over
various server side programs?
O) What are the different types of standard action tags used
in JSP?
(c) What axe the steps for running JSP program in Tomcat
(d) What are the implicit objects available to JSP page?
(e) How error handling and debugging is done in JSp?
Explain with suitable example.
(0 [Iow data can be shared between JSPs ? Explain.

1r06041 llsss0l

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