Shri Guru Gita Importance of Guru
Shri Guru Gita Importance of Guru
Shri Guru Gita Importance of Guru
Importance of Guru is supreme, Guru is none other than God personified. It is said
that God cannot come to earth and give his vision to everyone that’s why he sends
Guru in our lives who leads us to God and Godhead through the path of spirituality
and discrimination. In end in the last stage, Guru meets with God. Guru and God are
one and they are never different.
Introduction to Text
Wikipedia Says Guru Gita [1] (Song of the Guru) is a Hindu scripture that is said to
have been authored by the sage, Vyasa [2]. The verses of this scripture may also be
chanted [3]. The text is believed to be part of the larger Skanda Purana [4]. There are
several versions of Guru Gita, varying from around 100 to over 400 verses. Another
view is that Guru Gita is part of Viswasara Tantra [5].
The text of Guru Gita describes a conversation between the Hindu God, Lord Shiva
and his wife, the Hindu Goddess Parvati [6], in which she asks him to teach her about
the Guru and liberation. Shiva answers her by describing the Guru principle, the
proper ways of worshipping the Guru and the methods and benefits of repeating Guru
Gita. The text also gives the etymology of the word Guru, where the root gu stands for
darkness, while the root ru stands for light. The term Guru is therefore explained as
the remover of darkness, who reveals the light of the heart.
1. Geet literally means a song, Gita is a male form of the same word. In my humble
opinion when Gita is attached to any scripture it means “An easy form of knowledge
which was compiled by singing and to be learned by everyone. Hence, essential
knowledge”. Let me explain this. In Vedic times books were not written students were
supposed to memorise complete texts. However, not everyone had same intellectual
level. For those of normal intellect were sent to Guru’s home and Guru taught them
Dharma Shastra [Code of Conduct] and their education was complete. Those of high
intellect were taught other things after their normal teaching of Dharma Shastra. This
special teaching included things such as Veda’s and Puranas etc. Now there was some
very important knowledge which was of the calibre of Advanced students only but was
to be taught to Normal Students too. All these teachings were compiled in poetical
hymns and they became what we today know as Gita [There are different Gita like
Bhagwat Gita, Guru Gita, Ganesha Gita, Avadhut Gita etc]. See for example Vedanta
teaches us about the supremacy of Atma and establishes it’s oneness with God. The
same thing is said in Bhagwad Gita but in a simple manner where Shri Krishna Says all
Gods are me hence only meditate on me and leave all differentiations arising in your
mind. Bhagwad Gita also teaches Karma yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Rajyoga in
such simple manner which is difficult to be understood from Veda’s and Upanishad’s
by common people. Hence Gita not only means Song of God but it also means divine
and essential knowledge which must not be missed at any cost
2. Vyasa, There have been many Vyasa’s. Which Vyasa compiled this is difficult to say.
However, mail work of any Vayasa is to compile and segregate knowledge for easy
learning of common people. Like it is said that Vedas’s have all the knowledge which
is commented in Upanishad’s but Veda and Upanishad both are very difficult to be
understood by men of normal intellect. Hence those teachings are composed in
Purana’s in a normal language in form of stories and simple examples. Vyasa compiled
all 18 Vedas.
3. Any Vedic Scripture be it Gita or Ramayana can be chanted and they give miraculous
results. In local Hindu literature, there are many things like “Siddha Ramayana
Mantra” [Proven Mantra from Ramayana]. It gives mantras from Shri Ramcharit
Manas written by Goswami Tulasidas. Hindu people chant them like a mantra and see
their effects. But how they work, we know Ramcharit Manas is not a mantra book. But
still it works, How? It works when we understand the meaning of the Given Chaupai
[A style of writing in Hindi, Which contains four lines where last letters of the last
word of 2nd and 4th lines are the same sounding; like A and Aa]. Take for example a
mantra for having learning/knowledge “गुरु गृह पढ़न गए रघुराईI अल्प काल विद्या सब आईII This
literally means that “Rama goes to Guru’s home [Ashrama] for learning and learns
complete knowledge in Short time [as compared to other normal people]. This
highlights the intellect of Rama If you keep on repeating this mantra nothing will
happen. You need to visualise it, You need to visualise in heart about Shri Rama and
his learning capacities as given in this shloka and then you need to realise that Shri
Rama lives in your heart and because he and you are same hence you also can learn
everything in a short time. This realization [Known in modern times as self-
motivation, self-esteem or confidence works miracles. Those who want to know more
on this topic are advised to read “Think and Grow Rich” By Napoleon Hill a Bestseller
Book which I have read more than 15 times.] gives you the power and the ability. The
same funda works for Mantra. Until and unless you realise that the Mantra and You are
same you are not going to receive the effects, Will write on Mantra some other time.
The same goes for Guru Gita. If one chant it’s mantra then he is bound to constantly
think of the Verse which in turn open the pandora box of knowledge in front of the
person which ultimately will transform the person into question. However, in my
opinion, these mantras [Not Vedic Mantra’s] should be translated into the language of
the person if one really want to see the results.
4. Skanda is a name for Lord Kartikeya, Skanda Purana deals with many matters from
significance and importance of Kashi [Varanasi/Benaras] to the story about Shiva and
Sati. Such an extensive text dealing with this indicates it’s importance in Shaiva
Tradition. Shiva is considered the supreme Guru in almost all Hindu Traditions. His
Guru form is called Dakshinamurthy [Whose image is cover image of this article].
Daksinamurhty gave knowledge to Sages. Being a Veda it also poses emphasis on the
importance of Guru in Vedic Texts such as Vedas and Upanishad’s whose commentary
and explanation is Purana’s.
5. Viswasara Tantra is a Tantra text, this indicates importance to Guru in Tantric
Tradition. Without Guru one cannot and should not enter the path of Tantra. Tantra
literally means functioning. In the sense we know engineering today Tantra is the same
form of Vedic Knowledge. Tantra gives us the mechanism for things. Scriptures say us
to leave sexual attraction, but how are we to do this. It is easily said than done. Tantra
gives us the way in form of Kumari Pujana where one worships [Mind it is
worshipping not what scoundrels do in name of Tantra] a young girl. By doing this
ones sexuality is purified and he need not suppress it now. Suppression is always bad.
This way we come to know that Tantra gives us the practical part to what Veda’s and
Upanishad’s teach but in the process it may sometimes differ with Purana’s but that is
not an issue because the main motive is to practise the knowledge of Veda’s only
which propounds Sanatana Dharma [The eternal religion].
6. Shiva is the supreme Guru and Maa Parvati is his eternal consort. For a woman, her
first and ultimate Guru is her husband. Without her husband’s permission, she is not
advised to have any other Guru. Because Parvati is the wife of Shiva he is her Husband
and Guru and hence she imparts her with wisdom [Eternal Knowledge].
The Text
अथ प्रथमोअध्यायः
The Brahma [Supreme Soul] that is Achintya [beyond comprehension], Vyakt Roopay
[But shows his form, To those who perform austerities to know him], Nirgunay
[Without any Guna, He have all Guna’s but never gets affected by them. To know
more on this read my Article on Srsti and Avatar] Gunatmane [But also have Guna –
Explained in the previous comment]. Who is the basis of [creator of] this complete
world [Earth including every planet and milky way etc], salutations to him.
Soot [Name of a Vedic Sage] Soot [Repeated twice to indicate calling him in hurry] the
one endowed with the learning of all things and well versed in Nigam [Vedic rituals]
and Aagam [Tantric rituals]. Tell me the Swaroop [Form, Nature] of the Guru which
purifies all kinds of Mal [Imperfection, Impurities]
यस्य स्रवनमात्रेण दे हि दख
ु ादिमुच्यतेI
Whose listening only [Of nature of Guru] gives one freedom from misery. O sage you
have found that path and you know everything please establish that path for us [Tell
us about Guru, Establish is the literal translation of प्रपोदिरे ]
यत्प्राप्य न पुनर्याति नरः संसारबन्धनम ्I
Knowing which knowledge man gets liberated from the bondage of this world. Please
tell us that method and that element [Tattwa means an element in sense of basic
building blocks, here means basic building blocks of how to worship Guru, how to
know him and contemplate on him]
The knowledge that is hidden into hidden knowledge [That means extremely secret]
known as Guru Geeta specially [specifically] please tell us essence of that. By your
grace we will listen to it, please tell us that O Soota [Name of Sage]
Being requested like this continuously by sages, Sage Soota said compassionately to
other sages.
सूत उवाच
Listen sages with complete faith and happiness now I am telling Geeta who is like
mother [Nourishes] and who removes diseases known as this world [miseries of this
Seated on skin of tiger [In earlier times skin of animals such as tigers and others were
used to sit over and sitting over them and chanting mantra was considered very
potent and auspicious], being praised by Sages like Suka [Face resembling a Parrot
indicates he remembers everything being told to him]. [He who unites, Shiva unites]
supreme tattwa [Basic element of the building, mainly employed in sense of saying
one who knows very finer principles of creation which ultimately is spirituality]. He is
seated between different Sages. [See the cover image of the Article. Shiva is in
between and Suka Maharaj is left to him].
प्रणम्रवदना शस्वन्नमस्कूवन्तमादरातI
These sages were constantly bowing their heads to Shiva [offering salutations]
noticing this Parvati [Life of Lord Shiva] in amazement asked Shiva
Om [Primoridial sound used to give an idea about the presence of the Supreme
Godhead who is everywhere omnipotent and omnipresent] salutations to Deva [One
following Sun – Knowledge] King of Deva’s [Supreme being those following
knowledge of the truth – Deva] all pervading teacher of this world. I am saluting you
whose devotees are all three beings namely Men [Those who try to follow Sun; Read
Sun as Knowledge and Dharma], Sur [Those who follow Sun] and Asur [Those who
oppose Sun] They always worship Shiva.
Oh, Bhagwan [Bhagwaan – endowed with grandeur and fame] knower of all Dharma
[Personlised right path] Knower of all Vratas [Austerities] lord of all austerities [for
pleasing whom austerities are done]. Please tell me Shambhu [Another name of
Shiva] The greatness of Guru which is best amongst best [things to be known]
Like this being constantly told by Parvati, Shiva fill of Anand [Bliss] told like this
महादे व उवाच
न व्यक्त्व्यमिदं दे वी रहस्यातिरहस्यकमI
Don’t tell this to anyone O Devi [Female form of Deva – The one who follows Sun],
This is secret of the secret [extreme secret]. I never told this to anyone but because of
your devotion, I am telling this to you.
Oh, Devi, you are my Roop [One with me, knows all of my knowledge, half part of me.
In Hindu traditions wife is called Ardhangini which means the one who forms half part
of the body indicating sharing and authority of wife over everything ruled and
possessed by a person] only for that reason [Because you are my half – one with me]
I am telling this to you. This question of yours is for the welfare of the complete world,
none have asked this before.
यस्य दे वे परा भक्ति यथा दे वे तथा गुरौ I
One who has the best/highest devotion to God [Highest devotion to God is when you
realise your eternal oneness with him], and same highest devotion to God in his Guru.
Only those great soul can understand what I am going to tell you.
Guru is Shiva [Eternal being] and Shiva is Guru, the one who differentiates between
them is a sinner like one indulging in satisfying carnal desires with his Guru’s wife
[Most condemned sin one can commit in hinduism]
वेदशास्त्रपुराणानि चेतिहासादिकानि चI
Veda, Shastra, Purana, History etc. Mantra, Yantra, Knowledge, the power to control
people, creating disgust between people etc. Shaiva and Shakta Tantra tell different
ideologies. All these are fragmented knowledge [from a large source] and confuses
people. Japa, Strotra, Teertha, Donations etc are all futile [Of no usse] if one does not
know about Guru
{Veda’s are the source or eternal knowledge, Shastra means other books of
knowledge in Hinduism such as Purana’s which comments to teachings of Vedas and
Purana’s which explains knowledge of Veda’s by examples and stories.
The mantra is a science of divine syllables, Yantra is the science of divine paintings.
The power to control people, creating disgust between people, killing people, stopping
someone from moving are accomplishments that one gets from practising Tantra
In this world nothing is true except the knowledge of Guru, it is the duty of all human
beings to work in direction of its achievement [Work in the direction to achieve the
proper understanding of Guru]
The secret knowledge that this body is made of abstruse Maya [illusion], that secret
knowledge is only possible to be achieved by the Prasada [Offerings of knowledge] by
Guru’s words
By his blessings one gets to know Brahma [Supreme Soul], One becomes pure of all
sins by serving his Guru’s feet
The Padodaka [A wearable made of wood worn by ascetics] of Guru is able to free
one from all sufferings of this world, it is enough to rectify the mud of bad deeds and
enlighten the lamp of knowledge
अज्ञानमूलहरणं जन्मकर्मनिवारकंI
भवेदनन्तस्यशिवस्य कीर्तनंII२७II
भवेदनन्तस्यशिवस्य नामचिन्तनंII२८II
Thinking of Guru’s name is equal to thinking on the name of Shiva [The supreme god
is the sense here]
Where Guru lives is the place scared as Kashi [Holiest place of Hindus] Where guru
put’s his feet is the place from where Jhanvi/Ganga flows [Most sacred rivers of the
Hindu’s]. Guru is Vishweshawara personified [The form of Shiva worshipped in Kashi
– Purest form of Shiva capable of giving Moksha] Guru himself is Taraka Brahma
Mantra [Which is uttered in ears of a soul only after that soul attains salvation –
Taraka Brahma Mantra for this Kaliyuga is हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे I हरे कृष्ण हरे
कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे II]
Serving Guru is like Gaya [Where Hindus perform last rites of their ancestor, one of
the holiest places], Guru’s body is like Banyan Tree which is eternal [Will never die –
Banyan tree is considered sacred by Hindu’s] One thinking of Guru becomes one with
Leaving ones Ashrama [Phase of life he is residing in, They are four Bachelor-Married
Man-middle aged and reuniciate; Vedic division of life into four parts] Ones caste
[Based on Karma; One is either engaged in learning pursuits, pursuits of protecting
his kinsmen; according to Indian thought everyone because for Indian’s whole world is
their home वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम. Pursuit of Trade and Pursuit of Service] One’s
achievements and one’s upbringings leaving all these one should take the shelter of
his Guru
In the mouth of Guru wisdom is situated which is gained by service to Guru. This is
known [and said] by all people living in all three worlds [Earth, Above earth and below
earth] by all Gods, Sages, Manes and Human’s.
The word “Gu” means darkness and The word “Ru” means light. The divine light which
destroys darkness is Guru there is no doubt in this
गुकारश्चान्धकारस्तु रुकारस्तन्न्निरोधकृतI
अन्धकारविनाशित्वात गुरुरित्यभिधीयतेII३५II
“Gu” is darkness and “Ru” is the one destroying it because he ends the darkness of
ignorance he is called “GuRu”
गुणरूपविहीनत्वात गुरुरित्यभिधीयतेII३६II
“Gu” is beyond Guna’s [Qualities] and “Ru” is beyond Roop [Form] because of this
reason he is called GuRu
The first letter “Gu” indicates qualities like Maya [Illusion] and the word “Ru” is Brahma
[Divine Knowledge] which destroys the illusion created by false representation.
सर्वश्र ुतिशिरोरत्नविराजितपदांबुजमI
Only by contemplating him knowledge starts revealing itself to the person. such as
asset [Guru] must always be worshipped
संसारव क्ष
ृ मारुडाः पतन्ति नरकार्णवेI
People climbing on tree of world falls in the sea of Naraka [Hell], Guru gives them
freedom/salvation [from sea of Hell], Salutations to Guru
He is the only kinsmen who are always at your side in every uncomfortable situation.
Guru is the embodiment of Dharma [Righeteousness] salutations to Guru
भवारण्यप्रवीस्टस्य दिडमोहभ्रान्तचेतसःI
येन सन्दर्शितः पन्थाः तस्मै श्रिगुरुवे नमःII४२II
After entering the forest of this world, one lost his ways lives in a delusion of the soul.
Guru shows one the way [in that time] salutations to Guru
सप्तसागरपर्यन्तं तीर्थस्नानफलं तु यत ्I
If one bath in all Teertha’s [Teertaha is holy places of Hindus and bathing there is
considered very auspicious with an assumption that with bath one will shed off his
mental as well as physical malice and will emerge out pure] then the result he gets is
one thousandth part of the result of drinking one drop of waters flowing from Guru’s
If Shiva [Supreme God] is angry, Guru can save one from his wrath but if Guru is
angry then who will save a person. That’s why one should find a Guru and must live in
his company
The word “Gu” indicates ones beyond qualities and “Ru” indicates one beyond form.
The one giving both these qualities is known as Guru
Deva’s [Celestial Beings], Kinnara [Celestian people who have crossed the notion of
Gender], Gandharva [Celestial Musicians], Pitra’s [Manes], Yaksha [Celestial
Dancers] Tumburu [A kind of celestial musician], and sages even don’t know the
correct method of serve Guru
Tarkik [One indulged in logical thinking], Vaidik [One indulged in teachings of Veda’s],
Jyotishi [Astrologers] Karmakandi [One performing Vedic rites given in Vedas and
Puranas] and Laukikajana [Wordly people] don’t know the Guru element [Real nature
of Guru – Tattwa is real nature of anything]
If one is adverse towards Guru then one engaged in Yagya never gets salvation, Yogi
never gets salvation and Tapasvi also never gets salvation. [It is said that one
engaged in Yagya, One doing austerities [Tapa] and one engaged in meditation [Yogi]
gets salvation but if they are adverse towards their Guru then they are denied for
having Salvation]
Celestial Musicians, Manes, Celestial Dancers, one worshipping foot of God, Sages,
accomplished people, and God’s are also denied salvation if they don’t serve their
Guru well.
अथ द्वितियोअध्यायः
One who is like the happiness of creator [His happiness {deviod of misery} is like the
creator who never loses his nature of happiness] who gives ultimate happiness, his
nature is like knowledge [transcendence], he is free of duality, who is eternal like sky
and all-pervading, who is the aim of words like “Tat-tvam-asi” [Essence of Veda’s],
who is one, who is in everyone, who is free of vices, who is fixed in everyone, who
watches all kind of intellect and ideas but never becomes affected by them, free of
emotions, free of all Guna’s such as Sattva Rajas and Tamas, salutations to such
[whose nature is this] Guru.
One must purify his mind with the way told by his Guru. Whatever perpetual things
become enjoyment of senses must be thrown away. [perpetual means things that will
end one day, things such as sex, taste etc comes in this category]
ु भाचित्तविश्रान्तिः विना गुरुकृपा परामII५५II
What is the benefit of saying so much, without the divine grace of Guru it is not
possible to have calmness of mind even after reading a hundred lacks Shastras
With the sword of compassion, the one who cuts all eight bondage [Doubt, Mercy,
Fear, Hesitation, Condemnation, Prestige, Ego of one’s birth in high caste and
Wealth/Assets] of his student and gives him bliss is known as Sadguru. Even after
hearing this much if one condemn Guru then he rots in hell until Sun and Moonshine
in the sky.
Oh, goddess! one should worship his guru until the end of this creation and even after
attaining enlightenment one should not leave the refuge of his Guru
A prudent student must never speak words having I in front of his Guru [I did it, It was
done by me etc.] and should never lie to his Guru
The one who uses the word I in front of his Guru or the one who calls his Guru with
disrespect or with words like You [No equivalent translation in english] lives in a
lifeless desert in form of Brahma Rakshasa [A demon aware of his oneness with God
but unable to practise it]
One can practise duality with everything but one should never practise duality with his
Guru. [One should never see himself and his Guru differently]
ृ पर्यन्तं कुर्याद् गुरुपदाचँ नम ्I
तादृशस्यैव कैवल्यं न च तदव्यतिरे किणःII६२II
Until one is free of delusion of this visible world one should worship feet of his Guru,
the one who does this gets ultimate salvation and the one doing the opposite to this
doesn’t get it [Salvation].
If one knowing all the tattvas abandons his Guru then at the time of death he suffers
great deflection/madness.
Oh, Goddess! In front of Guru, one should not give discourses to anyone, the one
doing this becomes Brahma Rakshasa
One should not indulge in intoxications in Guru’s hermitage neither one should
wander there, Initiating someone, be preaching something, be displaying authority
and be ordering Guru is prohibited
One should not make his shelter or bed in Guru’s hermitage, one should not spread
his legs in front of guru neither should one enjoy physical comforts their nor should
one do other pastimes in Guru’s hermitage
Either Guru tells truth or false one should disobey Guru’s words. One should remain
obedient to Guru day and night and must like a servant with him
अदत्तं न गुरोद्रव्यमुपभुञ्जीत कहिचिर्तI
Material not given by guru must not be used. any material given by Guru must be
accepted as a beggar, anything given by Guru is so useful that one can even get his
life [after that] from that material.
ु ासनशय्यादि गुरुणा यदभिष्टितमI
Footwear, Bed, Seat anything used by Guru must never be touched by feet, and one
should worship all these materials [used by Guru]
While walking one should walk behind Guru, even one should not cross over his
shadow. One should not wear ornaments, or precious attire before Guru
If anyone is talking ill about then one must cut his tongue, if it is not possible then
discard that person from the gathering if even this is not possible then one himself
must leave the place
Oh, Parvati! Guru can save his disciple from curses of Pannaga [A name of snake
Vasuki] Sages and Gods, and from death before time.
Guru is eternal, free of all qualities, without shape, like eternal creator gives
knowledge [of creation] to everyone, in the same way, Guru gives the sense of
oneness with the creator to his students like a lamp lights another lamp
गुरुप्रादतः स्वात्मन्यात्मारामानिरिक्षणातI
With Guru’s blessings, one finds bliss in himself and then with the path of equality and
salvation the students get knowledge of the self [Identifying one’s nature with the
creator of this world]
Like one can see Sphatika Mani in Sphatika Mani [A crystal-like stone] and mirror in a
mirror, in the same way, I am the one enjoying consciousness and soul.
One should meditate on a conscious man [creator] in his heart whose height is of a
thumb; the emotion which rises there I will tell you
अजोअःममरोअहं ह्यनादिनिधनोह्यहमI
Like there is a fragrance in camphor and flowers, heat in fire, coldness in water, is
natural. In the same way, sempiternal is nature of Brahm [Creator]
Like armour and ornaments are gold by their nature, in the same way, I am eternal
Brahm [Creator] by nature.
Being like thee but not residing anywhere, Like insect thinking of bee becomes bee
one day in the same manner, one thinking on Brahm [Eternal creator] becomes one
with him
By always meditating on his Guru one becomes one with Brahm, He can live in any
place but he is free [Salvated], there is no doubt in this
O, beloved! Like God Guru is endowed with six qualities of wisdom, quietude,
grandeur, fame, blessings and sweet voice
For men Guru is Shiva, Guru is Deva, Guru is kinsmen, Guru is soul, Guru is
Jeeva [life]. There is nothing except Guru
एकाकी निस्पह्
ृ य शान्तः चिन्तसूयादिवर्जतिःI
Alone, without any desire, calm, without anxiety, free of envy, like a child who is
glorious is Brahmagyani [One who have understood the secret of creation]
The happiness that is in feet of guru which is directed by Vedanta, that happiness is
neither in the belief of Charvaka nor in Vaishnavism or Samkhya [These are ancient
Indian philosophies]
Always drinking the nectar of Brahma [identifying with him], the one who is fulfilled
with the great soul [Parmatma], that sage considers Indra as beggar then what to talk
of kings of this world
One desirous of salvation must pay devotion to their Guru because the only Guru can
give the highest salvation
अभ्यासान्निमिषनैव समाधिमधिगच्छतिI
Having decided with the words of Guru that I am one and unique, and the one
engaged in this practice need not live in any other exile. Because with practice one
gets into meditation in a moment and in the same moment sins till this moment gets
तामसो रुद्ररुपे न सज
ृ त्यवति हन्ति चII९४II
Guru endowed with Sattva guna sustains this world in form of Shri Vishnu, endowed
with Rajas guna creates this world in form of Brahma and endowed with Tamas guna
destroys this world in form of Rudra
एकाकी निःस्पह
ृ ः शान्तः स्थातव्यं तत्प्रसादतःII९५II
Having his [Guru’s] vision, by his blessings leaving aside all kind of attachment one
should live alone, clean [by Body, Mind and Heart] and calm
The one who travels in this world as Sarvamaya [identifying himself with everyone –
realising that one soul is inside everyone], Anandmaya [One who enjoys this world
realising that it is all illusion of the senses], and calm; is known as Sarvagya [knower
of everything]
The place where such person lives is a holy place, O, Goddess! I told you the
symptoms of free person [free from the bondage of birth and death]
O, Beloved! even after reading four Vedas and six limbs of Veda’s and reads all other
shastras such as Shastra of spirituality etc but still one doesn’t get knowledge without
Either engaged in the worship of Shiva or Vishnu one without knowing the essence of
Guru is waste [putting his worship into waste]
तस्मात्सर्वप्रयत्नेन सर्वसङ्गविवर्जितःI
Knowledgeless, lier and one engaged in showoff such Guru must be left because the
one who himself haven’t attained peace how will he give peace to anyone else
How to swim stones over water, can the knowledge be into stones? The one who
himself is incapable of swimming how can he teach swimming to anyone else.
The Guru that deludes his students by show-off must not be greeted, one should
leave such Guru from distance [even being close to him is dangerous], in such a
situation one should take refuge in feet of patient Guru
One creating duality in mind of his students, engaging with other women, engaged in
bad deeds, talking ill about those who give him food, one cheating like a heron, not
having the quality of forgiveness, who argues with logic which is worth condemning,
sensual, angry, violent, fierce, rascal, ignorant, felonious persons must not be even
addressed as Guru. Thinking like this one should serve such a person with extreme
devotion who have opposite qualities than those told above.
There is no other hymn such as “Guru Gita”, There is no other tattva [essence] such
as Guru, This is the essence of all religions this is a truth, this is truth and this is many
times truth
O, Beloved! the things that get accomplished by reading this Guru Gita is what I will
tell you, O, Goddess this is beneficence over people, only wordly must be sacrificed
Anyone who will use this for wordly desired will fall into this sea of the world after
becoming foolish. With a sense of knowledge in whatever action it is used that action
will be turned into no Karma and thus will become calm. [Indian religion believes that
whatever we do turns into Karma and we need to suffer its consequences. Here it says
that no consequences will be there]
Reading, writing or listening to this Guru Gita with devotion one enjoys all fruits [of this
ु ेः सर्वदा प्रज्पेन्मुद्र ाII११२II
O, Beloved! Every mantra of Guru Gita is king of Mantra’s, Other mantras are not
even one-sixteenth part of this.
सर्वपापहरा दे वीसर्वदारिद्र्यनाशिनिII११४II
O, Goddess! chant of Guru Gita gives endless results, Guru Gita frees from sins and
destroys poverty
Guru Gita saves one from an untimely death, destroys every adversity, ambush bad
celestial beings, demons, spirits, thieves and tigers.
Guru Gita removes all kinds of nuisance, leprosy and bad diseases and defects. The
effect that one gets from the company of Guru same benefit one reaps from reading
this Guru Gita.
Reading this Guru Gita one gets liberated from the great ailment, gets grandeur and
all accomplishments, in the practice of attracting someone towards oneself or in
practice of controlling someone one should recite this himself.
Reading this Guru Gita shuts the mouth of the enemy [So he can make no harm],
increases qualities of a person, ends bad deeds committed by one and gives
accomplishment in good deeds
ु स्वप्ननाशनं चैव सुस्वप्नफलदायकं II१२०II
Reading this gives accomplishments in tasks which seems very hard to accomplish,
ends the fear of nine planets, destroys bad dreams [effects of bad dreams], and gives
effects of good dreams
O, Shive! This Shastra known as Guru Gita calms temptation, gives freedom from
bondage and gives knowledge about one’s eternal nature
A man whatever he desires by reading of this Guru Gita he gets those things, This
Guru Gita gives good fortune and sanctification and ends three types of sufferings
[Extremeties-Diseases and Honours]
This Guru Gita gives every kind of peace, gives children to infertile women, ends the
fear of death of husband in lives of women devoted to their husband, and increases
good fortune
आयुरारोग्यमैश्वर्यम ् पुत्र पौत्रविवर्धनम ्I
This Guru Gita gives [it’s recitation] longevity, good health, grandeur and progeny and
progeny of progeny [enhances lingeage], If a widow reads this without any desire she
attains salvation
If that widow reads this Guru Gita with a desire then in next birth she gets a long life
for her husband, her miseries, fears, obstacles from her life and anguish is destroyed
सर्व्पाप्प्रष्मनं धर्मकामाथंमोक्षदं I
Reading this Guru Gita ends all types of sins, It gives Dharma [righetiousness], Artha
[Money] and Moksha [Salvation], whatever one desires he gets by it’s reading
If anyone writes this Guru Gita and worships it then he gets good blessings of life
[Lakshmi], and salvation, and especially his heart is always filled fo devotion to Guru
Those following the tradition of Shakti [Shakta], Surya [Saur], Ganpati [Ganpatya],
Shiva [Shaiv] and Pashupati [Pashupatya], reads this Guru Gita, it is [my statement] is
the truth, is the truth, there is no doubt in this
Japa done without Asana [without sitting on Asana] is a low deed and it becomes
useless, In travel, fight and nuisance caused by enemy reading this Guru Gita gives
victory, chanting it at deathbed gives Moksha, every work of a son of guru [the one
initiated by guru] gets accomplished
The one having Guru Mantra in his mouth, his every work is accomplished not by
others [those not having Guru Mantra], due to initiation every work of initiates is
Those who know the element of creation, to destroy the root of the tree of Samsara
[illusion] and to end all eight types of bondage always bath in the holy waters flowing
from the recitation of this Guru Gita, Holy and pure by nature are these type of
persons [who end eight type of bondage and know the elements of creation] whenever
they live that place becomes holy
Sitting on Asana or lying, standing or walking, riding an elephant or horse, in the state
of awakening or sleeping, the pure person who reads this Guru Gita [the one who
always reads this Guru Gita] gives freedom from rebirth by their mere touch or glance
ु सने दे वी ह्यासने शुभ्र कंबले I
उपविश्य ततो दे वी जपेदेकाग्रमानसःII१३६II
Normally white seat is suitable but in the practice of mesmerism red seat have to be
used, O, beloved! to achieve peace or mesmerism one should sit in regular
“Padamasana” and chant
मेदिन्यां दख
ु ःमाप्नोति कास्ठे भवति निष्फलंII१३८II
Sitting on the seat of cloth and chanting gives penury, the seat of stone gives
diseases, chanting while sitting on earth/floor gives misery and chanting on a wooden
seat is useless
Sitting on a seat made of the black skin of deer or ‘eragrostis cynosuroides’ gives
accomplishment of knowledge, chanting on the skin of lion gives salvation, chanting
on a seat made of blanket gives accomplishment of everything
Thus ends the second chapter Guru Gita of the latter part of Saknda Purana which is
in form of a dialogue between Shiva and Uma [In my humble opinion these first two
chapters are from Skanda Purana while the last chapter is from Vishwasara Tantra]
अथ तत
ृ ीयोअध्यायः
O, beautiful faced! Now I will tell places of chanting for those who chant for the
fulfilment of a specific desire, on the shore of sea or river, in a holy place, In
Shivalaya [Where Shiva linga is placed], in the temple of Vishnu or Devi, in cowshed,
in every auspicious god’s place [not in temples of inauspicious god’s], under tree of
‘ficus bengalensis’ or ’emblic myrobalan’, in Hermitage, in forest of holy basil, in
sacred pure place, one should start chanting mentally as a daily practise remaining
unattached [to its fruits or other things]
By chanting one gets the victory, and fruit as the accomplishment of chanting, while
chanting anushthaan [until the desired number of chanting is completed] one should
leave or heinous deeds and places to be condemned
O, goddess! all karmas did until the end of great year cycle, of thousands of lacks
lives, Yagyas has done fasts taken penances done and all actions done as per
according to Shastra’s are successful only by the satisfaction of Guru
Devoid of fortune, power, and serving his Guru the one who doesn’t follow this
preaching they fall into a hell named “ghora’
The one devoid of the mercy of Guru his knowledge, money, power and fortune is of
no use, Oh, Pravati! he falls
The one having the devotion to his guru, his mother is blessed [because she has
given birth to such a person], his father is blessed, his completed lineage is blessed,
those getting birth in his lineage are blessed, complete mother earth [who nourish
such person] is blessed
ृ ु लं पितक
ृ ु लं गुरुरे व न शङ्सयःII१५१II
Guru is God, Guru is Dharma, loyalty to Guru is supreme austerity, nothing is more
than Guru [in any sense] I tell this three times [to emphasize it’s importance]
Like water in the sea, milk in milk clarified butter in clarified butter, the sky in different
pot’s is integral to each other like that supreme soul and soul in living beings is one
and integral to each other
like this those who are full of wisdom [having known their integrity with the supreme
soul] always live integral to the supreme soul and in bliss, they move here and there
[in this world]
The wise in day and night always think of the oneness with supreme soul, great silent
people like this scilicet those great men situated in supreme soul moves through
three worlds [Earth, above it and below it] with the same unaffection
सर्वतीर्थमयं दे वी श्रीगुरोश्चरणाम्बुजमII१५७II
Devotion to Guru is the best among visiting holy places, all other visiting of holy
places are of no use, O, Goddess! the lotus like feet of Guru is like all holy placed
[come into one]
O, Goddess! O, Beloved! I have not given this knowledge to those foolish people
indulged in enjoying girls and adulterer
Don’t even think of telling this Guru Gita to unheeded, insidious, sly, hypocritical and
atheist people
तमेकं दर्ल
ु भं मन्ये शिष्यह्यत्तापहारकमII१६०II
There are many Guru’s who snatch the money of disciple, but even one Guru is rare
who takes away anguish from heart of his disciple
Those who are clever, discriminative, knower of spirituality, pure and of serene mind
only in those Gurutva is attained perfectly [only they can become perfect Guru]
Guru is pure, calm, of nature of ascetic, speak sweet, devoid of lust and anger, sinless
and have comple control over his senses
O, Devi! one who knows how to get accomplishment in a mantra and other such
external worldly knowledge [by which things can be attained extrenally] and is
practised in that [have achieved something using his own learnings] is known as
‘Suchaka’ Guru
O, Parvati! one describing nature of Dharma and giving knowledge according to one’s
profession and stage of life is known as ‘Vachaka’ Guru
स गुरुबोर्धको भुयादभ
ु योर्मुत्त्ममःII१६६II
मोहमारणवस्यादितुच्छमन्त्रोपददर्शिनम ्I
निषिद्धगुरुरित्याहुः पन्दित्स्त्वदर्शिनःII१६७II
Guru teaching mantras of petty things such as magnetism, killing people,
mesmerism, is referred to as “Nissiddha’ Guru by those learned men in Tattwa [those
having knowledge of nature of creation]
[Don’t confuse this with the first type of Guru, he teaches Mantras with no significant
spiritual powers whereas this kind of guru teaches mantras of petty things but those
given in texts whereas the first one only gives mantras popular between people but
not given in texts]
अनित्यमिति निर्दिश्य संसारे संकटालयंI
O, Beloved! this world is perpetual and home of miseries the one who teaches this
kind of knowledge to his disciples and teaches them the path of asceticism is known
as ‘Vihita’ Guru
सर्वसन्दे हनिर्मूलनविचक्षणःI
The one who is cleaver in clearing all type of doubts and the one who annihilate the
fear of birth and death is Parama Guru and is known as ‘Sad’Guru
One gets these type of Guru after committing hieratic work in many lives, by achieving
him the disciple never get tied in the rope of this Samsara means he gets liberated
O, Parvati! In this world, there are many types of Guru’s in all these only Parama Guru
[Sadguru – not the famous one but the one described in the text] is to be served by
the thin end of the wedge
श्रीमहादे व उवाच
O, Devi! Listen to this fundamental knowledge [Tattva] very carefully, only when a
person is disinterested he is a functionary, this is said by Upanishad’s, that is to say,
that to get Guru by one’s luck and to chose Guru by one’s will are two different things
The one who gives a glance of unbroken, harmonious and free by nature [free by
vices of mind], without shape Brahma [Supreme God] in himself [to his disciple] is to
be Guru
O, Parvati! Like the sea is king in water bodies, like that this Parama Guru is king in all
Free in every time and country, guileless, happy, unanimous, fulfilled by the bliss of
one Rasa [understanding] is a real Parama Guru
The one who is free from duality and noon-duality, having the light of his experience
[attained knowledge from experiance], one piercing the darkness of ignorance and
who is omniscient is Parama Guru
By only his sight mind gets happiness, patience and peace comes automatically, is
Parama Guru
One who understands his body like a corpse but understands his soul as nondual, the
one who ends the temptation of Gold and Women [Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa]
is Parama Guru
गुरुनामजपाधोवि बहुजन्मर्जितन्यापिI
O, Devi! By chanting the name of Guru many sins accumulated from many births gets
destroyed, there is no doubt in this
One’s caste, money, power, scriptures, kinsmen, brother are of no use at the time of
death, only Guru is a saviour at that time
Really, by serving one’s Guru one’s lineage gets purified, by Tarpana [Giving water by
a special method in rituals], to Guru Brahma etc all deities gets satisfied
O, Devi! without having knowledge of one’s own nature [that he and supreme God is
same] all chanting and penance is useless, it is useless like talk of children
Those disinclined to Guru’s initiation are captious, they are devoid of their real
knowledge [that they are supreme God are the same], they really are equal to animals
because they don’t know the real element
तस्मत्त्कैवल्यसिद्ध्यर्थं गुरुमेव भजेत्प्रि ये I
That’s why, O, Beloved! for ultimate salvation, one should only canticle [ chant name
of ] his Guru, without Guru foolish people [their nature] can’t know that ultimate
position [of their similarity with the supreme soul]
O, Shiva! by the blessing of Guru heart’s asterisms are scattered, [here it means that
doubts are gone and one is able to see the truth and false] every doubt is removed,
every karma gets destroyed [because karma is the cause of suffering]
By constancy to Guru, by the way, prescribed in Veda’s and Shastra’s [scriptures], the
one devoted to guru even becomes free from terrible sins
One should leave the company of bad people and stop committing sins, the one who
is identified with such traits [that he have left the bad company and stop committing
known sins] there is provision for him to be initiated [means only he have to be
चित्तत्यागनियुक्तश्च क्रोधगर्वविवर्जितःI
The one who is trying for the sacrifice of mind [illusion and temptation], is free of pride
and anger, the one who has left duality [things other and him and God as separate
entity] is to be initiated [The one going to be initiated must have these qualities]
The one whose life is having these traits is pure and is engaged in the welfare of all
beings is to be initiated
अत्यन्तचित्तपक्वक्स्य श्रद्धाभक्तियुतस्य चI
O, Devi! whose mind is extremely mature, is filled with faith and devotion, is to be
preached this element [Given in Guru Gita] for my happiness
One being pure by consequences of good Karmas, only that intelligent seeker is to be
preached to this Guru Gita
This Guru Gita must never be told to Atheist, ungrateful, stingy, rascal, unheeded and
antagonistic people
adulterer, foolish, one who mind is suffused with sexuality and cynic must never be
told this Guru Gita
The one who does not adore that person who preaches a mantra one syllable as Guru
is born a dog in next hundred lives and lives as outcaste [This means no matter how
small be the teachings of Guru it must always be respected, be it of one word of one
lack words]
गुरुत्यागाद भवेन्म त्ृ युमन्त्रत्यागाधरिद्रताI
By sacrificing one’s guru one dies, by leaving mantra [given by Guru] penury comes,
by sacrificing both Guru and Mantra one gets hell named ‘Raurava’
Guru save one’s from the anger of Shiva but Shiva doesn’t save one’s from Guru’s
anger, Hence, by every effort, one must not disobey Guru
There are seven thousand lacks of Mahamantra, all of them confuses one’s mind,
Guru’s name is a two syllable Mantra which is Maha-mantra
न मष
ृ ा स्यादियं दे वी मुदक्ति
ु सत्यरूपिनिI
O, Devi! this statement of mine will never become false, this is true in nature [of
nature of truth that can never be discarded], on this earth, there is no Strotra such as
Guru Gita
One should not read this Guru Gita which ends the misery of this world in front of
those who are not initiated
By drinking water flowing from feet of Shri [honourable word] Guru, and by its
prehension men gets results of bathing in all holy places
One should drink water flowing from feet of Guru, one should eat food left from
food taken by Guru, one should concentrate on the image of Guru and one should
chant the name of Guru
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and all world are embodied in Guru, there is nothing more
than Guru that’s why he should be worshipped
Even without having knowledge one gets salvation with his devotion to Guru, there is
no appliance such as Guru and there is no path of austerity such as the path of Guru
Only by the grace of Guru Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva get their power to create,
sustain and destroy the worlds
मन्त्रराजमिदं दे वी गुरुरित्यक्षयद्वयमI
ृ वेदपुराणां सारमेव न संशयःII २१२II
O, Devi! Guru this mantra [name as mantra] is king of all mantras, best between all
mantras, this is the essence of Smriti, Veda and Purana’s, there is no doubt in this
अज्ञानतिमिरान्ध्स्य विषयाक्रान्तचेतसःI
Oh, Lord! Being blind by the darkness of ignorance and tempted by the senses please
give me the light of knowledge.
Thus ends Shri Guru Gita from the latter part of Skanda Purana which is in dialogue
form between Uma and Maheshwara.
Gurudev only by your divine grace and mercy a person like me blinded by his ego and
temptation to senses have attained some knowledge. This knowledge is nothing in
front of the vast treasure-house of knowledge that can be accomplished by men and
remains in my consciousness only for a little but still we ignorant people make this
satisfaction for our ego.
Gurudev, kindly forgive me for my sins and O Brahma have mercy on me.