The Art of Handling Conversion
The Art of Handling Conversion
The Art of Handling Conversion
Disorder in
Emergency Room
Mental duluan atau
fisik duluan
Body and Mental Connection
Tubuh dan mental: dua aspek dari satu substansi
Mental: Menggerakkan tubuh menjadi tubuh yang hidup
Istilah psikogenik: Pro dan Kontra
HPA Axis: Stres dapat memengaruhi sistem tubuh sampai ke tingkat molekuler
• Stres kronis
• Konflik emosional
• Riwayat kekerasan traumatis
• Komorbiditas dengan gangguan psikiatri lain
• Gangguan Kepribadian Histerionik, Ambang
Kriteria Diagnosis
Sign and
Sign and Symptoms
1. Physical
Absence of a physical disorder is an important diagnostic feature. Individuals with conversion
disorder often have physical signs but lack objective neurological signs to substantiate their
2. Weakness
Weakness usually involves whole movements rather than muscle groups. Weakness affects the
extremities more often than ocular, facial, or cervical movements.
With the use of various clinical techniques, weakness of one limb can be demonstrated to cause
contraction of opposing muscle groups. Discontinuous resistance during testing of power or give-
way weakness may exist.
Muscle wasting is absent, and reflexes are normal.
Sign and Symptoms
3. Sensory symptoms
Sensory loss or distortion often is inconsistent when tested on more than one
occasion and is often incompatible with peripheral nerve or root distribution.
Discrete patches of anesthesia or hemisensory loss that stop in the midline may be
present. Classic dermatomes in patients with numbness usually are not followed.
4. Visual symptoms
Visual symptoms include monocular diplopia, triplopia, field defects, tunnel vision,
and bilateral blindness associated with intact pupillary reflexes.
Optokinetic nystagmus may be observed in patients with apparent blindness when
exposed to a rotating striped drum.
Sign and Symptoms
5. Gait disturbances
Astasia-abasia is a motor coordination disorder characterized by the inability to stand
despite normal ability to move legs when lying down or sitting. Patients walk normally if
they think they are not being observed.
Occasionally, while being observed, patients actively attempt to fall. This contrasts with
those patients with organic disease who attempt to support themselves.
6. Pseudoseizures
During an attack, marked involvement of the truncal muscles with opisthotonos and
lateral rolling of the head or body is present. All 4 limbs may exhibit random thrashing
movements, which may increase in intensity if restraint is applied.
Sign and Symptoms