Defining Dyslexia
Defining Dyslexia
Defining Dyslexia
In 2007, the New Zealand Ministry of Education formally recognized the condition of dyslexia for the first time and has
subsequently developed a working definition of the condition. The aim of this article is to draw on contemporary theory
and research on reading development, reading difficulties, and reading intervention to describe what the authors believe are
four key components of a definition of dyslexia/reading disability.They begin by discussing some preliminary factors that need
to be considered in developing a definition of dyslexia. The authors then present the four components of their proposed
definition, drawing on a framework for conceptualizing reading difficulties derived from the simple view of reading. They
conclude by comparing their definition of dyslexia with the working definition put forward by the ministry.
dyslexia, reading difficulties, reading intervention
In 2007, the New Zealand Ministry of Education formally difficulties derived from the simple view of reading (Gough
recognized the condition of dyslexia for the first time. Prior & Tunmer, 1986). We conclude by comparing our definition
to this point, the ministry had opposed the recognition of of dyslexia with the working definition put forward by the
specific learning disabilities because adopting such a policy ministry.
was thought to conflict with the country’s noncategorical,
needs-based system of special education (Tunmer & Chapman,
2007). The ministry instead opted for a more generic approach Preliminary Considerations
to meeting the needs of struggling readers, which included Researchers concerned with dyslexia have concentrated their
Reading Recovery (RR), a nationally implemented early inter- efforts on answering three key questions: What is it? What
vention program developed by Clay (2005a, 2005b) to help causes it? What can be done about it? Although the focus of
children having trouble learning to read after a year of formal recent research has been on the latter question, the answers
reading instruction. to these questions are highly interrelated and cannot be pur-
Although the ministry has developed a working definition sued in isolation from one another (Tunmer, 2008; Tunmer
of dyslexia based on an extensive review of the international & Greaney, 2008). Our conceptualization of what reading is
literature, it has not reached agreement on a final definition, and how it is acquired will greatly influence how we define
stating that “defining dyslexia is a complex and contested dyslexia, what we think causes problems in learning to read,
process and there are no agreed definitions internationally” and what we believe are the most effective intervention strate-
(New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2008, p. 1). While defi- gies for helping students to overcome persistent literacy
nitions of dyslexia do vary considerably, the ministry has learning difficulties. Dyslexia should therefore be viewed as
probably overstated the problem somewhat. International a hypothetical construct embedded within a broader theory
organizations concerned with dyslexia, such as the Interna- of reading.
tional Dyslexia Association, have in fact been able to agree For example, underpinning the approach to literacy teac
on a definition of dyslexia (Lyon, Shaywitz, & Shaywitz, hing and intervention recommended in RR (Clay, 2005a,
2003). The aim of this article is to draw on contemporary 2005b) and ministry publications such as Effective Literacy
theory and research on reading development, reading difficul- Practice (New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2003) is the
ties, and reading intervention to describe what we believe are
four key components of a definition of dyslexia/reading dis- 1
Massey University, New Zealand
ability. We begin by discussing some preliminary factors that
Corresponding Author:
need to be considered in developing a definition of dyslexia. William Tunmer, PhD, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222,
We then present the four components of our proposed defini- Palmerston North 4410, New Zealand
tion, drawing on a framework for conceptualizing reading Email: [email protected]
230 Journal of Learning Disabilities 43(3)
“multiple cues” theory of reading acquisition. Multiple cues for boy, bil for bicycle, and square for squashed. According
theorists incorrectly assume that skilled reading is a process to the analysis of these errors, because the child already
in which minimal word-level information is used to confirm appears to be using visual cues (i.e., initial letters) and struc-
predictions about the upcoming words of text based on mul- tural cues (i.e., syntax), the teacher should encourage the child
tiple sources of information (Clay, 1991; Smith & Elley, 1994). to make greater use of meaning cues when attempting to iden-
Unlike fluent readers, according to this view, poor and begin- tify unfamiliar words (see also Blaiklock, 2004). We maintain
ning readers are less able to make use of contextual redun- that this is precisely the wrong thing to do. Chapman, Tunmer,
dancy in ongoing sentence processing. Reading acquisition and Prochnow (2001) found in a longitudinal study of RR
is therefore seen largely as a process in which children learn that the students who failed to achieve significant progress
to use multiple cues in identifying words in text, with text- or maintain the gains made in the program typically had lim-
based cues (i.e., picture cues, semantic sources of information, ited or severely limited phonemic awareness and phonemically
syntactic sources of information, preceding passage context, based decoding skills. For these children, more intensive
and prior knowledge activated by the developing meaning and systematic training in phonological skills is likely to
of the text) being used mostly to generate hypotheses (i.e., be required than what is normally provided in RR lessons
predictions) about the text yet to be encountered and letter- (Iversen, Tunmer, & Chapman, 2005; Tunmer & Chapman,
sound information generally being used for confirmation and 2004; Tunmer & Greaney, 2008). In support of this claim,
self-correction. As Clay (1998) put it, beginning readers Reynolds and Wheldall (2007) found in a recent review of
research on RR that the program “has not demonstrated that
need to use their knowledge of how the world works; it works for students who are most at risk of failing to learn
the possible meanings of the text; the sentence struc- to read” (p. 213), leading them to conclude that “the success
ture; the importance of order of ideas, or words, or of of the program appears to be inversely related to the severity
letters; the size of words or letters; special features of of the reading problem” (p. 219).
sound, shape and layout; and special knowledge from The major shortcoming of the instructional philosophy
past literary experiences before they resort to left to espoused by Clay (1998, 2005a, 2005b) and adopted by the
right sounding out of chunks or letter clusters or, in the ministry is that it stresses the importance of using information
last resort, single letters. (p. 9, italics added) from many sources in identifying unfamiliar words in text
without recognizing that skills and strategies involving pho-
According to multiple cues theorists, focusing too much nological information are of primary importance in beginning
attention on the development of word-level skills and strate- literacy development. As Pressley (2006) pointed out, “the
gies may actually contribute to reading failure by diverting scientific evidence is simply overwhelming that letter-sound
the child’s attention away from what are considered to be more cues are more important in recognizing words . . . than either
productive strategies (Smith & Elley, 1994). In her most recent semantic or syntactic cues” (p. 21) and that “teaching children
work, Clay (2005a) warned that “undue attention to the detail to decode by giving primacy to semantic-contextual and
of letters . . . can block the child’s ability to use his language syntactic-contextual cues over graphemic-phonemic cues is
knowledge and the meaning of the text, as part of his informa- equivalent to teaching them to read the way weak readers
tion base for decision-making” (p. 25). Clay (2005b) explicitly read!” (p. 164). One of the major distinguishing character-
stated that if the child has a bias toward using mainly letters istics of struggling readers is their tendency to rely heavily
to identify unknown words in text, “the teacher’s prompts will on sentence context cues to compensate for their deficient
be directed towards the message and the language structure” alphabetic coding skills (Stanovich, 1986).
(p. 112). That is, when children show a preference for using Aside from scientific evidence, the validity of the claim
word-level information to identify unknown words in text, concerning the critical role that letter-sound knowledge plays
Clay recommends that the teacher should divert their attention in early literacy development becomes almost self-evident
away from such information. when one considers learning to read in a nonalphabetic
This approach to early intervention is reflected in the use orthography like Japanese kanji, which is based on borrowed
of the running record, the primary assessment tool used by or modified Chinese logographs. It takes 10 to 12 years of
both RR teachers and most regular classroom teachers in devoted study to learn to recognize 1,000 to 2,000 logographs
New Zealand. A running record is a copy of a read passage (Akamatsu, 2006), whereas the average high school student
on which the student’s oral reading errors are recorded. The who has learned to read an alphabetic orthography can rec-
procedure for analyzing the errors was derived from miscue ognize quickly and accurately 25,000 words or more. This
analysis, which was introduced in the 1960s by Ken Goodman begs the question of what is the source of this enormous
(1967), a leading proponent of the multiple cues view of difference? The Japanese student presumably has access to
learning to read. In an example of the use of running records all the same cues (picture cues, word shape cues, sentence
from Clay (2000), a child incorrectly read lake for lady, box context cues, preceding passage content, activated prior
Tunmer and Greaney 231
knowledge, etc.) as the child learning to read an alphabetic self-efficacy. For some of these children, especially boys,
orthography, save one: letter-sound cues. The latter cues clearly the sense of failure and feelings of frustration, coupled with
make a huge difference in learning to read, a fundamental the need to disguise their inability to perform literacy tasks,
point that proponents of instructional approaches based on become so great that they begin to exhibit classroom behavior
multiple cuing systems do not take into account. Elsewhere, problems (Prochnow, Tunmer, Chapman, & Greaney, 2001).
we have argued that the use of the multiple cues approach What began as relatively small differences in reading and
to literacy instruction and intervention has been a major con- reading-related knowledge and skills during the 1st year or
tributing factor to the relatively large literacy achievement so of schooling soon develop into what Stanovich (1986)
gap that New Zealand has consistently shown in international described as a downward spiral of achievement deficits and
studies of reading achievement over the past 20 years (Tunmer, negative motivational and behavioral spinoffs (i.e., negative
Chapman, & Prochnow, 2003, 2004, 2006; Tunmer et al., Matthew effects).
2008; Tunmer & Prochnow, 2009). Even more damaging to the discrepancy-based approach
to identifying children with dyslexia is a considerable amount
of research indicating that groups of poor readers formed on
Components of a Definition of Dyslexia the basis of the presence or absence of IQ-achievement dis-
Persistent Literacy Learning Difficulties crepancies do not reliably differ in long-term prognosis,
response to intervention, or the cognitive skills (e.g., phonemic
The first component of our definition of dyslexia is that it refers awareness, phonological recoding) that underlie the develop-
to persistent literacy learning difficulties, especially difficulties ment of word recognition (Fletcher, Denton, & Francis, 2005;
in word recognition, spelling, and phonological recoding, where Fletcher et al., 1994; Francis et al., 2005; Fuchs & Young,
phonological recoding is the ability to translate letters and letter 2006; Hatcher & Hulme, 1999; Stanovich & Siegel, 1994;
patterns into phonological forms. An immediate issue that arises Stuebing et al., 2002; Vellutino, Scanlon, & Lyon, 2000). With
in connection with this component of our proposed definition regard to response to intervention (RTI), Vellutino, Scanlon,
concerns the use of the word persistent. Traditionally, dyslexia Zhang, and Schatschneider (2008) found in a multi-tiered,
has been defined as a discrepancy between reading achievement longitudinal intervention study that intelligence tests did not
and intellectual potential as measured by standardized intelli- reliably distinguish between at-risk children who became inde-
gence tests, that is, as a difference between reading age and pendent readers with small-group intervention and those who
mental age. An important consequence of this discrepancy- did not, nor between children who attained grade-level expec-
based assessment procedure is that children with dyslexia are tations after receiving more intensive, individualized remedial
not normally identified until after they have been exposed to assistance following the small-group intervention and those
reading instruction for 2 to 3 years, and often longer. This “wait- who did not attain grade-level expectations. However, language-
to-fail” approach to identification is antithetical to early inter- based cognitive measures and measures of incremental growth
vention and the prevention of negative (poor-get-poorer) did distinguish between these groups of struggling readers.
Matthew effects in reading (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). This finding and the finding that nondiscrepancy-defined
Students with deficient word identification skills not only (i.e., low IQ) poor readers and discrepancy-defined poor readers
receive less practice in reading but soon begin to confront (i.e., those with IQs in the average to above average range) do
materials that are too difficult for them, which (not surpris- not acquire reading skills in a fundamentally different manner
ingly) results in avoidance of reading. As a consequence, they suggest that IQ is largely irrelevant to defining dyslexia (Aaron,
are prevented from taking advantage of the reciprocally facili- 1997), other than in applying exclusionary criteria concerning
tating relationships between reading achievement and other intellectual impairment (see below). In a later section, we argue
aspects of development, which are referred to as positive that the solution to the problem of using the phrase “persistent
(rich-get-richer) Matthew effects (Stanovich, 1986). These literacy learning difficulties” is to incorporate empirically sup-
developmental spinoffs include vocabulary growth, ability to ported causal factors of dyslexia into the definition of the condi-
comprehend more syntactically complex sentences, develop- tion, factors that would provide the basis for implementing
ment of richer and more elaborate knowledge bases, and preventive measures not only for students who may be dyslexic
greater practice opportunities for building fluency and facili- but for other target groups as well, such as students with learn-
tating implicit learning of letter-sound patterns, all of which ing difficulties, English language learners, and students from
promote further growth in reading by enabling children to impoverished homes and communities.
cope with more difficult materials.
As a result of repeated learning failures, many children
with dyslexia also develop negative self-perceptions of ability Exclusionary Factors
and therefore do not try as hard as other students because of A key aspect of defining dyslexia is saying what it is not.
their low expectations of success and poor reading-related Accordingly, the addition of the second component of our
232 Journal of Learning Disabilities 43(3)
proposed definition results in dyslexia being defined as per- These basic ideas are represented in a model of the proxi-
sistent literacy learning difficulties (especially difficulties in mal causes of reading difficulties developed by Gough and
word recognition, spelling, and phonological recoding) in Tunmer (1986) called the simple view of reading (SVR). The
otherwise typically developing children (i.e., those who do model makes two claims. First, reading can be decomposed
not satisfy standard criteria for exclusion from the diagnosis into two components: decoding (or more broadly, word rec-
of dyslexia). Standard exclusionary criteria include conditions ognition) and oral language comprehension. Second, each of
that began or existed prior to school entry such as severe atten- these components is necessary for success in reading, neither
tional problems, mental retardation, oral language impairment, being sufficient in itself: The effect of either skill on reading
emotional disturbance and/or behavioral difficulties, deficits depends on the reader’s level of competence in the other skill.
in hearing or visual acuity, neurological disorders such as That is, R = D × C, where R is reading comprehension, D is
autism or childhood schizophrenia, or chronically poor health. decoding skill, and C is oral language comprehension. Thus,
Historically, the notion of “unexpected underachievement” if word recognition ability is high but oral language compre-
has been the central defining feature of dyslexia. Children are hension skill is low, the student will be a poor reader (i.e., if
identified as having dyslexia only when factors that would D = 1.0, where 1.0 is perfection, and C = 0, then R = 1.0 ×
be expected to cause problems in all areas of learning, not 0 = 0). If the opposite pattern occurs, where word recognition
just reading, are excluded (not ruling out the possibility of ability is low but oral language comprehension skill is high,
comorbidity). For example, children with severe attentional the student will again be a poor reader (i.e., if D = 0 and C = 1.0,
problems would be expected to have problems in all areas of then R = 0 × 1.0 = 0). Stated simply, students who have trouble
learning, not just reading and writing. Such children should recognizing the words of (age appropriate) text and/or have
therefore not be diagnosed as having dyslexia. Similarly, chil- trouble understanding the language being read will have
dren with deficits in auditory acuity due to otitis media (or trouble understanding the text.
“glue ear”), for example, would be expected to have trouble In a recent review of research concerned with the SVR
with learning in general, because their deficits in auditory model, Kirby and Savage (2008) concluded that it “provides
discrimination would impede oral language development, a good fit to much scientific data on typical and atypical
which in turn would make understanding classroom instruc- development, and variation among students across the school
tion in all areas of learning difficult. These examples relate age range” (p. 75). As a model of the proximal causes of indi-
to a core assumption of dyslexia, which is the assumption of vidual differences in reading comprehension performance, the
specificity, the notion that the child diagnosed with dyslexia SVR was never intended as a complete theory of the cognitive
has a deficit that is reasonably specific to the literacy learning processes involved in reading. D and C can each be analyzed
task; that is, the deficits displayed by such children should into component processes (Kirby & Savage, 2008), and the
not extend too far into other areas of cognitive functioning development of each is influenced directly and indirectly by
(Stanovich, 1991). several other factors (e.g., Vellutino, Tunmer, Jaccard, & Chen,
With regard to the exclusionary factor of oral language 2007). Questions have been raised about whether variation
impairment, because the process of extracting and construct- in R can best be fitted as a product (D × C) model or a sum
ing meaning from text is a language-based skill, reading can (D + C) model (e.g., Georgiou, Das, & Hayward, 2009), but
be defined as the ability to translate from print to a form of determining which model is more appropriate depends on
code from which the reader can already derive meaning, whether the sample tested represents the full range of scores
namely, the reader’s spoken language. Although there are some in D and C or only scores in the middle of these distributions,
differences between spoken and written language, compre- which are truncated (Kirby & Savage, 2008).
hending text requires the full set of linguistic skills needed to Concerns have also been expressed about how D should
comprehend spoken language, including locating individual be assessed in studies of the SVR (Braze, Tabor, Shankweiler,
words in lexical memory, determining the intended meaning & Mencl, 2007). Our position is that measures of D in the
of individual words (most of which are polysemous), assign- SVR model should be viewed as developmentally con-
ing appropriate syntactic structures to sentences, deriving strained. During the early stages of learning to read, nonword
meaning from individually structured sentences, and building measures of D should probably be used on theoretical grounds,
meaningful discourse on the basis of sentential meaning. given the crucial role that making use of letter-sound relation-
Given that the child’s fundamental task in learning to read is ships plays in early literacy development. Measures of context
to discover how print maps onto their existing spoken lan- free word identification should then be included at somewhat
guage, the process of learning to derive meaning from print later stages of reading growth to assess the development of
can be adversely affected in one of two ways, or both: The word-specific orthographic knowledge. And finally, timed
child’s spoken language system may be deficient in various measures of word identification should be included at more
ways, or the process by which print is connected to the child’s advanced stages to capture the development of automaticity
spoken language system may be defective. in word recognition (i.e., fluency), which is influenced by
Tunmer and Greaney 233
Reading Developing
Word Recognition
Kirby and Savage (2008) also make the important point Comprehension Readers
that the contributions of C and D to the variance in R may not Difficulties
be entirely independent. Tunmer and Chapman (1998, 2006)
have reported findings that suggest that deficiencies in syn- Mixed Reading
tactic knowledge impair the development of word identifica- Reading Disability
tion skills in students by limiting their ability to use sentence Disability (Dyslexia)
context as an aid to identifying partially decoded words,
irregularly spelled words, or words containing polyphonic or Poor Good
orthographically complex spelling patterns. The use of sentence Oral Language Comprehension
context to confirm hypotheses about what unknown words
might be, based on incomplete information from partial decod- Figure 1. Classification of different categories of reading difficulty
ing attempts, results in correct word identifications, which in according to a model of the proximal causes of reading difficulties
turn facilitates the development of beginning readers’ word- Note: The lines separating the three subtypes of reading difficulty are for
specific knowledge from which additional spelling-sound representation purposes only, as the two variables that differentiate the
subtypes are continuous, not dichotomous.
correspondences can be induced.
Relatedly, Nation and Snowling (1998) found that poor
comprehenders were significantly less accurate at reading language’s syntax is necessary). But by the same reasoning,
exception words than skilled comprehenders, despite the two a measure of C may not be an adequate measure of vocabulary
groups being matched for phonological decoding (nonword knowledge if the assessment focuses more on measuring the
reading) and nonverbal reasoning scores (see Ricketts, comprehension of sentences of increasing syntactic complex-
Nation, & Bishop, 2007, for a recent replication). They argued ity rather than on understanding sentences containing increas-
that poor comprehenders’ difficulty with reading exception ingly difficult vocabulary items. If it were possible to develop
words is a manifestation of their underlying vocabulary weak- a fully comprehensive measure of C that was maximally
nesses. Students with poorly developed vocabulary knowledge sensitive to vocabulary knowledge as well as all the other
will have trouble identifying and assigning appropriate mean- components of C, we could test Kirby and Savage’s (2008)
ings to unknown printed words, especially partially decoded claim concerning the lack of independence of C and D in the
or irregularly spelled words, if the corresponding spoken SVR model.
words are not in their listening vocabulary or are only weakly An important feature of the SVR model is that it provides
represented in their mental lexicon. This account may provide a framework for conceptualizing three broad categories of
an explanation for the recent finding reported by Braze et al. reading difficulties (Aaron, Joshi, Gooden, & Bentum, 2008;
(2007) that vocabulary knowledge among struggling young Aaron, Joshi, & Williams, 1999; Gough & Tunmer, 1986;
adult readers is more strongly predictive of reading compre- Joshi, 2004; Tunmer & Hoover, 1992). The model predicts
hension than of speech comprehension. Vocabulary knowl- that reading comprehension problems can result from weak-
edge may influence R not only directly but also indirectly nesses in recognizing printed words, weaknesses in compre-
through its influence on D. hending spoken language, or both (see Figure 1). Students
Braze et al. (2007) further reported that vocabulary knowl- who can understand (age appropriate) text when it is read
edge made an independent contribution to variance in R beyond aloud to them but who experience severe difficulties in learn-
that made by D and C. They interpreted their findings as point- ing to decode words even after receiving evidence-based
ing to a possible shortcoming of the SVR model, stating that instruction and intervention are referred to as dyslexics; stu-
according to SVR, “the effects of oral vocabulary knowledge dents who can read words accurately but have difficulty con-
should be entirely subsumed by general language comprehen- structing the meaning of text are described as having specific
sion” (p. 229). However, in considering this possibility, it is reading comprehension difficulties (Nation, 2005); and stu-
important to distinguish between conceptual issues and mea- dents who have problems in both word recognition and oral
surement issues. As Kirby and Savage (2008) pointed out, language comprehension are described as having a mixed
“oral language comprehension represents all of verbal ability, reading disability (Catts & Kamhi, 2005) and are also known
including vocabulary, syntax, inferencing and the construction as garden-variety poor readers (Gough & Tunmer, 1986).
of mental schemas” (p. 76). For example, vocabulary knowl- The language-based deficits that contribute to develop-
edge alone would not be a satisfactory measure of C because mental reading problems vary across the three subtypes of
to understand a language is to understand the sentences of reading difficulties. Each subtype therefore requires a dif-
the language, not just the words (i.e., knowledge of the ferent intervention strategy. In the SVR framework, dyslexia
234 Journal of Learning Disabilities 43(3)
is characterized as a discrepancy between reading compre- intervention, the development of word recognition skill in
hension and oral language comprehension rather than as a these children will be impaired. Stanovich (1996) succinctly
discrepancy between reading comprehension and IQ. The described the causal chain of events leading to developmental
condition is generally associated with problems in the pho- dyslexia: “Impaired language segmentation skills lead to
nological domain (Catts & Kamhi, 2005; Snowling, 2000; difficulties in phonological coding which in turn impede the
Vellutino & Fletcher, 2005; Vellutino, Fletcher, Snowling, word recognition process which underpins reading compre-
& Scanlon, 2004), especially deficiencies in phonemic aware- hension” (p. 155). Systematic reading interventions involving
ness (the ability to segment spoken words into phonemic dyslexic children have therefore targeted phonological aware-
elements) and phonological recoding. Both abilities are cru- ness and alphabetic coding skills (Torgesen, 2004, 2005).
cial for the development of word reading skills. As predicted The classification framework specified by the SVR also
by the model, the development of adequate facility in word includes poor readers with mixed reading disability. These
identification is a necessary (although not sufficient) condi- children, who are the majority of poor readers, have more
tion for the development of reading comprehension ability. widespread language impairments than are typically found
Growth in the ability to construct meaning from text will among children with dyslexia (Catts & Kamhi, 2005; Tunmer
therefore be impeded if children fail to develop the phonemi- & Chapman, 2007). In addition to phonological processing
cally based skills necessary for constructing adequate word- deficits, children with mixed reading disability have impair-
level representations. ments in vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and/or discourse-
Research has established that making use of letter-sound level processing, all of which make constructing meaning from
relationships to identify unfamiliar words is the basic mecha- text more difficult. Students with limited vocabulary knowl-
nism for acquiring word-specific knowledge (i.e., knowledge edge and/or deficiencies in syntactic knowledge (i.e., implicit
of specific letter sequences), including knowledge of irregu- knowledge of rules specifying structural relationships in sen-
larly spelled words. Taking advantage of the systematic map- tences) will have difficulty understanding written sentences,
pings between subcomponents of written and spoken words and students who have problems in relating the meaning of
enables beginning readers to identify unknown words, which each new sentence in spoken discourse to the meanings of
in turn results in the formation of sublexical, visuophonologi- the sentences that preceded it (i.e., discourse processing) will
cal connections between printed words and their spoken coun- have difficulty in comprehending and recalling written stories
terparts in lexical memory. This process provides the basis and passages.
for constructing the detailed orthographic representations Weaknesses in oral language comprehension therefore
required for the automatization of word recognition (or what place an upper limit on reading comprehension, which would
Ehri, 2005, calls sight word knowledge), thus freeing up cog- account for research showing that in addition to phonological
nitive resources for allocation to sentence comprehension and factors (e.g., phonological awareness), nonphonological oral
text integration processes (Pressley, 2006). language factors (e.g., expressive vocabulary, sentence or
As the reading attempts of beginning readers with a firm story recall) are predictive of long-term reading outcomes
understanding of the alphabetic principle become more suc- (Leach, Scarborough, & Rescorla, 2003; Scarborough, 2005).
cessful, they will begin making greater independent use of It would also explain why preventive intervention programs
letter-sound information (possibly supplemented with sen- for at-risk students with mixed deficits focusing mostly on
tence context cues) to identify unfamiliar words in text. Pho- phonemic awareness and phonemically based decoding strat-
nologically recoding words a few times ultimately cements egies initially show positive effects on reading achievement
their orthographic representations in lexical memory from (typically word reading) but fail to maintain these positive
which additional spelling-sound relationships can be induced effects in later grades when reading comprehension measures
without explicit instruction (Snow & Juel, 2005; Tunmer & are used. This pattern occurs because as reading materials
Nicholson, in press). However, for children encountering become more advanced in components of language that are
difficulty in developing the ability to perceive intuitively the common to both oral language comprehension and reading
redundant patterns and connections between speech and print, comprehension (e.g., semantics, syntax, pragmatics), the role
explicit instruction in alphabetic coding skills is likely to be of broad verbal ability in accounting for reading comprehen-
crucial (Ryder, Tunmer, & Greaney, 2008). sion difficulties becomes larger (Torgesen, 2004).
To discover mappings between spelling patterns and Although both dyslexic poor readers and children with
sound patterns, children must be able to segment spoken mixed reading disability have weaknesses in the phonological
words into subcomponents. Children who experience ongo- domain, the more widespread oral language impairments of
ing difficulties in detecting phonemic sequences in words the mixed disabled readers further impede the development
(i.e., phonemic awareness) will not be able to fully grasp of their phonemic awareness and phonological recoding
the alphabetic principle and discover spelling-to-sound rela- skills in at least three ways. First, vocabulary growth during
tionships (Shankweiler & Fowler, 2004). Without specific the preschool years plays a major role in the development of
Tunmer and Greaney 235
preliterate phonological sensitivity by causing lexical repre- specific reading comprehension difficulties (excluding hyper-
sentations to become more segmental (Carroll, Snowling, lexics and second language learners) may differ from what
Hulme, & Stevenson, 2003). Because deficiencies in vocabu- causes such impairments in children with a mixed reading
lary growth are accompanied by more poorly specified pho- disability (hyperlexia is typically associated with autism and
nological representations of spoken words, the development refers to children who can decode words from a very young
of phonemic awareness is likely to be more severely impaired age but whose comprehension of both written and spoken
in children with poorly developed vocabulary knowledge at language is very poor; Aaron, Joshi, & Quatroche, 2008).
school entry. Second, children with poorly developed vocabu- For children with mixed reading disability, oral language
lary knowledge will have trouble identifying and assigning impairments stem primarily from limited access to linguistic
appropriate meanings to unknown printed words, especially and environmental opportunities during the preschool years.
partially decoded or irregularly spelled words, if the corre- However, for children with specific reading comprehension
sponding spoken words are not in their listening vocabulary difficulties, such impairments appear to be largely a conse-
(Ricketts et al., 2007). This in turn will limit the development quence of having substantially less reading and reading-
of their phonological recoding skills, as additional spelling- related experience than typically developing readers, which
sound relationships can be induced from words that have been ultimately produces negative Matthew effects in reading
correctly identified. Third, as noted previously, deficiencies (Nation, 2005). As Nation argued, “Poor comprehenders may
in syntactic knowledge will impair the development of word read less, and learn less from their reading experiences than
identification skills in children with mixed reading disability their peers; therefore impacting on subsequent reading and
by limiting their ability to use sentence context as an aid to learning opportunities over time and leading to the formation
identifying partially decoded words, irregularly spelled words, of weak ‘intellectual habits’” (p. 264). Intervention programs
or words containing polyphonic or orthographically complex for children with specific reading comprehension difficulties
spelling patterns (Tunmer & Chapman, 1998, 2006). may therefore need to focus particular attention on motivating
Given these considerations, a prediction that follows from these children to increase both the amount and range of their
the classification scheme derived from the SVR is that children personal reading.
with mixed reading disability should show greater phonologi-
cal processing deficits than dyslexic poor readers at the begin-
ning of school and during the early stages of learning to read. Exposure to Evidence-Based
In support of this claim, Tunmer and Chapman (2007) found Instruction and Intervention
in a longitudinal study of language-related differences between In the preceding section, we described children with dyslexia
mixed disabled readers and dyslexic poor readers that in addi- as students who understand text when it is read aloud to them
tion to the expected differences on oral language measures, but who experience severe difficulties in learning to decode
the mixed disabled readers also showed consistently greater words even after receiving evidence-based instruction and
phonological processing deficits than the dyslexic poor read- intervention. The inclusion of this third component in our pro-
ers across a range of phonological processing measures (see posed definition leads to dyslexia being defined as persistent
Snowling, Gallagher, & Frith, 2003, for similar findings). literacy learning difficulties (especially difficulties in word
These findings and those discussed earlier (Leach et al., 2003; recognition, spelling, and phonological recoding) in otherwise
Scarborough, 2005; Torgesen, 2004) suggest that for mixed typically developing children (i.e., those who do not satisfy
disabled readers, which constitute by far the largest group of standard criteria for exclusion from the diagnosis of dyslexia)
poor readers, early intervention programs need to focus on despite exposure to high quality, evidence-based literacy
improving these children’s oral language skills as well as their instruction and intervention.
phonological skills (Gersten & Dimino, 2006). A major shortcoming of the standard discrepancy-based,
In addition to dyslexic poor readers and mixed disabled definition-by-exclusion approach to identifying children with
readers, the third broad category of disabled readers specified dyslexia is the implicit assumption that poor literacy achieve-
by the SVR model comprises children with specific reading ment reflects disability rather than poor or inadequate teaching
comprehension difficulties. These poor readers are generally when the latter is more often than not the primary contributing
free of phonological processing deficiencies and demonstrate factor (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006; Tunmer & Chapman, 1996;
satisfactory alphabetic coding skills but (like the poor readers Vellutino et al., 1996; Vellutino, Scanlon, Small, & Fanuele,
with mixed reading disability) show weaknesses in vocabu- 2006). Vellutino et al. (2006) argued that because discrepancy-
lary, morphology, syntax, discourse-level processing, and/or based, definition-by-exclusion approaches “do not control
comprehension strategies, which in turn negatively affect for the child’s preschool and educational history, they do not
reading comprehension performance (see Nation, 2005, for adequately distinguish between reading difficulties caused
a review of research). However, the developmental mechanism primarily by experiential and instructional deficits and reading
responsible for the oral language impairments in children with difficulties caused primarily by biologically based deficits in
236 Journal of Learning Disabilities 43(3)
reading-related cognitive abilities” (p. 157). As a consequence, measures and poor response to high quality instruction. This
the number of children classified as having dyslexia is highly “dual discrepancy” assessment procedure provides the basis
inflated. for the early identification of students at risk for reading
Vellutino and colleagues (Vellutino, Scanlon, & Jaccard, failure. In assessing response to instruction, intervention
2003; Vellutino et al., 1996) investigated the extent to which serves as the “test stimulus” and rate of growth (i.e., degree
experiential/instructional deficits are primary causes of early of responsiveness to intervention) serves as the “test perfor-
and protracted reading difficulties, especially for children who mance” in identifying reading disability (Fuchs & Fuchs,
have acquired such limited amounts of crucial reading-related 2006, p. 95). RTI uses evidence-based instruction and continu-
knowledge, skills, and experiences (e.g., letter-name knowl- ous progress monitoring across multiple tiers (usually three)
edge, phonological awareness, knowledge of “book” or to provide early intervention for children at risk for reading
“decontextualized” language, invented spelling ability, under- failure and to develop a more reliable procedure for identify-
standing of the concepts and conventions of printed language, ing students with reading disability. Only at-risk students who
etc.) from home and preschool that they are unable to acquire show little or no progress in reading performance after expo-
basic literacy skills by means of regular classroom instruction sure to multiple tiers of intervention are considered as likely
without additional support. Vellutino and colleagues carried candidates for being classified as students with dyslexia in
out a longitudinal study in which a large sample of children need of continued services. Following this procedure makes
was tracked from the beginning of kindergarten to the end of it possible to identify students for whom the core phonological
third grade. The children who had significant reading problems deficit is most likely biological rather than environmental.
by the middle of first grade (approximately 9% of their sample) The first tier of RTI models typically involves “enhanced
were provided with one-to-one remedial instruction during classroom instruction” (Denton & Mathes, 2003, p. 233)
the second semester of first grade. Vellutino et al. (1996) found where literacy teaching in the earliest years of school addresses
that 67% of these children (the “readily remediated poor read- the individual needs of all of the children in the classroom,
ers”) were within the normal range of reading achievement especially those experiencing early literacy difficulties. In
following the remediation. In addition, these children performed this approach, teachers use research-based assessment pro-
significantly better than the “difficult-to-remediate poor read- cedures and instructional strategies to cater to the differing
ers” (i.e., those who did not respond to the intervention) on skill needs of beginning readers from the outset of schooling,
measures of phonological processing administered prior to the with particular attention focused on ensuring the development
intervention. Vellutino and colleagues concluded from these of phonemic awareness and phonemically based decoding
results that most children with early reading difficulties suffer skills by all children during the early stages of reading acquisi-
from experiential and instructional deficits and that the truly tion. Using a model similar to the SVR, Aaron, Joshi, Gooden,
disabled readers (1.5% of the sample) are those children with and Bentum (2008) reported evidence supporting an approach
relatively severe phonological processing deficits who, as to the differential diagnosis and treatment of early reading
a consequence, do not respond to either regular classroom difficulties in which children are identified as having reading
instruction or intensive, short-term intervention efforts. problems relating mostly to comprehension processes, mostly
Emerging from these findings and those of others is the to decoding processes, or to both components of reading.
RTI approach to preventing and identifying reading disability Wagner (2008) recommended incorporating into the RTI
(Deshler, Mellard, Tollefson, & Byrd, 2005; Fuchs & Fuchs, approach an initial evaluation consisting of measures of emer-
2006). Earlier, we drew attention to the inseparability of the gent literacy (e.g., phonological processing, print awareness)
questions of what dyslexia is, what causes it, and what can be that are known to be predictive of reading performance.
done about it. RTI simultaneously addresses all three questions The second tier of RTI models normally involves more
by defining reading disability/dyslexia as the inability of other- explicit and extended (small group) instruction for children
wise typically developing children (i.e., those who do not satisfy whose rates of progress in the first tier identify them as at risk
standard exclusionary criteria) to respond adequately to high for reading difficulties and in need of supplemental instruction
quality instruction/intervention because of an impairment in the (i.e., secondary intervention). Children who continue to prog-
phonological processing skills required to learn to read. The ress at a very slow rate after the provision of second-tier
RTI model includes procedures for identifying reading disability, supplementary instruction are placed in more intensive third-
for closely monitoring progress in acquiring the word identi- tier interventions (e.g., daily one-to-one tutoring) of longer
fication and text comprehension skills and strategies known to duration (see Denton & Mathes, 2003, for a more detailed
be causally related to early reading development, and for imple- discussion of the three-tier model). Continuous monitoring
menting research-based secondary and tertiary interventions of individual student progress is used in each of the three tiers
for children with persistent literacy learning problems. to determine whether a child no longer needs supplemental
RTI operationalizes unexpected underachievement in instruction, needs continuing support at the existing level, or
terms of both low performance on reading and reading-related is eligible for a higher level of support.
Tunmer and Greaney 237
A major advantage of the RTI approach is that it provides & Compton, 2005; O’Connor, Fulmer, Harty, & Bell, 2005;
the basis for differentiating the intensity of instruction to Vaughn, Linan-Thompson, & Hickman, 2003; Vellutino et al.,
improve educational outcomes for all at-risk and struggling 2006). However, concerns have been raised about the reliability
readers, thus avoiding the all-or-nothing nature of many rem of identifying reading disability based on the RTI approach
edial programs, such as RR, where a poor reader either quali- because of variability in the way in which RTI models are
fies for additional assistance or does not. Because at-risk and being implemented (Berkeley, Bender, Peaster, & Saunders,
struggling readers are already behind in the development of 2009) and variability associated with teacher quality and dif-
reading and reading-related skills, they must improve their ferential effectiveness in both regular classroom instruction
reading skills at a faster rate than their typically achieving (first tier) and the secondary intervention (Wagner, 2008).
peers to close the gap in literacy achievement (Torgesen, Although acknowledging these concerns, we nevertheless
2004). To achieve this outcome, preventive and remedial suggest that conceptual issues need to be distinguished from
instruction must be more intense than regular classroom implementation/operational issues in the formulation of a
instruction. Intensity can be increased by reducing group definition of dyslexia. If some notion of the failure to respond
size, increasing intervention duration, increasing session fre- to high quality, evidence-based instruction and intervention
quency, increasing session time, or some combination of these is not explicitly built into the definition of dyslexia (irrespec-
approaches (Vaughn & Linan-Thompson, 2003; Wanzek & tive of whether or not RTI turns out to be the most feasible
Vaughn, 2008). Further research is required to determine which approach), it will not be possible to distinguish between poor
approach, or combination of approaches, to increasing the readers who did not receive adequate instruction and those
intensity of instruction for struggling readers is most effective who are genuinely dyslexic. This is certainly a very real pos-
(Wanzek & Vaughn, 2008). sibility in a country like New Zealand, which for the past two
An important aim of the RTI model is to increase the accu- decades has strongly adhered to a constructivist, whole lan-
racy of selecting children who are truly in need of secondary guage approach to reading instruction that places heavy empha-
intervention (i.e., “true positives”) to ensure that the most sis on the use of multiple cues (especially sentence context
vulnerable children receive supplemental instruction, thus cues) in learning to read (Tunmer et al., 2003, 2004, 2006;
preventing the development of more significant reading prob- Tunmer et al., 2008; Tunmer & Prochnow, 2009). The advocacy
lems (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). Two types of errors can lower group most responsible for the recent recognition of dyslexia
the degree of accuracy in identifying at-risk students: false in New Zealand claims that 10% of New Zealand school-
positives and false negatives. Selecting students for intense children are dyslexic (Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand,
services who are not in need of them results in false positives, 2008). Although international studies of reading achieve-
which undermines the effectiveness of RTI models by inflating ment over the past 20 years have consistently shown that
the number of at-risk children and putting under stress the New Zealand does indeed have a relatively high proportion
resources available for secondary interventions. False negatives of reading failures compared with other countries (see earlier
occur when children score above the cut-off scores on predic- discussion), the majority of these children are most likely
tive measures but later develop reading difficulties. A high “teaching disabled” rather than reading disabled.
number of false negatives diminishes the preventive aspect of Support for the RTI conceptualization of dyslexia comes
RTI models by depriving at-risk children of the additional from recent studies of the neurobiological effects of successful
support that they require. A related issue is the question of how reading interventions for children with severe reading difficul-
nonresponsiveness to secondary intervention should be defined, ties, especially evidence indicating plasticity in the neurophysi-
that is, how should reading disability or dyslexia be defined ological processes involved in reading. Functional magnetic
within the RTI framework for whatever official purposes such resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to study the anatomi-
classification is needed? Progress in addressing these issues cal distribution of neurophysiological activity during reading
has been reported in recent studies by Fuchs, Compton, Fuchs, before and after remediation of reading impairments by means
Bryant, and Davis (2008) and Vellutino et al. (2008). Of par- of interventions focusing on intensive training in phonologi-
ticular importance is the finding that RTI-based procedures cally based skills and strategies (Aylward et al., 2003; Shaywitz
yielded false positive rates for inclusion in secondary interven- et al., 2004; Simos et al., 2002; Simos et al., 2007). The most
tions of less than 10%, which compares very favorably with important finding emerging from these studies is that the
other second-tier interventions like Reading Recovery, which activation profile of the successfully remediated poor readers
appears to have a false positive rate of around 30% (Center, becomes much more like the activation profile of normally
Wheldall, Freeman, Outhred, & McNaught, 1995). developing readers and, with the passage of time, increasingly
Research on RTI is ongoing and a variety of multi-tiered, like that of skilled readers.
RTI models are currently being investigated (Al Otaiba & In neurophysiological terms, these findings suggest that
Fuchs, 2006; Chard & Linan-Thompson, 2008; Denton, persistent literacy learning problems in otherwise typically
Fletcher, Anthony, & Francis, 2006; McMaster, Fuchs, Fuchs, developing children are primarily due to the ongoing failure
238 Journal of Learning Disabilities 43(3)
of the children to deploy the appropriate neurological systems accumulated. The longer the delay in providing remedial
in the brain when confronted with the task of learning to read assistance, the greater the likelihood that reading problems
and write in an alphabetic orthography. In behavioral terms, will become severe and difficult to ameliorate. Catts and
the literacy learning problems of these children result from Kamhi (2005) refer to postulated causes of dyslexia (such as
the continuing use of ineffective learning strategies, such as phonological processing deficits) as inclusionary factors.
attempting to learn new words by relying on partial visual Over the years, many explanations of reading disability
cues (such as the word’s shape) and/or partial word-level cues have been put forward, only to be later rejected. Vellutino and
(such as the initial letter of the word) in combination with Scanlon (1982) examined the arguments and evidence in sup-
contextual guessing. However, with the use of appropriate port of theories that attributed persistent reading difficulties
intervention strategies of the kind provided in the third tier to deficits in visual processing, cross-modal transfer, serial
of RTI models, many students with persistent reading dif- memory, attention, association learning, or rule learning and
ficulties can be taught to use their brains in a more effective concluded that all of these theories were untenable, due to
manner. As Shaywitz (2003) concluded, the results of brain a lack of supportive evidence and/or the failure to satisfy
activation studies leave no doubt that “the core problem in the assumption of specificity concerning dyslexia (see also
dyslexia is phonologic: turning print into sound” (p. 87). Vellutino et al., 2004).
For example, because reading involves the visual modality,
it was long thought that the major problem in learning to read
Inclusionary Factors was the failure to discriminate the visual representations of
In the preceding sections, we argued that developmental rea language—the letters and printed words. However, studies
ding problems in children with dyslexia stem primarily from involving a wide variety of tasks and procedures have shown
deficits in phonological processing skills. The addition of this that visual discrimination is not the central problem that it
final component to our proposed definition results in dyslexia was once thought to be, as there is little evidence to indicate
being defined as persistent literacy learning difficulties (espe- that good and poor readers of the same general intellectual
cially difficulties in word recognition, spelling, and phono- ability differ in their basic visual information processing skills
logical recoding) in otherwise typically developing children (Vellutino, 1979). In fact, research has shown that prereaders
(i.e., those who do not satisfy standard criteria for exclusion demonstrate a level of visual competence altogether adequate
from the diagnosis of dyslexia) despite exposure to high qual- for reading acquisition and appear to handle graphic symbols
ity, evidence-based literacy instruction and intervention, due with letter-like distinctive features in much the same manner
to an impairment in the phonological processing skills required as adults (Calfee, 1977). Moreover, during the initial stages
to learn to read and write. This aspect of our proposed defini- of learning to read, most developing readers go through a
tion is similar to the definition of dyslexia adopted by the brief period during which mirror-image and reversal errors
International Dyslexia Association, which states that the lit- appear in their early attempts to read and spell words. The
eracy learning difficulties of children with dyslexia “typically occurrence of such errors in older students indicates serious
result from a deficit in the phonological component of lan- delays in reading development, not deficiencies in visual
guage” (Catts & Kamhi, 2005, p. 62). However, we acknowl- discrimination. That is, for older, struggling readers, making
edge that other explanations of dyslexia have been put forward, these kinds of errors is a symptom, not a cause, of literacy
which is why we indicated at the outset that dyslexia should learning difficulties. More recently, dyslexia has been associ-
be viewed as a hypothetical construct embedded within a ated with deficits in the transient visual system (Lovegrove,
theory of reading difficulties, a theory that may eventually be Garzia, & Nicholson, 1990) and in the perception of visual
rejected by scientific evidence that favors an alternative theory. motion (Eden et al., 1996). However, neither type of low-level
But, in the interests of scientific parsimony, we believe that visual deficit has been shown to be causally related to reading
the current definition of dyslexia should focus on the causal difficulties (Hulme, 1988; Vellutino et al., 2004).
explanation of the condition for which there is the greatest As noted previously, deficits in phonological processing
amount of supportive evidence. skills are now widely regarded as the major cause of dyslexia.
A major shortcoming of the traditional discrepancy-based Phonological processing includes encoding phonological
definition-by-exclusion approach to identifying children with information (phonetic perception); gaining access to and per-
dyslexia is the failure to specify factors known to be causally forming mental operations on phonological information (pho-
related to reading difficulties, factors that in turn would pro- nological awareness); retrieving phonological information
vide the basis for early intervention. Given the nature of nega- from semantic memory (lexical retrieval); retaining phono-
tive Matthew effects in reading, early intervention that focuses logical information in working memory (short-term verbal
on the phonological core deficit is a more effective strategy recall); and translating letters and letter patterns into phono-
for helping children at risk for dyslexia than delaying action logical forms (phonological recoding). A considerable amount
until substantial evidence of literacy learning difficulties has of research indicates that with very rare exceptions, students
Tunmer and Greaney 239
diagnosed with dyslexia have a history of deficits in one or definition, the wording gives the impression that phonological
more aspects of phonological processing, especially phono- awareness is a reading or writing skill when it is neither. More-
logical awareness and phonological recoding (Snowling, over, reference should also be made to phonological recoding
2000; Vellutino & Fletcher, 2005; Vellutino et al., 2004). (or more broad, phonological processing skills) in the defini-
tion, as many children who experience ongoing literacy learn-
ing difficulties eventually acquire rudimentary phonological
Conclusions and Implications awareness but still show severe deficits in phonological recod-
In summary, we have presented arguments and evidence in ing. This is because an initial weakness in phonological aware-
support of defining dyslexia in terms of four components: ness will be developmentally limiting if not corrected during
(a) persistent literacy learning difficulties (b) in otherwise the early stages of learning to read (Stanovich, 1986).
typically developing children (c) despite exposure to high Second, the statement that dyslexia includes learning dif-
quality, evidence-based literacy instruction and intervention, ficulties with one or more of reading, writing, spelling, numer-
(d) due to an impairment in the phonological processing skills acy, or musical notation implies that it is possible for a student
required to learn to read and write. In defining dyslexia in to have problems with numeracy or musical notation, but no
this manner, we are not suggesting that children diagnosed difficulties in reading, writing, or spelling, yet still be con-
as having dyslexia cannot make progress in learning to read. sidered as having dyslexia. Such a view is surely incorrect
Rather, our claim is that these children require more intensive and would not be accepted by the scientific community. Dif-
instruction of longer duration of the kind provided in the third ficulties in numeracy or reading musical notation should not
tier of RTI models. be regarded as core manifestations of dyslexia, as there is no
This definition can be contrasted with the working defini- compelling evidence or theoretical arguments that either shares
tion of dyslexia developed by the New Zealand Ministry of the same underlying causes as reading, writing, and spelling
Education (2008): difficulties or that either is strongly, or even weakly, associated
with dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a spectrum of specific learning difficulties Third, although other conditions may sometimes co-occur
and is evident when accurate and/or fluent reading and with dyslexia as a direct consequence of difficulties in acquir-
writing skills, particularly phonological awareness, ing literacy skills (such as attentional or behavioral problems),
develop incompletely or with great difficulty. This may the statement that difficulties with auditory and/or visual per-
include difficulties with one or more of reading, writing, ception, planning and organizing, short-term memory, motor
spelling, numeracy or musical notation. These difficul- skills, or social interaction can be associated secondary char-
ties are persistent despite access to learning opportuni- acteristics of dyslexia that may also need to be addressed is
ties that are effective and appropriate for most other problematic because all of these postulated secondary char-
children. acteristics violate the assumption of specificity. As noted ear-
People with dyslexia can be found across the lier, the notion of unexpected underachievement has been the
achievement spectrum and sometimes have a number central defining feature of dyslexia, in which case these sec-
of associated secondary characteristics which may also ondary characteristics would be ruled out. For example, chil-
need to be addressed, such as difficulties with auditory dren experiencing difficulty in planning and organizing would
and/or visual perception; planning and organising; short be expected to have problems in all areas of learning, not just
term memory; motor skills or social interaction. reading and writing.
People with dyslexia often develop compensatory In view of these shortcomings in the ministry’s working
strategies and these can disguise their difficulties. definition of dyslexia, we recommend that the ministry con-
People with dyslexia can also develop compensatory sider adopting the definition that we have proposed.
strengths which can provide an opportunity to further
advance their learning. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
Early identification followed by a systematic and The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
sustained process of highly individualised, skilled teach- to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
ing primarily focused on written language, with special-
ist support, is critical to enable learners to participate Financial Disclosure/Funding
in the full range of social, academic and other learning The authors received no financial support for the research and/or
opportunities across all areas of the curriculum. (p. 1) authorship of this article.
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Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 601–638. About the Authors
Vellutino, F. R., Scanlon, D. M., Small, S., & Fanuele, D. P. (2006). William E. Tunmer, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor of Educa-
Response to intervention as a vehicle for distinguishing between tional Psychology and Co-Director of the Centre of Excellence for
children with and without reading disabilities: Evidence for the Research on Children’s Literacy at Massey University, New Zealand.
role of kindergarten and first-grade interventions. Journal of He is a developmental psycholinguist who conducts research on
Learning Disabilities, 39, 157–169. early literacy development, literacy learning difficulties, and reading
Vellutino, F. R., Scanlon, D. M., Zhang, H., & Schatschneider, C. intervention.
(2008). Using response to kindergarten and first grade interven-
tion to identify children at-risk for long-term reading difficulties. Keith T. Greaney, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the School of Edu-
Reading and Writing, 21, 437. cational Studies at Massey University, New Zealand. His research
Vellutino, F. R., Tunmer, W. E., Jaccard, J., & Chen, S. (2007). Com- interests include the development of classroom-based assessments
ponents of reading ability: Multivariate evidence for a convergent and interventions for children with literacy learning difficulties.