G8 Budget-of-Work in Math
G8 Budget-of-Work in Math
G8 Budget-of-Work in Math
Learning Competency Skill/s Approach/Method/Strategies (Development/Fixing of Resources / Reference / Learning Materials
Skills, Assessments)
Target Date
Actual Date
June M8AL-IIb-2 :Solves Solve word Collaborative (Think- Solve word problems Monitor / PowerPoint
16 & problems involving problems Pair-Share, Group involving factors of Presentation/Activity Notebook/ Show
June factors of involving factors Activity), polynomials. Me Board/ Learner’s Module pp. 41-53
19, polynomials. of polynomials. /G8LCTGs by DepEd Cavite
2017 Reflective Mathematics 2016/ Making
((Assessment/ Connections in Mathematics,Nivera
Evaluation Activity) Gladys C. et al., pp. 341- 342
Integrative (Solving real-
life problems)
Defines rational Collaborative (Think- Monitor / PowerPoint
expression. Pair-Share, Group Identify if the Presentation/Worksheets/ Show Me
June Activity), polynomial is rational Board/ Learner’s Module pp.66-67
M8AL-Ic-1 : illustrates
20 Illustrates or irrational. /G8 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite
rational algebraic
2017 rational algeraic Reflective Mathematics 2016
expression. (Assessment Activity)
August M8AL-Ih-2 : Graphs Determines the Collaborative (Think- Sketch/ graphs system Monitor / PowerPoint
14,201 system of linear graphs Pair-Share, Group of given linear Presentation/Acti vity notebook/ Show
7 equations in two of the equation Activity), equations. Me Board/Learners module,pp. 146-
variables. by 149/ G8 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite
using ordered Reflective Mathematics 2016/
Determine the
solution to the
M8AL-Ii-j-1 : Solves a given system of Collaborative (Think- Monitor / PowerPoint
system of linear linear equation. Pair-Share, Group Presentation/Acti vity notebook/ Show
solve system of linear
equations in two Activity), Me Board/Learners module,pp.274-
August equation using
variables by (a) Solve system of 280/ G8 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite
16-17 elimination
graphing; (b) linear equations Reflective Mathematics 2016/
/substitution method.
substitution; (c) in two variables ( Assessment Bernabe Lucia D. et.al
elimination. by Activity/journal writing) Intermediate Algebra, pages 33 - 36
August M8AL –Ii-j-2 : Solves Determine the Collaborative (Think- Problem solving Monitor / PowerPoint
18,201 problems involving solution to the Pair-Share, Group involving systems of Presentation/Acti vity notebook/ Show
7 systems of linear system of linear Activity), linear equations. Me Board/Learners module,pp.305-
equations in two equations in two 306/ G8 LCTGs by DepEd Cavite
variables. variables by (a) Reflective Mathematics 2016/
graph (b) ( Assessment Activity) Bernabe Lucia D. et.al
substitution and Intermediate Algebra, pages 33 - 36
(c) elimination
Solves problems
involving system
of linear
equations in two