Grasp 7 Q 4
Grasp 7 Q 4
Grasp 7 Q 4
Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s
global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions,
and appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.
GOAL: To write a capsule biography of a person interviewed about their personal recounts,
experiences and achievements using prepositions in various information-sharing formats.
ROLE: Writer
AUDIENCE: Students and teachers and other professionals
SITUATION: You are a member of a group of writers. Time Magazine wants you write a capsule
biography of a person who experienced success in his/her life. This is to inspire readers such as
students and professionals to continue in their pursuit of success.
Paombong High School, Inc.
15 10 5 0
INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introduction creates Introduction Background details are a
AND introduction engages interest. Sufficient adequately random collection of
CONCLUSION the reader and creates background explains the information, unclear, or
interest. Contains information is background, but not related to the topic.
detailed background provided. may lack detail. Conclusion does not
information. Conclusion effectively Conclusion is summarize main points.
Conclusion effectively summarizes topics. recognizable and
wraps up and goes ties up almost all
beyond restating the loose ends.
main idea.
MAIN POINTS The main idea or a The main idea can be The main idea can More than one of the
Body Paragraphs thesis statement is identified. The writer be identified. The following problems may
clearly defined. There shares relevant writer shares be evident: The main idea
may be more than one information, facts and some information, is not identifiable. The
key point. Appropriate experiences. There is facts and writer shares some
relevant information a clear distinction experiences, but information, but it is
and details are shared between general may show limited or unclear. Details
from a variety of observations and problems going are missing or repetitious.
sources including specifics. Supporting from general
personal experiences, details are relevant observations to
observations, and and explain the main specifics. Stronger
prior knowledge. idea. support and
Supporting details are greater attention to
accurate, relevant, details would
and helpful in strengthen this
clarifying the main paper.
ORGANIZATION Logical progression of Logical progression of Organization is No discernable
Structure ideas with a clear ideas. Transitions are clear. Transitions organization. Transitions
Transitions structure that present equally are present. are not
enhances the thesis. throughout essay. present. Connections
Transitions are mature between ideas seem
and graceful. confusing or incomplete.
STYLE The paper is honest Writer's voice is Writer's voice may Writing is confusing, hard
Writer’s Voice, and enthusiastic. The consistent and emerge strongly to follow. Language is
Audience Awareness, language is natural yet strong. The writer is on occasion, then vague. No audience
thought-provoking. It aware of an audience. retreat behind awareness. No variety in
brings the topic to life. The reader is general, vague, sentence structure.
The reader feels a informed and remains tentative, or
strong sense of engaged. Sentences abstract language.
interaction with the have varied structure. The writer is
writer and senses the aware of an
person behind the audience. The
words. reader is informed,
Writing is smooth, but must work at
skillful, and coherent. remaining
Sentences are strong engaged.
and expressive with Sentence structure
varied structure shows some
MECHANICS Punctuation, spelling, Punctuation, spelling, A few errors in Distracting errors in
Spelling, punctuation, capitalization are capitalization are punctuation, punctuation, spelling,
capitalization correct. No errors. generally correct, with spelling, capitalization.
few errors. (1-2) capitalization. (3-