MCQ Sec. 1-29

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1. When is the effectivity date of Republic Act No. 9184?

a. January 25, 2003

b. January 26, 2003
c. January 25, 2004
d. January 26, 2004

2. Republic Act No. 9184 entitled “An Act Providing for the Modernization, Standardiza-
tion and Regulation of the Procurement Activities of the Government and for other
Purposes,” is otherwise known as:
a. Government Procurement Law
b. Government Property and Bids Act
c. Government Procurement Act
d. Government Property and Bids Law

2. It is the policy of the GoP that procurement of Goods, Infrastructure Projects and
Consulting Services shall be competitive and transparent, and therefore shall undergo
a. Small Value Procurement
b. Competitive Bidding
c. Direct Contracting
d. Negotiated Procurement

3. _____________ is the government procurement principle where both the public offi-
cials directly or indirectly involved in the procurement process as well as in the imple-
mentation of procurement contracts and the private parties that deal with GoP are,
when warranted by circumstances, investigated and held liable for their actions relative
a. Transparency
b. Competitiveness
c. System of Accountability
d. Public Monitoring of Procurement Process

4. Which among the following is not a governing principle in government procurement?

a. Competitiveness
b. Transparency
c. Cooperation
d. System of Accountability

5. The following are not procurement activities under R.A. 9184 and its IRR, except:
a. Hiring of Job Order Workers
b. Lease of government-owned property as lessor for private use
c. All procurement of any branch, agency, department, bureau, office, or instru-
mentality of the Government of the Philippines
d. Disposal of Property and Other Assets of the Government

6. For Foreign-funded Procurement, the __________ refers to the cost estimate pre-
pared by the Procuring Entity and approved by the foreign government/foreign or inter-
national financing institution as specified in the Treaty or International or Executive
e. Approved Budget for the Contract
f. Approved Corporate Budget
g. General Appropriations
h. General Approved Appropriations

7. _____ refers to a signed offer or proposal to undertake a contract submitted by a bid -

der in response to and in consonance with the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
a. Offer
b. Bid
c. Solicitation
d. Proposition

8. _______ refers to the documents issued by the Procuring Entity as the basis for bids,
furnishing all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the
Goods, Infrastructure Projects and/or Consulting Services required by the Procuring En-
e. Bidding Documents
f. Proposal Documents
g. Proposition Documents
h. Procurement Documents

9. ________ refers to a method of procurement which is open to participation by any in -

terested party and which consists of the following processes: advertisement, pre-bid
conference, eligibility screening of prospective bidders, receipt and opening of bids,
evaluation of bids, post-qualification, and award of contract.
i. Competitive Bidding
j. Public Procurement
k. Negotiated Procurement
l. Direct Contracting
10. ________ refers to any person or entity offering unmanufactured articles, materials
or supplies of the growth or production of the Philippines, or manufactured articles, ma -
terials, or supplies manufactured or to be manufactured in the Philippines substantially
from articles, materials, or supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as the
case may be, of the Philippines.
a. Domestic Entity
b. Domestic Corporation
c. Domestic Bidder
d. Foreign Bidder

11. Domestic Entity refers to an individual or a sole proprietor who is a citizen of the
Philippines or a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or association duly organized un -
der the laws of the Philippines and of which at least ______ of the interest or outstand-
ing capital stock belongs to citizens of the Philippines, habitually established in business
and habitually engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise covered by his
bid, and the business has been in existence for at least five (5) consecutive years prior
to the advertisement and/or posting of the Invitation to Bid.
a. 70%
b. 65%
c. 60%
d. 75%

12. _______ refers to International Agreements except that they do not require legisla-
tive ratification.
a. Executive Orders
b. Foreign Contracts
c. Executive Agreements
d. Foreign Memorandums

13. ________ refers to the acquisition of goods, consulting services, and the contracting
for infrastructure projects by the GoP which are wholly or partly funded by Foreign
Loans or Grants pursuant to a Treaty or International or Executive Agreement.
e. Foreign-Funded Procurement
f. International Grants
g. International-Funded Procurement
h. Foreign Grants
14. ________ refer to grants with no repayment obligations and are provided in mone -
tary form, goods, works, and consultancy services, among others.
i. Foreign Grants
j. Foreign-Funded Procurement
k. International Grants
l. Foreign Loans

15. Which among the following does not refer to Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE):
a. the head of the agency or body, or his duly authorized official, for NGAs and the
constitutional commissions or offices, and other branches of government
b. the governing board or its duly authorized official, for GOCCs, GFIs and SUCs
c. the local chief executive, for LGUs
d. the chief executive officer of the Philippines, for the executive departments

16. ________ refers to the acquisition of goods, consulting services, and the contracting
for infrastructure projects by the Procuring Entity.
a. Proprietorship
b. Procurement
c. Bidding
d. Buying

17. _______ refers to any branch, constitutional commission or office, agency, depart-
ment, bureau, office, or instrumentality of the GoP (NGA), including GOCC, GFI, SUC
and LGU procuring goods, infrastructure projects and consulting services.
e. Procuring Entity
f. Bids and Awards Committee
g. Domestic Corporation
h. Head of Procuring Entity

18. What is the PhilGEPS feature wherein it ensures the privacy of parties transacting
with it.
a. Integrity
b. Confidentiality
c. Security
d. Performance Tracking

19. What is the PhilGEPS feature wherein it ensures that no person, including the sys-
tem administrators and chairperson and members of the BAC, shall be able to alter the
contents of bids submitted through the system or read the same ahead of the stipulated
time for the decryption or opening of bids.
a. Integrity
b. Confidentiality
c. Security
d. Performance Tracking

20. What is the PhilGEPS feature wherein it protects from unauthorized access or inter -
ference through the incorporation of security features such as, but not limited to, fire-
a. Integrity
b. Confidentiality
c. Security
d. Performance Tracking

21. The HoPE shall designate _____________________ members to the BAC of un -

questionable integrity and procurement proficiency.
a. at least three (3) but not more than seven (7)
b. at least five (5) but not more than nine (9)
c. at least seven (7) but not more than nine (9)
d. at least five (5) but not more than seven (7)

22. Chairperson of the regular member of the BAC must be at least a third ranking
___________ of the Procuring Entity.
e. Permanent official
f. Temporary official
g. Contractual official
h. Consultant

23. Which among the following is not a function of the BAC:

a. advertise and/or post the invitation to bid/request for expressions of interest
b. conduct post-procurement and post-bid conferences
c. determine the eligibility of prospective bidders
d. receive and open bids

24. The presence of the _________ or _________ shall be required when a majority of
the total BAC composition as designated by the HoPE constituting a quorum for the
transaction of business.
e. Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson
f. Chairperson or Secretary
g. Vice-Chairperson or Secretary
h. Chairperson or any member

25. The Secretariat shall have the following functions and responsibilities, except:
a. Assist in managing the procurement processes
b. Prepare minutes of meetings and resolutions of the BAC
c. Provide managerial support to the BAC and the TWG
d. Monitor procurement activities and milestones for proper reporting to relevant agen-
cies when required

26. The Procuring Entity may grant payment of honoraria to the BAC members in an
amount not to exceed ________ of their respective basic monthly salary subject to
availability of funds.
e. 25%
f. 30%
g. 35%
h. 20%

27. The Bidding Documents shall include the following, except:

a. Invitation to Bid / Request for Expression of Interest
b. Delivery Time or Completion Schedule
c. Form of Contract and General and Special Conditions of Contract
d. Technicality Requirements

28. In procurements involving and affecting _________ , the disclosure of the specific
components of the procurement documents, such as, the technical specifications, re-
quirements and components, shall be dependent upon the HoPE having due regard to
the nature, classification, sensitivity and confidentiality of the relevant documents vis-à-
vis the purpose and reason for the request.
e. National Security
f. National Defense
g. Defense Security
h. Defense

29. Specifications for the procurement of Goods shall be based on the following, except:
a. Relevant Characteristics
b. Functionality
c. Performance Requirements
d. Financial Requirements

30. Observers shall be allowed access to or be provided with the following documents
free of charge upon their request, except:
a. Minutes of BAC meetings
b. Abstract of Bids
c. Pre-qualification summary report
d. Opened Proposals

31. A ______________ is called by the BAC, through its Secretariat, prior to the adver-
tisement or the issuance of the Invitation to Bid/Request for Expression of Interest for
each procurement undertaken through a competitive bidding.
a. Publication

b. Pre-bid Conference

c. Pre-procurement Conference

d. Face to Face Meeting

32. The Invitation to Bid/Request for Expression of Interest shall be posted at any con -
spicuous place reserved for the purpose in the premises of the Procuring Entity con-
cerned for _____________.

a. Thirty (30) calendar days

b. Seven (7) calendar days

c. Thirty (30) working days

d. Seven (7) working days

33. The BAC shall respond to the procuring entities’ requests for clarifications on any
part of the bidding documents or for an interpretation through a ______________.

a. Supplemental/Bid Bulletins

b. Memorandum

c. Letter

d. Announcement
34. Which of the following is considered as a Class “B” Document for purposes of deter-
mining the eligibility of bidders?

a. Registration Certificate from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

b. Financial Statements of the prospective bidder

c. Valid Joint Venture Agreement

d. Valid Philippine Contractors Acrreditation Board (PCAB) License

35. In case of foreign bidders, the eligibility requirements or statements, the bids, and all
other documents to be submitted to the BAC must be in ___________.

a. Any language understandable by the bidder

b. Tagalog

c. Official language of the foreign bidder’s country

d. English

36. For purposes of computing the foreign bidder’s Net Financial Contracting Capacity
(NFCC), the value of the current assets and current liabilities shall be based on their
______________ prepared in accordance with international financial reporting stan-

a. Financial Records

b. Audited Financial Statements

c. Balance Sheet

d. Annual Report

37. Partnerships duly organized under the laws of the Philippines and of which at least
____ of the interest belongs to citizens of the Philippines may be allowed to participate
in the bidding for Infrastructure Projects.

a. Majority

b. Forty percent (40%)

c. One hundred percent (100%)

d. Sixty percent (60%)

38. ____________ may be eligible to participate in competitive bidding only if they can
establish that they (a) are legally and financially autonomous; (b) operate under com-
mercial law; and (c) are not attached agencies of the procuring entity.

a. Local Government Units (LGUs)

b. Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs)

c. Private Entities

d. Foreign Bidders

39. For goods, a period of ______ from the last day of posting of the Invitation to Bid/
Request for Expression of Interest up to the submission and receipt of bids shall be ob-

a. Forty five (45) calendar days

b. Thirty (30) calendar days

c. Six (6) months

d. Sixty (60) days

40. When the eligibility requirements are submitted after the deadline, the BAC shall
____________ the bidder’s name, its representative, and the time the late bid was sub-

a. Reject outright

b. Accept with reservations

c. Record the submission in the minutes

d. Reprimand

41. A bidder may, through a ________, withdraw its bid before the deadline for the re-
ceipt of bids.
a. Letter

b. Phone call

c. E-mail

d. Verbal conversation

42. All bids shall be accompanied by a _____________, payable to the Procuring Entity
concerned as a guaranteed that the successful bidder shall, within ten (10) calendar
days from receipt of the notice of award, enter into contract with the Procuring Entity
and furnish the performance security required, except when a longer period is allowed.

a. Audited Financial Statement

b. Memorandum of Agreement

c. Bid Security

d. Publication

43. Bids and bid securities shall be valid for a reasonable period as determined by the
HoPE concerned, which shall be indicated in the Bidding Documents, but in no case
shall the period exceed ___________ from the date of the opening bids.

a. Thirty (30) days

b. One hundred twenty (120) days

c. Ninety (90) days

d. Sixty (60) days

44. The BAC shall open the bids _________ after the deadline for the submission and
receipt of bids.

a. Immediately

b. A week

c. A year

d. A month
45. The abstract of bids as read and the minutes of the bid opening shall be made avail-
able to the public ____________ and payment of a specified fee to recover cost of ma-

a. As a matter of right

b. After publication

c. Upon written request

d. Upon verbal request

46. Should the Bid Security be in the form of a cash or cashier’s/manager’s check or a
bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Universal or Commercial
Bank, the amount should not be less than ______ of the Approved Budget of the Con -
tract (ABC).

a. Ten percent (10%)

b. Six percent (6%)

c. Twenty percent (20%)

d. Two percent (2%)

47. With respect to a particular contract for Contracting Services to be bid, the con-
cerned Procuring Entity shall only consider for short listing those consultants whose
contracts, as identified in the eligibility documents submitted for registration, are similar
in nature and complexity to the contract to be bid, based on the __________________.

a. Bidding Documents

b. Request for Expression of Interest

c. Executive Agreements

d. Approved Budget for the Contract

48. For contracts to be bid with an Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) of one mil-
lion pesos (P1,000,000.00) or more, the BAC shall convene at least ____ pre-bid con-
ference to clarify and/or explain any of the requirements, terms, conditions, and specifi-
cations stipulated in the Bidding Documents.

a. Two (2)

b. Three (3)

c. One (1)

d. Five (5)

49. For biddings conducted by LGUs, bank draft/guarantee, or irrevocable letter of credit
may be issued by other banks ____________ as authorized to issue such financial in-

a. organized by cooperatives

b. certified by the BSP

c. thrift banks

d. rural banks

50. In case the bids cannot be opened as scheduled due to justifiable reasons, the BAC
shall take custody of the bids submitted and reschedule the opening of bids

a. on the next working day

b. after seven (7) calendar days

c. on the next available schedule

d. after thirty (30) calendar days

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