Math8 DLL Q1 W1

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Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST

Session 1 Session 2 Session 1 Session 2

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
2. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these problems
accurately using a variety of strategies
3. Learning Competencies Orientation of the Learners for Factors completely different Factors completely different types Factors completely different
/ Objectives the School Year 2022-2023 types of polynomials of polynomials (polynomials with types of polynomials
(polynomials with common common monomial factor, (polynomials with common
monomial factor, difference of difference of two squares, sum monomial factor, difference of
two squares, sum and and difference of two cubes, two squares, sum and
difference of two cubes, perfect perfect square trinomials and difference of two cubes, perfect
square trinomials and general general trinomials) square trinomials and general
trinomials) (M8AL-Ia-b-1) trinomials)
a. Factor polynomials with
common monomial factor. a. Factor the difference of two
b. Apply the theorems in proving squares.
inequalities in triangle. b. Solve equations by
c. Appreciate the concept about factoring the difference of
factoring out the common factor in two squares.
polynomials. c. Find pleasures in working
with numbers.
II. CONTENT Orientation of the Learners First Quarter Diagnostic Factor of Polynomials with Factoring the Difference
for the School Year 2022- Assessment Common Monomial Factor of Two Squares
2023 (CMF)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 29-33 pages 34-35
2. Learner’s Materials pages 27-31 pages 32-33
3. Textbook Intermediate Algebra UBD pages Mathematics Activity Sourcebook
22-23 pages 22-23
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, television, PowerPoint Test Questionnaire Grade 8 LCTG by Dep Ed Cavite Grade 8 LCTG by Dep Ed
Resources presentation Mathematics 2016 Cavite Mathematics 2016
laptop, LCD laptop, LCD
A. Reviewing previous Present the PowerPoint for Distribute the test questionnaire 1. Asking the common physical Find the square root:
lesson or presenting the welcoming the learners for the to the learners. features/ behavioral traits among 4 = ___ 16 = ___
new lesson new school year. siblings in the family. 16 = ___ 81 = ___
49 = ___ 9 = ___
81 = ___ 25 = ___
16 = ___ 100 = ___
9 = ___ 36 = ___
121= ___ 16 = ___
25 = ___ 9 = ___
144 = ___ 64 = ___
81= ___ 289 = ___
225 = ___ 49 =___
2. What are the things common to 9 = ___ 81 = ___
each set of pictures? 25= ___ 16 =___
100= ___ 9 =___
B. Establishing a purpose Introduce yourself to the A diagnostic assessment Factoring the common monomial Factoring the difference of two
for the lesson learners: measures what students factor is the reverse process of squares is the reverse process
name and background. already know and understand. monomial to polynomials. of the product of sum and
a(b + c) = ab + ac difference of two terms.
(x + y) (x – y) = x2 – y2
C. Presenting examples/ Let them bring out paper and a. Factor xy +xz Factor 4y2 - 36y6
instances of the lesson pen/pencil. Get the CMF, x •There is a common factor of
Divide xy + xz by x 4y2 that can be factored out
Quotient: y + z first in this problem, to make
Thus xy + xz = (y + z) the problem easier.
4y2 (1 - 9y4)
b. Factor 5n² + 15n •In the factor (1 - 9y4), 1 and
Get the CMF, 5n 9y4 are perfect squares (their
Divide 5n² = 15 n by 5n coefficients are perfect
Quotient: n + 3 squares, and their exponents
Thus, 5n² + 15n are even numbers). Since
= 5n (n + 3) subtraction is occurring
between these squares, this
c. Factor 27y² + 9y -18 expression is the difference of
The CMF is 9 two squares.
Divide 27y² + 9y -18 by 9
The quotient is 3y² + y -2
Thus, 27y² + 9y -18 •What times itself will give 1?
= 9 (3y² + y - 2) •What times itself will give 9y4?
•The factors are (1 + 3y2) and
(1 - 3y2).
4y2 (1 + 3y2) (1 - 3y2) or
4y2 (1 - 3y2) (1 + 3y2)
D. Discussing new Discuss the class rules and Discuss the Dos and DON’Ts Question: What fruit is the main Factor each of the following:
concepts and practicing procedures. during examination. product of Tagaytay City? You will 1. c² - d²
new skills #1 match the products in Column A 2. 1 - a²
Orient the learners on what you with the factors in Column B to 3. (a + b) ² - 4c²
expect from them across the decode the answer. 4. 16x² - 4
school year 2022-2023. 5. a²b² - 144

E. Discussing new Orient the regarding the grading Read the direction/s for the Factor the following Fill in the blanks to make the
concepts and practicing system for Mathematics. test. 1. a²bc + ab²c + abc² sides of each equation
new skills #2 2. 4m²n² - 4mn³ equivalent.
3. 25a + 25b 1. (_____) (x – 9)
4. 3x² + 9xy = x² - 81
5. 2x²y + 12xy 2. (20 + 4) (_____)
= 20² - 4²
3. (_____) (2a +3)
= 4a² - 9
4. (6x²y + 3ab) (6x²y -3ab) =
(_____) - 9a²b²
5. (13 + x) (13 – x)
= _____ - x²
F. Developing mastery Let the learners ask questions Factor the following: Factorize the following by
(Leads to Formative about the orientation. 1. 10x + 10y + 10z taking the difference of
Assessment 3) 2. bx + by + bz squares:
3. 3x³ + 6x² + 9x 1. x2 – 100
4. 10x + 5y –20z 2. a2 – 4
5. 7a³ + 14a² + 21 3. ab2 – 25
4. 36𝑥2 – 81
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
G. Finding practical Factor the following Factor the following.
applications of concepts 1. 16a² + 12a 1. 100a2 – 25b2
and skills in daily living 2. 12am + 6a²m 2. 1 – 9a2
3. 72x² + 36xy – 27x 3. 81x2 – 1
4. 5a³ + a³b 4. – 64a2 + 169 b2
5. 30a + 5ay - 25 az 5. x2 – 144
H. Making generalizations Common Monomial Factor The factors of the difference of
and abstractions about To factor polynomial with common two squares are the sum of the
the lesson monomial factor, expressed the square roots of the first and
given polynomial as a product of second terms times the
the common monomial factor and difference of their square roots.
the quotient obtained when the *The factors of 𝑎2 − 𝑏2
given polynomial is divided by the =𝑎𝑟𝑒 ( 𝑎 + 𝑏 ) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ( 𝑎 −𝑏 ).
common monomial factor.
I. Evaluating learning Let the learners introduce See attached test questionnaire Factor the following: Factorize the following by
themselves. for the First Quarter Diagnostic 1. 5x + 5y + 5z taking the difference of
Test in Mathematics 8. 2. ax + ay + az squares:
3. 4x³ + 8x² + 12x 1. x2 – 9
4. 6x + 18y – 9z 2. a2 – 1
5. 3a³ + 6a² + 12 3. ab2 – 16
4. 16𝑥2 – 49
5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
J. Additional activities for A. Follow up Factorize the following by
application or taking the difference of
remediation Supply the missing term squares:
1. 3a + 3b = ____ (a + b) 1. x2 – 9
2. bx + by + bz 2. a2 – 1
= _____ (x + y + z) 3. ab2 – 16
3. a²b - ab² = ab (_____ 4. 16𝑥2 – 49
4. 4x + 6y = ____ (2x + 3y) 5. 54𝑥2 – 6y2
5. m³ - m = ____ (m² - 1)
B. Study Factoring Polynomials
1. What is a common monomial
2. How will you factor polynomial
by grouping?

Reference: G8 Mathematics
Learner’s Module pages 45-46
1. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
2. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
3. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
4. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:

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