CDU-CN Program Outcomes of The BSN Curriculum

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CDU-CN Program Outcomes of the

BSN Curriculum 5) Enhance the learners' capacity to administer

safe, appropriate, holistic, "caring care"
independently or in collaboration with others
guided by scientific, ethico-moral, legal
principles inspired by the CDU-CN values
6) Contribute to the advancement of health in
• A confirmed, credible, and consistent general and nursing in particular through varied
proponent of timeless nursing values, research undertakings
committed to professional progression, attuned
and responsive to local and global challenges. 7) Inspire learners to preserve and promote the
Filipino heritage with openness and sensitivity
CDU-CN MISSION to individual and cultural uniqueness
• Guided by the motto: Primum Homo Esto: Let
Him First be a Man, the College of Nursing
binds itself to graduate caring professional CDU-CN PEOs (Program Educational Objectives)
nurses, cognizant of their commitments and
accountabilities to God and the people they 1. Competent and Compassionate Nurse
serve, in the pursuit of health and healthful clinicians capable of providing safe, effective
living in any setting in answer to our belief that, and holistic "caring care" to different clients
Nursing Is Where People Are across the lifespan in various settings

CDU-CN OBJECTIVES 2. Empowered Nurse Researchers contributing

1) Provide excellent nursing education through to the advancement of knowledge and utilizes
an enhanced curriculum responsive to the evidenced-based practice to enhance nursing
constant dynamics of the profession in the education and practice
country and abroad
3. Organized and Inspiring Nurse Leaders
2) Educate future nurses who are motivated, managing health and health-related teams,
dedicated and inspired to practice their programs and services
profession with utmost integrity, respect for
human dignity and a compassionate heart to CDU-CN CORE VALUES AND
serve diverse clients across the lifespan in GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES
various settings
C – Compassion & Courtesy
3) Pursue an effective faculty development
program committed to support the faculty in • Attributes:
their personal and professional advancements 1. Holistic Caring Care
so as to generate competent and well-rounded - graduate will accept, understand and respect
nurses the client’s strengths and limitations in the
process of care.
4) Develop critical thinking, effective
communication techniques and interpersonal 2. Good Manners
skills utilizing the nursing process in performing - graduate will show good manners in dealing
any nursing function in the health-illness, with clients, peers, and superiors
11. Effective Communicator
D – Dedication & Discipline - graduate will communicate effectively and
therapeutically among diverse clients across the
• Attributes: lifespan.
3. Lifelong Learner
- graduate will pursue continuing education for
personal and professional development 12. Team Collaborator
- graduate will involve in discussions and
4. Socially Involve activities that fosters collaboration with and
- graduate will participate in socio-civic-spiritual among professionals in varied disciplines.
activities to enhance the community through
one’s profession N – Neatness

5. Research Productive • Attributes:

- graduate will participate in the advancement of 13. Clean
knowledge through various research endeavors - graduate will present oneself with good
grooming, composed and maintains neatness in
U - Uprightness work process and output.

• Attributes:
6. Ethically Responsible CDU-CN BSN 14 PROGRAM
- graduate will practice the profession OUTCOMES AND PERFORMANCE
conforming to social and professional ethics, INDICATORS
morals, and values
C – Competence & Commitment Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and
health science and humanities in the practice of
• Attributes: nursing.
7. Professionally Competent
- graduate will show professional competence in • Performance Indicators
the delivery of nursing care practice - Integrates principles and concepts of human
behavior in managing clients and teams.
8. Global Mindset - Distinguishes the different concepts used in
- graduate will adopt universal innovations nursing management.
attuned to the changing demands of time.

9. Technically Experienced 2. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 2:

- graduate will utilize various technologies in Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to
nursing practice. individuals, families, population, group and
community utilizing nursing process
10. Critical Thinker
- graduate will apply critical analysis and • Performance Indicators
decision-making skills to in various learning - Implements strategies/interventions to ensure
opportunities healthy population(s) in the school and work
- Implements participatory and empowerment
strategies for community competence to identify - Adheres to established norms of conduct
and collaborate effectively in addressing needs based on the Philippine Nursing Law and other
and problems related with health resource legal, regulatory and institutional requirements
availability, access or use, environment relevant to safe nursing practice.
protection, safety and security.
- Protects client’s rights based on clients’ and
- Implements interventions guided by nurses’ rights.
prescribed context of specific health
programs/services. - Implements strategies / policies related to
informed consent as it applies in multiple
- Determines the health education planning contexts.
models appropriate to target clientele / learning
outcomes and outcomes.
- Evaluates process / expected outcomes of Communicate effectively in speaking, writing
nurse-client working relationship. and presenting using culturally appropriate
- Documents nursing care services rendered
and processes/outcomes of the nurse client • Performance Indicators
working relationship. - Establishes rapport with client and/or support
system ensuring adequate information about
3. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 3: each other as partners in a working relationship.
Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-
based practice in the delivery of care. - Addresses with respect, trust and concern for
safety, team needs, issues, or problems related
• Performance Indicators with psychosocial adaptation using appropriate
- Provides appropriate evidence- based nursing communication / interpersonal
care using a participatory approach based on: strategies/techniques.
a. clinical practice,
b. client and staff safety, - Communicates both in oral and written form,
c. customer care standards, the results of the quality improvement project in
d. nursing management and leadership. partnership with the quality improvement team /
quality assurance / nursing audit team.


Practice nursing in accordance with existing 6. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 6:
laws, legal, ethical-moral principles. Report and document up-to-date client care
accurately and comprehensively.
• Performance Indicators
- Adheres to ethico-legal considerations when • Performance Indicators
providing safe, quality and professional nursing - Documents nursing care services rendered
care. and processes/outcomes of the nurse-client and
nurse-other health professionals working
- Applies ethical reasoning and decision- relationship.
making process to address situations of ethical
distress and moral dilemma. - Ensures completeness, integrity, safety and
accessibility and security of information.
- Adheres to protocol and principles of 8. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 8:
confidentiality in safekeeping and releasing of Practice beginning management and leadership
records and other information. skills in the delivery of client care.

- Implements system of informatics to support • Performance Indicators

the delivery of health care. - Discerns the qualities of a good leader

7. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 7: - Critiques the leadership theories as applied in

Work effectively in collaboration with inter-intra nursing & health setting.
and multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams.
- Develops a staffing schedule for a nursing
• Performance Indicators team.
Ensures intra-agency, inter-agency,
multidisciplinary and sectoral collaboration in - Employs strategies to improve/ promote
the delivery of health care. motivation of the health team.

- Implements strategies/approaches to - Manages client load to ensure health program

enhance/support the capability of the client and / service coverage.
care providers to participate in decision making
by the inter-professional team. - Utilizes appropriate and efficient methods /
strategies / tools to manage multiple nursing
- Maintains a harmonious and collegial interventions for clients with co- morbidities,
relationship among members of the health team complex and rapidly changing health status with
for effective, efficient and safe client care. consultation as needed.

- Coordinates the tasks/functions of the nursing - Coordinates care by organizing and

personnel (midwife, BHW and utility workers). prioritizing use of human, material, financial and
other resources to achieve expected health
- Collaborates with other members of the health outcomes.
team in the implementation of programs and
services. - Creates a safe environment of care through
the use of quality assurance, continuous quality
- Applies principles of partnership and improvement and risk management strategies.
collaboration to improve delivery of health
services. - Participates in the development of policies
and standards regarding safe nursing practice.
- Collaborates with GOs, NGOs and other
socio-civic agencies to improve health care - Organizes own workload demonstrating time
services, support environment protection management skills for meeting responsibilities
policies and strategies, and safety and security and achieving outcomes.
mechanisms in the community.
- Applies leadership and management
- Participates as a member of a quality team in principles in providing direction to manage a
implementing the appropriate quality community/village-based facility.
improvement process on identified improvement
- Uses appropriate strategies/approaches to - Evaluates performance of nursing support staff
plan community health programs and nursing using a standard evaluation tool.
- Participates in the improving policies and
- Ensure adequate resources (e.g. human, standards of nursing practice.
material) to effectively implement
programs/services based on requirements, ratio - Disseminates policies, regulations, circulars
and standards. and programs among nurses and nursing
support staff.
- Mobilizes resources for effective program
implementation/service delivery. - Participates in developing policies and
procedures relevant to human resource
- Supervises the implementation of the nursing management.
component of the health services/program.
- Determines resources available for
- Ensures that all nursing personnel adhere to networking, linkage building and referral
standards of safety, bioethical principles and necessary for improving delivery of health
evidence- based nursing practice. services.

- Evaluates specific components of health 9. CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME 9:

programs and nursing services based on Conduct research with an experienced
parameters/criteria. researcher.

- Applies leadership and management • Performance Indicators

principles to ensure a complete, accurate and - Prepares data collection and analysis plan as
up-to-date documentation of activities and a member of the quality improvement/quality
outcomes of managing a community/village- assurance/nursing audit team.
based facility, component of a health program
and/or nursing service. - Conducts collection and analysis of data with
the team members based on the agreed plan.
- Maintain a positive practice environment.
- Implements with the team the developed
- Demonstrates accountability for safe nursing action plan for the identified variance to improve
practice. the system or process.

- Applies principles of supervision for effective

and efficient delivery of health programs and 10.CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME
services. 10:
Engage in life-long learning with a passion to
- Assesses supervisory needs of the nursing keep current with national and global
support staff. developments in general and nursing and health
development in particular.
- Participates in the planning and
implementation of staff development activities to • Performance Indicators
enhance performance of nursing support staff. - Develops a personal philosophy and career
goals as a professional nurse.
- Monitors the performance of the nursing
support staff.
- Demonstrates accountability and responsibility 13.CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME
on safe nursing practice. 13:
Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of
- Develops a professional nursing portfolio. the profession

- Assumes responsibility in lifelong learning, • Performance Indicators

own personal development and maintenance of - Manifests caring as a core of nursing including
competence. the love of God and people.

- Demonstrates continued competence and 14.CDU-CN PROGRAM OUTCOME

professional growth. 14:
Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of
- Engages in advocacy activities to influence nursing care.
health and social care service policies and
access to services. • Performance Indicators
Applies strategic entrepreneurial interventions
- Models professional behavior. to address management concerns on any
health care setting.
- Engages in advocacy activities to deal with
health-related concerns
and adopts policies that foster the growth and
development of the nursing profession.


Demonstrates responsible citizenship and pride
of being Filipino.

• Performance Indicators
- Accepts the responsibility in paying relevant
taxes in the practice of the profession.
- Customizes nursing interventions based on
Philippine culture and values.
- Projects the good image of a Filipino nurse.


Apply techno-intelligent care systems and
processes in health care delivery.

• Performance Indicators
- Uses appropriate technology to perform safe
and efficient nursing activities.

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