Grade 2 English Co 1 Version 1
Grade 2 English Co 1 Version 1
Grade 2 English Co 1 Version 1
II. CONTENT Identifying Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources Tarpapel, computer generated strip, pictures, real objects such as
sugar, soy sauce, juice, salt, stone, flowers, toys
A. Reviewing past lesson or presenting the Presenting the classroom standards;
new lesson
1. Be kind, polite and courteous to others.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers and
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates and
follow directions.
5. Work hard and always do your best.
6. Be safe.
7. Raise your hand when you would like to
speak in class, when leaving you seat or if
you need to leave the classroom for a
8. Be ready to take the consequence if you
break the rules.
Say, now…
Who can recall nouns?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher defines count nouns.
new skills no. 1
Do the groupings
Individual Activity
G. Finding Practical Application of The teacher presents similar topic on the bulletin board which pupils
concepts and skills in daily living. can look into to review the concept.
H. Making Generalization and abstraction What then will you tell your parents about what you have learned
about the lesson today?
Read the posted tarpapel on the board.
Count nouns are name anyone or anything that can be counted and
whose plural form can be formed by adding s or –es.
Examples: cup, bag, computer, tree, house, chair, pupil, boy, toy, girl,
teacher The cup is clean. The cups are new.
Mass nouns or non-countable nouns refer to things which cannot be
counted like water, sugar, etc. They usually do not have a plural form
so we add quantifiers or determiners to make them plural.
Examples: dirt, ink, pepper, sand, sugar, powder, sugar, rice, our,
wheat, rain, ice, water, soup softdrinks, juice, tea, vinegar, soy sauce,
milk, syrup, oil, sauce, mud, food, grass, hair, oxygen, smoke The
water is cold.
I. Evaluating learning
Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? O?
Teacher I
Observed by:
Master Teacher I