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Orifice plates are most commonly used for continuous measurement of fluid flow in pipes.

They are also used in some small river systems to measure flow rates at locations where the river passes through a culvert or drain. Only a small number of rivers are appropriate for the use of the technology since the plate must remain completely immersed i.e the approach pipe must be full, and the river must be substantially free of debris. In the natural environment large orifice plates are used to control onward flow in flood relief dams. in these structures a low dam is placed across a river and in normal operation the water flows through the orifice plate unimpeded as the orifice is substantially larger than the normal flow cross section. However, in floods, the flow rate rises and floods out the orifice plate which can then only pass a flow determined by the physical dimensions of the orifice. Flow is then held back behind the low dam in a temporary reservoir which is slowly discharged through the orifice when the flood subsides.

[edit] Incompressible flow through an orifice

By assuming steady-state, incompressible (constant fluid density), inviscid, laminar flow in a horizontal pipe (no change in elevation) with negligible frictional losses, Bernoulli's equation reduces to an equation relating the conservation of energy between two points on the same streamline:


By continuity equation: or V1 = Q / A1 and V2 = Q / A2 :

Solving for Q:


The above expression for Q gives the theoretical volume flow rate. Introducing the beta factor = d2 / d1 as well as the coefficient of discharge Cd:

And finally introducing the meter coefficient C which is defined as obtain the final equation for the volumetric flow of the fluid through the orifice:


Multiplying by the density of the fluid to obtain the equation for the mass flow rate at any section in the pipe:[1][2][3][4]

where: Q = volumetric flow rate (at any cross-section), m/s = mass flow rate (at any cross-section), kg/s Cd = coefficient of discharge, dimensionless C = orifice flow coefficient, dimensionless A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe, m A2 = cross-sectional area of the orifice hole, m d1 = diameter of the pipe, m d2 = diameter of the orifice hole, m = ratio of orifice hole diameter to pipe diameter, dimensionless V1 = upstream fluid velocity, m/s V2 = fluid velocity through the orifice hole, m/s P1 = fluid upstream pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(ms ) P2 = fluid downstream pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(ms ) = fluid density, kg/m Deriving the above equations used the cross-section of the orifice opening and is not as realistic as using the minimum cross-section at the vena contracta. In addition, frictional losses may not be negligible and viscosity and turbulence effects may be present. For that

reason, the coefficient of discharge Cd is introduced. Methods exist for determining the coefficient of discharge as a function of the Reynolds number.[2] The parameter is often referred to as the velocity of approach factor[1] and dividing the coefficient of discharge by that parameter (as was done above) produces the flow coefficient C. Methods also exist for determining the flow coefficient as a function of the beta function and the location of the downstream pressure sensing tap. For rough approximations, the flow coefficient may be assumed to be between 0.60 and 0.75. For a first approximation, a flow coefficient of 0.62 can be used as this approximates to fully developed flow. An orifice only works well when supplied with a fully developed flow profile. This is achieved by a long upstream length (20 to 40 pipe diameters, depending on Reynolds number) or the use of a flow conditioner. Orifice plates are small and inexpensive but do not recover the pressure drop as well as a venturi nozzle does. If space permits, a venturi meter is more efficient than a flowmeter.

[edit] Flow of gases through an orifice

In general, equation (2) is applicable only for incompressible flows. It can be modified by introducing the expansion factor Y to account for the compressibility of gases.

Y is 1.0 for incompressible fluids and it can be calculated for compressible gases.[2]

[edit] Calculation of expansion factor

The expansion factor Y, which allows for the change in the density of an ideal gas as it expands isentropically, is given by:[2]

For values of less than 0.25, 4 approaches 0 and the last bracketed term in the above equation approaches 1. Thus, for the large majority of orifice plate installations:

where: Y = Expansion factor, dimensionless

r = P2 / P1 k = specific heat ratio (cp / cv), dimensionless

Substituting equation (4) into the mass flow rate equation (3):


and thus, the final equation for the non-choked (i.e., sub-sonic) flow of ideal gases through an orifice for values of less than 0.25:

Using the ideal gas law and the compressibility factor (which corrects for non-ideal gases), a practical equation is obtained for the non-choked flow of real gases through an orifice for values of less than 0.25:[3][4][5]

Remembering that compressibility factor)


(ideal gas law and the

where: k = specific heat ratio (cp / cv), dimensionless

Q1 C A2 1 P1 P2 M R T1 Z

= mass flow rate at any section, kg/s = upstream real gas flow rate, m/s = orifice flow coefficient, dimensionless = cross-sectional area of the orifice hole, m = upstream real gas density, kg/m = upstream gas pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(ms) = downstream pressure, Pa with dimensions of kg/(ms) = the gas molecular mass, kg/mol (also known as the molecular weight) = the Universal Gas Law Constant = 8.3145 J/(molK) = absolute upstream gas temperature, K = the gas compressibility factor at P1 and T1, dimensionless

A detailed explanation of choked and non-choked flow of gases, as well as the equation for the choked flow of gases through restriction orifices, is available at Choked flow. The flow of real gases through thin-plate orifices never becomes fully choked. "Cunningham (1951) first drew attention to the fact that choked flow will not occur across a standard, thin, square-edged orifice."[6] The mass flow rate through the orifice continues to increase as the downstream pressure is lowered to a perfect vacuum, though the mass flow rate increases slowly as the downstream pressure is reduced below the critical pressure.[7]

[edit] Permanent pressure drop for incompressible fluids

For a square-edge orifice plate with flange taps[8]:

where: Pp = permanent pressure drop Pi = indicated pressure drop at the flange taps = d2 / d1 And rearranging the formula near the top of this article:

Venturi effect
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The pressure at "1" is higher than at "2" because the fluid speed at "1" is lower than at "2".

A flow of air through a venturi meter, showing the columns connected in a U-shape (a manometer) and partially filled with water. The meter is "read" as a differential pressure head in cm or inches of water. The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe. The Venturi effect is named after Giovanni Battista Venturi (17461822), an Italian physicist.


1 Background 2 Experimental apparatus o 2.1 Venturi tubes o 2.2 Orifice plate 3 Instrumentation and Measurement o 3.1 Flow rate o 3.2 Differential Pressure

4 Examples 5 See also 6 External links 7 References

[edit] Background
The Venturi effect is a jet effect; as with an (air) funnel, or a thumb on a garden hose, the velocity of the fluid increases as the cross sectional area decreases, with the static pressure correspondingly decreasing. According to the laws governing fluid dynamics, a fluid's velocity must increase as it passes through a constriction to satisfy the principle of continuity, while its pressure must decrease to satisfy the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Thus any gain in kinetic energy a fluid may accrue due to its increased velocity through a constriction is negated by a drop in pressure. An equation for the drop in pressure due to the Venturi effect may be derived from a combination of Bernoulli's principle and the continuity equation. The limiting case of the Venturi effect is when a fluid reaches the state of choked flow, where the fluid velocity approaches the local speed of sound. In choked flow the mass flow rate will not increase with a further decrease in the downstream pressure environment. However, mass flow rate for a compressible fluid can increase with increased upstream pressure, which will increase the density of the fluid through the constriction (though the velocity will remain constant). This is the principle of operation of a de Laval nozzle. Increasing source temperature will also increase the local sonic velocity, thus allowing for increased mass flow rate. Referring to the diagram to the right, using Bernoulli's equation in the special case of incompressible flows (such as the flow of water or other liquid, or low speed flow of gas), the theoretical pressure drop at the constriction is given by:

where is the density of the fluid, v1 is the (slower) fluid velocity where the pipe is wider, v2 is the (faster) fluid velocity where the pipe is narrower (as seen in the figure). This assumes the flowing fluid (or other substance) is not significantly compressible - even though pressure varies, the density is assumed to remain approximately constant.

[edit] Experimental apparatus

Venturi tube demonstration apparatus built out of PVC pipe and operated with a vacuum pump

[edit] Venturi tubes

The simplest apparatus, as shown in the photograph and diagram, is a tubular setup known as a Venturi tube or simply a venturi. Fluid flows through a length of pipe of varying diameter. To avoid undue drag, a Venturi tube typically has an entry cone of 30 degrees and an exit cone of 5 degrees. To account for the assumption of an inviscid fluid a coefficient of discharge is often introduced,.. which generally has a value of 0.98.

[edit] Orifice plate

Venturi tubes are more expensive to construct than a simple orifice plate which uses the same principle as a tubular scheme, but the orifice plate causes significantly more permanent energy loss.[1]

[edit] Instrumentation and Measurement

Venturis are used in industrial and in scientific laboratories for measuring the flow of liquids.

[edit] Flow rate

A venturi can be used to measure the volumetric flow rate Q. Since


A venturi can also be used to mix a liquid with a gas. If a pump forces the liquid through a tube connected to a system consisting of a venturi to increase the liquid speed (the diameter decreases), a short piece of tube with a small hole in it, and last a venturi that decreases speed (so the pipe gets wider again), the gas will be sucked in through the small hole because of changes in pressure. At the end of the system, a mixture of liquid and gas will appear. See aspirator and pressure head for discussion of this type of siphon.

[edit] Differential Pressure

Main article: Pressure head As fluid flows through a venturi, the expansion and compression of the fluids cause the pressure inside the venturi to change. This principle can be used in metrology for gauges calibrated for differential pressures. This type of pressure measurement may be more convenient, for example, to measure fuel or combustion pressures in jet or rocket engines.

[edit] Examples

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