Seismic Limestone
Seismic Limestone
Seismic Limestone
Case History
Hongliu Zeng1, Guizhong Wang2, Xavier Janson1, Robert Loucks1, Yiping Xia2, Ligui Xu2,
and Bingheng Yuan2
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
Manuscript received by the Editor 16 November 2010; revised manuscript received 4 March 2011; published online 3 June 2011.
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, Austin, Texas. E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected].
BGP Inc., CNPC, China. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].
C 2011 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.
B128 Zeng et al.
associated with intense sinkhole development. Also, surface river Loucks (1999) indicates that large cave-related voids gener-
valleys tend to correspond to dip-oriented surface depressions ally have collapsed and disappeared by 3000 m of burial. There-
partly related to near-surface cave collapse. Zeng et al. (2010) fore, large voids associated with paleocave chambers would be
characterize the Ordovician carbonate reservoir succession as a unexpected and unusual at these depths. In addition, core analy-
product of complex karstification related to a paleokarst drainage ses have shown that the matrix porosity in conventional cores is
system and subsequent paleocave collapse during burial. extremely low (<3%). Consequently, strong reflection ampli-
In the last decade, 3D seismic data have played a crucial role tudes related to high reflection coefficients at brine-hydrocarbon
in hydrocarbon exploration in the area. The frequent occurrence fluid contacts, typical in shallow porous unconsolidated reser-
of anomalous seismic amplitudes (bright spots) in the Middle voirs (e.g., Gregory, 1977), are not expected. However, bright
and Lower Ordovician succession beneath the top Ordovician spots (lamb kebab as the operator called them) typically are used
unconformity is characteristic of the studied area. These bright- as indicators of reservoir quality in carbonate strata in the area.
spot anomalies in limestones are uncommon at these great Local exploration has shown that targeting the bright spots has
depths (5500 to 6500 m) because limestones generally are tight resulted in hydrocarbon shows with a more than 80% success rate.
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as a result of extensive diagenesis. The major objectives of this study are to document the origin
of bright spots in the context of coalesced,
collapsed-paleocave systems, and provide an
effective procedure for interpreting seismic-
scale collapsed paleocaves that will help predict
new drilling locations.
Two regional unconformities (Tg5 and TO1p) have been identi-
fied at the top and at the base of the Ordovician, respectively.
As many as four unconformities (TO1y, TO2y, TO2yi, and Tg5pp),
probably third-order sequence boundaries, are found within the
Ordovician section in the study area. The upper part of the sec-
Figure 2. Frequency spectrum of seismic data used in this study.
tion beneath the top Ordovician unconformity (approximately Data sampled at 3900- to 4150-ms (5650- to 6400-m) interval that
150 ms or 450 m, or between Tg5 and TO2yi) is the main interval includes Ordovician and Lower Silurian sediments.
of this study (Figure 3b).
The Ordovician interval is composed predom-
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
thought to be Silurian sandstone and shale. As seen with seismic lowering of the water table. If erosion lasts long enough, karst
data, the Silurian sandstones and shales onlap the unconformity towers may develop from the incisions and sink holes.
(Figure 3). In the shallow subsurface, cave passages developed in the
phreatic zone, which later were modified in the vadose zone,
Paleokarst system creating larger passages, chambers, and shafts. Within the cav-
ities, cave sediment was deposited, which can partially or totally
The typical near-surface karst terrain is well summarized in a fill a passage. Cave breakdown also occurs near the surface, cre-
block diagram by Loucks (1999) (Figure 5a). The model in the ating piles of breccia. Cave sediment and breakdown breccias
diagram depicts four basic elements of a karst system. Surface can form complex intermixed deposits.
drainage features such as rivers, streams, or canyons form on During burial, caves collapse, producing a collapsed zone
the exposed surface by eroding into carbonate host rocks. Sink- (Figure 5b, Loucks, 1999) with unique features such as chaotic
holes form as underground cavities collapse as a result of the breccia (fine and coarse), crackle fractures, circular faults, and
sag structures in younger formations. A buried, coalesced,
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The final product can be hundreds of meters thick and kilo- and discuss the links among bright spots and lithology, paleo-
meters wide and long. drainage systems, and late faulting.
A 3D relief map of interpreted seismic traveltime (Figure 6)
illustrates erosional topography on the Ordovician unconformity, Bright spots linked to cave sediments
which is interpreted at a strong trough-to-peak crossover in the
908-phase data (Tg5 in Figure 3b). Seismic geomorphologic fea- A conventional core section (Figure 8) in a well outside the
tures on the unconformity reveal a mature paleodrainage system 3D seismic survey but within the study area penetrates a
predicted in the model (Figure 5a). The geomorphologic and
depositional features that are recognized using seismic data
include fluvial channels and canyons, fluvial valleys, sinkholes,
and tower karsts and hills.
Fluvial channels and canyons cut into the carbonate terrain on
the higher plateau in the upstream area; channel width increases
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disturbed zone in the Middle Ordovician beneath the unconfor- ment and in lesser abundance in laminated lime mudstone de-
mity surface (Tg5). The lower part of the cored section (photo c posited in a tidal flat environment.
in Figure 8) is undisturbed host rock composed mainly of bur- These facies show no visible pore network. This interval is
rowed lime mudstone deposited in a shallow, subtidal environ- overlain by matrix-supported, chaotic breccia containing large
clast that corresponds to the collapsed-cavern zone. Blocks that
measure decimeters to 1 m in size appear to be a mixture of
clasts that either were transported within the cave or fell from the
ceiling. Also present are matrix-supported, fine-clast chaotic brec-
cias, deposited by debris flows within an open cavity, which gen-
erally range in size from 1 mm to 1 dm. Several zones of reddish
(e.g., photo b in Figure 8) and greenish (e.g., photo a in Figure 8)
terrigenous sand, silt, and clay are interpreted as cave sediment
fill. Ripples and laminations in the sandstones are evidence of
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demonstrate extremely complex relationships to the drainage caves result in distinctive amplitude anomalies similar to those
system. Some bright spots tend to align along overlying chan- observed in subsurface seismic data (e.g., Figure 3). These
nels and valleys, but others are distributed randomly in associ- results resemble those of a previous 2D-modeling experiment by
ated drainage basins. It is inferred that surface waters that were Yao et al. (2005) on seismic responses of the paleocave reser-
discharged into the paleodrainage systems partly filtered into the voir in western China. Two key parameters that control the
subsurface, enhancing and complicating initial caves that devel- characteristics of the amplitude anomaly associated with low-AI
oped along the early regional fracture network at the time of paleocaves are cave dimension and impedance contrast. The
karstification. vertical seismic detection limit for a paleocave complex of 75
75 m probably is no more than 6 m (Xavier Janson, personal
Bright spots related to late faulting communication, 2010).
This seismic modeling shows that that amplitude anomalies
A small percentage (probably <1%) of bright spots seemingly like those seen in the 3D seismic volume can be recreated by
are related to a set of postkarstification faults (Figures 9 and 10).
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These faults were activated during the Permian and were linked
to volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks at that time (Figure 10).
Although the strike-slip faults show only limited discontinuity
on map view (Figure 7) because of small vertical displacements,
they can be identified clearly on vertical seismic sections (e.g.,
Figures 6 and 10).
The most direct evidence of late-fault control comes from
some bright spots being aligned closely to late faults in the ver-
tical and horizontal directions (e.g., bright spots in the boxes in
Figures 9 and 10). These bright spots may be related to solution
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
Figure 10. Bright spots related to a postkarstification fault. High-
A 17-by-15-km-wide and 600-m thick geocellular model was amplitude anomalies in boxes align to high-angle faults activated
built using the unconformity surface mapped on the actual seis- during the Permian that probably served as volcanic vents. See
mic data (boundary between a basal Ordovician interval and an Figure 9 for locations.
overlying Silurian siliciclastic interval) (Figure 11a). Collapsed
paleocaves with cave sediments were modeled by randomly dis-
tributing low-AI ellipsoidal geobodies that
measured 250 150 m horizontally and 18 m
vertically. The AI (approximated by acoustic ve-
locity) was distributed using a sequential Gaus-
sian simulation with parameters derived from a
sonic log in the cored well (Figure 8). The
acoustic model then was used to generate 3D
synthetic seismograms (Figure 11b) using a 25-
Hz, 90 Ricker wavelet by applying a 3D
exploding-reflector modeling technique in the
Madagascar package (Fomel and Hermann,
2006) using a robust approximation of the wave
equation (Kessinger, 1992). The result then was
depth migrated using a smoothed velocity
model. Figure 11. Seismic modeling of the top of the Ordovician unconformity surface and
The synthetic seismogram (Figure 11b) shows collapsed paleocaves filled with cave sediments and breccia inside Ordovician inter-
val. (a) Acoustic impedance (AI, approximated by acoustic velocity) model showing
a realistic reflection character and geometries large AI contrast across top Ordovician unconformity. Modeled low-AI paleocave
similar to those of actual subsurface data. Low- complexes (breccia and cave sediments) are 250 150 m in horizontal dimension and
AI anomalies created by the collapsed paleo- 18 m thick. (b) Seismic model illustrating paleocave complexes as bright spots.
B134 Zeng et al.
modeling low-velocity ellipsoids that match the interpreted showing extensive collapse and coalesced systems (Figure 12).
shapes and sizes of caves filled with sediments in coalesced-col- Bright spots, which are characterized by a signal-to-noise ratio
lapsed paleocave complexes. higher than background data, are the best available seismic indi-
cators of the magnitude of a collapsed and deformed paleocave
SYSTEMS Small-scale paleocave complexes showing minor collapse
(Figure 12a)
Cave sediment-fills made of fine-grained sands and silts con-
Some small complexes (30 m thick, 100 to 200 m wide) in
stitute one of the lithofacies associated with collapsed paleo-
Ordovician limestone are revealed as abrupt brightening of
caves (Figure 5b). In the study area, bright spots highlight the
amplitudes along a seismic event. Little or no visible structural
seismic response of cave sediments, but they do not represent
deformation at the seismic scale is associated with the bright
the complete collapsed-paleocave system. Seismic characteristics
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spots; faults are few, if any, with small throw (<10 m). Also,
of large-scale (kilometer-scale) deformation caused by karst col-
no seismically suprastratal deformation is detectable in the over-
lapse have been studied by several authors (e.g., Hardage et al,
lying strata (Silurian, above Tg5 in this case). These bright spots
1996; Loucks, 1999; Zeng et al., 2006; McDonnell et al., 2007;
are interpreted to be small paleocave complexes with minor col-
Sullivan et al., 2007).
lapse at or below seismic resolution. They occur throughout the
These workers observe that deformational components, such
study area, but mostly are clustered in the updip (north) plateau
as intrastratal deformation (e.g., chaotic breccia, collapsed roof
area. They probably are related to small cave systems associated
and wall, and faults) and suprastratal deformation (e.g., sag and
with the regional fracture network described earlier.
faults, Figure 5b), are intrinsic components of the system. Seis-
mic responses of intrastratal and suprastratal deformation are
indicators of the extent and magnitude of the collapse. The fol- Moderate-scale paleocave complexes showing moderate
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
lowing sections describe some important relationships between collapse (Figure 12b, 12c)
bright spots and other seismic components of collapsed-paleo- V-shaped bright spots characterize these complexes. A single
cave systems. bright spot generally is 200 to 500 m wide, commonly convex
downward, with a maximum vertical displacement of 50 to 150
Association with faults and collapse complexes m. Small faults developed adjacent to the bright spots. The
faults’ displacement and vergence vary depending on their posi-
Interpretation of bright spots in the context of faults and dis- tions relative to the collapsed complex (McDonnell et al., 2007,
turbed strata reveals a spectrum of collapsed-paleocave systems Figure 8d).
that range from small-scale (tens of meters) systems showing In the inner compressional trough zone, reverse fault devel-
minor collapse features to large-scale (kilometers) systems oped (labeled “R” in Figure 12b and 12c), whereas in the outer
extensional zone, normal fault and jointing
developed (nonlabeled faults in Figure 12b
and 12c). Minor sag structures are visible in the
overlying postkarstification strata (suprastratal
deformation). A V-shaped bright spot might
have formed when a lower cave chamber below
the strata at the position of the bright spot col-
lapsed and cave sediment and breccia were
dragged down.
Although faults and cave walls may contrib-
ute to the reflection, V-shaped bright spots
probably were caused primarily by inclined and
thinning cave sediment against the faults and
cave wall. These bright spots, commonly pres-
ent beneath fluvial canyons and channels on the
unconformity surface, probably are related to
reworked and enlarged paleocave complexes,
with additional discharge from surface drainage
Spatial distribution
Generally, 3D geometry of collapsed-paleocave complexes is
difficult to interpret in vertical seismic sections because of com-
plicated, highly variable faulting and deformation patterns of the
formation in 3D space. As a result, patterns of local subsidence
and related faults interpreted in a section (e.g., in Figure 12) are
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
Visualization of multiple slices in a 20-ms (60-m) window nected to and interacted with the shallow subsurface cave and
improves interpretation by showing many funnel-shaped depres- passage network and was capable of providing cave sediments
sion features corresponding to collapsed-cave-sediment zones to the underground passages. Such low-AI sediments can pro-
and circular faults (Figure 15b, a0 through g0 ). Composed of duce a significant impedance contrast between the near-surface
collapsed-cave complexes and linear passages, coalesced-paleo- collapsed-cave system and the disturbed section dominated by
cave systems are of extremely complicated geometry and are high-AI limestone, leading to anomalous seismic amplitudes. A
oriented in multiple directions, although they probably are asso- relatively small number of bright spots may be related to post-
ciated with regional fracture networks and surface drainage karstification (Permian) faulting and volcanic activity.
channels. Hydrothermal fluids from the basin might have interacted
with the Ordovician limestone, creating solution voids along the
fault zones. Core observation in this study has found no open
voids in the tight host rock and no porous cave sediments. The
This study suggests two possible origins of seismic bright lack of these pore networks is related to the great depth of bur-
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spots in Ordovician karsted strata in the Tarim Basin. Most of ial of the Ordovician limestone, which is in agreement with sta-
the bright spots are interpreted to be paleokarst related. Core tistics of deeply buried karsted strata in other fields (Loucks,
and outcrop provide direct evidence that collapsed-paleocave 1999). Bright spots are unlikely to indicate deep open chambers,
complexes in Ordovician strata contain cave sediments of terrig- as some previous studies have proposed (e.g., Yao et al., 2005;
enous origin (sandstones and shale). Liu et al., 2007; Peng and Shi, 2008).
Mapping the top of the Ordovician unconformity surface In the 3D-survey area, bright spots are the most notable seis-
revealed a mature paleokarst drainage system that was con- mic features in the karsted Ordovician succession. Occurrence
of bright spots typically highlights existence of a paleocave sys-
tem. Size of a bright spot represents the minimum size of a
collapsed-paleocave or paleocave complex above the seismic
GEOPHYSICS 2011.76:B127-B137.
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