ANDUALEM DEMISSIE DEGU The Effect of Working Capital Management On The Profitability of Manufacturing Companies in Ethiopia
ANDUALEM DEMISSIE DEGU The Effect of Working Capital Management On The Profitability of Manufacturing Companies in Ethiopia
ANDUALEM DEMISSIE DEGU The Effect of Working Capital Management On The Profitability of Manufacturing Companies in Ethiopia
1. __________________________________ _________________
Dean, Graduate Studies Signature & Date
I, Andualem Demissie, declare that this thesis, "Impact of working capital management on
profitability of manufacturing firms in Ethiopia," is my own work that was prepared under the
supervision of Mohammed Seid (Assistant Professor), and that all sourced materials used in the
accomplishment of this study have been acknowledged. This thesis work has not been submitted
in part or in full for any other institution's degree or examination.
Andualem Demissie,
Name Signature
Saint Mary University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 2021
This thesis has been submitted to St. Mary’s University, School of Graduate Studies form
examination with my approval as a university advisor.
Advisor Signature
First and foremost, I thank God, the Almighty, for blessing me with this chance and equipping me
with capabilities to accomplish.
Thank you to my supervisor Mohammed Seid (Assistant Professor), for your patience, guidance,
and support. I am extremely grateful that you took me on as a student and continued to have faith
in me over the years and also Thank you for understanding my problem and for letting me finish
it on time.
This thesis would not have been possible without the support of ministry of revenue medium tax
office by giving me the financial statements and information about medium tax payers of the
country. I thank both General manager and IT department of medium tax office for giving the
necessary information that I needed.
Last, but not least, my warm and heartfelt thanks go to my wife for her tremendous support and
hope you given to me. Without that hope, this thesis would not have been possible. Thank you for
the strength you gave me.
2.2.4 IMPORTANCE OF WORKING CAPITAL .................................................................... 12
2.2.5 DETERMINANTS OF WORKING CAPITAL ............................................................... 13 NATURE OF THE BUSINESS........................................................................................ 13 LIQUIDITY ...................................................................................................................... 14 FIRM SIZE ....................................................................................................................... 14 VOLUME OF SALES ...................................................................................................... 15 LEVERAGE ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.6 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 15
2.2.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT..................................... 16
2.2.8 WORKING CAPITAL CYCLE ....................................................................................... 16
2.2.9 CASH CONVERSION CYCLE ....................................................................................... 18
2.2.10 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND PROFITABILITY ............................... 19
2.2.12 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICY .............................................. 19 CONSERVATIVE WORKING CAPITAL POLICY ...................................................... 19 AGGRESSIVE WORKING CAPITAL POLICY ............................................................ 20 MODERATE POLICY WORKING CAPITAL POLICY ............................................... 20
2.3 EMPIRICAL LITERATURE ............................................................................................... 21
2.4 RESEARCH GAP ................................................................................................................ 25
2.5 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................................... 28
3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 28
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 28
3.3 RESEARCH APPROACHES .............................................................................................. 28
3.4 DATA SOURCE AND COLLECTION PROCEDURE ...................................................... 29
3.5 TARGET POPULATION .................................................................................................... 29
3.6 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE........................................................................ 30
3.7 OPERATIONALIZATION OF THE VARIABLES ............................................................ 30
3.7.1 DEPENDENT VARIABLES............................................................................................ 30
3.7.2 INDEPENDENT VARIABLES ....................................................................................... 31 CASH CONVERSION CYCLE (CCC) ........................................................................... 31 AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD (ACP) .................................................................. 31 INVENTORY CONVERSION PERIOD (ICP) ............................................................... 32
VII AVERAGE PAYABLE PERIOD (APP).......................................................................... 32
3.7.3 CONTROL VARIABLES ................................................................................................ 32 LIQUIDITY (LQ) ......................................................................................................... 32 LEVERAGE (LV) ......................................................................................................... 33 THE VOLUME OF SALES (VS) ................................................................................. 33 FIRM SIZE (FS) ........................................................................................................... 33
3.8 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE....................................................................................... 35
3.9 MODEL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 35
3.9.1 GENERAL REGRESSION MODEL ............................................................................... 35
3.9.2 SPECIFIC REGRESSION MODEL................................................................................. 36
3.10 ANALYTICAL MODEL ..................................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION ..................................................... 39
4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 39
4.2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE VARIABLES ....................................................... 39
4.3.1 TEST FOR NORMALITY ASSUMPTION ..................................................................... 42
4.3.2 TEST FOR HOMOSCEDASTICITY............................................................................... 44
4.3.3 MULTICOLLINEARITY TEST ...................................................................................... 46
4.4 REGRESSION RESULTS ANALYSIS............................................................................... 47
4.5 DISCUSSION OF THE REGRESSION RESULT .............................................................. 47
4.5.1 REGRESSION RESULT OF MODEL SPECIFICATION (I) CCC ................................ 47
4.5.2 REGRESSION RESULT OF MODEL SPECIFICATION (II) ACP ............................... 49
4.5.3 REGRESSION RESULT OF MODEL SPECIFICATION (III) ICP ............................... 51
4.5.4 REGRESSION RESULT OF MODEL SPECIFICATION (IV) APP .............................. 53
4.6 SUMMARY OF FINDING .................................................................................................. 54
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................... 56
5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 56
5.2 CONCLUTIONS .................................................................................................................. 56
5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................... 58
5.4 FURTHER CONSIDERATION........................................................................................... 59
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 60
Table 4.8 Summary of actual and expected signs of explanatory variables ----------57
Figure 4.1 Normality test for the model effect of CCC on ROA------------------------------43
Figure 4.2 Normality test for the model effect of ACP on ROA------------------------------43
Figure 4.3 Normality test for the model effect of ICP on ROA-------------------------------44
Figure 4.4 Normality test for the model effect of APP on ROA------------------------------44
The purpose of the study is to test the impact of working capital management on the profitability of
manufacturing companies in Ethiopia, with a target on medium tax payers. In light of this goal, the
study used quantitative methods to assess a number of research hypotheses. For a total of
135 observations, financial statements from a sample of 27 (twenty-seven) manufacturing share
companies were used throughout a five-year period (2017-2021). The data was quantitatively
evaluated using descriptive and regression analysis. Non-probability purposive sampling was
employed. It investigated working capital components such as cash conversion cycle, average
collection period, inventory conversion period, average payable period, and in relationship with
profitability as a measure of return on asset (ROA). In addition, the study employed current ratio as a
liquidity indicator; financial leverage, volume of sale as assessed by change in yearly sales; and firm
size as defined by natural logarithm of sales; as control variables. The research main results are as
follows: first, there is a negative association between the cash conversion cycle and business
profitability. second, there is a negative relationship between average collection period and
profitability. Third, there is a negative relationship between inventory holding period and profitability,
and a positive relationship between accounts payable period and profitability. Finally, positive
relationships between control variable {liquidity, leverage, volume of sales and firm size) and
profitability measures have been revealed. In general, the research recommended that company’s
employed adequate working capital management components policy in order to enhance profitability.
Key words: - working capital component, working capital management, return on asset and
Working capital is means of survival for every business concern. Every business requires
working capital for its survival, The Working Capital cycle refers to the time it takes to turn
current assets and liabilities into cash. The longer the cycle continues, the more money a firm
spends on working capital without making a profit. As a result, firms aim to reduce their
Working Capital cycle by collecting receivables faster and delaying account payable payments.
(Bhattacharya,2021). Leeson and Boopathi (2016), Theorized that Working capital, in general,
refers to a company's current assets that are converted from one form to another in the usual
course of business, such as cash to inventories, inventory to work in progress, work in
progress to finished product, finished product to receivable, and accounts receivable to cash. A
positive working capital proves that the company is in good financial position and ability to
meet its short-term obligations. A negative working capital situation, on the other hand, occurs
when the company's current assets are insufficient to meet its current liabilities (El-Maude, &
Shuaib,2016). Pham, et al (2020) discuses that Working capital, also known as net working
capital, is the difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities, or it is
determined by deducting current assets from current liabilities. This relationship demonstrates
the company's capacity to pay short-term creditors with short-term assets. Using and managing
working capital has a wide range of effects on a company's short- and long-term success, from
paying workers and suppliers to preparing for long-term growth.
Sefideh, and Asgari, 2016 discuss that effective working capital management provides an
adequate procedure that removes the risk and lack of ability in paying short-term commitments
and prevents over-investment by planning and controlling current assets and liabilities. The
basic theme of working capital management is to support the smooth and efficient functioning
of day-to-day business operations rather than long-term investment decisions by striking a
tradeoff between the three degrees of working capital. They are profitability, liquidity, and risk.
Working capital management is an essential element of corporate financial management which
deals with the firm’s current asset and current liability or the relationship between current assets
and current liabilities, granting that working capital is also known as circulating capital or
current capital (Akindele & Odusina 2015). financed in current assets repetitively circling and
are constantly changed into cash and this cash flow out again in exchange for another
component’s current asset (Bhattacharya,2021). Working capital management is related to
short term financing and investment decision of a firm by providing a general direction on
current assets and current liabilities in respect to each other and to generate maximum returns
or firm’s profitability in accordance with providing enough cash or liquidity to meet the short-
term obligation of the firm (Ahmed, 2016).
Wamba and Jagging (2020) maintain that working capital management has a significant
impact on the financial performance of the firm and so entails effective management to balance
performance with the risk of failing to satisfy financial obligations when they become due.
WCM needs special attention for the proficient business practices. The proper management of
working capital may bring about the success of a business firm, the crucial purpose of working
capital management is to ensure continuity in the operations of a firm or the going concern of
an entity and that it has sufficient funds to satisfy both maturing short-term debt and upcoming
operational expenses by managing inventories, accounts receivables, accounts payables and
cash (Jain,& Goel 2017).
Efficient working capital management requires a proper balance between generation and
utilization of the funds as well as providing the needed funds on the right time from the right
source and for the right period, so that a tradeoff between liquidity and profitability may be
achieved properly managed and designed components of working capital provides a general
direction to achieve the firm’s profitability and liquidity (Ahmed,2016). a typical index of a
good status and scale of one’s business management is the capability of operating working
capital management to maintain a solid balance between growth, profitability and liquidity.
increasing profits at the cost of liquidity can bring problem to the firm. Hence, there is a trade-
off between these two themes and disregarding liquidity may result in insolvency and
bankruptcy (Hawley, 2021).
Profitability and solvency are the essential objective of working capital management, the
effect of working capital management on the profitability have a mutual consistent contingent
impact with each other, there are many studies available on the effect of working capital
management on profitability. However, there is insufficient research available in the Ethiopian
setting. Working capital management is an important aspect of company activity for all sectors,
including the manufacturing sector, thus the researcher aims to address the study gap by
evaluating and assessing the influence and effect of the important working capital management
Ethiopia's manufacturing industry is one of the main productive sectors listed in the GTP
(2010-2015) as having the capacity to stimulate economic growth and development due to its
enormous potential for wealth creation, job creation, and poverty reduction. Although
Ethiopia's manufacturing industry is still in its infancy, it has made a significant contribution
to the country's economic growth and change. (Eshetie, 2018) .
According to Samuel and Tarekegn (2011), most Ethiopian private and public industrial sectors
lack adequate working capital management methods due to obsolete economic activity and
firm structure. According to the World Bank study (2009), the manufacturing sector, together
with agriculture, has the lion's share of the economy; in 2013/14, the industry contributed 14
percent, 7 percent, and 3.8 percent to GDP, employment, and trade balance, respectively. In
contrast to multinational working capital management methods, Ethiopian working capital
management practices are still in the early stages of development; nevertheless, if the sector
adopts comprehensive working capital management practices, it will impact earnings and
optimize corporate value Ephrem (2011).
Determining the precise amount, and apportioning the frontier working capital for both in
total and for each specific account are the two main crucial objectives of working capital
management rehearsal (Edupristine, 2018). Providing adequate level of working capital, the
firm able to get rid of inability to meet its short-term liability when they are due and avoid
excessive investment in current asset. The excessive working capital which means the idle fund
may well the factual reason for the deterioration of firm’s profitability as well as facing a
problem to run the firm’s day-to-day activities (Boopathi, 2016).
The purpose and the decision of Working capital management are vary from organization
to organization, thus the amount of working capital required by the organizations is determine
by the size and nature of business, strategy ,policy, time, production process, technology
,inflation and other controlling factors.(Dina & Silvije 2018) Discus that in consistent with
conservative strategy of working capital management, Organizations’ annual revenue growth,
market power, age, size, percentage of fixed assets in total assets, the growth of real gross
domestic product are the determinant factors which have a significant impact on the amount
of net working capital of the company. Despite that increase the level of net working capital
increases the profitability of the company.
The effect of working capital management on the profitability are strongly correlated.Net
working capital has significant impact on its net profit (Leon,2013). In the study by Eljelly
(2004), there is a significance bond between company’s working capital and Profitability.
Increase the inventory conversation period (ICP), decrease collection conversation cycle
(CCC), decrease the duration of period of dividend payment (PDP), are the determinant
variables which makes to rise company profitability. Increasing the sales volume of the
company may directly affects to rise ROA, increase in current liabilities may raise the financial
risk of the firms, and decrease the firm’s profitability.
Working capital is used to evaluate a company’s the ability to meet currently maturing
obligations. But working capital has an exclusive restraint while computing different
organization’s ability to pay of their current liability. Working capital do not consider the size
of the company’s and the makeup of differ company’s current assets. Thus, two or more
companies may have equivalent working capital but unlikely able to pay their current liabilities
in the respective of company’s the current asset makeup and company’s size (Warren 2009).
Along with the Knowledge of Researcher, there is no available research study which
emphasis on study in the impact of working capital management on Profitability of a medium
tax payer manufacturing firm in Ethiopia, Although the majority of available empirical
evidence used a common independent variable to examine the impact and relationship between
on dependent variable, they used a different type of control variable as a proxy to realize the
impact on dependent variable. Thus, the researcher will conduct to fill the gap on impact of
working capital management on performance of manufacturing company in Ethiopia with the
aim of providing the following basic research objective.
The main objective of the study is to examine and analyze the Effect of Working Capital
Management on the Profitability of Manufacturing companies in Ethiopia.
H1: the cash conversion cycle (CCC) has negative and statically significant effect on
company’s profitability.
H2: the average collection period (ACP) has negative and statically significant effect on
company’s profitability.
H3: the inventory conversion Period (ICP) has negative and statically significant effect
on company’s profitability.
H4: the average payment period (APP) has Positive and statically significant effect on
company’s profitability.
The study’s findings will help to provide information for shareholders, creditors, and
prospective customers with regard to the effect of working capital management on profitability.
Predominantly the study finding helps investors and owners manufacturing companies who
have not adopted any policy on working capital management. The study is significant since the
entire manufacturing companies are designed to maximize profit and creating an effective
working capital management system is an excellent approach for many companies to increase
profit, a variety of financial management policies, practices, and procedures would be proposed
in the study. Manufacturing companies can use to assess their profitability performance. Cash
conversion cycle ratio, leverage measures, and return on equity are all examples of financial
ratios that may be used to assess a company's liquidity. A business's profitability and ability to
maintain a sufficient liquidity position indicates that the firm is well-managed and well-
financed; this is a sign of good working capital management.
The study findings greatly benefit financial managers and Chef finance officer to adopt
policy and to spot certain problems associated on relationship between working capital
management policies and profitability, The recommendation of the research can show a
solution to a particular problem that a finance managers would be able to adopt working capital
strategies based on working capital management policies that will enhance profitability.
The study is delimited to the Effect of Working Capital Management on the Profitability of
medium tax payers manufacturing companies in Ethiopia. The study does not address other
manufacturing company within the industry; Therefore, the study is limited, among 134
manufacturing companies the researcher will analyze only 27 manufacturing companies which
found in Ethiopia. The study took five years data from 2017 to 2021.
Due to the spread of COVID-19 and Government’s command post prohibition, among the
total sample size of study, most selected manufacturing companies out of service and the
reaming manufacturing companies not interesting to give evidence, as well as to provide their
financial statement. Beyond this Most secondary data sources lack a consistent benchmark
(IFRS VS GAAP) for producing financial statements, resulted in disorganized data and
unnecessary information.
The paper is organized in five chapters. Chapter one will deal with introduction, statement
of the problems, objectives of the study, research hypothesis, delimitation and limitation of the
study, significance of study, and organization of the research report. The second chapter
presents literature review. Chapter three presents the methodology used for the study and gives
a detailed overview of the population, sampling technique, the research design, data source and
collection procedures and data analysis procedures, variables choice and research hypothesis,
model selection criteria and diagnostic test analysis. Chapter fourth, will deal with data
presentation and analysis of the findings of the study. Chapter fifth, will discuss the conclusion
and recommendation for the study based on the findings
This chapter is to elucidates the general theory and the vital principles of working capital,
explain the root and determinant factors of working capital along with profitability, theoretical
review and empirical evidence review of working capital plus working capital management.
In this section expressly examine the working capital management theory that has gathered
regarding from theory, issue, phenomena, concept.
Working capital is means of survival for every business concern. Every business requires
working capital for its survival, without adequate working capital the firm may faces a shortage
of inputs, whereas excess of it leads to extra cost. So, the quantum of working capital in every
business firm should be neither more nor less than what is required (Bhalla, 2014).
Brigham and Ehrhardt (2016) Explain the historical context of the term "working capital,"
which was originated by an ancient Yankee businessman who would load his carriage with
items and then ship it to the market for sale. His horse and carriage were fixed assets, whereas
his stock was sold or turned over for a profit and was thus referred to as working capital.
Eugene (2014) describes working capital is the difference between the book value of current
assets and current liabilities. Working Capital is another part of the capital which is needed for
meeting day to day obligation of the firms. Working capital is a short-term capital which
retained in the business in the particular form for less than a year (Leon, 2013))
Working capital consisted by the two basic patterns, current asset holding and current asset
financing policies. Working capital or gross working capital refers to current assets used in
operations, the term net working capital referred as the variance between current asset and
current liabilities. And net operating working capital is defined as the variance between current
operating asset and current operating liabilities (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2016).
Working capital, a financial metric which denotes holding adequate amount of liquidity in
the day-to-day firm’s operating activity. Working capital is the essence of a business, which
measure the firm’s performance in short run (Devi, 2018). Working capital is a capital that
intended to meet firm’s operating activity (Dalayeen, 2017). Working capital is an operating
capital which is not financed in the business predominantly for longer than a year (Leon, 2013).
Working capital refers to that part of firm’s capital, which is required for financing short
term or current asset to carry out day to day expenses. current asset such as cash, marketable
security, inventory, and account receivables. working capital also known as revolving or
circulating capital or short-term capital, hence funds which are invested in short term assets
circling fast and are continually changed into cash and this cash flow out again in exchange for
other current assets (Ismail ,2017)
There is quite a few distinctive classifications and types of working capital that firm operate
with. and where a business fits on the spectrum of working capital types classified by based on
concept and periodicity of its requirement.
Generally, there are two concepts of working capital the Balance sheet concept and
Operating cycle or circular flow concept. Under the balance sheet concept working capital sort
as Gross Working Capital and Net working capital, In the general concept the term working
capital refers to the gross working capital and represents the amount of funds invested in current
assists. Thus, the gross working capital is the financed capital in the total current assets of the
business concern. The net working capital is a specific concept represented by the positive
difference between current asset over current liabilities, Net working capital is the excess of
current assets over current liabilities during a particular period, negative working capital occurs
when the current liabilities more than the current assets and When the current assets exceed
over the current liabilities the working capital become positive, Networking capital determines
the strength of the business and its liquidity position it means more of the working capital more
the liquidity of the firm (Sundas , etal, 2016).
9 On The Basis of Periodicity of Its Requirement
(Boopathi, 2016) mentions that working capital integrated by various current assets and
current liabilities. Current assets: cash on hand, cash at bank, bills receivable sundry debtors’
short-term loans advances inventories prepaid expenses accrued income. And current liability;
bills payable sundry creditors, outstanding expenses, short-term loans and advances, dividend
payable, bank overdraft, provision for taxation. The importance of managing working capital,
and then proceeded to a presentation and discussion of the Components of Working Capital
Management, which cover cash, accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable. Working
capital management is concerned with the source of the business and daily operations such as
cash, receivables, payables, and inventories (Morshed 2020). Working capital management is
a fundamental management technique that helps businesses achieve long-term success.
Financial managers' responsibilities include cash management, accounts receivable
management, accounts payable management, marketable securities management, and accruals
management, which require continual supervision from the chief financial officer (Rehana,
The goal of cash management is to determine the best amount of cash required for company
operations and to invest it in marketable securities that are consistent with the nature of the
financial system. Managers devote a significant amount of attention to day-to-day issues
involving working capital decisions. Cash budgeting is a great resource for managers to
maintain a certain level of liquidity by calculating the expected cash collections, cash
payments, and cash position over a specific timeframe (Muhammad & Ullah ,2012).
Agyemang and Michael (2013), mention that there are several approaches to manage cash,
with the Cash Convention Cycle Model focusing on the time between when a company makes
a payment and when it gets cash inflows. Receivables Collection Period is the average amount
of time required to convert the firm's credit sales every day, it also matches the period between
the firm's actual cash expenditure and its own cash receipts. The average period between the
procurement of material and labor and the cash payment for them is also known as the Payable
Deferral Period.
When receivables are managed successfully, it improves the company's current assets,
which leads to increase in working capital. Instead, if a company has an excess of receivables,
the costs will rise due to the company's money being delayed. As a result, maintaining an
appropriate account receivable with a realistic collection period is essential (Rao, & Gaglani,
According to Boopathi (2016) Sustainable working capital enables the firm to develop and
improve its operations, improve liquidity, sustain or raise profitability, and adapt to tough
economic situations. However, money may become trapped in the accounts receivable line on
the balance sheet all too often, which is something that organizations aiming to manage
working capital have frequently disregarded as part of their financial plan.
11 Payables management
Accounts payable are represented by the average payment period. It is a component of the
cash conversion cycle, and this cycle is used to assess the effectiveness of working capital
management. Accounts payable stems that companies usually purchase goods and services
from other businesses on credit and record the debt as an account payable. It is the most
common type of short-term loan. Therefore, it is an unexpected funding source since it
originates spontaneously from routine commercial activities. Credit might be expensive or free.
If the vendor declines to give discounts, it is free in the sense that there is no cost to using this
credit. While expensive trade credit is any trade credit that is in addition to free trade credit.
(Yusuf Aminu and Nasruddin Zainudin, 2015).
The Inventory Conversion Period (ICP) is a benchmark for inventory management. The
Inventory Conversion Period (ICP) is a component of working capital management, and hence
of the cash conversion cycle. stocks, raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods, are
all included in inventories. These inventory types are major elements of almost all company
practices. Raw materials are materials and parts used in the production of a finished product.
Work-in-process goods are those in the last phases of manufacturing, whereas completed goods
are those that are ready for sale. (C.Boopathi, 2016) (Yusuf Aminu and Nasruddin Zainudin,
2015) also stress that it is important to highlight those two parts of inventory efficiency are
critical: first, knowing the quantity of the inventory order, and second, knowing the level at
which the order might be made. This choice is largely handled by a crucial model known as
the Economic Ordering Quantity model. This model is an empirically based formula or
framework that incorporates specific theoretical assumptions in order to strike a balance
between sales, carrying costs, fixed costs, and total costs.
Numerous available empirical evidences stated the importance of working capital on the
firm’s routine business activities, Eugene, et al (2014) discuss the need of working capital is
varies from firm to firm. The role of working capital management is to equilibrium the trade-
off between liquidity and profitability in order to improve business value. Working Capital is
a vital means of the business concern. Every business concern must preserve enough amount
of Working Capital for their routine activity and meet the short-term obligations. A financial
manager primary objective is to maximizing shareholder’s wealth while by obtaining adequate
profit. The profit is mostly consistent with sales, but sales do not result in cash instantly.
The need for working capital can be explained with the help of operating cycle or cash cycle
by providing a constant funding in current asset serving daily expenditures such as for Payment
of wages and salary, Day-to-day expenses, to Purchase raw materials and spares, and to Provide
credit obligations. And also working capital helps to address seasonal or cyclical financing
needs, hence most firms’ sales on credit base, before receiving cash from their customers they
need to finance on purchase of raw materials, good of sales and sales of production (Bhalla,
Determinants of Working Capital are factors that have a direct influence on the amount
invested in current assets and current liabilities. Determining the significant aspects that
directly influence working capital, would make managers able to manage working capital
efficiently and effectively. hence, Financial managers should be alert on vital factors that affect
working capital management (Manoori & Muhammad, 2012).there is no written formulae to
regulate the working capital requirement of the firm, factors that determine working capital are
different from firm to firm and also time to time Therefore, an analysis of relevant factors
should be made in order to determine total investment in working capital (Pandey, 2013).the
amount of working capital required by the organizations is determine by the size and nature
of business, strategy ,policy, time, production process, technology ,inflation and other
controlling factors.
The determinants of working capital management have been studied in various empirical
studies. The researcher studied the following factors as determinants of working capital
management requirements, as indicated by most empirical studies: nature of the business,
liquidity, firm size, the volume of Sales, operating cycle, and leverage.
This is one of the most important elements determining a company's working capital
requirements. A manufacturing business, for example, has a longer operational cycle and
spends more in current assets. As a result, it has a higher working capital requirement. A service
business, on the other hand, such as a hotel or entertainment center, has a shorter operating
cycle since it sells largely in cash and has a smaller working capital requirement (Odi Nwankwo
and G. Solomon Osho, 2010).
The working capital of a firm is heavily influenced by the type of the business. If a company
has a strict credit policy and only sells products for cash, it may have a minimal amount of
working capital (Paramasivan, 2009)
(Nyeadi, Sare, & Aawaar, 2019) discus that higher current liabilities incurred by businesses
in order to increase sales can explain the negative relationship between sales growth and
working capital. Working capital is defined as current assets minus current liabilities divided
by total assets. As a result, if the increase in current liabilities exceeds the increase in current
assets as a result of increased sales, low working capital will occur. It can also be influenced
by a firm's increased commitment to long-term investments during periods of increased sales.
Firms may be encouraged to invest more in long-term positive investments as a result of
increased sales, decreasing short-term assets while increasing long-term investments. Liquidity
According to Ismail (2017), if a company wants to take a higher risk for greater earnings or
losses, it could lower the amount of its working capital in comparison to its sales.It increases
the level of its Working Capital if it wants to improve its liquidity. This approach, on the other
hand, is likely to result in lower sales volume and, as a result, lower profitability. As a result,
a business must choose between liquidity and profitability when determining its Working
Capital needs.
the cost of working capital investment is lower for bigger organizations than for smaller
enterprises because larger corporations have less information asymmetry and consequently
lower external financing costs. Furthermore, as compared to smaller enterprises, larger firms
have stronger access to financial markets and a greater ability to extend more trade loans,
allowing them to spend more in working capital. As a proxy for business size, we utilize the
natural logarithm of total assets Ebrahim and Muhamma, (2012).
14 Volume of sales
Ismail (2017) descuse that The volume of Sales is the most significant influence on the
amount and components of Working Capital. Current assets are maintained by a company
because they are required to support the business operations that result in revenue.The size of
Working Capital and the volume of sales are intimately associated; as the volume of sales
grows, so does the amount of Working Capital invested in cost of operations, receivables and
inventory. Leverage
The information asymmetry between creditors and shareholders increases as the firm's debt
grows, and as a result, the cost of external financing rises (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).More
leveraged organizations must maintain their working capital low, according to (Caballero et
al., 2009), since the cost of money spent in working capital is higher for companies with more
leverage. As a proxy for leverage, we utilize the total debt to total assets ratio. (Manoori &
Muhammad, 2012).
The financial management principle lay down that adequately funding working capital
improves firm’s performance in term of cash flow and profitability. On the other hand, the
performance of the firm declines when inadequately invest working capital (Edupristine, 2018).
hence securing balance between return on investment and cost of capital employed (Kolp,
1983). Working capital management is the method of generating the most efficient and
effective use of current assets and liabilities in order to reduce total costs. According to Weston
and Brigham (2005) Working capital generally stands a positive deference between current
assets and current liabilities. Hence, working capital management denotes that all aspects of
managing current assets and current liabilities.
Working capital management has an significant impact on the success of any business,
Gerald and Shaningaw ( 2019) Descuss that working capital management provides the
assurances of business survival and continuity by enhancing liquidity and profitability of the
firm. Working capital management importance for the expansion of investment
portfolio,increased profitablity, for the allocation of resources,to ensure the availablity of
sufficent resource,to maintain a good relation with supplier and other creditors,to avoid
underutlization of resources, and to improves overall efficency of a company (Brigham and
Ehrhardt, 2016).
The Working Capital cycle is the time it takes to convert net current assets and current
liabilities into cash. The longer the cycle continues, the more money a firm spends on Working
Capital without making a profit. As a result, companies try to shorten their Working Capital
cycle by collecting receivables faster and delaying payments. In order to decrease net working
capital and optimize free cash flow, a positive Working Capital cycle balances cashiflow and
cash outflows (Nguyen et al 2020).
A company's Working Capital cycle is 30 days if it pays its suppliers in 30 days but takes
60 days to recover receivables. The 30-day cycle is generally funded by a bank operating line,
and the 30-day cycle is usually funded through a bank operating line, and the 30-day cycle is
usually funded through a bank operating line. This 30-day cycle is often funded with a bank
operating line, and the interest on this financing is a carrying cost that lowers the company's
profitability. Growing a firm requires cash, and the most cost-effective method to grow is to
reduce the Working Capital cycle. Sophisticated purchasers regularly examine a target's
Working Capital cycle since it gives them an indication of the management's ability to manage
the balance sheet and generate free cash flows (Ismail, 2017).
Managing of the working capital cycle there are three core concerns; liquidity, risk
management, and efficiency. Liquidity and efficiency concerns are related to the
correlation between working capital and timetable aspects, and management of receivables,
inventory, and payables.risk management attempt to provide comprehensive risk solutions.
Including operational, liquidity, information reporting and credit (sagner, 2014).
The business has both current assets and current liabilities at any given time. In a business,
current assets and current liabilities move around like an electric current. "However, working
capital serves the same function in the firm as the heart does in the human body." Working
capital funds are generated and distributed within the company. The business will become
inactive if and when this circulation stops. Working capital is referred to as circulating capital
because it circulates in the firm in the same way that blood does in the human body (Boopathi,
(Eugene, et al 2014). have shown that the interval between when a company buys raw
materials from suppliers and when it receives money from a client is referred to as the firm's
cash conversion cycle. The accounts receivable period and inventory is the total time period
beginning with the initial purchase of raw materials and ending with payment collected from
customers: initially, raw materials must be purchased from their suppliers, raw materials must
be mass-produced or processed, goods must be sold, and payment must be collected. Moreover,
the time it takes to pay its invoices reduces the net time the firm is out of cash.
The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) was employed as a comprehensive measure of working
capital management efficiency. It is calculated as the sum of the Receivables Collection Period
(RCP) plus the Inventory Conversion Period (ICP) minus the Payment Deferral Period (PDP)
(Manoori and Muhammad, 2012).
According to Mathur (2003) and Paramasivan (2009), Working capital policy may be split
into three categories: conservative policy, aggressive policy, and moderate policy.
In order to reduce the risks of out-of-stock and sales loss, the firm may opt to have a large
cash and bank balance in current account or invest in easily marketable assets while
maintaining greater raw material and completed goods inventories. Mathur (2003).A risk-free
working capital policy is a conservative working capital policy. Most businesses use this
strategy to keep a sufficient number of current assets and, as a result, a greater level of working
capital. Long-term sources of money such as debentures, equities, and term loans finance the
majority of working capital. As a result, the risk associated with short-term funding is greatly
reduced (Paramasivan, 2009).
Moderate working capital policy refers to the moderate level of Working Capital
maintainance according to moderate level of balance between conservative and
aggressive working capital policy (Paramasivan, 2009). the level of working capital will be
moderate, neither too high nor too low, but just right. Mathur (2003).
A company's working capital policy relates to the amount of money it invests in current
assets in order to meet its sales goals. The policies that the firm chooses can have an impact on
the firm's profitability. A company can manage working capital in one of two policies,
conservative policy, by minimizing the ratio of current assets to total assets, and aggressive
policy, by maintaining a high level of current liabilities versus the total liabilities (Taghizadeh
Khanqah Vahid, Akbari Khosroshahi Mohsen,Ebrati Mohammadreza, 2012), The current asset
to total assets ratio is used to measure working capital policy. Working capital policy is
aggressive if the ratio is low. The current liability to total asset ratio, on the other hand, is used.
The higher the ratio, the more conservative the policy is. Capital is reduced in current assets
versus long-term investment as a result of aggressive asset management policies. This sort of
company is expected to be more profitable, but also to be riskier. A business policy that is
cautious and invests a large proportion of capital in liquidity assets, but at the expense of
profitability, is an option (Zhao Beia and W. Wijewardana, 2012).In terms of overall working
capital policy, the majority of Ethiopian manufacturing companies working capital policies is
formal and situational which overseen by financial managers who conduct annual working
capital reviews. When compared to other financial management decisions, working capital
management lasting for a large amount of time. (N.T. Tesfa & Dr. A.S. Chawla, 2017).
this section is concentrating on critical review previous research result findings on effect of
working capital management on the profitability. Working capital management and the role it
plays in improving financial performance is still a hot topic among researchers. Numerous
available literatures research the effect of working capital management on the profitability from
different views and in various sectors, the researcher selectively focused on study’s which
encompass the relation and impact between working capital management and profitability on
manufacturing sector.
Afrifa (2016) studies The impact of cash flow on the relationship between net working
capital and company profitablity the period between 2004 to 2013, the study used imbalanced
panel data regression analysis on a sample of 6,926 non-financial small and medium firms in
the United Kingdom.the results show demonstrates that the relationship between Net working
capital and profitability is concave; however, when the interaction effects of cash flow
availability are taken into account, the relationship becomes convex.This demonstrates the
significance of cash flow in working capital management policy. internally designed funds
have an influence on a company's working capital decisions thus, when the companie faces
cash flow shortages, it should try to reduce their working capital investment. On either hand,
it supports the idea that companies with excess cash flow should raise working capital
investment in order to enhance profitability.
(Devi, 2018) examined the influence of working capital on Maruti Suzuki India Limited's
profitability from 2012 to 2016. The research is based on secondary data gathered from the
company's published annual reports, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and websites.
The study shows that during the study period, there was a negative relationship between
profitability and the company's working capital. During the study period, the company's
performance has improved dramatically.
Mahato & Jagannathan (2016) carried out a study on The impact of working capital
management on the telecom industry's profitability on the National Stock Exchange of India
between 2010 and 2015. The research was conducted based on secondary data collected from
eight telecom companies listed. Both dependent and independent variables have been used in
this study. Return on Assets is used as a proxy for working capital management, as is the
Average Collection Period, Inventory Conversion Period, Average Payment Period, and Cash
Conversion Cycle. Control variables are Debt Ratio, Current Ratio, Sales Growth, and Firm
Size. to determine all of these variables According to the results of the regration analysis,
Return on Assets has a negative relationship with Average Collection Period, Inventory
Conversion Period,Cash Conversion Cycle. Control, and Current ratio, but a positive
relationship with Average Payment Period, Firm size , and Debt ratio.
Marobhe (2014), Malik and Bukhari (2014),) Azeez et al. (2016), and Sharma and Kumar
(2011) conclude that Working capital management, as determined by the length of the cash
conversion cycle, was found to be positively related to firm profitability. Despite popular
belief, a positive relationship between the cash conversion cycle and company profitability
indicates that companies may increase their profitability by maintaining greater levels of
Working capital and growing their cash conversion cycle. This positive association also
demonstrates that organizations with high levels of performance are less inclined to control
their working capital.
Working capital management is concerned with the source of the business and daily
operations such as cash, receivables, payables, and inventories (Morshed 2020). Ismail (2017)
states working capital management ensures the business liquidty in order to meet its operating
expenses and short-term debt obligations.To manage working capital the management use a
combination of policies and techniquse, the policies aim at managing the current assets and
current liablity such as cash management, invontory management, debtor management, and
short term financing.working capital management is technique of lessen total cost by
enshuring the effectivenes and efficiency of all the components of current assets and current
liabilities.there are three techniques for assesing the working capital requirments.working
capital management consernd with the essential operation and busineses routintransactions
of working capital management componts such as cash, receivables, account payables and
inventorys (Morshed, 2020).
Adamu & Batra (2018) made a study with the objective of examining Factors that influence
manufacturing companies' working capital management in Ethiopia. The researcher used panel
data year between 2006 to 2015. ordinary least square regression and Correlation analysis were
employed to determine how working capital affects The findings revealed that, of the factors
investigated, only the inflation rate had a minimal impact on the variance of working capital
management in large manufacturing companies in Ethiopia. While liquidity, sales growth,
return on assets, company's market power and operating cycle have a positive relationship with
working capital management, capital expenditure, gross and domestic product rate, debt ratio,
and firm size have a negative relationship. The industrial category of the company also has a
significant impact on working capital management. Thus, managers of major manufacturing
companies in Ethiopia may improve their firm's financial profitability by taking these variables
into account throughout the working capital management process.
Tesfa & Chawla (2017) investigate the working capital management practices of Ethiopian
manufacturing firms and compare them to prior studies.The study was conducted on a sample
of 144 manufacturing firms in Ethiopia, which were chosen using a two-stage stratified random
selection approach. The findings of the survey were analyzed and then provided in tables with
explanations in three sections: the first portion dealt with working capital policy issues,the
second with overall working capital management, and the third with specialized working
capital component management.
The findings revealed that Ethiopian manufacturing companies have formal and situational
working capital policies that are overseen by finance managers who conduct a working capital
review once a year. The study also revealed that a significant amount of time is devoted to the
management of working capital through the use of various managerial strategies and
Dinka (2018) examine the working capital management methods of small businesses in South
West Shoa Zone towns. Primary sources of data were employed to meet the study's goals. A
proportional stratified sampling strategy was applied in this study. Questionnaires were
provided to 425 local firms from a total population of 2,939. Interviews were also conducted
with managers from the South West Shoa Zone's trade and industry office. The results revealed
that the majority of small business owners do not keep track of their cash flow, making it
difficult to make sound financial decisions. the majority of small company owners do not have
a cash budget, making it harder to make sound financial decisions. The majority of small
business owners invested their excess cash from regular operations, and maintain the extra
revenue earned from everyday operations in their bank accounts. Furthermore, due to a lack of
information and awareness, the majority of small company owners never conducted formal
credit inquiries prior to extending credit to customers.
Geddafa & Abera (2020). Examine the impact of working capital management on the
profitability of small businesses in Chiro, West Hararghe, Ethiopia. key informant interviews
and Semi-structured questionnaire surveys were used to acquire primary data. Cross-sectional
data were acquired from 15 selected small enterprises using a non-probabilistic purposive
sampling approach. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the cash conversion cycle on
return on asset , accounts receivable period, accounts payable period, and the impact of the
inventory conversion period.
The study results show that there is a positive relationship between payable and accounts
receivable periods and the profitability of a small firm. But, the cash conversion cycle and the
inventory conversion duration have a significant negative influence on profitability.
Even though many researchers have provided empirical and descriptive evidence on
working capital management practices, there appear to be certain gaps in the literature that need
to be filled. Working capital management has an influence on a firm's profitability, liquidity,
and performance, according to the literature review. Even though the literature review revealed
that working capital management has an impact on a firm's profitability, liquidity, and
performance, there is still ambiguity about the study variables, hypotheses, and effect size
measures that could be used as proxies for working capital management in general.
Working capital has a significant influence on profitability, according to the empirical study
stated above. Seyoum et al (2016) found out that there is a negative relationship between RCP,
ICP,& PDP, and profitability. Alternatively, Geddafa & Abera (2020) revealed that PDP, and
RCP have a positive relationship with profitability. Likewise, Mahato and Jagannathan (2016)
revealed that Return on Assets has a negative association with Average Collection Period,
Inventory Conversion Period, Cash Conversion Cycle, Control, and Current ratio, but a positive
link with Average Payment Period, Firm Size, and Debt Ratio.
Marobhe (2014), Malik and Bukhari (2014),) Azeez et al. (2016) conclude that cash
conversion cycle had a significant a positive relation with a firm profitability, Alternatively,
Seyoum, Mahato & Jagannathan (2016).finding reveld that there is negative relationsheep
between cash conversion cycle and firm profitability
Consistent with the empirical evidence, there are no reliable findings about the impact of
working capital management on profitability. Due to the research' inconclusiveness, due to
heterogeneity in findings and measures, due to incompetence to include all essential and
important variables required to determine both working capital and profitability.
However, while there have been some investigations into the impact of working capital
management on the performance of firms in different manufacturing sectors with differing
perspectives, there has been no empirical study done on the impact of working capital
management on the performance of manufacturing companies targeting medium tax payers.
Therefore, this study included the most relevant variables and provides useful support for a
better understanding of the influence of working capital management on the profitability of
manufacturing share businesses in Ethiopia, with a focus on medium tax payers.Furthermore,
the study used non-probability purposive sampling approach to account for population
variability, resulting in substantial comprehensiveness across all manufacturing share
enterprises in ethiopia.
Chapter two describes the theoretical and empirical literature evidence of working capital
management by different authors, however, this chapter retorted How the relevant data and
how it was collected helped to prove the effect of working capital management on the
profitability of manufacturing companies. It covers the research design, research approach,
research instrument, data presentation, data analysis method, and model specifications.
A research design is a strategy for obtaining data for an assessment or evaluation that
includes determining the data collection method, the instruments to be used, how the
instruments will be administered, and how the data will be collected and evaluated. Explanatory
research is responsible for determining why events occur by identifying cause-effect
correlations. Its findings and conclusions represent the most in-depth degree of knowledge.
Explanatory studies, in this sense, can deal with the identification of causes and consequences
through hypothesis testing (Kothari, 2010). According to Carrie (2007) When just a limited
amount of information is available, explanatory research is used to investigate why something
occurs. It can help you to understand more about a topic, figure out how or why something
happens, and predict what will happen next.
The main purpose of this research is to determine the effect of working capital management
on the Profitability of manufacturing company for the period between year 2017 to year 2021.
The study employed an explanatory research approach with secondary data and a quantitative
research design.
Researchers often use the qualitative approach to answer research questions that require
textual data, the quantitative approach to answer research questions that require numerical data,
and the mixed methodologies approach to answer research questions that require both textual
and numerical data (Carrie Williams, 2007). According to Creswell (2013) The goal of
researchers who use quantitative research study is to establish a relationship between the
independent variable and dependent variable in a population. Quantitative research designs can
be descriptive or experimental, a relationship between variables is established in a descriptive
study, and causality is established in an experimental study. Quantitative research is based on
data, reasoning, and a neutral viewpoint. Quantitative research emphasizes quantifiable and
stable data, as well as thorough, convergent reasoning over divergent thinking. based on the
nature and sort of source of data the researcher conducted a quantitative research approach.
The study is employed based on secondary sources of data, data were collected from selected
medium taxpayers of manufacturing firms’ financial statements. these data comprise audited
balance sheets and income statements from the sampled firms' yearly financial statements, The
data was collected for a period of five years that covers from 2017 to 2021.
A population refers to the entire set of elements from which the researcher draws inferences.
The population inference is made based on the availability of the data required for the study,
as well as the fact that most manufacturing enterprises are located in the branch offices of
medium taxpayers (Sagufta & Jayanta, 2021).
The Ministry of Revenues (MOR) has set the threshold for entering the medium taxpayer
category at enterprises with annual sales of 3 million to 100 million birr. According to the
Ministry of Revenues' medium taxpayers’ office (MTO), Ethiopia has over 3800 medium
taxpayers’ as of march 2022. (MOR, 2020). The manufacturing sectors are the subject of this
research. As a result, there were 134 medium taxpayers manufacturing industries in Ethiopia,
who have been eligible and used in the study. besides the sample was taken from the Ministry
of Revenues' population database.
The status of ‘share companies’ that were medium taxpayers was the first criterion employed
in choosing sample units to be included in the study. Availability of financial statement data
for the study period of 2017-2021 was the researcher's second level sample criterion in
selecting sample units to be included in the study.
The sampling approach used in this study was a non-probability purposive sampling approach
based on the researcher's judgment. Since The availability of reliable data for the study is the
reason for employing this sampling approach. most taxpayers have converted the finance
standard system from GAAP to IFRS, while some have yet to convert. As a result, most
available secondary data sources do not have a common benchmark and to produce financial
statements, which makes the available data jumbled and provides irrelevant information.
The choice of explanatory factors in this study was based on various theories associated to
working capital management and profitability, and additional variables applied in previous
studies. These variables are classified as dependent, independent, or control.
Dependent variables are variables that are used to assess a firm's profitability. Profitability is
measured by return on assets (ROA) to examine the influence of working capital components
on the profitability of Ethiopian manufacturing firms’ is a frequently used financial metric for
determining the degree and intensity of returns provided by a company's total assets. ROA was
selected as a dependent variable in this study because net profit in proportion to the firm asset
base is a solid technique to measure the degree of returns on investments made in the company
(Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2016). and ROA computed as follows:
Net income
Total Asset
Independent Variables: Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), Average Collection Period (ACP),
Inventory Conversion Period (ICP), Average Payment Period (APP), are all working capital
components which used as independent variable to measure the impact on firms’ profitability.
cash conversion cycle (CCC) is a method used to assess how long it takes a firm to convert
its inventory and other resources into cash flows from sale (Edupristine, 2018).It is measured
as follows:
(Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2016) stats that the average collection period is the number of days
it takes for a company to collect and convert its accounts receivable into cash. A business's
outstanding receivables are compared to its total sales throughout the accounts receivable
collection period. This comparison is used to determine how long it takes customers to pay a
vendor. It is measured as follows:
31 Inventory Conversion Period (ICP)
The inventory conversion period is the amount of time it takes to acquire materials for a
product, manufacture it, and sell it. This is the timespan in which a firm must invest cash while
transforming materials into a sale (Edupristine, 2018) .it computed as follow:
Average payment period (APP) is a financial measure that calculates the average number of
days it takes a company to pay its suppliers for credit purchases. APP is the time it takes a firm
to pay off its credit accounts payable (C.Boopathi, 2016) . It is measured as follows:
Average Payable Period (APP) = (Accounts Payable / Cost of goods sold) X 365 days
Available empirical evidence on Working capital management study frequently uses various
control variables that have an influence on company profitability in order to have a sound
analysis of the impact of working capital management on firm profitability. According to
(Ebrahim and Joriah, 2012), (Nyeadi, Sare,& Aawaar, 2019) and (Ismail, 2017), briefly discus
about the determinant of working capital management, and its relation sheep with profitability
of a business, tin accordance with available literatures the researcher selects the most relevant
control variable which have significant impact on the title of research.
Liquidity ratios use indicators including the current ratio, quick ratio, and operating cash flow
ratio to determine a company's ability to pay term liabilities of this studies the
researcher chooses current ratio formula as a liquidity measure ratio.
32 Leverage (LV)
The debt ratio that measures how much of a company's total assets are financed by its debtors.
It symbolizes a company's leverage. A higher debt ratio figure indicates that the business is
more leveraged and has more financial leverage. Greater leverage indicates a greater cost of
borrowing working capital.
The sales growth rate indicates how quickly a company may increase revenue from sales over
a set period of time. Multiply the average price per product or service sold by the quantity of
products or services sold to get the total sales value.
The volume of sales (VS) = [(current year sales-last year sales) /last year sales]
FS is measured by the natural logarithm of sales, because the initial value of total sales may
bias the study because sales vary from business to company, making the data more comparable
Kouser, Rehana et al. (2011).
The total assets controlled by a company determines the size of the company. Large firms
benefit from economies of scale in their operations, better access to capital, and more
negotiating power with both suppliers and consumers. Large companies often have more access
to external finance sources, both long- and short-term, and at a lesser cost (Manoori and
Muhammad, 2012). Dang, et al. (2017) argued that the cost of working capital investment is
lower for larger firms than for smaller firms because larger firms have less information
asymmetry and consequently lower external financing costs. Furthermore, as compared to
smaller firms, larger firms have stronger access to financial markets and a greater ability to
extend more trade loans, allowing them to spend more in working capital. Take a glance at the
working capital of a set of companies can reveal some of the reasons why larger companies are
more efficient, as well as whether there are any positive relationships between the two. As a
proxy for business size, the researcher’s employ the natural logarithm of total assets.
Table 3.1 summary of Description of variables
Variable of Formula Portrayal Measure
Net Income
Return on assets Dependent = Profitability %
(ROA) Total Asset
Firms Efficiency
Cash Conversion Independent = (ACP+ICP)-APP in Days
Cycle (CCC) Working capital
Account Receivable *365 Firms Efficiency
Average Collection Independent = in Days
Period (ACP) Sales Receivable
Inventory *365 Firms Efficiency
Inventory Independent = in Days
Conversion Period Cost of goods sold Inventory
(ICP), Management
Account Payable *365
Average Payment Independent = Firms Days
Period (APP), Purchase Creditworthiness
The volume of sales Current year sales- Last year Firms Progress
(VS) Control sales in %
= Sales
Last year sales
First, the data for this study is gathered from medium tax payers manufacturing companies'
financial statements. Following that, the collected results is reorganized, modified, and
computed to provide the entire data set required for this study. The collected data is then
analyzed using E-views. The final step is to interpret the output of E-view version 8.
For regression analysis, the pooled ordinary least squares model was employed, and panel
data points were joined to determine the causal relationship between the profitability variable
and the study's independent variables.
The model developed by (Otekunrin et al. 2021) was used to study the impact of working
capital management on the profitability of manufacturing companies in Ethiopia. The
following equation will be used to analyze the link between working capital management and
ICP = Inventory Conversion Period
LQ = Liquidity
FS = Firm size,
LV = Leverage.
Multiple regression models were conducted, one for each variable and one for each sample
company. When the above generic model is transformed to the study's specific variables, the
following regression equations were used to determine the influence of working capital
management on manufacturing companies’ profitability.
In the first regression model, the CCC has been regressed against the ROA as a measure of
profitability. In the second regression model, the ACP has been regressed against the ROA as
a measure of profitability. The third regression model involves a regression of the ICP against
the ROA as a measure of profitability. In the fourth regression model, the APP is regressed
against the ROA as a measure of profitability.
The study employed regression analysis to determine the impact of working capital
management on profitability by analyzing the impact of a unit change in each explanatory
variable on profitability. The study's dependent variable is Return on Asset (ROA), whereas
the independent factors are Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), Average Collection Period (ACP),
Inventory Conversion Period (ICP), Average Payment Period (APP), and profitability. and the
control variable are Nature of the business, liquidity, Firm size, operating cycle, The volume
of sales, and leverage.
The technique employed in each model in this study is chosen using the Correlated Random
Effects-Hausman test. The Hausman test determines if the unobservable heterogeneity term is
linked with regressors while assuming that regressors are uncorrelated with the disturbance
term in each period. The null hypothesis for this test is that the unobservable heterogeneity
term is not correlated or that a random effect model with independent variables is acceptable.
If the null hypothesis is rejected, the Fixed Effects approach is used. The simplest forms of
fixed effects models enable the regression model's intercept to vary cross-sectionally. To assess
if the fixed effects are required, this study used the Hausman Test to perform a redundant fixed
effects test as advised by (Chudik & Pesaran 2013).
The null hypothesis for this test is that the random effect model is inappropriate; the alternative
hypothesis would be that the fixed effect model is acceptable; and the null hypothesis should
be rejected if the p-value is less than the significance threshold of 5%. Otherwise, the null
hypothesis should not be rejected. According to the results, the study will use a fixed effects
Table 3.2 Redundant fixed effect test
The analysis of the collected secondary data was presented in this chapter. The impact of
working capital management on profitability of the sample companies are represented by one
dependent variable (ROA), four independent variables (CCC, ACP, ICP, APP) and four control
variables (LQ, VS, LV, FS), A statistical tool named E-views was used to perform descriptive
and quantitative analyses on secondary data. Important statistical output, as well as correlation
and regression results, were reviewed in detail. A regression result examined, as well as
attempts to test the hypothesis, which provides an in-depth investigation of the relationship
between profitability and independent variables along with control variables under the
The findings of descriptive statistics were discussed in this section. Table 4.1 shows
descriptive data for the study's dependent and independent variables. It displays the mean and
standard deviation of the study's variables. Furthermore, the mean and standard deviation of
the many variables of interest in this study are presented using descriptive analysis. It also
displays the variables' lowest and maximum values, which enable in gaining a better
understanding of the variable's maximum and minimum values
Table 4.1 Descriptive statistics of the variables
Mean 0.2852 271.08 59.452 290.63 79.004 4.5986 0.1455 0.0996 2.2222
Median 0.1403 159.00 26.814 157.42 14.027 2.4714 0.0841 0.0099 2.0000
Maximum 2.8056 2668.8 511.18 2625.6 1260.7 116.35 0.7253 2.6331 5.0000
Minimum 0.0013 -871.90 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3906 0.0000 -0.6830 1.0000
Std. Dev. 0.4410 440.24 98.748 405.67 166.69 10.644 0.1772 0.5131 1.1949
Observation 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135
Table 4.1 presents descriptive information for 27 sampled manufacturing share companies
from 2017 to 2021 over a span of five years. to analysis the study employed nine variables,
split into four independents, four control, and one dependent variable. ROA is the dependent
variable that measures the firm's profitability. Four of the eight independent variables are
proxies for the sample businesses' profitability (CCC, ACP, ICP, APP). firm size (FS), as
assessed by the natural logarithm of sales, liquidity (LQ), volume of sales (VS), as defined by
the relative change in sales over the previous year, and current ratio, which gauges liquidity,
are the remaining four independent control variables employed. the researcher employed the
analysis in accordance with Mbawuni et al. (2016) studied the impact of working capital
management on the profitability of Ghanaian petroleum retailers from 2008 to 2013.
Profitability is determined by the return on assets (ROA) and (Seyoum, et al 2016) study the
data has been collected from 10 food complex manufacturing firms’ from year 2009 upto 2013
and analyzed through descriptive statistics.
As it is shown in Table 4.1, the mean value of return on assets is around 28.52 percent, and
the standard deviation is 44.10 percent. The minimum rate of return on assets is 0.013 percent,
while the maximum is 280.5 percent. In other words, the return on assets is extremely variable.
The average return on assets is approximately 44 percent devatas and selected manufacturing
share companies able to generate on average 28.52 percent of their earning from invested
capital. Mbawuni et al. (2016) found that the mean and standard deviation of the return on
assets (ROA) for the sampled petroleum retail companies are 17.32 percent and 13.02 percent,
respectively. This means that there is a high degree of variability in the profitability of
manufacturing companies than petroleum retailers. A company's profitability can differ
significantly from one to the next. This is why it is crucial for managers to comprehend the
factors that influence their companies' profitability. This suggests that the profitability position
of the medium tax payers manufacturing companies is found satisfactory.
The cash conversion cycle is a broad metric of working capital management. Table 4.1 shows
that the average cash conversion cycle is 271 days, with a standard deviation of 440 days. The
smallest value of the cash conversion cycle is 872 days, while the highest value of the cash
conversion period is 2669 days. These figures are higher than (Mbawuni et al. 2016)
means that it takes 271 days on average to convert all of the cash in the company into company
resources and back to cash. and standard deviation indicates that the range is from 440 days to
2669 days. This means that there is a high degree of variability in the cash conversion cycle of
manufacturing companies
The average cash collection time is 59 days long, with a standard variation of 99 days. The
shortest average cash collection duration is 0 days, while the longest average cash collection
period is 511 days. This means that the selected manufacturing companies on average it takes
59 days to turn their receivables into cash. This suggests that 59 days pass between the date of
collection and the date of payment for the sampled manufacturing companies. and 99 days of
deviation reveal that the average cash collection of manufacturing companies is very diverse.
In contrast with (Seyoum et al., 2016), the sampled manufacturing companies' average cash
collections are much lower than the average collections of Ethiopian manufacturing companies.
As stated by Table 4.1, it takes an average of 291 days to sell inventory. The standard
deviation of the inventory holding period is 406 days, with the lowest and highest values of 0
and 2626 days, respectively. This shows that inventory conversion periods are highly
dispersed. As a result, the average inventory conversion period is shorter and the inventory
holding period's standard deviation is longer than the actual inventory conversion measure.
Accounts payable term as a proxy for payment policy which has a mean value of 79 days and
a standard deviation of 167 days. The lowest and maximum period spans from 0 to 1261 days.
Table 4.1 also contains descriptive statistics for the study's control variables. According to a
classic measure of liquidity (current ratio), manufacturing companies hold current assets at 4.6
times current liabilities on average, with a standard deviation of 10.64. During the research
period, the maximum current ratio and minimum current ratios for a business was 119 and 0.39
The use of debt to buy more assets is referred to as leverage or trading on equity, the sampled
companies' average current liabilities proportion in financing total assets is 14.54 percent. This
highest current liabilities to total assets ratio indicate that the company is more aggressive in
funding its working capital requirements, and 17.71 percent is the standard deviation. The
minimum value is 0, while the maximum value is 72.5 percent, it is indicating a more
The volume of sales, as measured by changes in annual sales, is 1 percent, with a 51 percent
standard deviation from the mean value of sales growth in both directions. Sampled
manufacturing firms' sales growth ranged from -68 percent to 26.3 percent.
Firm size as a natural logarithm of total asset is used as a control variable to manage the
size determined by the natural logarithm of annual revenues, the mean is 2.22 and
the standard deviation 1.19. minimum and maximum Firm size are 1 and 5 days, respectively.
The criterion of normality is when the variables in the model follow the standard normal
distribution. The Jarque-Bera statistics were employed to test the variable's normality under
various conditions and assumptions. The histogram should be bell-shaped and the Jarque- Bera
statistic should be insignificant if the series are normally distributed. As a result, if the
probability of the Jarque-Bera statistic is greater than 0.05, the series will be normally
distributed at the 5% level of significance. As a result, the four regressed models were found
Figure 4.1 Normality test for the model effect of CCC on ROA
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2017 2021
16 Observations 135
Mean 7.07e-17
12 Median 0.058231
Maximum 3.153227
Minimum -4.102683
8 Std. Dev. 1.198265
Skewness -0.178972
Kurtosis 3.905549
Jarque-Bera 5.333306
Probability 0.069484
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Figure 4.2 Normality test for the model effect of ACP on ROA
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2017 2021
16 Observations 135
Mean 1.32e-17
12 Median 0.075692
Maximum 1.169789
Minimum -1.065627
8 Std. Dev. 0.551839
Skewness -0.104470
Kurtosis 1.991624
Jarque-Bera 5.965189
Probability 0.050661
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Figure 4.3 Normality test for the model effect of ICP on ROA
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2017 2021
16 Observations 135
Mean -1.25e-16
12 Median 0.090325
Maximum 2.719251
Minimum -4.432901
8 Std. Dev. 1.247744
Skewness -0.302619
Kurtosis 3.789917
Jarque-Bera 5.570325
Probability 0.061719
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
Figure 4.4 Normality test for the model effect of APP on ROA
Series: Standardized Residuals
Sample 2017 2021
20 Observations 135
16 Mean 1.17e-15
Median 0.024879
Maximum 2.913082
12 Minimum -4.283046
Std. Dev. 1.253813
Skewness -0.169331
Kurtosis 3.801956
4 Jarque-Bera 4.262769
Probability 0.118673
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
The variance of each of the disturbance terms is the same for all values of the explanatory
factors, implying homoskedasticity. The condition of non-constant variance or non-
homogeneity of variance is known as heteroskedasticity if the disturbance factors do not have
the same variance. The least squares estimators are still unbiased. Park Test, Glesjer Test,
Breusch-Pagan-Goldfrey Test, White's Test, and Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) Test are some of the tests used to discover the Heteroscedasticity
issue Long, eta al. (2000).
Decision Rule: If the p-value is larger than the significance level, reject H0. Otherwise, H0
should not be rejected.
The correlation matrix in the following tables shows that all the modes are smaller than the
specified value.
Following the presentation of descriptive data and diagnostic tests in sections 4.2 and 4.3,
respectively, this section's regression analysis is employed to enlighten the effects of working
capital management components on company performance. The researcher assesses firms’
profitability, as measured by return on asset (ROA), against the four independent (CCC ACP
ICP APP) and four control variables (LQ LV VS FS).
The summary statistics of Regression result of Model Specification (I) are shown in Table
4.4. as illustrated, the model's explanatory power is 87.5 % based on the adjusted R squared
values. This means that the CCC employed in the model can explain 87.5 % of the variation in
the ROA. In this study, the Adjusted R-squared values are shown to be adequate to indicate
that the fitted regression line is very close to all of the data points taken together which means
it has more explanatory power. The F statistic is used to put the model specification to the test.
Table 4.4 shows that the model is fit with an F-statistic of 23.25 and the p-value of 0.0000.
Holding other things constant a day increase cash conversion cycle is associated with a
decrease in -0.012 percent in profitability but statically insignificant with the probability of 0.
0727. According to the findings cash conversion cycle and profitability of manufacturing firms’
negatively related. This indicates that the profitability of manufacturing share companies in
Ethiopia rises by 0.012 percent when the net time delay between actual cash expenditures on a
firm's purchase impute or raw material and the final recovery of cash collections from product
sales is shorten. As a result, reducing the cycle by one day improves company's profitability by
0.012% every year. In essence, this negative association shows that business managers may
increase profitability by reducing the time lag between raw purchased goods and finished goods
sales. The findings of the study are in line with the findings of previous research like Devi
(2018), Mahato & Jagannathan (2016) Seyoum et al. (2016) finding shows that Return on
Assets has a negative relationship with CCC. In another hand, Sefera et al. (2020) found that
the cash conversion cycle and profitability have a positive significant relationship, The
accounts receivable period, inventory holding period, and accounts payable period combine to
form the cash conversion cycle. As a result, effectively managing the cash conversion cycle
entails effectively controlling these three items. The fact that the cash conversion cycle has a
favorable impact on profitability shows that small businesses take longer to collect receivables
and pay their bills than their cash conversion cycle.
The outcome is that decreasing or increasing the cash conversion cycle has a significant and
negative impact on the company profitability. It indicates that the shorter a company's cash
conversion cycle is, the more profitable it is, and vice versa. As mentioned in the theoretical
section of this study, the cash conversion cycle is the sum of the accounts receivable and
inventory holding periods, minus the accounts payable time. The negative result with cash
conversion cycle indicates that an increase in profitability is associated with a decrease in the
cash conversion cycle when considering the components of the CCC (ICP, ACP, APP). It
reveals that profitable businesses have a longer CCC, indicating ineffective working capital
management components (ICP, ACP, APP) all had an impact on this, Financial Managers can
control the efficiency of the cash conversion cycle and its impact on profitability by managing
ICP, ACP, APP (by creating a short ICP, ACP, and/or long APP).
The regression model specification (I) CCC findings are employed to determine the
hypothesis one provided in chapter one section 1.6. The first research hypothesis implies that
the cash conversion cycle is negative and significant effect on company’s profitability as
measured by return on assets, model specification (I) return of asset is negatively and
insignificantly related to the cash conversion cycle. As a result, the null hypothesis is not
confirmed and can be conclude that the first research hypothesis is rejected.
Table 4.5 illustrate that the summary Regression result of Model Specification (II) ACP.
The explanatory power of Model Specification (II) as can be seen is that the adjusted R squared
values is 84.52 percent. This indicates that the ACP can explain 84.52 percent of the variation
in the ROA. In this research, the adjusted R-squared values were shown to be sufficient to
demonstrate that the fitted regression line is mutually very close to all the data points. The F
statistic is used to test the model specification (II) the model is fit with F- statistical 24.61 at a
p-value of 0.0000, as shown in the Table 4.5.
Assuming all other things remain constant If the ACP increases by one day, the profitability
of manufacturing firms decreases profitability by 0.167 percent and statistically significant
with probability 0.038 percent.
Mahato & Jagannathan (2016), Ntui et al. (2014) and Tirngo (2013). study result show that
average collection period had negative relation with companies’ contrast
Abdulnafea et al. (2021) concluded that there is a positive relationship between average
collection period (ACP) and profitability. This negative relationship indicates that, When the
collection duration lengthens, bad debt grows, reducing profitability, and vice versa. The study
implies that a significantly negative impact on the profitability of manufacturing enterprises,
when the number of days it takes to collect cash from credit consumers increases, the
profitability of the manufacturing company decreases. As a result, accounts receivables are
used as a source of funding to increase sales and growth. Because accounts receivable is
categorized as the second level of current assets, though manufacturing companies should
implement adequate policies to control their level of sales on credit.
On another hand the liquidity regression result indicated that a unit increase in liquidity is
associated with a 08.557 percent increase, which is statistically significant with probability
0.0026. likewise, holding other things constant a unit increase in leverage associated with an
increase in ROA by 30.04 percent, statistically significant with probability 0.00254.a unit
increase in volume of sale is associated with increase in ROA by 1.235 percent but statically
insignificant with probability 0.7029.And finally Profitability has a strong positive association
with a company's size, holding other things constant a unit increase in firm size in association
with ROA by 0.2 percent, but statistically insignificant with probability 0.6474.
The regression model specification (II) ACP findings are employed to determine the
hypothesis one provided in chapter one section 1.6. the second research hypothesis implies that
the average cash collection period is negative and significant effect on company’s profitability
as measured by return on assets, as illustrated on model specification (II) return of asset is
negatively and significantly related to the average cash collection period. As a result, the null
hypothesis is confirmed and can be conclude that the second research hypothesis is true.
4.5.3 Regression result of Model Specification (III) ICP
Table 4.6 illustrate that the summary Regression result of Model Specification (III) ICP. The
explanatory power of ICP as shown that the adjusted R squared values is 87.37 percent. This
indicates that the ICP can explain 87.37 percent of the variation in the ROA. In this research,
the adjusted R-squared values were shown to be 83.57 it is tremendous to explain that the fitted
regression line is mutually very close to all the data points. The F statistic is used to test the
model specification III) ICP the model is fit with F- statistical 22.98 at a p-value of 0.0000, as
shown in the Table 4.6.
Holding all other things remain constant If the ICP increases by one day, the profitability of
manufacturing firms decreases by 01.08. but statistically insignificant with probability 0.1377.
In constant with Mbawuni et al (2016), Abdulnafea et al. (2021) and Afrifa (2016) finding that
there is negative relationship between inventory collection period and firms’ profitability as
measured by return of asset. This indicates that reducing the number of days of inventory
maintained in a manufacturing company can maximize profitability. in contrary, Makori et al.
(2014) found positive relationship between inventory conversion period and profitability. They
came to the conclusion that holding large inventory levels reduces the cost of potential
production delays and company loss due to product shortage. It implies that the manufacturing
company need less time to sell its inventory or manufacture it from raw materials and generate
income from consumers than it does to pay its inventory suppliers.
Table 4.6 also shows that the Control variable summary Regression result, the traditional
measure of liquidity, the current ratio, associated with a 03.09 percent increase on ROA, but,
statistically insignificant with probability 0.1078, and the findings are consistent with previous
research of this type (Manoori and Muhammad, 2012),
Table 4.6 show that LV is significantly positively associated to the return on assets, by
holding other things constant a unit increase in LV associated with an increase in ROA by
31.29 percent, statistically significant with probability 0.00242, This is consistent with Yeboah
and Agyei (2011), although the values differ significantly. however, contrasts with (Deloof
2003) and (Kassahun, 2020) assertion. Keeping other things constant a unit increase in VS is
associated with increase in ROA by 5 percent with statically insignificant with probability
The firm's size has a positive association with its profitability measured by natural logarithm
of total asset. If the FS increase, the firm's profitability increases as well. With a coefficient of
0.05 and a p-value of 0.29. in consistent with (Isik et al. 2017). On another hand Abdulnafea et
al. (2021) found that negative relationships between profitability and firm size. they identified
three reasons for the negative relationships. First, as past studies have shown, increased
diversification can lead to worse profitability. Second, managers raise business size to meet
their own financial and non-financial goals, such as getting more remuneration as a manager
in larger firms. This means that for every unit increase in unit sales, manufacturing companies
gain an additional 0.05 return. This suggests that, as compared to smaller enterprises,
profitability rises as the firm grows in size.
The Third research hypothesis implies that inventory conversion Period (ICP) is negatively
and significant effect on company’s profitability. In conformity with hypothesis, model
specification (III) returns of asset as the indicator of profitability, is negatively but
insignificantly related with inventory conversion Period at 5% confidence level. as a result, the
null hypothesis is not confirmed and can be conclude that the Third research hypothesis is
4.5.4 Regression result of Model Specification (IV) APP
Table 4.7 reveals Regression result of Model Specification (IV) APP. The explanatory
power of APP as shown that the adjusted R squared values is 83.23 percent. This indicates that
the APP can explain 83.23 percent of the variation in the ROA. In this study, the adjusted R-
squared values were shown to be 83.23 it is tremendous to explain that the fitted regression
line is mutually very close to all the data points. The F statistic is used to test the Model
Specification (IV) APP the model is fit with F- statistical 22.45 at a p-value of 0.0000, as shown
in the Table 4.7.
Table 4.7 implies that increasing the number of days of APP by one day leads to a .00534
percent increasing in profitability measured as ROA by holding all other things constant.
Result from Model Specification (IV) suggests a positive but insignificant relation between
the ROA and APP. The result is consistent with the prior study of Sefera et al. (2020). Makori,
et al. (2014), In contrary, Amarasekara et al. (2021) and Mbawuni et al (2016) found that
significant negative relationship between profitability and average payable periods, conclude
that less profitable companies postpone payments and more profitable companies pay their
invoices sooner.
Mahato & Jagannathan (2016) and Devi (2018) also found that there is a significance
positive relationship between average payable period and profitability as measured by ROA. It
implies that, more profitable companies take longer to pay their invoices to their vendors. This
means they delay payment to suppliers in order to take use of the cash on hand to meet their
working capital requirements.
The relationship between profitability measured as ROA and control variables seems to be
analogous with all four models, the impacts of the LQ, LV, VS, FS on ROA are positive, by
holding other things constant unit increase in LQ, LV, VS, FS is associated with increase in
ROA by 0.22%,31%,4%,4%, percent respectively but except LV, statistically in significant
with probability.
Result from Model Specification (IV) are used to determine the hypothesis stated in chapter
one section 1.4. The fourth research hypothesis was that the average payment period (APP) is
Positive and significant effect on company’s profitability. Return on assets is positively related
to accounts payable period in accordance with hypothesis, but the relationship is insignificant.
As a result, the null hypothesis cannot be confirmed, and the fourth research hypothesis must
be rejected.
The four-model specification regression result analysis summarized as follows; the effect of
CCC on ROA negative and statistically insignificant; however, there is similar result found in
the prior studies Devi (2018) and Mahato & Jagannathan (2016), ACP with negative ROA and
significance, ICP with negative ROA and statically insignificant; likewise, Mbawuni et al
(2016) and Afrifa (2016) found a significant negative relationship between inventory collection
period and firms’ profitability, and APP with positive ROA and statically insignificant.
Likewise, Mahato & Jagannathan (2016) and Devi (2018) studies found that there is a
significant positive relationship between average payable period and profitability as measured
by ROA. all regression result of Model Specification control variable has a positive relationship
with profitability.
Table 4.8 Summary of actual and expected signs of explanatory variables on the dependent
variables and Hypothesis test result
This chapter draws conclusions from the research's overall overviews and main findings.
Following that, the researcher provided recommendations based on the findings. Finally, future
research directions are suggested.
Working capital management is one of a company's most crucial financial decision.
Companies can achieve optimal working capital management by maintaining a balance
between profitability and liquidity. A company's working capital must be carefully monitored
and balanced at all times. The firm's capacity to run for longer periods of time is dependent on
a trade-off between long-term and short-term investment management. Working capital
shortages can result in a lack of liquidity as well as reduced productivity and revenue; on the
other extreme, an excess of working capital can lead to a loss of investment options.
The results of this study help to close the gap in knowledge about the relationship between
working capital management and the profitability of manufacturing firms in Ethiopia. This
study also helps to boost profitability and the firm's long-term capability of working capital
management techniques will be strengthened.
The study used a quantitative method and an explanatory research design to determine the
magnitude and type of the causal relationships between independent and dependent variables,
as well as control variables.
Although there were 134 medium taxpayer manufacturing companies operating in Ethiopia
between 2017 and 2021, a non-probability purposive sampling approach was used to select a
sample of 27 companies due to data incompleteness. The financial statements of the sampled
companies for the five years from 2017 to 2021 were obtained from data base of Ministry of
Revenue's medium taxpayers office. By using E-Views 8 software, the researcher analyses the
data using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.
The descriptive statistics analysis shows that the mean value of the 27 companies included in
the study profitability as measured by return on asset was 28.52% and it deviates from the mean
to both sides by 44.10 %. Its minimum value is 0.13 % while the maximum is 280 %. While
cash conversion cycle as a comprehensive measure of working capital management of
manufacturing share companies of the study on average takes 271days.The firm’s average
collection period from their customer on average at 59 days and have accounts payable period
on average at 79 days. On the other side. The inventory conversion period That is, the time
between purchasing inventory and selling inventory averaged is 291 days.
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) has a negative coefficient relation with ROA as a measure of
profitability. the negative relationship indicates that shortening the day delay between real cash
expenditures on a firm's purchase of resources and the final recovery of cash collections from
product sales.
Average collection period (ACP) has a significant negative relationship between ROA as a
measure of profitability. The negative relationship indicates that the number of days it takes to
collect cash from a credit client would be too short, subsequently it increased firm profitability.
The reason for this, if a company collects its receivables promptly, the funds will be allocated
for productive use.
inventory conversation period (ICP) has a negative relation with companies’ profitability as
measure of ROA. If there was a negative relationship, it meant that the company converted
inventories into sales quickly, it only takes a short time to replace inventory with revenues,
maximizing the firm's profitability, while the potential for inventory conversion increases as
profitability increases over time. Because of the negative impact on inventory conversion time,
substantial profits are generated in a short amount of time. Inventory turns into cash in a short
amount of time, increasing the firm's profitability. The inventory acquires deterioration and
obsolescence over a lengthy period of time.
Average payable period (APP) has a positive relationship with Return of asset as a measure
of profitability. This means accounts payable increased by that amount throughout the specified
period of time. As a source of cash, increasing accounts payable improved cash flow by that
precise amount. this means the manufacturing companies keep their vendor payments in order
to take advantage of the money available for their working capital needs.
This section will be focused on the analysis, discussion, and conclusion sections. The findings
primarily focus on the impact of working capital management on manufacturing company
profitability, specifically the impact of the cash conversion cycle account receivables,
inventory conversion, and account payable on profitability of manufacturing companies.
The cash conversion cycle has a negative relationship with company profitability. As a result,
the researcher recommended that the cash conversion cycle evaluated by decreasing the
working capital cycle as a criterion of effective working capital management. If the company
controlled the ICP, APP, and ARP effectively and efficiently, the cash conversion cycle would
be managed effectively and efficiently, Because the three independent variables are cumulative
variables for the cash conversion cycle. This means that by reducing the time frame of the
physical flow from procurement of raw materials to shipment of finished goods, and improving
the terms on which the firm sells goods and receives cash, investment in working capital could
be optimized and cash flows could be improved. In order to improve their cash gap in the cash
conversion cycle, high-profitable companies targeted an increase in accounts receivables. a
shorter average collecting duration is often preferable to a longer one. A short average
collection duration suggests that the organization receives money more quickly. However,
there is a disadvantage to this, since it may imply that the company's credit terms are
excessively stringent. Customers who are dissatisfied with their creditors' payment conditions
may opt to seek suppliers or service providers with more liberal payment terms.
Finally, by lowering the time gap between a firm's actual cash expenditures on productive
resources and the subsequent recovery of cash collections from product sales, management of
manufacturing firms in study may both create value for shareholders and improve the firms'
More research is needed to carry out the impact of working capital management on corporate
goals, concentrating on the current economic crisis of the country and including more working
capital variables that affect profitability.
This research solely looks at the relationship between working capital management and
profitability as evaluated by ROA. There is other more profitability ratio components to
investigate further.
Furthermore, this study examines the impact of working capital management on the
profitability of manufacturing share companies that are medium taxpayers in Ethiopia by
focusing on operational working capital components such as CCC, ACP, ICP, APP, as well as
control variables such as leverage, liquidity, volume of sales, and firm size. and the future
researcher should focus on Ethiopian manufacturing enterprises by utilizing financial working
capital components while focusing on the country's present economic crisis such as inflation,
GDP, and other economic components.
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