Coronary Slow Flow
Coronary Slow Flow
Coronary Slow Flow
Original Article 1
1 Department of Cardiology, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Address for correspondence Satish Kumar Rao V., MD,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India DTCD, DM, Department of Cardiology, Nizam’s Institute of
Medical Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad, Telangana 500082, India
(e-mail: [email protected]).
Abstract Aim This study aimed to analyze laboratory predictors, angiographic profile, clinical
profile, and risk factors for coronary slow flow (CSF) phenomenon without coronary
obstructive lesion in patients who came for a coronary angiogram.
Materials and Methods The case-control study consisted of patients who u nderwent
coronary angiography and were divided into two groups: patients with coronary
slow flow (case group, n = 100) and patients with the normal coronary flow (con-
trol group, n = 100). Coronary flow was studied using corrected thrombolysis in myo-
cardial infarction frame count (CTFC). The slow flow was defined as CTFC beyond 2
standard deviations from the normal published range. Risk factors including age, sex,
diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, body mass index (BMI),
hematological and biochemical parameters (complete blood picture, platelet count,
total and differential leucocyte count, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio [PLR], neutro-
phil-to-lymphocyte ratio [NLR] and lipid profile) were assessed. In both groups, clinical
information was collected, and laboratory parameters were measured and compared.
Results Patients with CSF were more likely to be male and active smokers. Total
cholesterol, triglyceride, BMI, and DM were more commonly seen in the CSF group
compared with the control group. Inflammatory markers like uric acid (p = 0.03) and
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (Hs-CRP) (p = 0.000) were found to be statistically
significant. Hematocrit (p = 0.023), NLR (p = 0.001), total cholesterol (p = 0.000), tri-
glycerides (p = 0.000), and BMI (p = 0.000) were statistically significant. PLR has the
tendency of statistically significance (p = 0.059). BMI, total cholesterol, triglycerides,
Keywords and Hs-CRP were strong predictors for CSF.
►►coronary angiogram Conclusion CSF was common in males, smokers, DM patients, and it was associ-
►►slow flow ated with high NLR, uric acid, and Hs-CRP levels. The independent predictor of CSF
►►BMI was BMI, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and Hs-CRP levels. These findings provide an
►►DM impetus for additional studies to confirm the role of other inflammatory markers in
►►smoking CSF patients and treatment strategies depending on that.
inflammation, ectasia, small vessel disease, and heart fail- 15 frames/second, and a correction factor of 1.7 for the left
ure are suggested as the various pathophysiological factors anterior descending (LAD) was taken for study.
of CSF
This study aims to correlate risk factors, clinical profile, Statistical Results
laboratory findings, and angiographic profile and find out Chi-square/Fisher’s exact test was studied to compare the
the common predictors in patients with CSF. statistical significance of categorical variables. Statistical
significance of the quantitative variables was analyzed with
unpaired Student’s t-test. The equality of variances between
Material and Methods
the two groups was studied by Leven’s test. Mann Whitney
The case-control study included patients who underwent U test was applied when quantitative variables did not fol-
coronary angiography between June 1, 2017, and May low a normal distribution. Multivariable logistic regression
31, 2018, in our institute were evaluated. A total of 100 was applied by using the enter method, and variables which
consecutive patients, cases with CSF phenomenon and 100 had a p-value of less than 0.05 by univariable methods were
controls with normal coronary (NC) flow were evaluated included. The statistical software Minitab 17 (Minitab, Ltd.,
in the p
resent study. United Kingdom) was used to analyze the data.
coronary artery involved (n = 50), followed by LCX (n = 16) positive independent association between levels of serum
and right coronary artery (RCA) (n = 34) which is similar- uric acid and CSF phenomenon. In our study, we found that
ly reported in other study populations.8,10Pontiroli et al12 in serum uric acid levels were significantly higher in patients
his study population showed that a reduction in BMI after with CSF phenomenon when compared with the control
surgical procedures like gastric banding is associated with group. There is considerable evidence that CSF occurs as a
significant improvement in markers causing endothelial dys- result of coronary microvascular dysfunction, which is sec-
function, which is the causative factor for CSF phenomenon. ondary to endothelial dysfunction. It was noted that coronary
BMI is found to be the strongest predictor of coronary slow flow reserve (CFR), as an indicator of coronary microvascu-
flow (p = 0.000) in our study population. Newer studies need lar function, is impaired in patients with CSF phenomenon.20
to be conducted in the future to see whether a reduction in Reduced CFR is the earliest manifestation of coronary athero-
BMI decreases the markers of endothelial dysfunction, which sclerosis. Kanbay et al21 showed that uric acid has a role in
causes CSF phenomenon and improves the coronary flow. coronary microvascular disease and CFR. Uric acid by induc-
The endothelium plays a pivotal role by regulating coro- ing vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and causing
nary vascular tone and control coronary blood flow.13 Mea- increased oxidative stress via the vascular renin-angiotensin
surement of endothelial function, by the brachial artery system causes coronary microvascular disease.22 Güllü et al23
flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), is impaired in people pre- have found that serum uric acid levels are inversely related
senting with CSF.14 In patients with CSF nitric oxide (NO) bio- with CFR which have a role in coronary microvascular disease
activity is decreased, and impaired vascular endothelial func- in healthy individuals. Cin et al24 investigated coronary artery
tion is seen.15 It is noted that the concentration of adiponectin morphology in patients with CSF phenomenon and found
and paraoxonase activity two critical markers of endothelial out that diffuse intimal thickening, atheroma, does not cause
dysfunction are markedly reduced in patients with a CSF.16 luminal irregularities and widespread calcification in the cor-
High levels of serum uric acid were found in patients with onary vessel wall, suggesting that the CSF phenomenon is a
endothelial dysfunction, which is a causative factor for CSF form of early-stage coronary atherosclerosis in their coronary
phenomenon.17 Uric acid is known to induce endotheli- angiographic analysis of patients with CSF. Consistent with
al dysfunction via down-regulating NO production and by our results, Naing et al recently found that uric acid was the
mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-mediated mitochondri- most important determining risk factor for CSF phenomenon.
al calcium overload.18 Besides, Elbasan et al19 in their study Inflammation has a vital role in the pathogenesis of CSF;
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