Dear Parents, Please Find Below The Portion of Term 1 - (2022-2023) AS Level

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Dear Parents,

Please find below the Portion of Term 1-(2022-2023) AS level

Date setting Subject Grade AS - Portion For Term Exam 2022
Comprehension –
ENG GEN P2 Passage A – assorted data
RAY Passage B – continuous prose

Shorter Writing
Ms Ranjini ENG LANG P2 Reflective Commentary
Descriptive Writing, Narrative Writing and Review
PAPER 1: Theory Fundamentals
Ch 1 Information representation :
1.1 Data Representation
1.2 Multimedia
1.3 Compression
Mr Rajesh COMP SC P1 Ch 2 Communication :
2.1 Networks including the internet
Ch 3 Hardware
3.1 Computers and their components
3.2 Logic Gates and Logic Circuits

Wed 24th
August PAPER 1
1 Data processing and information
2 Hardware and software
3 Monitoring and control
Mr Khalid IT 4 Algorithms and flow charts
8 Spreadsheets
9 Modelling
11 Sound and video editing

1. Research Methodology
Dr Anju 2. Biological Approach
3. Cognitive Approach: Andrade and Baron-Cohen.
Physical quantities and units
Current electricity
DC circuits
Mr Subrojit PHYSICS p1
Ms Parbati Unit 1:Business and its environment:
BS Chapter 1-Enterprise
25th August BS P1
Ms Rajashree Chapter 2-Business structure
Ms Ekta BSP2
Ms Pallavi
Chapter 3-Size of business
Chapter 4-Business Objectives
Chapter 5-Stakeholders in a business

Unit 2:Human resource management

Chapter 10- Human resource management (HRM)
Advanced Practical Skills
Practical work and structured questions
Questions are based on the experimental skills ( Titration,
Chem CHEM P3
MR Kamlesh volume of gas and detection of ions )
Friday, 26th ACCOUNTSP1
Mr Kunal Accounting [9706] : Managerial Accounitng: 1.
Accounts Classification of cost [material, labour & overheads] 2. Unit,
Mr Chandresh P2
job & batch costing 3. Absorption costing 4. Invenotry
valaution [IAS-2] 5. Business planning 6. Marginal costing &
Cost volume profit analysis. Financial Accounting : 1.
Accounting terms 2. Double entry book-keeping
1) Cell Structure
2) Infectious Diseases
3) Biomolecules
4) Enzymes
5) Cell membrane Transport
Chap-1 Basic economic Problem& Resource Allocation (Text
Bio Book Page1 - Page-40)
Ms Kalpana BIO P1
Monday, 1.Scarcity choice & opportunity cost
Eco BIO P2
29th August 2.Economic Methodology
Mr lyndon ECO P2
Mr Amey 3.Factors of Profuction
4.Resource Allocation & different Economic Systems
5. Production Possibility Curve
6.classification of Goods and Services
Chap-2 The Price System & the Micro Economy (Text Book
Page 51-101)
7.Demand & Supply curves
8.Price Elasticity of Demand,Income Elasticity & Cross
Elasticity of Demand
9.Price Elasticity of Supply
10. Interaction of Demand & Supply
11.Consumer & Producer Surplus
Chap-3 Government Micro Economic Intervention (Text
Book Page 112 - Page 130)
12.Reasons for Government intervention
13.Methods & effects of Government Intervention
14.Addressing income & wealth inequaliy

Mr KAUSHIK Academic essay writing –

ENG GEN P1 Essay categories (broad) – economic, scientific, humanities

Directed Writing
Ms Ranjini ENG LANG P1 Comparison of Texts
Text Analysis

8 Spreadsheets
Mr Khalid IT P2
9 Modelling
11 Sound and video editing
30th August
PAPER 2: Fundamental Problem-solving and Programming
Ch 9 Algorithm Design and Problem Solving :
9.1 Computational Thinking Skills
9.2 Algorithms
Mr Rajesh COMP SC P2 ch 10 Data Types and structures:
10.1 Data Types and Records
10.2 Arrays
10.3 Files
Ch 11 Programming:
11.1 Programming Basics
11.2 Constructs
Physical chemistry
1 Atomic structure
2 Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
3 Chemical bonding
4 States of matter
Inorganic chemistry
9 The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity
10 Group 2
11 Group 17
Chap-1 Basic economic Problem& Resource Allocation (Text
Book Page1 - Page-40)
Chem 1.Scarcity chpice & opportunity cost
Mr Kamlesh 2.Economic Methodology
Wed, 7th Mr Kunal 3.Factors of Profuction
Sep Eco 4.Resource Allocation & different Economic Systems
Mr Lyndon 5. Production Possibility Curve
Mr Amey 6.classification of Goods and Services
Chap-2 The Price System & the Micro Economy (Text Book
Page 51-101)
7.Demand & Supply curves
8.Price Elasticity of Demand,Income Elasticity & Cross
Elasticity of Demand
9.Price Elasticity of Supply
10. Interaction of Demand & Supply
11.Consumer & Producer Surplus
Chap-3 Government Micro Economic Intervention (Text
Book Page 112 - Page 130)
12.Reasons for Government intervention
13.Methods & effects of Government Intervention
14.Addressing income & wealth inequality
2.Quadratic Equations
Math 3.Progressions
Thursday, Mr Gajendra
8th Sep mr
MATH P1 4. Binomial Expansion
PremPrakash 5.Cordinate Geometry
Mr Shashank 6. Circular Measures
7. Trigonometry
Math P6- 1.Representation of Data
Monday, Mr Gajendra
12th Sep mr MATH P5 2.Measures of Dispersion
PremPrakash 3.Permutation & Combination
Mr Shashank

1) Cell Structure
Tuesday, 2) Infectious Diseases
Ms Kalpana BIO P3
13th Sep 3) Biomolecules
4) Enzymes
5) Cell membrane Transport

Wed 14th
Sep Physics PHY P3 General physics, current electricity, light.
Mr Subrojit Developing experimental skills and analysis of data.
Ms Parbati
1. Research Methodology
Dr Anju Psychology P2 2. Biological Approach
3. Cognitive Approach: Andrade and Baron-Cohen.


Dr Vandana Lulla

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