Lesson 4 OperatingSystems
Lesson 4 OperatingSystems
Lesson 4 OperatingSystems
User Interface
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Link between the hardware and the software. Task specific programs that don’t form a direct
link to hardware.
Works mainly in the background. Only works if opened by the user. User works
directly with it.
Definition of terms
• File : A collection of information stored as a unit
• Folder : A directory that contains related files.
• Sub Folder : A directory that is contained inside a directory or folder.
• Drives : Disk storage media such as a Hard disk drive , CD –RW drive or Network Drive .
Files and Folders are stored in specific drives.
Characteristics of files
• Collection of data or Information stored as a unit under a single file name.
• All Files have icons next to them.
• Files that are created or can be opened by the same program have the same icon.
• Files are identified using a unique file name