Janjgir Champa Street Lighting
Janjgir Champa Street Lighting
Janjgir Champa Street Lighting
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
2 Check List 04
3 Undertaking of the Bidder 05
5 Eligibility Conditions 07
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
Important Events and their schedule for this tender are as follows-
CREDA reserves all rights to accept/reject any or all tenders in full/part without assigning any reasons.
(Rajiv Khare)
Superintending Engineer
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
To ensure that your tender submitted to CREDA is complete in all respects, please go through the
following checklist & tick mark for the enclosures attached with your tender:
S.No. Description
Earnest Money Deposit - Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 0.35 Lacs, submitted in the
form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque/FDR/BG/TDR/CREDA EMD Competency
Certificate, drawn on ................................................................ Bank,…………………………………………..
1 ……......................................................Branch, bearing DD/BC/FDR/BG/TDR/CREDACREDA
EMD Competency Certificate, No......................................... dated..................................is attached
Tender Document Fee - Tender Document Fee of Rs. 5000.00 /-, submitted in the
form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque, drawn on
2 ................................................................................ Bank, ...................................................................
......................Branch, bearing DD/BC No......................................... dated..................................is
attached herewith.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
I/We hereby tender my rates for the execution of the work for CREDA as specified within the
time stipulated in the schedule in accordance with all aspects with the specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions with such conditions so far as applicable.
I/We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the due date of submission there
of and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs 0.35 Lacs is hereby forwarded as earnest money in the form of crossed demand
draft payable to CREDA at Raipur (C.G.). If I/We, fail to commence or complete the sanction
ordered in specified time I/We agree that the CREDA shall, without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said Earnest Money absolutely. The said Earnest
Money shall be retained by CREDA towards security deposit to execute all the works referred
to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and
to carry out such deviations as may be required by CREDA.
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, specifications and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential and shall not communicate
information derived there- from to any person other than a person to whom I/We have
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of CREDA/Government.
I/We shall abide to all the laws and shall be responsible for making payments of all the taxes,
duties, levies and other Govt. dues etc. to the appropriate Govt. departments.
Our GST registration No. is _____________________________ . The PAN No. under the Income Tax Act is
I/We shall be responsible for the payment of the respective taxes to the appropriate
authorities and should I/we fail to do so, I/we hereby authorize CREDA to recover the taxes
due from us and deposit the same with the appropriate authorities on their demand.
Dated: Signature
Postal Address:
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
5. Eligibility Criteria:.
B. Bidder should have minimum direct experience of a value of Rs. 5.30 Lacs for Laying of
Power Distribution Network / Supply of PDN material for DISCOMs ,RVE, DDG and other
Govt. Department/Agency. Experience certificate issued by Govt./ Govt. Undertaking/
Govt. Agency shall only be considered.
D. Bidders should have a Overall Average Annual Turnover of Rs 5.30 Lacs in last three
Financial Years ending on 31st March of each FY i.e. FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17,
FY 2017-18.
E. Bidder will have to submit audited copy of balance sheet certified by a registered
chartered accountant as a proof for point no. C and D.
F. The Bidder should have valid GST registration certificate in the state. A copy of which
should be enclosed.
G. Bidders who are Blacklisted by CREDA or any other Govt Agency/ Department / UT,
will not be allowed to participate in this tender. System integrator whose registration
has been suspended by CREDA due to bad performance or other reasons, shall not be
eligible to participate in price bid.
H. Bidders who has any litigation pending in any court with CREDA on the date of opening
of the bid shall not be eligible for this bid.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
1. The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications as mentioned
in the Tender document. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender documents or
submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Bid Document in every respect will be at
the Bidder's risk and is likely to result in out-right rejection of the Tender.
It shall be imperative on each bidder to fully inform him of all local conditions and factors,
which may have any effect on the execution of the works covered under these documents and
specifications. AGENCY shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the Bidder,
regarding such local conditions.
5. Tender Documents must reach in the Head Office, CREDA in SPV Off Grid Section latest by
01.00 PM on 28-05-2018. Tenders submitted after scheduled time and date shall not be
6. Tender Documents should be submitted in prescribed manner in separate envelops duly
super scribed and placed as follows- (A)Tender Fees and EMD, (B) Eligibility Documents as
per point 5A to 5F mentioned above (C) Technical Bid and Complete tender document in
original duly signed by authorized signatory on each & every page of the tender document.
(D) Price Bid.
7. The envelopes must be clearly marked as “(A) Tender Fees and EMD/ (B) Eligibility
Documents / (C) Technical Bid and Complete tender document in original / (D) Price Bid. of
9. Bidder shall have to submit details of Sales Tax / VAT registration number, TIN, PAN and
Service Tax registration numbers issued by the appropriate authority.
10. The documentary evidence for meeting the eligibility criteria must mandatorily be
submitted along as per check list with tender in prescribed manner.
11. Each offered solar module should have RFID & I-V curve measured with a sun simulator of a
SPV Module Manufacturer reregistered/approved by MNRE with record of suitable
calibration reference, as per guidelines of MNRE.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
13. When Price Bid are delivered through messenger, it should be submitted in the tender box
kept in the office of the Superintending Engineer SPV Off Grid, CREDA, H.O., Raipur in SPV
Off Grid Section on or before 01.00 PM dated 28-05-2018. Nobody is authorized to receive
or grant receipt for tender delivered on behalf of CREDA.
14. Bidder should quote their rates considering variation of site conditions, variation in price of
different components and keeping the quantum and quality of work in mind. If CREDA
anticipates that rate is abnormally low or high, CREDA shall have liberty to amend the rates
or reject the tender.
15. VALIDITY: Full descriptive particulars and complete specifications should accompany the
offer. Offers should be kept open for acceptance for at least three months from the date of
opening. After finalization of this tender the approved rates shall be valid till one year from
the date of award; however CREDA shall have liberty to increase or decrease this validity if
16. The terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in tender document shall be binding on
the Bidders and no condition or stipulation contrary to the conditions shall be acceptable. It
may please be noted that the Bidders who do not accept terms and conditions stipulated in
this tender documents, their offers shall be liable to be rejected out-rightly without
assigning any further reasons.
17. Each page of tender document & enclosures shall be signed by the Bidder and seal affixed.
All the pages of the documents issued must be submitted along with the offer. In case of any
corrections / alterations in the tender, the Bidder should attest the same; otherwise
tenders may not be considered.
18. Bidders are also instructed to submit their tenders in properly arranged manner (with
index , proper paging and with flags on important documents). Incomplete, lose, conditional
or improper arranged tenders will not be accepted.
20. CREDA reserves the right (i) to reject or accept any or all tenders wholly or partly without
assigning any reason on the grounds considered advantageous to CREDA, whether it is the
lowest tender or not obtained in this tender.
21. Offers through Telegraph/ Fax/Emails or open offers etc. received shall be summarily rejected.
22. All the Bidders shall essentially indicate the break-up of prices as shown in Price Bid. In case
any of the charges are not included in the quoted prices, the same shall be clearly shown as
extra, indicating specifically the rate/scale of such charges. The lowest prices quoted shall be
Each Bidder should submit Tender Document Fee and earnest money in the form of Demand
Draft/Bank Guarantee/Pay Order/ CREDA EMD Competency Certificate or RTGS/NEFT as
mentioned in the NIT vide no “TENDER NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/ SPV-PDN/2018
DT 17-05-2018” DUE ON 28-05-2018”, in a separate envelope as prescribed at point no. 1
& 2 of page 4 else they will summarily be rejected and returned. Tender Document Fee, EMD
submitted in cash or any other form shall not be accepted. [Exemption from EMD shall be
given only to those companies who submit the competency certificate on which it should be
clearly mentioned that, “the company registered in Chhattisgarh for manufacturing of that
particular product”]
It should be clearly understood that in the event of Bidder failing to enter into the agreement
in the prescribed format on their quoted rates and also fails to execute assigned works under
this tender, within stipulations, if he is so communicated within the validity period of the
offer, the full amount of earnest money shall be forfeited and Bidder will be debarred from
future business with CREDA. CREDA's decision in this respect will be final and binding on the
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
25. PRICE:
The prices quoted should be firm and F.O.R. destination excluding GST payable on the bill of
supply and installation / services. GST as applicable on the date of billing shall be paid
additionally as per applicable rate over the above quoted prices.
Bidders will have to submit Engineering Documents with technical details, drawings,
Specifications of components and make etc to CREDA for approval, as and when asked by
CREDA. Works may only be started out only after approval of the Engineering Document and
their samples.
If Require CREDA may inspect the consignment before dispatch of the material at shall be
delivered/ accepted as per the scope of work and specifications, as get it tested in accreted
laboratory at its own cost.
TDS for Income Tax, Civil Work etc shall be recovered under various acts and deposited with
the appropriate authority if required as per rules.
1) The eligible SI to whom work is likely to be awarded should have their own service unit
cum office within Chhattisgarh state.
2) The Bidders should have sufficient technically qualified and well-experienced manpower
for execution of the project and after sales service of the systems. These details may be
called by CREDA and in case there is any deficiency found the SI may be debarred from
the tender.
Any dispute arising out of the contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of court in
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
CREDA shall mean the Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency
represented through the CEO.
Work shall mean any work entrusted to the Bidder as mentioned in the scope of work and
sanction order.
The "Engineer in charge" shall mean the Engineer or Engineers authorized by CEO, CREDA
for the purpose of this contract. Inspecting Authority shall mean any Engineering person or
personnel authorized by CREDA to supervise and inspect the Street lighting Work.
"The Eligible SI/Bidder" shall mean the Bidder awarded with the contract or their successors
and permitted assigns. Contract Price shall mean the sum named in or calculated in
accordance with the provisions of the contract as the contract price. General Conditions shall
mean the General conditions of Contract.
"Month" shall mean calendar month. "Writing" shall include any manuscript, typewritten,
printed or other statement reproduced in any visible form whether under seal or written by
The term "Contract" shall mean and include the General conditions, specifications, schedules,
drawings, work orders etc., issued against the contract schedule of price or their final
general conditions, any special conditions applying to the particular contract specification
and drawings and agreement to be entered into. Terms and conditions not herein defined
shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the Indian contract Act or any other
Act in vogue or by any person of common knowledge and prudence.
Execution of work shall be carried out in an approved manner as outlined in the technical
specifications or where not outlined, in accordance with desired Specifications laid down by
CREDA, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Engineer.
i) The eligible Bidder shall conduct a detailed survey of site and submit Site Clearance
and necessary documents and survey details in concerned District Office of CREDA in
prescribed manner.
ii) District / Regional Office CREDA shall examine these reports and after satisfaction
forward these to concerned Superintending Engineer of Head office of CREDA for
iii) The Contractor shall start work within 15 days after the date of issue of work Order.
Work order will be given to the chosen System Integrator only after execution of the
agreement with CREDA.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
iv) All the materials required for the installation PDN as per Work Order issued shall be
kept at site in the custody of the Contractor. CREDA shall not be responsible for any
loss or damage of any material during the installation.
v) All the electrical works should be done as per Indian electricity Act. The persons
engaged for carrying out electrical works should have a valid license of required
category accordingly.
vi) After installation and joint inspection will be done in presence of beneficiary, Contractor
and CREDA and after successful commissioning of Street lighting work and its approval
from CREDA a JCC will be signed and the claim will be forwarded for payments as per
guidelines and procedures of CREDA.
Time being the essence of contract, the installation of the PDN shall be completed within the
time schedule prescribed in the Work order.
(a) If in the opinion of the CREDA, the eligible Contactor fails to complete the work within
the time specified in the Work Order or within the period for which extension has been
granted by CREDA to the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor.
(b) If in the opinion of CREDA, the eligible Contactor fails to comply with any of the
provisions of this contract.
(c) In the event of CREDA terminating the contract in whole or in part as provided in
paragraph (a) above, CREDA reserves the right to engage another eligible Contactor or
agency upon such terms and in such a manner as it may deem appropriate and the PDN
Supplier/PDN Contractor shall be liable to CREDA for any additional costs or any losses
caused to CREDA as may be required for the completion of erection of the Street
lighting work and or for penalty as defined under this tender document until such
reasonable time as may be required for the final completion of the work.
(d) In the event CREDA does not terminate the contract as provided in paragraph (a) the
PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor shall continue performance of the contract, in which
case he shall be liable to CREDA for penalty for delay as set out in this tender document
until the work is completed.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
The PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure to
perform the contract for reasons of FORCE MAJEURE such as of God, acts of public, enemy,
naxal problems, acts of government, cyclone, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions,
strikes, freight embargoes provided that the contract, shall within 10 (ten) days from the
beginning of such delay notice the CREDA in writing of the cause of delay. CREDA shall verify
the facts and grant such extent Contractor on as facts justify. Delay in supply of any accessories
of Solar Street lighting work etc by the related vendors, to whom the Bidder has placed order,
shall also not be treated as force majeure.
In the event of any of the material supplied/ work done by the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor
is found defective in material or workman ship or otherwise not in conformity with the
requirements of this contract specifications, CREDA shall either reject the material and/ or
work and advise the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor to rectify the same. The PDN Supplier/PDN
Contractor on receipt of such notices shall rectify or replace the defective material and rectify
the work, free of cost. If the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor fails to do so, CREDA may,
i At its option replace or rectify such defective materials and/ or work and recover the
extra cost so involved from the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor plus fifteen percent
service charges of the cost of such rectification, from the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor
and/ or terminate the contract for balance work/ supplies with enforcement of penalty
as per contract
ii Defective materials/ workmanship will not be accepted under any conditions and shall
be rejected outright without compensation. The PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor shall be
liable for any loss/ damage sustained by CREDA due to defective work.
If the completion of installation is delayed due to any reason beyond the control of the PDN
Supplier/PDN Contractor, the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor shall without delay give notice to
the CREDA in writing of his claim for an extension of time. CREDA on receipt of such notice
may agree to extend the contract/delivery date of the Solar System as may be reasonable but
without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract.
The PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor has to ensure that equipments as per Technical
Requirements of guidelines of CREDA as complied with. The PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor has
also to ensure that he will use only components of approved vendors of CREDA. The
material/works for which CREDA/MNRE or BSI or ISI specification is not available, engineer-
in-charge of the works will examine and approve the material/works, preferably of all makes
on which CREDA has report of satisfactory performance. Test certificates for all major
equipments should be submitted to the engineer-in-charge of the works before installation of
the same.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
The work done/ material supplied by the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor should be warranted
for satisfactory operation and against any defect in material and workmanship including
Luminaries, Controllers and other balance of equipments, at least for a period of 01 (one) year,
from the date of commissioning of the SPV Street lighting work including other works as per
scope of work. The above warrantee certificates shall be furnished to the CREDA for approval.
Any defect noticed during this period should be rectified by the supplier free of cost upon
written notice from CREDA provided such defects may be due to bad workmanship or bad
materials used. The warrantee period shall be extended by the period during which the plant
remains non-operative due to reasons within control of the PDN Supplier/PDN Contractors.
This warrantee must be an unconditional onsite warrantee and the PDN Supplier/PDN
Contractor will have to replace the defective material within 7days positively from the date of
information given to him. Care should necessarily be taken to make the Street lighting
operational, once the reporting of the fault/non operational status is done, within a week. If
the Street lighting work is not made operational within 7 days CREDA may rectify the same at
the cost of CONTRACTOR, and the warrantee period shall be extended for a month for the
same. This warrantee must be an unconditional onsite warrantee and the PDN Supplier/PDN
Contractor will have to replace the defective material within 7 days positively from the date of
information given to him.
System Integrators shall have to establish their service stations in the allocated area and shall
have to keep sufficient quantity of spares and man power to ensure proper service network for
taking care of smooth functioning of SPV Street lighting work installed by them. Contractor
shall have to give a toll free number to register complaints.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
16. INSURANCE: The eligible SI shall arrange insurance coverage for the materials at his/
beneficiary’s custody for the work under execution and successful commissioning and
subsequent handover to the beneficiary. The eligible SI shall take up insurance or such other
measures for the manpower so as to cover the claim for damage arising under workmen's
compensation Act and other applicable State/ Central laws. CREDA shall not bear any
responsibility on this account.
Notwithstanding anything mentioned in the specifications of subsequent approval or
acceptance of the PDN Work by CREDA, if any, the ultimate responsibility for satisfactory
performance of the entrusted work shall rest with the eligible SI. If in any case the eligible SI
does not complete the work as per the work orders issued to them then CREDA may take over
the task & complete the project at the cost of eligible SI.
All costs of damages for which the eligible SI is liable to the CREDA will be deducted from any
money due to the eligible SI including the security deposit. If any loss or damage occurs to the
work or any part thereof or materials/ plant/ equipments for incorporation therein the period
for which the eligible SI is responsible for the cause thereof or from any cause whatsoever, the
eligible SI shall at his own cost rectify/ replace such loss or damage, so that the permanent
work confirms in every respect with the provision of the contract to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. The eligible SI shall also be liable for any loss or damage to the work/ equipments
occasioned by him in course of any operation carried out to him during performing the
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
The successful eligible SI shall have to enter into an agreement with the CEO, CREDA in the
approved contract agreement form within 07 days of the receipt of call from CREDA.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
If more than 01 bidder have offered same rates for a particular package then the work will
be awarded to the bidder who is having more experience for the work.
We (on behalf of PDN Supplier/PDN Contractor/Bidder) have read all the above
stated details & accept to comply with it in total.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
1. Laying, Grouting and other labour works
Contrator shall supply all the required material for PDN at site. The scope of work of
contractor shall be as under:-
All the work required to be done for PDN such as laying of transmission line, Distribution
lines, Grouting and installation of Pole, Fixing of stay set, earthing kit etc, as directed
by site in charge and as per layout providing by the CREDA. The scope of work includes:
1. Grouting of Poles.
2. Laying of transmission Lines, Overhead Pole to Pole/ Including Insulators/ Cable fixture)
3. Installation Earthings coils for Pole.
4. Fixing of Junction Box.
5. Installation of Street Light Brackets, fixing of Street light Luminary etc.
Material supplied should be as per ISI mark and if the item does not come in the category
specified in the ISI then also the quality of those items shall be of best available in the category,
with due approval of CREDA. All the material shall match with the requirement of the purpose of
installation at site.
All the material shall be warranty for two years from the date of supply for any manufacturing
defect. Luminaries shall bear warrantee for one year from the date of installation.
3. Fabrication Items
The scope of work is to supply of fabrication of Pole/ Steel structure/ other fabricated items. All
the related items as per drawing/designed, specification as requirement of CREDA at District
janjgir-Champa. All the scope of work includes :
Such works, not listed in the schedule of work be required for completion of the project shall
deemed has been included in the scope of the bidder.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
Supply &
Supply &
Installation of
Fabrication, installation of
Compact Street
Supply, Dusk to Dawn
lighting weather
installation & Supply & Laying of switch of
Fabricatio proof Luminary
Grouting of two core 06 sq.mm. operating volt
n, supply with 15W LED
GI poles with Fabricatio armoured cable for range of
Supply, Fixing and Fixing Lamp and suitable
civil material n, supply pole to pole wiring 48/96V from
& grounding of of Hot GI Heavy Duty
as per and Fixing including MS cable SPV panel of
earthing coil Street Multistand wire
specifications of GI Stay fixtures as per Current rating
including Light and cable PVC
and drawing set as per Requirement, GI upto 20amps
S.N Dist Villages preparation of Brackets as insulated Twisted
(size 1.5 x 1.5 specificati wire, Ring & with invertor
30 mm x 150 per Bright Annealed
x 3.0 ft.). in ons and Shackle Insulators, ON/OFFwith
mm deep pit specificatio Copper 1100 Volts,
1:3:6 drawing. Junction Box etc as following
ns and IS: 1554/1998
concrete mix. per specifications switching
drawing size, Single
( Height of and drawing. options of
core -
poles -5.7 operation of
1.5 sq. mm. with
meter) first load on
PVC Tapes as per
dusk to dawn
TOTAL 90 24 90 24 6000 90 06
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
1. Fabrication of 5.70 mtrs Hot dip galvanized(minimum 80 microns) Pole, with ISI "B" Class MS
Pipe as per drawing and specification enclosed with all material.
2. Fabrication of Hot dip galvanized(minimum 80 microns) Pipe Street light bracket as per design &
drawing specification
3. Fabricated Hot dip galvanized(minimum 80 microns) cable fixture and MS stay set as per design
& drawing specification
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
2. Power cable - Unarmoured with Aluminum Conductor PVC insulated PVC Sheathed
(Heavy Duty) as per IS:1554/1988, part one two core.
(i) 6 Sq. mm, 2-core as per site requirement.
All copper cables and wires used shall be of copper conductors of suitably cross-section with cross-linked
polythene or polyvinyl insulated with polyvinyl sheath. Stranded and flexible cable shall be used. Non-
stranded cables shall not be acceptable except otherwise mentioned and permitted.
3. Heavy duty multi stand wire and cable P.V.C. insulated twisted bright annealed Copper 1100
Volts, IS 694, Size :- 1.5 Sq. mm per requirement.
4. Exposed cables, wherever, used, shall have UV resistant jacket besides being water resistant.
5. Buried underground cables shall be armored. .
6. Conductor sizes of cables and wires shall be selected based on efficient design criteria such
that the overall electrical energy loss in any section of cable or wire is not more than three (3)
percent under the designed operating conditions. Conductor sizes of less than 1.5 mm shall
not be accepted.
7. Cable/Wire connections shall be soldered, crimp-on type or split-bolt type. Wire nut
connectors shall not be used.
8. All cables shall be adequately supported. Outside of the terminal/panels/enclosures shall be
protected by conduits. Cables shall be provided with dry type compression glands wherever
they enter junction boxes/panels/enclosures.
9. All cables shall be suitably marked or colour coded for easy identification. The marking of
length of the cable should clearly marked on the cable
10. Cables and wires shall confirm to the relevant standards. Tenderers to specify the
specification, for any additional features.
11. Cables should in a packing of at least 100 m each.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
1. GI Wire
(i) 10 no.
(ii) 16 no.
2. PVC Ring Insulator
(1) P.V.C. Ring Insulator, Heavy duty Size: 12 mm x 12 mm with inner dia 10 mm weather
proof (white).
(2) P.V.C. Ring Insulator, Heavy duty Size: 20 mm x 20 mm with inner dia 16 mm weather
proof (white).
(3) P.V.C. Ring Insulator, Heavy duty Size: 26 mm x 26 mm with inner dia 22 mm weather
proof (white).
3. Junction box unbreakable thermo plastic. IP 65 protection, suitable for outdoor application, fire
retardant up to 750°C chemical resistance suitable for given size and terminal of Hensel make
(i) 98 x 98 x 61 – 4 Sq. with terminal suitable for one in two out
(ii) 167 x 125 x 98 with terminal five in one out of 16/25 Sq.mm
5. Hardware
1. The hardware material shall be of ISI specification wherever mentioned in the Price Bid.
If mentioned items does not come in the category of specified in ISI then also the quality of
those items shall be of best available in the category.
2. All the material shall match with the requirement of the purpose of installation at site.
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
Schedule of Rates for SPV-PDN
(As per Specifications & Scope of Work of
Bid Doc. No 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/ SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018)
Unit Rate
Total Cost without
S.N. Particulars of Work Qty. Per site
GST (in INR)
(in INR)
Supply of material for Power Distribution Network at
Vill.- Darrabhata JP- Baloda as per Scope of work.
1 Installation & Laying of same material for Power 02 set
Distribution Network at Darrabhata JP- Baloda as per
Scope of work.
Supply of material for Power Distribution Network at
Vill.- Dumarpara , JP- Shakti as per Scope of work.
2 Installation & Laying of same material for Power 02 set
Distribution Network at Vill.- Dumarpara , JP- Shakti
as per Scope of work.
Supply of material for Power Distribution Network at
Vill.- Chandipara, JP- Pamgarh as per Scope of work.
3 Installation & Laying of same material for Power 02 set
Distribution Network at Vill.- Chandipara,
JP- Pamgarh as per Scope of work.as per Scope of
Total (1 to 3) 06 set
Certified that rates quoted above are as per the requirement, specifications, and terms & condition mentioned in the tender
Above rates are FOR anywhere in the State of Chhattisgarh inclusive of roadworthy packing, loading,
unloading, all types of incidental expenses, insurance, duties and any other job required to properly execute
the work with 5 years warrantee as mentioned in the tender document. The GST payable on the bill produced
for payment to CREDA shall be paid in addition to above quoted price as per rate of GST applicable at the time
of billing.
(No other cost will be claimed above the price quoted)
1.Work shall be confirming to BIS specifications. All the required safety measures shall be taken
care of.
2.Testing to the satisfaction of competent authority of CREDA after completion of work is included
inthe quoted rate.
3. All the electrical works should be done, as per the provision of Indian Electricity Act.
Bidder’s Signature
Place : Full Name……………
Date : Designation…………..
Company SEAL
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
BID DOCUMENT NO. 3708/CREDA/HOR/RE-III/SPV-PDN/2018 Date 17-05-2018
Total Cost
S.N. Particulars of Work Qty. Rate/Unit without GST
(in INR) (in INR)
Fabrication & Supply of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) poles as per
specifications and drawing ( Height of poles - 5.7 meter)
1 Installation & Grouting of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) poles 15
with civil material as per specifications and drawing (size 1.5 x 1.5 x nos.
3.0 ft.). in 1:3:6 concrete mix.
Fabrication & Supply of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) stay sets as
per specifications and drawing 04
Fixing of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) stay sets as per drawing. nos.
Supply of pvdf, pipe earthing coil with perforated pipe charcoal, salt,
etc & 6 SWG Earth wire giving earth values suitable for pipe earthing 04
Fixing & grounding of pipe earthing coil nos.
Fabrication & supply of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) Street Light
Brackets as per specifications and drawing. 15
Fixing of Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) Street Light Brackets as nos.
per specifications and drawing.
Supply of two core 06 sq.mm. unarmoured cable for pole to pole
wiring including Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns) cable fixtures as
per requirement, GI wire, Ring & Shackle Insulators, Junction Box etc
as per specifications and drawing. 1000
5 Laying of two core 06 sq.mm. unarmoured cable for pole to pole mtr
wiring including Hot dip Galvanised (80 Microns)cable fixtures as per
Requirement, GI wire, Ring & Shackle Insulators, Junction Box etc as
per specifications and drawing.
Supply of Compact Street lighting weather proof Luminary with
15 W LED Lamp and suitable Heavy Duty Multi stand wire and cable
PVC insulated Twisted Bright Annealed Copper 1100 Volts, IS:
1554/1998 size, Single core - 1.5 sq. mm. with PVC Tapes as per
Installation/ fitting of Compact Street lighting weather proof
15 nos
Luminary with 25W LED Lamp and suitable Heavy Duty Multistand
wire and cable PVC insulated Twisted Bright Annealed Copper 1100
Volts, IS: 1554/1998 size, Single core - 1.5 sq. mm. with PVC Tapes as
per specification.
Supply of Dusk to Dawn switch of operating volt range of 48/96V
from SPV panel of Current rating upto 20amps with invertor
ON/OFFwith following switching options of operation of first load on
dusk to dawn 01
Installation of Dusk to Dawn switch of operating volt range of nos.
48/96V from SPV panel of Current rating upto 20amps with invertor
ON/OFF with following switching options of operation of first load on
dusk to dawn
TOTAL (1to 7)
Bidder’s Signature
Place : Full Name……………
Date : Designation…………..
Company SEAL