Orthographic Drawings: Example

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Orthographic Drawings

Introduction :
Orthographic projection is a means of representing a three dimensional (3D)
object into on a plane surface i.e (2D). Two principal planes are used in
orthographic projection, one horizontal and one vertical. Collectively, these two
planes have come to be called the planes of reference i.e(XY-Plane).



An orthographic drawing indicates the shape of a component by using a number

of views each looking at a different face of the component. Usually, however,
three views are shown in order to clarify internal and external detail:

1. A Top view

2. A Front view

3. A Right Side view

1. A Top view
The top view, or top elevation , represents what is seen when looking at the
top of the component in the direction of arrow T . i.e.

2. A Front view
The front view represents what is seen when looking at the front of the
component in the direction of arrow F at 90° to arrow T.
2. A Right Side view
A right side view, or side elevation , represents what is seen when looking at
the side of the component in the direction of arrow R. Theses arrows are at
90° to both arrow F and arrow T.

Draw the following 3D diagram into 2D with the help of orthographic

projection process .




How to Draw an Orthographic Projection

First of all open an AutoCAD program in your PC . Then create four layer in
Layer Properties Manager :

1st Layer : For Object its colour is white and line type is continues .

2nd Layer : For Hidden its colour is blue and line type is dotted .

3rd Layer : For Projection its colour is red and line type is continues .

4th Layer : For XY-Plane its colour is yellow and line type is continues .

Select the 1st Layer (Object) and create a front view of the above diagram i.e:

Type L in command prompt : Type C in command prompt :

Specify first point :1,1 Specify Center point : 1.6 , 2.2

Next Point : @ 3.2 , 0 Enter : d {for diameter}
Next Point : @ 0 , 0.8 Enter :1
Next Point : @ -2 , 0 Press Esc
Next Point : @ 0 , 0.4
Next Point : @ -1.2 , 0
Next Point : @ 0 , -2.2
Press ESC

Then open the Layer Menu and select 4th Layer (XY-Plane) . ON the ortho
mode for straight line and draw XY-Plane(Coordinate) i.e:
Then open the Layer Menu and select 3rd Layer (Projection) .

Draw a straight line from edges of the above diagram and also draw straight line
from circle in a given diagram i.e:


Then open the Layer Menu and select Object Layer . And draw a straight line
between point A and point B i.e:

Type L for line in command prompt :

Specify first point : Click at point C

Next Point : @ 0 , 0.4
Next Point : @ -1.2 , 0
Next Point :@0,1
Next Point : @ 1.2 , 0
Next Point : @ 0 , 0.4
Next Point : @ -3.2 , 0
Next Point : @ 0 , -1.8
Press ESC
The diagram become show as :

Then open the Layer Menu and select Projection Layer. Draw a straight line
from the point of intersection of XY-Plane i.e at point D .
Draw a straight projection line from edges of the above diagram that is :

Then open the Layer Menu and select Object Layer . And draw a right view
object in 4th quadrant i.e:
Then open the Layer Menu and select 2nd Layer(Hidden Layer) .And hidden
line of a circle.And freeze the Projection Layer as well as XY-plane Layer then
you show as :

You have successfully created a 3D diagram into 2D diagram by the process of

orthographic projection .

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