Organic Chemistry Crash Reviewer PDF
Organic Chemistry Crash Reviewer PDF
Organic Chemistry Crash Reviewer PDF
1. Substitution – an organic molecules turns Why? Because the reactants does not linearly
into another molecule because one part is result to the products
being replaced via substitution. (Replace a
group with another group)
Chapter 6-11
- In a substitution reaction, the substrate
contains the leaving group and the Energy diagrams
electrophilic site (E+)
Nature of substrate
Zaitsev rule
Markovnikov's rule
Patterns of mechanism
Sn1 vs Sn2
2. Loss of leaving group – when a group in a
SN1 – multistep process (Step wise)
substrate breaks away taking away with it 2
SN2 – one step process
electron pairs.
Which would be favored? Vinylic vs allylic
Tertiary Primary Vinylic carbons - one of the two atoms that
If both secondary share the double bond.
Polar protic solvent Polar aprotic solvent Allylic carbons - the carbon atom adjacent
Weak nucleophile Strong nucleophile to the double-bonded carbon atom
E1 vs E2 Radical reaction
Radical stability
1. Determine which of the following works the same way as LEWIS BASE in an organic reaction
2. Determine which product will be the MAJOR product formed when a strong Nuclephile/base will
react with secondary substrate?
a. Sn1 product b. E1 product c. Sn2 product d. E2 product
4. Determine which of the following will complete the sentence: In S N2 reaction, there is/are
a. transition state only b. none of the choices c. transition and intermediates d. intermedietes
5. Identify which organic reaction follows Zaitsev rule?
a. Addition b. Substitution c. Elimination d. Redox
6. Determine in which organic reaction will invoved an alkyl halide as one of the reactants?
a. Substitution b. Elimination c. all of the choices d. Addition
7. Determine which of the following will NOT act as nucleophile but always act as base.
a. RSH b. ROH c. H2O d. NaH
10. Determine which of the following works the same way as LEWIS ACID in an organic reaction
a. nucleophile b. Bronstead base c. electrophile d. Bronstead acid
11. Determine which of the following will complete the sentence: In S N1 reaction, there is/are
a. transition state only b. none of the choices c. transition and intermediates d. intermedietes
12. Determine which of the following will affects the reaction as Sn1 or Sn2.
a. all of the choices b. solvent used c. nature of substrate d. strength of the nucleophile
13. Determine which of the following works the same way as ACID in an organic reaction
a. Bronstead base b. electrophile c. Bronstead acid d. nucleophile
15. Determine which of the following patterns of mechanism involved in Sn1 reaction
a. nucleophile attact and loss of the leaving group at the same time
b. loss of the leaving group then nucleophile attack
c. loss of the leaving group then proton transfer
d. Proton transfer and loss of the leaving group at the same time
16. Determine which of the following patterns of mechanism involved in Sn2 reaction
a. loss of the leaving group then proton transfer
b. nucleophile attact and loss of the leaving group at the same time
c. Proton transfer and loss of the leaving group at the same time
d. loss of the leaving group then nucleophile attack
1. Syn co-planar arrangement of the leaving group and beta-hydrogen is prefered over anti-
2. The term use to designate two Leaving Groups, such as two same halogen, attached to adjacent
carbon of substrate is known as geminal dihalides.
3. Zaitsev product is favored over Hoffman in the presence of methoxide (CH 3O -)
4. Ozonolysis of triple bond is an example of OXIDATION reaction of organic compounds.
5. Acid catalysed hydration in the triple bond of 1-Butyne involved anti-Markovnikov’s reaction.
6. A concerted, one-step reaction is involved between tert-Butyl bromide and sodium hydride at
50 o C.
7. Hydrogenation of triple bond of alkyne with Lindlar’s Catalyst will form trans (or E) alkene.
8. Anti- addition mechanism normally happens when a “cyclic” intermediates involved in the
9. The term use to designate two Leaving Groups, such as two same halogen, attached to adjacent
carbon of substrate is known as vicinal dihalides.
10. Addition reaction, just like Elimination Reaction, also follows Zaitsev Rule.
11. Vinylic radical is less stable than benzyllic radical.
12. Radical are formed via heterolytic bond cleavage.
13. Radical like carbocation, is proned to rearrangement.
14. In Elimination reaction, a nucleophile interacts with the subtsrate.
15. Syn- addition mechanism normally happens when a “planar” surface provided by other reactant
in the reaction.
12. Consider the reaction below. What is the role of the AlCl3 in the reaction?
Lewis base
13. Arrange the following based on INCREASING reactivity toward Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
14. Consider the reaction below. What is the role of the benzene in the reaction?
15. Consider the reaction below. What is the role of the ethyl chloride in the reaction?
16. Arrange the following based on DECREASING reactivity toward Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution